SSC-226 Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory ................ . . "\, rJ '.." ' .•.... ........ .f ....., ...... :/ ... \... ..".' .f .. ·' '''\'' s: ' :.... ..•..•..• '"'' .......... \'\ , "::',} f ! .; l / f ../' ......f ..•.. ..•.... ••............... : . ,. ........ , ; . / ;:0"- . ...... ..' .,." .,.,,'-' . ;..... .. .. ".- .;: -'. .. ;,. .. / . ...... ../ '. ,.. / .," ;. .. }..... ... ,." " .. , ..•......•. .c...• ;/ ...•.. .. ;.'- - .. -' .,.::.:.............. , . .',..... Radon in sse Tunnels D. Goss October 1989

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Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory................ . .

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Radon in sse Tunnels

D. Goss

October 1989

Page 2: SSC-226 Superconducting Super ColliderLaboratorylss.fnal.gov/archive/other/ssc/ssc-226.pdf · where the minus sign means the flux is out of the surface (toward negative NMS proposed


The Superconducting Super Collider

Radon in sse Tunnels

Dave Goss

sse Laboratory

October 1989

Page 3: SSC-226 Superconducting Super ColliderLaboratorylss.fnal.gov/archive/other/ssc/ssc-226.pdf · where the minus sign means the flux is out of the surface (toward negative NMS proposed




Superconducting Super Collider Laboratory *

2550 Beclde~eade

Dallas, TX 75237

October 1989

• Operated by Universities Research Association, Inc. under contract with the U.S. Depart­ment of Energy.


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DAVE GossSupercondueting Super Collider Laboratory

Dallas, TX 75237

October 19, 1989


Radon activity may be a source of radiation exposure in the SSC main ring

tunnel. Typical radon activity concentrations for rock and soil on site are cal-

culated. The effects of mitigation by tunnel sealing, lining and ventilating are


I. Introduction

Radon is a naturally occurring noble gas (Z=86) all of whose isotopes are

radioactive. Because of its chemical inertness it does not bond to the surface of

material, in marked contrast to its heavy metal daughters. From a health physics

point of view, the main hazard is the alpha radiation dose to the lungs. This

dose is mainly due to direct radiation from inhaled dust particles on which the

radon daughter nuclides' ions have become attached. Nero and Nazaroff[l] state:

"Exposures of the lung to the decay products of 222Rn and 22°Rn contribute ap­

proximately half of the average total effective dose equivalent of 2 mSv (0.2 rem)

per year suffered by the general population from naturally occurring radionu-

elides. Most of the radon-daughter exposure occurs indoors, where substantial

variability in time-averaged exposures to the daughters is observed, ranging from


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rates more than a factor of 10 lower to a factor of 50 or more higher than aver

even among the general population. This variability arises partly from diffe

equilibrium factors, but is caused mainly by the difference in indoor radon

cen.tration from one building to another. Furthermore, although the indoor rt

concentration is definitely affected by the ventilation rate, the major cause o!

variability in radon concentration from one building to another appears tt

differences in the rate at which radon enters the indoor atmosphere from its

ious sources." The same should be true for tunnels. The radon concentra

in an unlined rock tunnel will govern the dose received by workers replacin

repairing equipment in the tunnel. Dagenais [2] quotes Department of En

Order M80.lA, Chapter 11, p. 3, as listing a concentration guide for radon

in air under controlled conditions of 100 pOi/I. (units: 1 Oi = 1 curie = 3.7x

Bq, where 1 Bq = 1 becquerel = 1 disintegration/second = 1 s-l. 1 liter =

= 10-3 m3• Therefore, 100 pOi/I. =3.7 Bq/I. = 3.7x103 Bq/m3 , or 1 Bq m"

0.027027 ... pOi/I.).

