St. Anne Catholic Church 6150 Remount Road North Little Rock, Arkansas 72118 Office Telephone: 753-3977 Fax: 753-3991 www.saintannenlr.org [email protected] St. Anne Parish Mission Prayer Almighty Father, we thank you for calling us to live together as the family of St. Anne Catholic Church. Generations ago you lit the fire of faith through a mission to the children of immigrants in a small stone church. Lord Jesus, we ask you to help us to follow you and humbly serve you by welcoming and serving those most in need of your love. Fill us with your Holy Spirit and light our path. Keep us attentive to your word in the Scriptures and help us to recognize Christ in the breaking of the bread. May the lives we lead be our offering of love to you. We make our prayer in unity with all the Saints, especially through the intercession of St. Anne the grandmother of Jesus. Amen. Office Hours: Tuesday 9am to 2:30pm Wednesday 9am to 2:30pm Thursday 9am to 6pm Friday 1pm to 6pm THE CONGREGATION OF THE MISSION Fr. Toshio Francesco Sato, CM, Pastor, Fr. Luis Ariel Ramirez, CM, Parochial Vicar FINANCIAL/OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Graciela Bruzatori PASTORAL COUNCIL CHAIR Don Woeltje DIRECTOR/RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Belinda Ortner ASST. DIR. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Guillermo Bruzatori CATHOLIC YOUTH MINISTRY Juanita & Ronny Escovedo Parish secretaries Ramona DeLaCerda-Ilg & Claudia Arzola PASTORAL CARE MINISTER Patricia McKinley SCHEDULE OF MASSES/SERVICES Saturday 4:00 P.M. Vigil Mass (English) Sunday 8:00 AM (Spanish), 10:30 AM (English) 5:00 PM (Spanish) 3rd Sunday Youth Mass/ 3º Domingo: Misa Juvenil Tuesday 6:45 A.M. Mass Wednesday 6:00 P.M. Mass Friday 6:45 A.M. Mass RECONCILIATION Sunday 9:45 A.M. - 10:15 A.M. Wednesday 5:15-5:45 P.M. Or by appointment BAPTISM By appointment. MARRIAGE Contact the Pastor at least six months prior to wedding date. Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 23, 2017 Those who are just must be kind. — Wisdom 12:19 TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — You taught your people that those who are just must likewise be kind (Wisdom 12:13, 16-19). Psalm — Lord, you are good and forgiving (Psalm 86). Second Reading — The Spirit comes to aid us in our weakness (Romans 8:26-27). Gospel — Jesus proposes parables to the crowds, teach- ing them of the reign of God (Matthew 13:24-43 [24-30]). THE MERCY, POWER, AND LOVE OF GOD The first reading today, from the book of Wisdom, makes its point over and over, at least five times in five verses! God is mighty, but lenient to all. God’s power is shown in kindness and clem- ency, not in harshness and condemnation, and those who govern God’s people must govern in the same way, with kindness. This loving kindness and gentleness is not contrary to God’s might, but is a direct result of God’s primacy over all. Who are we, then, to judge what is in the hearts of our fellow Christians and all people, when God commands justice with love and clemency? Likewise, the Holy Spirit makes up for our ignorance of what we need, speaking in a language we do not yet understand. But God knows our needs before we do, understands the intercessions of the Spirit, and helps us in our weakness. This is our hope: God’s mercy, power, and love. One Community, One Family, One Faith SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Sharbel Makhlūf Tuesday: St. James Wednesday: Ss. Joachim and Anne Saturday: St. Martha

St. Anne Catholic Church · 7/23/2017  · fice. LR Scripture Study Bible: Paperback $30, Hardback $40 Welcome to all! Thank you for celebrating Mass with the St. Anne’s Catholic

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Page 1: St. Anne Catholic Church · 7/23/2017  · fice. LR Scripture Study Bible: Paperback $30, Hardback $40 Welcome to all! Thank you for celebrating Mass with the St. Anne’s Catholic

St. Anne Catholic Church 6150 Remount Road North Little Rock, Arkansas 72118

Office Telephone: 753-3977 Fax: 753-3991 www.saintannenlr.org [email protected]

St. Anne Parish Mission Prayer Almighty Father, we thank you for calling us to live together as the family of St. Anne Catholic Church. Generations ago you lit the fire of faith through a mission to the children of immigrants in a small stone church. Lord Jesus, we ask you to help us to follow you and humbly serve you by welcoming and serving those most in need of your love. Fill us with your Holy Spirit and light our path. Keep us attentive to your word in the Scriptures and help us to recognize Christ in the breaking of the bread. May the lives we lead be our offering of love to you. We make our prayer in unity with all the Saints, especially through the intercession of St. Anne the grandmother of Jesus. Amen.

