St Austell, St Blazey andChina Clay Area Schedule · St Austell & Clay Area £145,000.00 Sustainable Shelter Necessary China Clay St Austell St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel

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Page 1: St Austell, St Blazey andChina Clay Area Schedule · St Austell & Clay Area £145,000.00 Sustainable Shelter Necessary China Clay St Austell St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel
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St Austell, St Blazey and
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China Clay Area Schedule
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Page 2: St Austell, St Blazey andChina Clay Area Schedule · St Austell & Clay Area £145,000.00 Sustainable Shelter Necessary China Clay St Austell St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel

This schedule contains the infrastructure requirements for 3 CNAs combined: the China Clay CNA, the St Austell CNA and the St Blazey, Fowey and Lostwithiel CNA. These three CNAs are taken together as a result of the combined planning framework for the area as set out in the St Austell, St Blazey and China Clay area Regeneration Plan and as reflected in the Core Strategy.

Core Strategy Council priority: St Austell and the China Clay Eco Communities is one of the council’s two priority areas for regeneration. The China Clay area received national endorsement as the location for an eco ‘town’ (eco communities), forming part of a Government supported project to create a number of eco ‘towns’ communities creating outstanding places to live and work that meet high environmental and social standards. Core Strategy The Core Strategy identifies the area as a key transformational area and sets the strategic framework for transformational developments in the area. The Core Strategy seeks developments that address local needs to achieve high social standards, lead the way in achieving high quality, high environmental performance and to support the development of environmental technologies and industries. The Core Strategy key objectives for the China Clay; St Austell; St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel CNAs: 1,500 homes in St Austell Elsewhere in the St Austell CNA 250 homes to support sustainable development of established communities 800 homes to the China Clay villages (collectively). 800 homes to St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel CNA, distributed between the main settlements 5,000 homes in the three CNAs through transformational regeneration projects. Development should demonstrate delivery of homes and jobs with best performance in; high environmental standards high quality design; appropriate infrastructure; affordable housing; sustainable travel patterns; productive and positive re-use of china clay workings; Safeguard important minerals reserves; and Access to green space. Development should; Promote the delivery of affordable housing; Support the regeneration of the local economy and the town centre of St Austell; Address transport congestion issues; Enable the delivery of community infrastructure including new facilities, green space and key transport links. Support the regeneration of the local economy, creating new jobs and a better balance between housing and employment; Conserve the south coast AONB, World Heritage Sites at Charlestown and Luxulyan Valley and other heritage assets, including mining heritage

and nature conservation sites and enhancement of the local environment; Manage the potential delivery of the transformational regeneration projects and their impacts on the area.

Town Framework

The St Austell, St Blazey and China Clay Area Regeneration Plan was prepared by the Council to help inform and guide future development in St Austell and the wider China Clay area. Work on the St Austell town framework is incorporated within this plan. The Regeneration Plan can be found via the following link http://www.cornwall.gov.uk/default.aspx?page=22887

Delivery Recently delivered/being delivered infrastructure projects include: Fore Street Regeneration Indian Queens Victory hall The key infrastructure items to support development in the China Clay, St Austell and St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel CNAs are: A391 improvements; A390 improvements

Page 3: St Austell, St Blazey andChina Clay Area Schedule · St Austell & Clay Area £145,000.00 Sustainable Shelter Necessary China Clay St Austell St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel

Costs The schedule identifies costs of the infrastructure projects where they are known. In many cases however the project costs are not known or are subject to change and caution is needed in regarding these costs. The total known costs of projects in the China Clay, St Austell and St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel CNAs schedule are shown below but these come with a health warning as they are only are temporary totals. The total known cost (many costs unknown at this time) for delivering the infrastructure projects in the area is £558,122,000

Funding As with costs, the information on funding as shown in the schedule needs to be considered with caution, as new information on funding sources and figures emerges regularly. Funding for infrastructure in the area covering the three CNAs could come from a number of sources including: ERDF Convergence, infrastructure providers, Cornwall Council, Flood and Coastal Resilience Partnership Funding, Homes and Communities Agency, the New Homes Bonus, Cornwall Community Infrastructure Levy, Tax Increment Funding and the Regional Growth Fund.

Key Benefits new jobs, skills and economic growth addressing transport, education, flooding, health needs and community scale renewable energy schemes new housing, including affordable housing development of a high environmental and design standard sustainable travel patterns raise the aspirations, opportunities and well-being of communities

Key Risks Funding for the Eco Communities plan being withdrawn or drastically reduced A reduction in other funding from external sources Key unlocking infrastructure not coming forward

Strategic Projects located in this CNA (other than Integrated Town Packages)

Next Generation Broadband Combined Universities in Cornwall Cornwall Energy Recovery Centre Flood Risk Management Connecting Cornwall (Transport) Cornwall Cross Rail Education: Primary, Secondary, Specialist & Safeguarding Health Smart Grid Green Infrastructure

Page 4: St Austell, St Blazey andChina Clay Area Schedule · St Austell & Clay Area £145,000.00 Sustainable Shelter Necessary China Clay St Austell St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel

Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

St Austell & China Clay Communities Strategic Integrated Package

Cornwall Council has identified the St Austell, St Blazey and China Clay Area as one of its two priority areas for strategic regeneration and investment.

Up to 2040 To meet local regeneration, housing, employment and infrastructure needs. To drive transformational regeneration and provide a catalyst for the Green Cornwall agenda.

Evidence base for the Core Strategy

Funding needs identifying. Early stages – saleability of development to be proven, requires significant infrastructure which may not be achievable through local collection of CIL/S106.

Eco-Bos Level of growth allocated to this area, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownCritical China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Cornwall Council

Eco Communities Funding

Private Funding

Private Sector

Cornwall Council



St Austell & China Clay Communities Strategic Integrated Package

Committed Projects

Additional bus shelters supplementing eco communities delivery. Around St Austell and surrounding villages.

11/12-13/14 To improve passenger facilities on bus routes

In Connecting Cornwall Implementation Plan

Not applicableCornwall Council Site identification, planning permission, funding package

£145,000.00St Austell & Clay Area Sustainable Shelter

Necessary China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

Connecting Cornwall

Other Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Bus Schemes

Feasibility study into a project to create a park and ride to the north of St Austell potentially linked to the eco community at West Carclaze/Baal. Site Only, without service. Infrastructure only.

11/12 Feasilbuility study into ways of relieving congestion

Feasibility study complete

Not applicableCornwall Council Not applicable£70,000.00St Austell Park & Ride North - Phase 1

Necessary St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

Eco Communities Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Car Parking

Feasibility study into a project to create a park and ride to the east of St Austell potentially linked to eco community at Par Docks but also could relieve congestion from general growth. Likely to include a dedicated service into St Austell rather than using pass-by services. May include a service to Truro although study needed on this.

11/12 Feasibility study into ways of relieving congestion

Feasibility study complete

Not applicableCornwall Council Not applicable£55,000.00St Austell Park & Ride East - Phase 1

Necessary St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

Eco Communities Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Car Parking

An Eco-community will demonstrate a net gain in Ecosystems and Ecosystem services, including local biodiversity. A strategy for conserving and enhancing local biodiversity will be produced to accompany planning applications for the Eco-community.

No timeframe identified

To ensure biodiversity maintained and enhanced in the area

Priority projects

Funding needs identifying

Eco-Bos Funding packagesCost unknownBiodiversity - Eco Community Area

Necessary China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

China Clay Local Action Group

Cornwall Council

BAP Habitats

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Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

Cornwall Wildlife Trust

Eden Project

Environment Agency

Forestry Commission

Natural England


Enhancements to exisiting bus network, Real Time Passenger Infromation (RTPI), bus shelter design and delivery, bus priority measures, rinity Street Transport Hub, etc

2012/13 To improve sustainable transport links and to meet local needs

Bus Strategy completed, bus shelter design commenced. Delivery expected to be completed 2012

Eco communities funding secured, ERDF Convergence funding bid to be submitted, Connecting Cornwall to provide additional funds to roll out bus shelters and RTPI to Newquay and Truro.

Cornwall Council Procurement£1,500,000.00Bus Infrastructure Network - Eco Communities

Necessary China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Connecting Cornwall

Eco Communities Funding

ERDF Convergence


Private Sector

Bus Schemes

Clay Country cycle routes, Eco Communities cycle trails, on road routes and other schemes. Extension of routes provided as part of eco communities development. Completion of Strategy. Several schemes make up this programme including Carbis Moor to Penwithick, Scredda to National Cylce Route, Penwithick to Scredda, Penwithick to Stenalees, etc.