This report is based on an earlier note that did not take the specific propel

of site materials into account [3]. It is the purpose of this report to estimate

likely radon concentrations in tunnels, with and without substantial ventilat

In the sse, the tunnel is not occupied under operating conditions; it is li.

that ventilation would be required only prior to and during occupation of

tunnel by work crews. Ventilation applied to the entire tunnel can be expens

Peterson and Theilacker[4], indicate that power expenditures of the orde

megawatts (MW) can be achieved in cooling and dehumidifying tunnel ail

a continuous basis. Using outside air directly for ventilation purposes prodi


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problems of condensation of moisture in the tunnel, with attendant problems

with corrosion and increased likelihood of electrical breakdown. Therefore it is of

interest to examine the case in which the radon concentration is allowed to build

up to equilibrium levels in the absence of ventilation, and then examine the time

constants associated with subsequent ventilation. The release ra.tes will also be a.

concern, since they will govern dose to the general public at the site boundaries.

The porosity f of rock, soil or building materials is the ra.tio of void space

volume due to pores to the total bulk 'VOlume of the material. This pore space is

connected to a certain degree, so that radon in the pore space can diifuse through

the material. The release of radon from a porous material is thus due to Ra. alpha

decay driving the recoiling Rn atom into a pore space, from whence it diffuses (or

is·forced by a pressure gradient) into the surrounding environment. The porosity

of rocks at tunnel depth will be mostly secondary (due to fractures).

In what follows, the di:f£usion equation for radon is reviewed following the

treatment by Nazaroff, Moed and Sextro [5] (NMS) and solved for the case of

cylindrical geometry, which is taken to a.pproximate the shape of a tunnel. Ven­

tilation is then discussed in terms of the model of Dagenais. A brief discussion

of the venting problem concludes the report.


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n. Radon Diffusion

Notation (units):

0Rn = concentration (m-3) = number of radon atoms/volume

ARn = decay constant of Rn = 2.098'2xlo-6 s-l for 222Rn; for 220Rn,

decay constant is 1.247xlO-2 s-l.

IBn = ORn"Rn =activity concentration of Rn (Bq m-3) in gas or pore sp;

I = emanation :£radion, emanating power or emanation coefficient. j

(0.005 - 0040) for rock; a value of 0.025 will be used here as representative

site rocks. For soils, f = (0.05 - 0.7) with a representative value of 0.1 for v

dry: soil, or around 0.2 for representative soil moisture, with values of 0.4·

common as saturation is approached. The emanation coefficient is the £ract

of the radon generated in the grains that enters the pore volume.

Pg = density of solid grains in rock or soil; Pg = (2.2' - 3.0) x 103 kg n

with a typical value for continental rock minerals of pg = 2.65 X 103 kg m-3• ~

densities of chalk, marl and clay are around 2.4 x 103 kg m-3 for site materi:

E' = porosity = (effective pore space volume)/(total volume). A typical va

for silt with a sizeable clay fraction is 0.5. In reservoir rocks this may vary fr

0.20 near surface to less than 0.05 at depth. The value of E' = 0.20 is probabl

slight overestimate for the porosity of the site rocks.

ARa = radium activity concentration in bulk material (Bq kg-1) . Areas,

able average value for rocks on the site is A(226Ra) = 22 Bq kg-1. See Table

Do = diffusion coefficient of radon in open air. Do = 1.2 X 10-5 m2 s-1.


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De = effective or interstitial diffusion coefficient in the pores of the material.

D. = (0.7 - 5) x 10-1 m2 s-l for dry soil, with a typical value of 2x10-6 m2

s-l. For mud with high moisture content, D. is of the order of 10-10 m2 8-1t

essentially impervious to radon. Diffusion coefficients in crystalline material are

several orders of magnitude smaller. The value D. = 4.7 X 10-8 m2 s-1 adopted

here is essentially due to diffusion along fractures.

D = bulk diffusion coefficient = £ D. (m2·s-1)

J'&1. = magnitude of the activity :6.ux density (Bq m2 s-l)


where the first term on the right-hand side (RHS) is due to the motion of the air

with velocity Vair and the second term is the diffusive flux density for the bulk

material, or the geometric diffusive radon activity flux density:

The diffusion through the pores is given by the effective diffusion coefficient De t


IiJan = -:o, V Ian;

since D = EDe

G = volumetric generation rate of radon in pore space (Bq m-3 s-I).




