Strategic partner With the support of Organized by

Sraegi arner i e r f...11,00 - 12,15 @ La Scala Theatre Dress Rehearsals of Othello by Gioachino Rossini @ Teatro Alla Scala Prove ufficiali di Otello di Gioachino Rossini 13,15 -

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Page 1: Sraegi arner i e r f...11,00 - 12,15 @ La Scala Theatre Dress Rehearsals of Othello by Gioachino Rossini @ Teatro Alla Scala Prove ufficiali di Otello di Gioachino Rossini 13,15 -

Strategic partner

With the support of

Organized by

Page 2: Sraegi arner i e r f...11,00 - 12,15 @ La Scala Theatre Dress Rehearsals of Othello by Gioachino Rossini @ Teatro Alla Scala Prove ufficiali di Otello di Gioachino Rossini 13,15 -










WHERE Edinburgh, Scotland HOST CEiSRaise awareness of social enterprise as an expanding global mechanism for social change

WHERE Melbourne, AustraliaHOST Social Ventures AustraliaTaking the Next Steps Now

WHERE San Francisco, USAHOST Social Enterprise Alliance Realizing the Potential of Social Enterprise

WHERE Johannesburg, South AfricaHOST University of JohannesburgSocial enterprise as a catalyst for sustainable development

WHERE Rio de Janeiro, Brazil HOST NESsTThe growing field of impact investing focussing on attracting new investment capital for social enterprise

WHERE Calgary, CanadaHOST Trico FoundationLeveraging Markets and Innovations to Solve Social Problems

WHERE Seoul, South KoreaHOST Work Together FoundationSocial Change through Social Enterprise

WHERE Milan, ItalyHOST Fondazione ACRA-CCSGrowing a New Economy

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SEWFin the world

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Social Enterprise World Forum steering committee consists of leading representatives from the social enterprise community across the globe including host country representatives.

Il Comitato Consultivo del Social Enterprise World Forum raggruppa i rappresentanti più significativi della comunità mondiale delle imprese sociali, inclusi i paesi che hanno ospitato le edizioni passate.

Comitato Consultivo Internazionale del SEWF

Peter HolbrookLondon, UKSteering Committee Chair

Gerry HigginsGlasgow, UK

David Le PageVancouver Canada

Jim SchorrTennessee, USA

Kevin LynchMinneapolis, USA

Mairi MackayEast Asia / England

Peter StadlerBerlin, Germany

Susan SteinmanJohannesburg, South Africa

David BrookesMelbourne, Australia

Alex OppesAustralia

Nicole EtchartChile

Dr. Jongtae ChoiSeoul, South Korea

Elena CasolariMilan, Italy

Houghton WanHong Kong, China

Page 4: Sraegi arner i e r f...11,00 - 12,15 @ La Scala Theatre Dress Rehearsals of Othello by Gioachino Rossini @ Teatro Alla Scala Prove ufficiali di Otello di Gioachino Rossini 13,15 -


SEWF2015Four main topics

During the SEWF there will be plenary sessions and parallel workshops on four themes:• Nurturing ecosystem• Social Enterprises against

poverty• Impact Investment• Feeding the planet

Cross cutting theme:• Youth in social enterprises

Durante il SEWF sono previste sessioni plenarie e workshop organizzati in parallelo su quattro tematiche principali: • L’ecosistema che promuove

l’Impresa Sociale• L’impresa sociale contro la povertà• Impact Investing• Nutrire il pianeta

Tema trasversale:• I giovani e l’ impresa sociale

Quattro tematiche principali al SEWF2015

NurturiNg ecosystem L’ecosistema che promuove L’impresa sociaLe

Social enterprises address dysfunctions in the system by finding entrepreneurial solutions that are efficient, sustainable and have a high impact. A deliberate alignment of progressive policy, social investment, specialist business and start up support, open public markets, leadership development, social enterprise education, awareness raising campaigns and effective communication measures can help them thrive. Social enterprise movement leaders, policy makers and investors will highlight best practises and share experiences.

Perché le imprese sociali prosperino, occorre un ecosistema favorevole, dove i diversi attori rivestano un ruolo complementare in un’armonia di intenti e in una geometria di virtuose collaborazioni e convergenze: elaborazione di politiche economiche di sostegno, supporto alle start-up e alle imprese più mature con obiettivi ad impatto, esplicita apertura di nuovi segmenti e industrie per l’economia sociale, collaborazioni industriali e forme organizzative ibride, formazione ed educazione sul nuovo approccio imprenditoriale, nuove sintassi comunicative e coinvolgimento delle nuove generazioni. I leader dell’impresa sociale si confrontano con tutti gli attori dell’ecosistema su questi temi.

