READINGS FOR OCTOBER 23 Sirach 35:12-14, 16-18 2 Timothy 4:4-8, 16-18 Luke 18:9-14 With heartfelt thanks for your STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE October 8 & 9 Adults $12,535.05 Children $2.00 IN THE MILITARY Please pray for those serving in the military. “Lord, protect our military as they sacrifice for us; bless them and their families for their continuing selflessness.“ ST. HELEN CHURCH RIVERSIDE, OHIO October 16, 2016 WEEKEND MASSES FOR YOUR DECEASED LOVED ONES If the weekend Mass Intention is for a deceased loved one, relative, or friend and you would like to bring up the offer- tory gifts in honor of that person, please come to Mass a little early and inform the ushers that you would like to carry forward the offertory gifts. This is a great help to them. OCTOBER 17 MERCY MATTERS: ARAB CULTURE AND ISLAM In a continuation of the hugely popular September event, Dr. Shawn Kalis returns to speak about the in- fluences and impact that Arab Bedouin Culture had on the development and spread of Islam. Topics cov- ered will include history, geography, dress, family relationships, social space, honor and shame, patriar- chal leadership and gender roles, marriage, honorable traits, and language. Dr. Kalis holds a Ph.D in Hu- manities and a Master's Degree in Middle Eastern Studies. This will be held in the Smith Building on October 17 from 6:00-8:00PM Dinner is included, space is limited, and RSVPs are required. Please call the office or regis- ter online by midnight on Friday, October 15 to guarantee your spot. We may not be able to accom- modate late registrations. WHAT IS INFANT JESUS SHOWER? The St. Helen Infant Jesus Shower is our parish’s Christmas giving program. Parishioners sign up to provide Christmas gifts to local children whose families need a little help this holiday season. Parish- ioner sign-ups will take place in the music room after all masses starting October 15 th and 16 th and contin- ue through November. The Infant Jesus Shower Committee will con- tact all volunteers with a child’s name shortly before Thanksgiving. All wrapped gifts must be turned in during masses on December 10 th and 11 th . If you would like more information please contact Amy Comer at [email protected]. ESTATE SALE The Estate Sale for Henry “Pop” Poplawski, who passed away last year at 101, will be held this week. Sale times are Thursday and Friday 9:30 – 4:00 and Saturday 9:30 – 2:00. The sale will be at his home 726 Silverleaf Dr. Proceeds from the sale of Mr. Poplawski’s Estate benefit St. Helen’s Parish. De- tails can be found at www.worthwhilesale.com WORLD MISSION SUNDAY COLLECTION IS NEXT WEEKEND Every Catholic parish in the world is called to celebrate the Gospel challenge to be in solidarity with all the world’s peoples, especially those most in need of the Good news. Across the world and especially in the rapidly growing Church in Africa and Asia, the young churches urgently need support… just as the Archdio- cese of Cincinnati did upon its founding in the 1800s. Through the work of lay people, religious sisters and brothers and priests, the World Mission Sunday col- lection helps support, through the Society for the Propagation of the Faith: 194,855 schools . . . 5,246 hospitals . . .17,530 health clinics . . . 577 leprosy centers . . . 80,560 social and pastoral projects. These funds also provide operating costs for 1,150 Catholic mission dioceses around the world. Thank you!!!!

ST. HELEN CHURCH RIVERSIDE, OHIO October 16, …2016/10/16  · As prom-ised, I wanted to keep all of you up to date on my progress towards missionary life. I have been able to pay

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Page 1: ST. HELEN CHURCH RIVERSIDE, OHIO October 16, …2016/10/16  · As prom-ised, I wanted to keep all of you up to date on my progress towards missionary life. I have been able to pay


Sirach 35:12-14, 16-18

2 Timothy 4:4-8, 16-18

Luke 18:9-14

With heartfelt thanks for your


October 8 & 9

Adults $12,535.05 Children $2.00

IN THE MILITARY Please pray for those serving in the military.