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For f =0.025, Pg = 2.4 X 103 kg m-3, e = 0.2 and ARa = 22 Bq kg-I, ~

G = 0.0111 Bq m-3 8-1•

I. = (De / ..\Rn)1/2 diffusion length for radon in material (m).

For example, if De == 2.1 X 10-6 m2 s-l, l =1.0 m. For De = 4.7 X 10-~

8-1, the effective diffusion length in rocks is 0.15 JIl.

The local change with time in numbers of radon atoms is given by the

of generation due to decay of the radium parents, the decay rate into dauglr

and the rate of diffusion of radon from elsewhere. Corresponding terms WI

apply for the numbers per unit volume, the radon concentrations. Thus,

could multiply through by ARn to write the equation in terms of the acti

concentration IRn. The increase in activity concentration due to diffusion is

the divergence theorem,

ffJ .(-dS) = - JJlev. 7)dV,

where the infinitesimal area vector over the closed surface spanning the volt

is directed outward. The increase in the activity per volume is then

where De is taken as constant.

The total. diffusion equation for the activity concentration in the pores is t


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where the terms on the RUS correspond to the diffusion term, loes rate due to

radon decay and generation rate due to radium decay and radon recoil into the

pore space.

As an example, consider the case of "all outdoors" modeled as an infinite

half space with typical soil values for the parameters. H ventila.tion of uncovered

soil reduces the radon concentration at the surface to zero, then the steady-state

equation for the radon activity concentra.tion in the soil half space (z positive

down) is

The solution to the homogeneous equation

~(IRn) - lin =0



is lRD = Ile-" where r = z/I.. and l. = (De/>"RDP/2 is the diffusion length. The

particular (constant) solution is lRDp = G/>"Rn = 100 • In the example for G given

above, 100 = 5280 Bq m-3 •

The solution that goes to zero at the surface is then


The bulk flux density at z = 0 in this case, following NMS, is:

J~ = - ~De!!.. [lRn(Z)] = - ~e 100dz %=0 I.

J(; = - f ARn I.100 = - (De ARn)1/2 pg f ARa (1 - e) (10)


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where the minus sign means the flux is out of the surface (toward negative

NMS proposed typical values for the case of 222Rn emanating from soil of D,

2 x 10-6 m2 8-1, Pg = 2.65 x lOS kg m-3, f = 0.2, ARa = 30 Bq kg-1 ~

E = 0.5, which yields Jt::. = 0.016 Bq m-2 8-1• The corresponding value

100 = 1.55 X 104 Bq m-3 = 419 pCi/l at depth. The mean worldwide flux[4

roughly 0.015 Bq m-2 8-1• This value of De corresponds to a-diffusion length

soil of about a meter, which is also the e-1 depth for this case.

The corresponding value for rock with l. = 0.15 m, f = 0.025, Pg = 2.4 :

m-3, ARA = 22 Bq kg-1 and E = 0.2 is J~ = 3.33 X 10-4 Bq m-2 s-l.

The quantities above all depend on the moisture content. An analysis

the effect of moisture on radon generation and diffusion in pores is given in 1

Appendix. The net result is that the effects of moisture can be taken into accot

by using effective" (primed) quantities to "represent moist conditions and that 1

analysis goes through as before.

The isotopes 222Rn, 22°Rn, 219Rn and 224Rn are decay products from 1

naturally occurring radioactive chains originating with 238U, 232Th, 235U, a

232Th, respectively. The molar flux of 22°Rn is about 60 times less than the val

for 222Rn.. Because of its longer half life (smaller decay constant) the diffusi

length of 222Rn is about 80 times that of 220Rn. 222Rn. is therefore the isotc

that forms most of the radon concentration in enclosed spaces. The equatic

used thus far could be used separately for each radon isotope.

Because of the difficulties of specifying the dose due to the mixture of rad

isotopes [6] the notion of a "working level" (WL) was introduced; 1 WL = cc


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cent ration of radon daughter products that emit 1.3 x 10& MeV of a radiation in

a liter of air. According to Dagenais [2], this concentration is about 100 pCi/i. of

the mixture of naturally occurring radon isotopes.

