Springer Handbook of Mechanical Engineering

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Springer Handbookof Mechanical Engineering

Page 2: Springer Handbook of Mechanical Engineering978-3-540-30738-9/1.pdf · Springer Handbook of Mechanical Engineering. Springer Handbooks provide a concise compilation of approved key

Springer Handbooks providea concise compilation of approvedkey information on methods ofresearch, general principles, andfunctional relationships in physi-cal sciences and engineering. Theworld’s leading experts in thefields of physics and engineer-ing will be assigned by one orseveral renowned editors to writethe chapters comprising each vol-ume. The content is selected bythese experts from Springer sources(books, journals, online content)and other systematic and approvedrecent publications of physical andtechnical information.

The volumes are designed to beuseful as readable desk referencebooks to give a fast and comprehen-sive overview and easy retrieval ofessential reliable key information,including tables, graphs, and bibli-ographies. References to extensivesources are provided.

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HandbookSpringerof Mechanical Engineering

Grote, Antonsson (Eds.)

With DVD-ROM, 1822 Figures and 402 Tables

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Professor Dr.-Ing. Karl-Heinrich GroteDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringOtto-von-Guericke University MagdeburgUniversitätsplatz 239106 Magdeburg, [email protected]

Professor Erik K. AntonssonDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringCalifornia Institute of Technology (CALTEC)1200 East California BoulevardPasadena, CA 91125, [email protected]

Library of Congress Control Number: 2008934575

ISBN: 978-3-540-49131-6 e-ISBN: 978-3-540-30738-9

All rights reserved. This work may not be translated or copied in wholeor in part without the written permission of the publisher (Springer Sci-ence+Business Media, LLC New York, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY10013, USA), except for brief excerpts in connection with reviews or schol-arly analysis. Use in connection with any form of information storage andretrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissim-ilar methodology now known or hereafter developed is forbidden. The usein this publication of trade names, trademarks, service marks, and similarterms, even if they are not identified as such, is not to be taken as an ex-pression of opinion as to whether or not they are subject to proprietary rights.

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Mechanical engineering is a broad and complex fieldwithin the world of engineering and has close relationsto many other fields. It is an important economic fac-tor for all industrialized countries and the global marketallows for wide international competition for productsand processes in this field. To stay up to date withscientific findings and to apply existing knowledge inmechanical engineering it is important to renew andcontinuously update existing information.

The editors of this Springer Handbook on Mechan-ical Engineering have worked successfully with 92authors worldwide to include chapters about all relevantmechanical engineering topics. However, this Hand-book cannot claim to cover every aspect or detail ofthe mechanical engineering areas or fields included,and where mechanical engineers are currently presentand contributing their expertise and knowledge towardsthe challenges of a better world. However, this Hand-book will be a valuable guide for all who design,develop, manufacture, operate, and use mechanical arte-facts.

We also hope to spark interest in the field of me-chanical engineering from others. In this Handbook,high-school students can get a first glance at the optionsin this field and possible career moves.

We, the editors, would like to express our gratitudeand thanks to all of the authors of this Handbook, who

have devoted a considerable amount of time towardsthis project. We would like to thank them for their pa-tience and cooperation, and we hope for a long-lastingpartnership in this ambitious project. We would alsomost sincerely like to thank our managers and friends atSpringer and le-tex. The executives at Springer–Verlagwere always most cooperative and supportive of thisHandbook. Without Dr. Skolaut’s continuous help andencouragement and Ms. Moebes’ and Mr. Wieczorek’salmost daily requests for corrections, improvements,and progress reports it would have taken another fewyears – if ever – to publish this Handbook. Stürtz hasdone a fantastic job in printing and binding. Finally wewould like to thank all the people we work with in ourdepartments and universities, who tolerated the time andeffort spent on this book.

Finally, we know that there is always room forimprovement – with this Handbook as with most en-gineering products and approaches. We, as well as theauthors welcome your fair hints, comments, and crit-icism. Through this Handbook and with the authors’efforts, we would also like to draw your attention towhat has been accomplished for the benefit of the en-gineering world and society.

Berlin, Fall 2008 Karl-Heinrich GrotePasadena, Fall 2008 Erik K. Antonsson

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About the Editors

Dr. Karl-Heinrich Grote is a Professor and Chair of the Department of MechanicalEngineering – Engineering Design at the Otto-von-Guericke University in Magdeburg,Germany. He earned his “Diploma in Mechanical Engineering” (Masters of Science inMechanical Engineering) in 1979 and his “Dr.-Ing.” (Ph.D. in Engineering) in 1984,both from the Technical University in Berlin, Germany. After a post doctoral stayin the USA he joined an automotive supplier as manager of the engineering designdepartment. In 1990 he followed a call to become full professor at the Mechanical En-gineering Department at the California State University, Long Beach, USA. In 1992 hereceived the TRW Outstanding Faculty award and in 1993 the VDI "Ring of Honor"for his research on Engineering Design and Methodology. In 1995 he was namedchair of the Engineering Design Department at the Otto-von-Guericke University inMagdeburg, where he is now Dean of the College of Mechanical Engineering. FromOctober 2002 to September 2004 he was Visiting Professor of Mechanical Engineer-ing at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) USA. Since 1995 he is Editor ofthe DUBBEL (Taschenbuch für den Maschinenbau) and author of several books.