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sociaL eNterprises agaiNst poverty

L’impresa sociaLe coNtro La povertà

There is a growing awareness of the need to rethink traditional measures to fight poverty, as it becomes increasingly far reaching and multifaceted. A growing sense of urgency has led to the birth of a new generation of social enterprises who strive to tackle the global issues facing us today: increasing poverty, unemployment, limited access to health and other basic services, depletion of natural resources. The Forum will make different voices heard: success stories, challenges and failures.

è in corso un profondo ripensamento degli approcci e strumenti tradizionali di cooperazione allo sviluppo e di contrasto alle povertà sempre più diffuse e trasversali, così come è sempre più estesa la consapevolezza di disegnare nuove frontiere del pensiero: al cuore un modello di mercato che coniughi sostenibilità economica, impatto sociale e ambientale e patrimonio relazionale. Una platea di attori diversi nel confronto costruttivo di ricerca di nuove forme e interventi per rimuovere le povertà del nostro tempo. Il Forum darà spazio a voci e narrazioni diverse: storie di fallimenti e di successi, di nuove sfide e di inediti approcci.

impact iNvestmeNt:reaLigNiNg expectatioNs

impact iNvestiNg: riaLLiNeare Le aspettative

An emerging class of impact investors is increasingly crowding the social enterprise scene with the stated intent of supporting the most promising social enterprises to scale up.What is the real scope of impact investing? What are the expectations that investors and entrepreneurscan realistically harbour in building a true cooperation?

Una nuova finanza a misura di impresa sociale? L’impresa sociale come nuova classe di investimento? Da alcuni anni i fari mediatici sono accesi sull’emergente industria dell’impact investing. Qual è il sottile confine fra il mito e la realtà? Quali gli strumenti finanziari a impatto a reale servizio dell’industria? Quali le aspettativeconfermate e quelle disattese? Imprenditori e investitori sociali a confronto in una lettura franca e senza filtri di una geografia sempre più densa di attori e proposte.

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sociaL eNterprises feediNg the pLaNet

Nutrire iL piaNeta attraverso Le imprese sociaLi

A new perspective on food and nutrition, the recent global food crisis and young generations returning tofarming and agriculture have supported the birth of social enterprises that innovate along the whole foodvalue chain, from production to recycling, thus creating economic value and social inclusion, respect for theenvironment and responding to the needs of disadvantaged areas. The Forum will give voice to the most recent trends in this industry.

Una nuova prospettiva sul cibo e la nutrizione: una generazione di giovani che ritornando alla terra sostiene la nascita di imprese sociali capaci di innovare lungo tutta la filiera agroalimentare, dalla produzione al riciclo, creando valore economico e sociale e rispondendo anche alle recenti crisi alimentari delle aree e delle fasce più svantaggiate, rispettando sempre l’ambiente. Il Forum darà voce alle recenti evoluzioni e alle dinamiche più rilevanti in questa industria.

youth eNgagemeNt i giovaNi e Le imprese sociaLi

Tens of thousands of young people are active within the social enterprise movement driven by a desire to build a new economy that can respond to the social economic and environmental challenges the world now faces.The Forum is an extraordinary opportunity for young people to gain exposure to a growing social enterprise movement where they can influence its present and its future. Social Enterprise is attracting young talent in ever growing numbers - they are starting new social ventures, growing existing enterprises and innovating new solutions to meet the vast array of modern world challenges.Young social entrepreneurs from around the world will gather at SEWF to influence, disrupt and bring their desires and ideas to those who hold power. They will shape the movement and determine the future of the new world economy.

Migliaia di giovani in tutto il mondo sono attivamente coinvolti nel movimento dell’economia sociale, guidati dal desiderio di costruire un nuovo modello che possa rispondere alle sfide economiche e ambientali che l’umanità sta affrontando.Il Forum offre ai giovani un’opportunità straordinaria di ottenere visibilità e di influenzare il futuro del crescente movimento e di definirne le priorità.Le imprese sociali attraggono giovani talenti che, in numero sempre crescente, attivano nuovi percorsi, sviluppano imprese non convenzionali, individuando soluzioni innovative per risolvere le diverse sfide delle proprie collettività e comunità con l’intento di diffondere su scale maggiori le proprie proposte. Giovani imprenditori sociali ridisegnano con tenacia i perimetri dell’industria con il loro linguaggio e le loro aspettative.

Cross cutting theme Tema trasversale

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The Social Enterprise Speakers Corner

During the Forum, the Social Entreprise Speakers Corner will offer a rich program of social entrepreneurs who will inspire and motivate any type of audience (during coffee breaks and lunches). These entrepreneurs, engaging, and often charismatic, will talk about their experiences, good or bad, in owning, managing, and trying to grow a social enterprise.

