ST JAMES THE GREAT @STJGREAT Dates April 5th Break up 2pm— please ensure your children are picked up promptly Please note we are only able to administer antibi- otics to pupils if the dos- age requires it to be giv- en 4 times a day. Please do not send your child in with antibiotics in their bag. You must report to the office where the relevant form must be completed before we can administer any medication. Thank you for your co-operation. If your child is being picked up by someone else, please inform the teachers or the office. The last two weeks have flown by and it seems incredible that the Easter holidays are just around the corner. Last week saw the children learning about individuals who represent some core values that we believe the children will need for later in life. Role models included the Dalai Lama, Darcy Bussell, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and David Weir. We had a visit from author Ross Montgomery who ran workshops and assemblies. I’m sure that he will have inspired some future authors with his enthusiasm and talent. He was overwhelmed by the children and had a fabulous day. Our Irish dancers performed for the elderly at St Andrew’s parish last week in honour of St Patrick’s Day. The Girls Football team have been in action this week, representing Croydon at the London Youth Games and also at a tournament today. Well done girls, we are very proud of you and your achievements. #thesegirlscan and do. The children have been enjoying walking a mile every day around school as part of our Autism Awareness week. Thankfully we have had some beautiful spring weather. They have also noticed the 90 new tees that we have planted around the school as part of a bid to the Woodland Trust. We have planted silver birch, dog rose, hawthorn, crab apple and cherry trees. Please ensure that you supervise your children after school and make it clear to them to be careful around these small trees. Some of our children attended the Panathlon Games at Trinity School. They had a great time and came third overall. Fantastic work children! Thank you to the Friends'’ Association for setting up and running the Mothers’ Day surprise room. The children have been very excited spending their money and have some lovely presents. Thank you to everyone who attended the Moth- ers’ Day breakfast this morning, it was lovely to see so many of you. Happy Mothers’ Day from all of at St James the Great. Three members of staff have been on a funded trip to Iceland to research and learn about exemplary practice for children with additional needs. The funds for this came from an EU project called Erasmus, which we were successful in bid- ding for. Two more members will be going to Sweden to research Forest Schools and high achieving pupils in order to help develop the use of our grounds and nearby woodlands. 29/3/19 Issue 21

ST JAMES THE GREAT · Mothers’ Day from all of at St James the Great. Three members of staff have been on a funded trip to Iceland to research and learn about exemplary practice

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Page 1: ST JAMES THE GREAT · Mothers’ Day from all of at St James the Great. Three members of staff have been on a funded trip to Iceland to research and learn about exemplary practice




5th Break up 2pm—

please ensure your

children are picked up


Please note we are only

able to administer antibi-

otics to pupils if the dos-

age requires it to be giv-

en 4 times a day. Please

do not send your child in

with antibiotics in their

bag. You must report

to the office where the

relevant form must be

completed before we

can administer any

medication. Thank you

for your co-operation.

If your child is being

picked up by someone

else, please inform the

teachers or the office.

The last two weeks have flown by and it seems incredible that the Easter holidays

are just around the corner.

Last week saw the children learning about individuals who represent some core

values that we believe the children will need for later in life. Role models included

the Dalai Lama, Darcy Bussell, Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and David Weir.

We had a visit from author Ross Montgomery who ran workshops and assemblies.

I’m sure that he will have inspired some future authors with his enthusiasm and

talent. He was overwhelmed by the children and had a fabulous day.

Our Irish dancers performed for the elderly at St Andrew’s parish last week in

honour of St Patrick’s Day.

The Girls Football team have been in action this week, representing Croydon at

the London Youth Games and also at a tournament today. Well done girls, we are

very proud of you and your achievements. #thesegirlscan and do.

The children have been enjoying walking a mile every day around school as part

of our Autism Awareness week. Thankfully we have had some beautiful spring

weather. They have also noticed the 90 new tees that we have planted around the

school as part of a bid to the Woodland Trust. We have planted silver birch, dog

rose, hawthorn, crab apple and cherry trees. Please ensure that you supervise

your children after school and make it clear to them to be careful around these

small trees.

Some of our children attended the Panathlon Games at Trinity School. They had a

great time and came third overall. Fantastic work children!

Thank you to the Friends'’ Association for setting up and running the Mothers’

Day surprise room. The children have been very excited spending their money

and have some lovely presents. Thank you to everyone who attended the Moth-

ers’ Day breakfast this morning, it was lovely to see so many of you. Happy

Mothers’ Day from all of at St James the Great.

Three members of staff have been on a funded trip to Iceland to research and

learn about exemplary practice for children with additional needs. The funds for

this came from an EU project called Erasmus, which we were successful in bid-

ding for. Two more members will be going to Sweden to research Forest Schools

and high achieving pupils in order to help develop the use of our grounds and

nearby woodlands.

29/3/19 Issue 21

Page 2: ST JAMES THE GREAT · Mothers’ Day from all of at St James the Great. Three members of staff have been on a funded trip to Iceland to research and learn about exemplary practice

Year 5 have had six associates from RIBA visiting this week to complete a junk modelling project tied into

architecture and their studies. The children have learnt many of the basic principles of architecture and has

been a lot of fun creating their town!

Last night saw Year 5 lead us in a beautiful liturgy at St Andrew’s church. The Stations of the Cross are an

integral part of our Lenten observance. It was very moving and made me reflect deeply on a few points. In

the first hymn we were told to, “be still and know that God is with us” and that he leaves us His world...it

made me consider what kind of world I want for our children and how we can bring it to fruition. The an-

swer lies in our hands as adults...how we act as role models, what we say and do in front of our children,

what we value and how we work to change this world for the better. Jesus was controversial in His time and

suffered the ultimate sacrifice. If he could do that, is it beyond us to challenge each other, to use less plastic,

waste less, recycle more, challenge our political leaders, serve others and to look after those in need and

work for a fairer world? God has no other hands on this Earth but ours. Let us join together and work for the

greater good and know that God is with us.