11/12-13/14 To meet local needs and provide sustainable transport routes

Cycling & Walking Strategy completed - delivery commences mid 2012

Not applicableCornwall Council Procurement and additional monies secured with successful funding bids

£900,000.00St Austell, St Blazey and China Clay Area Walking & Cycling Strategy

Necessary China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Connecting Cornwall

Developer contributions

ERDF Convergence

Other Funding

Connecting Cornwall


Walking & Cycle Facilities

Provision of bus RTPI, building on eco communities infrastructure around St Austell and Clay Country.

11/12-12/13 To improve passenger facilities

In Connecting Cornwall Implementation Plan

Not applicableCornwall Council Funding package£250,000.00St Austell & Clay Country Real Time Passenger Information

Necessary China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

Connecting Cornwall

Other Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Bus Schemes

Required Projects

Priority Eco communities development. Includes circa 4 ha of employment land.

No timeframe identified

To deliver transformational regeneration and associated infrastructure

Priority project in proposed eco-communities development. Eco-Bos has initiated master planning process for Par Docks and it is anticipated that a planning application will be submitted

Additional funding needs identifying

Private Sector Planning permission and success of funding bids

Cost unknownHousing and Employment Site - Par Docks

Critical St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding



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Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

in mid 2012.

Cornwall Council

Private Sector

Public Sector

Priority eco communities development. Includes circa 5 to 7 ha of employment land.

No timeframe identified

To deliver transformational regeneration and associated infrastructure

Priority site in proposed eco-communites development. Hybrid planning application submitted for West Carclaze/Baal (PA11/01390) - awaiting determination.

Additional funding needs identifying

Private Sector Planning permission and success of funding bids

Cost unknownHousing and Employment Site - Baal / West Carclaze

Critical China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council

Private Sector

Public Sector



Start up Business Space (same as Enterprise Cornwall Business Centre?)

No timeframe identified

To enhance lcoal employment opportunities

Part of proposed eco-communities scheme

Funding needs identifying

Public Sector Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, fudning package

Cost unknownWest Carclaze Work HubCritical China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector


Remediation and improvement works to exisitng docks to allow redevelopment of Par Docks (part of eco communities scheme)

2012-14 Unlocks Par Docks eco communities development

Part of eco communities scheme

Funding needs identifying

Eco-Bos Growth required by Core Strategy, planning permission, funding package

£85,000,000.00Par Docks Infrastructure Improvements

Necessary St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council

Private Sector

Public Sector


To create a park and ride to the north of St Austell as part of the eco communiites infrastructure. Site Only, without service. Infrastructure only.

No timeframe identified

To relieve congestion

Feasibility study complete

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

£7,000,000.00St Austell Park & Ride North - Phase 2

Necessary St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

Cornwall Council

Private Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector

Car Parking

To create a park and ride to the east of St Austell as part of the eco communities infrastructure. Likely to include a dedicated service into St Austell rather than using pass-by services. May include a service to Truro although study needed on this.

2014/15 To relieve congestion

Feasibility study complete

Funding needs indentifying

Cornwall Council Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

£10,200,000.00St Austell Park & Ride East - Phase 2

Necessary St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

Cornwall Council

Private Funding

Private Sector

Car Parking

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Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

Public Sector

New access - improvements to existing bridge under railway


Unlocks Par Docks eco communities development

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Eco-Bos Growth required in Core Strategy, planning permission, funding package

£10,000,000.00Par Docks - New AccessNecessary St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council

Private Sector

Public Sector

Road Schemes

Shortage of NHS dentists throughout the area

No timeframe identified

To meet local needs Under consideration

Funding needs identifying

Public Sector Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding packages

Cost unknownAdditional Dentists: Eco Communities

Necessary China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector

Health Centres

Generally there is capacity with the exception of Polkyth - may require some re-location/improved service distribution

No timeframe identified

To meet local needs Options being considered

Funding needs identifying

Primary Care Trust Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownAdditional Doctors: Eco-Communities

Necessary China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector

GP Surgeries

Originally a new school was proposed but options are being considered to expand exisitng provision by 750 places in the area to meet future demand.

2020-2030 To meet the needs of growth identified through the Core Strategy

Under consideration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Site identification, planning permission, funding package

£13,000,000.00Secondary School Provision - Eco Communities

Necessary China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council - Children Schools & Families

Private Sector

Secondary Education

Work is underway to evaluate the costs and delivery of clean water drinking systems to the eco communities sites. Likely to be a need for some rationalisation of service water reservoirs in the area into one new one at Hensabarrow plus an additional main at Victoria and then additional link mains to new developments.

No timeframe identified

To enable access to necessary infrastructure

Under consideration

Funding needs identifying

South West Water Funding packageCost unknownClean Water - Eco Communities

Necessary China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

South West Water

Private Sector

Water Supply

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Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

Pilot phase will require £165,000 off site drainage, 450m of additional sewer, and a SUDS scheme to cope with storm water. Further work required to evaluate needs for rest of West Carclaze/Baal and other sites.

No timeframe identified

To enable access to necessary infrastructure

Development requirement

Funding needs identifying

South West Water Route identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownWaste Water Treatment - Eco Communities

Necessary China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

South West Water

Private Sector

Waste Water

Links A391 near Singlerose to A3058 at Blackpool

No timeframe identified

To improve local road network

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Planning permission required - timeframe dependent on delivery of the Blackpool eco-communities site

£24,000,000.00Eco Communities Western Link Road

Necessary China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

Private Funding

Public Funding


Private Sector

Public Sector

Road Schemes

Detail awaited (part of Baal/West Carclaze package?)

No timeframe identified

To enhance local employment opportunities

Priority project. Part of proposed eco communities development.

Funding needs identifying

Private Sector Planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownPriority Sites Land, Plot 'i', Carclaze

Necessary China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector


5 hectares of employment land (including some allocated land) and significant housing.

No timeframe identified

To deliver transformational regeneration and associated infrastructure

Part of proposed eco-communities development

Funding needs identifying

Private Sector Planning permission and success of funding bids

Cost unknownHousing and Employment Site - Blackpool / Burngullow

Necessary China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council

Private Sector

Public Sector



0.5 hectares of employment land and significant housing.

No timeframe identified

To deliver transformational regeneration and associated infrastructure

Proposed eco-communities site

Additional funding needs identifying

Private Sector Planning permsission and success of funding bids

Cost unknownHousing and Employment Site - Goonbarrow

Necessary China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council

Private Sector

Public Sector



13 hectares of employment land (allocated in Local Plan).

No timeframe identified

To deliver transformational regeneration

Part of proposed eco-communities development

Additional funding needs identifying

Private Sector Planning permission and success of funding bids

Cost unknownEmployment Site - DrinnickNecessary China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council

Private Sector

Public Sector


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Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

120,000 square feet of predominantly B1 use (covered by Baal/West Carclaze proposal?)

No timeframe identified

To deliver transformational regeneration

Part of Baal proposed eco-communities development

Funding needs identifying

Private Sector Planning permissions and success of funding bids

Cost unknownEmployment Site - Carclaze Downs (Emery Partnership)

Necessary China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council

Private Sector

Public Sector


Part of A391 to A30 Link (also known as the North East Distributor Road). Proposed route identified, awaiting funding opportunities.

Up to 2015 To deliver local road network connection from St Austell to A30 which is acknowledged to hinder economic growth of the area.

Hybrid planning application submitted for West Carclaze/Baal (PA11/01390) - awaiting determination

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Route identification, land acquisition, planning permission and success of ERDF Convergence funding bid

£10,000,000.00A391 - West Carclaze Diversion

Necessary China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

ERDF Convergence

Private Funding

Public Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Private Sector

Public Sector

Road Schemes

The provision of an innovation and enterprise centre to support the economic development of the Clay area. A range of offices and workspaces will be offered from a site that also provide a business advice and support service. The project will develop a redundant brownfield site and hence have an environmental as well as economic benefit.

No timeframe identified

To enhance local employment opportunities

Part of proposed eco-communities scheme?

Funding needs identifying

Public Sector Planning permission, funding package.

Cost unknownEnterprise Cornwall Business Centre

Necessary China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector


New 1 or 2 form entry (7 or 14 classes) required on West Carclaze/Baal site

2015-2020 To meet the needs of growth identified through the Core Strategy

Hybrid planning application submitted for West Carclaze/Baal (PA11/01390) - awaiting determination

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Planning permission, funding package.