12 Social Enterprises from around the world (the program of the SE Corner will be available at the venue).

Durante il Forum, il Social Entreprise Speakers Corner nel corso dei coffee break e dei pranzi, offrirà un ricco programma che vedrà l’alternarsi di imprenditori sociali come fonte di ispirazione e capaci di motivare una platea eterogenea.Imprenditori carismatici parleranno delle proprie esperienze, positive e negative, nel fondare, gestire e far crescere imprese sociali ad alto impatto.

12 Imprese Sociali provenienti da tutto il mondo (il programma dello SE Corner sarà disponibile in loco).

Il Social Enterprise Speakers Corner

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SEWF2015 Agenda

Wednesday, July 1st | Mercoledì, 1° luglio @ EXPO 09,30 - 10,30 @ La Scala Theatre

Registration@ Teatro Alla Scala


11,00 - 12,15 @ La Scala Theatre

Dress Rehearsals of Othello by Gioachino Rossini

@ Teatro Alla Scala

Prove ufficiali di Otello di Gioachino Rossini

13,15 - 14,30 @ Expo Auditorium

Registration@ Expo Auditorium


14,30 - 15,00

I - E - M

@ Expo AuditoriumOpening Ceremony

@ Expo AuditoriumCeremonia di apertura

Greetings from the Italian Government representatives and Strategic Partners

Saluti dei rappresentanti del Governo Italiano e dei Partner Strategici

Giuseppe Guzzetti, President Fondazione Cariplo; Giovanni Puglisi, Dean IULM University; Maria Elena Boschi (tbc), Minister for Constitutional Reforms and Parliamentary Relations, Italy

Presentation of the 8th SEWF by Fondazione ACRA-CCS and SEWF Steering Committee

Presentazione dell’8a ed. del SEWF da parte di Fondazione ACRA-CCS e dello Steering Committee Internazionale

Elena Casolari, Fondazione ACRA-CCS; Peter Holbrook, SEWF Steering Committee

15,00 – 15,15

I - E - M

@ Expo Auditorium

Key Note speaker: Michael Green, Social Progress Imperative,UK

15,15 - 16,25

I - E - M

@ Expo Auditorium

P1 PlenarySocial Enterprise: is this government’s opportunity to blend economic growth and social justice?

@ Expo Auditorium

P1 PlenariaL’Impresa Sociale: un’opportunità, per i Governi, di coniugare crescita economica e giustizia sociale?

John Swinney, MSP, Deputy First Minister, Scottish Government; Dr. Joyce Yen Feng, Minister without Portfolio, Taiwan Government; Elżbieta Bieńkowska, European Union Commissioner for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs; Florence Hui, Undersecretary for Home Affairs, Hong Kong Government; Maria Elena Boschi (tbc), Minister for Constitutional Reforms and Parliamentary Relations, ItalyModerator: Martin Burt, founder of Fundacion Paraguaya, Paraguay

I: italian - italiano / E: english - inglese / M: mandirin - mandarino

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16,25 - 16,40

I - E - M

@ Expo Auditorium

Key Note speakers: Ruth and Amy Anslow, HiSBe, UK

16,40 - 17,10 Coffee Break

17,10 - 18,40

I - E - M

@ Expo Auditorium

Key Note speaker: Stefano Zamagni, Bologna University, ItalyIntroduction to Italian social enterprise

P2 PlenaryThe Evolving Landscape of Social Enterprise in Italy

P2 PlenariaIl panorama in evoluzione delle Imprese Sociali in Italia

Stefano Granata, Gruppo Cooperativo CGM, Italy; Vincenzo Linarello, Gruppo Cooperativo GOEL, Italy; Antonio Tinelli, San Patrignano, Italy; Pino Bruno, Consorzio “La città essenziale”, Italy. Moderator: Riccardo Bonacina, Chief editor, VITA Magazine, Italy

18,40 - 19,50

I - E - M

@ Expo Auditorium

P3 PlenarySocial Enterprises from the world: a deep and enduring social impact

@ Expo Auditorium

P3 PlenariaImprese Sociali dal mondo: un impatto profondo e duraturo

Sophia Grinvalds, Afripads, Uganda; Harish Hande, SELCO Energy, India; Kevin Lynch, USA; Durreen Shahnaz, Impact Investment Shujog, Singapore.Moderator: Elena Casolari, Fondazione ACRA-CCS, Italy

19,50 - 20,00 @ Expo Auditorium

Artistic performance:Frankie hi-nrg mc

@ Expo Auditorium

Performance artistica:Frankie hi-nrg mc

21,15 @ Palazzo Reale

Sala Otto Colonne

Working Dinner: Speakers and Partners Gathering(By invitation only)

