Srimad Bhagavatam Canto1 English Verses All Ch 1 to 19

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Srimad BhagavatamFirst Time In The worldIn EnglishVersesV.I.G.MenonCanto1Creation

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Srimad Bhagavatam Canto1

Srimad Bhagavatam

First Time In The world

In EnglishVerses


Srimad Bhagavatam

First Time In The worldIn EnglishVerses

V.I.G.MenonCanto1Chapter 1 Srimad Bhagavatam Canto1.Chapter1

SB 1.1.1

Obeisances to Lord Krishna the Godhead.Questions by the Sages

Cause of manifest Universe, conscious directly and otherwise ,the independent One,Who imparted the Vedas in the heart of primordial Brahm, deities see illusion,as water in fire, land on water, the Universe appear ,by the tri-qualitative facultyas factual, Which, by negation, is the Truth, itself in transcendence, I meditate TheeSB 1.1.2Rejecting covetous-religiosities, this Bhgavata Pura propounds the truth unbound understandable by pure devotees, as fact, of welfare and removal of miseries three fold. What need is of any other scripture anywhere anytime for anyone as, a divine, beautifulBhgavatam, compiled by the great sage Vysadeva, , itself suffices for God realization ?Herein, pious men at once becomes composed within their hearts by such culturing soonSB 1.1.3O expert and thoughtful men, relish the ripe fruit of the desire tree of Vedas

rmad-Bhgavatam which is even more tasteful, from r uka rishi s lips,although its juice nectarine,was relishable for all, including liberated souls.SB 1.1.4Once, in the holy forest of Naimiraya, great sagesassembled to perform a great thousand-year sacrifice

led by aunaka for pleasing the Lord and His devotees.SB 1.1.5

One day morning, by burning a sacrificial fire,the sagesafter seating Sri Suta , paying him all the great respects

made humble inquiries, about the following matters.

SB 1.1.6

The sages said:You are undoubtedly free from vices,

well read in all the scriptures , the Puras ,

the ethical sciences, as well the histories

and have also explained those many times.

SB 1.1.7Most excellent Vedic scholar on the divine works

of Vysadeva, you too know other learnt sageswith knowledge of physical and metaphysical typesSB 1.1.8Conversant with all the vedic truths by thy pleasant nature ,you can tell us

these secrets that you are in fact blessed with from the spiritual masters .

SB 1.1.9

Please therefore, blessed with logevity, do explain to us, as easy as possible,what you have ascertained to be the absolute and ultimate good for all people .SB 1.1.10In This age of Kali, people mostly are of short livesQuarrelsome, lazy,deluded, unlucky , above all, vexatious.SB 1.1.11

There are many scriptures of several divisions ,prescribing many tediums

all minutely to be learnt;O sage, please select the essence of all these

and explain it for the good of all beings, that may pacify their souls.SB 1.1.12

Hail Thee! O Sta Gosvm. You know why the Lord ,the Protector

Of devotees,appeared in the womb of Devak as the son of Vasudeva.

SB 1.1.13To us , yearning for Lords glories, O Sta ,please render us the traditionalteachings by masters on that incarnation for welfare and upliftment of all .SB 1.1.14

Beings enmeshed in the chain of gruesome rebirths can be soon freed

by even unconsciously chanting that name , feared by fear personified.

SB 1.1.15

O Sta, the great sages who have taken shelter of the lotus feetof the Lord can sanctify those who come to them, so swiftwhereas the waters of the Ganges, only after prolonged use.

SB 1.1.16


Who ,yearning deliverance in the age of Quarrel,does notdesire to hear the hymns on the virtuous glories of the Lord ?

SB 1.1.17

His magnanimous divine pastimes are sung by great souls;expound to us,eager with respect, his acts over incarnations.

SB 1.1.18Therefore O sagacious one,please describe the auspicious stories

of Lord Krishna Performed as adventures by Him as His pastimes

SB 1.1.19

We shall not be at peace till relishing the Glorified adventures of GodheadIn hymns ,which on continuous hearing is delectabe as lifes potent seedSB 1.1.20

What all superhuman acts did Lord play alongWith Balarama his brother as human being !SB 1.1.21

Knowing that Kali age has arrived,we are here as the devotees of Vishnu

For the Long Sacrificial ritual of patiently hearing the Glories of Krishna.

SB 1.1.22Meeting Your Goodness by providence we acceptyou as captain of the ship to cross the turbulentocean of decadent Kali age, to the sincere ,difficultSB 1.1.23Please tell us , since the Ascent of Truth Absolute

Krishna, Lord of Yogic powers, to His abode,

to whom has the protection of religion now gone .

------------------------------------------------Chapter 2

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto1.Chapter1

Obeisances to Lord Krishna the Godhead

Divinity and Divine ServiceSB 1.2.1

Sta Ugrarav, son of Romaharaa, fully satisfied

by the perfect questions of the brhmins, thanked

them profusely and a reply attempted ,composed

SB 1.2.2

r Sta said: My obeisances unto Sage Suka on whose samnyasa ,renouncing

Sectarian duties abruptly ,his father, Sage Vysadeva, in desperation ,started crying,

O my son! and, all trees and beings , empathized in response to father so grieving.

SB 1.2.3My obeisances to Sage Suka ,son of Vyasa, who, as the spiritual beacon

out of all round experience of the vedic essence ,beaming compassion

for those struggling to overcome the darkest of material life, expounded

this most discreet essence of Vedic wisdom , well in eternal Truth, foundedSB 1.2.4

One should pay obeisances to Lord Narayana ere start, thereafter

unto Nara-nryana rishi, the supreme human being, unto mother

Sarasvat, the goddess of learning, and r Vedavyasa, the author.

SB 1.2.5

O sages questions by all of you are relevant because such worthy queries in full

relate to Lord Krishna and the welfare of the world and these please the soul


SB 1.2.6

That sublime duty certainly for mankind is that by which mankind

do desireless uninterrupted devotional services unto the Lord

by which the devotees self becomes at once completely satisfied.;

SB 1.2.7

One immediately acquires through devotional service unto Lord

r Krishna, spiritual knowledge and detachment from the world.

SB 1.2.8The duties a man performs as per his social position are vain

if for Lords glories they do not provoke attraction, in main

SB 1.2.9

All professions are only for liberation, never for material gains.

Nor ,as per seers, their material gains be used for carnal desires.

SB 1.2.10


Never the desires be for sense gratification, profit or existence

But for inquiry into Truth, nothing else be aimed by ones works

SB 1.2.11

Seers say essence of knowledge, non-dual

Is called Brahman,Paramatma or Bhagavan

SB 1.2.12

Sage with dedication knowledge and detachment ingrained

Sees the self and the superself worshipfully in Vedas heard

SB 1.2.13

So for human being, hear me O the twice-born holy Brahmin,

Best of ones profession in any class is in Pleasing Lord Krishna

SB 1.2.14

So, Singleminded,the devotees of the Lord,the Saviour

Should hear,chant,worship and meditate Him daily on

SB 1.2.15

Equipped with this message as the sword, intelligent men cut the knot of actions

selfish, thinking of the Lord, and so who will not pay attention to his stories ?.SB 1.2.16

O reborn sages! serving those devotees who are cleansed from all vice

by listening with deep faith the message,of Krishna,is great serviceSB 1.2.17

Those given to hearing and singing glories of Krishna will in their hearts

Certainly see the desire to enjoy purified by the friend of the virtuous.SB 1.2.18

Eliminating all that is inauspicious by regular listening of glories of the Lord

and serving him in devotion by perfect hymns ,firm faith in Him is established

SB 1.2.19

Then from ,passion, delusion,lust , greed and other moods

The mind stay untouched as pure pleased and thus, good

SB 1.2.20

With mind thus elevated in worshipful union with Lord

by knowledge of the absolute, unassociated and liberated

:SB 1.2.21

Piercing the knots of the heart,cutting asunder all doubts

On seeing the Lord,it weakens ones covetous actions

SB 1.2.22.

Therefore self of all devotees supremely delighting

Ever in worship of Krishna are made enlivened by it.


SB 1.2.23Purity,passion and perversion are the nature associated with the Absolute who accepts

the three qualitative forms of Brahma,Vishnu and Shiva regarding creation, maintenance and destruction,of which Vishnu ,the purity form ,can give ultimate benefit to humans

SB 1.2.24

Smoke to firewood, is better, as latter to earth,all bettered by fire of Vedic function

Same way, passion betters perversion, as purity betters passion for Self Realisation

SB 1.2.25

Previously all the great sages rendered services to the Lord as excellence

and purity for the benefit at the end of the eon in this plane of existence

SB 1.2.26


Non envious liberation seekers reject demigods horrible

in forms , and worship only Lord Narayana the blissful


SB 1.2.27

Those of Passion and perversion worship deities of such nature as forefathers

or beings that control cosmic forces seeking to enrich material endowments

SB 1.2.28-29

Kishna the ultimate vedic goal, Krishna by worshipful sacrifices

Krishna for the final union and Krishna the most fruitive activities

Krishna is the ultimate wisdom,Krishna the supreme austerities

Krishna the ultimate religion Krishna the ultimate goal of all lives

SB 1.2.30

That alone was manifest first by the Absolute from his Self Evolutions

Creating forms of cause and effect through his material and other modesSB 1.2.31

Expanding them by these qualities he enters into any mode

of these appearences as immanent cause,fully enlightened

SB 1.2.32


Exactly as subtle fire engulfs a log of wood , the source of manifestation

of all entities,The Cosmic Lord illuminates the living beings in like fashion

SB 1.2.33

That Lord of Qualities ,by nature created subtle senses of beings

And Entering his creation, causes joy in them by the three modes

SB 1.2.34

By his mode of purityhe maintains all these and as master of all the universe

Of gods,demigods,men and animals, he indulges in reclaiming the pure of these


-------------------------------Srimad Bhagavatam

First Time In The world

In EnglishVerses


Chapter 3

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto1.Chapter1

Obeisances to Lord Krishna the Godhead

Krishna is the Source of All IncarnationsSB 1.3.1

Suta said,

The plenary potency of the Lord evolved into ingredients of the universe

Aboriginal, in sixteen principles, with the intention of creation of the worlds

SB 1.3.2


From that Primordial person under yogic sleep in the causal waters of the Universe

