V i i - - r ill- Ill. s *&5sc- « « ' J^iv" - '^'•.•/•S.-vi ^T* "C : 1 *& 2 .-* 4? PLATTSBURQH PRESS MCtVDAY, MAR. .SO, 1914. Published Dally, exept Sunday, by .Kha, ©sntlnel PabhihlniB Co., Platte- feurgh. N, Y, Untftrod at th« PlattBtHrrgaJJ. Y., Post Office as Second Glass SC&ll. •ubscriptiona Payable in Advance :.!"'.' *l'»iU»»'wiijiiliit '"Jtj MM*M*hg^iMi i.i)iiiiiHui,.miii mij n ii n HI miipi IL n.i HI mi -i.iiiiii feUJJE!U"i"giig' 1* « "5»l«" MM I* ii.» •ill '*«.*»' . a«aas5.V •<;rillim»>"minnmHiin»- QNX3 MONTH Adv*rti«S2» Bates upon Request SCR8. T. F. MANNTX ..... . President 9fc II. ISUNPHY.Secretaxy-Treafarer W. II, LYNCH ............ /Manager - . ' ^ ' ^ " ^ ^ ^ ^ . SWOTS circulation larger than that >1 any B*wBpap«r published to Clin- ton Cotcas?- *?hcn*. if •;',.,• OFFICIAL ENBGBSEMENT -5S -The United hibUslicre Associ*. tion of New York City has investl- S ited,findcertifies *o, the cir«« tion of this pub'.ioation. These « facts have been established* aid; jaaraiteed to advertisers. m m ^li W.oSii iui •"HHSffiflW'" »S"W UMiyMMMi^ drtumunn* famwNHM *S W. ' ^ l,#-w^w - • &'' |-V»<!*ak _ <*** »*?»__, •fletti- liMK;:rtt.-ftr'-A.-.ykomas-.«• Co, ^ni4VwVi»iitV , ii'inni,i»iii ( iii-.i , ^, r iii t i,,. ipi.i t i I,,,,,, •' ,„;., AiMHHn f^Av;. I « "S!»fj. ••v *,'£• •TO... The Tarnrtiany majority in the sen* ate )iks made necessary aii extra ses- sion M. the tegai^ttire at additional «sj*en3e to the toxjpayers, it did It l^ca.«se it was ' determined, to pre'!- serve Oh® qset^sa ^tate fire marshal's tofflee. a a d t h e stiii saore useless de- Jjartmeat of efficleecy and ecooo^y for the sake of the patronage tiley iafford Jihe P^niociatic party. T?he RepabMcaa mialority iti tfee as- ^mbjy, bacfeeti i>y t h * will of fi)se petsfile as it found expression at t&6 >olIs last Nov«3i3b&r, was IsoiSlsEewJt tHat the \fire m^r^ial'S office find SSie depairtoient of efficiency and ecoao- Jtiy ^ioald -he abolished. It refused to Join in v^tiag Ja^p^opriatiohs foae tfeeir mainteliance; The. Tammanj senate, in. an effort to force api»ro? prlationg f^r thesia two worthless oi- fi^es—pealed ^uirpo^eiy for the isa&e of aSoirdtog tii4 Beaaocrats ^atroia- jg^e^-^afeated a deadlock oyer the ap- propriaUoBUtlras; storing it irapossi- "ble to. aVoid the calling of a n eattt-a SgSSiQR.'- ' - '.-• "••'.' - ITfee. B e p a b l i c a n policy was to sasr£ |Jx© state joaiHiop3 «©£ dollars by ^de> cteastos |he approi«3ati©Bs, feat tra^ to lt$.nature, ;Tammany refused ife eonsent, because it wiuptts to : «ootlase. the orgy of extravagancy that hasdis* graced the DesHjceatic party ahd ter povcrislied t h e , s t a t e . -". .• ,.- . : . .•"; TJlie action of the Tammany ma|or*j Sty in the senate a^ords the people-„.' one aaore iUusfiratipa of tfte'.:'£oct |hat St is useless t»'.hoi&' ft|p',ecaiwwfty^-sa So#s as the iJemocrattp #arty^ is per- mitted to control the jstate or even Jumper the efforts ofy thojse who would inaugiHuto as era of reSsw^ in public espeadita^es. bt| the fiata^ asd eemtoor ©f generations ^| ten •,-•;• PAI . sttusfaers. loo. 'Ca3ft_;:aBG«i^ ^ Cut Plug Burley AN OfPORTAXT LAW The naral high iehool bill iBtrodu«- ed by Senator Brown which has Just become a law is, one of the most val- slalile pieces of.^legislation for the .jRayal population of this state tbat has been placed upon the statute books It "^Sves to the boys and girls jm <3ie Sasraas aH of the advantages. ie»- ,3«fed by the boys and girls in ifte ijllties in the way of high school efia- ' caton with the. added opportunity im a. ttooroash agricultural education •WiilMHat the expense of going assray from home to an agricultural college. At present higher education has been a patent factor in drawing the yeung msn from the farm to the city. W|j|h Che present limited educational opportunities of the country the boys and girls have to go to the city for their higher education with the re- sult that they are educated away from the farm instead of towards it. I'nder the Brown law it is possible for any country community to secure the same state aid for a rural hign school as is given to a city high school with the add*»d advantage -of additional appropriations for special training- and transportation. It com- bines the benefits of a high school m fi^Sag. to famous brand for a gi^ar teeadfs,-'hit tii®« esa M y lie^iierACTi^* adwssifci:••.•'". •'.'•••"•..•^•- •'• i-^h..--:-: . H burns .-'^eireiity,, ssiofe-'S0:-«^3-Mid '$&*&' ®mh general pipe-satisfaction.,. •.. - :*•'••. ~>tS^1 y,.^).. | AMERICAN :^njpiiiiir ; "V% CUT|C|!4flJG^ jJore^asm ™"m.^^*».tf„-Mi fe»i JW«»«aW«:i ts ^ ^ n, nijlMfc mi .a*%- aa tlt# Egbert l^eed place, situated ia W^st Jfe^fc»li»town» cojatains ?* i&m ft I«*i«i 4jia»ttty «£ p®»re* o»a hajt^l .wo'od' on the place, g^od or* ^IJ^^-^eiiaae .b6;tfiie"a«d g0:od' bafas, ii#-4^*eretf jihM&. Itt^ttira of Oee, £hai*,l S gteftsoa Ave., Plattsbtir#h, JT* ^;^i^;4^W".';_"' •;.. . •' / .;...•'. p •^rii^rni'ii^uiiiijiiiijii'j^iriiir .jpiijfji)Trtiijwiifijfl»tiffiiir<i'i%iiiiiiniiiifcn»MwFntfahmjtfiCi^ii^rt^iMMt ,; .^C^''gA3Vl^$&&de f ieta»d e^ar for! «tr*fd'~ "titiaft"" wi-a^reiHaeif»bef' ye»r^ '!piH(see8».:.#..;-&i3to»B- dep^kda; ttir; : -|n« 3to«iidaP6ia:M iioete yoa s^ert «». i&tt «ay customers \mt tggs imm t i e ?a«ft» pea tliat.t set mpelf, ?i,oo per- -set* ttftf, iOf »--«r. ti-60 i>er. hundred. W^MJ^IMi^imilMlMipWM^^iHWItlM^^ and canse for the e^ra session. jbl'.'t^. QS^^fi^ -a»d.jliad; their ©ngesa- |lftiE&.|a." ; ^^e^,'' ^ejlfeved they could ' ia^s"4hi r t©wer -hoase.into retelnisas;' ;t&e,. (dfet^^ited^dejpteroent of ejga» c}p^? v #td ^coaomy ysA the fis© maap* sfi^^'' 'jofiQse, This | wa£, their gap#-. btit ttiey .^eee. oatw^ttoe^" ffetr4c& -fi^ McCa^e feas been ap* pointed a member df t&fe state <«»* servation commission at & salary of; 540>## a?3?«af by'HSoveippr_Oly|ifc; who Jmet the opposition of cChairman:: Osopp of ^ e J>emeeralic sta% coafe mittee •with, tlie statement tfeat iie regaM$$ t^ ipnoia^meiit m.-mmx* sonai .one and "was [prepared .*a. jas-; ; - sum© tfee responsibility ior it.-. %$$, view •»£ M-cCabe's activity to 'assfsit- ing to promote Glyi|n f^om. lieaie|j£ ant governor to g6«ernor last stajp:*; mer. Chairman Osbirn should ft^e recognized that the ] governor eottfii not in decency do any less than. #& give him something fgood. --—. -*-—— K: The latest reports indicate that the fighting" at Torijeoh has been characterized by greajt fierceness w$Si the rebels gradually getting the best of the situation. I*osSes on both sides have doubtless been heavy. The fed- erals have offered $tern resistance, but if the reports are to be credited, Villa refuses lo be denied victory and DISXIilCT ATTORNEyS PHECEPT In the nam© of ttus peopla bf tho '.\~ Whereas, a triaVtewn ft th» Sa- preme Co«rt aM jaiidciliv*ry is to t5& held in and for tb.e Coanty orcimton, m^'^oiarrSoiifie-ln.^-"©^'' "<of f Plattsburgh, on tbo 13th day of April 1814. /""''.•'••' i . •:"''-. - •"••-'" \ : W« command yo«, ^ursuaat to ee#<:; ti«a*^|is; ,S2S» - f^bw- 83i^ nato- <& s^<ik"#»e;«Aiei:4^i' ^r^8#;—' ai petW^_wltQ*'A%©.»e©» $iww^ to said County of ^linton, pursTiant to > ©a,, JFofe^s 't^tm^.^t -ito^ai »,#ftEat ig»t saio relief tihtJl I took SSuIej^ ^&3ft- weB of both cougb and coid.*'--<:aay ppe €W*~A|tir. •;. . ' .." •'•, ^.-fojl?^ to,iipj?€!ar is pressing, ©n* to the same. It is not at all unlikely that by this time j ition # ^ ^ a r a i n a ^ a -Oft-spy Brigbner Beta smm **-' . -SecowdJ-.'^Bt j^jfesinjg J$$pfojfafi said court m jprJ&onera then bOing In the j^'"oit"^|;-«^8aJyv "l^gofti^ iigtJ» ajl ^oeeaiea^^jpjtocefidinss m- any way «ou^s|^j6btem'«ia I©^P TJhab^.'S'&a.t .Kbjp|i-|^a|fee -proclama- tion lattb* maniiers^6fp?ib»d^!sr Jiar^; notifying aS persons, bound to ap- pear at said court,feyreeogniaance #* otherwise, to-,apfi^a^pier^» and s*,» oners and otitic, efflmm?* Wllb h^Sft' taken any recogaiSKilic©: for tha. o&i p e a r a s W a a r B m ^ % ^ n w 3 » cowrl, 1 or wl»,rfiall havo tatoefcany inojiis- Wti&W Kidney Pills are ao ttioroagh- air^Iien, ««c)#3^ |eia^^|j^ r .