@ Palazzo Reale

Sala Otto Colonne

Cena: Relatori e Partner(Solo su invito)

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iuLm 1

• Aula Magna• Classrooms from

151 to 158

iuLm 4

• Room 401

iuLm 6

• Reception• Auditorium• Exhibition area• Classroom 146• Food & Drink area• Cloakroom

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Thursday, July 2nd | Giovedì, 2 luglio @ IULM Campus

06,30 - 07,15 @ Giardini Indro MontanelliMeeting point: Corso Venezia 57 (Planetarium), Red Tube - M1: Porta Venezia Station

Running Session - Optional (e-mail to: [email protected])

09,00 - 10,30

I - E - M

@ IULM 6 - Auditorium

P4 PlenaryThe hype or reality of data collection: social progress and impact measurement

@ IULM6 - Auditorium

P4 PlenariaEsagerazione o realtà della raccolta dati sulla la misurazione dell’impatto

Enrico Giovannini, Independent Expert Advisory Group on the Data Revolution for Sustainable Development, UN, Italy; Michael Green, Social Progress Imperative, USA; Martin Burt, Fundacion Paraguaya, Paraguay; Giovanna Melandri, G8 Social Impact Investment Task Force, ItalyModerator: Tim West, Pioneers Post, UK

09,00 - 10,30

I - E

@ IULM 1 - Aula Magna

P5 PlenaryHow Foundations’ strategies are shifting from providing grants tosupporting social enterprise with hybrid capital

@ IULM1 - Aula Magna

P5 PlenariaCome stanno cambiando le strategie delle Fondazioni, dalle donazioni al sostegno con capitali ibridi all’Impresa Sociale

Heidi Hafes, Shell Foundation, UK; Sergio Urbani, Fondazione Cariplo, Italy; Raul Gauto, Avina Foundation, Latin America; Nina Tellegen, DOEN Foundation, Netherlands; Massimo Lapucci, Fondazione CRT, Italy; Marco Demarie, Compagnia di San Paolo, ItalyModerator: Peter Holbrook, Social Enterprise UK

10,30 - 11,00 Coffee Break Speakers Corner

11,00 - 12,30 Parallel Session Sessioni tematiche parallele

@ IULM 6 Auditorium

I - E

W1Social enterprises tackling lack of access to affordable housing

W1Le Imprese Sociali come strumento per affrontare la diffusa crisi abitativa

Marco Gerevini, Fondazione Housing Sociale, Italy; Stefano Magnoni, ASM ViaPadova36, Italy; Susan Aktemel, Homes for Good, UKModerator: Lynn McCulloch, CEIS Scotland, UK

SEWF2015 Agenda

I: italian - italiano / E: english - inglese / M: mandirin - mandarino

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@ IULM 4Room401

I - E

W2Turning liabilities into assets: the use of redundant assets, land and building for social benefit

W2Trasformare patrimoni inutilizzati in ricchezze per la comunità: la “seconda vita” di beni, terre ed edifici confiscati

Sandra Holmes, Highlands and Islands Enterprise, UK; Umberto Zandrini, Chairman Consorzio SIR, Italy; Claudio Bossi, Consorzio SIS, ItalyModerators: Flaviano Zandonai, IRIS Network & Francesca Battistoni, Social Seed, Italy

@ IULM 1Classroom 156

W3 - First partNew media for Social Enterprise

W3 - Prima parteApprocci e strumenti di comunicazione innovativa per le Imprese Sociali

E Jack Sim, WTO, Singapore; Peter Holbrook, Buy Social, UK; Moderator: Tim West, Pioneers Post, UK

@ IULM 1Aula Magna

I - E

W4Democratising Impact Investing - the potential of crowd funding and other financial tools for social enterprise

W4Democratizzare l’Impact Investing - il potenziale del crowd funding per le imprese sociali, i social bonds e altri strumenti finanziari innovativi

Durreen Shahnaz, Impact Investment Exchange Asia (IIX), Singapore; Riccardo Tramezzani, UBI Bank, Italy; Ruth and Amy Anslow, HiSBe, UK; Sara Gallagher, Calvert Foundation, USAModerator: Francesco Pozzobon, ItaliaCamp, Italy

@ IULM 1Classroom 155

W5Technology based social enterprises for development

W5La tecnologia per lo sviluppo delle imprese sociali

E Daniel Andrade, Bild Bolivia; Corey Lien, DOMI, Taiwan; Roxane Jurkovskaja, The D. All Things Digital, GermanyModerator: Francesco Candelari, United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, US

@ IULM 1Classroom 153


W6Cleaning the world: Social Enterprise in Water and Sanitation

W6Pulire il mondo: Imprese sociali per l’accesso all’acqua e ai servizi igienici di base

