Sri Jagannath Rathayatra Festival 2012 in Karangasem, Bali, Indonesia. As the morning sun rose in the east, the birds chirping and the trees touched by the cool breeze, sung in joy welcoming the great festival of the Lord of the Universe, Lord Jagannatha’s Rathayatra festival in Bali. This annual merciful festival was held in the eastern part of Bali, Amlapura, the capital city of Karangasem Regency to glorify Lord Jagannath, Balarama, and Subhadra. The royal descendents of the King of Karangasem honoured Their Lordships by giving their palace to be the venue of the festival. They also very happily accepted the festival. The Local government also gave permission and opened handedly welcomed the event. Before the Ratha Yatra festival, some events came along with it such as seminar, cidha-dahi festivals, and free medicial camp. There was a seminar on Vedanta and Science, on June 2, 2012 delivered by His Holiness Subhaga Swami Maharaj. The Cidha-Dahi festival was held at Candi Dasa attended by devotees from all over Bali. A free medical camp was organized by the devotee doctors in the village area around the venue of the Ratha Yatra festival. The day before the festival, devotees very enthusiastically prepared the place of venue. They arranged for a nice altar, decorated the stage and the chariots. They also prepared for the book display and food distribution court working hard until late night with so much vigor and devotion under the direction of the chairman of the festival committee, his grace Dvijottama Prabhu.

Sri Jagannath Rathayatra Festival 2012 in Karangasem, Bali

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Sri Jagannath Rathayatra Festival 2012 in Karangasem, Bali, Indonesia.

As the morning sun rose in the east, the birds chirping and the trees touched by the cool breeze, sung in joy welcoming the great festival of the Lord of the Universe, Lord Jagannathas Rathayatra festival in Bali. This annual merciful festival was held in the eastern part of Bali, Amlapura, the capital city of Karangasem Regency to glorify Lord Jagannath, Balarama, and Subhadra. The royal descendents of the King of Karangasem honoured Their Lordships by giving their palace to be the venue of the festival. They also very happily accepted the festival. The Local government also gave permission and opened handedly welcomed the event. Before the Ratha Yatra festival, some events came along with it such as seminar, cidhadahi festivals, and free medicial camp. There was a seminar on Vedanta and Science, on June 2, 2012 delivered by His Holiness Subhaga Swami Maharaj. The Cidha-Dahi festival was held at Candi Dasa attended by devotees from all over Bali. A free medical camp was organized by the devotee doctors in the village area around the venue of the Ratha Yatra festival. The day before the festival, devotees very enthusiastically prepared the place of venue. They arranged for a nice altar, decorated the stage and the chariots. They also prepared for the book display and food distribution court working hard until late night with so much vigor and devotion under the direction of the chairman of the festival committee, his grace Dvijottama Prabhu. On the day of the Ratha-yatra, the festival was inaugurated with a Balinese traditional ceremony accompanied by prayers, dances, opening speech by members of the Hindu parishad, and sounding of the auspicious Gong. Among the important personalities at the event were the Honorable guest, the chairman of Karangasem Parliament, representatives of the Religion department, the local Administrator, the descendant of the Royal family of Karangasem, the chairman of Priest Council of Bali and above all, the festival was complete from all directions due to the auspicious presence of His Holiness Subhaga Swami Maharaj, one of the Spiritual authorities of ISKCON. The representatives of the local government and the Religion department expressed their appreciation for the event and they were happy to have such a wonderful and grand festival was being held in their area. His Holiness Subhaga Swami Maharaj gave a short speech about the background of the Ratha yatra festival. Maharaj told a story about Krsna visiting Kuruksetra to take bath at Brahma kunda during the solar eclipse. There Krishna met with the damsels of Vrindavan, including Srimati Radharani and other gopis, Nanda baba and mother Yasoda who were really missed Krishna. At that time Srimati Radharani didnt like Krishna who was in the royal attire. Then Srimati Radharani and the gopis decided to pull Krishnas chariot to Vrindavan. This marked the beginning of Ratha Yatra.

Maharaja requested the Hindu parisad and the government to organize more festivals in glorification Lord Krishna, such as Sri Krishna Janmastami and others. All participants who were present at that time listened attentively and showed their agreement with what Maharaj proposed. Before the Lords sat on the chariot, they were presented a Rejang Dewa dance performed by the little girls from Sri Sri Radha Kunjavihari and Sri Sri Radha Madava temple. Then the Lords were brought to the chariot by the Pujaris. Lord Balaramas chariot was pulled first followed by Subadras devi chariot and then came the chariot of Lord Jagannatha. His Holiness Subhaga Swami Maharaj joined among the devotees to pull Lord Jagannaths Chariot. The parade started on the Royal road of Amlapura, Karangasem. The chariot went through the area mainly inhabited by Muslims. Many people there were enthusiastic to see the parade. They were also very happy to receive the Lords maha prasadam. Some even asked more prasadam for their family. Besides the book stall, devotees also did book distribution during the parade. They went around to distribute books even to common people who were staying afar from the Lord and many of them bought books happily. All devotees did seva in the festival, some dancing, singing, food distribution and many others. Even the boys and the girls never wanted to miss the seva. They distributed the brochure of the Hare Krishna mahamantra and Jagannnath ratha yatra. They really enjoyed the service to the Lord. When the Lords arrived at the finish point, the devotee offered arati. After arati, the Lord was presented drama about Lord Jagannath lila and dances and other cultural shows which went on late in the night. All devotees were happy to have this festival. On this occasion His Holiness Subhaga Swami Maharaj launched three new books in Bahasa(Indonesian language). The books are The Spiritual master and disciple, Brahmacari in Krishna consciousness, and God is Person. Assisted by some devotees, many books was distributed at that time. Maharaj also personally signed the three books in particular, thus encouraging the devotees to distribute more at the same time inspiring others to keep a specimen of Maharajas signature on this special occasion. Maharaj exemplified his own words- Srila Prabhupada will be pleased if we do sankirtan and distribute books. This festival was reported by Bali TV, the local Bali television station and the newspaper, Bali Post. Jay Jagannatha, Baladeva, Subadra Maharani ki jay Hare Krishna.

Hari Narayana das