Dr. Erik Antonsson is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the California Insti-tute of Technology in Pasadena, where he organized the Engineering Design ResearchLaboratory and has conducted research and taught since 1984. He earned a Bachelorof Science in Mechanical Engineering from Cornell University in 1976, and a PhD inMechanical Engineering from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge in1982. In 1984 he joined the Mechanical Engineering Faculty at the California Instituteof Technology, where he served as the Executive Officer (Chair) from 1998 to 2002.From September, 2002 through January, 2006, Dr. Antonsson was on leave from Cal-tech and served as the Chief Technologist at NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL).He was an NSF Presidential Young Investigator (1986-1992), won the 1995 RichardP. Feynman Prize for Excellence in Teaching, and was a co-winner of the 2001 TRWDistinguished Patent Award. Dr. Antonsson is a Fellow of the ASME, and a memberof the IEEE, AIAA, SME, ACM, and ASEE. He has published over 110 scholarly pa-pers in the field of engineering design research, has edited two books, and holds eightU.S. patents.

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List of Authors

Gritt AhrensDaimler AG X944Systems Integration and Comfort Electric71059 Sindelfingen, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Seddik BachaUniversité Joseph FourierGrénoble Electrical Engineering LaboratorySaint Martin d’Hères38402 Grenoble, Francee-mail: [email protected]

Stanley BaksiTRW Automotive, Lucas Varity GmbHCarl Spaeter Str. 856070 Koblenz, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Thomas BöllinghausFederal Institute for Materials Researchand Testing (BAM)Unter den Eichen 8712205 Berlin, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Alois BreiingEidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH)Institut für mechanische Systeme (IMES)Zentrum für Produkt-Entwicklung (ZPE)ETH Zentrum, CLA E 17.1, Tannenstrasse 38092 Zurich, Switzerlande-mail: [email protected]

Eugeniusz BudnyInstitute of Mechanized Construction and RockMiningRacjonalizacji 6/802-673 Warsaw, Polande-mail: [email protected]

Gerry ByrneUniversity College DublinSchool of Electrical, Electronicand Mechanical EngineeringBelfield, Dublin 4, Irelande-mail: [email protected]

Boris Ilich Cherpakov (deceased)

Edward ChlebusWrocław University of TechnologyCentre for Advanced Manufacturing TechnologiesLukasiewicza 550-371 Wrocław, Polande-mail: [email protected]

Mirosław ChłostaIMBiGS – Institute for Mechanized Constructionand Rock Mining (IMBiGS)ul. Racjonalizacji 6/802-673 Warsaw, Polande-mail: [email protected]

Norge I. Coello MachadoUniversidad Central “Marta Abreu” de Las VillasFaculty of Mechanical EngineeringSanta Clara, 54830, Cubae-mail: [email protected]

Francesco CostanzoAlenia AeronauticaProcurement/Sourcing Management DepartmentViale dell’AeronauticaPomigliano (NA), Italye-mail: [email protected]

Carl E. CrossFederal Institute for Materials Researchand Testing (BAM)Joining TechnologyUnter den Eichen 8712200 Berlin, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

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X List of Authors

Frank DammelTechnical UniversityDepartment of Mechanical Engineering/Instituteof Technical ThermodynamicsPetersenstr. 3064287 Darmstadt, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Jaime De La ReeVirginia TechElectrical and Computer Engineering Department340 Whittemore HallBlacksburg, VA 24061, USAe-mail: [email protected]

Torsten DellmannRWTH Aachen UniversityDepartment of Rail Vehicles andMaterials-Handling TechnologySeffenter Weg 852074 Aachen, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Berend DenkenaLeibniz University HannoverIFW – Institute of Production Engineeringand Machine ToolsAn der Universität 230823 Garbsen, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Ludger DetersOtto-von-Guericke UniversityInstitute of Machine DesignUniversitätsplatz 239016 Magdeburg, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Ulrich DiltheyRWTH Aachen UniversityISF Welding and Joining InstitutePontstr. 4952062 Aachen, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Frank EngelmannUniversity of Applied Sciences JenaDepartment of Industrial EngineeringCarl-Zeiss-Promenade 207745 Jena, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Ramin S. EsfandiariCalifornia State UniversityDepartment of Mechanical & AerospaceEngineeringLong Beach, CA 90840, USAe-mail: [email protected]

Jens FreudenbergerLeibniz-Institute for Solid State and MaterialsResearch DresdenDepartment for Metal PhysicsP.O. Box 27011601171 Dresden, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Stefan GiesRWTH Aachen UniversityInstitute for Automotive EngineeringSteinbachstr. 752074 Aachen, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Joachim GöllnerOtto-von-Guericke UniversityInstitute of Materials and Joining TechnologyDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringUniversitätsplatz 239016 Magdeburg, Germanye-mail:[email protected]

Timothy GutowskiMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringCambridge, MA 02139, USAe-mail: [email protected]

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List of Authors XI

Takeshi HatsuzawaTokyo Institute of TechnologyPrecision and Intelligence Laboratory4259-R2-6, Nagatsuta-cho226-8503 Yokohama, Japane-mail: [email protected]

Markus HechtBerlin University of TechnologyInstitute of Land and Sea Transport SystemsDepartment of Rail VehiclesSalzufer 17–1910587 Berlin, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Hamid HefaziCalifornia State UniversityMechanical and Aerospace EngineeringDepartment of Mechanical and AerospaceEngineering1250 Bellflower BoulevardLong Beach, CA 90840, USAe-mail: [email protected]

Martin HeilmaierTechnical UniversityDepartment of Physical MetallurgyPetersenstr. 2364287 Darmstadt, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Rolf HenkeRWTH Aachen UniversityInstitute of Aeronautics and AstronauticsWuellnerstr. 752062 Aachen, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Klaus HerfurthIndustrial AdvisorAm Wiesengrund 3440764 Langenfeld, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Horst Herold (deceased)

Chris Oliver HeydeOtto-von-Guericke UniversityElectric Power Networks and Renewable EnergySourcesUniversitätsplatz 239106 Magdeburg, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Andrew KaldosAKM Engineering Consultants31 Tudorville RoadBebington, Wirral CH632 HT, UKe-mail: [email protected]