Johannes Heeb, CEWAS, Switzerland; Anthony Kamoto, PureFresh, Kenya; Feliciano Dos Santos, Estamos, MozambiqueModerator: Sjef Ernes, Aqua for All, Netherlands

@ IULM 1Classroom152


W7First exit on the left: exit strategy a co-designed process between investors and Social Entrepreneurs

W7Exit strategy per investitori e imprenditori sociali

Chloe’ Tuot, PhiTrust Partenaires, France; Øyvind Sandvold, Ferd Social Entrepreneurs, Norway; Lars Johansson-Kjellerød, UNICUS, Norway; Veronica Vecchi, Bocconi University School of Management, Italy Moderator: Angelo Miglietta, IULM University, Italy

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@ IULM 1Classroom 154

W8Social Enterprise: feeding the planet and doing it well

W8Imprese Sociali: nutrire il pianeta e farlo bene

E Simon Boyle, Brigade Restaurant, UK; Giuliano Ciano, NCO Nuova Cucina Organizzata, Italy; Mike Curtin, DC Central Kitchen, USA; Tara McDonald, Vancouver Farmers Market, Canada Moderator: David Adair, PricewaterhouseCoopers, UK

@ IULM 6Classroom 146

W9Training the next generation of social entrepreneurs

W9Preparare la nuova generazione di imprenditori sociali

I - E Andrea Fora, FON.COOP, Italy; Neil McLean, Social Enterprise Academy, UK; Giacomo D’Arrigo, Agenzia Nazionale Giovani, Italy; Mrs. Pochinok, Russia State Social University, Russia; Satyajit Majumdar, School of Management and Labour Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, India Moderator: Jim Schorr, Social Enterprise Alliance, US

12,30 - 14,00 Lunch Speakers Corner

14,00 - 15,30 Parallel Session Sessioni tematiche parallele@ IULM 6Auditorium

I - E

W10Outstanding social enterprises in the delivery of basic services and in securing human rights: successes and challenges

W10L’importanza delle imprese sociali nell’accesso ai servizi di base e nel garantire i diritti umani: successi e sfide

Anthony Kamoto, PureFresh, Kenya; Biko Evarist, Education & Entrepreneurship, Tanzania; Riccardo Re, Welfare Milano, Italia; Fabio De Pascale, Devergy, Tanzania Moderator: Raul Gauto, Avina Foundation, Latin America

@ IULM 1Classroom 154

W3 - Second partInnovative communication tools for social enterprise

W3 - Seconda parteApprocci e strumenti di comunicazione innovativa per le Imprese Sociali

E Mike Rios, 17Triggers, Cambogia; Chong Wey Lin, Our City Love (Friendly City Cloud), Taiwan; Marco Colnaghi, Make a Change, Italy; Sunny Lin, Social Enterprise Insight, TaiwanModerator: Tim West, Pioneers Post, UK

@ IULM 1Classroom 153

W11Challenging the glass ceiling: why women thrive in Social Enterprise

W11Il protagonismo delle donne nelle Imprese Sociali

E Jennifer Morellato & Elisa Lion, Smateria, Cambodia; Fiza Farhan, Buska Foundation, Pakistan; Riccarda Zezza, PianoC, ItalyModerator: Susan Aktemel, Homes for Good, UK

@ IULM 1Aula Magna

W12A critical view of social enterprise finance models

W12Una visione critica dei modelli di finanziamento all’impresa sociale

I - E Alastair Davis, Social Investment, Scozia; Nicholas Glicher, TrusLaw, UK; Marco Ratti, Banca Prossima, Italy; David Wilcox, ReachScale, USA Moderator: Elisabetta Pontello, Fondazione ACRA-CCS, Italy

I: italian - italiano / E: english - inglese / M: mandirin - mandarino

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@ IULM 1Classroom156

W13Social Enterprise tackling unemployment

W13Le imprese sociali lottano contro la disoccupazione giovanile

E Pat Tsao, Pan Asian Innovation Association for young entrepreneurs, Taiwan; Jean Claude Mizzi, European Commission, EU; Roberto Di Meglio, ILO, Svizzera; Peter Stadler, FAF Berlin, GermanyModerator: Jim Schorr, Social Enterprise Alliance, USA

@ IULM 4Room 401

W14Panel and Participant Discussion: the role of “for-profit” social enterprises in creating social impact

W14Dibattito aperto: il ruolo delle imprese sociali “a scopo di lucro” nella creazione di impatto sociale

I - E Harish Hande, SELCO Energy, India; Stefano Granata, Gruppo Cooperativo CGM, Italia; Cliff Prior, UnLtd, UK; Franco Marzocchi, AICCON, Italia Moderator: Roberto Randazzo, R&P Legal, Italy

@ IULM 1Classroom155

W15What makes a “social” investment, social?