^.' ibladder allmoats ,tbai^' lhey;iara ; .r4-. '^M^aesidb^^eTtyiPfcem j&-j^-&$ti<>?&„ ' ^ . t e o f t ^ i r i ' w a s ^P0ffM34': j ^lit | ^ » - ^ . my *aak <«ft$ «HR d*ip^ rliojft*- fptdj^J[^|ey. ^dfkg^ ^l§£-^P»4i# airiaettt. Xftive.'poi' y^ft tafia ^|1' of p;^^.*^;^ -|l^ W^a-:hak< he is in possession ofi Torreon. and an agricultural coll. gre at very i i small cost. At the beginning ojf his term Gov- It required two years to place thelernor Glynn announced that he pro- Brown bill on the statute books and' posed to appoint a board of basiniess during that time Senator Brown's idea has been adopted in several states and endorsed by the national department of education as one of the most far reaching pieces of leg- islation to improve rural conditions that has been enacted in many years. men to assist Mm in igiving the state a business administration and that it would be headed by William Church Osborn. Mr. Osborn is now chairman of the Democratic state committee. So this 'is the business men's committee that 'is going to help the governor? . PLACING THE BLAME The Albany Knickerbocker Press does nut hesitate to place the blame for the condition which makes necessary for the governor to convene an extra session of the legislature where it belongs.|^"hat paper says: "The Tammany leaders are respon- sible for the needless expense of an extra ses-sion beausf of their unpr- alled delay in dealing with import- ant bills. Tammany waited until the last week and last hours of the ses- sion. In an unusual degree this year the old trick of jamming the calen- dar at the last with big measures •was resorted to by the men in charge of the upper branch of the legisla- ture. "Governor Glynn's astonishing tar- diness m not sending in appointments ttnfiU the last d a y a n d inexcusably dragging the work of the senate through ail the hours of Friday night That Governor Glylnn has cast in his lot with Charles F. Murphy is in- it dicated by the appointments he has made. Everybody now knows where the executive stands, for he has ad- vertised the fact to the public His war with the Tammanty boss has been a pretense from the first. That is plainly apparent now,. reason for tbe legislative disorder Sooner than give up the patronage in the department ofi efficiency and economy and the offtee of the state fire marshal the Democratic leaders had no hesitancy in saddling the tax- payers with the expense of a n extra session ©f t h e legislature, which Gov- ernor Glynn will now have to call. or witness, to return such recogniz- ance or inquisition and i examination to the said court, at the opening thereof on the first day of the term, wstoewf Honorable 3 0lauplea C Vaty. Kirk, Justice of the Supreme Court, this 6th day of March, 1914, J O H ^ K . COLLINS, District Attorney <j* CUplaMJounty. . WAZ&AG® TURNER, County CSerli. The Bemfoeratie senate's .deflates of the mandate of the 'people express- Sberlffs Proclamation Whereas, a trial term of ( the 3»- prem© Court Is appointed to be held in and for. the county oj Clinton*' on the IStb. day of April, 4814, *• ^ Therefore, proclamation is hereby made, in conformity to a precept to me directed and delivered by the Dis- trict Attorney of Clinton County, on the 6th day of Mareh, 1814, to ail persons bound to anpear at the said term by« recognisance or ©tbjer^fee, to appear thereat, and all justices of the" peace, laaronears j&nd other .offl- cers of the peace who have taken any recognizance for tha appearance of any person at said eQiul# or who have- taken any inquisition, or the eiamin- aUon of aoy prlgBOff&e-W- t^tnesa» "dh&. required to return *ncn recognizee, inquisition or ©xajpination at-.-., the opening at. the li^^di^^I^iif-.itwittjrt; ©atedL at Kati^bjjp^f,, New ^0|H, t-d at the polls last November takeffl]tni a ' e | ^ d 8 ^ O j . a p a f i ^ ' jiffl^. the form of a declaration that if the. and Saturday morning was another people want economy they have got. to pay for It. S©as '», Moos®, fheritt o& Canton County. SPJECJAli **SEA^m "tfonffc "i J "i "Sjim ««ht for BaeWb* mi *£&»>** tQtwn^w 'QM*~'A$® e ferjaBertfe .Iioufef:4iBl-iiea'vftelaB«g all.th©' .lama "WJllW^and 0srn|«a.;ssi| feet byl«o «ee&& l i f t ^ i n r t s ^ , co^et.'ISHifiiaab ,pi#--*t,i)pc' &miy' ism m*m> ivt ' l W ^"lAI^^armv, 1M -:aism ^p." ^a&^i$M-mi$tekM0% good build-? to^^,;.-B^oto|V- : te*ni^-. 1cn(giat^6' , tsi $^M&qfyg-t* canton ^mm^- ,i'ii..rininiii,jjiwiyr,i).ii yi(ii^i^i;iipii inffirnn!irji,-ini>j * A 'few- generations baiele \i;;*t*B at M'> wa^-'^oflaid'&red' 'ei9.-'-6ariy*'J>ear^*«.. an*:iwai-li% 'for'-"death*" •••$$&:"..P*k; 'eha»®&';ti>dky f » -at" &'m£$&£:•.'#;#*• -Med'iieo.»I<ep.l 'society It",^#*-. sta? 61 * ihat.a man'ef' 50 oug-hi ^.>asve : forti* "gowt ':. Teat's' ahead. ; of' »4n» "»»•«&- th#s : 4^ a&^y' he is' in the ,1aii^es» '.«S, &&»;: • ;#|tet<'l!f-0'ptt ' have "jgeea..^^?-;.^ .eA$&. seventy '•' t4rtha*y^t««^*e|a|fe. •hafei'l§»r"fresh;iir_ aad' •Je^©retsev r ;5^* •* "of siee|> wti^#iaa^,#o-w* he^fth* y. •^sSchanee, '#>ur .«8r^u4a*io» ; _-;% ^0:ojr». i|.yo;i-:b?0c^e'-'i^^ : aad" 'm§' '-^Setlte^-aofain^/-' i» -th* •.4ftdk$ M i ' *oa©-' a ^ t h o s e |ired'_^ac|cf' siltli«§ : organs-—eaWch tihe l^lood 'aSd- create•"• stresagtb .so B«WMy-'.*W,"^*' -«eliiiefo»ir cod i#er? '.and! -"Iron"-. Iw&s FOR $ALB—*A black horse, 8 yeiars ©Id* ; ,'Weighs- 10W) Ihs. «o ne seen atttirstahies'ief & S. tRr««raie i% 120 iiiyiTiiiiiliimtllirillilllilMifnillinMi'iTlillliiili'iiliiiiii'^iTlif iiii' era Iff hrtsfttl |?«rley ami'..«ala &PW to $mn F, Mtorta«h» BeeKmaatowiij -FO-K-SAtKr-Jn o-rder-t« l&Jrndttet, a new and sfcaieoy first class mattress, we-.ar*-going to mil the first dozen at i«et mha* it cest to sna&e t&m at mm faetom A B, <5ali^hesr & Ca, S4-JSforth l^ver »&., '•..•' . ' * ' , , . • t?i\B &&U&-**& Bay Co&'-3--y&«K»- #!d this ^&rin^-weighs 8*0 Iba ®oan4 aod kind, well bmlten, good worker and fair driver, not a^paid of atita*-, faqna-e, MeRcnaie Pwcfe. BafiMsnora. 3pOS a^LIE^-The Wiaiiam M. Qyt* Ve^'^osm eotttamiatgrtaog) «tw««# and' GS« half acres land witjbi farm hoak, and C3>. %wo barns a l l i n ®jod condj» lion, located one anite north Point Att B o t f h t Ufi3at h o u s e o n t h e iake shore. All ns&er eultivatton; Wonldrena .to *is*a""3i&4y, P&ttmms- write William' H. Oliver, Chasy, K. T?^ care of » ; Simohda- .." - •FOfS $ALE-~f^rst^ class steal range, , . , . . _ , , , . , i . . . . 1 , 1 , , ^ , , . , , , WAsmsxt - «SSS8B fit fy;&*'9&-'*ufatiL, -Th«t ^ork SM.mtm aa^ agreeable.but good aeportment aad strict obwrvaaoe of rul«* in^fit;a upon. A^pjkly to ifa^ «B0ft;''8ia@ai'Hotpiiat ,,; •",- ' : >,; "^-r^-r-'^'-'nn ITT 1 ^ iii Win Tin-rr " : n in , „, , •»', , u , - M y. j.,.,-'.. . ^ " WAJJTBEJ—Railway Jfall Clerlie. Commonce*?5.00 month. Plattsburgh ©3»ntinatipns coming. Sample que3* tions free, Franklin Institute, Dept 2S4«aU Kochester, N. Y. 1te23TSEJ™-TJ#o anaidsi- v cool? and dining "roffiBa#ras-«writei»Mr&, EL D. *3Favesi A,ws«a>i«> Sprites. WANTSSN-J-TO Bent fonr m&Mve roonss wffli*bath for housekeeping, eith%» fatsaisb^sd %r unfurnished. Cen- trally located. Address *Wi* J ' ^csa?e ••*£ ..:^esa, -•* ' - We find it m «n«;|^eiB toga, classified ""-Ipfssl' ""' ftiken a t t h i s office jfea by cashu ' if" _ toy to break this r^e,>a^d;,advertise- men^ will sot' be" aecen|e|f. ove? the 10 ahnounee •"•'^f|ll /lie. an- i«B r 'i6(iesWlto '1! "il'i'U-- FORSAI^E. ,1H>E. SALE—Maljblj&R* Si cents at fih^'Press 0ff|co, . v > - •-' ;,." ! " *. , *: . "• -.- - •'% - f % '".""V ' ' ' ,,liiH UM ii » «i^ •' \ i Jin • ~%oU SALB--i^sjaence , ff<o||e*^* t 14$ Cnnrt ft, eo^r.#^:ni|D,;,.l|t- quire of H . 4 , Tho'^iasJ.^.iS'o., J%r- gajret St '-' ."" '. '"'. ' > .' —WP*" 'i 1 in •• <m#M»«^I^>Iw-wyai '«i«w«w»—mmmmitmmimmf FOR fiAJLB-~& h o ^ e ; " ? "'^^olft wf^kg "'b4tweeH'*4^W-a^4- *|>^ff. ^tnire M. .A, -Dewey ^Sons 0-Qta»i e|tn^le seen '^ "f *'~~ *"*' ' 'li&nLan Para'and. ,i>m,,iijjiLiUn ^e»r M »«r Aflif* fc'« ||fr,lap|.|ol^, WAJfTl^. liACHlNISTST-At ©nee. first class lathe hands, steady posi- tfens, The George F% Sherlin JTfg. <3o^ S a r a t o g a b r i n g s , ST, X. • > , <W»»-*l>MWlJi|'-|..