Rose the subtle lotus flower with Lord Brahma at its apex as the Creator of beings

SB 1.3.3

Organs of the Lord thus became the various subtle worlds

of manifest existence with purity and excellence in forms

SB 1.3.4

Devotees see,the Perfect One , with thousands of legs thighs, faces noses and ears

amazingly glowing with thousands of garlands, earrings ,and divine adornments

SB 1.3.5


This form is the source and eternal seed of multifarious incarnations

Off an aliquot of this, deities, men and others, are born by causation

SB 1.3.6

First, as deities in the form of infant sages as His incarnation

Who performed severe unbroken celibacy to realize Brahman

SB 1.3.7

In Second incarnation for the welfare of earth gone to nether worlds,

He lifted it as a boar there from and re established its prominence

SB 1.3.8

As third, in the millennium of the sages, Lord took aspirated incarnation as Nrada,

Inspiring devotional service that enjoins selfless action, as a sage expounding Vedas

SB 1.3.9

In fourth He was born to the wife of King Dhamma as Nara and Nryaa, the twin sons

when He undertook severe and exemplary penances to demonstrate control of the senses.

SB 1.3.10Fifth as Kapila, first among the perfect ,he taught metaphysics

to Asuri brahmana ,and lessons on the entire creative elements

SB 1.3.11

Sixth as the offspring to and ,as prayed for by, Anasuya

Giving the message of liberation to Prahlada and AlarkaThen in seventh as Ruchi and Akutis son born in their sacrifice and he ruled

in Svyambhumanus Transition,by demigods such as His son Yma ,helped

SB 1.3.13

In eighth as King Rihabha, son of King Nbhi and Merudev,,his wife

Showing the path of perfection, to those honored by all orders of life

SB 1.3.14

O brhmins, in the ninth , Lord, prayed for by sages, born as king Pthu,

cultivated land ,and made it beautiful and attractive, lording over Earth

SB 1.3.15

Incarnating as a fish in the post-Caksusamanu period as world was inundated

Lord kept Vaivasvata Manu,father of Humanity ,in a boat, always protected

SB 1.3.16

In the eleventh with his shell as pivot for Mahendra Hill, Lord took the form of a tortoise

Supporting the churning of the ocean by the deities and their enemies of the universe.

SB 1.3.17


In the twelfth as Dhanvantari, and in the thirteenth as an enchantress

He allured the asuras and gave the nectar divine to the demigods .

SB 1.3.18

In the fourteenth as Narasimha ,he gnarled the brawny vein

of the anti-god with His nails, just as carpenter pierces cane.

SB 1.3.19

In the fifteenth, as a dwarf brhmin, he visited Balis sacrificial arena

And pleaded for three steps of land ,aiming to take the three worlds areaSB 1.3.20

In the sixteenth ,as an angry brahmin he annihilated the feudal class

chieftains twenty-one times, for their disrespect for the priestly class

SB 1.3.21

Then in the seventeenth,as the son of Satyavat through Rishi Parara,veads

He partitioned into three branches for the less intelligent of the future ages

SB 1.3.22

In eighteenth He appeared to the pleasure of Demigods as Lord Rama

And exhibited his divinity by punishing the seas and killing Ravana

SB 1.3.23

In the nineteenth and twentieth the Lord advented Himself as Lord Balarma and Lord Ka in the family of Vi and by so doing He removed the burden of the world.

SB 1.3.24

Then in the age of Kali,He will appear as Lord Buddha, son of Ajan, in the province

of Gay, just for the purpose of deluding those who are envious of the faithful devotees.

SB 1.3.25

In the transition of Kali yuga, Lord will take birth as the Kalki , thereafter,as

the son of Viu Ya,when all rulers of the earth will have become plunderersSB 1.3.26

O brhmins, the incarnations of the Lord are numerous,

As waters of rivulets flowing from inexhaustible sources .

SB 1.3.27

The, rishis ,Manus, demigods and sons of Manu, very powerful, are plenary portions

or subordinate portions of the plenary portions of the Lord ,including the Prajpatis.

SB 1.3.28

Except Lord Krishna ,the original, all the above are plenary or sub portions

Of the original Godhead,and,all these happen to protect people from distress

SB 1.3.29

Whoever carefully recites the mysterious advents of the Lord, gets relief

if done in devotion in the morning and in the evening, from miseries of life

SB 1.3.30

All these forms from the formless Lord is nonexistent and created

By the illusory powers within His Self to keep beings enlightened

SB 1.3.31

As less insightful say that the sky is cloudy and the air is dusty ,though air

causes the same, they attribute material origin to the absolute as his nature

SB 1.3.32

Beyond,this is the unseen, unheard and unmanifest,eternal being

beyond subtlety,without which he could not have births repeating

SB 1.3.33

Whenever the self sees that the coarse and subtle forms of nature , irresolute

Born of ignorance ,have null effects on itself,that is Vision of the Absolute

SB 1.3.34

When the illusory energy subsides and self is enriched by ways

Of enlightenment,then in the glory of self-realisation he stays

SB 1.3.35

He whose births and actions as the unborn are sung as hidden

By the wise sages of the Vedas, is the Lord of the heart,unknown

SB 1.3.36

Dwelling in every being He, whose play is spotless, is independent and unaffected by creation, destruction and maintenance ,enriched by His potent endowments, beyond senses in motion.

SB 1.3.37

The ignorant cannot know the Universal Being through understanding

Nor can they express it, neither in their speculations or by wordings

SB 1.3.38

Only the unreserved, uninterrupted, worshipper of Lord Krishnan,

chariot wheel in hand, can know fully His Lotus feets attraction

SB 1.3.39

This is the only way one can know Krishna,the Absolute Lord of the Universe,

Through soul-full Self-surrender one can avoid the repetition of birth cycles

SB 1.3.40

This rmad-Bhgavatam is virtual presence of Lord, Veda Vyasa its compiler, great, for the ultimate good of all people, and it is all fulfilling, all-blissful and allround-perfect.

SB 1.3.41

Vedavyasa gifted it to his son, the most respected among the realized selves

after extracting the cream of all Vedic literatures and histories of the universe.

SB 1.3.42

Sage ,uka ,the son of Vedavyasa gave discourse on Bhgavatam the everlasting,

To Emperor Parkit, with other sages by the Ganges, awaiting death ,and fasting

SB 1.3.43

This Bhgavatam is a brilliant sun, risen after the departure of Krishna to His own abode,

with religion , knowledge, and epiclight to the spiritually blind owing to the times tide

SB 1.3.44

O brhmins, when the pre eminent uka recited it by his mercy, I learned in attention Now I shall try expound the same as I gleaned it from him and as per my realisation.

---------------------------------------Srimad Bhagavatam

First Time In The worldIn EnglishVerses


Chapter 4

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto1.Chapter4Obeisances to Lord Krishna the Godhead !

The Appearance of Sri NaradaSB 1.4.1Vyasa said

On Sta speaking thus, Sage Saunaka, the elderly head of the clans

in that long ritual , congratulated Sta by addressing him as follows.

SB 1.4.2

aunaka said:O the most fortunate , Please relate ,O Sta

rmad-Bhgavatam, spoken by the enlightened sage uka

SB 1.4.3

In what period and where was this first initiated, why and by which culture

Was sage Krishna-dvaipyana Vysa, inspired to compile this great literature?

SB 1.4.4

His son a great sage,an equipoised monist,with one-pointed mind

in surmounting nescience , but an anchorite, he appeared ignorant .SB 1.4.5

On following son Suka once,Vedavysa found bathing beauties cover themselves

But same women hadnt done so before his son,on which, answered the damsels,

That on seeing his utmost pure son,they didnt have, but for his sire, reservations,

As seeing the sire made them feel reserved,even though he was in proper dresses

SB 1.4.6

Tell us how citizens viewed Suka in the city of Hastinpura as he entered it from Kuru and Jgala, provinces as one who is mad, dumb n retarded ?SB 1.4.7

Tell how the Royal , Pandava Scion met this great sage,

making it to be sung to him , great discourse of ages ?

SB 1.4.8

He, as a pilgrim sanctifying the places he visits, stayed at the door of the houses only for as long as it takes to milk a cow thereSB 1.4.9

Please tell us about, the son of Abhimanyu, King Parkshit an ardent devotee, whose birth and activities were perfectSB 1.4.10

Why that Emperor,possessing all opulences and the inherited Land

So mighty, sat on the banks of ganges,fasting unto, death, foretold ?

SB 1.4.11

Oh why did he, at his prime youth relinquish the royal riches and life ? When for self-sake, did enemies surrender their wealth at his feet, rife

SB 1.4.12

Men ,of devotion to Lord of the Verses, live for the welfares of all entities n not for any selfish purpose or worldly cares What prompted Parikshit to give up his mortal body, freed, from all attachments,that was the shelter for others, in need?SB 1.4.13

Please explain all these queries herein to us , for we consider You master Of meanings of the vedic wisdom and verses, widerSB 1.4.14

Sta ,when the second aeon overlapped the third, the great sage Vysa

was born to Parara in the womb of Satyavat, the daughter of Vasu.