We now focus our attention on a tunnel of radius a in an infinite porous

medium. In cylindrical coordinates,

where the abbreviated notation for partial derivatives (with respect to the sub­

script) has been employed. For cylindrical symmetry, IRn depends only on Rj

the diffusion equation becomes


Let r = RII., so that I. dldR = dId.,. = Dr in terms of the diffusion length

I. = (De/'>.:&Y /2 . Let F = IRn for the sake of simplicity; the diffusion equation

is then


The equation


has solutions I±II(z) and KII(z), the exponential-like Bessel functions [7]. If we

rewrite (13) as

(1 V

2)D 2 + - - 1 + - w = 0

Z z z2



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and note that 1/ =0, we see that the solution to the homogeneous equation

F is a linear combination of 10 and Ko:

F = AIo+ BKo.

Io and Ko have the following asymptotic behavior:

(1Z )1IIII(z)~ r(; + 1)


Ko(z)---; - In(z).1'-+0

so 10(z = 0) == 1

so Ko is irregular at the origin and regular at infinity, and the reverse is true


Inside the tunnel, the volume is entirely pore space, so £1 == 1 and the clli£usi

length is il == (DO/AB:D,)1/2 == 2.39 m. Also, ABa == 0 so G = 0 and

with interior solution Fi = OIIo(r).

Outside the tunnel in the rock, 1:2 = I: and the outside diffusion length

12 == (Dt) ARn)I/2. The source term does not vanish, so

( D~ + ~Dr - 1)Fo ==G--




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with homogeneous solution FOB = C2KO("') and particular solution Fo, = GIARn =

constant. For Ko("') > 0, 02 < 0 and the outside solution is


With the requirement that the geometric radon activity concentration flux

sa (~)J b = -DVF= -D R8R+ ~8~+z8% F

= - R(Dlt)[a,.F("')J ,

be continuous at the wall, where z = aft, and that D = eDe then


Note that

Dr [10 (", ) ] = 11(", ) and Dr [Ko("'») = - K l (.,.)

from [7J.


It is the activity concentration in the pore space that is locally continuo~s

across the boundary. As an example, consider diffusion through a sprinkler head,

an impermeable membrane with holes in it.

Matching the activity concentrations and their fluxes at the tunnel wall gives

two linear equations in two unknowns that can be used to find the coefficients 0 1


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and 02. From matching the net flux Eq. (20) across the boundary whe;-e R =

From matching the activity concentrations at R =a,




do{a/l.l) + Ko{a/l.2) [f{l :/~2 .(Do/De)l/2] '(

The concentration of radon at the center of the tunnel IRn(r = 0) =

which is given in terms of 100 = GI),Rn in Tables 2 and 3, for tunnel radii

a = 1.5,1.8,2.1,2.4 m around 5-8 It. For a diffusion length of about a mel

De = l2 ARn = 2.1 X 10-6 m2 5-1, a value typical of soil or extremely por.

rock. At the other extreme, NN [1] quote a value of l. = 0.15 m for red bri

corresponding to a value 01 De = 4.7 X 10-8 m2 5-1• Some concretes have simi

values [1]. Table 2 contains values of Gl/loo for l. = 0.15 m. The value of e = 0

(typical of chalk) is used in these calculations.

The quantity that depends on the details of the radioelement distribution

the material is the emanation coefficient f. Diffusion coefficients for 40 Ar for sc

grains of rock forming minerals are found to be in the range 10-31_10-69 m2 s


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the corresponding radon diffusion lengths are in the range 10-13 -- 10-32 m (4}.

Therefore, radon diffusion through ·crystalline material can be neglected. Be­

cause the precursors of radium cause radiation damage in the crystal (halos) and

because radionuclides are commonly found in accessory minerals [e.g., zircon) or

at grain boundaries, radon can readily escape from the mineral grains into the

pore space, and diffuse from .there. The large values of f for soil (around 0.3-0.4)

relative to massive crystalline rock (around 0.02 or less) are due to this.

