Margaretville, N. Y., Friday, Jw uary 3, 1958 CATSKHX MOCNTAIN NEWS \ Page Tluee N ew -Bom s W elcom ed in ’57; A rea B id$ F arew ell to M any (Continued frran page one) March 15, a son, Gerald Eugene, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bab- cock, Roscoe. March 16, a daughter, Jo Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bacon Jr., Andes. M ardi 20, a daughter, Janice Louise, to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Armstrong, Arkville. M ardi 23, a stai, Jeffrey Lee, to M r. and M rs. iRay Sprague, Moncey, N. Y. March 23, a son. Dean Paul, to Mr. and Mrs. Eudid Proper, Roxbury. M ardi 26, a son, Michael David, to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sanford, New Kingston. March 30, a son, Robert Charles, to Mr. and M n. Richard Lutz, Roxbury. March 31, a daughter, Esther Louise, to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd W arren, Roscoe. April 2, a daughter, Crystal Coral, YOUCANNOT BUYA BETTER HEAtiNGOILTHAN €sso HEATING OIL The premium-quality heat- ing oil that is eeonomieal, and super-elean burning! FOR QUICK CALL S.G.lutz&Son Roxbury LEGAL NOTICES NOnCE To the Stockholders of the Andes W at«- Company Take Notice— That there will be a meeting of the ^tfickholtters of the Company at the National Bank of Andes on Tuesday, January 14, 1958, at 11 a. m., to hear the reports of (Officers and transacting such other business as may foe proper at that time. Dated: December 30,1957. VEOLA W. FRISBEE Secretary Of the Andes W ater 2jl0c Company NOTICE OF SHAREHOLDERS ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the shareholders of The National Bank of Andes will be held in their banking rooms in Andes, N. Y., on Tuesday, January 14, 1958, at 9 o’clock A. M. for the purpose of electing Directors for the ensuing year and other busi- ness that may property come be- fore the meeting. Polls for the election to dose at 10 a. m. M. M. WRIGHT SjlOc;;; ^__________________ Cashier NOTICE A Special meeting of the Share- holders of The National Bank of Andes, Andes, New York, will be held in the banking rooms of said bank on Tuesday, January 21, 1958, a^ one o’clock p. m. for the puT{^e of voting on the proposed consolidation of The First Na- tional Bank and Trust Company of Walton, New York, and The National Bank of Andes, Andes, New York, in accordance with an agreement of consolidation be- tween the two banks, a copy of which is on file at the National Bank of Andes, Andes, New York, and open to inspection by the shareholders of the bank. M. M. WRIGHT 5jl7c Cashier THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK By the Grace of God Free and Indep^dent To Em a Schurenkramer Grete Kotting Karl Prante Upon the petition of Carl Simpfendorf of Roscoe, New York, proponent, you are hereby dted to show cause before the Surrogate’s Court of Delaware County, at the Surrogate’s office in the ViDage of Delhi, in said County, on the 17th day of Fd>ruary, 1958, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon, why a decree should not be granted ad- nutting to probate a certain in- strummt in writing as the Last W ill and Testament of Anny Berg, late of the town of Colchester, said county, deceased, as a valid Will of Real and Personal Prop- erty, and also to show cause why Letters Testamentary should not issue thereon. IN TESTIMONY WHERE- OF, We have caused the Seal of our said Surro- gate’s Court to be here- unto affixed. WITNESS. HON. WALTER L. TERRY, Surrogate of (L. S.) the Coimty of Delaware, at the Surrogate’s Office in Delhi, N. Y., this 30th day of December, 1957. _ JEANETTE F. FOREMAN - Clerk of the Surrogate’s Court HERMAN E. GOTTFRIED Attorney for Petitioner. Margaretville, New York Office and P. O. Address. 5j31c to Mr. and Mrs. John Ford, Shandaken. April 3, a son, Robert Joseph, to Mr. and Mrs. RaliA Cowan, Hal- cottville. April 4,- a daughter, Debra Jo, to Mr. and Mrs. Hturold Zimmer* man, Andes. April 8, a son, James Marion, to Mr. and Mrs. James O’Brien, Fleischmanns. April 9, a son, Roland Hugh, to Mr. and Mrs. F r^ Ramp, Ark- ville. April 9, a son, Charles Marion, to 'Mr. and i/trs. Marion Ballard, Ddhi. April 18, a son, Mark Stuart, to Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Howard, Prattsville. April 21, a son, Leonard Corbett, to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stev- ens, Andes. April 23, a daughter,.Lori Jean, to Mr. and Mrs. George Hen- dricks, Margaretville., Ainil 25, a son, Andrew Robert, to Mr. and Mrs. William Myers, Heischmanns. April 28, a daughter, Peggy Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. John Rubin, Big Indian. April 29, a son, M ark Louis, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Augus- tine, Margaretville. May 1, a son, George Jens, to Mr. and M rs. George Petersen, Prattsville. May 7, a daughter, Kathy Lee, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Buell, Aritville. May 8, a son, David Ronald, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Huggins, Andes. May 10, a daughter, Jeanette Car- rie, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Fancher, Gilboa. Meiy 11, a daughter, Linda Lee, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howell, Andes. May 12, a daughter, Christal Lee, . to Mr. and Mrs. Byron Bell, Delhi. May 13, a son, Thomas Richard, to Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Van Valkenburgh, Roxbiuy. May 17, a daughter, Rose'Ann, to M r. and M rs. Ray Bentley, Andes. May 18, a son, ’Timothy James, to , Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Froncko- wiak, Arkville. May 22, a srni, Jeffrey Alan, to Mr. and M rs. Adelbert Caswell, Roxbury. May 22, a son, Timothy Lester, to Mr. and Mrs. Lester Fairbaim, Andes. May 27, a daughter, Brenda Laurie, to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Ploutz, Stamford. May 31, a daughter. Debora Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kra- todivil, Fleischmanns. June 2, a daughter, Linda Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Howard Drew, Andes. June 7, a son, Scott Robert, to Mr. and Mrs. Gordon M(Mur- ray, Margaretville. June 7, a son, Stephen Carlton, to Mr. and Mrs. James Anderson, Delhi. June 9, a son, Larry Eugene Jr., to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Baker, Arkville. June 10, a daughter, Jo Anne M argaret to Mr. and Mrs. Paul DeSilva, M argaretville. June 25, a daughter, Jo Ann Mar- jorie, to Mr. and Mre. Lynworth Jacques, Andes. June 27, a daughter, Diane, to Mr. and Mrs. William Kelly, Mar- garetville. June 27, a son, William Winton, to Mr. and Mrs. Winton San- ford, M argaretville. June 30, a son, Harold Raymond Jr., to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moore, Hamden. June 30, a daughter, Deborah Lynne, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Kellerhouse, Grand Gorge. July 8, a son, Edward Otto, to Mr. and M rs. W infield Hinkley, Grand Gorge. July 9, a daughter, Susdn Diane, to Mr. and Mrs. Audrey Tomp- kins, Grand Gorge. July 11, a son, John William, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Biggar, Delhi. July 13, a daughter, Martha Ellin, to Mr. and Mrs. John Hoeko, Fleischmanns. July 14, a son, ’Thomas Daniel, to M r. and M rs. James Avery, Delhi. July 14, a son, Frands Patrick, to Mr. and Mrs. PYancis How- ley, Andes. July 15, a daughter, Pamela Joan, to Mr. and Mrs. James Van Valkenburgh, Kingston. July 16, a son, James David, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gile, Rox- bury. July 21, * daughter, Dawn