SB 1.4.15

Once , as the sun rose, Vyasa took his morning ablution

On the banks of the Sarasvat and sat alone for meditation

SB 1.4.16

That son of Sage Parasara saw anomalies in the ethics of the aeons

Accrued over ages on earth in different ages, due to forces unseen .

SB 1.4.17 &18

That great seer who foresaw that the actions vainly tainted

due to material, intentional and vitality decays, of the trepid,

unlucky faithless sanguinaries of shortened lives, contemplated

on the bliss of men of all classes n orders ,in knowledge soaked

SB 1.4.19


He who saw the potency for purgation of duties by vedic rituals, partitioned

The unitary veda into four segments for propagation among men ,confused

SB 1.4.20

He thus made four divisions ,Rik,Yajur,Sama,Atharva n then itihasa and puranas

As histories witnessed ,authentic and told ,separately called the fifth among vedas.

SB 1.4.21


After this task,Sage Paila was made the proponent of Rig veda,Jaimini for Sama

While Vaisyampayana the well versed became the propagator for Yajur veda.

SB 1.4.22

The devout Sumantu Muni alias Agir, , was entrusted with the Atharva Veda And Puras and histories were entrusted with Romaharshana , father of me,Suta

SB 1.4.23

These scholarly sages, in their turn, bestowed Vedas unto their many disciples, granddisciples and great-granddisciples , and thus came, the respective branches.SB 1.4.24

Thus the great sage Vysadeva, who is very kind to the ignorant edited the Vedas for easy assimilation by those to be enlightened

SB 1.4.25

Out of compassion, the great sage ,thinking for those not entitled for vedas Women,labour and friends of the Priestly class,for excellence even in duties Of the unmindful, compiled the historical narration in Mahabharatha verses

SB 1.4.26O Brahmins, still after these compilations his mind was not at peace though engaged in working for the total welfare of the people always

SB 1.4.27Thus not exceedingly pleased,and knowing the essence of spirituality sage sat on the banks of Saraswati and told himself, meditatively

SB 1.4.28 -29

Under severe vows I have worshiped the Vedas, the spiritual masters atthe altar of sacrifice,abiding the injunctions,demonstrating always the succession of disciples through Mahabharatha, by which even women, downtrodden, and friends of priestly class can see the path of religion

SB 1.4.30

I am feeling incomplete, though I myself am fully equipped with everything required by Vedas,yet with something untold

SB 1.4.31

For, I did not set the devotional rituals ,for my Lord,

dear both to perfect beings and to the Absolute God.

SB 1.4.32Thus as, I,Suta, discussed earlier, Nrada reached the cottage of Vys on the banks of Sarasvat , as the sage was sinking in remorse fullness.

SB 1.4.33

Soon ,on seeing Narada ,Vayasa sprang respecting the elder Offering veneration, due only to Lord Brahma The Creator


Srimad Bhagavatam

First Time In The worldIn EnglishVerses


Chapter 5

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto1.Chapter5Obeisances to Lord Krishna the Godhead

Narada's Instructions on Srimad Bhgavatam for Veda VyasaSB 1.5.01

Sta said, Thus the sage amongst the gods Nrada, seated comfortably

addressed Vedavyasa ,rishi amongst the brhmaas smiling, apparentlySB 1.5.02

Nrada inquired Vyasa, are you indulging in the body

or the mind, as means of ones self-realization, broadly ?SB 1.5.03

Your inquiries and your studies fulfilled, you have the wonderful work completed

As Mahbhrata, which is full of all kinds of Vedic sequences elaborately explained.

SB 1.5.04

You have realized the eternal Absolute by deep inquiry,so, why pine

in unfulfillment and despondency ,my dear , with so deep sighs ?

SB 1.5.05

Vysa said; certainly true of me ,all this uttered by you and so,mind under strain

the root cause, unknown yet in my deep consciousness,request, you to explain.SB 1.5.06

My lord! Everything mysterious is known to you, the devotee of the Absolute ,

Unattached maintainer, Lord of the material and the spiritual world ,ultimate

SB 1.5.07

Like Sun, You travel across three worlds, as air you into everyones internals

like the Absolute,hence find my deficiency, despite my following rituals and vows

SB 1.5.08

r Nrada said: You have not propagated the glories of the Lord,stainless

I think a philosophy not satisfying the subtle senses of the Lord is worthless.

SB 1.5.09

Saintly sage, you have broadly described the religiosities in your works

But of the Supreme Personality, Lord Krishna, you did none of the glories !

SB 1.5.10

Those compositions not on the glories of the Lord, who sanctifies the universe,

are like a pilgrimage-place of crows ,to the saints who finds no pleasure in these .

SB 1.5.11

That composition of stanzas, though irregular, depicting the glories and names

numerous of the Lord ,miraculously expunges its listeners, singers and partakers

SB 1.5.12

Even as detached actions,devoid of worshipfulness to Lord does not augur well

where is the scope for transient, fruitive actions not meant as His devotionals ?

SB 1.5.13

Stainless seer of spotless fame, truthfulness and firm vows , O Vysa, Lordly sage

can brood on the plays of the Lord liberating people off their material bondage

SB 1.5.14

All those descriptions which do not point to Lords Vision simply reacts to names

And forms ,To agitate the mind as the wind agitates a boat without stay wires

SB 1.5.15

It is verily condemned to propagate ,as religion,unreasonable instructions

Catering to basic instincts of men, accepting it in toto,despite prohibitions

SB 1.5.16

Only the wise, retired from sensualities, deserves to know spiritual values.

Therefore you should lead,others,of attachments, by Lords life and timesSB 1.5.17

Even if one falls in the worship of Krishnas Lotus feet,forsaking ones worldly duties

He is secure,but a non devotee, though fully engaged in occupational duties, really falls

SB 1.5.18

Enlightened should aim that which is not gained even by transiting from highest

To lowest ethereal spheres,not one of miseries in time due to dualities fraught

SB 1.5.19


Never a devotee of Krishna undergo material existence like others, since, mellowed

by relish of Lords lotus feet they just remember the ecstasy repeatedly, unexplainedSB 1.5.20

Lord is the cosmos, its origin n dissolution ,yet aloof, from it

I have just given only a synopsis, Your good self knows all it

SB 1.5.21

You have the perfect vision, and know Him as the plenary portion of the Lord.

Hence, describe the birth of the eternal, Sri Krishna ,for the welfare of the world

SB 1.5.22

Wisemen, inferred that light from austerities, vedic rituals, sacrifice, praise

hymns and charity, glorifies Lord who is defined in choice poetry,so nice

SB 1.5.23

O Vyasa, Previous millennium, I,Narada ,was born to a maid servant to vedic Brahmins

And during the four months of the rainy season, I was engaged in their personal service.

SB 1.5.24

These impartial vedantists mercifully blessed me, a boy,

with no attachment for sports, reserved, but not naughty,

SB 1.5.25

On a blessed day, on taking their food remains,I was expunged from my sins,

With a purified mind, my very nature as a transcendentalist was born thence

SB 1.5.26

Then, by their blessings,I listened to their singing charms of Lord Krishna,

and,the taste for hearing more ,increased at every step ,by my attentiveness

SB 1.5.27

O Sage, as relish of the Absolute grew as the, desire to hear of the Lord, uninterrupted

For the Lord and I are transcendental, both the subtle and gross I ignorantly assumedSB 1.5.28

Thus in the rainy and autumn seasons, to these sages hymns on Hari I listened

,and by my devotional services, the veils of passion and ignorance totally vanished.SB 1.5.29

Attached to the sages and obedient,I was expunged of my sins and a boy

in deep faith, I overtook my senses and followed them by soul and body

SB 1.5.30Those vedantists as they left to Me bestowed

that esoteric knowledge divined by the Lord


SB 1.5.31

And I had that experience of Lord Krishna, the creator supreme

To whom one can return and merge at His feet eternally sublimeSB 1.5.32

It is advised by the seers that the panacea for the miseries triad Is to dedicate ones actions in the service of the Supreme LordSB 1.5.33


O pure one, does not a thing, applied therapeutically,

cure a disease caused by that very same thing ideally?

SB 1.5.34

Thus when all a mans activities are dedicated to the Lord,

These become the destroyer of the tree of work in the world

SB 1.5.35

Whatever is done in this life for the Lords daily delight

is bhakti-yoga,when knowledge comes as divine lightSB 1.5.36

According to the order of Sri Krishna, on performing onesduties

One constantly remembers Him, His names and divine qualities.

SB 1.5.37

O Lord we chant the names of Vsudeva

Pradyumna, Aniruddha and Sankarshana.

SB 1.5.38

Thus he is the actual seer who worships thro mantras

The Lord of no material form but sustains the universe

SB 1.5.39

O brahmin !Thus by following the Vedas I was enlightened

of the Lord and then in intimate service to Him as Godhead

SB 1.5.40

Please therefore, describe the almighty Lords life and times

Helped by your vast vedic wisdom ,to mitigate the miseries

Of masses and satisfy great learned men of their hankerings

As yet, no other way to get out of such ill-earned sufferings

-------------------------------Srimad Bhagavatam

First Time In The worldIn EnglishVerses


Chapter 6

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto1.Chapter 6Obeisances to Lord Krishna the Godhead

The Conversation Between Nrada and VysaSB:1:6:1

Suta said "Thus hearing from the great sage ,belonging to gods abode,

About his birth and exploits, sage Vysa, the son of Satyavat, thus asked :


'What did you, before your present life began, do after the great

Devotees who had you , the transcendental wisdom taught, left ?


How you spent life after such initiation and how

You , in the long run, attained to this body ,now?

