St John’s College Newsletter No. 5 27th February, 2015 Dear Parents, Friends and Carers, The Leadership Team is currently aending the North Cluster Leadership Teams’ Symposium for 2015. This event happens about every five years and is a wonderful opportunity to reflect upon the meaning and purpose of Catholic Educaon in an environment which is rapidly changing under Pope Francis. Yesterday morning we were privileged to acvely engage as learners with Professor/ Brother David Hall who is a Marist Brother and has been a long term school principal and is now a professor at the Australian Catholic University. Brother David challenged us with the concept that Catholic schools and the Church do not have a mission as such, rather, that God has a mission that uses Catholic schools and the Church as an instrument for his work. Our purpose is different to schools in other sectors because our prime purpose is to allow students to encounter God every day and in every person and situaon. As an instuon at the heart of the church, we have to develop our own ecclesiascal vision which may not necessarily align perfectly with the tradional catholic vision. Pope Francis has brought a more human aspect to the interpretaon of church law in recent mes and while not changing any aspect of the teaching, he has refused to judge others for their different views. He challenges us to reflect upon whether truth defines our life or does our life define the truth. In this new facet of the Church, Brother David asked us to see the Church in a more motherly light rather than the harsh hierarchical church of earlier mes. We could be choosing compassion over compeon, humility over power, inclusion over hierarchy, understanding over dogmasm, community over legalism, educaon over condemnaon and love over entlement. Moving a whole school to this view of life would be a major challenge and will only be possible in small steps. Here at St John’s we would like to think we are already on this journey. The move would start with everyone realising that they are made in the image and likeness of God so they have a contribuon to make and that they are extremely valuable. Similarly, our relaonships with other people would be so much beer if we could come to appreciate that they are also made in the image of God. A consequence of this would be that we would create a collecve strength that would inspire hope and infinite possibilies. As a leadership team we certainly have been given something to think about. Earlier on in the week we saw approximately seventy students parcipang in the North Zone Swimming Carnival. Congratulaons to our North Zone swimmers who achieved third place at the interschool carnival this week. The year 12 students spent a wonderful day yesterday with presenters from Mighty Minds, developing strategies for the QCS test to be held in early September. The cohort seem to have grasped the concept that teamwork is the essenal ingredient in this operaon. Finally, next week we will commence the enrolment process for year 7 for 2016. We will visit Stella Maris on Tuesday and St Joseph’s on Wednesday. The year 7, 2016 Informaon Night will be on Tuesday 10 th March. We are expecng to be significantly oversubscribed in 2016 so please pass this informaon on to any families that you know who may be thinking of enrolling in this cohort. Although you are reading this as our Symposium concludes, we are at the end of week five and an eighth of the way through the year. Time to get busy! FROM THE LEADERSHIP TEAM

St John’s College Newsletter 5 27th February.pdf · St John’s College Newsletter ... The year 12 students spent a wonderful day yesterday with presenters from Mighty Minds,

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St John’s College Newsletter No. 5 27th February, 2015

Dear Parents, Friends and Carers,

The Leadership Team is currently attending the North Cluster Leadership Teams’ Symposium for 2015. This event happens about every five years and is a wonderful opportunity to reflect upon the meaning and purpose of Catholic Education in an environment which is rapidly changing under Pope Francis.

Yesterday morning we were privileged to actively engage as learners with Professor/ Brother David Hall who is a Marist Brother and has been a long term school principal and is now a professor at the Australian Catholic University. Brother David challenged us with the concept that Catholic schools and the Church do not have a mission as such, rather, that God has a mission that uses Catholic schools and the Church as an instrument for his work.

Our purpose is different to schools in other sectors because our prime purpose is to allow students to encounter God every day and in every person and situation. As an institution at the heart of the church, we have to develop our own ecclesiastical vision which may not necessarily align perfectly with the traditional catholic vision. Pope Francis has brought a more human aspect to the interpretation of church law in recent times and while not changing any aspect of the teaching, he has refused to judge others for their different views. He challenges us to reflect upon whether truth defines our life or does our life define the truth.