Louise, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gregory, Roxbury. July 23, a-son, Douglas Chase, to Mr. and Mrs. Da:vid Andrews, Andes. July 25, a son, Charles Gilbert, to M r. and iRfe. Robert Plane, Pine Hill. July 26, a daughter, Barbara Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Daw- son, M argaretville. July 28, a daughter, Elaine Alice, to Mr. and Mrs. M urray Cable, Roxbury. July 31, a son, Forrest Aron, to M r. and Afe. Scott M ayer, Andes. Aug. 3, a son, Eric Bernard, to Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Bouton, Kingston. Aug. 4, a son, John W alter, to Mr. and Mrs. George Freer Jr., Roxbury. Aug. 6, a son, Christopher David, to Mr. and Mrs. Larry Wincent- sen, Phoenida. Aug. 7, a son, Reinhard Carl Jr., to M r. and M rs. Reinhard ■nUben, Gardiner, N. Y. Aug. 13, a daughter, Paula Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Herdman, Allaben. Aug. 14^ a son, 'nm othy K , to Mr. and Mrs. J(rfm Goupil, Ark- ville. Aug. 14, a daughter, Anne Isobel, to Mr. and Mrs. I^ton Shultis, Roxbury. Aug. 15, a s(Hi, Frederick George, to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Miller, Margaretville. Aug. 20, a daughter, Barbara Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Claytrai Finch, Arkville. Aug. 22, a son, Raymcmd Rodger, to Mr. and Mrs. Earland Leon- ard, Oliverea. Aug. 22, a daughter. Dawn Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Buel, Grand Gorge. Aug. 23, a daughter, Sharon Lee, to Mr. and Mrs. William Foster, Schenectady. Aug. 29, a daughter, Ldnda Marie, to Mr. and Mrs. George Balcom, M argaretville. Aug. 30, a daughter, Susan Edythe, to Mr. and Mrs. Qiarles Van Valkenburgh, Halcott Ctenter. Sept. 1, a son, Gary Lee, to Mr. and Mrs. Odell Reynolds, Hal- cott Center. S ^ t. 4, a son, Richard Alan, to Mr. and Mra. Raynwnd Winner, Andes. Sept. 4, a daughter, Maureen Erin, to Mr. and Mrs. Carson George, Arkville. Sept. 7, a son, Michael Joseph Jr., to Mr. and Mrs. Michael Siska, Margaretville. Sept. 7, a daughter, Kathy Ann, to ftfr. and Mrs. George Ruff, Andes. Sept. 9, a daughter, Bonnie Lou, to Mr. and Mrs. Abram Davis Jr., Margaretville. Sept. 9, a son, John Stewart, to M r. and M rs. DcHiald Mace, Middleburgh. Sept. 17, a daughter, Deborah Lynn, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Beers, Andes. Sept. 18, a son, M idiael Peter, to M r. and Mrs. Peter Halpem, Margaretville. Sept. 22, a daughter, Christine Marie, to Mr. and Mra. Leonard U tter, M argaretville. Sept. 27, a daughter, Susan Ruth, to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Greene, Denver. Sept. 27, a daughter, Laiuen Sue, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Laden- heim, M argaretville. Sept. 28, a dau^ter, Debra Jean, to Mr. and Mrs. Seth Jocelyn, Pine Hill. Sept. 30, a son, Lance Daniel, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hoffinan, Allaben. Oct. 2, a daughter, Judith Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Melvin, Andes. Oct. 4, a daughter, Sandra Lee, to Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Valk, Ark- ville. Oct. 4, a son, Dan Charles, to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ford, Clary- viUe. O ct 7, a son, Thomas Nelson, to Mr. and Mrs. Henry Torres, M t Tremper. Oct. 8, a daughter, Adriene CmwI, to Mr. and Mrs. Chester Thor- ington Jr., Grand Gorge. O ct 10, a i^n, M ichael'^ward, to Mr. and Mrs, Harold Pekrul, Roxbury. Oct. 12, a daughter, Sandra Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Finch, Arkville. Oct. 19, a daughter, Sally Jane, to Mr. and Mrs. David Gooddiild, Andes. Oct. 20, a daughter, Carol Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Barnhart, Bovina Center. Oct. 24, a daughter, Rena Susan, to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Klein- feld, Fleischmanns. Oct. 26, a son, Laurence John Jr., to M r. and M rs. Laurence ■Tweedie, Andes. Oct. 27, a daughter, Patricia Kay, to Mr. and Mrs. Roswell San- ford, M argaretville. Nov. 5, a daughter, Joanne Louise, to Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Gray Jr., Roxbury. Nov. 5 ,a son, Willard John Jr., to Mr. and Mrs. W illard Coss, Andes. Nov. 7, a son, Bruce Alan, to Mr. and Mrs. Karlheinz Bockholt, Pine Hill. Nov. 7, a son, Vincent Howard, to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Snyder, Roxbury. Nov. 8, a daughter, Mary-Lee Christine, to Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Haggerty, Denver. Nov. 10, a son, Edw£u:d Burton, to Mr. and Mrs. Everett Day, Mar- garetville. Nov. 11, a daughter, Mary-Jack, to Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Graham, Downsville. ^ Nov. 11, a son, ITiomas James, to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Rikard, Prattsville. Nov. 11, a son, Herbert Irving, to Mr. and Mrs. Willis Curtis, Big Indian. Nov. 11, a son, Umothy Darwin, to Mr. and'Ihl^. Robert Johnson, Halcott Center. Nov. 13, a daughter, Kimberly Jean, to Mr. and Afe. Thomas Wagner, Margaretville. Nov. 16, a daughter, lila Jean Wanda, to Mr. and Mrs. Harry Devins, Gilboa. NOV. 17, a «on, Terry Lynn, to Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Conklin, Hal- cottville. N ^. 17, a daughter. Rose Marie, to Mr. and Mis. Grorge Mayhew Jr., Shokan. Nov. 18, a daughter, Carrie EUen, to Mr. and Mrs. Milton Tomlin- son, Arkville. Nov. 20, a daughter, Sueanne Ruth, to Mr. and Mrs. Nestor Bryant, M t .Tremper. Nov. 24, a daughter, Mary Jean, to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Porter, Roxbury. Nov. 28, a son, Greg Leo, to Mr. and Mrs. Leo Becker, North Blenheim. Dec. 1, a son, Keith W arren, to Mr. and Mrs. Linn Shultis, Mar- garetville. Dec. 3, a daughter, Deanna Eu- nice, to Mr. and Mrs. Cecil San- ford, New Kingston. Dec. 7, a son, Robert James, to Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Murray, RoxlMiry. Dec. 11, a son, Robert Michael, to Mr. ^ d Mrs. Donald Ruff, Andes. Dec. 12, a son, Wayne Alan, to M r. and Mrs. Robert finch. Sand Lake, N. Y. Dec. 13, a daughter, Sheryl Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. John Findi, Passaic, N. J. ^Dec. 16, a son, John Henry, to Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Squires, M argaretville. Dec. 17, a son, Robert Steven, to Mr. and Mrs. niom as Dunphy, Andes. Dec. 16, a son, Ernest Wayne, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Persons, Phoenicia. Dec. 20, a daughter, Joanne Lou- ise, to Mr. and Mrs. Frands Hall, Margaretville. Dec. 21, a dau^ter, Mary Anne, to Mr. and Mrs. Clifford "iVee- die, M argaretville. Town M rtbs (Recorded W ith Town Clerk) March 8, a daughter, Roxann, to M r. and M rs. Lyman Guild, Fleischmanns. 