SB:1:6:4From a birth previous how could you, oh great sage, remember all

These in any detail, when it appears that time duly annihilates all?'SB:1:6:5Sri Narada said: 'The great sages gifted the knowledge divine , precious

in my life previous, and after they had departed the following took place .

SB:1:6:6I was the only son of my mother , a maidservant and,and was deeply tied

by the emotional bond with her as no one else had me so well protected.

SB:1:6:7Yet, though she wanted and worked to take care of me properly,

she, being dependent like a puppet on a string, couldn't, so ably.

SB:1:6:8A five year old, I attended the school of the brahmins and lived, depending on her

Without knowing the time, the direction and country in which we were living ,ever

SB:1:6:9Once ,while going for milking the cow in the night,in her last,

Her life, being bitten in the leg by a snake on her way , she lost.


I took it as a blessing of the Lord who wishes the best so forth

for His devotees, and with that in mind I headed for the north.


I found flourishing big and small towns and villages with farms, mineral

forests n valleys with flower and vegetable gardens and fields agricultural


There were mountains full of gold, silver copper , elephants that pull

hard branches from the trees and delightful lakes and ponds full

of the lotus flowers aspired by the denizens of heaven and my heart

pleased fully with the birds and the number of bees hovering about.


I passed thickets of bamboo, sharp grass and weeds and through caves

which were difficult to pass alone, and I reached deep and dangerous

forests that were the playground of snakes, owls and crooked jackals.

SB:1:6:14Physically and mentally tired, hungry and thirsty, I bathed and to slake

Thirst and fatigue ,drank from the serene waters of a nearby cool, lake

SB:1:6:15There ,in that uninhabited forest I sat down under a banyan tree to meditate,

taking shelter of the Supersoul without letting my mind to wander n cogitate

SB:1:6:16Thus meditating on the lotus feet of the Lord, all my mind transfixed

when Lord appeared in my heart eager and in my eyes, tears welled

SB:1:6:17Overwhelmed by feelings of love and happiness all over my body, oh sage,

I was absorbed in ecstasy, not distinguishing Him from myself any longer.

SB:1:6:18Then suddenly not seeing the form of the Lord, removing concerns all,

I got up being perturbed like someone who has lost the most desirable.

SB:1:6:19Desiring to experience that again I meditated in my mind and I waited

And not seeing Him despite longing, I became depressed and frustrated .

SB:1:6:20Trying in that lonely place I heard the Lords pleasing word

of gravity being spoken to me that had my grief mitigated


'Listen, for the rest of your life you will not see Me , for the difficulty

Of being seen by one, immature with impurities, who is fully guilty


O blessed one, You are given a vision of Me, just to increase your desire for Me,

And you will be increasingly freed from all attachments by this hankering for Me


Even for a few days service to the Absolute, a devotee attains a steady intelligence

And one who gave up this deplorable world, will head to be among My associates.


The intelligence engaged this way in devotion can at no time be separated from Me because,

whether beings are in progress or regress, by My mercy theirs will be continued remembrance


Having spoken thus , that great and wonderful sound of the Lord stopped

and I, grateful , bowed my head in obeisance to His greatness and glorified.


Thus I began chanting the holy name and fame of the Lord by repeated

recitation, ignoring all the formalities of the material world,I traveled

all over the earth,and , became humble , unenvious and fully satisfied

SB:1:6:27Thus being absorbed in Krishna, oh Vysadeva, free from attachment to material world, in due course of time death came took me as natural as lightning with a thunder aboltSB:1:6:28Having been awarded a divine body worthy of a devotee of the Lord, I, saw my

acquired karma had ended, and quit the body composed of the elements five

SB:1:6:29At the end of the era the Lord, having laid Himself down in the subtle waters of dissolution, took me, with creator and all, in within the breath of my master .SB:1:6:30

After a four quarter million and five lakh solar years, when Brahm did

wake up and, by His will, all the rishis like Marichi, Atri were created

off the ethereal body of the Lord, along with all souls, I also re-appearedSB:1:6:31

I became free to travel within the three worlds and those realms beyond,

by the mercy of Lord Vishnu, and my devotion by his blessing unbound


This way I move around constantly singing the message of the Lord while

I strum the vn with which the Lord had me decorated as transcendental


As I chant, the Vision of the Lotus feet of the Lord, whose actions

one gladly hears, in the seat of my heart as if called for appears


I personally learnt that chanting Lords name is the boat by which a person of desires

For the objects of the senses and its cares and worries can cross the ocean of nescience.


Desire and lust being curbed every time by the discipline of yoga certainly

will not be as satisfying to soul as the devotional service to the Almighty.


I, upon your request, described to you ,the pure, all about my birth and activities,

so that the satisfaction of your life goal as well as of my soul is served in all details


Suta aid: "After thus having said thus, Nrada Muni took leave of the son

of Satyavat and, strumming his enchanting vn, left the place there on

SB:1:6:38Glory to Narada,the sage of the gods who takes pleasure in singing the glories

of Lord Narayana and thus, with his veena , enlivens the distressed universe."-------------------------------

Srimad Bhagavatam

First Time In The worldIn EnglishVerses


Chapter 7

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto1.Chapter5Obeisances to Lord Krishna the Godhead

The Son of Drona PunishedSB 1.7.1

"What was done , on departure of Nrada, by Rishi Ved Vyasa

as advised by the Divine sage ? ,so queried Sri Saunaka to Suta

SB 1.7.2Suta replied: " At S'amvaprasa on the western bank of the Sarasvat where sages

Meditate there is an ancient asrama for promotion of transcendental activities.

SB 1.7.3There at home Veda Vyasa sat down amidst the grove of berrytrees

to meditate his mind after he had performed his morning sacrifice.

SB 1.7.4Thus concentrating on the stainless devotional service, Rishi

Vyasa Saw Lord with full manifestations under His agency

SB 1.7.5Beings conditioned by the modes of nature take, despite their divinity

Take the illusions for granted and suffer the effects of ego and dignity.

SB 1.7.6The superfluous miseries of beings are mitigated by worshipful Union with

Lord ,so for unenlightened mass , Vyasa Compiled these verses vedic truth

SB 1.7.7Simple listening to these vedist hymns in service to Krishna the Absolute

Extinguish the fire of anxiety and fear by the True devotions that sprout

SB 1.7.8After compiling the divine tales of Lord Vishnus glorious incarnations

And mainly of Krishna,he taught,his son,Suka on this path of illumination

SB 1.7.9

Saunaka asked: Why did Suka, already on the path of enlightenment and self study

Contented within, leaving everything else, make any work of such an extensivity ?

SB 1.7.10Such are the Glorious qualities of Lord Krishna that even the one immersed in bliss

of ones soul and freed from all bondage desire to do pure devotional service of His.

SB 1.7.11The devotees loved the lordly son of Vysa because he, having absorbed

in the regular study of this great narration, was always devoted to the Lord.

SB 1.7.12.So let me tell you the story of life and deliverance of Parkchit the willing

the sage among kings, and how sons of pandu passed away renouncing

SB 1.7.13 &14

When, in the battle of Kurukshetra the warriors of the Pandavas and Kauravas

met their destiny and when Duryodhana ,the son of King Dhritarshthra was

lamenting his spine crushed by the club of Bhma, As'vatthama, the sons

of Droncrya , thought to please his master Duryodhana by beheading sons

of Draupad in sleep ,though his Master disapproved of this act so heinous.

SB 1.7.15The mother of the Pndavas children, was grieved in tears when she heard

On the massacre, then Arjuna ,of the Pndavas , told this to pacify her n said:

SB 1.7.16

Oh Mylady ! I shall wipe your tears by the trophy of this aggressors head

Cut by my bow Gandiva ,n cremating sons, you bathe standing on his head.

SB 1.7.17

Pleasing her with choice words, Arjuna, fully armed and equipped

to chase As'vatthama the son of his martial guru.chariot he boarded

SB 1.7.18

The fugitive Avatthm,,seeing Arjuna coming towards him with great speed,

fled stricken by panic , just to save his life, as Brahm in fear from iva fled.

SB 1.7.19

Helpless the moment his horses got tired, the brahmin selfish, As'vatthama

thinking of his self, resorted to the ultimate pranic weapon, the brahmstraSB 1.7.20

Life endangered, he touched water and concentrated to recite the mantras, even

Though he didn't know, once started, how to revoke this weapon of destruction

SB 1.7.21

Seeing the blinding light spreading in all directions and fearing the shine

So fierce, Arjuna turned to his charioteer the Lord Krishna Himself fine.

SB 1.7.22

'O, Krishna, Krishna, You are the Almighty who takes away the fears of the devotees, You alone are the path of liberation for those who suffer in their material existence.

SB 1.7.23

The Absolute controller of Nature and by your internal potency, the Primal One with the bliss and knowledge of Your own Self, wards off the material illusion

SB 1.7.24From the heart of living beings materially entangled, You bestow goodness, righteousness and such traits of dharma ,truth, purity, compassion and penanceSB 1.7.25Thus You incarnate in order to take the burden of evil, off the earth and anon To please Thy friends and pure devotees as the loved object of their meditation.

SB 1.7.26Oh Lord of Lords, I am yet to know where this ominous glow that is now spreading in all directions ,is proceeding to us now

SB 1.7.27Lord Krishna said: 'Take it as caused by the son of Drona who, facing death, launched the mantric weapon without its retraction,not knowingSB 1.7.28Nothing else can counter this weapon but another such,you ,in fact can counter this mighty weapon using your own dazzling, martial art

SB 1.7.29

Sta said: "Obeying the Supreme Lord , Arjuna, circumambulating Him, Sipped Holy water himself and took up the supreme weapon to counter the opposed.SB 1.7.30When the rays of the clashing brahmstras combined, a great,

Firy disc covered the space and the firmament of this planet.