The effective diffusion coefficients De for crystalline rock are very small, even

less than the De = 10-10 m2 s-l characteristic of saturated soil or rock. Most

of the diffusion in granite and massive carbonates occurs along fractures in the

rock. This process is much more difficult to characterize than the more uniform

~on in well sorted terrigenous clastics and soils, for which De has values

similar to that quoted earlier. Also, the process of pressurized flow is much more

important in the case of media with a linear fracture density of more than a few

centimeters, although it is not expected to vary much in rocks on site at tunnel


To summarize this section, it is clear that radon activity can range from

negligible values in unfractured crystalline rock to significant exposure levels in

dry porous material. The effect of concrete slab shielding [1] shows that a 10 cm

thick slab can cut the transmitted radon flux to 2-4% of the unshielded case.

Even with a 1 cm gap for every meter of slab, the flux penetration rate is still

calculated to be only 25% of maximum (1]. The effect of lining and/or sealing the

tunnel can be quite significant in reducing the radon activity, subject to certain

conditions on performance. Franklin, Bates, Holub and their coworkers have


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done considerable work on the measurement and mitigation of radon in mine.

Their conclusions may be summerised ae follows: two-coat sealing of tun

with e.g., latex, can reduce influx on the order of 50-75%, however, any cr.

or gaps may episodically release: more. concentrated radon from pore reserve

Sealed-off' underpressured bulkheads are used as radon barriers by the mil

industry. Shotcrete (gunite) as usually used is so porous as to be a neglig

hindrance to radon diffusion.

. Marked effects due to the superposed velocity flow field of the air are

portant in radon levels in houses and mines [1,5, 8]. Pressures of only a feVl

(N m -2) can produce large differences in radon concentrations within struct

by bringing in radon from reservoirs in the vicinity. Overpressuring struct:

has a marked effect in reducing radon inflow rate. In regions of intense fra.e

ing, this type of radon source may be dominant and extensive grouting ma~

useful in reducing the inHow rate. In cases where the problem is acute enoi

local bulkheading and pumps must be installed to control this effect. In the S

fracturing significant enough to be of structural. concern or allowing signific

water inflow would cause the affected region to be fully lined with reinfor

concrete. Sections in the site marl and clay units are slated to be so lined in

case. This would also serve as an effective radon barrier (see a.bove).


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m. Fluxes and Concentrations

The diffusive flux density of radon activity of bulk material was found to be

J = - ai, V IRn,

with peak. values at depth of


(1 - E)100 = G/),Rn = fpg -E- ARa.




is the limiting radon activity per volume at .depth. In the previous section we

found typical values for soil of 1 = 0.016 Bq m-2 8-1 and 100 = 1.55 X 104 Bq

m-3 = 419 pOi/i. For rock with e = 0.20, f = 0.025, Pg = 2.4 X 103 kg m-3,

ARa = 22 Bq kg-I, and l = 0.15 m, then 100 = 5.28 X 103 Bq m-3 = 143 pOi/i

and J = 3.33 X 10-4 Bq m-2 s-l.

Consider a simple model of cylindrical tunnel of radius Rand length z, with a

constant concentration of radon at equilibrium between that supplied by the flux

of Ian through the wall and the rate of loss of IRn via decay (IRnARn). Assuming

that the flux into the cylindrical cavity is given by J wall = - RJ (Fig. 1) and

the outward area infinitesimal dii = RRz dc/>, then the activity introduced into

---+the tunnel per time will be - JJ J wall . dii = 21rzRJ. The rate 'of change of


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activity per volume with time is then

2?rzR 2J?rR2z = Ii' (

The equilibrium activity concentration of radon is then IRu = 2J/(RARu)'

an example, for a tunnel of radius 1.524 m (5 it) and a flux of 0.01524 Bq m-2

(about the world average for soil) then Ian =0.952 X 104 Bq m-3 = 257 pCi

about two and a half times the established WL. On the other, if a value

J = 3.33 X 10-4 Bq m2 s-l found for representative site rocks at tunnel de:

is used, then Ian = 208 Bq m-3 = 5.62 pCi/i.-1, about an eighteenth of a V

Given this result and the fact that marl and clay sections of the tunnel will

lined leads to the conclusion that radon buildup will not be a problem at the ~

in Texas.