1957 Deaths (Recorded In Margaretville) Jan. 3, Charles Kratochvil, 52, H alcott (Center. Jan. 11, Frank Henry Smith, 74, Delhi. Jan. 25, Minnie H. Bouton, 78, Roxbury. Jan. 26, Charles G. Seebeck, 76, Roxbury. Jan. 26, Andrea Sue Low, 1, M argaretville. Feb. 1, Mary Myers, 84, Pine HilL Feb. 3, Nelson Buel, 69, Town of Conesville. Feb. 12, Dennis Pedc, infant. Woodland, N. Y. Feb. 13, Frank Hasbrouck Dean, 88, Halcottville. Feb. 17, Mary Josephine ZeoUa, inf£int, M argaretville. Feb. 26, Jasper LeRoy Haight, 80, Margaretville. March 3, Nathaniel Hammpnd, 80, M argaretville. M arch 7, EUa Close, 70, Wood- land. March 21, Harvey F. Wickhanti, 85, M argaretville. March 29, Alice W. Qose, 62, M argaretville. March 31, Elizabeth B. Boscu, 64; H alcott (Center. April 26, John Renz, 90, Grand (Jorge. May 1, Comtoey Ross Sanford, 76, M argaretville. May 7, Baby Avery, infant, Ark- viUe. May 7, Ethel M arguerite Becker, 65, Fleisdunanns. May 13, Earl MacLean, 59, Mar- garetville. May 18, Soi^e Larck, 56, Marga- retville. May 29, Agnes M. Smith, 77, Andes. June 2, Andrew J. Underwood, 78, Roxbury. Jim e 2, Grace CThappeU, 85, M ar- garetville. June 24, William Crosby, 36, Mar- garetville. July 4, Alfred Paul Schneekloth, 74, Arkville. July 6, Louise B. Earl, 76, Fleisch- manns. July 12, W illiam Reside, 63, An- des. July 12, Louis Fqller, 59, Ark- ville. ' July 19, Marjorie Louella Snyder Rapplieyea, 58, Town of Lexing- ton. July 28, Charlotte Lorraine Ley- den, 21, Margsu-etville. Aug. 2, Irm a Marie Rode, 66, An- des. Aug. 5, Ronald Joseph Bohan, 24, Brooklyn. Aug. 8, M eta Mueller, 76, New York dty. Aug. 12, (Seorge Alfred Frandsco, 71, Andes. Aug. 17, Edith Wolfstein, 55, Elm- hurst N. Y. Aug. 18, Fred R. Liebesny, 69, New York city. . Aug. 20, Baby Perry, infant Miami. Aug. 22, John M. A. (Soupil, 53, Arkville. Aug. 27, Boris A. Beskin, 51, Buf- falo. Aug. 28, Jeanette N utt 72, Rego Park, N. Y. Sept. 14, Fritz H. Rydmark, 57, Brooklyn. Sept 21, Lee M iller Mann, 88, New York city. Sept. 26, William C. Laughman, 67, Margaretville. Sept. 29, Mary Ellen McC^dden, Margaretville. Oct. 31, Julius M einstein, 74, Fleischmanns. Nov. 3, Baby Koehler, infant Pine H ill. Nov. 12, Nellie Fancher, 66, Town of Andes. Nov. 15, M artin G. Forrest, 58, Bovina Center. Nov. 15, Frederick Westbrook Hill, 82, Pine HilL Nov. 20, Robert LeRoy Van Valkenbvttgh, 78, Roxbury. Nov. 21, Helen Frances DuMond, 44, Fleisdmianns. Nov. 25, Edith K. Haynes, 61, Seager. Dec. 25, Roscoe E. Kipp, 59, Stamford. Town Deaths (Recorded W ith Town Qerk) Jan. 5, Charles Alexander Eisele, 85, Kelly (Comers. March 18, David L. Ftiirbaim, 72, Arkville. July 7, Andrew Van Benschoten, 66, New Kingston. July 29, John Alton, 63, Fleisch- manns. Aug. 5, Irene E. Hull, 86, HubbeU TTill Oct. 10, John A. Davis, 75, Denver. Nov. 12, Thomas Hickey, 65, Brook^. Dec. 2, Lewis M. Low, 62, M ar- garetville. 11, Letitia Monington Slade, 69, MiUbrook. Dec. 13, Elizabeth M. Boiiton, 91, Halcottville. Dec. 30, Jean A. Bennett 86, C ^- teret N. J. H turiage Lioensea (Issued by Town Clerk) Johii Jo^ph Sanford of New Kingston and C:arol Jane Beland of Arkville, wed Feb. 9 at Mar- garetville. W alter Stanley Craft Jr. of Fleischmanns and Arlene Diane Squires of Fleischmanns, wed Feb. 17 at Fleischmanns. Marvin Janies Rose of Roxbury and Oyda May Hobson of Fleischmanns, wed Feb. 21 at Roxbury. Paul DeSilva of Margaretville and M argaret Moore of Margaret- ville, wed March 30 at Mar- garetville. David N. Morrison of "Troy and Sandra R. Davis of Margaret- ville, wed June 15 at Margaret- ville. Donald S. Myers of Highmount and Lucille Benjamin of Pine HjU, wed June 28, in Phoenida. Donald E. Scully of Margaretville and Doris E. Sackett of South • K ortright wed Jime 29 at Stam- ford. W illiam B. Herron of Fleisch- manns and Jean L. Brannen of Fleischmanns, wed July 4 at Fleischmanns. John J. Duffy Jr. of Margaret- ville and Hielma Cantwell Clark of Margaretville, wed July 4 in town of Hardenburgh. Qiarles W. Estus Jr. of Andes and Mary Kathryn Roberts of Arkville, wed Aug. 15 at Andes. Bud N. Eckert of Margaretville and Alice L. Dougherty of New Kingston, wed Aug. 24, at New Kingston. Clyde W. Chambers of Kelly Cor- ners and Mildred H. Johnson of Arkville, wed Aug. 24, at Albany. Ronald A, DeSilva of Meirgaret- ville and Betty J. Sanford of New Kingston, wed Sept 16 at Schenectady. Emil Deutsch of Margaretville and Marian Archibald of M argaret- ville, wed O ct 2 at Pine Hill Lewis GrodioU of Kelly Corners and Jacqudine Slover of Fleisdunanns, wed Oct. 17 at Walton. James M arkle Davis of Fleisch- manns and Barbara M arie Searle of Fleischmanns, wed Oct. 12 at Fleisdmianns. Robert Michael Mahone of Bea- con and Nellie Mae Short of Fleischmanns, wed Nov. 7 at M argaretville. Leslie G. fii^ster ofM argaretville and Lucille M. Schultz of Mar- garetville, wed Nov. 9 at Fleischmanns. Biurton J. Dougherty of Briscoe, N. Y., and Hattie Steele of Briscoe, wed Nov. 26 at Fem - dale. Orvin Sidney Edsert of M argaret- ville and Anne Shirley Griffin of Arkville, wed Nov. 30 at Arkville. Gteorge W illard Faiton of Andes and Nrarma Lou Ballard of Fleisdmianns, wed Dec. 24 at Andes. GAIil-OIRa THEATRE Margaretville Phone 22S1 MargaretviUe Evening performances continu- ous from 7 p. m. Matinee Satiu-days at 2 p. m. Admission: Adults 60c Children 25c Frlday-Saturday Jan. 8-4 * — and-<— ^Domino Kid” Rory Calhonn - Kristine Miller Sunday Monday Tuesday Jan. S-&-7 C3iRjrCtea®r , Twp Sop»tiaB>REWj» TtdninlerVIitavUoii IliilMMaihraUnMArfim Wednesday-Thnrsday Jan. 8-9 “FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS” Gary Cooper - Ingrid Bergman (In C^lor) » A t 7:10 — a n d —: “THREE VIOLENT PEOPLE” Charlton Heston - Anne Baxter (In Color) At 9:20 Friday-Satarday Jan. 10-11 “TaB Stranger” Joel McCrea - Virginia Mayo (In Color and Cinemascope) —and— ^^Spook Chasers” H n ^ Hall Bowery Boys m Neighbors Have Fun At Andrew Grays’ Roxbury,’ Dec. 24.—M r. and Mrs. Andrew Gray gave a Christ- mas jtarty Saturday evening, Dec. 21, for friends and ndghbors. Present were Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam C. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Mil- ton Shultis, Mr. and Mrs. Edward Snegoski, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Os- borne, Mr. and Mrs. James Hink- ley, Corbin Peck, Mr. and Mrs. Richard PurchdL Mr. and Mrs. Glenford Brownell, M rs. Lynn (hammer, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Hinkley. Gifts were exchanged and score prizes were won by Francis Hink- ley, Mrs. Edward Snegoski, Mrs. James HinklQr and Glenford Brownell, and traveling prize by Mrs. SnegoskL O U R S P E C IA L S STEAMED CLAMS CHICKEN IN THE BASKET SHRIMP IN THE BASKET CLUB STEAKS LOBSTER TAILS STA N ’S TA V ERN Route 30 Kelly Comers, N. Y. ANY BANKING PROBLEMS? O u r O ffic ia l F su n ily Is R e a d y , W illin g and A ble to H elp Y ou Solve Them Let’s Make That New Year’s Resolution Now! Open an account today at National Baiik of Roxbury, where the public has been receiving complete banking services for 52 years. Make Our Bank Your Bank If our regular banking hours are not convenient for you, a call to Roxbury 2251 will a n ^ g e for a more suitable time. Many of our services are on a round-^e-clock basis. ij * * * All of Us at National Bank of Roxbury Thank Each and Every One of You for Helping to Make 1957 Our Banner Year and to Wish All of You and Yours Many Happy and Prosperous New Years. Locally Owned Locally Managed Locally Directed T he N ational B ank of R oxbury Roxbury^ N» Y.__ ^ Member FDIC More than fOfiOONorUMottpouhrymtnmn tTKnmemmzxr. M ore than you bargain for In 6~Week»: three poundf of the new GX.F. 6-W Cihi^ Starter per chick will give you the faitett, healthiest, most vigorou* itart for flock replacements you ever lawl Productive energy is increased — to 920 calories per pound. Fiber I* reduced to 3.4 %. Peed egicieney wfaidi means more growth per dollar — is «q> 4%. 6-W Chide Starter is the freshest feed you can buy, always in new bags for disease protection. And only at G.L.F. can you find the complete 6-Wa.y Poult^ Serv- ice: mash, pdlet^ cnuhUes . . . medicated feeds . .. . trained tpec- ialists . . . bulk ddivery . . . quantity discounts . . . egg^ pro- motion — more than you bargain for when you buy G.LJ . Look for the New 6-W in the new bag with the red disks — at your local G.L.F. Service Agen<grj Snffr-GROW-LAY QJJ. all the way Hli^EFFieimY Chick Staffer