Office Hours: Tuesday 9am to 2:30pm Wednesday 9am to 2:30pm Thursday 9am to 6pm Friday 1pm to 6pm

THE CONGREGATION OF THE MISSION Fr. Toshio Francesco Sato, CM, Pastor, Fr. Luis Ariel Ramirez, CM, Parochial Vicar


FINANCIAL/OFFICE ADMINISTRATOR Graciela Bruzatori PASTORAL COUNCIL CHAIR Don Woeltje DIRECTOR/RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Belinda Ortner ASST. DIR. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Guillermo Bruzatori CATHOLIC YOUTH MINISTRY Juanita & Ronny Escovedo Parish secretaries Ramona DeLaCerda-Ilg & Claudia Arzola PASTORAL CARE MINISTER Patricia McKinley

SCHEDULE OF MASSES/SERVICES Saturday 4:00 P.M. Vigil Mass (English) Sunday 8:00 AM (Spanish), 10:30 AM (English) 5:00 PM (Spanish) 3rd Sunday Youth Mass/ 3º Domingo: Misa Juvenil Tuesday 6:45 A.M. Mass Wednesday 6:00 P.M. Mass Friday 6:45 A.M. Mass

RECONCILIATION Sunday 9:45 A.M. - 10:15 A.M. Wednesday 5:15-5:45 P.M. Or by appointment

BAPTISM By appointment.

MARRIAGE Contact the Pastor at least six months prior to wedding date.

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July 23, 2017

Those who are just must be kind. — Wisdom 12:19

TODAY’S READINGS First Reading — You taught your people that those who are just must likewise be kind (Wisdom 12:13, 16-19). Psalm — Lord, you are good and forgiving (Psalm 86). Second Reading — The Spirit comes to aid us in our weakness (Romans 8:26-27). Gospel — Jesus proposes parables to the crowds, teach-ing them of the reign of God (Matthew 13:24-43 [24-30]).

THE MERCY, POWER, AND LOVE OF GOD The first reading today, from the book of Wisdom, makes its point over and over, at least five times in five verses! God is mighty, but lenient to all. God’s power is shown in kindness and clem-ency, not in harshness and condemnation, and those who govern God’s people must govern in the same way, with kindness. This loving kindness and gentleness is not contrary to God’s might, but is a direct result of God’s primacy over all. Who are we, then, to judge what is in the hearts of our fellow Christians and all people, when God commands justice with love and clemency? Likewise, the Holy Spirit makes up for our ignorance of what we need, speaking in a language we do not yet understand. But God knows our needs before we do, understands the intercessions of the Spirit, and helps us in our weakness. This is our hope: God’s mercy, power, and love.

One Community, One Family, One Faith

SAINTS AND SPECIAL OBSERVANCES Sunday: Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday: St. Sharbel Makhlūf Tuesday: St. James Wednesday: Ss. Joachim and Anne Saturday: St. Martha

Page 2: St. Anne Catholic Church · 7/23/2017  · fice. LR Scripture Study Bible: Paperback $30, Hardback $40 Welcome to all! Thank you for celebrating Mass with the St. Anne’s Catholic

EM/Body Eugene Uekman EM/Blood Pat Bass EM/Blood Michael Climer EM/Blood Terry Brighter EM/Blood Ray Buss Lector Jo Bawiec Server 1 Cecilia Ilg Server 2 Volunteer Server 3 Volunteer Usher 1C Eddie Bawiec Usher 2 Gary Uekman

EM/Body David Kraft EM/Blood Jan Brass EM/Blood Cliff Price Lector Bill Brass Server William Justice Usher 1C James Alger Usher 2 Charles Uekman

All Liturgical Ministers serving in Saturday or Sunday masses. Please sign in on the sign in sheet found in the vestibule.