Yuichi KandaToyo UniversityDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringAdvanced Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory2100 Kujirai350-8585 Kawagoe-City, Japane-mail: [email protected]

Thomas KannengiesserFederal Institute for Materials Researchand Testing (BAM)Joining TechnologyUnter den Eichen 8712200 Berlin, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Michail KarpenkoNew Zealand Welding CentreHeavy Engineering Research Association (HERA)17–19 Gladding PlaceManukau City, New Zealande-mail: [email protected]

Bernhard KarpuschewskiOtto-von-Guericke UniversityDepartment of Manufacturing EngineeringUniversitätsplatz 239106 Magdeburg, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

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XII List of Authors

Toshiaki KimuraJapan Society for the Promotion of MachineIndustry (JSPMI)Production Engineering DepartmentTechnical Research Institute1-1-12, Hachiman-cho203-0042 Tokyo, Japane-mail: [email protected]

Dwarkadas KothariVIT UniversitySchool of Electrical SciencesVellore, TN 632 014, Indiae-mail: [email protected]

Hermann KühnleOtto-von-Guericke UniversityInstitute of ErgonomicsFactory Operations and AutomationUniversitätsplatz 239106 Magdeburg, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Oleg P. LelikovBauman Moscow State Technical University2-nd Baumanskaya, 5Moscow, 105005, Russia

Andreas LindemannOtto-von-Guericke UniversityInstitute for Power ElectronicsUniversitätsplatz 239106 Magdeburg, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Bruno LisantiASTVia Dante Alighieri 57Lonate Pozzolo (VA), Italye-mail: [email protected]

Manuel MaryaSchlumberger Reservoir CompletionsMaterial Engineering14910 Airline RoadRosharon, TX 77583, USAe-mail: [email protected]

Surendar K. MaryaGeM-UMR CNRS 6183, Ecole Centrale NantesInstitut de Recherche en Génie Civil et Mécanique1 Rue de la Noë44321 Nantes, Francee-mail: [email protected]

Ajay MathurSimon India LimitedPlant EngineeringDevika Tower, 6 Nehru PlaceNew Delhi, Indiae-mail: [email protected]

Klaus-Jürgen MatthesChemnitz University of TechnologyInstitute for Manufacturing/Welding TechnologyReichenhainer Str. 7009126 Chemnitz, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Henning Jürgen MeyerTechnische Universität BerlinBerlin Institute of TechnologyKonstruktion von MaschinensystemenStraße des 17. Juni 14410623 Berlin, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Klaus MiddeldorfDVS – German Welding SocietyDüsseldorf, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Gerhard MookOtto-von-Guericke UniversityDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringInstitute of Materials and Joining Technologyand Materials TestingUniversitätsplatz 239016 Magdeburg, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Jay M. OchterbeckClemson UniversityDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringClemson, SC 29634-0921, USAe-mail: [email protected]

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List of Authors XIII

Joao Fernando G. OliveiraUniversity of São PauloDepartment of Production EngineeringAv. Trabalhador Sãocarlense, 400São Carlos, SP 13566-590, Brazile-mail: [email protected], [email protected]

Antje G. OrthsEnerginet.dkElectricity System DevelopmentTonne Kjærsvej 657000 Fredericia, Denmarke-mail: [email protected]

Vince PiacentiRobert Bosch LLCSystem Engineering, Diesel Fuel Systems38000 Hills Tech DriveFarmington Hills, MI 48331, USAe-mail: [email protected]

Jörg PieschelOtto-von-Guericke UniversityInstitute of Materials and Joining TechnologyUniversitätsplatz 239106 Magdeburg, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Stefan PischingerRWTH Aachen UniversityInstitute for Combustion EnginesSchinkelstr. 852062 Aachen, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Didier M. PriemÉcole Centrale NantesDepartment of Materials1 Rue de la Noë, GEM UMR CNRS 618344321 Nantes, Francee-mail: [email protected]

Frank RiedelFraunhofer-Institute for Machine Tools andForming Technology (IWU)Department of Joining TechnologyReichenhainer Str. 8809126 Chemnitz, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Holger SaageUniversity of Applied Sciences of LandshutFaculty of Mechanical EngineeringAm Lurzenhof 184036 Landshut, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Shuichi SakamotoNiigata UniversityDepartment of Mechanical and ProductionEngineeringIkarashi 2-8050950 2181 Niigata, Japane-mail: [email protected]

Roger SchaufeleCalifornia State University1250 Bellflower BoulevardLong Beach, CA 90840, USAe-mail: [email protected]

Markus SchleserRWTH Aachen UniversityWelding and Joining InstitutePontstr. 4952062 Aachen, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Meinhard T. SchobeiriTexas A&M UniversityDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringCollege Station, TX 77843-3123, USAe-mail: [email protected]

Miroslaw J. SkibniewskiUniversity of MarylandDepartment of Civil and EnvironmentalEngineering1188 Glenn L. Martin HallCollege Park, MD 20742-3021, USAe-mail: [email protected]

Jagjit Singh SraiUniversity of CambridgeCentre for International ManufacturingInstitute for ManufacturingCambridge, CB2 1 RX, UKe-mail: [email protected]

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XIV List of Authors

Vivek SrivastavaCorporate Technology Strategy ServicesAditya Birla Management CorporationMIDC Taloja, PanvelNavi Mumbai, Indiae-mail: [email protected]

Peter StephanTechnical University DarmstadtInstitute of Technical ThermodynamicsDepartment of Mechanical EngineeringPetersenstr. 3064287 Darmstadt, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Zbigniew A. StyczynskiOtto-von-Guericke UniversityElectric Power Networks and Renewable EnergySourcesUniversitätsplatz 239106 Magdeburg, Germanye-mail: [email protected] or [email protected]