€sso - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/.../1958-01-03/ed-1/seq-3.pdfto Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bab- cock, Roscoe. March 16, a daughter, Jo Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur

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Page 1: €sso - NYS Historic Newspapersnyshistoricnewspapers.org/.../1958-01-03/ed-1/seq-3.pdfto Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Bab- cock, Roscoe. March 16, a daughter, Jo Ann, to Mr. and Mrs. Arthur

M argaretville, N. Y., Friday, Jw u ary 3, 1958 CATSKHX MOCNTAIN NEWS\

Page T luee

N e w - B o m s W e l c o m e d i n ’ 5 7 ;

A r e a B i d $ F a r e w e l l t o M a n y(C ontinued frran page one)

M arch 15, a son, G erald Eugene, to M r. and M rs. G erald Bab- cock, Roscoe.

M arch 16, a daugh ter, Jo Ann, to M r. and M rs. A rth u r Bacon Jr., Andes.

M a rd i 20, a daugh ter, Janice Louise, to M r. and M rs. D ouglas A rm strong, A rkville.

M ard i 23, a stai, Je ffre y Lee, to M r. and M rs. iRay Sprague, Moncey, N . Y.

M arch 23, a son. D ean P au l, to M r. and M rs. E u d id Proper, Roxbury.

M ard i 26, a son, M ichael David, to M r. and M rs. Douglas Sanford, N ew K ingston.

M arch 30, a son, R obert C harles, to M r. and M n . R ichard Lutz, Roxbury.

M arch 31, a daughter, E sther Louise, to M r. and M rs. Lloyd W arren , Roscoe.

A pril 2, a daughter, C rystal Coral,


€ssoHEATING OILThe prem ium -quality heat­ing oil th a t is eeonomieal, and super-elean burning!




T o th e Stockholders o f th e Andes W at«- Company

T ake N otice—T h at th e re w ill be a m eeting of

th e ^tfickholtters o f th e Company a t th e N ational B ank o f A ndes on Tuesday, Jan u ary 14, 1958, a t 11 a. m ., to h ear th e rep o rts of

(Officers and tran sac tin g such o ther business as m ay foe proper a t th a t tim e.D ated: D ecem ber 30,1957.

