12th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 21, 2020 St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs, Illinois ~ 708-246-4404 ~ www.stjohnofthecross.org Jesus, you tell your disciples as you tell us to “fear not.” With the gift of the Spirit and the promise of our baptism we go forth into the world boldly, proclaiming you and doing acts of service and love. Inspire us in times of trepidation to live our call with firm conviction, fearing not, but secure in the knowledge that we are yours. In your name we pray. Amen.

St. John of the Cross Parish · 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 21, 2020 St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs, Illinois ~ 708-246-4404 ~

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Page 1: St. John of the Cross Parish · 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 21, 2020 St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs, Illinois ~ 708-246-4404 ~

12th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 21, 2020

St. John of the Cross Parish

5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs, Illinois ~ 708-246-4404 ~ www.stjohnofthecross.org

Jesus, you tell your disciples

as you tell us to “fear not.”

With the gift

of the Spirit and

the promise of

our baptism

we go forth

into the world


proclaiming you

and doing

acts of service

and love.

Inspire us

in times of trepidation

to live our call

with firm conviction,

fearing not,

but secure in the


that we are yours.

In your name

we pray.


Page 2: St. John of the Cross Parish · 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 21, 2020 St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs, Illinois ~ 708-246-4404 ~


From the Desk of Fr. Marc Reszel

Allow yourself to be drawn by the love that moves the sun and the other stars, the sunflowers, the plants, everything. At the core of the universe, you might say, is the heart of God beating with love for everything created, keeping everything in existence and drawing everything toward God ’s dream. You could ask God to help you to sense and believe that you are the object of God’s great love, compassion, and joy.

—Excerpted from An Invitation to Love by William A. Barry, SJ



Today is celebrated as

the Twelfth Sunday in

Ordinary Time.

While the liturgical

calendar returned to Ordinary Time (think Green) following Pentecost, on the past two

Sundays we have celebrated Solemnities of the Lord. Now we will count the Sundays until

Advent (November 29) with the Thirty-Fourth and final Sunday celebrated as the

Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe. The lone exception this year will

be on November 1 when the Solemnity of All Saints replaces the Thirty-First Sunday in

Ordinary Time. Welcome Home! While no one is obligated to

attend and some, for reasons of health, should not attend, we are pleased with our

phased-in reopening of the church doors to the faithful. This week have added a Sunday

Mass and increased our capacity from 50 attendees to 15% of capacity or 120. Next

weekend we will raise our capacity to 20% or 160 attendees. Assuming that all goes

well, we will offer our full schedule of Masses beginning July. More Masses with more

parishioners attending means that more volunteers are needed for us to comply with

safety precautions. Please consider helping at the Mass you will be attending.

Registration/Reservation, wearing a mask, and maintaining proper distancing are still

required of all. The necessary information, including a “what to expect” video, is

available at stjohnofthecross.org The third Sunday of June is nationally celebrated as Fathers’ Day. The following is

from our Book of Blessings:

God our Father, in your wisdom and love

you made all things. Bless these men, that they may be strengthened as Christian

fathers. Let the example of their faith and love shine forth. Grant that we, their sons

and daughters, may honor them always with profound respect. Grant this through

Christ our Lord. Amen On Thursday June 25, the members of the St.

John of the Cross Parish School Class of 2020 will receive their diplomas in a modified

graduation ceremony. Congratulations to our graduates and to their families. On July 1, Father Jesudas Gudime will begin

his new assignment as the Associate Pastor of Queen of All Saints Basilica Parish in

Chicago. We are grateful for his ministry here these past months and wish him well. I

am working with the Priests’ Placement Board

and hopefully will have news to report in the next bulletin. Let us continue to pray for one another and

for our parish.

Father Reszel

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Reopening Church

SJC is excited to welcome you back to Mass. See the next page of this bulletin for Mass times and how to reserve your spot. We still advise that the elderly and those with underlying medical conditions stay at home and participate through livestreamed and televised Masses. The dispensation from Sunday Mass and Holy Days of Obligation continues. Here is an outline of what you can expect at Mass. Please watch our VIDEO on our website before you come to Mass. Read important information about volunteering at Mass and singing on the next page. 1 BEFORE YOU ARRIVE Check your temperature: if you have a fever, please do not come to church.

Stay home if you are ill. Make sure you have a face covering to bring and wear.

Please watch the video on our website that describes how we will celebrate Mass together.