In this new facet of the Church, Brother David asked us to see the Church in a more motherly light rather than the harsh hierarchical church of earlier times. We could be choosing compassion over competition, humility over power, inclusion over hierarchy, understanding over dogmatism, community over legalism, education over condemnation and love over entitlement. Moving a whole school to this view of life would be a major challenge and will only be possible in small steps. Here at St John’s we would like to think we are already on this journey.

The move would start with everyone realising that they are made in the image and likeness of God so they have a contribution to make and that they are extremely valuable. Similarly, our relationships with other people would be so much better if we could come to appreciate that they are also made in the image of God. A consequence of this would be that we would create a collective strength that would inspire hope and infinite possibilities. As a leadership team we certainly have been given something to think about.

Earlier on in the week we saw approximately seventy students participating in the North Zone Swimming Carnival. Congratulations to our North Zone swimmers who achieved third place at the interschool carnival this week.

The year 12 students spent a wonderful day yesterday with presenters from Mighty Minds, developing strategies for the QCS test to be held in early September. The cohort seem to have grasped the concept that teamwork is the essential ingredient in this operation.

Finally, next week we will commence the enrolment process for year 7 for 2016. We will visit Stella Maris on Tuesday and St Joseph’s on Wednesday. The year 7, 2016 Information Night will be on Tuesday 10th March. We are expecting to be significantly oversubscribed in 2016 so please pass this information on to any families that you know who may be thinking of enrolling in this cohort.

Although you are reading this as our Symposium concludes, we are at the end of week five and an eighth of the way through the year. Time to get busy!


From the Assistant Principal

Thanks for Information Evenings

Every year we have a wonderful turn out for the Year 11 and 12 Information Evenings and this year has been no different.

Thanks to all those parents and students who have come along – particularly those in Year 12 who braved the nasty weather than

was about.

Ms Ring and Mr Brown have both gone through the expectations of our Senior students, and have e-mailed parents copies of the

slides used on the evening. We are extremely lucky at St John’s to have these two wonderful staff members being such positive

pastoral influences within those year levels.

Should you have any questions or concerns as a result of information that has been discussed, please contact the relevant staff

member for assistance.

Our new reporting system – Student Reporting System (SRS)

St John’s will be adopting the Student Reporting System (SRS) this year. This is a really positive and exciting change will bring

us into uniformity with all other BCE schools, many of whom have been using it successfully for some time now. For those

parents who have experiences with the local Catholic primary schools, you will instantly notice some very familiar phrases and

information contained in our new format.

There are some great potential benefits, some of which we will gain access to over time – like any change, this will be a learning

process for all of us, so it may be a couple of years before we reap all of the benefits which are available.

Our priorities in implementing this change have been to:

(a) ensure that the new process is as simple, clear and “user-friendly” for our staff to allow them to be able to provide

parents and carers with timely, valid and useful feedback; and

(b) provide students, parents and carers with a similar final product to that which has been used in previous years. This will

hopefully assist those “established” students, parents and carers to also make the adjustment to the new process in a

stress-free manner.

As with any centralised process, there are always some limitations, and the SRS system is no different. We are working around

these as best we can and are very confident that the final products will ultimately be extremely useful for all students, parents

and carers in the future.

The first reports which will be completed using the SRS will be our Mid-Semester One Progress Reports. These are completed

by staff at the end of Week 8 and should be ready to send home with students in Week 9 of this term. We will advise once this

has occurred.

The Mid-Semester One Progress Reports give an overview, or general picture, of student progress in a number of Learning

Areas (or “work habits” as they have been called in the past). They are not strictly related to Academic progress and aim to give

a broad indication to parents / carers and students of how they are going so far. Whilst there is a “Progress” rating included, this

does not include only formal assessment which may have been completed. It will also take into account formative assessment

(such as practice tests, drafts of work etc). This also means that having the highest ratings on this report does not necessarily

guarantee any student of an “A” result in the End of Semester Reports. Every student needs to work hard in every learning

experience to maximise their results at all times.