VEOLA W. FR IS B E E S ecre ta ry

Of th e Andes W ater 2 jl0 c Com pany


T he annual m eeting of th e shareholders o f T he N ational B ank of Andes w ill be held in th e ir banking room s in Andes, N . Y., on Tuesday, Jan u ary 14, 1958, a t 9 o’clock A. M. fo r the purpose of electing D irecto rs for th e ensuing y ear and o th e r busi­ness th a t m ay p roperty come be­fo re th e m eeting. Polls fo r the election to d o se a t 10 a. m.

M. M. W RIGHT SjlOc;;; ^__________________ C ashier

NO TIC E A Special m eeting of th e S hare ­

holders o f T he N ational B ank of Andes, Andes, New York, w ill be held in th e banking room s of said bank on Tuesday, Jan u ary 21, 1958, a ^ one o’clock p. m . fo r the puT {^e of voting on th e proposed consolidation of T he F irs t N a­tio n a l B ank and T ru st Company of W alton, N ew York, and T he N ational B ank of Andes, Andes, N ew York, in accordance w ith an agreem ent of consolidation be­tw een the tw o banks, a copy of w hich is on file a t th e N ational B ank of Andes, Andes, N ew York, and open to inspection by the shareholders of th e bank.

M. M. W RIGHT 5 jl7 c C ashier


B y th e G race of God F ree and In d e p ^ d e n t

T o E m a Schurenkram er G re te K otting K arl P ra n te

Upon th e pe tition of C arl S im pfendorf o f Roscoe, New York, proponent, you a re hereby d te d to show cause before th e S u rrogate’s C ourt of D elaw are County, a t th e S u rrogate’s office in th e ViDage of Delhi, in said County, on th e 17th day of Fd>ruary, 1958, a t 10 o’clock in th e forenoon, w hy a decree should n o t be g ran ted ad- n u ttin g to p robate a certa in in- s tru m m t in w riting as th e L ast W ill and T estam ent of A nny Berg, la te o f th e tow n of C olchester, said county, deceased, as a valid W ill of R eal and P ersonal P rop ­e rty , and also to show cause why L e tte rs T estam entary should not issue thereon.

IN TESTIM ONY W H ERE­OF, W e have caused the Seal o f o u r said S urro ­g a te ’s C ourt to be here­un to affixed.

W ITN ESS. HON. W ALTER L. TERRY, S urrogate of

(L. S .) th e Coim ty o f D elaw are, a t th e S u rro g ate’s Office in Delhi, N . Y., th is 30th day of Decem ber, 1957.

_ JEA N ET TE F . FOREM AN - C lerk of th e S urrogate’s C ourt

HERM AN E. GOTTFRIED A tto rney fo r P etitioner. M argaretville, N ew Y ork O ffice and P . O. A ddress. 5j31c

to M r. and M rs. John Ford, Shandaken.

A pril 3, a son, R obert Joseph, to M r. and M rs. R aliA Cowan, H al- co ttville.

A pril 4,- a daughter, D ebra Jo, to M r. and M rs. Hturold Zimmer* m an, Andes.

A pril 8, a son, Jam es M arion, to M r. and M rs. Jam es O’Brien, Fleischm anns.

A pril 9, a son, R oland H ugh, to M r. and M rs. F r ^ Ram p, A rk ­ville.

A pril 9, a son, C harles M arion, to 'Mr. and i/trs. M arion B allard, D dh i.

A pril 18, a son, M ark S tu a rt, to M r. and M rs. M arvin Howard, P rattsv ille .

A pril 21, a son, Leonard C orbett, to M r. and M rs. Leonard S tev ­ens, Andes.

A pril 23, a d au g h te r,.L o ri Jean , to M r. and M rs. G eorge H en­dricks, M argaretv ille.,

A in il 25, a son, A ndrew R obert, to M r. and M rs. W illiam M yers, H eischm anns.

A pril 28, a daughter, Peggy Ann, to M r. and M rs. John Rubin, B ig Indian.

A pril 29, a son, M ark Louis, to M r. and M rs. Thom as Augus­tine, M argaretville.

M ay 1, a son, George Jens, to M r. and M rs. George P etersen , P rattsv ille .

M ay 7, a daughter, K athy Lee, to M r. and M rs. K enneth Buell, A ritville.

M ay 8, a son, D avid Ronald, to M r. and M rs. K enneth Huggins, Andes.

M ay 10, a daughter, Jea n e tte C ar­rie, to M r. and M rs. S tanley F ancher, Gilboa.

Meiy 11, a daughter, L inda Lee, to M r. and M rs. R obert Howell, Andes.

M ay 12, a daugh ter, C hrista l Lee,. to M r. and M rs. Byron Bell,

Delhi.M ay 13, a son, Thom as R ichard,

to M r. and M rs. L eonard Van V alkenburgh, R oxbiuy.

M ay 17, a daugh ter, R ose'A nn, to M r. and M rs. R ay B entley, Andes.

M ay 18, a son, ’Tim othy Jam es, to, M r. and M rs. Joseph Froncko-

w iak, A rkville.M ay 22, a srni, Je ffrey A lan, to M r.

and M rs. A delbert Caswell, Roxbury.

M ay 22, a son, T im othy L ester, to M r. and M rs. L este r F a irba im , Andes.

M ay 27, a daugh ter, B renda L aurie, to M r. and M rs. K enneth P loutz, S tam ford.

M ay 31, a daughter. D ebora M arie, to M r. and M rs. S tan ley K ra- tod iv il, Fleischm anns.

Ju n e 2, a daughter, Linda M arie, to M r. and M rs. H ow ard Drew, Andes.

Ju n e 7, a son, S co tt R obert, to M r. and M rs. Gordon M (M ur- ray , M argaretv ille .

June 7, a son, S tephen C arlton , to M r. and M rs. Jam es A nderson, Delhi.

Ju n e 9, a son, L a rry Eugene J r., to M r. and M rs. L a rry B aker, A rkville.

Ju n e 10, a daugh ter, Jo A nne M arg are t to M r. and M rs. P au l D eSilva, M argaretville.

Ju n e 25, a daughter, J o A nn M ar­jorie, to M r. and M re. Lynw orth Jacques, Andes.

Ju n e 27, a daughter, D iane, to M r. and M rs. W illiam Kelly, M ar­garetv ille .

Ju n e 27, a son, W illiam W inton, to M r. and M rs. W inton San­ford, M argaretville.

June 30, a son, H arold Raym ond J r., to M r. and M rs. H arold M oore, Ham den.

Ju n e 30, a daugh ter, D eborah Lynne, to M r. and M rs. D onald K ellerhouse, G rand Gorge.

Ju ly 8, a son, E dw ard O tto, to M r. and M rs. W infield H inkley, G rand Gorge.

Ju ly 9, a daughter, Susdn D iane, to M r. and M rs. A udrey Tom p­kins, G rand Gorge.