2 WHEN YOU ARRIVE Enter only in marked doorways. Wait patiently to be checked in by a greeter. Keep your face covering or mask on at all times except for receiving

Communion. Sanitize your hands as directed by greeter. Observe social distancing at all times (look for marks on the floor). Ushers will direct you to pews with markings showing where to sit. Since there will be no passing of baskets for your offering please leave your

offering in the baskets provided at the entrance and exit areas. 3 DURING THE MASS Do not change seats during a service. Family members residing in the same

home can be seated together. There will be no passing of offering baskets. No physical sign of peace will be exchanged during Mass. Follow instructions for Communion:

Leave your seat only when directed by usher or greeter. Maintain six feet social distancing in the Communion line – look for marks

on the floor. When 12 feet or two people away from the priest, sanitize your hands

using the sanitizer from the usher. After sanitizing do not touch any surfaces.

Approach the priest only after you are called forward. DO NOT remove your face covering.

Extend a single hand to receive the Host. After moving six feet to the right or left, remove your mask and consume

the Host. Replace your face covering or mask. Follow instructions to return to your pew.

4 AFTER MASS Please take any worship aids and place in the recycling bin as you exit. You will be dismissed by pew or seating area.

Follow the instructions of the greeter or usher. Use only the designated exit doors. Do not congregate outside the church doors. Continue to wear your face covering or mask until you leave the area where

worshipers are.

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Reopening Church

If you would like to be a Lector

or an Usher/Greeter at Mass….

Gale Voytas is our Parish Ministry Assistant

who takes care of scheduling our liturgical

ministers. Email Gale to Lector at Mass:

[email protected]. Margie Connelly is on the Reopening Team

in charge of Greeters/Ushers and will give

you the appropriate training to do a great

job. Email Margie to Usher at Mass:

[email protected].

Why We Sing, and

Why -- for Now -- We Cannot Sing

As churches begin to open for public worship across the Archdiocese of Chicago, we have been asked to refrain from congregational singing, out of care and concern for the health and safety of all who gather to pray. As the research on aerosol spray during singing is being analyzed, the prudent approach is to abstain from singing, at least for now. The cantor will continue to sing certain parts of the Mass, while other parts belonging more properly to the people, will be spoken so that all may participate. Please know that what we are doing now is not the new normal, it’s the baby step into public worship that will lead eventually to fuller participation. As a Church, we still hold that singing is necessary and integral to the celebration of Mass. It is not an add-on or an adornment, but rather an essential element to worship. The Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, the first major document of the Second Vatican Council, states that “a liturgical service takes on a nobler aspect when the rites are celebrated with singing and the faithful actively participate” (SC, No. 113). The General Instruction of the Roman Missal, the introductory document to The Roman Missal (the ritual book of prayers and rubrics for Eucharistic celebrations), asserts further that “The Christian faithful who come together as one in expectation of the Lord’s coming are instructed by the Apostle Paul to sing together psalms, hymns, and spiritual canticles (cf. Col 3:16)” (GIRM, No. 39). The 2007 document Sing to the Lord: Music in Divine Worship, the first document on liturgical music issued by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, states, “Good music makes the liturgical prayers of the Christian community more alive and fervent so that everyone can praise and beseech the Triune God more powerfully, more intently, and more effectively” (STL, No. 5). Keeping all these things in mind, our highest priority now is the health and safety of our community. It is our intention that we will gradually return to a fuller expression of worship as soon as it is safe to do so. My heart is full of gratitude for the many music ministers, both volunteers and staff, who have helped our community to sing the prayers that God has placed in our hearts. You will continue to see virtual choir collaborations and various other music recordings on our website and social media channels. We offer them to you for your own prayer and reflection, with the hope that we will sing all together again soon!

Jessica Koch

Director of Parish Music Ministries [email protected]

Sign Up to Attend Weekday and Sunday Mass!

Each week the schedule of Masses will be open for sign up on our website

on Thursdays at 5pm. Call the Parish Center if you need assistance.