SB 1.7.31When the inhabitants of the three worlds saw the heat of the weapons scorched them severely, they thought of it as the fire of annihilation at the end of world

SB 1.7.32. Realizing the disturbance it all created for the people of the world Arjuna had, on the direction of Vsudeva, both the weapons retractedSB 1.7.33Then Arjuna, angered with eyes red as copper, arrested the son of of Gautami and bound him skillfully with ropes that befits an animal lurching off wildly

SB 1.7.34When with force the enemy was bound and was taken To camp militarily Lord, gazing all with His lotus eyes, told Arjuna waiting to hear anxiously

SB 1.7.35'Never let this relative of the learned go, punish him, for he killed innocent boys in their sleep out of whim

SB 1.7.36The righteous one is afraid to kill an enemy who is careless, insane,of tender age ,slept, intoxicated, a woman ,foolish, a surrendered soul, or someone who has lost his chariot.SB 1.7.37

The shameless and cruel, thinking of living at the cost of others, for their good time deserves to be stopped in their tracks, as the perpetrator is brought down by crime.SB 1.7.38I overheard you making the promise to the daughter of the of Pcla King 'I will bring you the head of the one you consider the murderer of our off springs.'SB 1.7.39He,being just as the ashes of his family, an offending sinner ,who displeased the master is responsible for the assassination of your own sons and must be sentenced therefore.

SB 1.7.40

Sta said: " Arjuna, being put to a test concerning his duty, was encouraged in doing so by Krishna, didn't wish to kill his teachers son, the cruel murderer of his offspring.SB 1.7.41

When Arjuna, together with his dear friend and charioteer Govinda reached his own lamp, he entrusted the assassin to his dear wife who was lamenting over her lost sons.SB 1.7.42

Upon seeing the criminal silent from his heinous act and as an animal being brought tied in ropes, Draupad, by her compassion showed the son of the teacher due respect.SB 1.7.43She couldn't bear the sight of him brought ,tied in ropes, and said: 'Release him,for his sire , a learned Brahmin was our teacher indeed.SB 1.7.44By his Sires mercy you pandavas have received the knowledge privy, of the martial arts and the release and control of all kinds of archery.SB 1.7.45Guru Drona still exists in the form of his son, because his widow Krip with a son alive, did not her husband into death she followSB 1.7.46Therefore, oh most fortunate and righteous, by the goodness comely in you, cause no grief to that ever respectable and honorable family.SB 1.7.47Do not make his mother, Drona's widow, cry as Idid, constantly shedding tears in distress over a lost child.SB 1.7.48

SB 1.7.49

Sta said: "O learned ones, the King Yudhishtira heeded the words sans duplicity of the queen in accordance with righteousness and mercy, and glorious in equity.SB 1.7.50

And so did Nakula and Sahadeva ,the younger brothers of the king, and also Styaki ,Arjuna, the ladies and others in assembly and the Supreme Lord ,the son of Devak

SB 1.7.51

Thereupon Bhma said indignantly: By the fact that he without good reason, neither for himself nor for his master, has killed sleeping children, he deserves death hither.'SB 1.7.52The four-armed one ,Lord Krishna, who had heard the words spoken in rage and rile by Bhma and soft by Draupad ,saw, Arjunas visage, and said with a faint smile:SB 1.7.53'One should not kill the relative of a brahmin, even though one kills an aggressor I see both are prescribed to be carried out as rules in such case for the followers

SB 1.7.54You have to fulfill the promise you made when you pacified your wife and also act to the satisfaction of Bhma as well as Mine,with no strife.

SB 1.7.55

Sta said: "Immediately understanding what the Lord meant,Arjuna cut the jewel from the crown of the twice-born one along with his hair cute

SB 1.7.56Unleashing, As'vatthm, who lost his bodily luster because of the infanticide, And the jewel, was driven off the camp, also had found his strength deprivedSB 1.7.57Cutting the hair, confiscating the wealth and banishment are forms of physical punishment reserved for the brahmin, none any more are suggested as CorporealSB 1.7.58Thereafter the sons of Pndu together with Draupad, overtaken by grief performed the duties that were needed to be done by family members in respect of their deceased-------------------------------

Srimad Bhagavatam

First Time In The worldIn EnglishVerses


Chapter 8

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto1.Chapter 8Obeisances to Lord Krishna the Godhead

Parkchit Saved and Prayers by Queen Kunt.

SB 1.8.1Sta said: "They went, Draupad and ladies leading in front, to the Ganges,

with the wish to perform the oblations on behalf of their dead relatives.

SB 1.8.2

They took bath in the Ganges ,after each had done his oblations n mourned,

ceremoniously at the river , purified by the dust of the lotus feet of the Lord.

SB 1.8.3

There the king of the Kurus ,Yudhishthhira, with his younger brothers, Dhritarshthra and Ghndr sat in deep bereavement together with Kunt, Draupad and Lord Krishna.

SB 1.8.4

Citing the stringent laws of the Almighty and their reactions upon beings of the world

Lord Sri Ka and the munis began to pacify those who were shocked and affected.

SB 1.8.5

By cheating Yudhishthhira the eldest Pndava, who had no enemies, the unscrupulous Kauravas

cunningly seized the kingdom and shortened their lives by rudely touching hair of Draupadis

SB 1.8.6

By the proper performance of three horse sacrifices did Yudhishthhira's fame spread in all directions like the fame of Indra who performed that sacrifice, times a hundred .

SB 1.8.7

Worshiped by the wise and the learned, Lord, in response to Pandava

bidding farewell, invited them and Uddhava ,a close friend of Krishna.

SB 1.8.8

About to leave for Dvrak in his chariot, Krishna saw hurrying to Him in fear.

Uttara,Arjunas Daughterb in Law , expectant mother of Parkchit coming near

SB 1.8.9

She said: ' Oh Greatest of the Yogis, the Worshiped One and Lord of the Universe,

'Save me, apart from You I see no one fearless in this world of death and dualities.

SB 1.8.10

Oh all-powerful Lord, now a fiery arrow is coming towards me,

Oh Saviour !Protect my embryo, at the cost of letting it burn me !

SB 1.8.11

Sta said: Acquiescing, the Supreme Lord, caretaker of devotees, understood

It as another brahmstra from Aswathaman to root out Pndava descendants

SB 1.8.12

Oh Saunaka! Chief of the sages ! seeing the zooming brahmstra

did the five brothers took to arms to save the progeny of Pandavas

SB 1.8.13

Lord took up His Sudars'ana disc for the protection of His devotees,

Seeing that the pandavas had no other means in that time of distress

SB 1.8.14

Lord, dweller within all living beings, by his yogic powers,

to protect the Kuru clan progeny, did the embryo he cover

SB 1.8.15

Oh S'aunaka, as the brahmstra weapon can not be countered

it was, being confronted by the divinity of Vishnu, neutralized

SB 1.8.16

But do not think high of this alone , as divine godhead , Lord ,

with His powers ,creates, maintains and dissolves this world.

SB 1.8.17

Saved from the radiation of the weapon, Kunt the chaste

with her sons addressed Lord Krishna departing in haste

SB 1.8.18

Kunt said: 'My obeisances unto You, Purusha, the Original Controller

of the Cosmos ,unseen, beyond all existence both in and out as enjoyer

SB 1.8.19

Covered by the veil of ignorance, transcendent and , not discerned

by the foolish, You are the manipulator as an actor so well dressed

SB 1.8.20

You are united through devotional yoga for sages differentiating soul from matter,

Then how must we, the women, exercise our worshipful services at your divine altar

SB 1.8.21

My obeisances ! You the Protector of the cows and also the senses, the Supreme Lord,

the son of Vasudeva and Devak, of Nanda and Vrindvans men and clans of cowherd

SB 1.8.22

I worship thee of lotus navel, of lotus garlands, whose lotus eyes

are pleasing and whose footprints show the mark of lotus flowers.

SB 1.8.23You have released your mother Devak from the envious uncle, King Kamsas prison .

Oh Lord, and from always from many threats, You had saved me and all my children

SB 1.8.24Poison, gory arson, cannibals, humiliation in palace, exile in forest and wars repeat

against great many generals, you saved us always and too from Drona- sons angst.

SB 1.8.25I wish we had more of those calamities, oh Lord, so that we can meet You again

as it means that we no longer see the endless births and death repeating in vain

SB 1.8.26The swollen ones striving for good birth, opulence, education, n beauty will

never deserve You, who are easily approached by those destitute and ill

SB 1.8.27I bow to thee, the wealth of the poor, transcending the material mode,

N most sublime to the One self-contented ,and the master of beatitude.

SB 1.8.28I consider You the personification of Eternal Time, without beginning or end,

the Ominipresent, beaming mercy for all, despite their inner and outer dissent

SB 1.8.29Oh Lord, no one understands Your acts, that appear to be in conflict,

people think You are partial, but You have no one, to like or dislike

SB 1.8.30Oh Cosmic Soul ! You are unborn ,yet acting ,though inactive but actively, manifesting

As animal, the human being, the wise and the aquatics,You are veritably bewildering.

SB 1.8.31Puzzlingly , when gop Yasoda took up a rope to bind You for your mischiefs,

You cried in fear till the mascara came off ,though You are feared by fear itself.

SB 1.8.32Some say that , like sandalwood appearing in the Malaya Hills, are Thou

born for the pious kings or the pleasure of the lineage of dear King Yadu.