>,.^ .^I...H III !*•— ^Wll,^.,.., ^ .,,!!,. ,| |1—, I J,J),,, |,|„ ; ' -LOCOJCOTIVB MRlI&fEN IBBA^B ,m&$, 'Usages a b o n t ^400 experience npjtecessary. Send age, postage. :Ra&W, care Press, j . iHlililiniliimiiw^iWMiMiM": I}**"" mwlumjl ••• i ni mm —WMM ••!• H - WANTBD-—Stenographer Must, be e^eellent. pennian, . Address, letter, H. C- Biclsetson, city, stating experience. WANTEDf—A position as general housemaid. Ko washing or, ironing. Address Girl, care of JPrejss office. rossthle Wltb J^wpfcf j»re «ld'person ; ;itt; this .vicihity to pry ,Vi _ •#j-t ,bn' onr ag»eeme»i^t» : 'r-etar» 'the!* naJney -Sf ; '4t. fails. i& -10^' satiafectJ^nv' <^d^.!JrBs,Co > . t ^Platte»U3?pB, 3l;.3f«.'". : " •'..fe._&^CZemu.Sairerfi*sr' ^ W g«a*- aatte^e-tirnew^Mn reined^-'S&xe. •••. ^.'March/'sir—Mrs> las|J;Camnagh of Plattsburgh, $§&st a >reek _with" Sirs.' Aahefia"' Bid^ett'-reeently, •" "The' 'ananal_ niee'ttn#^..jOf . < tfaa^^r***.. byterian' 1 itti^ionarjr'. Society .' iaf : Wis. place *ssrt0 be held^Tnursday after- n«on-afc':9J30->in ; fhe^esirj* .>':"':'.'-. .' , JStfs, Wlitner -Stevenson ha« heen Mariorie Itoberts was caHe4, to Plattsburgh Tuesday <m aeeoant of. ^he "sadden tttness' hi her mother, * : ; Tttft'..W; &*?M. & mit'Wlth 2Bk Jaa, fetch";last' .tB^*^ v Tttesday, at* *'belttg toe,ne|t^ieH''.^:&e;^«arterty t$.a» '.-•'•' Jdoving'is thef-erdjer-'of '-the" :day. Quite a'number, of vacant houses, bat some .one ready to astore in. before they are i^caat long, ,-'3sfr&j Aitij^^.-^»'-';,Mdrtott went.' W Pla^^bta^'^nrsday;.* - ' "Levi Averil' has' 1 gone to the Physi- cians* hosnital at Plattsburgh for treatment. / "..,,'"• ,- ' drvffile MeKnight,"'ft fowner sttition agent :bere, warn ih town Thursday. Mrs. J u litis 3St«d3owell has return- ed 'front Ifew ports'wivsro' §h® ;8pettt. th© winter '.'is^tfh her daughter, llr* Kate .lacOoweH' '©tiver.. JBBsS S f a b e l Atwood spent a *ew days in town with friends reeentlyl The Grange meets thto afternoon to initiate seven in th«s niysterJes of the third and foaiSJ degrees. » r ^ ir,ifi 1101 1-I1HI11.1I1H1 ..-.'- •" 15A^SaJ13KCS C^WKER •There most be .$> tt#*# law for they can send liquid Tttirongb, the mail nose. MondSy night the letted, were* sipojtg with the smell of sosBe""kind of liquor; one lady-found her letters damp^ fram something in the aaajdE'baj;. The dis- a^Bointmeiit niqst Hav? been. gijesit •e?he% pti one Wfttonlhf |OiP\-Ma-"'dram, found it distribttted hefor^ t«e post- nmster 'eo»14. got.'..tO' : lt, ; . ; V .--Beaati'fal 8]&f®B ; weather' 'ati b # ^ % m d w ~ 'a#d. atm6sp'|iere> " - ."Po|at#|;" '^»e/\"»^ing aaariscted. -ISj&tv 'M^^l'H^kodi-'_ims mmed *h*ISo Mn& hoWe.Jiaster,Sun- day - s?rii': be" obser;ved ..tid^i'.'aj^^j^ite 6±erei5%s;.-' ; i&t." €arjf|^3R-''%ln : t; )s<Ith Mrs. "Hyman & c ^ n a ^ y for 4 jborisul- She has b%en. ^tW% i ^ "4 jteag' time Thawing;, a n d ' ^ ^ l r ^ l i g M neith- er for sleighs or wagons, Tj»e peddler wiOt apples for sale, "v^f^ ajt <t$mtf?, Thijirsda^ 6Sr eeiats a #ec^ - , Mrs. Vorc© will ha%e rooajs in the butter feetory.*I •• .;-».;^•'•*•.^ •* •-» Mrs. -B6 Honslnger w^lSaovi in the Cephas 5 0ar|iSii#r h'Si&fng. DlsotderectXldnetS' dlstuj^ta®^^ ^ b l a d d ^ ^ s ^ n e s s M night, tired; newonn ^m-q^i» ttnen'and wo- men asN&; -gfadi: t&flfifai -tha*,""Foley mdnei? th,*a^Pe-;^i|ltm5i^^B»eya aad %l|ta^ l i ^ ^afa'^meV'Bow'. clon, ¥ a&viC'|&#ass£: l^#u^ed..wHh terrible hea^aahe, I#e1^#^ an 4 beai h?S dawnjja^pryao "tad I. was hardly ante ^~^3^iSttndi. ItoojK S *o«le8 of Foley Kidney PfaBvand «£BX» then I have been entirely wall." Cadtr ©r»'g Co—•^JMhv SSTHsON Time X»ble ia'iBttMii»*> JNb * H * ; ;-*pftiijv-; -'./".i;-- ••'•'''^-^^'/BaMb'-'Siptot-.-. ;•' . -. 'A«jy# 'ftOiit •-.••'••-•- . %***• w * - .V : ;'-;-istfiLIC'- •*•'•' 1 1 : 1 1 AJMU '••*'-' 4:««1MI. ..>.»•:•".'I :f* Mt." - - 19:21P.M. •lljlftAjaV. ''..* -;:'-"-/ »4';#a't*3fc--*.'*" :'*" > '** #j:4*B,3^.» >:" : .»: •>•'••'.•• ^»JS»:#,M;' ;.-.-^ ".-^:-,; - - V j-*^ ^'/; ;ji|ror^-»MB»dt; A^^fisett'- '•".:;.:.."":' : "' : -: Albany •-,?'..; "-.!-'-•-... - ; : ~»---\.- , I*»T» for :"•-'/Montreal *,'/*;. ;i:0f A."M. ;;- - *:40AAL ^.-.•-..-••^^•wwit 1:00 J » A AtJSABLE DIVISION. j^wf*om" r ^--' ; ;:-' /.;»" ,i*«wipr : A«sa%l«-3F©r*ir ; v'-^ -^ilJusablaJ.lMiei'. •-".•it«5AM.:: : * -,». .*.>'••* J s t t A J t Arrt?*''f«Hh""-- : ' ; ••-•'• \tmmiB~tmf- »Ooer» Jci ••• ' -. lt»Mip,*Bt.'. p l f role SSiOH .ol-^i ar»i pi ul CU -A Q ': ;K :> ffi : ^ Hfe-.f--- A3S» COGr?Sia^LO^;j^1i«W, M ctmnoM antuEjT, i : t»A j PTfflBii»aa WJ ir,, vmmno: •«, MON|« TO LdAN':'Ojr-'»3fflAI.-- E S K A T « r " ^ - -"'*• J, W. B4WB9 Attorney and Counselor Money p* Joan on Real CHnto* St Ph«»* *|f-W Law VICTOB » BODU , . Atorney and Connatilor at "UKV Surrogate's Offtoo Mort»r»t JPiattshnrj^* J|i It - .... .,'.•• -. . -1 .ii.ilii lii.iiii.i 111 1 ' n 1 rtiiii 11 Tin ' "1. '• 1 ' * •' JOHN Ifc COLLUC* Attorney and Coansellor at Law Oftice Corner of Brtdsa and WStrm ftreets,' Plattsburgh, jr. T, - ' "• ' *&mmmmm>»0*<mimm\* umi i.i.n.i' >T nrn iiiiyj— -•-ii*".' " , B«-'''>»i»arJi!w^-' / AiAorajy- -«n« ^o'uwiaBbr 1 '-' *t "Law' dOico Boek Ik CcaKSir, Baildi** <rtm- ^>n Street Batti^ttr*h, it'-"T."- - &J> ~^^"Tl , --''*;;';"j : ' : ii^i^ni- ; 1r';i"i-i.iiL»'n;.iiii i........'i,r u "1 j' .[•' njujinuwui—ii" Attorney nad Couwwllor at Law .4f #|M -£treei:£tett*l«rjft» »' Y, .M^Jiey *o-'"Joaa-o»;'aeM" Jaftai*,;; / 1 "' 1 "II ".'.I 11 n 111 nit V11 ; - 1 r ~**—m*m—mm*mmmmmm •. %(nmm %etaafc:*;,-ti^oi«at# ap- ' l>»^^e^ ^^ro^^^'nfi6^ : iK»k a ai^eeialy. Ov«r W«rren*f hook store Phone 40-W. ^" * t Ittneral Birector and WipTprPmirt lady A-jstant «hape! » Erjdw Street. Bo^^ont* v 3>«. W. E . CLOUGH EHSSieiAlS it SDB^KOK ~ Omco apffr^esidettco fT^Comrtl* Street. Cmfe&honral-tjand T-* joa and byappeintanenfc Phone *St - ""*"*™ ' "Vi" " " "'" 'i I'^mmm^mmmlmt Atitornes: i^d ncow^aettofe j ^ Law Special attention to practice 3w S m v rogate,'& 0&ui$ 4j5 dintoit Strert. Pittsburgh, if. Y, - r \ * *•> ~ k V Surgeon JDentist, ^verjEfeing |M»> taimng tonio^ern dentistry perform- ed In thermos*' *lka|fai ^manneK* <&* or Ether, nd«nih|stere4:w>ien;aBS&id: Dental^ parlors Ma Winslow- Bh»# over Platitebnrfh, ^rational** - ' PlattsburghrK,^r <z *, \ :^^-^ CS2 SllSCiSItltANEOUS Money to loan on Real Estate. R. H. Heaiey, Plattsburgh, N. T. , XOTIt/jfi - My l^ife, JBessis Laports has left my home without just cause or pro- vocation and refuses to live with me, and 1 hereby noftify the pu/Mic not to extend any credit to her on my account. Bated March 21, 1914. BAY LAPORTE "Fresh cob-smoked hams have an unequalled flavor. Who sells them ? Boomhower Grocery Co.-—Adv. Special "Health Warning" for' March March i s a trying month for thb very 3fo*ang and for elderly people. Croup, bronchial colds, lasrippo ano pneumonia are to "be feared and avo-io j ^ Foley's J&oney and '*aar is a great ffanllf mpleiae that will qu^jay ifc&p a o^4sl% cheek the progress of ,a -* •» -•* -fpQjjjt .'selj^vje. inflamed and'/coi> i; qr.'4tR'^p»sw* E, c. Rho#^ sapt; "La gr^Bj&o ~gaV*H " cough for wnicii 1 vkm I bo* mrtef& Compound, and wa#, <ajmgh and oko*'*,, '^on^;^f ;^|!i!li{J!il«!lli!IHf11Jji:i!IIIIIIIIIIRllllllllll!l!l|[!||l[^||||||!! Second Hand EVSTRLMEM "Oi^BPl AWAY' Owing to needing t\e> • poom for new pianos com- i n g fi-orn the factory, we will se?H 2 SQUARE PIAXOS ' « a n d , * 8 OBGANS -\ AT $15.00 BACH* s ,i- ; •: ^;. .- '• - Come at once an,d ^e{ ^rst ^tidiee. Ifelne Piano Co m •<, '4 >£• ,• -t#^* .sat*- «--, *% ^C f Office and; rasidencA. at 60| Cow* Street. Office bours froni l«*to « y7in» ** Physician and Surgeon. Tnone^lHRL Morriaonvjlje, Vf^ta " - Offica hours: 8~to> ^aran., 1 to S p m. and ? 40 5 ovenlSagev "^ Telephone connection and convey-" ice. . A - - - T, anee. K^rpa*m^.-g^^E^G •"•«*. Law 81 Margaret" Street, PSffil'^^,'%. ^ trial of fesaejfol^^,^^^ ^^ l^^^lf^^^poihted' to be , A1t,th»4Cllnto«^^*^-«_i._. " -»* Ji. «" * { 2 at \0 o' Sibnday'v f M S t e ^ ^ ^ on.the Uofc a -^^^W^l^-^thoV % ^ P i i ^ * - ^ ^hanjber» v i A- ft 4- *K.

SSTHsONnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn84031094/1914-03-30/ed....Kha, ©sntlnel PabhihlniB Co., Platte-feurgh. N, Y, Untftrod at th« PlattBtHrrgaJJ. Y., Post Office as Second Glass

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'^'•.•/•S.-vi T *


1 *&

2 .-* 4?


MCtVDAY, MAR. .SO, 1914 .

Published Dally, exept Sunday, by .Kha, ©sntlnel PabhihlniB Co., Platte-feurgh. N, Y,

Untftrod at th« PlattBtHrrgaJJ. Y., Post Office as Second Glass SC&ll. •ubscriptiona Payable in Advance

:.!"'.' *l'»iU»»'wiijiiliit '"Jtj MM*M*hg iMi i.i)iiiiiHui,.miii mij n ii n HI miipi IL n.i HI mi -i.iiiiii feUJJE!U"i"giig'

1* "» «

" 5 » l « " M M I* ii.»

•ill '*«.*»' .

a«aas5.V •<;rillim»>"minnmHiin»-


Adv*rti«S2» Bates upon Request

SCR8. T. F. MANNTX..... .President 9fc II. ISUNPHY.Secretaxy-Treafarer W. II, LYNCH . . . . . . . . . . . . /Manager - . • • ' • ^ ' • ^ • " ^ ^ ^ ^ — .

S W O T S c i r cu l a t i on l a r g e r t h a n t h a t > 1 a n y B*wBpap«r p u b l i s h e d to Clin­t o n Cotcas?-

*?hcn*. i f •;',.,•


-5S -The United hibUslicre Associ*. tion of New York City has investl-

Sited, find certifies *o, the cir«« tion of this pub'.ioation. These «

facts have been established* aid; jaaraiteed to advertisers.

m m

li W.oSii iui

•"HHSffiflW'" »S"W


drtumunn* famwNHM



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|-V»<!*ak _ <*** » * ? » _ _ ,

•fletti- liMK;: rtt.-ftr'-A.- .ykomas-.«• Co,

^ni4VwVi»iitV ,ii'inni,i»iii(iii-.i ,^,riiiti,,. ipi.iti I,,,,,, •' ,„;.,



I « "S!»fj.



•TO... T h e Tarnr t iany m a j o r i t y in t h e sen*

a t e ) iks m a d e necessa ry aii e x t r a s e s ­s ion M . t h e tegai^ttire a t a d d i t i o n a l «sj*en3e to t h e toxjpayers, i t d id I t l^ca .«se it w a s ' d e t e r m i n e d , to pre'!-s e r v e Oh® qse t^sa ^ t a t e f i re m a r s h a l ' s tofflee. a a d t h e s t i i i saore use less d e -J j a r t m e a t of eff ic leecy a n d e c o o o ^ y for t h e s a k e of t h e p a t r o n a g e t i ley iafford Jihe P ^ n i o c i a t i c p a r t y .