£8,000,000.00New Primary School - West Carclaze/Baal

Necessary China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council - Children Schools & Families

Private Sector

Primary Education

New 1 form entry (7 classes) required on Blackpool Site

2020-2030 To meet the needs of growth identified through the Core Strategy

Under consideration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Site identification, land acquisiiton, planning permission, funding package

£5,000,000.00New Primary School - Blackpool

Necessary St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council - Children Schools & Families

Private Sector

Primary Education

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Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

New police stations - options being investigated at West Carclaze/Baal site

No timeframe identified

To meet local needs Under consideration

Funding needs identifying

Devon & Cornwall Constabulary

Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownPolice Presence - West Carclaze/Baal site

Desirable China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

Private Funding

Public Funding

Devon & Cornwall Constabulary

Private Sector

Public Sector

Police Service

Development of a new cable car transportation system serving the proposed eco communities sites and West Carclaze/Baal and Par Docks with other key destinations within the Regneration Area including the Eden Project and St Austell railway station.

No timeframe identified

Funding needs identifying

Eco-Bos Planning permission£40,000,000.00Eco Communities Cable CarDesirable China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Cable Car

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To improve access to electric vehicle charging facilities

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

£15,000.00Plugged in Places - Public Facilities

Desirable China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council


Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV)

Private Sector

Electric Vehicles

Proposed construction of 1,941 sqm of B1 space along the NEDR at Carclaze, St Austell. (part of proposed eco communities development?)

No timeframe identified

To enhance local employment opportunities

Planning permission granted in 2008.

Funding needs identifying

Private Sector Funding packageCost unknownLand at Mount Stamper Road, Carclaze

Desirable China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector


Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To enhance local skills

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Public Sector Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownEco Base - multi purpose education and research facility

Desirable St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector

Post 16 Education

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To improve access to electric vehicle charging facilities

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Planning permission, funding packages

£2,500.00Plugged in Places - In HouseDesirable China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

Private Funding

Public Funding

Electric Vehicles

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Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel


Private Sector

Other Individual Projects

Committed Projects

Pilot scheme to identify efficiency of different renewable energy measures in different domestic property types, in order to advise potential future retrofit schemes across Cornwall, e.g. Green Deal. To be delivered in Penwithick through a procured partner.

No timeframe identified

To test the effectiveness of various renewable energy measures in existing buildings.

Procurement of delivery partner is complete subject to approval.

Funding for pilot project identified

Cornwall Council Property identification, planning permission, funding packages

Cost unknownDomestic Retrofit - Eco Communities

Necessary China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

Public Funding

Private Sector

Renewable Energy/Low Carbon Energy

Required Projects

To help promote green business/green technology.

No timeframe identified

To enhance local employment opportunities

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Town Council Bid submission and approval, land acquisition, planning permission, funding packages

Cost unknownSt Austell Enterprise ZoneDesirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector


Date of report: 04/01/2012

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China Clay CNA

Page 13: St Austell, St Blazey andChina Clay Area Schedule · St Austell & Clay Area £145,000.00 Sustainable Shelter Necessary China Clay St Austell St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel

Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

Green Infrastructure

Required Projects

Parish Plan desire to: a) invest in new play equipment for Indian Queens Recreation Ground, Fraddon Millenium Green and Thomas Playing Field. Completion of play areas on Hanover Park, Fair View Park, St Columb Road, Trevine Meadows. Also replace small play areas at Kingsley Court, Fraddon, b) improve footpaths

St Enoder Parish Council has completed several projects to date: At Indian Queens Recreation Ground a MUGA has been installed and a skate park total spend £65,485 +vat., At Thomas Playing Field, Summercourt a new climbing frame has been installed at £16,859 + vat. Projects still to complete is a skate park and new goal posts at Thomas Playing Field, which we are currently seeking funding. We are currently negotiating with Cornwall Council to transfer some common land known as Kelliers. Once this transfer is complete our intention is to improve the area, keeping it as common land, and installing picnic benches and bins to make the area more accessible.

No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirations

Funding needs identifying

Parish Council Planning permission, funding packages

Cost unknownGreen Infrastructure - St Enoder

Desirable China Clay

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

Other Funding

Parish Council

Local Action Group

Children's Equipped Play Areas

Walking & Cycle Facilities

Parish Plan desire to: a) Install additional play equipment in the playing fields and make use of lower field in the playing fields, b) provide space for allotments, c) continue to maintain local paths and grass verges/green spaces

No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirations

Funding needs identifying

Parish Council Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding packages

Cost unknownGreen Infrastructure - St Dennis

Desirable China Clay Other Funding

Parish Council

Local Action Group


Children's Equipped Play Areas

Green Public Realm

Sports Facilities (all)

Cornwall Cross Rail

Required Projects

Potential new station at Burngullow

No timeframe identified

To improve access to public transport

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Cornwall Cross Rail proposal acceptance, site identificaiton, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownNew Rail Station at BurngullowDesirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Rail Schemes

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Page 14: St Austell, St Blazey andChina Clay Area Schedule · St Austell & Clay Area £145,000.00 Sustainable Shelter Necessary China Clay St Austell St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel

Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

Network Rail

Private Sector

Public Sector

Single platform, no building No timeframe identified

To improve access to public transport

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Cornwall Cross Rail proposal acceptance, site identificaiton, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

£4,000,000.00New Rail Station at NanpeanDesirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Network Rail

Private Sector

Public Sector

Rail Schemes

New station No timeframe identified

To improve access to public transport

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Cornwall Cross Rail proposal advancement, site dientification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownNew Rail Station at FoxholeDesirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Network Rail

Private Sector

Public Sector

Rail Schemes

Single platform, no building No timeframe identified

To improve access to public transport

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Cornwall Cross Rail proposal acceptance, site identificaiton, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

£4,000,000.00New Rail Station at St DennisDesirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Network Rail

Private Sector

Public Sector

Rail Schemes

Cornwall Energy Recovery Centre

Committed Projects

Detail awaited 10/11 To meet local needs Completed?Funding identifiedCornwall Council Funding package£450,000.00Cornwall Energy recovery Centre Demolition of Cottages

Necessary China Clay Private Funding

Public FundingSITA

Municipal Solid Waste

Detail awaited 11/12 To meet local needs Delivered?Funding identifiedCornwall Council Funding package£5,486,000.00Cornwall Energy Recovery Centre Access Road

Necessary China Clay Private Funding

Public FundingSITA

Municipal Solid Waste

Detail awaited 11/12 To meet local needs Delivered?Funding identifiedCornwall Council Funding package£2,176,000.00Cornwall Energy Recovery Centre Haul Road

Necessary China Clay Private Funding

Public FundingSITA

Municipal Solid Waste

Detail awaited 11/12 To meet local needs Delivered?Funding identifiedCornwall Council Funding package£750,000.00Cornwall Energy Recovery Centre Bridge

Necessary China Clay Private Funding

Public FundingSITA

Municipal Solid Waste

Other Individual Projects

Committed Projects

Provision of 11 modern flexible high quality industrial units which will be available for new and expanding businesses to

2007-10 To enhance local employment opportunities

Completed?Not applicablePrivate Sector Planning permission, funding package

£355,033.00Goonvean Yard Industrial UnitsNecessary China Clay ERDF Convergence

Private Funding


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Page 15: St Austell, St Blazey andChina Clay Area Schedule · St Austell & Clay Area £145,000.00 Sustainable Shelter Necessary China Clay St Austell St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel

Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

rent.Private Sector

Public Sector

Detail awaited 10/11-11/12 To meet local needs In WWU business plan

Funding identified?Wales & West Utilities Funding packageCost unknownGas Capacity Works - Indian Queens

Necessary China Clay Wales & West Utilities

Wales & West Utilities

Transmission & Distribution for Gas

To provide level access to the platform and car parking. Only access at the moment is off of steep steps from road bridge. Plans to provide car parking as well.

2014-15 To improve facilities at rail station

In Connecting Cornwall Implementation Plan

Not applicableCornwall Council Funding package£210,000.00Bugle Rail StationNecessary China Clay Connecting Cornwall

Connecting Cornwall

Network Rail

Private Sector

Rail Schemes

Required Projects

Planning permission granted for 2.5ha business park on the site of existing industrial area to the west of the A391 between Stenalees and Bugle. Parts of existing industrial site would be renovated as part of scheme. Convergence funding would be used to promote quality and early delivery. Site would also benefit from a feeder road at the junction of the A391

No timeframe identified

To enhance local employment opportunities

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Private Sector Planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownEmployment Land - Rock Hill Business Park, Bugle

Necessary China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector


Outline Planning permission for 4ha site for B1, B2 and B8 Business Park.

No timeframe identified

To enhance local employment opportunities

Outline planning

Additional funding needs identifying

Private Sector Planning permsission and success of funding bids

Cost unknownEmployment Land at Roche Road, Bugle

Necessary China Clay ERDF Convergence

Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council

Private Sector

Public Sector


Part of A391 to A30 Link (also known as the North East Distributor Road). Proposed route identified, awaiting funding opportunities.