SB 1.8.33Others say that You descended from the unborn state only for the prayers

of Vasudeva and Devak, to liberate people from the evils of the unrighteous

SB 1.8.34Still others say that You, like a boat on the sea, came to take away the burden

of extreme worldly grief and were born from the prayers of Brahm Devan

SB 1.8.35Yet a few say that You appeared for reviving the bhakthi yoga as the devotional services

for thee by the materially conditioned souls so that they deserve mukthi as they progressSB 1.8.36Those who take pleasure in continuous hearing, chanting and remembering Thy activities, certainly very soon will see Your lotus feet, which put to an end to the recurrence of rebirths

SB 1.8.37Oh Lord, with all that You did for us, You, today going to the kings engaged in enmity, are afoot leaving us ,Your intimate friends living by Your mercy alone in dependence on Your lotus feet.

SB 1.8.38We, along with the Yadus and Pndavas, will be without the fame

N name, as body is without senses ,once the spirit is not in home

SB 1.8.39The land of our kingdom will no longer appear beautiful as

It does now, being dazzled by the marks of Your footprints.

SB 1.8.40All these cities and towns, flourished more and more by Your glances,

with their wealth of herbs, vegetables, forests, hills, rivers and seas.

SB 1.8.41Therefore, oh Lord ,Soul and Personality of this Universe, cut the ties

of deep affection I have for my kinsmen the Pndavas and the Vrishnis.

SB 1.8.42Make my attraction to You pure and continuous

overflowing, as Ganges coursing down to the seas.

SB 1.8.43Oh Krishna, Arjuna pal, chief of the Vrishnis and annihilator on earth of the rebellious ,

Thy Godliness relieved the distressed cows, the twice-born my respectful obeisances.' "

SB 1.8.44

Sta said: "Thus being worshiped in His universal glories with the choice words

by Queen Kunt, Lord gave a smile that was as captivating as His mystic powers.

SB 1.8.45Lord,thus accepting all, and paying respects to other ladies in the of Hastinpura palace,

leaving for His fort, was stopped on the way by Yudhishtira the eldest of the Pandavas.

SB 1.8.46The learned, the sages and Lord Krishna, could not convince the King in his distress

of the cause and effect of war, nor could he find any solace in the classical stories.

SB 1.8.47 Oh Sages !, King Yudhishtira, son of Dharma, brooding on the physical loss of his

friends, got, carried away indeed by the delusion of his affection when he said thus:

SB 1.8.48'Oh, just look at me who by the venom of his heart , immersed in the sin of this body,

which is meant to serve others, have killed ,phalanxes of warriors, in multitudes ,many.

SB 1.8.49I, having killed so many boys, twice-born ones, caretakers, friends, elders, brothers

and teachers, for sure will never ever be freed from hell, , not even for a million years.

SB 1.8.50It is no sin for a king to kill ,for the cause of his people, when he fights his enemy

but those acts, meant for the protection of the administration, do not apply to me.

SB 1.8.51All that enmity accrued in the mind of the widows of the friends I have slain

cannot be undone with my serving them for the sake of material progression

SB 1.8.52Just as one cannot filter mud through mud or, clear wine stains with wine, it is of no avail

to counteract one's sin of having killed with the purgatory sacrificing of many an animal.' "-------------------------------

Srimad Bhagavatam

First Time In The worldIn EnglishVerses


Chapter 9

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto1.Chapter 9Obeisances to Lord Krishna the Godhead

The Passing Away of Bhshmadeva in the Presence of Lord KrishnaSB 1.9.1

Sta said: "Yudhishthhira, concerned by the past bloodshed, for consolation

went to the battlefield where he saw dying Bhshma-acharya lying down.SB 1.9.2All the brothers followed him there, drawn by the best decorated horses

in golden ornaments, with Vysa, Dhaumya ,the priest, and other rishis.

SB 1.9.3The Supreme Lord followed him with Arjuna on the chariot, O learned sages ,

and thus appearing very aristocratic he was like Kubera with his companions.SB 1.9.4Upon seeing Bhshma lying on the ground like a demi-god fallen from sky,

Yudhishthhira with his brothers and Lord Krishna, bowed down well nigh.SB 1.9.5There the rishis of holiness amongst the learned, the godly and the kingswere present just to see Bhishma the chief of King Bharatas descendantsSB 1.9.6-7Parvata Muni, Nrada, Dhaumya, Lord Vysa, Brihadas'va, Bharadvja and Paras'urmawere present there with their disciples and , Vasishthha, Indrapramada, Trita, Gritsamada,and were present, enlightened sages Asita, Kakshvn, Gautama, Atri, Kaus'ika n Sudars'anaSB 1.9.8Oh learned ones, also many sages like S'ukadeva, the hand of God, and others

So pure as Kas'yapa and ngirasa arrived there accompanied by their disciples.SB 1.9.9Bhshmadeva, the best amongst the Vsu's, learnt in religiosities according to timeand circumstances, welcomed all the great and powerful ones he received sublime.SB 1.9.10

Knowing of Krishna's glories,he also in worship welcomed Him, the Lord of the Universewho, situated in the heart, manifests His Lotus form through His internal potency of forms .SB 1.9.11

Seeing the sons of Pndu sitting silently nearby, Bhshma, overtaken by feelings of hearty

Warmth about the gathering, greeted them all profusely, overwhelmed by tears of ecstasy.SB 1.9.12He said: 'What terrible sufferings and injustice meted out butnot deserved by you, remaining alive with that suffering under the protection of the learned, the pious and the One UnfailingSB 1.9.13After the death of the Great General Pndu, my daughter in law Kunti, with infants

suffered a great deal and that continued, n despite boys grown up, on their accounts.SB 1.9.14All this, I think, is the result of the workings of time, as also with you, however rulers

might be, the Lord as time rules us everywhere, like the wind carrying a line of clouds.SB 1.9.15And where there is Yudhishthhira, the son of of Dharma God, Bhma of mighty club,Arjuna carrying his Gndiva and our well-wisher Lord Krishna, time is a turning hubSB 1.9.16Of His plan no one knows, O King; even great ones engaged

in exhaustive tatvik inquiries for sure are forever bewildered.SB 1.9.17Therefore, I assure you, O best of the descendants of Bharata, that this was only moreof His providence, His desire,O ruler , just take care of the helpless subjects O master !SB 1.9.18Supreme Lord Krishna is none but the original primordial supreme enjoyer who dwells

In all as Nryana and moves inconceivably amongst the Vrishni family by His energiesSB 1.9.19Of Him, O King, Lord S'iva, the rishi Nrada n Kapilahave the direct vision of his divine glories, endlessSB 1.9.20

He is the same supreme entity that you think of as your maternal cousin, dearest friend,

well-wisher, counselor, messenger, benefactor and charioteer always available and ardentSB 1.9.21

He, present in everyone's heart and equal to all, is the Absoluteacting on the consciousness of differentiation and not on any stateSB 1.9.22Yet,despite his neutrality with devotees, see, how Lord Krishna cared directly, this last stage of my life, to be blessingly present at my side.SB 1.9.23Those who sing His glories with mind enraptured by devotion,

Such yogis leave back their corporeal frame forever in salvation

SB 1.9.24May , the God of the Gods, the four-handed Vishnu,of my mind receive me with His cheerful smile, His eyes red as the morning sun n His charming lotus face, as I leave this body dullSB 1.9.25Sta said: "Yudhishthhira, who listened to him lying on a bed of arrows,

asked him, with the rishis listening, about the diverse religious duties.SB 1.9.26Bhshma explained the different stages of life n the vocations as decided by ones qualitiesand to how to deal systematically with both the symptoms of attachment and its oppositeSB 1.9.26With the duties for charity, rulership and liberation and giving their divisionsHe explained elaborately the explicit duties of women and devotional services.SB 1.9.27Knowing the truth, he described, Oh sages, the four stages of religious ascent are fulfillmentof duties, wealth, desires and then liberation, to which he cited various histories, adjacentSB 1.9.28While Bhshma described the duties, the sun ran over the northern hemisphere

which according to the sages is the best time desirable for leaving this biosphereSB 1.9.30Then Bhshma, the exponent of myriad sciences and arts, fell, with a mind freed from all bonds

as he fixed his vision on Lord Vishnu, the four-armed one, as Krishna was before yellow robes.SB 1.9.31Looking at Him, the Divine, in meditation purified and pain from the arrows relieved

Instantly, the activities of his senses stopped as he quit reverentially for the Lords Abode.SB 1.9.32S'r Bhshma said: 'Let my mind ,in neutrality, prepare for the Lord, the Leader of the Devotees, the Great Self-contented One who always accept this World with her creation and destructions.

SB 1.9.33The most desirable One of the higher, lower and middle worlds, Bluish like a tamla trees, His robes shining like the golden rays of the sun, body decorated with sandalwood and lotus Face ,may my love in the yellow robed friend of Arjuna free from material motives repose

SB 1.9.34Longing for Krishna , His scattered hair , ashen ,from the dust of hoofs in the battle ground,

face beaded by swaet and skin pierced by my arrows, while His armor took it well allround

SB 1.9.35At the instance of His friend He drove the chariot between the fighting forces and, staying there, took the life of the enemy by mere gaze, let my mind be intimate with the friend of Arjuna, moreSB 1.9.36

Observing the soldiers before him on the battlefield, Arjuna, perplexed by ignorance was enlightened by ,the Lord ,may His lotus feet remain my sole attraction always

SB 1.9.37

Against His vow ,reacting to my oath of killing Arjuna, He, got down with the chariot wheel dropping His drape on the way , pacing towards me like an angry lion about ,an elephant to killSB 1.9.38Smeared with blood and gored by my arrows and with a shattered shield, angrily He sprang towards me for a kill ,may that Supreme Lord of salvation be my gleeSB 1.9.39Let me, finally envision the Lord , with a whip in His right hand, reins in the left, controlling

the horses ; it was by seeing Him so the sages yore attained their original form, soul-filling.SB 1.9.40Gazing at His supremely fascinating acts and sweet smiles, the gops

of Vraja underwent the ecstatic madness, copied to the dot so , albeitSB 1.9.41In the royal ritual of King Yudhishthhira, where the elites were assembled, He received then

the respectful worship of all , with me personally recognizing Him as my object of attraction.SB 1.9.42He, now before this dual me, is the Unborn of the conditioned body, dwelling in Ones Own

Heart as the Supersoul, who, as the Sun looking different from every angle, is the Only OneSB 1.9.43Sta said: "With his mind, speech, sight n activities thus fixed on Krishna , he fellsilent and stopped breathing, having merged in the living being of the Supersoul.SB 1.9.44After hearing these from Bhshmadeva as he merged into the SupremeAbsolute and Unlimited, all fell silent like birds at the days extreme.SB 1.9.45Thereafter huge drum beats were heard from everywhere being beaten by gods and men, accompanied by praise from the pious royal order and showers of flowers falling from the sky.