P.M.V. SubbaraoIndian Institute of TechnologyMechanical Engineering DepartmentHAUS KHASNew Delhi, 110 016, Indiae-mail: [email protected]

Oliver TegelDr.-Ing. h.c. F. Porsche AGR&D, IS-ManagementPorschestr.71287 Weissach, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

A. Erman TekkayaATILIM UniversityDepartment of Manufacturing EngineeringIncekAnkara, 06836, Turkeye-mail: [email protected]

Klaus-Dieter ThobenUniversity of BremenBremen Institute for Production and LogisticsGmbHDepartment of ICT Applications in ProductionHochschulring 2028359 Bremen, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Marcel TodtermuschkeFraunhofer-Institute for Machine Tools andForming TechnologyDepartment of Assembling TechniquesReichenhainer Str. 8809126 Chemnitz, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Helmut TschoekeOtto-von-Guericke UniversityInstitute of Mobile SystemsUniversitätsplatz 239106 Magdeburg, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Jon H. Van GerpenUniversity of IdahoDepartment of Biological and AgriculturalEngineeringMoscow, ID, USAe-mail: [email protected]

Anatole VereschakaMoscow State University of Technology “STANKIN”Department of Mechanical Engineering Technologyand Institute of Design and TechnologicalInformaticsLaboratory of Surface NanosystemsRussian Academy of ScienceVadkovsky pereulok 1Moscow, 101472, Russiae-mail: [email protected]

Detlef von HofeHohen Dyk 10647803 Krefeld, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

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List of Authors XV

Nikolaus WagnerRWTH Aachen UniversityISF Welding and Joining InstitutePontstr. 4952062 Aachen, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Jacek G. WankowiczInstitute of Power Engineeringul. Mory 801-330 Warsaw, Poland

Ulrich WendtOtto-von-Guericke UniversityDepartment of Materials and Joining TechnologyUniversitätsplatz 239106 Magdeburg, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Steffen WenglerOtto-von-Guericke UniversityFaculty of Mechanical EngineeringInstitute of Manufacturing Technologyand Quality ManagementUniversitätsplatz 239106 Magdeburg, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Bernd WilhelmVolkswagen AGSitech Sitztechnik GmbHStellfelder Str. 4638442 Wolfsburg, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Patrick M. WilliamsAssystem UK1 The Brooms, Emersons GreenBristol, BS16 7FD, UKe-mail: [email protected]

Lutz WiswehOtto-von-Guericke UniversityFaculty of Mechanical EngineeringInstitute of Manufacturing Technologyand Quality ManagementUniversitätsplatz 239106 Magdeburg, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Johannes WodaraSchweißtechnik-ConsultHegelstr. 3839104 Magdeburg, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Klaus WoesteRWTH Aachen UniversityISF Welding and Joining InstitutePontstr. 4952062 Aachen, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Hen-Geul YehCalifornia State UniversityDepartment of Electrical Engineering1250 Bellflower BoulevardLong Beach, CA 90840-8303, USAe-mail: [email protected]

Hsien-Yang YehCalifornia State University Long BeachDepartment of Mechanical and AerospaceEngineering1250 Bellflower BoulevardLong Beach, CA 90840, USAe-mail: [email protected]

Shouwen YuTsinghua UniversitySchool of AerospaceBeijing, 100084, P.R. Chinae-mail: [email protected]

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List of Abbreviations ................................................................................. XXIII

Part A Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering

1 Introduction to Mathematics for Mechanical EngineeringRamin S. Esfandiari ................................................................................. 31.1 Complex Analysis ........................................................................... 41.2 Differential Equations.................................................................... 91.3 Laplace Transformation ................................................................. 151.4 Fourier Analysis ............................................................................. 241.5 Linear Algebra ............................................................................... 26References .............................................................................................. 33

2 MechanicsHen-Geul Yeh, Hsien-Yang Yeh, Shouwen Yu ............................................ 352.1 Statics of Rigid Bodies ................................................................... 362.2 Dynamics ...................................................................................... 52References .............................................................................................. 71

Part B Applications in Mechanical Engineering

3 Materials Science and EngineeringJens Freudenberger, Joachim Göllner, Martin Heilmaier, Gerhard Mook,Holger Saage, Vivek Srivastava, Ulrich Wendt ............................................ 753.1 Atomic Structure and Microstructure ............................................... 773.2 Microstructure Characterization ...................................................... 983.3 Mechanical Properties ................................................................... 1083.4 Physical Properties ........................................................................ 1223.5 Nondestructive Inspection (NDI) ..................................................... 1263.6 Corrosion ...................................................................................... 1413.7 Materials in Mechanical Engineering .............................................. 157References .............................................................................................. 218

4 ThermodynamicsFrank Dammel, Jay M. Ochterbeck, Peter Stephan ...................................... 2234.1 Scope of Thermodynamics. Definitions ........................................... 2234.2 Temperatures. Equilibria ............................................................... 2254.3 First Law of Thermodynamics ......................................................... 2284.4 Second Law of Thermodynamics ..................................................... 2314.5 Exergy and Anergy ......................................................................... 233

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XVIII Contents

4.6 Thermodynamics of Substances ...................................................... 2354.7 Changes of State of Gases and Vapors ............................................. 2564.8 Thermodynamic Processes ............................................................. 2624.9 Ideal Gas Mixtures ......................................................................... 2744.10 Heat Transfer ................................................................................ 280References .............................................................................................. 293

5 TribologyLudger Deters .......................................................................................... 2955.1 Tribology....................................................................................... 295References .............................................................................................. 326