Ju ly 11, a son, John W illiam , to M r. and M rs. A ndrew Biggar, D elhi.

Ju ly 13, a daughter, M artha Ellin, to M r. and M rs. John Hoeko, F leischm anns.

Ju ly 14, a son, ’Thomas Daniel, to M r. and M rs. Jam es Avery, Delhi.

Ju ly 14, a son, F ra n d s P a trick , to M r. and M rs. PYancis How- ley, Andes.

Ju ly 15, a daughter, Pam ela Joan, to M r. and M rs. Jam es V an V alkenburgh, K ingston.

Ju ly 16, a son, Jam es David, to M r. and M rs. H arold Gile, Rox­bury.

Ju ly 21, * daughter, D awn Louise, to M r. and M rs. H arry Gregory, R oxbury.

Ju ly 23, a-son, D ouglas Chase, to M r. and M rs. Da:vid Andrews, Andes.

Ju ly 25, a son, C harles G ilbert, to M r. and iRfe. R obert P lane, P ine H ill.

Ju ly 26, a daughter, B arb ara Ann, to M r. and M rs. H erb ert Daw­son, M argaretv ille.

Ju ly 28, a daugh ter, E laine Alice, to M r. and M rs. M urray Cable, R oxbury.

Ju ly 31, a son, F o rre s t Aron, to M r. and A fe . S co tt M ayer, A ndes.

Aug. 3, a son, E ric B ernard, to M r. and M rs. B ernard Bouton, K ingston.

Aug. 4, a son, John W alter, to M r. and M rs. George F re e r J r., R oxbury.

Aug. 6, a son, C hristopher David, to M r. and M rs. L a rry W incent- sen, P hoenida.

Aug. 7, a son, R einhard C arl J r., to M r. and M rs. R einhard ■nUben, G ardiner, N . Y.

Aug. 13, a daughter, P au la M arie, to M r. and M rs. P au l H erdm an, A llaben.

Aug. 14 ̂ a son, 'n m o th y K , to M r. and M rs. J(rfm Goupil, A rk ­ville.

Aug. 14, a daughter, A nne Isobel, to M r. and M rs. I ^ to n Shultis, R oxbury.

Aug. 15, a s(Hi, F rederick George, to M r. and M rs. R ichard M iller, M argaretville.

Aug. 20, a daughter, B arb ara Ann, to M r. and M rs. C laytrai Finch, A rkville.

Aug. 22, a son, Raymcmd Rodger, to M r. and M rs. E arland Leon­ard , O liverea.

Aug. 22, a daugh ter. D awn M arie, to M r. and M rs. R onald Buel, G rand Gorge.

Aug. 23, a daughter, S haron Lee, to M r. and M rs. W illiam F oster, Schenectady.

Aug. 29, a daughter, Ldnda M arie, to M r. and M rs. G eorge Balcom, M argaretville.

Aug. 30, a daughter, Susan Edythe, to M r. and M rs. Q ia rle s Van V alkenburgh, H alco tt Ctenter.

S ep t. 1, a son, G ary Lee, to M r. and M rs. Odell Reynolds, H al­c o tt C enter.

S ^ t . 4, a son, R ichard A lan, to M r. and M ra. R aynw nd W inner, Andes.

Sept. 4, a daugh ter, M aureen E rin, to M r. and M rs. C arson George, A rkville.

Sept. 7, a son, M ichael Joseph J r., to M r. and M rs. M ichael Siska, M argaretv ille.

Sept. 7, a daughter, K athy Ann, to ftfr. and M rs. George R uff, Andes.

Sept. 9, a daughter, B onnie Lou, to M r. and M rs. A bram Davis J r., M argaretville.

Sept. 9, a son, John S tew art, to M r. and M rs. DcHiald M ace, M iddleburgh.

Sept. 17, a daughter, D eborah Lynn, to M r. and M rs. C arl B eers, Andes.

Sept. 18, a son, M id iael P e te r, to M r. and M rs. P e te r H alpem , M argaretville.

Sept. 22, a daugh ter, C hristine M arie, to M r. and M ra. L eonard U tte r, M argaretv ille.

Sept. 27, a daughter, Susan R uth, to M r. and M rs. G erald Greene, D enver.

Sept. 27, a daughter, L aiuen Sue, to M r. and M rs. H aro ld Laden- heim , M argaretville.

Sept. 28, a d a u ^ te r , D ebra Jean , to M r. and M rs. S e th Jocelyn, P ine H ill.

Sept. 30, a son, L ance D aniel, to M r. and M rs. R alph H offinan, A llaben.

O ct. 2, a daugh ter, Ju d ith Ann, to M r. and M rs. D onald M elvin, Andes.

O ct. 4, a daugh ter, S and ra Lee, to M r. and M rs. V irgil V alk, A rk ­ville.

O ct. 4, a son, D an C harles, to M r. and M rs. C harles Ford, C lary- viUe.

O c t 7, a son, Thom as N elson, to M r. and M rs. H enry T orres, M t T rem per.

O ct. 8, a daughter, A driene CmwI, to M r. and M rs. C hester T hor- ington J r., G rand Gorge.

O c t 10, a i^n , M ich a e l'^ w a rd , to M r. and M rs, H aro ld P ekrul, Roxbury.

O ct. 12, a daughter, S an d ra Ann, to M r. and M rs. D onald Finch, A rkville.

O ct. 19, a daughter, S ally Jane , to M r. and M rs. D avid G ooddiild, Andes.

O ct. 20, a daughter, C arol Ann, to M r. and M rs. R obert B arnhart, Bovina C enter.

O ct. 24, a daugh ter, R ena Susan, to M r. and M rs. H arold K lein- feld, Fleischm anns.

O ct. 26, a son, Laurence John Jr., to M r. and M rs. L aurence ■Tweedie, Andes.

O ct. 27, a daughter, P a tric ia Kay, to M r. and M rs. Roswell San­ford, M argaretville.

Nov. 5, a daughter, Joanne Louise, to M r. and M rs. A ndrew G ray J r., Roxbury.

Nov. 5 ,a son, W illard John Jr., to M r. and M rs. W illard Coss, Andes.

Nov. 7, a son, B ruce A lan, to M r. and M rs. K arlheinz B ockholt, P ine H ill.

Nov. 7, a son, V incent How ard, to M r. and M rs. E v e re tt Snyder, Roxbury.

Nov. 8, a daughter, M ary-Lee C hristine, to M r. and M rs. Rob­e r t H aggerty , D enver.

Nov. 10, a son, Edw£u:d B urton, to M r. and M rs. E v ere tt Day, M ar­garetv ille .

Nov. 11, a daughter, M ary-Jack, to M r. and M rs. N elson G raham , Downsville. ^

Nov. 11, a son, ITiom as Jam es, to M r. and M rs. H erb e rt R ikard, P rattsv ille .

Nov. 11, a son, H erb e rt Irving, to M r. and M rs. W illis C urtis, Big Indian .