Here is our Mass schedule

for the next few weeks:

Weekdays: Monday-Saturday: 9am Mass

with 160 people in attendance at each Mass

Weekends: June 27-28:

4pm Saturday, 9am, 11am with 160 people at each Mass

July 4-5:

4pm Saturday, 7:30am, 9am, 11am and 5pm

with 160 people at each Mass

Mass will continue to be livestreamed on Facebook and available

on our parish website. Daily Mass is recorded at 9:00am Monday-Saturday

Sunday Mass is recorded at 4pm Saturday

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Lifelong Learning

To the Point • We have entered into Ordinary Time again, a time of living and growing in our faith. Sometimes it is a relief to get back to “regular life” after a vacation or time of celebration. In a way, the stretch of the liturgical year between now and the first Sunday of Advent is our longest time of “regular life” within the church. We refocus on the everyday joys and challenges of living life in Christ. • Today’s readings seem to point to two great truths of discipleship. The first is that we are greatly loved. Our creator has counted all of the hairs on our heads and we are infinitely precious to him. Thus we know, as today’s psalm proclaims, that the Lord hears us when we call out to him, “and his own who are in bonds he spurns not.” Which leads us to the second great truth: sometimes we’ll be “in bonds.” • Being a follower of Christ does not entitle us to comfort, luxury, and safety; in fact, sometimes it will lead us in the opposite direction. Jesus warns the twelve apostles before he sends them out on mission that they will very likely be met with derision, even stating, “You will be hated by all because of my name” (Matt 10:22). With such dire warnings, it’s surprising the apostles didn’t walk away at that moment. Perhaps without Jesus’ assurances from today’s gospel, they would have. Even if they face human hatred, they are to fear no one and nothing, for their souls are protected by the God of everlasting life. As we enter into this time of living and growing in Christ, we are called to sink deeply into these two truths: that discipleship will involve hardships and being deeply beloved of God. ©Living Liturgy

Monday 2 Kgs 17:5-8, 13-15a, 18 Ps 60:3, 4-5, 12-13 Matt 7:1-5

Tuesday 2 Kgs 19:9b-11, 14-21, 31-35a, 36 Ps 48:2-3ab, 3cd- 4, 10-11 Matt 7:6, 12-14

Wednesday Isa 49:1-6 Ps 139:1-3, 13-15 Acts 13:22-26 Luke 1:57-66, 80

Thursday 2 Kgs 24:8-17 Ps 79:1b-2, 3-5, 8, 9 Matt 7:21-29

Friday 2 Kgs 25:1-12 Ps 137:1-2, 3, 4-5, 6 Matt 8:1-4

Saturday Lam 2:2, 10-14, 18-19 Ps 74:1b-2, 3-5, 6-7, 20-21 Matt 8:5-17

13th Sunday in Ord. Time 2 Kgs 4:8-11, 14-16a Ps 89:2-3, 16-17, 18-19 Rom 6:3-4, 8-11 Matt 10:37-42

Do not be afraid Of what are you afraid? What fills you with anxiety and fear? Some people are afraid of spiders, others are afraid of dogs, and so much more. As a child, I was so afraid of the dark. Looking back now, it was not so much the dark itself, it was what I thought and imagined was in the dark. Eventually, one night I went into a darkened room and stood there – nothing happened; there was nothing and no one in the dark. My fear of the dark had become worse than the dark itself! In the first line of today’s gospel Jesus clearly says to his followers and indeed to each of us today, ‘Do not be afraid. Everything that is now covered will be uncovered, and everything now hidden will be made clear.’ Contrary to what we might believe, the apostles were not always brave, courageous or strong. Frequently, Jesus had to encourage and strengthen them, just as he does in today’s gospel. In fact he reminds them not to be afraid no less than three times. For some reason it is unknown why they needed this affirmation and reassurance. These last few months for all of us at a personal, local, national and global level have been filled with worry, anxiety and fear as we have witnessed the Corona virus spread, seemingly out of control. We have perhaps experienced firsthand the impact of the virus. It is only natural that we are afraid. Perhaps, now more than ever, just like the apostles, we too need the encouraging and affirming words of Jesus. Today, can we take just a few minutes of prayerful silence to hear these words from Jesus, ‘Do not be afraid… there is no need to be afraid, you are worth more than hundreds of sparrows.’ After the Our Father is said at Mass, the following line is prayed as part of a longer prayer, ‘as we wait the blessed hope and coming of our Savior, Jesus Christ.’ Before this prayer was changed it read, ‘as we wait in joyful hope for the coming of our Savior Jesus Christ.’ As Christians we are called to live and wait in joyful hope. Certainly these days while many of us remain at home separated and isolated, we are waiting hopefully. Christian hope is not like ordinary hope. It is not like the hope we experience while waiting for a bus or watching our team play in the hope that they will win! Christian hope is much deeper; it calls for faith in God. These days we are putting our faith and hope in each other, doctors, nurses and medical staff and in our politicians who daily are making crucial decisions that have an impact on all of us. In prayer we are also reminded to put our faith and hope in God. As scripture reminds, ‘we have placed our hope in the living God, who is our Savior.’ (1. Tim. 4.10). These are difficult and demanding days for all of us. Much of what we have taken for granted has been taken from us. Many more are suffering the pain and bereavement because members of their families, friends or neighbors have died. At times like this, it is only natural to feel anxious and fearful. These are uncertain times for all of us. This is why the words of Jesus in today’s gospels could not be more appropriate for all us; ‘Do not be afraid… there is no need to be afraid; you are worth more than hundreds of sparrows.’ Michael Moore OMI