“Lord, protect our military as they sacrifice for us;

bless them and their families for their

continuing selflessness.“


RIVERSIDE, OHIO October 16, 2016


DECEASED LOVED ONES If the weekend Mass Intention is for a deceased loved one,

relative, or friend and you would like to bring up the offer-

tory gifts in honor of that person, please come to Mass a

little early and inform the ushers that you would like to

carry forward the offertory gifts. This is a great help to



ARAB CULTURE AND ISLAM In a continuation of the hugely popular September

event, Dr. Shawn Kalis returns to speak about the in-

fluences and impact that Arab Bedouin Culture had

on the development and spread of Islam. Topics cov-

ered will include history, geography, dress, family

relationships, social space, honor and shame, patriar-

chal leadership and gender roles, marriage, honorable

traits, and language. Dr. Kalis holds a Ph.D in Hu-

manities and a Master's Degree in Middle Eastern

Studies. This will be held in the Smith Building

on October 17 from 6:00-8:00PM

Dinner is included, space is limited, and

RSVPs are required. Please call the office or regis-

ter online by midnight on Friday, October 15 to

guarantee your spot. We may not be able to accom-

modate late registrations.

WHAT IS INFANT JESUS SHOWER? The St. Helen Infant Jesus Shower is our

parish’s Christmas giving program. Parishioners sign

up to provide Christmas gifts to local children whose

families need a little help this holiday season. Parish-

ioner sign-ups will take place in the music room after

all masses starting October 15th and 16th and contin-

ue through November.

The Infant Jesus Shower Committee will con-

tact all volunteers with a child’s name shortly before

Thanksgiving. All wrapped gifts must be turned in

during masses on December 10th and 11th. If you

would like more information please contact Amy

Comer at [email protected].

ESTATE SALE The Estate Sale for Henry “Pop” Poplawski,

who passed away last year at 101, will be held this

week. Sale times are Thursday and Friday 9:30 –

4:00 and Saturday 9:30 – 2:00. The sale will be at

his home 726 Silverleaf Dr. Proceeds from the sale of

Mr. Poplawski’s Estate benefit St. Helen’s Parish. De-

tails can be found at www.worthwhilesale.com



Every Catholic parish in the

world is called to celebrate

the Gospel challenge to be

in solidarity with all the

world’s peoples, especially

those most in need of the

Good news. Across the

world and especially in the

rapidly growing Church in Africa and Asia, the young

churches urgently need support… just as the Archdio-

cese of Cincinnati did upon its founding in the 1800s.

Through the work of lay people, religious sisters and

brothers and priests, the World Mission Sunday col-

lection helps support, through the Society for the

Propagation of the Faith: 194,855 schools . . . 5,246

hospitals . . .17,530 health clinics . . . 577 leprosy

centers . . . 80,560 social and pastoral projects. These

funds also provide operating costs for 1,150 Catholic

mission dioceses around the world. Thank you!!!!

Page 2: ST. HELEN CHURCH RIVERSIDE, OHIO October 16, …2016/10/16  · As prom-ised, I wanted to keep all of you up to date on my progress towards missionary life. I have been able to pay


8:00 a.m. Mass (Rosary at 7:30 a.m.)-Fr. Satish

Coffee and Conversation-HR 9:00-10:15 a.m.

RCIA-SJN 9:00 a.m.

10:30 a.m. Mass-Fr. Joe Tedesco


Novena-CH 9:00 a.m.

Legion of Mary-SJA 2:00 p.m.

Mercy Matters-SJA 6:00 p.m.


Rosary-BSC 9:00 a.m.

Bible Study-SJN 9:00 a.m.

Financial Peace University-SJN 6:00 p.m.


Centering Prayer-SJN 3:15 p.m.


Youth Ministry-SJN 6:00 p.m.


Regional Mass at Immaculate Conception Church


5:00 p.m. Mass-Fr. Anthony Geraci



8:00 a.m. Jean Knapke (Knapke Family)

10:30 a.m. Raymond Monell (Elaine Monell)


8:15 a.m. Darwin “Red” West (Gerry West)


8:15 Anna Mae “Pat” Forsthoefel (Linda Kenney)


8:15 a.m. Kay Koester (Bill & Joyce Hovey)


8:15 a.m. Bill Potts (Bob & Joy Huelsman)


8:15 Regional Mass at Immaculate Conception


5:00 p.m. Mark Hoyng (Anonymous)


8:00 a.m. Patricia Woodall (Kathleen Bertke)

10:30 a.m. Deceased Members of the Indalecio &

Redrick Families (John & Marcia Indalecio)

SJN-St Julie Meeting Rm-1st fl.

