St Bernadette’s · PDF fileSt Bernadette’s School Friday, 23 March, ... Lukas Battisti Brendan Brown ... Lucio Molina Kieran Murray

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  • 357 Old Northern Road, Castle Hill. Phone: 9634 2898 Fax: 9680 2282 School email: [email protected]


    St Bernadettes School

    No.8 Friday, 23 March, 2012

    Dear Parents,

    How can we be present to each other today?

    We all need to be reminded regularly that we

    matter to others and we need to remind others

    that they are important to us. Gestures such as

    a loving hug from a parent or perhaps a smile

    from a friend or even a stranger, gives us a

    special warm feeling. Such gestures remind us

    that we are special to others. Being present to

    others when they are talking to us, sharing

    some news or just saying hello is another

    powerful way that we demonstrate to others

    that we care about them.

    With the pace of life today it is very easy to

    forget both. We have even gone so far as a

    society to coin terms such as multi tasking to

    give ourselves permission to not be fully

    present to others both in the context of family

    and work. Everyone needs to be valued, to be

    noticed and to be loved. How can we be present

    to our families, friends and colleagues today?

    Being present to others may not look the same

    for everyone. It may be stopping when we say

    hello and having a brief chat, or asking about a

    friends family or new job or it could be a

    heartfelt hug, doing a favour for someone,

    helping around the house or yard, giving an

    unexpected gift to a friend, being a good

    listener, or reaching out to those who will never

    personally know us but who are in need.

    In his gospel, John challenges us

    Let us love, not in word or speech but in truth and action.

    Leanne Nettleton Principal







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  • Katherine Sing

    Sophie Burnett

    Ravin Fernando

    Lachlan Fraietta

    Lachlan Baguley

    Ella Barone

    Benjamin Berkeley

    Stephanie Calabrese

    Lauren Calabria

    Olivia Carrozzi

    Benjamin Cavallo

    Kyle Chapman

    Abbie Coleiro

    Samuel Comerford

    Aidan Conlin

    Conor Daly

    Justin De Souza

    Ewan Stennett

    Marco Varacalli

    James Weppner

    Christian West

    Callum Willard

    Danielle Wilson

    Adrian Yu

    Christian Zerafa

    Lukas Battisti

    Brendan Brown

    Gianfranco Favaro

    Jacob Minassian

    Rachel Steenson

    Lydia Burnett

    Michaila Fraietta

    Jessica Skudder

    Benjamin Skudder

    Matthew Mirabello

    Andrew Mizzi

    Lucio Molina

    Kieran Murray

    Kyle O'Connor

    Sarah O'Sullivan

    Elizabeth Parington

    Samantha Parsons

    Antony Radman

    Nicola Rakuljic

    Joshua Ramos

    Aidan Robinson

    Owen Ryan

    Daniya Sammour

    Jaxon Schillaci

    Amelia Sing

    Nicole Sroba

    Isabella Dodd

    Aaron Gabriel

    Luis Gamez

    Elizabeth Gauci

    Nicholas George

    Christopher Ho

    Paige Iwatani

    Marcus Jamison

    Jack Kelly

    Frank Leuzzi

    Alannah Lichaa

    Luke Lichaa

    Billie Lloyd-James

    Sabrina Losurdo

    Dylan Martin

    Emily Matthews

    Ebony Miller

    Aloha 1 week to go -

    Saturday March 31st - 7.30pm.

    We have had a fantastic response already with 8 tables booked. Come along for a night full of fun and laughter. You do not have to dress up. All welcome - Parents, Grandparents, Friends... we welcome everyone. There are a couple of tables still looking for some party-goers so if you do not have enough for a table please let us know and we will line you up - obviously with the super intelligent table. Tickets $15. There are games/raffles/choc wheel and on the night so bring some money along to participate. BYO nibbles and drinks (to share at your table). PRIZES!!!!! Class to sell the most tickets will win an ice-cream for each child in the class. Prize also goes to the best dressed table. Aloha P & F Association

    Congratulation to the following children who will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation on

    Tuesday or Wednesday evening next week:

    Mathematical Language Many of the problems students experience in mathematics are due to language. Consider for example the code - switching that must go on in a mathematics lesson. The teacher introduces a lesson on volume and the student thinks isnt that a control on the TV? Consider how many of the words we use in mathematics that have a different meaning in the real world or how many words have more than one meaning. The word more is a good example of a word that can imply either addition or subtraction depending on the way that it is used. If I said Gemma had 4 pencils and then she was given 3 more. How many pencils does she now have? you would expect to add 4 and 3. The word more may also involve subtraction as is the case in the following example: If Gemma has 8 pencils and I have 5 pencils, how many more pencils does Gemma have? If that was enough to confuse the children, consider the specialised mathematical vocabulary that we use. If you do not realise that sum means to add and product means to multiply then any word problem that includes these terms will cause difficulties. The word sum is also often used to describe written algorithms. Ways that teachers help the students unpack the language in mathematics lessons:

    At the beginning of a topic, teachers assist children to brainstorm all the words that they associate with the topic. This is an excellent assessment technique as it helps the teacher to find out what children know, what they do not know and what misconceptions they might have.

    Throughout their lessons, teachers model and record the correct use of mathematical language. In the classrooms you will see this language displayed for the children to refer to as they work.

    Explain the origin of words by getting children, for instance, to consider prefixes such as deca. Where is it used? In words like decade, decagon. If students know the prefix deca means ten and the suffix gon comes from the Greek gonia or angle, corner, then they may be able to work out that a decagon has ten corners.

  • Mon, 26 March Feast of the Annunciation

    NSWCPS swim trials Homebush

    1.10pm Choir

    Dance Fever Challenge


    Tues, 27 March Dance Fever

    Reconciliation Ceremonies

    Wed, 28 March Reconciliation Ceremonies

    Thurs, 29 March Cross Country Day CANCELLED

    Fri, 30 March 8.30am Assembly

    St Bernadettes Celebration Day

    WEEK 9

    Coming Dates

    Celebrating Talents

    Congratulations to Dylan Martin

    (4W) and Charlotte Bourke (3W)

    who were presented with the

    winner's trophy from the Castle

    Hill Knights Baseball Club for being

    the Under 10/3 Premiers.

    Mothers Day Celebrations

    Please note this date in your diary:

    Mothers Day Mass:

    Thursday 10 May at


    Enrolments for Kindergarten 2013Enrolments for Kindergarten 2013Enrolments for Kindergarten 2013Enrolments for Kindergarten 2013

    collect your enrolment pack at the

    school office from Monday 23 AprilMonday 23 AprilMonday 23 AprilMonday 23 April.

    Open Day Open Day Open Day Open Day Tuesday 1st May Tuesday 1st May Tuesday 1st May Tuesday 1st May

    (see poster on Page 6 for further details).

    Term 2

    Staff Development &

    Pupil Free Day:

    Monday 28 May

    (Week 6)

    Only 12 days left - SELL, SELL, SELL

    Thank you to everyone who has already sent in their money. We still have over 200 boxes out there to be sold.

    Please remember to send in your money by Thursday for our

    raffle draw on Friday morning at assembly.

    Still more boxes available if you would like to sell more.

    Congratulations to this weeks winners:

    Abbie McConnell 5B Samuel Cali 1W

    Thanks again for all your support with this fundraiser.

    Clare Parker - P & F Assoc.

    As you know, the school uses parents email

    addressed more and more now for

    newsletters, Grade information and many

    other things.

    It is therefore very important that all

    information is kept up to date. If you have

    changed your email address or are not

    receiving school newsletters, could you

    please inform me immediately.

    Please email your details to:

    [email protected] and your

    details will be updated.

    Thank you.

    Dawn CrakeSchool Office

  • St Bernadettes School News 4

    Other Items of InterestOther Items of InterestOther Items of InterestOther Items of Interest CANTEEN RCANTEEN RCANTEEN RCANTEEN ROSTEROSTEROSTEROSTER FFFFOROROROR: W: W: W: WEEKEEKEEKEEK 9 T9 T9 T9 TERMERMERMERM 1111

    Parent helpers please arrive at 10.25am for recess

    and 12.45pm for lunch.

    Monday (recess) - (lunch) - Tuesday (recess) - Jenny Tole (lunch) - Jenny Tole, Lisa Francis Wednesday (recess) - Nicole Willoughby (lunch) - Thursday (recess) - (lunch) - Vicki Radman

    Friday (recess) - (lunch) - Thank you for giving your time.

    Good Gu