Lord Jesus, you are the champion of the poor and downcast: Lord, have mercy.

Christ Jesus, through you we are given everlasting life: Christ, have mercy.

Lord Jesus, you call us to be courageous in faith: Lord, have mercy.

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Every person is precious in the eyes of God

Have you noticed? The longer we have sheltered in place, alone or with family, the more we have recognized our need for others. We long for a loving embrace, friendly handshake, quiet conversation, or shared experience at a concert or ball game with hundreds or thousands. In our often-individualistic, self-reliant culture, we have suddenly realized that we are not meant to be alone. Perhaps being forced to stay at home has led us to understand that one of the greatest gifts we can give or receive is presence, the simple act of being with another - family, friends, our faith community, or those who are most vulnerable. Even in this time when we maintain physical distance from one another, we can and must be present. We may not be able to receive Christ’s Eucharistic presence at this time, yet the Lord is still with us. And we can offer Christ’s presence to others through our presence with them.

It may feel odd to think about presence when we are physically absent from so many whom we love and miss. Yet, how creative we have become in being present to one another at this time! We know in our hearts this is essential. Being with and for others is what we all need. It is the way God created us, we who were created in the image of God who in his triune nature is relational.

Driveway visits, virtual social time, fresh-baked bread left on the doorstep with a handwritten note, a long conversation on the phone or video call — this is how we are present to one another right now, even as we hope for a time in the future when we can linger with that loving embrace for which we long. In the Gospel passage we hear today Jesus is preparing to send the Twelve out on his mission of love, to be present to those they encounter.



They are sent to heal, forgive, and share the good news of the coming of God’s kingdom. The mission has its risks, of course. They will face rejection, persecution, and hate. Jesus tells them, and us, that there is no need to fear bodily harm, we should only be alarmed by that which can kill the soul. We need not fear because we are precious in the eyes of God. This seems an especially appropriate message for us to hear this month. There is much suffering and death in our midst. Many are weary of the separation, worried about loss of jobs, grieving the death of loved ones. Jesus speaks to us today. Do not be afraid. Recognizing that we are “fearfully, wonderfully made,” the gift of self, our presence, is a true sign of the care and love of God for each of us. That gift cannot be diminished over time. Do not be afraid. Be present to others. Every person is precious in the eyes of God, including you. ©Catholic Faith & Impact

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Honoring Our Fathers


Dad, thanks for showing us how to live life filled with faith, family,

friends, and FUN! We love you so much.

This is one of my favorite “Dad” moments. My husband and I were waiting with the kids for a boat to the Magic Kingdom.

Happy Father’s Day! We love you!

Thanks for showing me the power of family, hard work and love. Also how music can make hearts smile and how pasta is always the right choice!

Padre, thanks for everything you do for us. Happy Father’s Day.

Love you!

The smile says it all! You were made to be a Dad! Happy Fathers Day to the best Dad and husband!

To honor the memory of my father, Frank, who taught me to appreciate

all the wonders of nature from the smallest plant, to animals of very kind,

right up to the stars!