SJB-St Julie Meeting Rm-2nd fl.

SJA-St Julie Dining Rm-1st fl.

BSC-Blessed Sacrament Chapel


HR-Helen Room

SB-Smith Building

GYM-School Gym


CASSIE SCHEMMEL Hello and God's Blessings! As prom-

ised, I wanted to keep all of you up to

date on my progress towards missionary life. I have

been able to pay $10,000 down on my loans so my

current balance is now $84,000. To date, I have

raised $38,000 to be disbursed upon my entrance into

Living Water Community. While I still have $46,000

left to raise, the community and I have made the deci-

sion to move forward and begin applying for my mis-

sionary visa. I have officially booked my flight to

leave the US on January 10th and will arrive in

Trinidad on the 11th. I'm beyond excited to continue

this journey of discernment and am extremely grateful

for the support and prayers from our St. Helen family.

Please keep myself and Living Water Community in

prayer as I continue to fundraise and discern this life.



Do you enjoy cooking? Does

setting a table just right make

you feel happy? How about

making others feel at home? If

any of these three sound like fun to you, your skills

are needed for the ministry of Advent by Candlelight.

We are looking for 10 hosts or co-host pairs to pro-

vide a beautiful setting and tasty treats for women as

we gather to embrace the quiet beauty of Advent. The

event is November 27 at 2:00pm, and this year, we

will have an all-new theme and format. For more in-

formation or to sign up, visit www.sthelenparish.org/

advent-by-candlelight/ or

contact Ellen Garmann in the

parish offices.

Page 3: ST. HELEN CHURCH RIVERSIDE, OHIO October 16, …2016/10/16  · As prom-ised, I wanted to keep all of you up to date on my progress towards missionary life. I have been able to pay


RIVERSIDE, OHIO October 16, 2016

MERCY CORNER Our featured Corporal Work of

Mercy for October is

“Bury the dead”

Help a widow or widower with

yardwork or other household duties.

Our featured Spiritual Work of Mercy

for October is “Bear wrongs patiently”.

When you are tempted to “vent” about your

frustrations with another person, ask yourself

why. Is it because you want someone else to

know how you’ve been wronged? Spend time in

prayer instead.

Our Colossians Virtue

for October is “Peace”

Peace: Being calm inside; freedom from

disturbance, war or violence

Scripture: Let the peace of Christ rule in your

hearts, since as members of one body you were

called to peace. And be thankful. Colossians 3:15

AUTUMN PRAYER (from Doug Leonhardt, S.J.)

God of all seasons,

we thank you for Autumn.

We thank you for the touch of coolness in the air

that gives us a new burst of energy, for the coloring of

trees that shows the creativity of the Divine Artist,

for the falling leaves that reveal the strength of the

branches, for the hues of fields that bring peace to our

souls, for the smiles on pumpkins that bring joy to

children, for the fall harvest which that brings us grat-

itude for the bounty of our land, for this change of

seasons that reveals the circle of life.

God of all seasons,

as you transform the earth,

transform us by your Spirit.


Page 4: ST. HELEN CHURCH RIVERSIDE, OHIO October 16, …2016/10/16  · As prom-ised, I wanted to keep all of you up to date on my progress towards missionary life. I have been able to pay


Join us on Saturday, October 29 after the 5 pm Mass

for our annual All Saints Bonfire on the Hill & Trunk or Treat.

We provide the hot dogs, hot chocolate, chips and cider;

you provide the fun!

If you'd like to participate in Trunk or Treat by decorating your

car and providing candy for the kids, please have your car

parked on the hill and decorated before the 5 pm Mass.

(We could use a few more adult volunteers to help coordinate food service.