T?he R e p a b M c a a mialority iti tfee a s -^ m b j y , bacfeeti i>y t h * wil l o f fi)se petsfile a s i t found exp re s s ion a t t&6 > o l I s l a s t Nov«3i3b&r, w a s IsoiSlsEewJt tHa t t h e \f ire m ^ r ^ i a l ' S off ice find SSie depa i r to ien t o f ef f ic iency a n d e c o a o -Jtiy ^ i o a l d -he abo l i shed . I t re fused to Join in v ^ t i a g Ja^p^opr ia t iohs foae tfeeir ma in te l i ance ; The. T a m m a n j s e n a t e , i n . a n e f fo r t to force api»ro? p r l a t i o n g f^r thesia t w o w o r t h l e s s oi-f i ^ e s — p e a l e d ^uirpo^eiy for t h e isa&e of aSo i rd tog t i i4 B e a a o c r a t s ^a t ro ia -jg^e^-^afeated a d e a d l o c k o y e r t h e a p -p r o p r i a U o B U t l r a s ; s t o r i n g i t i raposs i -"ble to. aVoid t h e ca l l ing of a n eattt-a SgSSiQR.'- ' - '.-• "••'.' -

ITfee. B e p a b l i c a n pol icy w a s t o sasr£ |Jx© s t a t e joaiHiop3 «©£ d o l l a r s b y ^de> c t e a s t o s | h e approi«3at i©Bs, feat t r a ^ t o l t $ . n a t u r e , ; T a m m a n y re fused i f e eonsen t , b e c a u s e i t wiuptts t o : « o o t l a s e . t h e o r g y of e x t r a v a g a n c y t h a t h a s d i s * g r a c e d t h e DesHjceat ic p a r t y a h d ter povcr i s l i ed the, s t a t e . -". .• ,.- . : . .•";

TJlie a c t i o n of t h e T a m m a n y m a | o r * j Sty i n t h e s e n a t e a ^ o r d s t h e people-„.' o n e a a o r e iUusfiratipa of tfte'.:'£oct | h a t St i s use less t » ' . ho i& ' ft|p',ecaiwwfty^-sa So#s a s t h e i J e m o c r a t t p #ar ty^ is p e r ­m i t t e d t o c o n t r o l the j s ta te o r e v e n J u m p e r t h e e f fo r t s ofy thojse w h o w o u l d inaug iHu to a s e r a of reSsw^ in pub l i c e s p e a d i t a ^ e s .

bt | the fiata^ asd e e m t o o r ©f generations | ten

•,-•;• P A I . sttusfaers. loo. 'Ca3ft_;:aBG«i ^

Cut Plug Burley

A N O f P O R T A X T L A W T h e n a r a l h i g h i e h o o l bil l iB t rodu«-

e d by S e n a t o r B r o w n w h i c h h a s Jus t b e c o m e a l aw is, o n e of t h e m o s t v a l -slalile p i e c e s of .^legislat ion fo r t h e .jRayal p o p u l a t i o n of t h i s s t a t e t b a t h a s b e e n p l a c e d u p o n t h e s t a t u t e b o o k s

It " Sves to the boys and girls jm <3ie Sasraas aH of the a d v a n t a g e s . ie»-,3«fed by the boys and girls in ifte ijllties i n t h e w a y of h i g h school efia-

' c a t o n w i t h the. a d d e d o p p o r t u n i t y im a. t t oo roash a g r i c u l t u r a l e d u c a t i o n •WiilMHat t h e e x p e n s e of g o i n g assray f r o m h o m e t o a n a g r i c u l t u r a l co l lege .

A t p r e s e n t h i g h e r e d u c a t i o n h a s b e e n a p a t e n t f ac to r in d r a w i n g t h e y e u n g msn f rom t h e f a r m to t h e c i ty . W|j |h Che p re sen t l imi ted e d u c a t i o n a l o p p o r t u n i t i e s of t h e c o u n t r y t h e boys a n d g i r l s h a v e to go to t h e city for t h e i r h i g h e r educa t ion w i t h t h e r e ­s u l t t h a t t h e y a r e e d u c a t e d a w a y f rom t h e f a r m ins tead of t o w a r d s i t . I ' n d e r t h e Brown law it is poss ible for a n y c o u n t r y c o m m u n i t y to secu re t h e s a m e s t a t e aid for a r u r a l h ign school a s is given to a ci ty h igh school wi th t h e add*»d a d v a n t a g e -of add i t i ona l a p p r o p r i a t i o n s for spec ia l training- and t r a n s p o r t a t i o n . I t c o m ­bines t h e benef i ts of a h igh school

m fi^Sag. to famous brand for a gi^ar

teeadfs,-'hit tii®« esa M y lie^iierACTi^* a d w s s i f c i : • • . • ' " . •'.'•••"•..• •- •'• i-^h..--:-:

. H burns .-'^eireiity,, ssiofe-'S0:-«^3-Mid '$&*&' ®mh general pipe-satisfaction.,. •.. - :*•'••.


y , . ^ ) . . • | AMERICAN :^njpiiiiir;


CUT|C|!4flJG^ jJore^asm

™"m.^^*».tf„-Mi fe»i JW«»«aW«:i ts

^ ^ n , nijlMfc mi .a*%-

aa tlt# Egbert l eed place, situated i a W ^ s t Jfe^fc»l i»town» cojata ins ?*

i&m ft I«*i«i 4jia»ttty «£ p®»re* o»a hajt l .wo'od' on the place, g^od or* ^IJ^^-^eiiaae .b6;tfiie"a«d g0:od' bafas, ii#-4^*eretf jihM&. Itt^ttira of Oee, £hai*,l S gteftsoa Ave., Plattsbtir#h, JT* ^ ; ^ i ^ ; 4 ^ W " . ' ; _ " ' •;.. . •' / .;...•'. p •^rii^rni'ii^uiiiijiiiijii'j^iriiir .jpiijfji)Trtiijwiifijfl»tiffiiir<i'i%iiiiiiniiii fcn»M wFntfahmjtfiCi ii rt iMMt

,; .^C^''gA3Vl^$&&def ieta»d e^ar for!

«tr*fd'~ "titiaft"" wi-a^reiHaeif»bef' ye»r^ '!piH(see8».:.#..;-&i3to»B- dep^kda; ttir;:-|n« 3to«iidaP6ia:M iioete yoa s^ert «». i&tt «ay customers\mt tggs imm t i e ?a«ft» pea t l iat . t set mpelf, ?i,oo per- -set* ttftf, iOf »--«r. ti-60 i>er. hundred.

W^MJ^IMi^imi lMlMipWM^^iHWIt lM^^

and canse for the e^ ra session.

jbl'.'t^. QS^^fi^ -a»d.jliad; their ©ngesa-|lftiE&.|a."; ^^e^ , ' ' ^ejlfeved they could ' ia^s"4hi r t©wer -hoase.into retelnisas;' ;t&e,. (dfet^^ited^dejpteroent of ejga» c}p^?v#td ^coaomy ysA the fis© maap* sfi^^' ' 'jofiQse, This | wa£, their gap#-. btit ttiey .^eee. oatw^ttoe^"

ffetr4c& -fi^ McCa^e feas been ap* pointed a member df t&fe state <«»* servation commission a t & salary of; 540>## a?3?«af by'HSoveippr_Oly|ifc; who Jmet the opposition of cChairman:: Osopp of e J>emeeralic sta% coafe m i t t e e •with, t l ie s t a t e m e n t tfeat i i e regaM$$ t ^ ipnoia^meiit m.-mmx* s o n a i . one a n d "was [p repa red .*a. jas-;; -sum© tfee r e spons ib i l i t y i o r it.-. %$$, view •»£ M-cCabe's ac t iv i ty to 'assfsit-i n g t o p r o m o t e Gly i | n f^om. l iea ie | j£ a n t g o v e r n o r t o g 6 « e r n o r l a s t stajp:*; m e r . C h a i r m a n O s b i r n s h o u l d ft^e recognized t h a t t h e ] g o v e r n o r eottfii n o t in d e c e n c y d o a n y less than. #& give h i m s o m e t h i n g fgood.