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My father passed away prematurely in 1979, at 51 years old. I was 25 years old when he passed. He was a loving Dad, though a quiet introvert, and not easy to get to know. I grew up on a small family farm, and while my Dad loved farming, both my parents were employed outside the farm to make ends meet. My Dad valued the land and its resources. Like many farmers of his time, he could study the sky and smell the air to predict the weather fairly accurately… I loved that he could sense and feel things about Mother earth. He had an innate sense of the land. The photo I chose to share doesn’t show much of my Dad’s face (unfortunately), but I still chose it because it is a farm picture and very representative of who he was…. Farm work is difficult work, particularly when having to balance it with another job. But despite the demanding work schedule of both my parents, we had family dinner every night. We frequently prayed the rosary at night before bed, with my Dad leading. I smile when I remember that often my exhausted parents would fall asleep before finishing the rosary. Sometimes my siblings would fall asleep as well, and I would be the only one awake and would ponder whether I should wake the others….or just let them be…. Often I chose the latter. When I was a young adult living on my own, out of state, phone conversations with my Dad were usually limited to the basics of how are you doing, etc., then the phone would be transferred to my Mom, and she and I would chat for a long time. One evening, on what seemed like an ordinary Wednesday, my Dad and I had an extensive phone conversation. He had recently been to a farm auction, had bought some farm equipment, and was very happy. I don’t remember the details of the conversation, rather I remember how special it was that he wanted to share his thoughts and feelings with me and how happy he was. Just four days later, on the following Sunday, he unexpectedly passed away. I will always treasure that last telephone conversation with my Dad. Although he passed many years ago, I still miss him. Love you, Dad… Julia

To the world you are a Dad...but to me you are the world. Thank you for being my teacher, my golf buddy, my support and guidance and a forever

source of faith, laughter and love. Happy Fathers Day! I love you M8!

A humble, inspiring father, creative genius,

comedian, great golfer and fly fisherman. We love ya!

My dad, fondly known as Jimbo, will always be remembered for his strong work ethic, his love of fishing off the dock and

his many sayings like, “When the going gets tough, the tough get going.” The ladies in the family have amended that

one to “the tough go shopping!” Forever in our hearts!!

Honoring Our Fathers

Page 9: St. John of the Cross Parish · 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 21, 2020 St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs, Illinois ~ 708-246-4404 ~

Thank you for working so hard for us, Dad. We love you!

Happy Father’s Day to the best Dad ever!

Remembering my Dad who left us

too young. He was a wonderful father and a great doctor to so many.

He was most at peace and happy in the outdoors. I am grateful to

have shared many father and son adventures as

I grew up. Happy Father’s

Day Dad!

Honoring Our Fathers

This is a picture of my Dad (Henry) with my daughter, Chloe. Thanks for

everything Dad, not a day goes by when I don't think about you. Love you!

We have a lot of great memories at the Brookfield Zoo, from riding our bikes there, to holiday magic every

year, to even baby showers. That love for the zoo and animals stems from you, Dad. Hopefully we can have

a family outing soon! Thanks for your constant support. Love you, Georgann & Kathleen

Happy Father's Day to an outstanding husband and father! Every day is an

adventure! We love you!


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Congratulations Graduates!

God’s richest blessings on each of you as you begin a new journey.

Share your graduate’s picture with our faith community!

Email [email protected]

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Parish School

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For YOU @ SJC Baptisms

St. John of the Cross Parish congratulates Renee and George Olmos and family. Last Sunday Deacon Rich Voytas assisted by Nancy and Joe Polacek baptized Cora Angele and Gwen Ludivine. Also pictured is big sister, Harper.

“Looking to spread some positivity through faith during these unchartered times?

Please kindly consider purchasing a yard sign from the SJC Women’s Club!

Proceeds received will be used to support our local

charities that typically benefit from our annual Garage Sale as well as the Fr. Joe McDonnell Scholarship Fund.

Signs will be sold for $20 and can be picked up after

Mass this weekend (6/20 and 6/21). No-Contact Deliveries can also be made

for those interested!

For questions or to make a purchase you can contact Jeannine Sur at [email protected] or 773-263-1633

or go to our parish website at www.stjohnofthecross.org/yard-signs/ Thank you for your generous support!”

High School Youth Ministry News Any teens interested in helping our parishioners safely

worship at Mass again, please contact me at [email protected].

Teens will be trained on how to help welcome and seat parishioners as well as to

help clean/sanitize after Masses. Mark your calendar!

Local mission trip opportunities: we may not be able to travel to Detroit to serve this year, but we can still serve our local communities! Join us the

week of July 26 to help others in our community. Stay tuned for more information.

Thank you to all who responded to the call to help deliver congratulation gifts to our Parish High School Seniors. We

will be delivering the week June 22. If you are able to deliver, we could still use a few more helpers. Thank you

for helping us celebrate our graduates. Keep those graduation pics coming!