6 Design of Machine ElementsOleg P. Lelikov ......................................................................................... 3276.1 Mechanical Drives ......................................................................... 3296.2 Gearings ....................................................................................... 3346.3 Cylindrical Gearings ....................................................................... 3486.4 Bevel Gearings .............................................................................. 3646.5 Worm Gearings.............................................................................. 3726.6 Design of Gear Wheels, Worm Wheels, and Worms .......................... 3886.7 Planetary Gears ............................................................................. 3996.8 Wave Gears ................................................................................... 4126.9 Shafts and Axles ............................................................................ 4266.10 Shaft–Hub Connections ................................................................. 4496.11 Rolling Bearings ............................................................................ 4606.12 Design of Bearing Units ................................................................. 4836.A Appendix A ................................................................................... 5166.B Appendix B ................................................................................... 518References .............................................................................................. 519

7 Manufacturing EngineeringThomas Böllinghaus, Gerry Byrne, Boris Ilich Cherpakov (deceased),Edward Chlebus, Carl E. Cross, Berend Denkena, Ulrich Dilthey,Takeshi Hatsuzawa, Klaus Herfurth, Horst Herold (deceased),Andrew Kaldos, Thomas Kannengiesser, Michail Karpenko,Bernhard Karpuschewski, Manuel Marya, Surendar K. Marya,Klaus-Jürgen Matthes, Klaus Middeldorf, Joao Fernando G. Oliveira,Jörg Pieschel, Didier M. Priem, Frank Riedel, Markus Schleser,A. Erman Tekkaya, Marcel Todtermuschke, Anatole Vereschaka,Detlef von Hofe, Nikolaus Wagner, Johannes Wodara, Klaus Woeste........... 5237.1 Casting ......................................................................................... 5257.2 Metal Forming ............................................................................... 5547.3 Machining Processes...................................................................... 6067.4 Assembly, Disassembly, Joining Techniques .................................... 6567.5 Rapid Prototyping and Advanced Manufacturing ............................ 7337.6 Precision Machinery Using MEMS Technology................................... 768References .............................................................................................. 773

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Contents XIX

8 Measuring and Quality ControlNorge I. Coello Machado, Shuichi Sakamoto, Steffen Wengler, Lutz Wisweh 7878.1 Quality Management ..................................................................... 7878.2 Manufacturing Measurement Technology........................................ 7938.3 Measuring Uncertainty and Traceability .......................................... 8168.4 Inspection Planning ...................................................................... 8178.5 Further Reading ............................................................................ 818

9 Engineering DesignAlois Breiing, Frank Engelmann, Timothy Gutowski ................................... 8199.1 Design Theory ............................................................................... 8199.2 Basics ........................................................................................... 8429.3 Precisely Defining the Task............................................................. 8439.4 Conceptual Design ......................................................................... 8459.5 Design .......................................................................................... 8489.6 Design and Manufacturing for the Environment.............................. 8539.7 Failure Mode and Effect Analysis for Capital Goods .......................... 867References .............................................................................................. 875

10 Piston MachinesVince Piacenti, Helmut Tschoeke, Jon H. Van Gerpen .................................. 87910.1 Foundations of Piston Machines..................................................... 87910.2 Positive Displacement Pumps ......................................................... 89310.3 Compressors .................................................................................. 91010.4 Internal Combustion Engines ......................................................... 913References .............................................................................................. 944

11 Pressure Vessels and Heat ExchangersAjay Mathur ............................................................................................ 94711.1 Pressure Vessel – General Design Concepts ..................................... 94711.2 Design of Tall Towers ..................................................................... 95211.3 Testing Requirement ..................................................................... 95311.4 Design Codes for Pressure Vessels ................................................... 95411.5 Heat Exchangers ............................................................................ 95811.6 Material of Construction ................................................................ 959References .............................................................................................. 966

12 TurbomachineryMeinhard T. Schobeiri .............................................................................. 96712.1 Theory of Turbomachinery Stages ................................................... 96712.2 Gas Turbine Engines: Design and Dynamic Performance .................. 981References .............................................................................................. 1009

13 Transport SystemsGritt Ahrens, Torsten Dellmann, Stefan Gies, Markus Hecht, Hamid Hefazi,Rolf Henke, Stefan Pischinger, Roger Schaufele, Oliver Tegel ...................... 101113.1 Overview....................................................................................... 1012

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XX Contents

13.2 Automotive Engineering ................................................................ 102613.3 Railway Systems – Railway Engineering ......................................... 107013.4 Aerospace Engineering .................................................................. 1096References .............................................................................................. 1144

14 Construction MachineryEugeniusz Budny, Mirosław Chłosta, Henning Jürgen Meyer,Mirosław J. Skibniewski ........................................................................... 114914.1 Basics ........................................................................................... 115014.2 Earthmoving, Road Construction, and Farming Equipment .............. 115514.3 Machinery for Concrete Works ........................................................ 117514.4 Site Lifts ........................................................................................ 119114.5 Access Machinery and Equipment .................................................. 120014.6 Cranes .......................................................................................... 121314.7 Equipment for Finishing Work ........................................................ 122814.8 Automation and Robotics in Construction ....................................... 1238References .............................................................................................. 1264

15 Enterprise Organization and OperationFrancesco Costanzo, Yuichi Kanda, Toshiaki Kimura, Hermann Kühnle,Bruno Lisanti, Jagjit Singh Srai, Klaus-Dieter Thoben, Bernd Wilhelm,Patrick M. Williams .................................................................................. 126715.1 Overview....................................................................................... 126815.2 Organizational Structures ............................................................... 127115.3 Process Organization, Capabilities, and Supply Networks ................. 127915.4 Modeling and Data Structures ........................................................ 129015.5 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) ................................................ 130315.6 Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES).......................................... 130715.7 Advanced Organization Concepts .................................................... 131415.8 Interorganizational Structures ........................................................ 132115.9 Organization and Communication .................................................. 133015.10 Enterprise Collaboration and Logistics ............................................ 1337References .............................................................................................. 1354