W15Cosa rende un investimento “sociale”, davvero tale?

E Giovanni Gerola, Opes Impact Fund, Italy; Alex Oppes, Social Impact Fund, Australia; Audrey Serlan, RIANTA Capital, SwitzerlandModerator: Timothy Ma, Project Flame, City University of Hong Kong

@ IULM 1Classroom152

W16Social Value from Food production and farming

W16Creare valore sociale attraverso il cibo e l’agricoltura

E Tara Mc Donald, Vancouver Framers Market, Canada; Sophie Tranchell, Divine Chocolate, UK, Andrea Olivero (to be confirmed), Vice Minister Agricolture, Italy, Andrea Rapaccini, Make A Change, ItalyModerator: Claire Dove, Social enterprise, UK

@ IULM 6Classroom146

W17Social enterprises as empowering employers

W17Le imprese sociali: più che datori di lavoro

I - E Kuo Jen Su, Children are us, Taiwan; Silvia Polleri, ABC Catering, Italy; Carmine Guanci, Vesti Solidale, Italy; Eva Gyorgy, Timural Gropu SRL, RomaniaModerator: Anna Horvath, NESsT, Hungary

15,30 - 16,00 Coffee Break Speakers Corner

16,00 - 17,30

I - E - M

@ IULM 6 - Auditorium

P6 PlenarySocial Enterprise and government: an emerging paradigm of co-productionand collaboration

@ IULM 6 - Auditorium

P6 PlenariaImprese Sociali e governi: un nuovo emergente paradigma di coproduzione e collaborazione

Yvonne Strachan, Deputy Director, Scottish Government, Scotland; Alex Hannant, Akina Foundation, New Zealand; Luigi Bobba, Under Secretary, Ministry of Labour, Italy; Bing-Jyun Wang, The Chinese Organisation Development Association, Taiwan; Dr. Ekow Spio-Garbrah, Minister of Trade and Industry, GhanaModerator: David Le Page, Social Enterprise Council of Canada

Page 15: Sraegi arner i e r f...11,00 - 12,15 @ La Scala Theatre Dress Rehearsals of Othello by Gioachino Rossini @ Teatro Alla Scala Prove ufficiali di Otello di Gioachino Rossini 13,15 -


16,00 - 17,30

I - E

@ IULM 1 - Aula Magna

P7 PlenaryLessons from Impact Investment: misalignment of expectations

@ IULM 1 - Aula Magna

P7 PlenariaLezioni dall’Impact Investment

Harish Hande, SELCO, India; Luciano Balbo, Oltre Ventures, Italy; Nina Tellegen, DOEN Foundation, Netherlands; Francesco Lorenzetti, Fondazione Cariplo, Italy; Stefano Granata, Gruppo Cooperativo CGM, ItalyModerator: Elena Casolari, Opes Impact Fund, Italy

17,40 - 19,10

I - E

@ IULM 1 - Aula Magna

P8 PlenaryIncubators and accelerators: do they work? Social entrepreneursjudge five incubation schemes

@ IULM 1 - Aula Magna

P8 PlenariaIncubatori e acceleratori: sono efficaci? Alcuni imprenditori sociali giudicano cinque schemi di incubazione-accelerazione

Incubators/accelerators: Matteo Bartolomeo, Make a Cube, Italy; Joachim Ewechu, Unreasonable Institute East Africa; Matthew Guttentag, USAID (PACE); Claire Burton, Deloitte Social Pioneer Program, UK; Nisha Dutt, Intellecap, IndiaJury by SEs and incubees: Danilo Ragona, Able to enjoy, Italy; Lorna Rutto, EcoPost, Kenya; Rustam Sengupta, Boond, India

Moderator: William Senyo, Impact Hub, ACCRA

17,40 - 19,10

I - E - M

@ IULM 6 - Auditorium

P9 PlenaryDebate: Social Enterprise will never achieve significant social impact unless it learns how to go to scale?

@ IULM 6 - Auditorium

P9 PlenariaDibattito: Le imprese sociali non otterranno mai un impatto rilevante se non raggiungeranno dimensioni significative?