No timeframe identified

To deliver strategic road network from St Austell to the A30 which is acknowledged to hinder economic growth in the area.

Proposed route identified, awaiting funding opportunities.

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Planning permission, funding package

£40,000,000.00A391 Penhale to SavathNecessary China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Private Sector

Public Sector

Road Schemes

Part of A391 to A30 Link (also known as the North East Distributor Road). Proposed route identified, awaiting funding opportunities.

No timeframe identified

To deliver local road network from St Austell to the A30 which is acknowledged to hinder economic growth in the area.

Proposed route identified, awaiting funding opportunities.

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Route idnetification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

£8,000,000.00A391 Lockengate bypassNecessary China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Road Schemes

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Page 16: St Austell, St Blazey andChina Clay Area Schedule · St Austell & Clay Area £145,000.00 Sustainable Shelter Necessary China Clay St Austell St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel

Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

Connecting Cornwall

Private Sector

Public Sector

Detail awaited 2012/13 To improve road safety in the area

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Site idnetification, planning permission, funding package

£1,250,000.00A391 Speed Management Measures

Necessary China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Road Schemes

Expand by 2 classrooms to relieve current pressure and meet future demand

2010-2015 To meet the needs of growth identified through the Core Strategy

Under consideration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Planning permission, funding package

£630,000.00Nanpean Primary SchoolNecessary China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council - Children Schools & Families

Private Sector

Primary Education

Expand by 1 classroom to relieve current pressure and meet future demand

2010-2015 To meet the needs of growth identified through the Core Strategy

Options being considered

Additional funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Funding package£387,000.00Whitemoor Primary SchoolNecessary China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council - Children Schools & Families

Primary Education

Expand by 1 clasroom to relieve current pressure and meet future demand

2010-2015 To meet the needs of growth identified through the Core Strategy

Option being considered

Additional funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Funding package£337,000.00Indian Queens Primary SchoolNecessary China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council - Children Schools & Families

Primary Education

Expand by 1 classroom to relieve current pressure and meet future demand

2010-2015 To meet the needs of growth identified through the Core Strategy

Under consideration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Planning permission, funding package

£337,000.00Bugle Primary SchoolNecessary China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council - Children Schools & Families

Private Sector

Primary Education

Improvements to sports pavilion

No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Private Sector Planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownNanpean Football Club Sports Pavilion Project

Desirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector

Football Club

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Parish Council Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownAllotments Development - Fraddon

Desirable China Clay Parish Council

Private Funding

Local Action Group


Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To meet local needs Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Parish Council Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownYouth Facilities - TreverbynDesirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector

Youth Facilities

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To meet local needs Local aspirationFunding needs identified

Parish Council Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownYouth Facilities - BugleDesirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Youth Facilities

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Page 17: St Austell, St Blazey andChina Clay Area Schedule · St Austell & Clay Area £145,000.00 Sustainable Shelter Necessary China Clay St Austell St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel

Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

Private Sector

Public Sector

Currently 15 years capacity in the area but projected increase would decrease this to 12 years capacity - new land required

No timeframe identified

To meet local needs Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Parish Council Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownBurial Grounds and cemeteriesDesirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Public Sector

Cemeteries & Crematoria

Increase required No timeframe identified

To improve waste collection in the area

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Funding packageCost unknownLitter Bins - St EnoderDesirable China Clay Public Funding

Cornwall Council

Municipal Solid Waste

Erection of permanent speed check lights at entrance points into the main built up areas of St Enoder Parish

No timeframe identified

To improve road safety in the Parish

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Site identification, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownSpeed Check - St EnoderDesirable China Clay Public Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Road Schemes

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Funding packagesCost unknownBugle, Ruddlemoor, and Trethowel footpath improvements

Desirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector

Walking & Cycle Facilities

Traffic calming scheme No timeframe identified

To improve road safety in the area

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Site identification, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownRuddlemoor and Trethowel Traffic Calming

Desirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Road Schemes

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To meet local needs Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Parish Council Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownPurpose built community building for youth and other groups - St Enoder

Desirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector

Community Centres

New pavilion, changing rooms, etc - aspirations to extend to wider community facility

No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Private Sector Planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownFoxhole Football ClubDesirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector

Football Club

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Parish Council Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownOpen Space Development - Fraddon

Desirable China Clay Parish Council

Private Funding

Local Action Group

Open Space Development

Development of green space and woodlands

No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Parish Council Land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownGoonsbarrow - Bugle Green Space

Desirable China Clay Parish Council

Private Funding

Local Action Group

Forests & Woodland

Green Public Realm

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Public Sector Land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownExtension to Skate Park - Bugle

Desirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector

Skate Park

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Page 18: St Austell, St Blazey andChina Clay Area Schedule · St Austell & Clay Area £145,000.00 Sustainable Shelter Necessary China Clay St Austell St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel

Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Public Sector Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownSkate Park Development - Fraddon

Desirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector

Skate Park

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Parish Council Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownAllotments Development - St Stephen

Desirable China Clay Parish Council

Private Funding

Local Action Group


Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To improve safety in the area

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Site identification, planning permission, fudning package

Cost unknownStreet Lights - BugleDesirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council - Highways

Road Schemes

Improvements to building No timeframe identified

To improve local facility

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Parish Council Planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownGainsborough Park Community Centre

Desirable China Clay U Choose 2

Private Sector

Public Sector

Community Centres

Capital Investment Priorities Summary: - Short Stay School: replacement of Restormel SSS which is housed in temporary accommodation with sufficiency issues (2011-15, £2,500,000) - Short Stay School (Outdoor): outdoor farm/learning facility for East of Councy, linking with County Farm for KS 1-4 (2011-15, £100,000) - Nurture Unit: replacement of exisitng provision due to short term planning permissions and temporary accommodation at Biscovey (by 2020, £200,000) - Aiming High for Disabled Children Outdoor Play: new play facilities for disabled children in locality (2011-15, £50,000) - Short Stay School (College): SSS for 14-19 students linked to main colleges, dedicated base at College site (2011-15, £250,000) - Co-location Hub and Spoke Facilities: co-location premises required to increase integrated working with partner agencies (by 2020, £1,200,000)

By 2020 To meet local needs Proposed but not curently funded

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding packages

£4,300,000.00Children's Services: Specialist & Safeguarding: St Austell and Fowey

Desirable China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council - Children Schools & Families

Private Sector

Specialist & Safeguarding

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Page 19: St Austell, St Blazey andChina Clay Area Schedule · St Austell & Clay Area £145,000.00 Sustainable Shelter Necessary China Clay St Austell St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel

Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

Public Sector

Parish Plan desire to: a) Increasing sport and recreational activities, b) Increasing sport and recreational activities

No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirations

Funding neds identifying

Parish Council Site identificaiton, land acquisition, planning permission, funding packages

Cost unknownGreen Infrastructure - RocheDesirable China Clay Other Funding

Parish Council

Local Action Group

Sports Facilities (all)

An expression of interest has been received for circa 7ha of employment land. .

No timeframe identified

To enhance local employment opportunities

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Private Sector Planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownGreenacres & Penhale Farms, Victoria

Desirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector


A private sector 12 acre extension to the Victoria Business Park. This will enable a major local employer Altec, to expand. Also, some 23,000 sq ft of business premises will be provide for other business users.

No timeframe identified

To enhance local employment opportunities

Planning application has been submitted.

Funding needs identifying

Private Sector Planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownLand Adjacent to Altec Building, Victoria

Desirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector


A private sector owned site, 4.5 acres in area. Outline planning consent has been granted for 85,000 sq ft of business units. Council assistance is being sought to access EU and match funding for the project.

No timeframe identified

To enhance local employment opportunities

Outline planning granted

Funding needs identifying

Private Sector Funding packageCost unknownBeacon Kilns business unitsDesirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector


New route (footpath/cycle route) linking Roche to Victoria Industrial Estate. Project raised via Strategic Planning Committee meeting debate on 'Land Adjacent to Altec Site' (ERDF4)'.