SB 1.9.46O descendants of Bhrigu , after having the funeral rites performed

for the deceased, Yudhishthhira for a moment became sad indeed.SB 1.9.47Then, the sages, satisfied and happy by the confidentiality of the gloriesOf Krishna, went with Him in their hearts back to their own hermitages.SB 1.9.48King Yudhishthira with Krishna went to Hastinpurito console his uncle and ascetic aunt Ghndhr.SB 1.9.49With the blessings of the late uncle, he thereafter conducted the royal dutiesOver the kingdom, as , to the exaltation of Lord Vsudeva and his forefathers."-------------------------------

Srimad Bhagavatam

First Time In The worldIn EnglishVerses


Chapter 10

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto1.Chapter 10Obeisances to Lord Krishna the Godhead

The Departure of Lord Krishna for DvrakSB 1.10.1S'aunaka Muni asked: "How did King Yudhishthhira, the great

ascetic,with his brothers ,rule , surely they were restrained, right ?SB 1.10.2Sta said: "After quelling the forest fire of the Kuru dynasty, the Lord, of CreationAnd its Maintainer , was contented in reinstalling rulership to Yudhishthhiras ownSB 1.10.3Hearing Bhshma and the Absolute , Yudhishthira from his bewilderment purified,

ruled, by his brothers, over the earth and the seas like Indra, protected by the Lord .SB 1.10.4All the rain that was needed showered and the land produced everything wanted

to which the cows out of sheer joy moistened the pastures with their udders filled.SB 1.10.5.The rivers, oceans n hills gave him of all necessary

vegetables, medicinal herbs and all the greenery .SB 1.10.6Never, by themselves, or by nature or others, was any living being troubled by anxieties,

diseases or extreme temperatures, as always happens with a king who has no enemies.SB 1.10.7To appease His family and please His sister Subhadr, married to Arjuna, the Lord stayed with Pandavas for a few months in the city of Hastinapura.SB 1.10.8Duly bidding farewell and after embracing and bowing to King in coridialityHe boarded the chariot receiving from others the intense adoration and amity

SB 1.10.9-10His sister, Subhadra, Draupad, mother Kunti, Uttara , Gandhari with Dhritarashthra ,

their son Yuyutsu, the priest Kripacarya, ,the younger Pandavas Nakula and Sahadeva

together with Bhma Dhaumya , ladies of the palace stepmother Satyavat of Bhshma,

couldn't bear the separation from the Lord of and almost fainted as he left for Dwaraka.

SB 1.10.11-12The one who discerns Lords glory and fame, liberated from attachments by now

In right company, having only heard it once the pleasing, will never give it up, how

could then Pndavas who gave Him their mind then tolerate separation from Him

having seen Him face to face, touching, sleeping, sitting and eating together with Him?SB 1.10.13All of them, melted for Him looking at Him with eyes wide open,

moved jostling,restlessly, bound as they were by pure affection.SB 1.10.14The ladies of the palace, had difficulty checking their tears welling in their eyes to ward off inauspicious things that might happen to son of Devak,otherwiseSB 1.10.15At that time mridangas conch shells, horns, strings, flutes were sounded as well as drums, bells and other instruments.SB 1.10.16For vantage, the ladies of the Kuru Clan climbed on to the roof of the palace, from where they showered flowers upon Krishna with love and shy smiles.SB 1.10.17For the most beloved Arjuna the conqueror of sleep took up an embroidered sunshade decorated with pearls and lace that had a handle with jewels inlaid.SB 1.10.18Uddhava, Lords cousin brother , driver Styaki fanning Him while He, as the master

of Madhu, sitting on flowers scattered all around, commanded them on the road afore.SB 1.10.19It was being heard here and there from the twice born Brahmins then that the obeisance

were befitting nor otherwise as it was for the Absolute in the form of total humanness.SB 1.10.20The ladies of the Kuru capital were engrossed in talking about the Supreme, of the scriptures,

so much so that it indeed sounded far more attractive than the hymns of the Vedas themselvesSB 1.10.21'He, is the original one who existed as His own Self before creation, in the form unmanifest

of the modes of nature -,and with that Supersoul, the living beings merge as if during the night.SB 1.10.22By His potency, in the manifestation of living beings,He, entrusts them ,to Nature as the compiler of the revealed scriptures, with names , forms and defined structureSB 1.10.23

He is the Godhead whose great devotees with controlled senses and life and , by the grace

of their devotion, can develop a pure mind and certainly by this , deserve a purified existence.SB 1.10.24

O friends, this is He , spoken of and discreetly described in the Vedas and by the devotees,as the Soul of the cosmos, by his manifestation maintains and destroys, with neutralitySB 1.10.25

Whenever rulers go against the divine principles, He manifests, sure out of goodness,His supreme power in various forms, for the sake of harmony at all periods and ages.SB 1.10.26

Oh, how blest is the dynasty of King Yadu, and the land of Mathur, where the supreme leader of all beings, , has taken birth and spent His childhoodas the consort of Lakshmi

SB 1.10.27

How wonderful is Dvrak , that defeats heaven, enjoins virtues in all and whose denizens

see the soul of the world bestowing His grace with the benediction of his smiling glance.SB 1.10.28

His consorts longed to relish His lips , and they , by vow, bath, fire-sacrifice and such had devotion to the Controller, o friend; often the damsels of Vraja s for their hero woonedSB 1.10.29

Children Of the ladies of Dvrak taken by Him as the price paid by the routed kings as S'is'uplan, or wedded after the killing of myriad wicked ones include Pradyumna, Smba, Amba, and so on.

SB 1.10.30

These ladies ennobled , despite lack of individuality ,while their consort, lotus-eyed one, Krishna, pleased them by making valuable presentations, not leaving them at home alone

SB 1.10.31

While the ladies of the Kuru capital were praying and talking this way about Him, He grantedthem the grace of His glance, and greeting them with a smile on His face, the Lord departed.SB 1.10.32

Yudhishthira who was without enemies, out of affection and being anxious

engaged four divisions of defence for honouring the enemy of the atheists.SB 1.10.33

Lord affectionately persuaded the Pndavas, who accompanied him for long, overtaken

by fear of separation bid adieu and then proceeded for Dvrak with His companions.SB 1.10.34-35

O aunaka, the Lord then proceeded towards Kurujgala, Pcl, rasen, the land on the bank of the river Yamun, Brahmvarta, Kuruketra, Matsya, Srasvata, the province of the desert and the land of scanty water. After crossing these provinces He gradually reached the Sauvra and bhra provinces, then, west of these, reached Dvrak at last.

SB 1.10.36

In several places it the Lord was received and served in different ways And He homed in the evening after the sun had set down its beaming rays"-------------------------------

Srimad Bhagavatam

First Time In The worldIn EnglishVerses


Chapter 11

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto1.Chapter 11Obeisances to Lord Krishna the Godhead

Lord Sri Krishna's Entrance Into DvarakaSB 1.11.1Sta said: "Reaching the border his Prosperous city of the narta's,

Lord sounded His , which, ended the dejection of the inhabitants.SB 1.11.2

The brilliant conch shell, although reddened by the lips of the Great Adventurer,

loudly sounded ,in His hands looked like a swanling at the stems of lotus flowers.SB 1.11.3

By the sound that is the threat to fear itself, did rapidly citizens

Proceed to their protector for their so long awaited audience.SB 1.11.4-5

Then they made their adorations as if offering a lamp to the sun

who supplied light incessantly cheerfully by potency of His own

they spoke to the Lord like friends n protegees to their guardian.SB 1.11.6

They said: 'like us,Brahm , His sons and Indra, worshipped Thy lotus feet desiring the divine life; You are the master of transcendence and inevitable time has no influence on designs thineSB 1.11.7

Oh ! Creator !You are the mother, well-wisher, husband, father our Lord and spiritual

teacher; also our supreme and our idol in whose footsteps we have become successful.SB 1.11.8

Lucky we are, now that we see Your all-auspicious form, to be again under thy protection

good Self, as also by the demi-gods your affectionate, lovingly smiling face is rarely seen.SB 1.11.9

O lotus-eyed Lord, whenever You go away to Mathur-Vndvana or Hastinpura on

to meet kith n kins,every moment is millions of years, n our eyes, blind, bereft of Sun.

SB 1.11.10.

How can we live bereft of your glance that vanquishes the miseries and vision,then

of your enchanting ,beautiful smiling face, and hearing such words of the citizens,,the caretaker of devotees approached Dvrak, teaching kindness by His glances,.SB 1.11.11.