Part C Complementary Material for Mechanical Engineers

16 Power GenerationDwarkadas Kothari, P.M.V. Subbarao ....................................................... 136316.1 Principles of Energy Supply ............................................................ 136516.2 Primary Energies ........................................................................... 136716.3 Fuels ............................................................................................ 136716.4 Transformation of Primary Energy into Useful Energy ...................... 136816.5 Various Energy Systems and Their Conversion ................................. 136816.6 Direct Combustion System .............................................................. 137116.7 Internal Combustion Engines ......................................................... 137216.8 Fuel Cells ...................................................................................... 1372

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Contents XXI

16.9 Nuclear Power Stations .................................................................. 137316.10 Combined Power Station................................................................ 137416.11 Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) System ...................... 137516.12 Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) Power Generation ............................ 137816.13 Total-Energy Systems for Heat and Power Generation ..................... 137916.14 Transformation of Regenerative Energies ........................................ 138116.15 Solar Power Stations ...................................................................... 138216.16 Heat Pump .................................................................................... 138516.17 Energy Storage and Distribution ..................................................... 138516.18 Furnaces ....................................................................................... 138616.19 Fluidized-Bed Combustion System ................................................. 139016.20 Liquid-Fuel Furnace ...................................................................... 139216.21 Burners......................................................................................... 139216.22 General Furnace Accessories........................................................... 139416.23 Environmental Control Technology ................................................. 139616.24 Steam Generators .......................................................................... 139816.25 Parts and Components of Steam Generator ..................................... 140216.26 Energy Balance Analysis of a Furnace/Combustion System ............... 140616.27 Performance of Steam Generator ................................................... 140916.28 Furnace Design ............................................................................. 140916.29 Strength Calculations ..................................................................... 141216.30 Heat Transfer Calculation ............................................................... 141416.31 Nuclear Reactors ........................................................................... 141416.32 Future Prospects and Conclusion .................................................... 1418References .............................................................................................. 1418

17 Electrical EngineeringSeddik Bacha, Jaime De La Ree, Chris Oliver Heyde, Andreas Lindemann,Antje G. Orths, Zbigniew A. Styczynski, Jacek G. Wankowicz ....................... 142117.1 Fundamentals ............................................................................... 142217.2 Transformers ................................................................................. 144217.3 Rotating Electrical Machines .......................................................... 144817.4 Power Electronics .......................................................................... 146117.5 Electric Drives ................................................................................ 147817.6 Electric Power Transmission and Distribution .................................. 148717.7 Electric Heating ............................................................................. 1504References .............................................................................................. 1509

18 General TablesStanley Baksi ........................................................................................... 1511

Acknowledgements ................................................................................... 1521About the Authors ..................................................................................... 1523Detailed Contents ...................................................................................... 1539Subject Index ............................................................................................. 1561

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List of Abbreviations

3DP 3-D printing


ABCS automated building constructionsystems

ABS acrylonitrile-butadiene-styreneACCS automatic cutter control systemACFM actual cubic feet per minuteADAS advanced driver-assistance

systemADI austempered cast ironADI austempered ductile cast ironAFM atomic force microscopeAGR advanced gas-cooled reactorAPI application programming interfaceARIS architecture of integrated information

systemsAS active sumASC automatic stability controlASME American Society of Mechanical

EngineersATC automatic tool changeATS air transport systemATZ Automobiltechnische ZeitschriftAWJ abrasive waterjet


bcc body-centered cubicbct body-centered tetragonalBDC bottom dead centerbdd block definition diagramBHN Brinell hardnessBHS Brinell hardnessBHW Brinell hardnessBiW body-in-whiteBM beam machiningBMEP break mean effective pressureBMS bionic manufacturing systemBOM bill of materialsBOO bill of operationsBOSC built-to-order supply chainBPM ballistic particle manufacturingBPR business process reengineeringBSE backscattered electronsBVP boundary-value problemBWB blended wing bodyBWR boiling-water reactor


CAD computer-aided designCAES compressed air energy storageCAM computer-aided manufacturingCAM-LEM computer-aided manufacturing of

laminated engineering materialCAN controller area networkCAPP computer-aided process planningCAS computer-aided stylingCAS calibrated airspeedCBN cubic boron nitrideCC contour craftingCCD charge-coupled deviceCCGT combined cycle gas turbinesCCT continuous cooling transitionccw counterclockwiseCD compact discCD continuous dressingCDC crank dead centerCDP car development processCDP car development projectCE concurrent engineeringCFC chlorofluorocarbonsCFD computational fluid dynamicsCFRP carbon fiber reinforced plasticCGI compacted graphite ironCHP combined heat and powerCI compression ignitionCI corporate identityCIFI cylinder-individual fuel injectionCIM computer-integrated manufacturingCIMOSA computer-integrated manufacturing open

system architectureCIP continuous improvement processCLFM constitutional liquid film migrationCMCV charge motion control valveCMM coordinate measuring machineCMP chemical-mechanical planarizationCMU cooperative manufacturing unitCNC computer numerical controlCNG compressed natural gasCODAP code francais de construction des

appareils a pressionCPFR collaborative planning, forecasting, and

replenishmentCPM critical-path methodCPT critical pitting temperatureCR common railCRM customer relationship managementCRP continuous replenishment planning

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XXIV List of Abbreviations

CRSS critical resolved shear stressCRT cathode ray tubeCSLP capacitated lot-sizing lead-time problemCVD chemical vapor depositionCVN charpy V-notch