No timeframe identified

To improve access to local walking and cycling routes

Local aspirationFurther funding needs identification

Cornwall Council Route identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

£115,000.00Roche-Victoria Route to WorkDesirable China Clay Cornwall Council

ERDF Convergence

Other Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Walking & Cycle Facilities

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To enhance local employment opportunities

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownEmployment Land at Moorland Road, Indian Queens

Desirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector


Footpath improvements along the A3058, St EnoderFootpath improvements inc surfacing, drainage and signage

No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Funding packageCost unknownFootpath Improvements - St Enoder

Desirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Walking & Cycle Facilities

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Funding packageCost unknownPavement and Footpath Improvements - St Dennis

Desirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Walking & Cycle Facilities

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Page 20: St Austell, St Blazey andChina Clay Area Schedule · St Austell & Clay Area £145,000.00 Sustainable Shelter Necessary China Clay St Austell St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel

Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

Extension and improvements

No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community facilities

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Parish Council Funding packageCost unknownRoche Victory HallDesirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector

Community Centres

Need for a walking and cycling link between Roche and Victoria

No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Route identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownRoche Pedestrian and Cycling Link

Desirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Walking & Cycle Facilities

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Parish Council Funding packageCost unknownInvestment in new play equipment for the Thomas Playing Field

Desirable China Clay Parish Council

Private Funding

Local Action Group

Children's Equipped Play Areas

New footway No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Route identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

£113,000.00Footpath - A391 Minorca Lane Junction to Springfields Bugle

Desirable China Clay Cornwall Council

Private Funding

Public Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Walking & Cycle Facilities

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To improve access to local communty and green space

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Parish Council Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownAllotments Development - Treverbyn

Desirable China Clay Parish Council

Private Funding

Local Action Group


Improvements No timeframe identified

To improve local facility

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Parish Council Planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownScout hut - St StephenDesirable China Clay U Choose 2

Private Sector

Public Sector

Community Centres

Refurbish old Sunday school into community space for village

No timeframe identified

To improve local facility

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Parish Council Planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownCoombe Sunday schoolDesirable China Clay U Choose 2

Private Sector

Public Sector

Community Centres

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To meet local needs Local aspirationFunding needs identified

Parish Council Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownNew community space at Indian Queens Pit

Desirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector

Community Centres

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To improve local facility

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Parish Council Planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownFraddon Village Hall improvements

Desirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector

Community Centres

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To improve local facility

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Parish Council Planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownMajor refurbishment of Indian Queens Victory Hall

Desirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector

Community Centres

Detail awaited 2010/11-2029/30 To improve public transport passenger information

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Funding package£1,500.00Real Time Passenger Information Home Based equipment

Desirable China Clay

St Austell

St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Bus Schemes

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Page 21: St Austell, St Blazey andChina Clay Area Schedule · St Austell & Clay Area £145,000.00 Sustainable Shelter Necessary China Clay St Austell St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel

Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

Connecting Cornwall

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To improve local facility

Local aspirationFunding bidParish Council Funding packageCost unknownImprovements to ClayTAWC building - dampness

Desirable China Clay U Choose

Private Sector

Public Sector

Community Centres

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Parish Council Funding packageCost unknownInvestment in new play equipment for the Fraddon Millenium Green

Desirable China Clay Parish Council

Private Funding

Local Action Group

Children's Equipped Play Areas

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To enhance local employment opportunities

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Private Sector Planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownCompletion of Indian Queens Industrial Estate

Desirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector


Additional employment space, sensitively placed on edge of main settlements - St Enoder

No timeframe identified

To enhance local employment opportunities

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Public Sector Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownEmployment Space: St EnoderDesirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector


Erection of bus shelters throughout Parish

No timeframe identified

To improve public transport passenger facilities

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownBus Shelters - St EnoderDesirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Bus Schemes

Provide a safe walking route between the community and village

No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Funding packageCost unknownHigher Trezaise Pavement/Pedestrian Link

Desirable China Clay Private Funding

Public Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Walking & Cycle Facilities

Date of report: 04/01/2012

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St Austell CNA

Page 23: St Austell, St Blazey andChina Clay Area Schedule · St Austell & Clay Area £145,000.00 Sustainable Shelter Necessary China Clay St Austell St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel

Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

Green Infrastructure

Required Projects

Parish Plan desire to: a) Identify public footpaths for improvements, re-opening and publisize. Encourage land owners to create permissive paths, particularly on circular routes. Improve and create new cycle routes, b) natural areas identified and protected/preserved and maintained for use and enjoyment of residents and conservation of wildlife. Improve access to environment by improving footpaths and creation of cycleways. Consider visual improvements e.g tree planting, flowerbeds etc.

No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirations

Funding needs identifying

Parish Council Route identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownGreen Infrastructure - St GoranDesirable St Austell Other Funding

Parish Council

Local Action Group

BAP Habitats

Green Public Realm

Walking & Cycle Facilities

Parish Plan desire to: a) Develop new sports facilities and improve existing facilities. Introduce community allotments in St Austell and Clay Country, b) Development of cycle trails -route links from each eco-town development. Cycle routes between St A town centre, Pentewan cycle trail, Charlestown and Carlyon Bay, c) Preserve and enhance green spaces including parks and gardens. Enhance, preserve and protect countryside ( conservation areas including World Heritage Sites and ANOB areas). Actions that progress the aim of making St A the green capital of Cornwall (Green Charter, Transition St. Austell, ecofriendly office block, leisure spaces); supporting the character and vitality of the town

No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirations

Funding needs identifying

Town Council Site and route identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownGreen Infrastructure - St Austell

Desirable St Austell Other Funding

Town Council

Local Action Group


Green Public Realm

Sports Facilities (all)

Walking & Cycle Facilities

Flood Risk Management

Required Projects

Detail awaited No timefrmae identified

To reduce the risk of flooding in the local area

In EA medium term plan

Funding needs identifying

Environment Agency Funding package£500,000.00Mevagissey Harbour Victoria Pier Refurbishment

Desirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council

Flood Prevention & Mitigation

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Page 24: St Austell, St Blazey andChina Clay Area Schedule · St Austell & Clay Area £145,000.00 Sustainable Shelter Necessary China Clay St Austell St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel

Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

Public Sector

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To reduce the risk of flooding in the local area

In EA medium term plan

Funding needs identifying

Environment Agency Funding package£1,343,000.00Mevagissey - TidalDesirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council

Public Sector

Flood Prevention & Mitigation

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To reduce the risk of flooding in the local area

In EA medium term plan

Funding needs identifying

Environment Agency Funding package£767,000.00Mevagissey - FluvialDesirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council

Public Sector

Flood Prevention & Mitigation

Other Individual Projects

Committed Projects

Detail awaited 11/12 To improve traffic flow in the area

In Connecting Cornwall Implementation Plan

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Funding package£150,000.00East HillNecessary St Austell Connecting Cornwall

Other Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Road Schemes

Detail awaited 10/11 To meet local need Under construction?

Funding identified?Cornwall Council Funding package£530,000.00St Austell Household Waste Recycling Centre

Necessary St Austell Private Funding

Public FundingSITA

Municipal Solid Waste

New lift bridge, repairs and upgrade to waiting room, new toilets and renewed fencing to northern platform

11/12-12/13 To improve passenger facilities

In Connecting Cornwall Implementation Plan

Success of funding bids

Cornwall Council Funding package£1,554,674.00St Austell Station Accessibility Improvements

Necessary St Austell Connecting Cornwall

Other Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Network Rail

Rail Schemes

Detail awaited 14/15 To improve traffic flow in the area

In Connecting Cornwall Implementation Plan

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Funding package£100,000.00A390 Sawles Road JunctionNecessary St Austell Connecting Cornwall

Other Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Road Schemes

End and intermediate facilities for bikes, mainly St Austell, eg racks, shelters and chargers

No timeframe identified

To improve cycling facilities in ther area

Local aspiration

Not applicableCornwall Council Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

£40,000.00St Austell - Cycle StorageNecessary St Austell PoD - Programme of Development Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Private Sector

Walking & Cycle Facilities

Detail awaited 11/12 To improve walking and cycling routes in the area

In Connecting Cornwall Implementation Plan

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Funding package£80,000.00Gorran School to Gorran Haven Village

Necessary St Austell Connecting Cornwall

Other Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Walking & Cycle Facilities

Pedestrian phase at lights 11/12 To improve road safety in the area

In Connecting Cornwall Implementation Plan

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Funding package£28,052.00Safe Routes To School: Charlestown, Holmbush

Necessary St Austell Connecting Cornwall

Connecting Cornwall

Walking & Cycle Facilities

Detail awaited 14/15 To improve access to walking and cycling in the area

In Connecting Cornwall Implementation Plan

Funding identified?Cornwall College Funding package£60,000.00Par Moor Road, St AustellNecessary St Austell Connecting Cornwall

Connecting Cornwall

Walking & Cycle Facilities

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Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

Detail awaited 11/12 To improve road safety in the area

In Connecting Cornwall Implementation Plan

Not applicableCornwall Council Funding package£15,000.00Safe Routes To School: PoltairNecessary St Austell Connecting Cornwall

Connecting Cornwall

Walking & Cycle Facilities

Pedestrian phase at lights 13/14 To improve road safety in the area

In Connecting Cornwall Implementation Plan

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Funding package£55,000.00Safe Routes To School: Carclaze

Necessary St Austell Connecting Cornwall

Connecting Cornwall

Walking & Cycle Facilities

Road and junction improvements such as Mount Charles Roundabout, Daniel Lane junction etc.