Nov. 11, a son, U m othy D arw in, to M r. and 'Ih l^ . R obert Johnson, H alco tt C enter.

Nov. 13, a daughter, K im berly Jean , to M r. and A fe. Thom as W agner, M argaretville.

Nov. 16, a daugh ter, l i l a Jean W anda, to M r. and M rs. H arry Devins, Gilboa.

NOV. 17, a «on, T erry Lynn, to M r. and M rs. Floyd Conklin, H al- co ttville.

N ^ . 17, a daughter. Rose M arie, to M r. and M is. G rorge M ayhew J r., Shokan.

Nov. 18, a daughter, C arrie EUen, to M r. and M rs. M ilton Tom lin­son, A rkville.

Nov. 20, a daughter, Sueanne R uth , to M r. and M rs. N estor B ryan t, M t .Trem per.

Nov. 24, a daughter, M ary Jean , to M r. and M rs. Thom as P o rter, Roxbury.

Nov. 28, a son, G reg Leo, to M r. and M rs. Leo B ecker, N orth B lenheim .

Dec. 1, a son, K eith W arren, to M r. and M rs. L inn Shultis, M ar­garetv ille .

Dec. 3, a daughter, D eanna E u­nice, to M r. and M rs. Cecil S an ­ford, New K ingston.

Dec. 7, a son, Robert James, to

M r. and M rs. H erb e rt M urray, RoxlMiry.

Dec. 11, a son, R obert M ichael, to M r. ^ d M rs. D onald R uff, Andes.

Dec. 12, a son, W ayne A lan, to M r. and M rs. R obert fin c h . S and Lake, N . Y.

Dec. 13, a daugh ter, Sheryl Ann, to M r. and M rs. John F in d i, P assaic, N . J .

^Dec. 16, a son, John H enry, to M r. and M rs. S tan ley Squires, M argaretville.

Dec. 17, a son, R obert Steven, to M r. and M rs. n io m a s Dunphy, Andes.

Dec. 16, a son, E rn est W ayne, to M r. and M rs. C lifford Persons, Phoenicia.

Dec. 20, a daughter, Joanne Lou­ise, to M r. and M rs. F ra n d s H all, M argaretville.

Dec. 21, a d a u ^ te r , M ary Anne, to M r. and M rs. C lifford "iVee- die, M argaretville.

Town M rtb s(R ecorded W ith Town C lerk)

M arch 8, a daugh ter, R oxann, to M r. and M rs. Lym an Guild, Fleischm anns.

1957 D eaths

(R ecorded In M argaretv ille)Jan . 3, C harles K ratochvil, 52,

H alco tt (Center.Jan . 11, F ran k H enry Sm ith, 74,

D elhi.Jan . 25, M innie H. Bouton, 78,

R oxbury.Jan . 26, C harles G. Seebeck, 76,

Roxbury.Jan . 26, A ndrea Sue Low, 1,

M argaretville.Feb. 1, M ary M yers, 84, P ine HilLFeb. 3, N elson Buel, 69, Town of

Conesville.Feb. 12, D ennis Pedc, in fan t.

W oodland, N . Y.Feb. 13, F ran k H asbrouck Dean,

88, H alcottville.Feb. 17, M ary Josephine ZeoUa,

inf£int, M argaretville.Feb. 26, Jasp e r LeRoy H aight, 80,

M argaretville.M arch 3, N athan iel Ham m pnd, 80,

M argaretv ille .M arch 7, EUa Close, 70, W ood­

land.M arch 21, H arvey F . W ickhanti,

85, M argaretville.M arch 29, A lice W. Q ose, 62,

M argaretville.M arch 31, E lizabeth B. Boscu, 64;

H alco tt (Center.A pril 26, John Renz, 90, G rand

(Jorge.M ay 1, C om toey Ross Sanford,

76, M argaretv ille.M ay 7, Baby A very, in fan t, A rk-

viUe.M ay 7, E th e l M arguerite B ecker,

65, F leisdunanns.M ay 13, E a rl M acLean, 59, M ar­

garetv ille .M ay 18, S o i^ e L arck , 56, M arga­

retv ille .M ay 29, Agnes M. Sm ith, 77,

Andes.Ju n e 2, A ndrew J . Underwood, 78,

Roxbury.Jim e 2, G race CThappeU, 85, M ar­

garetv ille.Ju n e 24, W illiam C rosby, 36, M ar­

garetv ille .Ju ly 4, A lfred P au l Schneekloth,

74, A rkville.Ju ly 6, Louise B. E arl, 76, F leisch­

m anns.Ju ly 12, W illiam Reside, 63, An­

des.Ju ly 12, Louis F q ller, 59, A rk ­

ville. ' •Ju ly 19, M arjo rie Louella Snyder

Rapplieyea, 58, Town of Lexing­ton.

Ju ly 28, C h arlo tte L orraine Ley­den, 21, M argsu-etville.

Aug. 2, Irm a M arie Rode, 66, An­des.

Aug. 5, R onald Joseph Bohan, 24, B rooklyn.

Aug. 8, M eta M ueller, 76, New Y ork d ty .

Aug. 12, (Seorge A lfred F randsco , 71, Andes.

Aug. 17, E d ith W olfstein, 55, E lm ­h u rs t N . Y.

Aug. 18, F red R. Liebesny, 69, N ew Y ork city . .

Aug. 20, B aby P erry , in fa n t M iam i.

Aug. 22, John M. A. (Soupil, 53, A rkville.

Aug. 27, B oris A. B eskin, 51, B uf­falo.

Aug. 28, Jea n e tte N u tt 72, Rego P ark , N . Y.

Sept. 14, F ritz H . R ydm ark, 57, B rooklyn.

S e p t 21, Lee M iller M ann, 88, N ew Y ork city .

Sept. 26, W illiam C. Laughm an, 67, M argaretville.

Sept. 29, M ary E llen M cC^dden, M argaretv ille.

Oct. 31, Ju lius M einstein, 74, Fleischm anns.

Nov. 3, B aby K oehler, in fa n t P ine H ill.

Nov. 12, N ellie F ancher, 66, Town of Andes.

Nov. 15, M artin G. F o rrest, 58, B ovina C enter.

Nov. 15, F rederick W estbrook H ill, 82, P ine HilL

Nov. 20, R obert LeRoy Van Valkenbvttgh, 78, R oxbury.

Nov. 21, H elen F rances DuMond, 44, F leisdm ianns.

Nov. 25, E d ith K. H aynes, 61, Seager.

Dec. 25, Roscoe E . K ipp, 59, S tam ford.

Town D eaths(R ecorded W ith Town Q e rk )

Jan . 5, C harles A lexander Eisele, 85, K elly (Comers.

M arch 18, D avid L. F tiirbaim , 72, A rkville.

Ju ly 7, A ndrew V an B enschoten,66, N ew K ingston.

Ju ly 29, John A lton, 63, F leisch- m anns.