Mass Collections Collections Attendance Actual Budgeted Weekend of : 7/15– 7/16 460 $4,118 $4,781 Improv. Fund $489 $288 Peter’s Pence Collection $109 Year to date: July 1– 16 -11% $12,748 $14,342 Improv. Fund $1,208 $864 Peter’s Pence Collection $705 Mass Attendance 4:00 PM 61 10:30 PM 93 8:00 AM 168 5:00 PM 138

Parish Religious Education (PRE) Preschool through High School

Session begin September 6, 2017 at 6:30pm at the MVL-VLM Center

PRE Registration 2017-2018 Wednesday August 2th from 6:30-8:00pm in Mary’s Hall Sunday August 6th from 9:00-10:30am in Mary’s Hall. Register on these days even though payment cannot be made to avoid late fees and closed grades. $50 registration fee per family AND $50 volunteer fee (REFUNDABLE with volunteer service) Installment payments can be made thru the office over the summer. Child must be present for ID photo ***Late Registration will begin on August 7th thru August 31st. No late registrations will be taken after August 31st. PRE Registration is Available ONLINE (English Only) http://saintannenlr.org/parish-religious-education First Communion Registration *See PRE registration October 22nd at 9:15am-Parent and Candidate session in Mary’s Hall Confirmation Registration *See PRE registration September 10th at 9:15am-Parent and Candidate session in Mary’s Hall Catechist needed Positions are open for Wednesday and Sunday sessions working with children or adults. Training and materials provided. Qualifications: Must be Catholic and enjoy shar-ing your faith. Donations for PRE Needed new or used flat screen TVs Portable room partitions (on wheels)

RCIA for Children and Teens Is your child NOT baptized and has reached the

age of 7 or older? Those who have attained the use of reason and are of catechetical age (age 7 and above) may seek the sacra-ments of initiation (Baptism, Confirmation and Eucharist) through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Children. For more information, call the parish office or register your child at PRE registration. Children and Teen sessions begin September 17th at 9:15am in in Mary’s Hall. *****************

Safe Environment program Changes went into effect July 1, 2017.

WHO must do safe environment training and background checks: Employees, Volunteers with Routine Contact with minors.

Mass Intentions for the Week Sat July 22: 4:00pm All Parishioners Sun July 23: 10:00am Bud & Dorthy Murphy+ Tue July 25: 6:45am Priest’s Intention Wed July 26: 6:00pm Priest’s Intention Fri July 28: 6:45am Priest’s Intention Sat July 29: 4:00pm All Parishioners Sun July 30: 8:00am Priest’s Intention 10:30am Tom & Jean Lensing+ 5:00pm Priest’s Intention

READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: Ex 14:5-18; Ex 15:1bc-6; Mt 12:38-42 Tuesday: 2 Cor 4:7-15; Ps 126:1bc-6; Mt 20:20-28 Wednesday: Ex 16:1-5, 9-15; Ps 78:18-19, 23-28; Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 Thursday: Ex 19:1-2, 9-11, 16-20b; Dn 3:52-56; Mt 13:10-17 Friday: Ex 20:1-17; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 13:18-23 Saturday: Ex 24:3-8; Ps 34:2-11; Jn 11:19-27 or Lk 10:38-42 Sunday: 1 Kgs 3:5, 7-12; Ps 119:57, 72, 76-77, 127-130; Rom 8:28-30; Mt 13:44-52 [44-46]

Liturgical Minister July 29 & 30 Saturday 4:00pm Sunday 10:30am

In Our Parish

Adult Studies The Breakfast Club Sundays at 9:00am in the li-brary- The Bible Timeline.

Bible for Sale English Bibles are available to purchase in the Of-fice. LR Scripture Study Bible: Paperback $30, Hardback $40

Welcome to all! Thank you for celebrating Mass with the St. Anne’s Catholic Community today! If you would like to register as a new member or you need to make updates to your contact information, please contact the Parish Office at 501-753-3977

Page 3: St. Anne Catholic Church · 7/23/2017  · fice. LR Scripture Study Bible: Paperback $30, Hardback $40 Welcome to all! Thank you for celebrating Mass with the St. Anne’s Catholic

We pray for our Troops Robert Bartelt, son of Paula Bartelt Matt Missildine, grandson of Eugene & Pat Uekman David Weaver, grandson of Veldonna Weaver Beth Ruspoli, granddaughter of Eugene & Pat Uekman Alberto R. Montemayor, grandson of Mario & Melva Ortiz-Eric Dingler, son of David & Martha Dingler

To place a flower order for someone, call St Anne Church office 501-753-3977 or Dolores

Reeves at 501-831-2644

Let us Know If you are going to be in the hospital please call the church office at 753-3977 so we can visit you while you are there.