No timeframe identified

To relieve congestion

In Connecting Cornwall Implementation Plan

Funding needs identifying - will depend on levels of growth delivered and impact to the road network - some development may require mitigation to certain junctions through S106.??????????

Cornwall Council Growth identified in the Core Strategy, planning permission, funding package

A390 Traffic ImprovementsNecessary St Austell Connecting Cornwall

Private Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Road Schemes

Improvements to Fore Street as part of the economic development of the town, linking in to White River Place and proposed office developments within the town centre.

2012 To improve facilities in St Austell town centre

Local aspiration

Funding committed - awaiting detail

Town Council Not applicable£1,600,000.00Fore Street Regeneration: St. Austell

Desirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector


Required Projects

Playing Pitches/synthetic turf pitch development

No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Public Sector Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

£800,000.00St Austell - Playing PitchesNecessary St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector

Sports Pitches

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To meet local needs Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Project plan, site identification, planning permission, funding package

£4,000,000.00St Austell Leisure Facilities - Expansion and Upgrade

Necessary St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council - Leisure Services

Private Sector

Health & Fitness Facilities

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To meet local needs Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

£1,000,000.00St Austell - Health & Fitness Facilities Development

Necessary St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council - Leisure Services

Private Sector

Health & Fitness Facilities

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To meet local needs Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Public Sector Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

£1,800,000.00St Austell - Indoor Bowling Green Development

Necessary St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Indoor Bowling

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Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

Public Sector

Limited or no capacity at primary level in St Austell. Options being considered to expand Sandy Hill and Charlestown by 1 additional classroom each and to provide a new 1 form entry (7 classes) on the St Austell Northern Expansion Site.

2010-2020 Required to meet needs of growth identified through the Core Strategy

Under consideration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Option consideration, site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

£5,500,000.00St Austell - Primary School Capacity

Necessary St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council - Children Schools & Families

Private Sector

Primary Education

Slades Road/Polkyth Road junction improvements

No timeframe identified

To relieve congestion

Delivery of new development is likely to require improvements as S106 mitigation

Cornwall Council Growth identified in the Core Strategy

Cost unknownSlades Road/Polkyth Road Junction Improvements

Necessary St Austell Private Funding

Private Sector

Road Schemes

Drainage probelsm experienced in Charlestown (Barkhouse Lan and Duck Lane), on Porthpean Road, Duporth and in Porthpean

No timeframe identified

To reduce the risk of flooding in the local area

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Environment Agency Project plan, funding package

Cost unknownSt Austell Bay - DrainageDesirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council

Private Sector

Public Sector

Flood Prevention & Mitigation

Improvements required No timeframe identified

To reduce the risk of flooding in the local area

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Environment Agency Project plan, funding package

Cost unknownTregrehan - DrainageDesirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council

Public Sector

Flood Prevention & Mitigation

(aka Land South of Scredda) A private sector development to provide 1300 houses. Includes 90,000 square feet of employment units of various types including offices, workshops and factories. It will also include a mixed use "high street" style of combined retail, office and residen

No timeframe identified

To enhance local employment opportunities and provide housing

Current planning permission refused at Appeal

Funding needs identifying

Private Sector Planning permission, funding package

£200,000,000.00St. Austell Northern ExtensionDesirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector



Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To enhance local employment opportunities

Under consideration

Funding needs identifying

Private Sector Planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownPlot 'K' within St. Austell Enterprise Park, Carclaze

Desirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector


The current proposal falls within Duchy Land to the rear of the college. Although a departure, the planning context could be positive for this element, depending on access etc

No timeframe identified

To improve access to post 16 education in the area

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall College Land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownSt. Austell College Campus Development

Desirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Post 16 Education

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Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

Private Sector

Public Sector

Former Cornwall College land is the subject of a Development Brief, adopted as Supplementary Planning Document in 2006. It provides for a residential led mixed use development incorporating refurbished, extended and new office space off Palace Road and small office and business suites as part of a mixed use building oppostite the Brewery.

No timeframe identified

To enhance local employment opportunities and provide housing

Planning permission granted

Funding needs identifying

Private Sector Funding packageCost unknownTrevarthian Road Office Development

Desirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector



Upgrade No timeframe identified

To improve access to sustainable transport

Connecting Cornwall aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownSt Austell Railway StationDesirable St Austell Network Rail

Public Funding

Network Rail

Public Sector

Rail Schemes

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To improve access to community facilities

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Funding packageCost unknownPentewan - Mobile Library Service

Desirable St Austell Cornwall Council

Cornwall Council - Cornwall Library Service


Capital Investment Priorities Summary: - Short Stay School: replacement of Restormel SSS which is housed in temporary accommodation with sufficiency issues (2011-15, £2,500,000) - Short Stay School (Outdoor): outdoor farm/learning facility for East of Councy, linking with County Farm for KS 1-4 (2011-15, £100,000) - Nurture Unit: replacement of exisitng provision due to short term planning permissions and temporary accommodation at Biscovey (by 2020, £200,000) - Aiming High for Disabled Children Outdoor Play: new play facilities for disabled children in locality (2011-15, £50,000) - Short Stay School (College): SSS for 14-19 students linked to main colleges, dedicated base at College site (2011-15, £250,000) - Co-location Hub and Spoke Facilities: co-

By 2020 To meet local needs Proposed but not curently funded

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding packages

£4,300,000.00Children's Services: Specialist & Safeguarding: St Austell and Fowey

Desirable China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Specialist & Safeguarding

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Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

location premises required to increase integrated working with partner agencies (by 2020, £1,200,000)

Cornwall Council - Children Schools & Families

Private Sector

Public Sector

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To reduce the risk of flooding in the local area

In EA medium term plan

Funding needs identifying

Environment Agency Funding package£800,000.00Sandy River Improvements Project

Desirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council

Public Sector

Flood Prevention & Mitigation

To help promote green business/green technology.

No timeframe identified

To enhance local employment opportunities

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Town Council Bid submission and approval, land acquisition, planning permission, funding packages

Cost unknownSt Austell Enterprise ZoneDesirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector


Railay bridge too low for articulated lorries - road improvements needed

No timeframe identified

To improve access by commercial vehicles

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownRailway Bridge, Slades RoadDesirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Road Schemes

Major landslips at Duporth and Porthpean. Reinstate Coastal Footpath throughout the St Austell Bay Parish

No timefrmae identified

To improve access to walking routes in the area

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Funding packageCost unknownSt Austell Bay Parish - Coastal Footpath

Desirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Private Sector

Public Sector

Walking & Cycle Facilities

Construction of footpath down Duporth Road to Charlestown

No timeframe identified

To improve access to walking and cycling routes

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifyng

Cornwall Council Route identiifcation, land acquisition planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownDuporth to Charlestown Footpath

Desirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Private Sector

Public Sector

Walking & Cycle Facilities

Improved conditions for pedestrians in the town centre

No timeframe identified

To improve access to walking routes in the area

Connecting Cornwall aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Route identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownSt Austell Walking NetworkDesirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Private Sector

Public Sector

Walking & Cycle Facilities

Town wide cycle infrastructure

No timeframe identified

To improve access to cycling routes in the area

Connecting Cornwall aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Route identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownSt Austell Cycle networkDesirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Private Sector

Public Sector

Walking & Cycle Facilities

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Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community facilities

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Town Council Site identification, land/building acquisition, planning permission, funding package

£2,400,000.00St Austell - New Community Building

Desirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector

Community Centres

Plans for a small skate park and improvements to the playing field

No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Parish Council Funding packageCost unknownOpen Space Development: Gorran

Desirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Local Action Group

Skate Park

Sports Pitches

Detail awaited Nom timeframe identified

To improve traffic flow in the area

Connecting Cornwall aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownTraffic Hub SedgemoorDesirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Private Sector

Public Sector

Road Schemes

This area is the subject of the undopted 2005 Development Framework prepared by Atkins for RBC.

No timeframe identified

To enhance local employment opportunities

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Private Sector Planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownPondhu Mixed Business SpaceDesirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector


A390 Southbourne Road to B3273 Link Road, linking Pentewan Road to Southbourne Road

2029/30 To improve traffic flow in the area

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Route identification, land acuisition, planning permission, funding package

£9,000,000.00St Austell Southern Distributor Road

Desirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Private Sector

Public Sector

Road Schemes

Linking Truro Road and Pentewan Road

2029/30 To improve traffic flow in the area

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Route identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

£5,000,000.00A390 St Mewan to B3273 Link Road

Desirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Private Sector

Public Sector

Road Schemes

Link between A3058 Blackpool and A390 St Mewan

No timeframe identified

To improve traffic flow in the area

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Route idnetification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

£10,000,000.00Trewoon BypassDesirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Private Sector

Public Sector

Road Schemes

River Erosion and resultant flooding issues (is this the same as the EA Sandy and White River schemes?)