For a variety of reasons, including the possibility of radon buildup, it wo­

be desirable to ventilate at least a section of the tunnel during its OCCUP8J

by people working on equipment stored within the tunnel.. Using the model

activity flux above, with an activity concentration independent of position witj

the tunnel., the expression for IRn is


where the activity source term S = 2 J / Rand .\" is the effective "decay" coe

cient for the removal of radon by ventilation.

As an example, if half the radon in the tunnel. were removed by ventilation

a time Tv1/2 = 1 h = 3600 s, then X, = (ln2)/Tv1/2 = 1.925 X10-4 s-l, which i


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factor of a hundred larger than ARD. Therefore ventilation would dominate decay

as a removal mechanism for the radon itself. Equations similar to (28) could be

written for each of the daughter products in order to compute the working levels,

but because of their much shorter half lives, ventilation is much less effective in

reducing the activity concentrations once they are produced.

The solution to the homogeneous equation corresponding to (28)


is IRD = Ioe- (.\aa+A9)t and a particular solution to (28) is II = SI().RD + )...,)

so that as t ...... 00, IRD ...... 11. At t = 0, IRD = Imax = II + 10, the value of

the activity concentration before ventilation starts. Thus, 10 = I max - 11. At

equilibrium, Dt1'Rn = 0 when IRD = 11. The time to reach any particular activity

concentration can be found by inverting the solution

[( _ )(.\ .\ )] = IRu - 11 = Ian - 11exp t RD+.., T l-1.to max 1


t = 1 In (Imax - II) .(ARD + )...,) Ian - II



For example, to dilute a given concentration by a factor of two requires (with

mixing) a complete "room change" of air, so that with thorough mixing the time

for in:Bow of an amount of air equal to the affected tunnel volume is Tv 1/2 =

In 21)...,. For ventilation rates of a room change per hour or less and II << [max,

this would be the approximate time given by (31). The airspeed is given by


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the volume to area ratio divided by TlI 1/2: 11 = V/ (ATf11/ 2 ) . Because of t

effect of wall friction, actual air speeds will. be down to about 2/3 to 1/2 t.

value. For the tunnel with z = 4.0 km and Tf11/ 2 = 3600 s, this estimate gi'

11 = z/2T1/ 2 = 0.55 m/s, a desirable plume speed.

For J = 0.01524 Bq m-2s- 1, R = 1.524 m, S = 2J/ R = 0.02 Bq m-3s-1 j •

~11 + ARD. == 1.946 X 10-4 s-l, II = S/(ARD. + ~11) = 103 Bq m-3 and Imax = 9E

Bq m-3 (257 pCi/l). The time to reduce this activity concentration to

IRD. =3700 Bq m-3 (100 pCi/l) is then

t = 5139 s In(9417/3597) = 4946 s = 1.37 h.

Therefore, even if the tunnel had a significant radon activity concentration, ven

lation for a room change and half would be sufficient to meet exposure standan

In order to examine the fenceline concentrations of the expelled radon, cc

sider the (over) simplified model where the tunnel air is expelled through a sta

to form a plume which is the frustrum of a cone, with a radius R near the sta

the same as the tunnel radius (1.524 m) and the radius at the boundary ofthe s(

vice sector (fenceline) the same as the height of the stack, here taken as 15.24

(Fig. 2).

The volume of a unit thickness at each end of the cone will be proportion

to the areas. Even disregarding the decay of the radon flux as the plume pass

through the canonical. outline, the concentration of particles moving at cansta

(wind) speed will be decreased by the area ratio of the top to the bottom

the cone, here 10-2 • The activity concentration IRn in the air expelled by t


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stack will be less than half the corresponding value in the tunnel at any time

t. Reducing this by a further factor of 100 converts a level of 2 WL in the

tunnel to 10-2 WL or 1 pCijl outside the fenceline. For comparison, the average

concentrations in outdoor air are in the range (0.1-0.5) pCijl and show ~de daily

variability [8]. Using the 0.0562 WL found for the best estimate indicates that

the fenceline value of 0.028 pCijl.is completely negligible, and indistinguishable

from the noise of the background. More sophisticated (Gaussian) plume models

would show considerably greater reduction. Even with the close boundaries of

the sector service areas, the released radon activity (an episodic event) seems a

negligible hazard.