Aug. 5, Iren e E . H ull, 86, HubbeU TTill

O ct. 10, John A. Davis, 75, D enver.Nov. 12, Thom as H ickey, 65,

Brook^.Dec. 2, Lewis M. Low, 62, M ar­

garetv ille .11, L e titia M onington Slade,

69, MiUbrook.

Dec. 13, E lizabeth M. B oiiton, 91, H alcottville.

Dec. 30, Jean A. B e n n e tt 86, C ^ - t e r e t N . J .

H tu ria g e Lioensea(Issued by Tow n C lerk)

Johii J o ^ p h S anford o f New K ingston and C:arol Jan e B eland o f A rkville, w ed Feb. 9 a t M ar­garetv ille .

W alter S tan ley C ra ft J r . of F leischm anns and A rlene D iane Squires o f Fleischm anns, wed Feb. 17 a t F leischm anns.

M arvin Jan ies Rose of Roxbury and O y d a M ay H obson of Fleischm anns, w ed Feb. 21 a t R oxbury.

P au l D eSilva o f M argaretv ille and M argaret M oore of M argaret­ville, w ed M arch 30 a t M ar­garetv ille .

D avid N . M orrison o f "Troy and S andra R. D avis o f M argaret­ville, w ed June 15 a t M argaret­ville.

D onald S. M yers of H ighm ount and Lucille B enjam in of P ine HjU, w ed Ju n e 28, in P hoen ida.

D onald E . Scully of M argaretv ille and D oris E . S ack e tt o f South

• K o rtr ig h t w ed Jim e 29 a t S tam ­ford.

W illiam B. H erron of F leisch­m anns and Jea n L. B rannen of F leischm anns, w ed Ju ly 4 a t Fleischm anns.

John J . D uffy J r . o f M argaret­v ille and H ielm a C antw ell C lark o f M argaretv ille, w ed Ju ly 4 in tow n o f H ardenburgh.

Q ia rle s W . E stu s J r . o f Andes and M ary K ath ryn R oberts of A rkville, w ed Aug. 15 a t Andes.

B ud N . E ck ert o f M argaretv ille and A lice L. D ougherty o f N ew K ingston, w ed Aug. 24, a t New K ingston.

Clyde W . C ham bers of K elly Cor­n e rs and M ildred H . Johnson of A rkville, w ed Aug. 24, a t A lbany.

R onald A, D eSilva of M eirgaret- v ille and B etty J . Sanford of N ew K ingston, w ed S e p t 16 a t Schenectady.

Em il D eutsch of M argaretv ille and M arian A rchibald o f M argaret­ville, w ed O c t 2 a t P ine H ill

Lew is G rodioU of K elly C orners and Jac q u d in e S lover of F leisdunanns, w ed O ct. 17 a t W alton.

Jam es M ark le D avis of F leisch ­m anns and B arbara M arie S earle of Fleischm anns, wed O ct. 12 a t F leisdm ianns.

R obert M ichael M ahone o f B ea­con and N ellie M ae S ho rt of Fleischm anns, w ed Nov. 7 a t M argaretv ille .

Leslie G. fii^ s te r o fM arg a re tv ille and Lucille M. Schultz o f M ar­g aretv ille , w ed Nov. 9 a t Fleischm anns.

Biurton J . D ougherty of Briscoe, N . Y., and H a ttie S tee le o f B riscoe, w ed Nov. 26 a t F em - dale.

O rvin Sidney E d se rt o f M argaret­v ille and A nne S h irley G riffin o f A rkville, w ed Nov. 30 a t A rkville.

Gteorge W illard F a ito n of A ndes and Nrarma Lou B allard of F le isdm ianns, w ed Dec. 24 a t A ndes.


MargaretvillePhone 22S1 M argaretviUe

Evening perform ances continu­ous from 7 p. m. M atinee Satiu-days a t 2 p. m.

Admission: Adults 60c Children 25c

F rlday -S atu rday Jan . 8-4

* —and-<—

^Domino Kid”R ory C alhonn - K ristine M iller

Sunday M onday Tuesday Jan . S-&-7

C3iRjrCtea®r , Twp


T tdnin lerV IitavU oii IliilM M aihraU nM A rfim

W ednesday-Thnrsday Ja n . 8-9


G ary C ooper - In g rid B ergm an

(In C ^lor) »A t 7:10



C harlton H eston - A nne B ax ter

(In Color)A t 9:20

F rid ay -S atard ay Jan . 10-11

“TaB Stranger”Jo el M cCrea - V irg in ia M ayo

(In C olor and Cinem ascope) — and—

^̂ Spook Chasers”H n ^ H all B ow ery Boys


Neighbors H ave Fun A t A ndrew G rays’

Roxbury,’ Dec. 24.—M r. and M rs. A ndrew G ray gave a C hrist­m as jta rty S a tu rday evening, Dec. 21, fo r friends and ndghbors. P resen t w ere M r. and M rs. W il­liam C. B aker, M r. and M rs. M il­to n S hultis, M r. and M rs. Edw ard Snegoski, M r. and M rs. P au l Os­borne, M r. and M rs. Jam es H ink­ley, Corbin Peck, M r. and M rs. R ichard P urchdL M r. and M rs. G lenford Brow nell, M rs. Lynn (hammer, M r. and M rs. F rancis H inkley.

G ifts w ere exchanged and score prizes w ere won by F ranc is H ink­ley, M rs. E dw ard Snegoski, M rs. Jam es H inklQ r and G lenford Brow nell, and traveling prize by M rs. SnegoskL



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Make Our Bank Your BankIf our regular banking hours are not convenient for you, a call

to Roxbury 2251 will a n ^ g e for a more suitable time. Many of our services are on a round-^e-clock basis.

ij * * *All of Us at National Bank of Roxbury Thank Each and Every

One of You for Helping to Make 1957 Our Banner Year and to Wish All of You and Yours Many Happy and Prosperous New Years.

Locally Owned

Locally Managed

Locally Directed

T h e N a t i o n a l B a n k o f R o x b u r y

Roxbury^ N» Y.__^Member FDIC

More than fOfiOO NorUMottpouhrymtnmn tTK nm em m zxr.

M o r e t h a n

y o u b a r g a i n f o r

In 6~Week»: three poundf of the new GX.F. 6-W Cihi^ Starter per chick will give you the faitett, healthiest, most vigorou* ita rt for flock replacements you ever lawl

Productive energy is increased — to 920 calories per pound. Fiber I* reduced to 3.4 %. Peed egicieney — wfaidi means more growth per dollar — is «q> 4% .

6-W Chide Starter is the freshest feed you can buy, always in new bags for disease protection.

And only a t G.L.F. can you find the complete 6-Wa.y P ou lt^ Serv­ice: mash, pdlet^ cnuhUes . . . medicated feeds . . . . trained tpec- ialists . . . bulk ddivery . . . quantity discounts . . . egg ̂pro­motion — more than you bargain for when you buy G.L J .

Look for the New 6-W in the new bag with the red disks — at your local G.L.F. Service Agen<grj

Snffr-GROW-LAY QJJ. all the way

Hli^EFFieimYC h ic k S ta f fe r