No timeframe identified

To reduce the risk of flooding in the local area

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Environment Agency Project plan, funding package

Cost unknownSt Austell - River ErosionDesirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council

Public Sector

River Corridors

Monitor and lobby for the telephone boxes in London Apprentice and Pentewan to remain

No timeframe identified

To meet local needs Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Parish Council Funding packageCost unknownLondon Apprentice & Pentewan - Telephone Boxes

Desirable St Austell BTPublic Phones

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Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

BT - Open Reach

Embargo on development because of lack of adequate sewage facilities. Haddon Way and Fairway suffer repeated overflow problems, smell from Par Moor an issue on occasion

No timeframe identified

To meet local needs Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

South West Water Project plan, funding package

Cost unknownCarlyon Bay - Improvements to Sewage System

Desirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

South West Water

Waste Water

Preserve, maintain and improve woodland and open play areas

No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Public Sector Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownSt Austell Bay - Open SpaceDesirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector

Open Space Development

Detail awaited 2010/11-2029/30

To improve public transport passenger information

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Funding package£1,500.00Real Time Passenger Information Home Based equipment

Desirable China Clay

St Austell

St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Bus Schemes

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To reduce the risk of flooding in the local area

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Environment Agency Project plan, funding package

Cost unknownDuporth Bay - DrainageDesirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council

Private Sector

Public Sector

Flood Prevention & Mitigation

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To improve road safety in the area

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Funding package£20,000.00Arch Road traffic lights pedestrian improvements

Desirable St Austell Public Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Walking & Cycle Facilities

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To reduce the risk of funding in the local area

In EA medium term plan

Funding needs identifying

Environment Agency Funding package£800,000.00Pentewan Culvert Improvements

Desirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council

Public Sector

Flood Prevention & Mitigation

Outline Planning permission in place for B1 use. Section 106 agreement makes provision for the business development to transfer to local authority from 2018 if insufficient agreed development has taken place which provides an incentive for the development to proceed during the Convergence Programme. This could be linked with the development of adjacent land at Pondhu.

No timeframe identified

To enhance local employment opportunities

Outline planning permission

Funding needs identifying

Private Sector Funding packageCost unknownPentewan Road Business Space

Desirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector


Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To enhance local employment opportunities

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Public Sector Planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownBurton House & Trinity Street Corner

Desirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding


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Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

Private Sector

Public Sector

(may also be referred to as Park & Ride West St Mewan). Park and ride site to the west of St Austell. Could possibly share parking facilities with a new railway station. South of Blackpool Pit.

2018/19 To improve traffic flow in the area and relieve congestion

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

£5,000,000.00Park & Ride West (Blackpool)Desirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Private Sector

Public Sector

Car Parking

Detail awaited 2018/19 To improve access to sustainable transport

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Cornwall Cross Rail proposal delivery, site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

£14,000,000.00Rail Station at BlackpoolDesirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Network Rail

Private Sector

Public Sector

Rail Schemes

Bus priority measures to provide buses with an advantage an promote sustainable transport

No timeframe identified

To improve traffic flow in the area

Connecting Cornwall aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Route identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownSt Austell Bus Priority SchemeDesirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Private Sector

Public Sector

Bus Schemes

Currently 120 people on the waiting list for allotments in the St Austell area

No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Public Sector Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownSt Austell CNA - Allotments development

Desirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector


Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To reduce the risk of flooding in the local area

In EA medium term plan

Funding needs identifying

Environment Agency Funding package£550,000.00White River Flood Defence Re-alignment

Desirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council

Public Sector

Flood Prevention & Mitigation

Upgrade to local highways network

No timeframe identified

To improve traffic flow in the area

Local aspiration

Funding identifiedCornwall Council Planning permission, funding package

£500,000.00Carlyon Bay - Sea Road NorthDesirable St Austell Developer contributions

Connecting Cornwall

Private Sector

Public Sector

Road Schemes

For 18-24 year olds No timeframe identified

To improve access to education, training and housing for young people

Local aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Site identification, land/building acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownSt Austell - FoyerDesirable St Austell Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector

Youth Facilities

Date of report: 04/01/2012

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St Blazey, Fowey and Lostwithiel CNA

Page 33: St Austell, St Blazey andChina Clay Area Schedule · St Austell & Clay Area £145,000.00 Sustainable Shelter Necessary China Clay St Austell St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel

Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

Green Infrastructure

Required Projects

Parish Plan desire to: a) New play facilities in King George V. Look at recommendations for other parks/playgrounds, b) encourage healthier lifestyles (sports recreation and parks), c) Define and clear the network of paths to encourage use. Work with partners and landowners to develop and publicise new cycle routes (including Lostwithiel - Respryn and circular routes), connecting National Cycle Network. Develop programme of maintenance/repair, d) Protection of natural environment (including designating a Local Nature Reserve, conserving river environment) and recycling. Develop initiatives and work on projects that will offer benefits and safeguard the natural environment. Viability of designating Shire Hall and Madderly Moors as a local nature reserve. Conserve the river banks and enahnce the appearanace of the river environment.

Lostwithiel Town Council is in the process of doing its own Parish Plan having had various meetings including a public meeting and the next stage is to send out a questionnaire to all households, hopefully by the end of this year.

No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirations

Funding needs identifying

Town Council Site and route identiifcation, land acquisition, planning permission, funding packages

Cost unknownGreen Infrastructure - Lostwithiel

Desirable St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Other Funding

Parish Council

Local Action Group

BAP Habitats

Children's Equipped Play Areas

Green Public Realm

Walking & Cycle Facilities

Parish Plan desire to: a) monitor state of existing paths. Review status of unofficial paths, b) Create a management program for Golant Downs. Ongoing maintenance of the Green. Investigate removal of mud banks between the Pill Bridge and the quay. Dredging required and could be used to infill ditches by play area of create other flat areas for usage.

No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirations

Funding needs identifying

Parish Council Funding packagesCost unknownGreen Infrastructure - St Sampson

Desirable St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Other Funding

Parish Council

Local Action Group

Green Public Realm

Open Space Development

Walking & Cycle Facilities

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Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

Parish Plan desire to: a) Actively liaise with new developers, leisure providers and Cornwall Council to ensure that no leisure/recreational opportunities are missed. Consider how the demands for allotments could be met, b) research potential routes for new safe cycle and footpaths

We are looking for land that could be used as Allotments, we are hoping that Imerys will be able to help out once they know what land will not be used for the Eco-develoment at par Docks. New footpaths/cyclepaths -The Eco-bos Par Docks development will be taking this into account and the Carlyon Bay development also has some.

No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Parish Council Site and route identiifcation, land acquisition, planning permission, funding packages

Cost unknownGreen Infrastructure - St BlaiseDesirable St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Other Funding

Parish Council

Local Action Group


Green Public Realm

Walking & Cycle Facilities

Parish Plan desire to: a) establish what play facilities are required, the cost (equipment, surfacing, insurance, maintenanc) and locations (upgrade of existing or new facilties/site), responsibility, b) investigate funding, venues, partners, volunteers for sports and recreational activities, c) Investigate feasibility of new cycle routes and footpaths.

Play equipment was installed in late 2004 so plans must have been well advanced when Parish Plan was being drawn up. Costs of £18,000 largely met by grants, fund raising & volunteer labour. Since then a Mutlit user Games Area(MUGA) was installed in early 2009 for older children, costs of £13500 met by grant of £10,000 from Restormel BC with balance from Parish council reserves. The project is really on going as last year fencing was installed to make the area safer for younger children; a concrete path was also installed to improve access for young children and people with mobility problems. Cost of fencing £1950 met by

No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirations

Funding needs identifying

Parish Council Site idneitification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownGreen Infrastructure - LuxulyanDesirable St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Other Funding

Parish Council

Children's Equipped Play Areas

Sports Facilities (all)

Walking & Cycle Facilities

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Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

grant from China Clay Local action group. Other costs by Parish Council with labour supplied by Groundworks SW. Next action planned following a Community Consultation Event is to consider a ""Green Gym"", a Garden/Picnic Area and reinstate some goal posts, all subject to grants/finance at the moment. For footpaths the council partiicpates in Cornwall Council's Local Maintenance partnership so existing footpaths are maintained. The village is also on the National Cycle route 3. not much scope for anything else.