The Mid-Semester One Progress Reports see students receive a rating on 5 areas:

Preparation and Organisation

Use of class time

Completion of homework and assignments



Most importantly, we are encouraging staff to keep the lines of communication with parents / carers open to ensure that when

these reports do come home, that there are no “surprises” in them. In line with this, we also encourage parents to keep up their

communication with teachers if there are concerns.

Formal reporting processes can only give limited information – effective feedback on areas for commendation or improvement

will often entail a much greater depth of information than any formal report can give. These Learning Partnerships are important,

and the major beneficiary of them working effectively will always be the student.

Subject changes.

A couple of weeks ago I wrote outlining my concern that some students, and parents / carers, appear to be “Teacher Shopping”

this year and are trying to switch classes rather than giving their allocated teachers the opportunity to establish themselves within

their classes.

It continues to be a concern that some students, and parents / carers, do not seem willing to give some of our new staff who have

joined the St John’s community a “fair go” before deciding that they are not a satisfactory teacher. This type of behaviour goes

against our Catholic ethos and is not something that we will ever encourage in a community that prides itself on being welcoming

to all.

We do not entertain requests for changes of Core Groups or teachers within a subject without very serious consideration of all

issues involved. Requests for changes to another teacher’s class based on the fact that “they had this teacher last year and got a

good result” will rarely be accommodated without additional evidence to support such a change.

I will again reiterate that we do have an established procedure in place should there be a genuine concern about a teacher or class.

It is expected that this is resolved in a mature and respectful manner. The concerns should be discussed with the teacher involved

in the first instance and an opportunity to find a satisfactory outcome provided to that teacher.

Should this not be possible for some reason, or a satisfactory outcome not able to be achieved, the Middle Leaders in both the

Curriculum and Pastoral areas may be able to assist further, as can the College Counsellor. This next step will usually involve

facilitating a meeting between the teacher, other relevant staff, students and parents / carers to determine all of the relevant issues

and see how these issues may be able to be addressed.

Only after those avenues have been exhausted should students, parents and carers contact the appropriate member of the College

Leadership Team to look into this matter.

This process does assist our students in developing resilience and prepares them for their future lives. There will always be

people in any workplace who pose a struggle to be able to get along effectively with, but simply moving away will not be an

option. Therefore, it is important that students develop appropriate coping skills now to be able to deal with those situations in

the future.

This structure is in place to ensure equity and fairness for all members of the College community and your assistance in ensuring

respect and dignity is maintained at all time is greatly appreciated.

Term Dates for 2016 and beyond:

The term dates for the academic years from 2015 right through until 2020 are now available on the Brisbane Catholic Education

website at: http://www.bne.catholic.edu.au/students-parents/Pages/TermDates.aspx . Parents are asked to check these dates

carefully BEFORE booking any travel plans which take students out of school before the end of term.

Whilst we understand that it may not always be possible for parents and carers to get their annual leave to match up with these

school holidays, the College does not condone nor encourage absences for holidays outside of those allocated times.

Senior students can expect to have a great deal of assessment due in the last two weeks of EVERY term throughout their

Alternative Program Weeks. It is a clearly stated expectation that students attend during these times to fulfil their QCAA

requirements. This was pointed out to all parents during Information Evenings which are held in Years 10, 11 and 12.

Should a student have to be absent during term time, appropriate contact should be made with both their Pastoral Care teacher

AND the appropriate Pastoral Middle Leader for that year level informing them of this absence. They will be able to advise other

teachers and ensure that the student is well aware of the expectations in regards to assessment.

Please remember that, as per our assessment policies and procedures, any assignment work which is due whilst the students are

away will be required to be submitted prior to their departure. Exams cannot be sat early and will be expected to be completed as

soon as the students return to school. The appropriate forms to apply for such changes are available through the College website.

Your assistance in adhering to these procedures in this regard would be greatly appreciated.

Date – claimers.

Please be aware of the upcoming events and mark on your home calendars to attend where possible:

Tuesday, March 10 – Year 7 2016 Information Evening

Parent teacher nights – Thursday, 23 and Tuesday, April 28

Wednesday, June 24 - SET Plan Information night for Year 10

We look forward to welcoming many of you with your children to these sessions.