DBTT ductile to brittle transitionDC direct currentDfC design for constructionDFE design for the environmentDFIG double-fed induction generatorDfRC design for robotic constructionDIC differential interference contrastDI direct injectionDIN Deutsches Institut für NormungDIO digital input outputDIS Draft International StandardDLF direct laser fabricationDLM direct laser fabricationDMD direct metal depositionDMLS direct metal laser sinteringDMU digital mock-upDNC direct numerical controlDPH diamond-pyramid hardness numberDSC differential scanning calorimetryDVS Verband für Schweißen und verwandte

Verfahren e.V.D/W depth-to-width


E2 extended enterprisesEAS equivalent airspeedEBM electron beam machiningEBSD electron backscatter diffractionECDD evanescent coupling display deviceECDM electrochemical-discharge machiningECG electrochemical grindingECM electrochemical machiningECM electronic control moduleECR efficient customer responseECU electronic control unitEDG electro-discharge grindingEDM electro-discharge machiningEDM engineering data managementEDP electronic data processingEDS energy-dispersive x-ray spectroscopyEDX energy dispersive x-ray spectrometerEELS electron energy loss spectroscopyEFFBD enhanced functional flow block diagramEGR exhaust gas recirculationEIS entry into serviceEJMA Expansion Joint Manufacturer’s


ELID electrolytic in-process dressingEMC electromagnetic compatibilityEPA Environmental Protection AgencyEPC event-driven process chainsEP extreme pressureEPDM ethylene propylene diene monomerEPMA electron probe microanalysisERP enterprise resource planningESCA electron spectroscopy for chemical

analysisESP electrostatic precipitatorESP electronic stability program


FAR federal air regulationsFBC fluidized-bed combustionFBR fast breeder reactorfcc face-centered cubicFD forced draughtFDM fused deposition modelingFE flap-extendedFEGT furnace exit gas temperatureFEM finite element modelingFEPA Federation of European Producers of

AbrasívesFFT fast Fourier transformFGD flue gas desulphurizationFKA Forschunggesellschaft Kraftfahrwesen

mbH AachenFIB focused ion beamFLD forming limit diagramFMEA failure mode and effect analysisFPM freeform powder moldingFPO future project office


GA general arrangementGERAM generalized enterprise reference model

architecture and methodologyGHG greenhouse gasGIM GRAI integrated methodologyGJL lamellar graphite cast ironGMA gas metal arcGoM guidelines of modelingGPS global positioning systemG/R gradient/growth rateGTAW gas tungsten arc welding


HAZ heat-affected zoneHC hydrocarbonsHCP hexagonal closed packedhcp hexagonal closed packed

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List of Abbreviations XXV

HDC head dead centerHDPE high-density polyethyleneHEM high-efficiency machiningHFID heated flame ionization detectorHHV higher heating valueHIL hardware-in-the-loopHIP hot isostatic pressingHMS holonic manufacturing systemsHP high pressureHPCC high-pressure combustion chamberHPT high-pressure turbineHRC Rockwell hardnessHRSG heat recovery steam generatorHSC high-speed cuttingHSLA high-strength low-alloyHSM high-speed machiningHSS high-speed steelHTA heavier than airHVDC high-voltage direct-current


IAARC International Association for Automationand Robotics in Construction

IAS indicated airspeedIBD internal block diagramIBM ion beam machiningICAO International Civil Aviation OrganizationICDD International Center for Diffraction DataICE internal combustion enginesICE intercity expressIC integrated circuitsICT information and communication

technologyIDD interferometric display deviceIDI indirect diesel injectionID induced draughtID inside diameterIEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics

EngineersIE Erichson indexIFAC International Federation for Automatic

ControlIFIP International Federation for Information

ProcessingIGBT insulated gate bipolar transistorIGC intergranular corrosion testIGES initial graphics exchange specificationIIE information-interoperable environmentIISE ion-induced secondary electronsILT Fraunhofer Institut für LasertechnikIMP International Marketing and PurchasingIP intermediate pressureISB interact system BISARC International Symposia on Automation

and Robotics in Construction

ISO International Standards OrganizationIT information technologyIVP initial-value problem


JIT Java intelligent networkJiT just-in-time


LAM laser-assisted machiningLB laser beamLBM laser beam machiningLCA life cycle analysisLCI life cycle inventoryLC laser cuttingLDV light duty vehiclesLENS laser engineered net shapingLHV lower heating valueLMJ micro-jet procedureLM layer manufacturingLNG liquefied natural gasLOM laminated object manufacturingLP low pressureLPCC low-pressure combustion chamberLPG petroleum gasLPT low-pressure turbineLRO long-range orderLTA lighter than airLYS lower yield stress


MAM motorized air cycle machineMAP main air pipeMAS multi-agent systemsMCD monocrystalline diamondMDT mean down timeMEMS microelectromechanical systemMEP mean effective pressureMESA Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions

AssociationMES manufacturing execution systemsMHD magnetohydrodynamicsMIC microbiologically influenced corrosionMIPS microprocessor without interlocked

pipeline stagesMLW maximum landing weightMMC metal-matrix compositesMOSFET metal oxide semiconductor field effect

transistorMPI magnetic particle inspectionMPM metra potential methodMPW magnetic pulse weldingMRI magnetic resonance imaging

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XXVI List of Abbreviations

MRP manufacturing resources planningMRP materials requirement planningM/T machine toolMTBE methyl t-butyl etherMTBF mean time between failureMWE manufacturers weight emptyMZFW maximum zero fuel weight