Local Action Group

Flood Risk Management

Required Projects

In St Blazey 55 properties were flooded on the 17th November 2010, and several roads were affected including Aberdeen Close, Station Road, Tredenham Close and Rebecca Close. It has been estimated that flood flows on the St Blazey and Prideaux Streams have between a 1 in 25 and 1 in 60 chance of happening in any one year. Flooding in St Blazey is complex but a number of potential measures have been identified that could reduce the severity and frequency of flooding incidents.

No timeframe identified

To reduce the risk of flooding in the local area

Local concernFunding needs identifying

Environment Agency Funding packagesCost unknownFlooding Issues: St BlazeyNecessary St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council

Private Sector

Public Sector

Flood Prevention & Mitigation

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To reduce the risk of flooding in the local area

In EA medium term plan

Funding needs identifying

Environment Agency Funding package£1,619,000.00Lostwithiel - Tanhouse StreamDesirable St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council

Public Sector

Flood Prevention & Mitigation

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To reduce the risk of flooding in the local area

IN EA medium term plan

Funding needs identifying

Environment Agency Funding package£825,000.00Fowey Flood Alleviation Scheme

Desirable St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council

Public Sector

Flood Prevention & Mitigation

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To reduce the risk of flooding in the local area

In EA medium term plan

Funding needs identifying

Environment Agency Funding package£850,000.00Lostwithiel TidalDesirable St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Flood Prevention & Mitigation

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Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

Cornwall Council

Public Sector

Other Individual Projects

Committed Projects

Detail awaited 10/11-11/12 To meet local needs In WWU business plan - being delivered?

Funding needs identifying

Wales & West Utilities Not applicableCost unknownSt Blazey - Gas Capacity worksNecessary St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Wales & West Utilities

Wales & West Utilities

Transmission & Distribution for Electricity

Upgrade to ensure reliable output of 100Mld at the Restormel Water treatment Works

No timeframe identified

To meet local needs In SWW Business Plan

Funding identified?South West Water Funding package£3,100,000.00Restormel Treatment WorkNecessary St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

South West Water

Private Sector

South West Water

Water Supply

Detail awaited 13/14-14/15 To meet local needs In Connecting Cornwall Implementation Plan

Not applicableCornwall Council Funding package£80,000.00Lostwithiel Station Improvements

Desirable St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Connecting Cornwall

Other Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Network Rail

Rail Schemes

Required Projects

Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To reduce the risk of flooding in the local area

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Project plan, funding package

Cost unknownA3082 at Station Road Drainage Scheme

Desirable St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Cornwall Council

Private Sector

Public Sector

Flood Prevention & Mitigation

Site lends itself to the development of new workspace units, combined with refurbishment of the Grade 2 listed buildings for continued workspace use. Such developments would increase quality and flexibility of accommodation within the site line with requirements of the Lisbon Agenda and Convergence programme. Site is allocated in the Local Plan as a Key Employment site

No timeframe identified

To enhance local employment opportunities

Under discussion

Funding needs identifying

Private Sector Planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownRoundhouse, St. BlazeyDesirable St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector


Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To improve access to local cycling and walking routes

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Route identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownSt Blaise - New Cycle and Footpaths

Desirable St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Private Sector

Public Sector

Walking & Cycle Facilities

Improved conditions for pedestrians in the town centre

No timeframe identified

To improve access to walking routes in the area

Connecting Cornwall aspiration

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Route identification, land acquisition, planning permission,

Cost unknownFowey Walking NetworkDesirable St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Walking & Cycle Facilities

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Page 37: St Austell, St Blazey andChina Clay Area Schedule · St Austell & Clay Area £145,000.00 Sustainable Shelter Necessary China Clay St Austell St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel

Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

funding package

Connecting Cornwall

Capital improvements where required

No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community facilities

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Parish Council Planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownTywardreath Village HallDesirable St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector

Community Centres

Restore and improve children's play facilities in Trevance Park

No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Parish Council Funding packageCost unknownPar - Children's Play FacilitiesDesirable St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector

Children's Equipped Play Areas

A marine innovation and technology centre.

No timeframe identified

To enhance local employment opportunities

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Town Council Land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownFowey Marine Business CentreDesirable St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector


Make provision for the expansion of exports of secondary aggregates from the Port of Fowey

No timeframe identified

To meet local needs Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Funding packagesCost unknownPort of FoweyDesirable St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector


Detail awaited No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Parish Council Site identiifcation, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownSt Blaise - Allotments Development

Desirable St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Local Action Group


Investment in Par mainline station

No timeframe identified

To improve acess to sustainable transport

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownPar StationDesirable St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Network Rail

Private Sector

Public Sector

Rail Schemes

Detail awaited 2010/11-2029/30 To improve public transport passenger information

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Funding package£1,500.00Real Time Passenger Information Home Based equipment

Desirable China Clay

St Austell

St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Connecting Cornwall

Bus Schemes

Restore and improve skate facilities

No timeframe identified

To improve access to local community and green spaces

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Public Sector Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownPar - Skate FacilitiesDesirable St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector

Youth Facilities

Large site (next to Imerys Par Moor HQ) with consent for motor museum, which has steelwork frame in place but has been abandoned for several years. Interest has been shown for change of use to B1/2/8.

No timeframe identified

To enhance local employment opportunities

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Private Sector Planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownFormer Motor Museum Site, Par Moor

Desirable St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Private Sector


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Page 38: St Austell, St Blazey andChina Clay Area Schedule · St Austell & Clay Area £145,000.00 Sustainable Shelter Necessary China Clay St Austell St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel

Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

A private sector project to redevelop a former ice cream factory site with 15 business units. Land already owned by developer and consent already obtained.

No timeframe identified

To enhance local employment opportunities

Planning permission

Funding needs identifying

Private Sector Funding packageCost unknownLand Adjacent to Middleway, St. Blazey

Desirable St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector


Proposal to increase capacity at the centre due to high occupancy for much of the week. Would include additional learning space particularly to link with the delivery of ESF Funding programmes and additional car parking.

No timeframe identified

To enhance access to local training opportunities

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Public Sector Planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownBurrows CentreDesirable St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Private Sector

Public Sector

Post 16 Education

Desire to realign the coast path through the docks development at Par and build a bridge over the river to link it to Par Beach thus bringing the path back to the coast.

2012-14 to improve access to walking routes in the area

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownCoast Path - ParDesirable St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel


Walking & Cycle Facilities

Desire by Lostwithiel Forum to link the town to the National Cycle Network at Lanhydrock.

No timeframe identified

To improve leisure and commuting links

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Parish Council Route identification, planning permission, funding package

Cost unknownCycle Scheme - LostwithielDesirable Bodmin

St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Other Funding

Parish Council

Walking & Cycle Facilities

Capital Investment Priorities Summary: - Short Stay School: replacement of Restormel SSS which is housed in temporary accommodation with sufficiency issues (2011-15, £2,500,000) - Short Stay School (Outdoor): outdoor farm/learning facility for East of Councy, linking with County Farm for KS 1-4 (2011-15, £100,000) - Nurture Unit: replacement of exisitng provision due to short term planning permissions and temporary accommodation at Biscovey (by 2020, £200,000) - Aiming High for Disabled Children Outdoor Play: new play facilities for disabled children in locality (2011-15, £50,000) - Short Stay School (College): SSS for 14-19 students linked to main colleges, dedicated base at College site (2011-15, £250,000) - Co-location Hub and Spoke Facilities: co-

By 2020 To meet local needs Proposed but not curently funded

Funding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Site identification, land acquisition, planning permission, funding packages

£4,300,000.00Children's Services: Specialist & Safeguarding: St Austell and Fowey

Desirable China Clay

St Austell

St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel and China Clay Area

St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Specialist & Safeguarding

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Page 39: St Austell, St Blazey andChina Clay Area Schedule · St Austell & Clay Area £145,000.00 Sustainable Shelter Necessary China Clay St Austell St Austell, St Blazey Fowey & Lostwithiel

Project Name Funding SourcesPriority CategoryProject

Description Timescale Why/Policy Cost StatusFunding GapLocationLead Partner Dependencies

or RequirementsDelivery Partner

location premises required to increase integrated working with partner agencies (by 2020, £1,200,000)

Cornwall Council - Children Schools & Families

Private Sector

Public Sector

Stakeholder aspiration to re-open station

No timeframe identified

To improve access to sustainable transport

Local aspirationFunding needs identifying

Cornwall Council Funding packageCost unknownFowey Town StationDesirable St Blazey, Fowey & Lostwithiel

Private Funding

Public Funding

Network Rail

Private Sector

Public Sector

Rail Schemes

Date of report: 04/01/2012

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