For: Jack Sim, World Toilet Organisation, Singapore; Klaus Hertrampf, Lebenswelten Catering, Germany

Against: Carla I. Javits, Presidente e CEO, REDF; Kee Chi Hing, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong

Moderator: Rachael McCormack, Highland and Islands Enterprise, UK

19,00 - 24,00 Drinks and music

I: italian - italiano / E: english - inglese / M: mandirin - mandarino

Page 16: Sraegi arner i e r f...11,00 - 12,15 @ La Scala Theatre Dress Rehearsals of Othello by Gioachino Rossini @ Teatro Alla Scala Prove ufficiali di Otello di Gioachino Rossini 13,15 -


Friday, July 3rd | Venerdì, 3 luglio @ IULM Campus

06,15 - 07,00 @ Giardini Indro MontanelliMeeting point: Corso Venezia 57 (Planetarium), Red Tube - M1: Porta Venezia Station

Running Session - Optional (e-mail to: [email protected])

08,45 - 9,45

I - E - M

@ IULM 6 - Auditorium

P10 PlenaryDangerous liaisons: what makes business partnerships work?

@ IULM 6 - Auditorium

P10 PlenariaRelazioni pericolose: come far funzionare le partnership commerciali fra attori diversi?

Raul Gauto, LICAN, Paraguay; Karen Lynch, CEO Belu Water, UK; Stefano Granata, Gruppo Cooperativo CGM, Italy; Marco Ratti, Banca Prossima, ItalyModerator: David Wilcox, ReachScale, USA

09,45 - 11,15

I - E - M

@ IULM 6 - Auditorium

P11 PlenaryPanel Discussion: International Development Assistance and the Emerging Role of Social Enterprise

@ IULM 6 - Auditorium

P11 PlenariaDibattito: la cooperazione internazionale e il ruolo emergente delle imprese sociali

Elena Casolari, Fondazione ACRA-CCS, Italy; Matthew Guttentag, USAID (PACE Programme) USA; Carmen Lopez-Clavero, SIDA, Sweden; Giampaolo Cantini, General Director for International Cooperation, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Italy; Jonathan Wong, Department for International Development (DFID), UKModerator: Mairi Mackay, British Council

09,45 - 11,15

I - E

@ IULM 1 - Aula Magna

P12 PlenaryDebate: Social cooperatives are the ideal form of social enterprise as it is the only model that guarantees workers’ participation

@ IULM 1 - Aula Magna

P12 PlenariaDibattito: le cooperative sociali come forma ideale di impresa sociale per garantire la partecipazione dei lavoratori

Pro: Giuseppe Guerini, Federsoldarietà Nazionale - Confcooperative, Italy; Karen Anderson, Great4Good, UK

Against: Ruth & Amy Anslow, HiSBE, UK

Moderator: Claire Dove, Social Enterprise, UK

09,45 - 11,15


@ IULM 4 - Room 401

P13 PlenaryThe Evolution of Social Entrepreneurship in Hong Kong

@ IULM 4 - Room 401

P13 PlenariaL’evoluzione delle Imprese Sociali a Hong Kong

Kee Chin Hing, Fullness Social Enterprise Society; Jimmy Chiu, Charm Net Ltd.; Timothy Ma, Project Flame, City University of Hong Kong

Moderator: Lawrence Lui, Fullness Social Enterprise

11,15 - 11,45 Coffee Break Speakers Corner

SEWF2015 Agenda

Page 17: Sraegi arner i e r f...11,00 - 12,15 @ La Scala Theatre Dress Rehearsals of Othello by Gioachino Rossini @ Teatro Alla Scala Prove ufficiali di Otello di Gioachino Rossini 13,15 -


11,45 - 13,00 Parallel Session Sessioni tematiche parallele

@ IULM 6Auditorium

W18Social procurement in the public and private sector and along the supply chain

W18Social procurement nel settore pubblico e privato lungo la filiera di approvvigionamento

I - E Roddy Stewart, Ready for Business LLP, UK; David Brooks, Social Traders Australia; Giuseppe Guerini, Federsolidarietà Nazionale-Confcooperative, ItalyModerator: David Le Page, Accellerating Social Impact CCC, Canada

@ IULM 1Aula Magna

I - E

W19Feeding the cities: Social Enterprise in alternative supply chains to feed citizens

W19Nutrire le metropoli: le Imprese Sociali nelle filiere produttive alternative in contesti urbani

Andrea Vecci, Cascina Cuccagna, Italy; Tara McDonald, Vancouver Farmers Market, Canada; Giampaolo Gaudino, Consorzio Core, ItalyModerator: Timothy Ma, GCSE, Hong Kong

@ IULM 4Room 401

W20Social Enterprise and renewable energy

W20Imprese Sociali e energia rinnovabili

I - E Nicola Morganti, Lumama, Tanzania; Rustam Sengupta, Boond, India; Fiza Farhan, Busk Foundation, Pakistan; Fabio De Pascale, Devergy, TanzaniaModerator: Salvatore Vinci, IRENA, Abu Dhabi