Email [email protected] so we can share them in our bulletin and on our website.

6 Week Virtual Adult Bible Study

Began Wednesday, June 17 (7-8pm)

Newcomers still welcome to join us.

New American Bible (Revised Edition Translation)

Register on SJC Homepage ~ No Cost

Wednesday Evenings June 17—July 22

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On the Holy Spirit

~ ONLINE! ~ $95.00 for

Ten 2-hour sessions!


The IPS Scripture School fosters a transformational encounter with God through online instruction and formation in Sacred Scripture within a live interactive framework. This course will explore the unique identity and role of the Holy Spirit in both the Old and New Testaments. You will enjoy this course if you: Have ever wondered Who the Holy Spirit is! Have ever struggled to understand the idea of 1 God in 3

Persons! Have ever desired to live a life “according to the

Spirit” (Romans 8:5)! In just ten class sessions, you will: Gain a better understanding of your Christian faith. Develop new skills for theological reflection and conversation. Learn how to encounter God in the Bible like never before. This course is designed for the average layperson. All are welcome. No prior academic experience necessary, just an open mind and heart. REGISTER Please contact director, Kevin Pease, by e-mail for link to register! CONTACT Kevin Pease

t. 847.409.1433 [email protected] COURSE REQUIREMENTS Have access to a computer with Internet. Have a personal email address by which to receive and send

pertinent communication.

JUN 23 – AUG 25, 2020

Tuesdays, 10am – 12 noon OR 7:00 - 9:00pm (Central Time)

Kevin Pease, M.T.S.

Institute of Pastoral Studies

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We Pray for Our Sick Kathy Antczak Cheryl Bartz Beth Beutell

Leo Bressanelli Robert Bright Amanda Cook Sarah Cook

Jean Culligan Cary Czarnecki

Donna Czarnecki Fran Domanskis

Irene Friend Aggie Frolik

Frank Gembala Greg Gnat

Magdalena Goslawski Tommy Grady

Karen Hult Thomas Ivaska John Johnson

Kathleen Johnson Peggy Koucky

Ray Kula Lee Lepinske Nancy Lohr Jesse Lurito Russ Meyers

Bobbie Misiora Ernie Misiora Rita Munch Irene Musur

Baby Evi O’Brien Loretta Palekas Al Piorkowski Suzie Potter

Alison Saegebrecht Michael Sheehan

Wendy Workman Stulgim Shawn Sweeney Jawara Vashhani

Robert Vitale

We Pray for Our Loved Ones Serving Our Country Col. Mark Blanek, US Army;

Staff Sgt. Steven Foody; Sergeant Sebastian Grabacki;

Sgt. Michael Grabarek; 2nd Lt. Nathaniel Greenberg, US Army;

LCDR Kyle Harken, US Navy; Petty Officer 2nd Class John Ilg;

Spc. Douglas Junius; Captain Emily Kopec;

ETN3 Joseph Kula, US Navy; PFC Kevin Lawinger;

First Lieutenant Caroline Lorenzini; MAJ. James Maicke;

Chandler Muszynski, Master of Arms, US Navy; Fr. Filbert Ngwila, Army Chaplain; 2nd Lt. Ryan A. Peters, US Army;

Seaman Emily Strafaci; Petty Officer 2nd Class Matthew Strafaci;

Seaman Riley Strafaci; Staff Sgt. Joshua Tischler, USAF Pararescue;

Lieutenant James Viano; Staff Sgt. Larry Waszak

We Pray for Our Beloved Dead Saranne Milano, wife of Robert, mother of Robert, Gerianne, and Jeanna, grandmother of 5 Ann McCarthy, aunt of Meg Kreikemeier Rosemarie Pritasil, sister of Jane Prikazsky

Call the Parish Center Office to place a loved one’s name in your immediate family on our prayer list.

Remembering Our Loved Ones in Prayer

Fathers in Our Lives We give our thanks, Creator God, for the fathers in our lives.

Fatherhood does not come with a manual, and reality teaches us that some fathers excel while others fail.