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The author thanks Tony Nero of the Indoor Environment Program at L1

for help, encouragement and references. Helpful conversations with AI Tann

and Jim Otten of the USGS and Robert Holub and John Franklin of the U.

Bureau of Mines are also acknowledged. Harold Wollenberg of the LBL Ear

Sciences Division supplied considerable information on the natural occurren

of radioactivity in various source rocks. Tun Toohig of the sse supplied t

motivation for this calculation, and helped criticize the results. AI Tanner al

supplied references, a computer program to calculate levels, and helpful critieis

of the earlier note.


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1. A. V. Nero and W. W. Nazaro:f£ (1984). Radiative Protection Dosimetry 7,

23-29: Characterizing the source of radon indoors.

2. R. J. Dagenais (1984). Radiation Physics Note 46, Fermilab: A study of

the accumulation and reduction of radon and its daughter products in an

underground tunnel.

3. D. Goss (1988) SSC-N-480, Radon and Tunnels.

4. T. Peterson and J. Theilacker (1985). SSC-N-69~ sse tunnel air condition­


5. W. W. Nazarof£, B. A. Moed, and R. G. Sextro (1988). Soil as a source

of indoor radon: generation, migration and entry; in Radon and Its Decay

Product.! in Indoor Air, William W. Nazaroff and Anthony V. Nero, Jr.,

eels. (Wlley) pp. 57-112.

6. R. D. Evans (1980). Health Physics 38, (June) 1176: Engineer's guide to

the elementary behavior of radon daughters.

7. M. Abramowitz and I. Stegun, eels. (1964). Handbook of Mathematical

Function.! with Formulas, Graplu, and Mathematical Tables, U.S. Govt.

Printing Office, Applied Math Series 55, pp. 374-376 and 416-419.

8. M. Eisenhud (1987). Environmental Radioactivity /rom Natural, Indwtrial,

and Military Source.s, 3rd Ed., Academic Press, New York, p, 139.

9. Franklin, Holub, Bates et al. Radon Contributions from The Mining In­

dustry. (Attached hihliography).


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10. V. C. Rogers, and K. K. Nielson (1988). 1988 Symposium on Radon i

Radon Reduction Technology (RAE-8810-1): Radon Emanation and Tra

port in Porous Media.


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Table 1

Porosities and Radium Source Concentrations

Material: Austin Chalk Ozan Fm (Taylor Marl) Eagle Ford Clays


E 0.16 0.21 0.20

fu 0.12 0.16 0.15

Eca 0.04 0.05 0.05

E. + .25Eu 0.07 0.09 0.0875

Ra-226 (Bq/kg)



no. samples

average density (Mg/m3)



















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Radon Concentrations in Center of Tunnel

Table 2

a a/ll 0./1..2 Gl/lca(10-2)

1.5 0.625 1.5 3.2841148

1.8 0.75 1.8 2.7022633

2.1 0.875 2.1 2.2679848

2.4 1.000 2.4 1.9314190


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Table 3

1.5 10

1.8 12

2.1 14

2.4 16






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Figure 1:


Figure 2:


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.. ..


E1Fects of Moisture and Uncertainties in

the Di1Fusion and Emanation Coefficients

The values of the effective diffusion coefficient De = 4.7 X 10-8 m2 8-1 and

the emanation coefficient f = 0.025 were not measured for site materials. These

values were inferred as reasonable based upon the values tabulated for NMS

for as similar materials as data is available. Both these parameters. are very

sensitive to the presence and type of rock fractures present in real site materials.

For unfractured crystalline materials both these numbers would be two or three

orders of magnitude smaller, and for powdered. materials they would be at least

an order of magnitude larger. Finally, both these parameters are affected by

the presence of moisture; De might be decreased and f increased by as much

as an order of magnitude as the rock. approaches saturation. Because of these

interrelations, it is convenient to discuss some of the finer points separately in

this appendix.