As Bhogavat, the capital of Ngaloka, is protected by the Ngas, so was Dvrak

by the descendants of Vi from Bhoja onwards were as strong as Lord Ka.

SB 1.11.12.

The city of Dvrak was filled with the opulences of all seasons,There were

hermitages, orchards, gardens, parks and lakes with lotus flowers all over.

SB 1.11.13.

The gateway of the city as well as different roads were decorated with arches

and flags painted with foremost signs throwing in sunshine, their shadowsSB 1.11.14.

The lanes, alleys, the market and public meeting places were made thoroughly clean,sprinkled with scented water n strewn with fruits, flowers and seeds unbroken

SB 1.11.15.

At the door of each house was a display of curd, sugar cane, unbroken fruits,

decorations, pots of water and articles for worship like incense and lamps.SB 1.11.16-17.

Hearing the dear-mosts home coming , His father Vasudeva and the magnanimous Akrra, Ugrasena, Krishna's super human elder brother Balarma, sons Pradyumna, n Crudeshna

were all by joy alerted from their resting, sitting n dining ,including Jambavathis son Smba

SB 1.11.18

Headed by brhmana's and elephants, with all-auspicious signs, the sound of conch shells n chanting hymns, they hurried on chariots towards Him in cheerfulness and an all-respectful affections pouringSB 1.11.19

Very anxious to meet Him there were Hundreds of well known palace courtesans

In their vehicles, with dazzling earwears , enhancing the beauty of their foreheads.SB 1.11.20

There were entertainers, dancers, singers, historians, genealogists and learnedspeakers who spiritedly sang the praises of the superhuman activities of the Lord.SB 1.11.21

The Supreme Lord approached each of the friends n citizens who came

as it should with full due honor and respect, to receive and welcome HimSB 1.11.22

With His glancing smile, bowed His head, greeted them in words, embraced

them , touching hands, giving His benedictions , down to the lowest, as desired.SB 1.11.23

He entered the city accompanied by the elderly relatives, brhmins n their wives,

where He was also welcomed with blessings and praises of other devoted admirers.SB 1.11.24

While passing over the public roads of Dvrak , ladies climbed on the roofs of their palacesfor a glimpse of Krishna, o learned ones, as they considered it the greatest feast for their eyesSB 1.11.25

Although they see Him this way regularly, the inhabitants of Dvraknever became tired of the sight of the of beauty of the Lord KrishnaSB 1.11.26.

In His chest ,Laxmi resides, His face the cup of nectar for eyes , His arms, the seat of ruling demi-gods , and His lotus feet are then shelter for the devotees, singing talking and bowing

SB 1.11.27.

Under a white parasol, fans, and a road showered by flowers, His yellow garments gleaming

with flower garlands, the Lord was a cloud surrounded by sun, moon, rainbow and lightningSB 1.11.28.

On entering His parental home He was embraced by His seven# mothers

headed by Devak ,joyously to whom He bowed His head down in obeisance.#His own mother, the wife of the priest, of the guru and of the king, the cow, the nurse and mother earth]SB 1.11.29.

After all of them had put Him on their laps their breasts got wet of affection

and delight and the water of the tears that overwhelmed them in reflection.SB 1.11.30.

He entered His personal quarters inhabited by His wives ,thereafter,

who numbered over sixteen thousand, offered all one could wish for.

SB 1.11.31.

With their minds rejoicing the ladies, from a distance seeing their husband now returned home, at once got up from their seats and meditations with coyly looking face, according the custom,SB 1.11.32.

Sending their sons to embrace Him and embracing him in ecstasy from within their hearts

first, they choked up with tears that inadvertently fell like water from their eyes in shyness.SB 1.11.33His feet appeared newer and newer at each step , although Lord was beside them all alone

who can be detached from the feet of the eternal that are followed by the goddess of fortune?SB 1.11.34Neutral, He created feud between the conceited rulers, and annihilated them ,their prowess

Evil and Burdensome to Earth, like the wind that creates fire from friction between bamboos.SB 1.11.35He appeared amongst all of these amidst humanity by His own divine illusion,as if it concerned an ordinary man, enjoying life with the worthiest of women.SB 1.11.36

Enchanting and lancing their glances by the corners of their eyes that may make Cupid

to give up his bow, they were never able to tilt His senses by the magical charm they heldSB 1.11.37

The common materialistic souls speculate that the Lord is one of them,conditioned

by sheer ignorance ,they think Lord as affected by matter,though He is unattached.

SB 1.11.38Such is the divinity of the Lord that He, although by actions, is in material contact

With nature He is immune to it, so also are the ones taking shelter in the AbsoluteSB 1.11.3Those ladies truly assumed that Lord r Ka, their beloved husband, was captivated

by them, unaware his glories, as the atheists are unaware of Him as the Absolute God.


Srimad Bhagavatam

First Time In The worldIn EnglishVerses


Chapter 12

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto1.Chapter 12Obeisances to Lord Krishna the Godhead

The Birth of Emperor ParikchitSB 1.12.1Saunaka said: "The embryo in the womb of Uttara, that was spoiled by the heat releasedBy the invincible weapon of As'watthama, was brought back to life by the act of Lord.SB 1.12.2A highly intelligent and great soul ,how was the birth of Parikshit, The Emperor,

To take place? What really happened at his death and what he attained thereafter?SB 1.12.3Tell us, everything about what you think can be told of Him as we rever you

for the knowledge of the Supreme that S'ukadeva Gosvami delivered to you."SB 1.12.4Sta said: "King Yudhishthhira administered the Kingdom, pleasing all citizens, as did his Sire , unrelenting as he was in his service to the feet of Lord Krishna, did, without any motives, ulteriorSB 1.12.5His fame , wealth, sacrifices, cause he stood for, queens, brothers and his sovereignty over the subjects where we are living, even spread to the heavens.SB 1.12.6Even the Gods aspired for his kind of opulence, but, being a god-fearing

person, o twice born, nothing else would please the desires of the king.SB 1.12.7In the womb of his mother, even as the great fighter Parkchit, forced to absorb the heat of the brahmstra , oh son of Bhrigu, he saw the Lord as a shining orb.SB 1.12.8In the glare he saw Lord at the size of a thumb shining

blackish with a golden helmet and clothes lighteningSB 1.12.9Four armed, He was, with golden earrings , circling the club in His hands all around , himself like a shooting star, going here and there, red in eyes

SB 1.12.10Quenching the radiation of the brahmstra like the dew drops,

Vaporized by the sun, seen by the child wondering who He was.SB 1.12.11Seeing the all-pervading Supersoul, the Supreme Lord and protector of righteousness

quenching the blaze, the Lord who veered all round, suddenly disappeared off his eyes.SB 1.12.12Thereupon, by the gradual rise of good signs and under a favorable constellation, the child

took birth as the heir apparent of Pndu being exactly alike Pndu himself in prowess bold.SB 1.12.13King Yudhishthhira, gladdened, with Dhaumya and Kripa, the priests

Performed the birth rituals with the recitation of auspicious hymns.SB 1.12.14He, having full know-how, rewarded, gifts of gold, cows, land, housing, elephants

and horses, in charity, together good food, for the occasion to the learned onesSB 1.12.15Gladdened, the brhmins addressed the king, the chief of the Puru's, communicating their obligation to the descent in the line of the Puru's to the forefather King Puru of YudhishthhirSB 1.12.16

They said: 'This boy has been saved by the omnipresent ,omnipotent Lord from

destruction by the all-devouring supernatural weapon, for the sake of obligationSB 1.12.17He shall become one protected by Vishnu well known in all the worlds

no doubt as the most fortunate devotee endowed with all fine qualities.SB 1.12.18The good king said: 'O great spirits, is he to be a follower of all the great souls

of our lineage of saintly kings, pious by name in achievements and glories ?'SB 1.12.19The Brahmins said 'he will be the sustainer of all , like King Ikshvku, of Manu, O son of Prith

and loyal in promises and having respect for the learnt ones like Rma, the son of Das'aratha.SB 1.12.20And Charitable Like King S'ibi of Us'inara ,n protect those taking refuge and like Bharata,

performing many sacrifices, spreading name and fame of his family ,the son of DushyantaSB 1.12.21.Amongst the archers, he will be as good as two Arjunsunyielding as fire and as unsurpassable as the ocean.SB 1.12.22.As powerful as lion and as worthy for taking shelter like the Himalayas,

he will ever be as forbearing as the earth and as tolerant as his parents.SB 1.12.23.With a spirit as good as Brahm, and as Lord S'iva ,he will be as generous and equanimousand be the resort of all beings as the Supreme Lord with whom the goddess of fortune resides.SB 1.12.24.Following Lord Krishna he will abide by the glory of thel godly attributes, he then

also will be as great as King Rantideva ,and be like Yayti concerning the religion.SB 1.12.25.Patient as Maha Bali he will be a devotee exemplar Prahlda unto Lord Krishna

and be loyal to the elderly and conduct sacrifices and will perform as'wamedhaSB 1.12.26.He will produce kings as good as sages, will chastise the upstarts and quell

the quarrelsome for the welfare of world peace and the religion , one and allSB 1.12.27.After hearing advice on his personal death, due to a snakebite caused by the son

of a brhmin, he will relinquish attachments and take to service of the Lord, soonSB 1.12.28.Having acquired true knowledge from the son of the sage Vysa he, O King, will abandon

his physical frame on the bank of Ganges and will attain to fearlessness and enlightenmentSB 1.12.29.After this, each of the vedic priests of astrology and rituals of birth received

sumptuous remunerations, returned prayerfully to his respective homestead.SB 1.12.30.

He, O S'aunaka, would be renowned as Parkchit, the examiner,

because, he would be examining all men as constant conte