@ IULM 1Classroom156

W21The good, the bad and the ugly: the top success/failure stories

W21Il buono, il brutto, il cattivo: storie di fallimenti e di successi

E Angela Melodia, Fondazione ACRA-CCS, Italy; James Dunbar, New Start Highland, Scotland; Marco Ratti, Banca Prossima, ItalyModerator: Houghton Wan, Hong Kong

@ IULM 1Classroom153

W22Leveraging on diaspora to foster social enterprises

W22Le opportunità offerte dalla diaspora per promuovere le imprese sociali

E Sara Gallagher, IdEA, Calvert Foundation/USAID, USA; Mairi Mackay, British Council, UKModerator: Magdalena Campos Pons, Cuba/US

@ IULM 1Classroom154

W23Legal framework for social enterprises: new legal forms and hybrid organizations

W23Contesto normativo per le imprese sociali: nuove forme giuridiche e organizzazioni ibride

E Paolo Venturi, Aiccon, Italy; Duncan Osler, MacRoberts LLP, UK; Jim Schorr, Social Enterprise Alliance, USA; Jimmy Chiu, Charm Net Ltd., Hong KongModerator: Gerry Higgins, CEIS, Scotland

@ IULM 6Classroom 146

W24Scale & replicability through partnerships and franchising models

W24Scalabilità e replicabilità attraverso partnerships e modelli di franchising

I - E Martin Burt, Teach a Man to Fish, UK/Paraguay; Vittorio Rinaldi, Solidale Italiano Initiative (Altromercato), Italy; Mario Molteni, ALTIS E4Impact, Italy; Bedriye Hulia, b-Fit, TurkeyModerator: Alessandro Valera, ASHOKA Italia, Italy

I: italian - italiano / E: english - inglese / M: mandirin - mandarino

Page 18: Sraegi arner i e r f...11,00 - 12,15 @ La Scala Theatre Dress Rehearsals of Othello by Gioachino Rossini @ Teatro Alla Scala Prove ufficiali di Otello di Gioachino Rossini 13,15 -


11,45 - 13,00


@ IULM 1 - Classroom 155

Side EventContinuing Conversations across Convenings

@ IULM 1 - Classroom 155

Sessione parallelaConversazioni in continuum tra Convegni

Avary Kent, Conveners.org, US

11,30 - 13,00 @ Fondazione Cariplo, Via Manin 23

Side EventConversation with Prof. Muhammad Yunus

(By invitation only)

13,00 - 14,00 Lunch Speakers Corner

14,00 - 15,00

I - E - M

@ IULM 6 - Auditorium

P14 PlenaryPanel debate: Should investors profit from Social Enterprise?

@ IULM 6 - Auditorium

P13 PlenariaDibattito: possono gli investitori trarre un profitto dalle Imprese Sociali?

Prof. Muhammad Yunus, Nobel Laureate, Bangladesh; Sophi Tranchell, Divine Chocolate, UKModerator: Peter Holbrook, Social Enterprise, UK

15,00 - 15,30 Coffee Break

15,30 - 16,30

I - E - M

@ IULM 6 - Auditorium

P15 PlenaryMake room for us! Young social entrepreneurs have their say

@ IULM 6 - Auditorium

P14 PlenariaFate largo! Il protagonismo dei giovani imprenditori sociali

Introduction by Giuseppe Guzzetti, Fondazione Cariplo, Italy

Prof. Muhammad Yunus and young social entrepreneurs from around the world: Guy Ryan, New Zeland; Lorna Rutto, EcoPost, Kenya; Rustam Sengupta, Boond, India; Fiza Farhan, Busk Foundation, Pakistan; Fabio De Pascale, TanzaniaModerator: Jim Schorr, Social Enterprise Alliance, USA

16,30 - 16,50

I - E - M

@ IULM 6 - Auditorium

Handover ceremonyClosing remarks

@ IULM 6 - Auditorium

Passaggio di consegneConclusioni e ringraziamenti

Elena Casolari, CEO Fondazione ACRA-CCS, Italy

19,00 - after dinner

@ Corso Buenos Aires, corner with Via Panfilo CastaldiRed Tube - M1: Porta Venezia Station

Intercultural Walk in Porta Venezia - OptionalPasseggiata interculturale in Porta Venezia - Facoltativo(e-mail to: [email protected])

18,15 - 20,10 @ Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Corso Magenta 63

Side Event Convergence profit - non profit to achieve sustainable valueConversation with Prof. Muhammad Yunus

(By invitation only)

Page 19: Sraegi arner i e r f...11,00 - 12,15 @ La Scala Theatre Dress Rehearsals of Othello by Gioachino Rossini @ Teatro Alla Scala Prove ufficiali di Otello di Gioachino Rossini 13,15 -


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