--—. -*-—— K: T h e l a t e s t r e p o r t s i n d i c a t e t h a t

t h e fighting" a t Torijeoh h a s b e e n c h a r a c t e r i z e d b y greajt f ie rceness w$Si t h e r ebe l s g r a d u a l l y g e t t i n g t h e b e s t of t h e s i t ua t i on . I*osSes on b o t h s i d e s h a v e d o u b t l e s s been heavy . T h e fed­e r a l s h a v e offered $ tern res i s t ance , b u t if t h e r e p o r t s a r e to b e c red i t ed , Vi l la r e fuses l o be den ied v ic to ry a n d

D I S X I i l C T A T T O R N E y S P H E C E P T

In the nam© of ttus peopla bf tho


Whereas, a triaVtewn ft th» Sa-preme Co«rt a M jaiidciliv*ry is to t5& held in and f or tb.e Coanty orcimton, m ^ ' ^ o i a r r S o i i f i e - l n . ^ - " © ^ ' ' "<of

f Plattsburgh, on tbo 13th day of April 1814. /""''.•'••'i. •:"''-. - •"••-'" \ :

W« command yo«, ^ursuaat to ee#<:; ti«a*^|is; ,S2S» - f bw- 83i^ nato- <& s^<ik"#»e;«Aiei:4 i' r^8#;—'

ai petW _wltQ*'A%©.»e©» $iww^ to said County of ^linton, pursTiant to

> ©a,, • JFofe s 't^tm^.^t -ito^ai »,#ftEat

ig»t saio re l ie f tihtJl I t o o k SSuIe j^ ^&3ft-

w e B o f b o t h c o u g b a n d coid.* '--<:aay p p e €W*~A|tir. •;. . ' .." •'•,

^.-fojl?^ to,iipj?€!ar

is press ing, ©n* t o t h e s a m e . I t is not a t al l un l ike ly t h a t by t h i s t i m e j i t i on # ^ ^ a r a i n a ^ a -Oft-spy Brigbner

Beta smm **-'

.. • -SecowdJ-.'^Bt j^jfesinjg J$$pfojfafi said court m jprJ&onera then bOing In the j^ ' "o i t "^ | ; -«^8aJyv "l^gofti^ iigtJ» ajl ^oeeaiea^^jpjtocefidinss m-any way «ou^s |^ j6b tem'« ia I © ^ P

TJhab^.'S'&a.t .Kbjp|i-| a|fee -proclama­tion lattb* maniiers^6fp?ib»d^!sr Jiar^; notifying aS persons, bound to ap­pear a t said court, fey reeogniaance #* otherwise, to-,apfi^a^pier^» and s*,»

oners and otitic, efflmm?* Wllb h^Sft' taken any recogaiSKilic©: for tha. o&i p e a r a s W a a r B m ^ % ^ n w 3 » cowrl,1

or wl»,rfiall havo tatoefcany inojiis-

Wti&W Kidney Pills are ao ttioroagh-

air^Iien, ««c)#3^ | e i a ^ ^ | j ^ r . ^ . ' ibladder allmoats ,tbai^' lhey;iara ;.r4-. '^M^aesidb^^eTtyiPfcem j&-j^-&$ti<>?&„

' ^ . t e o f t ^ i r i ' w a s ^P0ffM34':j^lit | ^ » -^ . my *aak <«ft$ «HR d * i p ^ rliojft*-f p t d j ^ J [ ^ | e y . ^ d f k g ^ ^ l § £ - ^ P » 4 i # airiaettt. X ftive. 'poi' y ft t a f ia ^ | 1 ' of

p ; ^ ^ . * ^ ; ^ - | l ^ W^a-:hak<

he is in possession ofi T o r r e o n . a n d a n a g r i c u l t u r a l coll. gre a t ve ry i i • • s m a l l cost. A t t h e b e g i n n i n g ojf his t e r m Gov-

I t r e q u i r e d two y e a r s to p lace t h e l e r n o r G l y n n a n n o u n c e d t h a t h e p r o -B r o w n bill on the s t a t u t e books a n d ' posed to a p p o i n t a b o a r d of basiniess d u r i n g t h a t t ime S e n a t o r B r o w n ' s i dea h a s been a d o p t e d in severa l s t a t e s a n d endorsed by t h e n a t i o n a l d e p a r t m e n t of educa t ion a s one of t h e m o s t far r e a c h i n g p ieces of leg­is la t ion to i m p r o v e r u r a l cond i t i ons t h a t h a s been enac ted in m a n y yea r s .

m e n t o a s s i s t M m in ig iving t h e s t a t e a business administration and that i t wou ld be h e a d e d b y Wi l l i am C h u r c h Osborn . Mr. Osborn i s now c h a i r m a n of t h e D e m o c r a t i c s t a t e c o m m i t t e e . So t h i s 'is t h e bus ines s m e n ' s c o m m i t t e e t h a t 'is g o i n g t o he lp the g o v e r n o r ? .

P L A C I N G T H E B L A M E T h e Albany K n i c k e r b o c k e r P r e s s

does nut h e s i t a t e to place t h e b l a m e for t h e condi t ion w h i c h m a k e s necessa ry for t h e gove rno r to convene an e x t r a session of the leg i s la tu re w h e r e it b e l o n g s . | ^ " h a t p a p e r s a y s :

" T h e T a m m a n y l e a d e r s a r e r e s p o n ­s ible for t h e need less expense of an e x t r a ses-sion beausf of t h e i r u n p r -a l led de lay in dea l ing wi th i m p o r t ­a n t bills. T a m m a n y wa i t ed un t i l t h e las t week a n d last h o u r s of t h e ses­s ion . In an u n u s u a l d e g r e e th i s year t h e old t r ick of j a m m i n g t h e ca len­d a r a t t h e last w i th b ig m e a s u r e s •was r e so r t ed to by t h e men in c h a r g e of t h e u p p e r b r a n c h of t h e legis la­t u r e .

" G o v e r n o r G lynn ' s a s t o n i s h i n g t a r ­d i n e s s m not s e n d i n g in a p p o i n t m e n t s ttnfiU t h e las t d a y a n d inexcusab ly d r a g g i n g t h e w o r k of t h e s e n a t e t h r o u g h a i l t h e h o u r s of F r i d a y n i g h t

T h a t G o v e r n o r Glylnn h a s cas t in his lot w i th C h a r l e s F . M u r p h y is in-

it d ica ted by t h e a p p o i n t m e n t s h e h a s m a d e . E v e r y b o d y now k n o w s w h e r e t h e execu t ive s t a n d s , for h e h a s a d ­ver t i sed t h e fact to t h e p u b l i c H i s w a r w i t h t h e Tammanty boss h a s been a p r e t e n s e f r o m t h e first . T h a t is pla in ly a p p a r e n t now,.

r e a s o n f o r t b e legis la t ive d i s o r d e r

Sooner t h a n g ive u p t h e p a t r o n a g e in t h e d e p a r t m e n t ofi eff ic iency a n d e c o n o m y and t h e offtee of t h e s t a t e fire m a r s h a l t h e D e m o c r a t i c l e a d e r s h a d no h e s i t a n c y in s a d d l i n g t h e t ax ­p a y e r s w i th t h e expense of a n e x t r a session ©f t h e leg i s l a tu re , w h i c h Gov­e r n o r Glynn will now h a v e t o cal l .

or witness, to return such recogniz­ance or inquisition and i examination to the said court, a t the opening thereof on the first day of the term,

wstoewf Honorable 30lauplea C Vaty. K i r k , J u s t i c e of t h e S u p r e m e C o u r t , this 6th day of March, 1914,

J O H ^ K . COLLINS, District Attorney <j* CUplaMJounty. . WAZ&AG® TURNER,

County CSerli.

T h e Bemfoerat ie s e n a t e ' s . d e f l a t e s of t h e m a n d a t e of t h e 'people e x p r e s s -

Sberlffs Proclamation Whereas, a trial term of( the 3»-

prem© Court Is appointed to be held in and for. the county oj Clinton*' on the IStb. day of April, 4814, *• ^

Therefore, proclamation is hereby made, in conformity to a precept to me directed and delivered by the Dis­trict Attorney of Clinton County, on the 6th day of Mareh, 1814, to ail persons bound to anpear at the said term by« recognisance or ©tbjer^fee, to appear thereat, and all justices of the" peace, laaronears j&nd other .offl-cers of the peace who have taken any recognizance for tha appearance of any person at said eQiul# or who have-taken any inquisition, or the eiamin-aUon of aoy prlgBOff&e-W- t^tnesa» "dh&. required to return *ncn r ecogn izee , inquisition or ©xajpination at-.-., the opening at. the li^^di^^I^iif-.itwittjrt;

©atedL a t Kati^bjjp^f,, New ^0|H, t-d a t t h e polls las t N o v e m b e r takeffl]tni a ' e | ^ d 8 ^ O j . a p a f i ^ ' jiffl^. t h e f o r m of a d e c l a r a t i o n t h a t if t h e .

a n d S a t u r d a y m o r n i n g w a s a n o t h e r peop le w a n t e c o n o m y t h e y h a v e g o t .

to pay for It.

S©as'», Moos®, fheritt o& Canton County.