Any youth needing service hours should contact Amy at 256-8815)

Page 5: ST. HELEN CHURCH RIVERSIDE, OHIO October 16, …2016/10/16  · As prom-ised, I wanted to keep all of you up to date on my progress towards missionary life. I have been able to pay


RIVERSIDE, OHIO October 16, 2016

Page 6: ST. HELEN CHURCH RIVERSIDE, OHIO October 16, …2016/10/16  · As prom-ised, I wanted to keep all of you up to date on my progress towards missionary life. I have been able to pay

DONATING STOCK TO ST. HELEN Donating stock to charity is a great tax planning

tool, derived from the general rule that the deduc-

tion for a donation of property to charity is equal to

the fair market value of the donated property.

Where the donated property is "gain" property, the

donor does not have to recognize the gain on the

donated property. These rules allow for the

"doubling up," so to speak, of tax benefits: A chari-

table deduction, plus avoiding tax on the apprecia-

tion in value of the donated property.

To donate stock to St. Helen Parish, shares should

be deposited into St. Helen’s Fifth Third Bank ac-

count. Transfer instructions are as follows:

Fifth Third Bank

DTC #2116

Account Name: St. Helen

Account Number 0104471751 EC

Contact: Rick Machala

Voice: (513) 358.7971

Fax: (513) 358-9798

You must include your name as the donor on the

trailer line when wiring a stock!! If you have

any questions, please contact the rectory office .

SUBSTITUTE POSITION The St. Helen Extended Care Program, our before and after school program for students of St. Helen, is

seeking substitute workers for our morning and/or afternoon program. Possible hours are from 6:40 a.m. to 7:40

a.m. and 2:50 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday-Friday when school is in session. The position pays $10/hour, requires a

background check/fingerprinting, completion of the Child Protection Class, and you must be at least age 18 with a

high school diploma or GED. If interested, please contact Julie Hunt at 937-256-1761 ext. 143 or

[email protected].

ELIZABETH NEW LIFE CENTER Elizabeth’s New Life Center is actively seeking 2 RDMS candidates to fill open positions (will consider

an RN certified in OB ultrasound). The home base for one position will be our Sharonville Women’s Center, and

the other position will move between our Dayton centers. Both positions will also serve one day on our mobile

unit which visits college campuses in the SW Ohio region. These part-time positions will work 24 – 32 hours per

week depending on availability and our need. The hourly rate is $18.00 per hour with at least 2 years OB experi-

ence (may be more if experience indicates). These positions are vital to our organization’s mission of “Saving Ba-

bies and Changing Lives.” If you are called to be an active player in the pro-life movement, please consider visit-

ing our website at elizabethnewlife.org to send your resume and cover letter to be considered for these positions.

HOLIDAY BAZAAR Old Fashioned Holiday Bazaar Saturday Nov

5, 9am to 4pm. Holy Trinity Parish, Trinity Center,

272 Bainbridge St., Dayton. All proceeds support

the needs of our less fortunate brothers and sisters

in the Dayton area. Bring your family, friends, and

children. MANY raffle and attendance prizes, with

top prize being $500. Cabbage Rolls, Lunch, Silent

Auction, Homemade Crafts, Children Activities, and

much more!

VISITING CHAMINADE JULIENNE It all starts with a visit, and all are welcome!

Families and students are invited to learn more about

their opportunities at Chaminade Julienne through

several options:

Parent Receptions: All parents are invited to

informal gatherings hosted by CJ parents in neighbor-

hoods across the greater Dayton region — register at


Shadow Day Visits: 8th grade students are in-

vited to spend a day with a CJ student — register at


Open House, Sunday, Nov. 6, 2-4 p.m.: All

are invited to meet students, teachers and staff, and

experience our expanded and revitalized campus

home. Explore remodeled classrooms; CJ STEMM

Center; Eagle Tennis Center; Mary, Our Lady of Vic-

tory Gym; Roger Glass Stadium – Home of the Ea-

gles; and CJ Auditorium. Details are available at

cjeagles.org, or 461-3740 x249.

Page 7: ST. HELEN CHURCH RIVERSIDE, OHIO October 16, …2016/10/16  · As prom-ised, I wanted to keep all of you up to date on my progress towards missionary life. I have been able to pay