It is difficult to measure count rates or flow rates that are small enough to

represent in situ conditions for site materials. My estimate of the probable range

of these quantities is a factor of four. Because these quantities are related to each

other and to the moisture content, their definitions may be slightly ambiguous

(see below).

The total pore space may be apportioned into the fractions occupied by air

and water, respectively, as


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for f cs the fraction of the material volume occupied by air in the pores and f tD

corresponding fraction occupied by water. Table 1 shows representative val

of these quantities £Or site materials.

The diffusion equation becomes


with activity concentrations III. and ltD in air and water, respectively. Tl:

quantities are related by ltD = KIll. (Henry's law) where K is the solubi

coefficient for radon in water; for T = 20DC, approximately the site grot

temperature, K == 0.25. Using the proportionality of I'flJ and la, the diffus

equation becomes


under equilibrium conditions (atIa,tD = 0). A little creative rearrangement yie






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as the dimensionless form of the difFusion equation, of the same form as Eq, (6)

with primed quantities replacing the unprimed quantities. Thus, if all the ratios

are viewed as equivalent, the analysis in the main text still applies provided that

l. is identified as i!, De as v:" and 100 = G/>.. as roo =G'/ >..'.

Here G' is considered to be the rate at which radon generated in the volume

fraction occupied by the rock: material is transferred to the air in the pores. Recall

that G = I>"RuPgARa(1 - f)/f for the dry case; the fraction of those decaying

transferred to the pore space I, decay rate >"Ra and rate of volume generation

of radon pgARn times the ratio of the volume of solid mass to the volume of air.



where I' is the transfer coefficient from the solid grains to the air in the pore

space. More radon recoils are trapped in the system as compared to the case

when moisture is not present, due to stopping some of the recoiling radon in the

pore space water rather than it ending up in an adjacent grain. Increasing the

moisture content from zero to about 75% of saturation Increases the emanation

coefficient by a factor of {our or five.

The generation rate {or the dry case is


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when the pore space is entirely occupied by air. Dividing this into (A.B)

multiplying through by AI).' yields


as the particular solution to (A.7) for la evaluated in the rock material at h

distance from the boundary. As an example, suppose £a == 0.05, ew = 0

K = 0.25, and fll = 4; then

The activity concentration in the pore space AIR has been increased 1:

sizable factor. The e]ea increase in activity concentration simply correspond:

the decrease in the air in the pores. The I'I I increase is due to the increa

amount of radon trapped in the pore space. The factor e](fa +K f w ) correspo

to the assumption that the radon is transferred directly from water to air and t.

diffuses through the air across the boundary. As the rock approaches saturati

this is no longer the case: increasing amounts of radon are injected directly aCI

the. boundary from. the water. Formally, flfa also becomes singular at saturati

A suitable redefinition of the pore space boundary interface could take care

both problems, but it is probably as well not to use this relation for satura

conditions. In any case, the site materials at tunnel depth are not saturated.

Since K < 1, the factor E/(eG + KEto) increases monotonically from unity

Ew = 0 (dry conditions) to 11K at Ew = E (saturation).


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The corresponding flux


is the physical quantity of interest. For the example of the half-space (p6) with



which differs from (10) by replacement of difi'usion and emanation coefficients

appropriate to the case with water present and by the last factor g = [E"/fa +

KE"uI]l/2, which could be combined with D~. Then (A.12) would have the same

form as (10) with I replaced by I' and De replaced by gDe• A similar result

obtains in the case of the tunnel where /.2 =e. This demonstrates the assertion

made above that including the effects of rock moisture was equivalent to using

effective values of De and f.

In. summary, it is unlikely that the parameters chosen for the site materials

produce fluxes or tunnel activity concentrations in error by more than the factor

of twenty difference from a WL. I recommend that limits be placed upon the


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emanaiion coefficient f by measurement of site materials in powdered form.

Harbottle at Brookhaven National Laboratory is the expert in this field, an

has already volunteered to run this if we ship him a kg or so of typical specir

of chalk, marl and clay.) I also recommend that tracer gas studies be use

evaluate the fracture diffusion coefficient, if preliminary measurements of rr

concentrations during the construction phase noticeably exceed the estin:

made here.