WE PRAY FOR OUR PARISHIONERS Linda Bass, Melissa Beltran, Ginger Brighter, Pat Buss, Carrol Fleming, Rudy Gangluff, Pat Gault, Else Greb, Daniel Justice, Lawrence Koerdt, Charlie Mathis, John Nuessen, Randy Richardson, Joe & Regina Skretkowicz, Eugene Uekman, Teresa Wellman, Veldonna Weaver, Elizabeth Walls, Jason Whitney

Family & Friends Rosa Edith Calderon, Aaron Jarboe

**************** To reinstated call the church office, names

will only stay for 2 weeks.

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul The Sts. Anne & Joachim Conference encourage all members of Saint Anne’s parish : To have hearts that “bring Gods love to the poor” through their generosi-ty and donations. Hearing this Gospel, we can trust that God knows our love and good deeds, and that he will mercifully gather us into his kingdom. On weekend of July 29-30, members of our Conference will be outside after Mass to accept your donations by putting a gift in the St. Vincent de Paul Col-lections Bucket knowing that together they will produce fruit a hundred fold. Help Us to Help Them.

Catholic Youth Ministry (CYM) CYM will be meeting Wednesday, July 26 at

6:30pm, in the Parish Hall. All youth are welcome!

2nd Collection Improvement Fund This collection is designated to help update, beautify, improve the overall safety of our parish. Thank you for your generosity and making St. Anne your home.

In Our Parish (cont.)

Consider Online Giving Option Online giving would allow you to contribute to the Church more easily. Please visit our website for more information at https://saintannenlr.org/

In Our Diocese Theology on Tap:

July 27th. Theology on Tap is a great place for young adults to gather and to enjoy food, fellowship and faith enrichment. Please Join us this month as we welcome Samantha Denefe, the Director of Evangelization and Faith Formation at Holy Souls. Samantha was part of the diocesan team that went to the Convocation of Catholic Leaders in Florida. She well come recount her experi-ence and speak on the exciting new emphasis that the Pope, Cardinals, Bishops and Lay Leaders throughout the US are emphasizing and how that can affect us here in the diocese of Little Rock. Theology on Tap meets every other month at the Flying Saucer downtown Little Rock at 7:00pm. Your continued donations make this event possible and we will graciously accept them at the door. All are welcome and we hope to see you there! Please contact Amy Wisniewski ([email protected]) or David Clement ([email protected]) with any ques-tions or comments. You can also find us on Facebook: Theology on Tap - Central Arkansas

Women's Adult Faith Formation Class Is there any "tested, tried and true" method to aid a person in making wise choices and sound decisions? Explain how 'knowing myself' aids me in having a clos-er relationship with God. For answers, and more, join Marlana Grant, Ramona Bourdo, Jean Zehler, and Liz Hunsicker, Starting Sep-tember 7, 2017, 9:30 to 11:30, Thursdays, at Immacu-late Conception Church, Immaculata Hall, for the Dis-cernment of Spirits/An Ignatian Guide for Everyday Living by Timothy M. Gallagher, OMV. For more information contact Ramona Bourdo, 501-831-5040

From the Parish International Festival Committee to all our fellow parishioners

Please volunteer to help sell raffle tickets at the oth-er parishes after their Sunday masses. For more information call the parish office: 753-3977 Or Juan: 590-3319 Or Rosemary: 749-4224

Catholic Charismatic Renewal Arkansas Catholic Charismatic Renewal Service for the Diocese of Little Rock invites everyone to its annu-al conference to be held July 28-30 at the Wyndham Riverfront Hotel, North Little Rock. "Come Wade in the Water" is the theme this year and registration opens on Friday, July 28 at 3 pm. For this year's schedule and speakers you may go to the conference web page www.arkcc.org. A "Life in the Spirit Semi-nar" for ages 13-18 is featured on Saturday and Chil-dren's Ministry, age 5-12, is also available. Conference will close with 11 am Mass on Sunday with Bishop An-thony Taylor. For registration form or further infor go to web site or contact Linda at 501-753-1553.

Polish Dinner and Karnawal The Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic Church from North Little Rock (Marche) will be selling raffle tickets before and after Masses on August 5th & 6th. The tickets are $2 each and six for $10. First Prize - $5,000 CASH, 2nd prize - $4,000 and 3rd prize $2,000. Winners do not have to be present to win. Our Polish Karnawal is Sept 15 & 16. The Polish dinner is Friday night, 4:30 - 7:30 pm. Friday and Saturday (5 to 10 pm) is the midway and silent auction, along with live music. Please make plans to attend!