NACE National Association of CorrosionEngineers

NC numerically controlledNCE numerically controlled equipmentNDE nondestructive evaluationNDI nondestructive inspectionNDIR nondispersive infraredND normal directionNDT nondestructive testingNEDC New European Driving CycleNEMS nanoelectromechanical systemsNLGI National Association of Lubricating

Grease InstituteNTP normal temperature and pressureNV-EBW nonvacuum electron-beam weldingNVH noise–vibration–harshness


OBJ polygon meshODE ordinary differential equationOECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation

and DevelopmentOFA over fire airOFW oblique flying wingOIM orientation imaging microscopyOLE object linking and embeddingOMT object-modeling techniqueOOSE object-orientes software engineeringOPC open connectivity via open standardsORiN open robot interface for the networkOWE operating weight empty


PABADIS plant automation based on distributedsystems

PAM plasma arc machiningPBM plasma beam machiningPBMR pebble-bed reactorPC pulverized coalPC polycrystallinePC personal computerPCBN polycrystalline cubic boron nitridePCD polycrystalline diamondPCM powertrain control module

PDE partial differential equationsPDF powder diffraction filePDM product data managementPEMFC polymer electrolyte fuel cellPERA purdue enterprise reference architecturePERT project evaluation and review techniquePET polyethylene terephthalatePHE plate heat exchangerPLC programmable logic controllerPLS pre-lining supportPM powder metallurgyPMZ partially melted zonePPC production planning and controlppm parts per millionPQR procedure qualification recordPROSA product–resource–order–staff architecturePSB persistent slip bandsPSD power spectral densitiesPSLX planning and scheduling language on

XML specificationsPS passive sump.t.o. power take-offPVC polyvinyl chloridePVD physical vapor depositionPV pressure valvePWB printed wiring boardPWHT post-weld heat treatmentPWR pressurized-water reactor


QA quality assuranceQCC quality control chartsQFD quality function deploymentQMS quality management systems


RAC robot action commandRAMS reliability, availability, maintainability,

safetyRAO robot access objectRaoSQL robot access object SQLRAP reclaimed asphalt pavementsRBV resource-based viewRD rolling directionRE reverse engineeringRF radiofrequencyRFID radiofrequency identificationRIE reactive ion etchingRISC reduced-instruction-set computerRK Runge–Kutta methodRM rapid manufacturingRP rapid prototypingRPI Rensselaer Polytechnic Instituterpm revolutions per minute

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List of Abbreviations XXVII

RPZ risk priority numberRRD robot resource definitionRT radiographic testingRT reheat turbineRTM resin transfer moldingRT room temperaturerms root mean squareRUP rational unified process


SAES scanning Auger electron spectroscopySBR polystyrene-butadien-rubberSC supply chainSC supercriticalSCADA supervisory control and data aquisitionSCF steel-frame buildingsSCF super construction factorySCM supply chain managementSCOR supply-chain operations referenceSC supply chainSCTR solidification cracking temperature rangeSDM shape deposition manufacturingSEDM spark electro-discharge machiningSEFI sequential fuel injectionSEM scanning electron microscopySE secondary electronsSFC specific fuel consumptionSGC solid ground curingSHE standard hydrogen electrodeSHM structural health monitoringSI spark ignitionSI secondary ionsSI spark-ignitedSI system internationalSIC statistical inventory controlSIMS secondary-ion mass spectroscopySLA stereolithographySLCA streamlined life cycle analysisSLPL space limit payloadSLS selective laser sinteringSMART Shimizu manufacturing system by

advanced robotics technologySMAW shielded metal arc weldingSMD surface mounted deviceSME small and medium-sized enterprisesSMM Sanders model makerSNCR selective noncatalytic reduction systemsSNG synthetic natural gasSN supply networkSoA space of activitySOF soluble organic fractionSOHC single overhead camshaftSOP start of productionSPC statistical process controlSPV simple pressure vessel

SQL structured query languageSRO short-range orderSTL stereolithography languageSUV sports utility vehicleSysML systems modelling language


TCL total accumulated crack lengthTCT time compression technologyTDC top dead centerTD transversal directionTEMA Tubular Exchanger Manufacturer’s

AssociationTEM transmission electron microscopyTGV train à grande vitesseTIG gas tungsten arc weldingTLAR top-level aircraft requirementsTMAH tetramethyl ammonium hydroxideTMC traffic message channelTOR top of railTPM total productive maintenanceTPS Toyota production systemTQM total quality managementTRIAC triode alternating current switchTSF topographic shell fabricationTTS tribotechnical systemTTT time–temperature transition


UCAV unmanned combat air vehicleUHC unburned hydrocarbonUHCA ultra-high-capacity aircraftUHEGT ultra high efficiency gas turbine

technologyUIC Union International des Chemins de FerULEV ultralow-emission vehicleUNS unified numbering systemUPS uninterruptible power supplyUPV unifired pressure vesselUS ultrasonicUSC ultra-supercritical steamUSM ultrasonic machiningUTS ultimate tensile strengthUT ultrasonic testingUYS upper yield stress


VC vacuum castingVDI Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (Association

of German Engineers)VHN Vickers hardness numberVICS Voluntary Interindustry Commerce

Standard Association

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XXVIII List of Abbreviations

VI viscosity indexVLCT very large commercial transportVOC volatile organic compoundVOF volatile organic fractionVO virtual organizationsVPN virtual private networkVR virtual-realityVTOL vertical take-off and landing


WBS work breakdown structureWDS wavelength dispersive x-ray spectroscopyWDX wavelength dispersive x-ray spectroscopyWEDM wire electro-discharge machiningWLT white light triangulation

WPS weld procedure specificationWSP wheel-slide protectionWWW world wide webW/C water/cement


XPS x-ray-exited photoelectron spectroscopyXRD x-ray diffraction


YPE yield point elongation


ZEV zero-emission vehicle