"i J "i "Sjim ««ht for B a e W b * mi


tQtwn^w 'QM*~'A$®

e ferjaBertfe .Iioufef:4iBl-iiea'vftelaB«g all.th©' .lama "WJllW^and 0srn|«a.;ssi| feet byl«o «ee&& lift^inrts^, co^et.'ISHifiiaab ,pi#--*t,i)pc' &miy' ism m*m> ivt

'lW ^ " l A I ^ ^ a r m v , 1M -:aism ^p." ^a&^i$M-mi$tekM0% good build-? to^^,;.-B^oto|V-:te*ni^-. 1cn(giat 6', tsi $^M&qfyg-t* canton m» ^mm^-

,i'ii..rininiii,jjiwiyr,i).ii yi(ii^i^i;iipii inffirnn!irji,-ini>j

* A 'few- generations baiele \i;;*t*B at M'> wa^-' oflaid'&red' 'ei9.-'-6ariy*'J>ear^*«.. an*:iwai-li% 'for'-"death*" •••$$&:"..P*k; 'eha»®&';ti>dkyf» -at" &'m£$&£:•.'#;#*• -Med'iieo.»I<ep.l 'society It",^#*-. sta?61* ihat .a man'ef' 50 oug-hi ^.>asve:forti* "gowt':. Teat's' ahead.;of' »4n» "»»•«&- th#s : 4^ a&^y' he is' in the ,1aii^es» '.«S, &&»;:

• ;#|tet<'l!f-0'ptt ' have "jgeea..^^?-;.^ .eA$&. seventy '•' t4rtha*y^t««^*e|a|fe. •hafei'l§»r"fresh;iir_ aad' •Je^©retsevr;5^* •*

"of siee|> wti^#iaa^,#o-w* he^fth* y. $£ •^sSchanee, '#>ur .«8r u4a*io»;_-;% 0:ojr». i|.yo;i-:b?0c^e'-'i^^

:aad" 'm§' '-^Setlte^-aofain^/-' i» - th* •.4ftdk$ M i ' *oa©-' a^ those |ired'_^ac|cf' siltli«§: organs-—eaWch tihe l^lood 'aSd-create•"• stresagtb .so B«WMy-'.*W," *' -«eliiiefo»ir c o d i#er? '.and! -"Iron"-. Iw&s

F O R $ALB—*A b l a c k h o r s e , 8 yeiars ©Id*;,'Weighs- 10W) Ihs. «o ne seen a t t t i r s tah ies ' i e f & S . tRr««raiei% 120

iiiyiTiiiiiliimtllirillilllilMifnillinMi'iTlillliiili'iiliiiiii'^iTlif iiii'

era I f f hrtsfttl |?«rley ami'..«ala &PW to $mn F, Mtorta«h» BeeKmaatowiij

-FO-K-SAtKr-Jn o-rder-t« l&Jrndttet, a new and sfcaieoy first class mattress, we-.ar*-going to mil the first dozen at i«et mha* it cest to sna&e t&m a t mm faetom A B, <5ali^hesr & Ca, S4-JSforth l^ver »&., '•..•' . ' * ' , , . •

t?i\B &&U&-**& Bay Co&'-3--y&«K»-#!d this ^&rin^-weighs 8*0 Iba ®oan4 aod kind, well bmlten, good worker and fair driver, not a^paid of atita*-, faqna-e, MeRcnaie Pwcfe. BafiMsnora.

3pOS a^LIE^-The Wiaiiam M. Qyt* Ve^'^osm eotttamiatgrtaog) «tw««# and' G S « h a l f a c r e s l a n d witjbi f a r m h o a k , a n d C3>. %wo b a r n s a l l i n ®jod condj» l ion, l oca t ed o n e anite n o r t h P o i n t At t Botfht Ufi3at h o u s e on t h e i a k e s h o r e . All ns&er eultivatton; Wonldrena .to *is*a""3i&4y, • P&ttmms- write William' H. Oliver, Chasy, K. T?^ care of » ; Simohda- .." -

•FOfS $ALE-~f^rst^ class steal range,

, . , . . _ , , , . , i . . . . 1 , 1 , , ^ , , . , , ,

WAsmsxt -

«SSS8B f i t fy;&*'9&-'*ufatiL, -Th«t ^ork SM.mtm aa^ agreeable.but good aeportment aad strict obwrvaaoe of rul«* in^fit;a upon. A pjkly to ifa^ «B0ft;''8ia@ai'Hotpiiat ,,; •",- ' : >, ;

"^-r^-r - '^ ' - 'nn ITT1 iii Win Tin-rr " : n in , „, , • •»', , u , - M y. j . , . , - ' . . . "

WAJJTBEJ—Railway Jfall Clerlie. Commonce*?5.00 month. Plattsburgh ©3»ntinatipns coming. Sample que3* tions free, Franklin Institute, Dept 2S4«aU Kochester, N. Y.

1te23TSEJ™-TJ#o anaidsi-v cool? and d i n i n g "roffiBa#ras-«writei»Mr&, EL D. *3Favesi A,ws«a>i«> Sprites.

WANTSSN-J-TO Bent fonr m&Mve roonss wffli*bath for housekeeping, eith%» fatsaisb^sd %r unfurnished. Cen­trally located. Address *Wi*J' csa?e ••*£

. . :^esa, -•* ' -

We find it m « n « ; | ^ e i B toga, classified ""-Ipfssl' ""' ftiken a t t h i s office jfea by cashu ' if" _ toy to break this r^e,>a^d;,advertise-men^ will so t ' be" aecen|e|f. ove? • the

10 ahnounee

• " • ' ^ f | l l / l i e .


'1! "il'i'U--


,1H>E. SALE—Maljblj&R* Si cents at fih^'Press 0ff|co, .v> - •-' ; , ." ! " *. ,

*: . "• -.- - •'% • - f% ' " . " " V ' ' ' ,,liiH UM ii » « i ^ •' \ i Jin •

~%oU SALB--i^sjaence ,ff<o||e*^* t

14$ Cnnrt f t , e o ^ r . # ^ : n i | D , ; , . l | t -q u i r e of H . 4 , Tho '^ iasJ .^ . iS 'o . , J % r -gajret S t '-' ."" '. '"'. • '>.'

— W P * " 'i 1 in •• <m#M»«^I^>Iw-wyai '«i«w«w»—mmmmitmmimmf

• F O R fiAJLB-~& h o ^ e ; " ? " ' ^ ^ o l f t w f ^ k g " ' b 4 t w e e H ' * 4 ^ W - a ^ 4 - *|>^ff. ^tnire M. .A, -Dewey ^Sons 0-Qta»i

e|tn^le seen ' ^ "f *'~~ *"*' ' 'li&nLan Para'and.


^e»r M»«r Aflif*


| |fr,lap|. |ol^,

W A J f T l ^ . l i A C H l N I S T S T - A t ©nee. f i rs t c l a s s l a t h e h a n d s , s t e a d y p o s i -t fens, T h e George F% S h e r l i n JTfg. <3o^ S a r a t o g a b r i n g s , ST, X. • > , < W » » - * l > M W l J i | ' - | . . > , . ^ . ^ I . . . H III ! * • — ^ W l l , ^ . , . . , ^ .,,!!,. ,| |1—, I J,J),,, | , | „ ;

' -LOCOJCOTIVB M R l I & f E N IBBA^B ,m&$, 'Usages a b o n t ^400 expe r i ence np j tecessa ry . S e n d a g e , p o s t a g e . : R a & W , c a r e P r e s s , j . iHlililiniliimiiw^iWMiMiM": I } * * " " mwlumj l • • • i n i mm —WMM ••!• H -

W A N T B D - — S t e n o g r a p h e r M u s t , b e e^ee l len t . p e n n i a n , . Address , l e t te r , H . C- Bic lse tson, c i ty , s t a t i n g expe r i ence .

WANTEDf—A pos i t ion a s g e n e r a l h o u s e m a i d . K o w a s h i n g or, i ron ing . A d d r e s s Gir l , c a r e of JPrejss office.

rossthle Wltb J wpfcf j » r e

«ld'person ;;itt; this .vicihity to pry ,Vi _ •#j-t ,bn' onr ag»eeme»i^t» :'r-etar» 'the!* • naJney -Sf;'4t. fails. i& -10^' satiafectJ^nv' <^d^.!JrBs,Co>.t^Platte»U3?pB, 3l;.3f«.'".: " •'..fe._&^CZemu.Sairerfi*sr' ^ W g«a*-aatte^e-tirnew^Mn reined^-'S&xe. •••.

^.'March/'sir—Mrs> las|J;Camnagh of Plattsburgh, $§&st a >reek _with" Sirs.' Aahefia"' Bid^ett'-reeently, •"

"The' 'ananal_ niee'ttn# ..jOf .< tfaa^^r***.. byte r ian ' 1 i t t i ^ iona r j r ' . Soc ie ty .' iaf: Wis. place *ssrt0 be held^Tnursday after-n«on-afc':9J30->in;fhe^esirj* .>':"':'.'-. .' , JStfs, Wlitner -Stevenson ha« heen

Mariorie Itoberts was caHe4, to Plattsburgh Tuesday <m aeeoant of. ^he "sadden tttness' hi her mother, * :;Tttft'..W; &*?M. & mit'Wlth 2Bk Jaa,

fetch";last' .tB^*^v Tttesday, at* *'belttg toe,ne|t^ieH''.^:&e;^«arterty t$.a» '.-•'•'

Jdoving'is thef-erdjer-'of '-the" :day. Quite a'number, of vacant houses, bat some .one ready to astore in . before they are i^caat long, ,-'3sfr&j Aitij^^.-^»'-';,Mdrtott went.' W Pla^^bta^ '^nrsday; .* - '

"Levi Averil' has'1 gone to the Physi­cians* hosnital at Plattsburgh for treatment. / "..,, '"• ,- '

drvffile MeKnight,"'ft fowner sttition agent :bere, warn ih town Thursday.

Mrs. Ju litis 3St«d3owell has return­ed 'front Ifew ports'wivsro' §h® ;8pettt. th© winter '.'is tfh her daughter, l l r * K a t e .lacOoweH' '©tiver..

JBBsS Sfabel A t w o o d s p e n t a *ew d a y s i n t o w n w i t h f r i ends r eeen t ly l

T h e G r a n g e m e e t s t h t o a f t e r n o o n to initiate seven in th«s niysterJes of t h e t h i r d a n d f o a i S J d e g r e e s .