Mark O’Connor – Assistant Principal

Good morning parents and carers It is that time of the year when we need to do “housekeeping” in relation to parent information that we have on our database here at St John’s. Each student was given through the week a “BCE Student Validation” report to take home. Parents/carers are asked to make any corrections to this paperwork and return it to the office by Monday 16 March. It is most important that the college has the most up-to-date phone numbers in case of any emergency (particularly medical) that may arise with your son or daughter. Please also pay particular attention to email addresses, residential and billing addresses. With kind regards Maree Cuthbertson Secretary to the Principal

Cross Country Training Running training has already started with the years 9-12 having a good ‘hitout’ at Mudjimba beach on Thursday. We

will be running 2 sessions per week for the remainder of this term. The next 2 weeks are outlined below and then a

program until the holidays will be developed around student interest.

Years 7&8 Session 2 special sessions for Years 7&8 only.

Tuesday 3 March & Tuesday 10 March

Meet at Mudjimba Surf Club car park at 6.30am OR

Catch the school bus from school (library courts) at 6.00am

School bus brings runners back to school at about 8.00am

Breakfast is not supplied so bring something to eat or buy from the tuckshop

Year 7&8’s are NOT to come to Thursday session at Mudjimba for the first 2 weeks(with the surfers)

Years 9-12 only Sessions Thursday 5 March at Mudjimba Beach

Meet at Skate Park end of Mudjimba Beach at 6.00 OR

Catch the school bus from school (library courts) at 5.40am

Thursday 12 March at Mt Coolum

Same arrangements except that the bus will pick anyone up at Mudjimba and take to Coolum. We will be at Mt Coolum at

about 6.15.

I will send out the next round of training sessions in the newsletter in 2 weeks time when I have a good idea about student


Ian Fenwick

From the finance desk…..

Band – Costs included on Term Two invoice

Senior Jerseys – Letter sent home from Mr Brown. Qkr is preferred payment option.

Listed as Senior Jersey in School Uniform section. Payment due by Friday, 13th March


School Fees –Term One Fees due 2nd March 2015, unless you have a payment plan in place.

Payment Plans – preferred payment option at St Johns College. All Forms available on the

SJC website under Enrolment/Fees.

Sport Registration Fees –Netball, Rugby and Soccer Fees included on Term Two invoices.

Concession Applications – For those families experiencing financial difficulties, please

contact Danielle Twomey (Finance Secretary) or Kim Harrison (Business Manager) sooner

rather than later.

Qkr! Payment Option – Free Mobile phone app for a variety of school items, including

Uniforms. There is a ‘How To’ Guide available on the SJC website, under Enrolment/Fees.

Sibling Discounts – It’s not too late to apply! Form available on the SJC website under


“Dogs have no money. Isn’t that amazing? They’re broke their entire lives. But they get

through. You know why dogs have no money?....No pockets.” Jerry Seinfeld

Enjoy your week!












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CAMPUS MINSTER NEWS What a wonderful week we have had with 12 Candidates being enrolled into the Catholic Church the

biggest group we have had in 15 years that I know of. Many of our young people have then continued

their faith journey in Mission work both in Australian and overseas. They have been empowered and

strengthened by the by the Holy Spirit. Congratulations to all the Catechumens and their sponsors.

Our Sacramental Program which we have named GIFT (Growing in Faith Together ) will be

celebrating the Baptisms of 3 of our Candidates at St Joseph’s Catholic Church after 6pm Mass on

Saturday 28th March. This will be followed by a BBQ and the NET ministry Brisbane team

encounter evening. This free youth group event open is open to all our young people ( 12 years and

over) and will start at 7.30 pm til 10.30 pm in the Ryan Room. The night will include music and games

in a contemporary Christian setting.

The Prayer and Liturgy committee will be having a spiritual formation twilight reflection afternoon on

Friday 6th March in the GSC. The aim of this afternoon is to assist students in understanding the

celebration of the Eucharist and and develop practices in our school. This includes the symbols of the

Liturgy, THE Word, the gestures, the rituals , the environment and the seasons. It will also encompass

the practical considerations of organising ministry, the Words, the space and the Communion rite .

See Cortney Claridge or Ms Baker.