We ask for Your blessings for them all and forgiveness where it is needed. This Father's Day we remember the many sacrifices fathers make for their children and families, and the ways--both big and small--

they lift children to achieve dreams thought beyond reach. So too, we remember all those who have helped fill the void when fathers

pass early or are absent; grandfathers and uncles, brothers and cousins, teachers, pastors and coaches and the women of our families. For those who are fathers, we ask for wisdom and humility

in the face of the task of parenting. Give them the strength to do well by their children and by You.

In Your Holy name, O God, we pray. Amen.

- Rev. Chuck Currie

God, Our Father God, our Father Bless these men, that they may find strength as fathers. Let the example of their faith and love shine forth. Grant that we, their sons and daughters, may honor them always with a spirit of profound respect. - Author Unknown

Page 15: St. John of the Cross Parish · 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 21, 2020 St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs, Illinois ~ 708-246-4404 ~

Monday, June 22 St. Paulinus of Nola; Sts. John Fisher and Thomas More † Deacon Robert Mueller † Katie Seitz Tuesday, June 23 † Rose Adducci Wednesday, June 24 Solemnity of the Nativity of St. John the Baptist † Reynald Cierniak Thursday, June 25 † Shirley Kazragis Friday, June 26 † Colette McNichols Saturday, June 27 St. Cyril of Alexandria; Blessed Virgin Mary 9:00am † Our Beloved Dead 4:00pm † Catherine Boyle † Thomas Stolfa † Michelle Montalto Sunday, June 28 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:00am † Jim Keane 11:00am † Harold Stanton † Joan Hutton † Martin Family † Joanne Duffy † Edward Baniewicz † Jordan Sokolnik Living Remembrances in Italics

Contact Our Staff Mass Remembrances

Rev. Marc W. Reszel, Pastor [email protected] Rev. Jesudas Gudime, Assoc. Pastor [email protected] Senior Deacon Joe Pepitone [email protected] Deacon John Schopp [email protected] Deacon Rich Voytas [email protected] Bill Bright, Director of Outreach [email protected] Janet Caschetta, Director of YC [email protected] Marguerite Chrusciel, Finance Mgr [email protected] Frank DiPompeo, Plant Mgr [email protected] Mary Beth Drafz, Digital Comm Coor [email protected] Kathleen Gorman, Principal [email protected] Jessica Koch, Director of Music [email protected] MJ Martin, Director of Operations [email protected] Katie Pruitt, HS Youth Minister [email protected] Theresa Reyes, Receptionist [email protected] Elizabeth Russell-Jones, Welcome [email protected] Christina Turlek, Finance Assistant [email protected] Gale Voytas, Ministry Assistant [email protected] Steven Weigand, Pastoral Associate [email protected]

SJC Parish Center 5005 Wolf Road

Western Springs, IL 60558 708-246-4404

Visit our parish website: www.stjohnofthecross.org

Sign up to attend Mass on our parish website. Call the Parish Center if you need assistance.

Confessions A priest will hear your confession

after daily Mass Monday-Saturday. Please sign up for Mass and see the priest afterwards.

SJC Parish School 708 51st Street

Western Springs IL 60558 708-246-4454

Youth Catechesis 708 51st Street

Western Springs, IL 60558 708.246.6760

Conquering the tongue

is better than fasting

on bread and water.

— St. John of the Cross


Pictured to the left is our fantastic Teaching Parish Program Seminarian, Ryan Mau with his Dad! Ryan, you are missed at SJC, and we hope you are having a great summer! “Thank you Dad for being a strong support system and for having confidence in me to reach my dreams!” —Ryan

Page 16: St. John of the Cross Parish · 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 21, 2020 St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs, Illinois ~ 708-246-4404 ~




d b

y S









Sign Up to Attend Mass on our Website!


Weekday Mass Schedule:

Monday-Saturday: 9am Mass

with 160 people in attendance at each Mass

Weekend Mass Schedule:

June 27-28:

4pm Saturday, 9am, 11am with 160 people at each Mass

July 4-5:

4pm Saturday, 7:30am, 9am, 11am and 5pm

with 160 people at each Mass

St. John of the Cross Parish

Welcomes You Back!

Page 17: St. John of the Cross Parish · 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time June 21, 2020 St. John of the Cross Parish 5005 Wolf Road ~ Western Springs, Illinois ~ 708-246-4404 ~

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009239 St John of the Cross Church (A) www.jspaluch.com For Ads: J.S. Paluch Co., Inc. 1-800-566-6170

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Consider RememberingYour Parish in Your Will.

For further information, please call the Parish Office.