— • » — r ^ ir,ifi 1101 1-I1HI11.1I1H1 . . - . ' -

•" 15A^SaJ13KCS C^WKER • •There most be .$> tt#*# law for they

can send liquid Tttirongb, the mail nose. MondSy night the letted, were* sipojtg with the smell of sosBe""kind of liquor; one lady-found her letters damp^ fram something in the aaajdE'baj;. The dis-a^Bointmeiit niqst Hav? been. gijesit •e?he% pti one Wfttonlhf |OiP\-Ma-"'dram, found it distribttted hefor^ t«e post-nmster 'eo»14. got.'..tO': lt,;. ;V.--Beaati'fal 8]&f®B; weather' 'ati b # ^ % m d w ~ 'a#d. atm6sp'|iere> " - ."Po|at#|;" '^»e/\"»^ing aaariscted. -ISj&tv 'M^^l'H^kodi-'_ims mmed *h*ISo Mn& hoWe.Jiaster,Sun­day - s?rii': be" obser;ved ..tid^i'.'aj^^j^ite 6±erei5%s;.-'; i&t." €arjf|^3R-''%ln:t; )s<Ith Mrs. "Hyman &c^na^y for 4 jborisul-

She • has • b%en. ^tW% i ^ "4 jteag' time Thawing;, a n d ' ^ ^ l r ^ l i g M neith­

er for sleighs or wagons, Tj»e peddler wiOt apples for sale, "v f ajt <t$mtf?, Thijirsda^ 6Sr eeiats a # e c ^ - ,

Mrs. Vorc© will ha%e rooajs in the b u t t e r feetory.*I •• . ; -» . ;^• ' •*• .^ •* •-»

M r s . -B6 H o n s l n g e r w ^ l S a o v i i n t h e Cephas5 0ar|iSii#r h'Si&fng.


dlstuj ta®^^ ^b l add^^s^nes s M night, tired; newonn ^ m - q ^ i » ttnen'and wo­men asN&; -gfadi: t&flfifai -tha*,""Foley mdnei? t h , * a ^ P e - ; ^ i | l t m 5 i ^ ^ B » e y a aad % l | t a ^ l i ^ ^afa '^meV'Bow' . clon, ¥a&viC'|&#ass£: l ^#u^ed . .wHh terrible hea^aahe, I # e 1 ^ # ^ an 4 beai h?S dawnjja^pryao "tad I. was hardly ante ^~^3^ iS t tnd i . ItoojK S *o«le8 of Foley Kidney PfaBvand «£BX» then I have been entirely wall." Cadtr ©r»'g Co—• JMhv

SSTHsON Time X»ble ia ' iBttMii»*> JNb * H *

; ;-*pfti i jv-; -'./".i;--••'•' ' '^-^^'/BaMb'-'Siptot-.-. ;•' . -. ' A « j y # 'ftOiit •-.••'••-•- . %***• w * -

. V : ; ' - ; - i s t f i L I C ' -•*•'•' 1 1 : 1 1 AJMU

'••*'-' 4 : « « 1 M I . ..>.»•:•".'I :f* M t . " - - 1 9 : 2 1 P . M .

• l l j l f t A j a V . ''..* - ; : ' - " - /

»4';#a't*3fc--*.'*" :'*" > '** # j : 4 * B , 3 ^ . » >:":.»: •>•'••'.••

^ » J S » : # , M ; ' ;.-.-^ ".-^:-,; -- V j - * ^ ^ ' / ; ;ji|ror^-»MB»dt; A^^fisett'- '•".:;.:.."":':"':-:

A l b a n y •-,?'..; "-.!-'-•-... - ;

:~»---\.- , I * » T » f o r :"•-'/Montreal

*,'/*;. ; i : 0 f A."M. ; ; - - *:40AAL ^.-.•-..-••^^•wwit

1:00 J»A

A t J S A B L E D I V I S I O N .

j^wf*om"r^--';;:-' /.;»" ,i*«wipr :

A«sa%l«-3F©r*ir; v'- -^ilJusablaJ.lMiei'. •-".•it«5AM.:::* -,». .*.>'••* J s t t A J t

Arrt?*''f«Hh""--:'; ••-•'• \tmmiB~tmf-

»Ooer» J c i ••• ' -. l t»Mip,*Bt . ' .

p l f role SSiOH

.ol-^i ar»i

pi ul


': ;K :>

ffi : ^ Hfe-.f---

A3S» COGr?Sia^LO^;j^1i«W, M ctmnoM antuEjT, i:t»AjPTfflBii»aa WJ ir,, vmmno: •«, MON|« TO LdAN':'Ojr-'»3fflAI.-- E S K A T « r " ^ - -"'*•

J , W. B 4 W B 9 Attorney and Counselor

Money p* Joan on Real CHnto* S t Ph«»* * | f -W


VICTOB » B O D U , . Atorney and Connatilor a t "UKV Surrogate's Off too Mort»r»t JPiattshnrj^* J | i I t -.... .,'.•• -. . -1

.ii.ilii lii.iiii.i 111 1 ' n 1 rtiiii 11 Tin ' "1. ' • 1 — — — •

' * •' JOHN Ifc COLLUC* Attorney and Coansellor a t Law

Oftice Corner of Brtdsa and WStrm ftreets,' Plattsburgh, j r . T, -- '"• ' *&mmmmm>»0*<mimm\* umi i.i.n.i' > T nrn i i i i y j —

-•-ii*".' ",B«-'''>»i»arJi!w^-'/

AiAorajy- -«n« ^o'uwiaBbr1'-' * t "Law' dOico Boek Ik CcaKSir, Baildi** <rtm-^>n Street Batti^ttr*h, it'-"T."-

-&J>~^^"Tl,--''*;;';"j:':ii^i^ni-;1r';i"i-i.iiL»'n;.iiii i........'i,r u "1 j' .[•' njujinuwui—ii"

Attorney nad Couwwllor a t Law .4f # | M -£treei:£tett*l«rjft» » ' Y, .M^Jiey *o-'"Joaa-o»;'aeM" Jaftai*,;; /

1 "' 1 "II " . ' . I 11 n 111 nit V11 ;- 1 r ~**—m*m—mm*mmmmmm

•. %(nmm %etaafc:*;,-ti^oi«at# ap - '• l>»^^e^ ^ ^ r o ^ ^ ^ ' n f i 6 ^ : i K » k a ai^eeialy. Ov«r W«rren*f hook store Phone 40-W. ^ " * t

Ittneral Birector and WipTprPmirt l a d y A-jstant «hape! » Erjdw Street. B o ^ ^ o n t *

v3>«. W. E . CLOUGH EHSSieiAlS i t SDB^KOK ~

Omco apffr^esidettco fT^Comrtl* Street. Cmfe&honral-tjand T-* j o a and byappeintanenfc Phone *St -

""*"*™ ' " V i " " " "'" 'i I'^mmm^mmmlmt

Atitornes: i^d ncow aettofe j ^ Law Spec i a l a t t e n t i o n t o p r a c t i c e 3w S m v

rogate,'& 0&ui$ 4j5 dintoit Strert. P i t t s b u r g h , i f . Y, -r \ * *•> ~

k V

Surgeon JDentist, ^verjEfeing | M » > taimng tonio^ern dentistry perform­ed In thermos*' *lka|fai ^manneK* <&* or Ether, nd«nih|stere4:w>ien;aBS&id: Dental^ parlors Ma Winslow- B h » # over Platitebnrfh, ^rational** - ' P l a t t s b u r g h r K , ^ r <z *, \

: ^ ^ - ^



Money to loan on Real Estate. R. H. Heaiey, Plattsburgh, N. T.

, XOTIt/jfi - My l^ife, JBessis L a p o r t s h a s left

m y h o m e w i t h o u t j u s t cause o r pro­vocat ion a n d re fuses to live wi th me, a n d 1 h e r e b y noftify t h e pu/Mic not t o ex tend a n y cred i t to h e r on m y accoun t . B a t e d M a r c h 21 , 1914.


"Fresh c o b - s m o k e d h a m s h a v e a n unequa l l ed f lavor . W h o sel ls t h e m ? B o o m h o w e r G r o c e r y Co.-—Adv.

Spec ia l " H e a l t h W a r n i n g " f o r ' M a r c h

M a r c h i s a t r y i n g m o n t h f o r thb very 3fo*ang and for elderly people. Croup, bronchial colds, lasrippo ano pneumonia are to "be feared and avo-io

j ^ Foley's J&oney and '*aar is a great ffanllf mpleiae that will qu^jay ifc&p a o^4sl% cheek the progress of ,a -* •»-•* -fpQjjjt .'selj^vje. inflamed and'/coi>i;

qr.'4tR' p»sw* E, c. Rho#^ sapt; "La gr Bj&o ~gaV*H " cough for wnicii 1 vkm I b o * mrtef&

Compound, and wa#, <ajmgh and oko*'*,,

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i n g fi-orn t h e fac tory , w e wi l l


2 S Q U A R E P I A X O S

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Office and; rasidencA. at 60| Cow* Street. Office bours froni l«*to « y7in» ** Physician and Surgeon. Tnone^lHRL

Morriaonvjlje, Vf^ta " -Offica hours: 8~to> ^ a r a n . , 1 t o S

p m. and ? 40 5 ovenlSagev " Telephone connection and convey-" ice. . A - - - T , anee.

K^rpa*m^.-g^^E^G • " • « * .

Law 81 Marga re t " S t r ee t , P S f f i l ' ^ ^ , ' % . ^

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