Social Action Committee will be doing their Easter egg drive and delivery to Aged care facilities on

Easter Saturday. Only 10% of nursing home residents are visited in these facilities so you can help

make a difference to the residents by giving up 1 hour on Easter Saturday or bring in eggs. Contact

person Ashton Darracott and Breanna Heely or Ms Ashton.

Soup kitchen Wednesday 4-6 pm contact [email protected]

As we approach the second week of lent here is a prayer you might like to share with your family

Lord as we begin this holy season of Lent, grant us a change of heart we may turn away from sin and follow the Gospel. We ask you to fill us with hunger for what is just. By your grace may our lives become less selfish and more deeply rooted in self-sacrifice and a willingness to share. May your reign of justice fully flourish in our class during Lent, truly showing itself when we greet your risen Son at Easter. We ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Today I presented 12 young

people to Fr Graham for the

Sacraments of Baptism,


Confirmation and Eucharist.

The Baptism of Tigi, John

and Ashleigh will be held

on the 28 March at St

Joseph’s Catholic

Church after 6.00 pm Mass.

This will be followed by a

BBQ. NET Ministries will

be run an encounter

with our youth group after

the BBQ.

Everyone welcome.

Tracey Langford

Campus Minister

Increased numbers of students are patronising the library at lunchtime. The library has purchased new

games, which our students seem very enthusiastic about. Pictured are Ruby, Jamacia, Emily and Georgia

finding a cosy corner, in this season of rain and showers.

Other games / sets available are: -


Chess sets



Playing cards


Sea Battle





Year 7 2016 Enrolment Interviews


St John’s College, Nambour

Parent/Carer information:

Members of the college leadership team will be visiting St Joseph’s

primary school and Stella Maris primary school in early March 2015. Year

6 students for Year 7 2016 will be given enrolment packs for St John’s


Year 6s will be interviewed from Monday 23 March to Thursday 2 April

for Year 7 2016 enrolment at St John's College.

A Parent Information Evening will be held on Tuesday 10 March at 7pm at

St John’s College in the Multi-Purpose Centre.

Only 120 places will be available for Year 7 2016.

Parents with students already at St John’s who have a Year 7 student

for 2016 will need to ring the office for an enrolment pack as siblings

are not automatically enrolled.

At St John’s College we provide quality education in an environment that

nurtures children in their Catholic faith.

The following letter was sent to all parents and students at the end of 2014. This is a

reminder to all students, including new students that an expression of interest in this

tour is due into the office by next Friday, 6th March.


Dear Students and Parents

After the success of the 2013 netball tour to England, the college is proposing another overseas sporting tour in September

2016. The proposal is to take netball, rugby and soccer teams to England and Ireland. As with past netball/rugby tours,

previously to England, New Zealand, Vanuatu and Fiji, this tour will have primarily a sporting and cultural focus.

To continue organising such an ambitious trip, there has to be some commitment shown, both personally and financially, by

both parents and students. This newsletter is to allow time for students and parents to prepare for the financial cost of the

tour. The tour will take place in the 2016 September holidays, lasting 13 or 14 days after normal interschool seasons for

these sports have concluded and be seen as one way of developing our Juniors and strengthening all three sports at St John’s,

rather than taking the “best” teams on tour.

However, this tour will be different from previous overseas tours when all students who wanted to tour were included in the

touring teams. For the 2016 UK Tour, students will be selected in teams by the staff and/or coaches based on the following:

the initial student and parent expression of interest (students and parents must be aware that even though students may

be interested in touring, the final touring squad will be selected by the school based on a number of factors.)

students who play netball, rugby or soccer in a SJC team in the 2015 and 2016 seasons and are in the following year

groups in 2016 (Netball: Years 9 through to 12; Rugby: Years 10 through to 12; Soccer: Years 10 through to 12)

the skill level of the student as shown in SJC teams throughout the 2015 and 2016 netball, rugby and soccer seasons

the selection of one rugby team; the possibility of two soccer teams – boys and girls; and the possibility of three netball


As this is such an ambitious tour, there needs to be a great deal of staff/parent/student communication. This communication

will be in the form of regular newsletters and parent meetings. The initial meeting for interested students and parents to

discuss the overall concept and vision of the tour will take place in the GSC on Wednesday 18th

March 2015, but further

organising details will depend on the response to the expression of interest form. All students who want to be considered for

selection in touring teams will need to complete the following:

Return the Expression of Interest form to the office by Friday 6th March 2015.

A decision with regard to the selection of students eligible for the tour will be finalised by Wednesday 3rd June 2015 and

students notified. A second meeting of parents and students will be held on Thursday 16 th July where all information

regarding monetary payments for the tour will be given to students and parents.

Plane flights will be booked in early 2015 with the proposed cost of the tour being estimated at approximately $4500 (based

on the previous UK netball tour). This estimate does not include individual student “spending” money. A more definite cost

will be available in Term 2 2015 and will depend on final costs, fundraising and sponsorship opportunities. As with our past

sporting tours, all attempts will be made to keep the overall cost of the tour as low as possible.

Sport is an effective means through which students learn about touring, about other cultures, about team and school spirit,

and also about discipline, pride in one’s school and what it means to be an ambassador for St John’s. This tour will be a

memorable one for the students, offering once in a lifetime experiences, opportunities to enjoy the sights and culture of

different parts of the UK and to develop team spirit and ongoing friendships.

I am acutely aware of the cost of the tour and I ask students not to rely solely on parents, but to work towards contributing to

the tour by part-time work commitments. I believe this will be a great cultural experience, excellent for the development of

netball, rugby and soccer at St. John’s and above all, an opportunity for our students to meet students from another country in

their school setting. For this tour to go ahead, we must have the support of our students and parents and have sufficient

numbers to make the tour viable. I am really excited about this opportunity and look forward to sharing it with staff, students

and parents.

Yours sincerely




EXPRESSION OF INTEREST FORM If you complete the form below, it will be assumed that you and your son/daughter are interested in being considered for

selection in one of the touring teams.

Please feel free to contact Maree Anning if further information is required.



MARCH 2015 I am interested in being a member of the 2016 Netball/Rugby/Soccer Tour to England/Ireland.

STUDENT’S NAME: _______________________________________________(Please print)

YEAR: _________ AGE: ________________ PC: _____________

I am interested in being selected in following team for the England/Ireland Tour in 2016:


I intend to play for St John’s in the Interschool Competition in the following team in 2015:


Parent’s Signature: _______________________________Phone Number: ______________

Student’s Signature: __________________________________



Unfortunately, games against St Teresa's had to be cancelled last


This week we are scheduled to play St. Andrews at Peregian.

13's commencing at 4.00pm. More details will be provided as they

come to hand.

Students need to return their permission slips before playing.


Training Monday at Coes Creek Rd 3-4:30.

U13 Football Boys and Girls

Training continuing this week with Round 3 against St Teresa’s this Friday.

District Trials

Football (Soccer): 2nd of March (Open Boys and Girls)

Rugby Union: 2nd of March (Open)

Rugby League: 4th of March (15s/Open’s)

Basketball: 5th of March (Open/Y15 Boys and Girls)

Please contact – John Calvo for further details

North Zone Swimming Team

Would love to send out a big shout out for a great effort from all our swimmers as they were rewarded with

a close overall 3rd place missing out to St Teresa’s Catholic College and Sunshine Beach State high at North

Zone Swimming meet yesterday at Nambour Pool.

Amazing individual efforts from Jezze Gorman and Elliana Mc Menanamin being award age champion for

their respective age groups including a close second by Tyson McBride and 3rd place by Tahli Grant in the

Opens also.

Finally would like to congratulate all the fantastic swimmers that participated on the day and the leadership

and care taken by Nicholas Waters, Julie Dowling and Share McBride that made the day possible.

Place Team Points

1. St Teresa's Catholic College

2. Sunshine Beach State High Sch

3. St John's College

St John's College Regional Entries 1. Gorman, Hastingz - Male - Age: 17 - Ind/Rel: 1 / 0

#22 Boys 17-19 50 Back SQ 32.00 34.00

2. Gorman, Jezze - Male - Age: 15 - Ind/Rel: 3 / 0

#18 Boys 15 50 Back SQ 33.00 31.83 #52 Boys 15 50 Fly SQ 30.00 29.37

#106 Boys 15 50 Free SQ 27.50 26.87

3. McBride, Tyson - Male - Age: 17 - Ind/Rel: 3 / 0

#56 Boys 17-19 50 Fly SQ 29.00 30.34 #88 Boys 17-19 50 Breast SQ 35.50 36.36

#110 Boys 17-19 50 Free SQ 27.00 27.21

4. McMenamin, Ellie - Female - Age: 17 - Ind/Rel: 9 / 0

#1 Girls 10-19 400 Free 4:28.16 #5 Girls 13-19 200 IM 2:21.30

#39 Girls 17-19 100 Free SQ 1:04.00 59.30 #67 Girls 17-19 100 Back 1:08.30

#71 Girls 13-19 200 Free 2:08.00 #91 Girls 13-19 100 Fly 1:02.60

#93 Girls 10-19 200 Back 2:24.50 #121 Girls 17-19 100 Breast 1:14.50

#123 Girls 10-19 200 Fly 2:15.20

John Calvo

Sports Co-Ordinator

ARTSPACE Mural group is up and running again for 2015 in Art room 40.

Here is a recent photo of the students hard at work at their group

projects. If you like designing, painting or being part of a fun

group and you are in Yr 7 or 8 and would like to join please feel

free to pop in anytime to the art rooms and let Mrs Thompson or

Miss McCaul know. Mural group happens every Thursday at


Winters coming it’s a good excuse to get out of the cold.


It’s here! The QTFF film workshops are this weekend! If your son or daughter is attending

the Greenscreen Workshop being held here at school on Friday, they are most welcome to

stay at school. Miss McCaul and myself will be here supervising from afterschool until the

completion of the workshop. Afternoon tea will be given to the students prior to the start

time of 4:00 . Can you please send the registration form with your son or daughter tomor-

row as they will be collected at the workshops.

If your son or daughter is attending the 2 day In the Bin Workshop, they need to be at

school 5– 10 minutes before the start time to be ready to start promptly at 9:00am on both

Saturday and Sunday. Signs will be displayed if you are unsure where to drop your son or

daughter off. Please print and fill in the registration form to hand in on arrival. The students

will have a short break for morning tea which will be provided and a longer break for lunch

which is also provided. The STUFFit Student Management Team will be assisting with

the catering and organisation. We are looking forward to the workshops which will be very

exciting for the students involved. Happy filming! KKM




WEDNESDAY 8.00am - 3.45pm

and THURSDAY 8.00am - 3.45pm

Contact Details

Principal Chris Gold

[email protected]

Deputy David Cuskelly

[email protected]

A.P.R.E. Fiona Baker

[email protected]

A.P. A Mark O’Connor

[email protected]

Business Kim Harrison

Manager [email protected]

College Phone: 5441 5666

Absentee Line: 5444 9299

Email: [email protected]

Twitter: @SJC_Nam

Fax: 5441 7399

Pastoral Co-Ordinators Year 12 Amy Ring

[email protected]

Year 11 Chris Brown

[email protected]

Year 10 Michael Corboy

[email protected]

Year 9 Jonathan Hayes

[email protected]

Year 8 Dan Ashton

[email protected]

Year 7 Jess Lusk

[email protected]

Heads of Department

Arts Kathryn Kiernan-Molloy

[email protected]

Business & Sharon Punter

LOTE [email protected]

English Maree Anning

[email protected]

HPE Kristen Medveczky

[email protected]

Hospitality Julie Dowling

[email protected]

Humanities Kerry Doblo

[email protected]

Math Tegan Stewart

[email protected]

Pastoral Rebecca Barrett

[email protected]

Science Elizabeth Sutton

[email protected]

Sport John Calvo

[email protected]

Technology Timothy Jones

[email protected]

Snr Pathways Bernadette Natoli

(VET) [email protected]

Teacher/ Anne Maree O’Brien/Anna Corboy

Librarian [email protected]

[email protected]



Student Absentee Line: 5444 9299