St. Laurence Parish 225 Jewett St. | Elgin, IL 60123 Parish Office - 225 Jewett St. 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Tuesday - Thursday Phone - 847-468-6900 Rectory - 226 Orchard St. After-Hours Emergency: 847-468-6100 https://stlaurenceelgin.org EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION Saturday - 4:00 PM, 6:00 PM Spanish Sunday - 7:15, 9:30, 11:30 AM Spanish Monday - Friday 8:00 AM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Tuesday 5:00 - 7:00 PM Special times upon request. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE & BAPTISM Check our website for more information. Stlaurenceelgin.org/parish-information PASTORAL STAFF Fr. Andrew Mulcahey - [email protected] Fr. Robert Camacho - Priest in Residence Deacon Joe Bermea - [email protected] Business Manager Belinda Bermea [email protected] Religious Education Thomas O’Leary, DRE - [email protected] Antonia Ramirez, CRE - [email protected] Finance Council Joe Malas, Chairman My House Shall Be Called A House of Prayer Please help us keep a prayerful and reverent atmosphere in the Church before and after Mass. Let Us Build a House…We welcome you! We invite you to journey with our St Laurence Community as we seek to grow in faith and love for one another and to bring the GOOD NEWS of Salvation to all we meet. Visitors, those considering a return to the faith, and our faithful members…All are welcome in this place. Construyamos una casa ...¡Te damos la bienvenida! Te invitamos a viajar con nuestra comunidad de St Laurence, mientras seguimos creciendo en la fe y el amor mutuo, llevando las BUENAS NOTICIAS de Salvación a todos los que conocemos. Visitantes, aquellos que están considerando un regreso a la fe, y nuestros miembros fieles...Todos son bienvenidos en este lugar.

St. Laurence Parish

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Page 1: St. Laurence Parish

St. Laurence Parish 225 Jewett St. | Elgin, IL 60123

Parish Office - 225 Jewett St. 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM Tuesday - Thursday Phone - 847-468-6900 Rectory - 226 Orchard St. After-Hours Emergency: 847-468-6100 https://stlaurenceelgin.org EUCHARISTIC CELEBRATION Saturday - 4:00 PM, 6:00 PM Spanish Sunday - 7:15, 9:30, 11:30 AM Spanish Monday - Friday 8:00 AM SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Tuesday 5:00 - 7:00 PM Special times upon request. SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE & BAPTISM Check our website for more information. Stlaurenceelgin.org/parish-information

PASTORAL STAFF Fr. Andrew Mulcahey - [email protected] Fr. Robert Camacho - Priest in Residence Deacon Joe Bermea - [email protected] Business Manager Belinda Bermea [email protected] Religious Education Thomas O’Leary, DRE - [email protected] Antonia Ramirez, CRE - [email protected] Finance Council Joe Malas, Chairman

My House Shall Be Called A House of Prayer Please help us keep a prayerful and reverent atmosphere in the Church before and after Mass.

Let Us Build a House…We welcome you! We invite you to journey with our St Laurence Community as we seek to grow in faith and love for one another and to bring the GOOD NEWS of Salvation to all we meet. Visitors, those considering a return to the faith, and our faithful members…All are welcome in this place.

Construyamos una casa ...¡Te damos la bienvenida! Te invitamos a viajar con nuestra comunidad de St Laurence, mientras seguimos creciendo en la fe y el amor mutuo, llevando las BUENAS NOTICIAS de Salvación a todos los que conocemos. Visitantes, aquellos que están considerando un regreso a la fe, y nuestros miembros fieles...Todos son bienvenidos en este lugar.

Page 2: St. Laurence Parish

St. Laurence Church | Jewett & Standish St. | Elgin, IL 60123 | 847-468-6900 | https://stlaurenceelgin.org

For the strengthening in faith of all who are afflicted in body, mind or spirit please pray for: Anonymous Female Miguel Arellano Loretta Barth Sergey Bolotov Kathleen Camarena Alexandra Dillon Karen Hoffman Elizabeth Obradovic Bonnie Penera Ashley Pettis Deacon Bob Plazewski Ashley Witrak

Mass Intentions, Feb 15-21, 2021

May God protect our members who serve in the armed forces and return them safely to their families: ARMY: Staff Sgt. Jennifer (Clough) Korfmacher ARMY BRAVO 1-178 INF RC: Mario Troy Vasquez AIR FORCE: Major Victoria L. Cramer COAST GUARD: Ensign Allison Rychtanek

Lord, Hear our Prayer.

Weekly Readings

Please Pray For:

Lector’s and Social Guides Adoration/Adoracion

Monday 8:00 AM Lois Mousel offered by Mary Ann Marty

Tuesday 8:00 AM Priests Everywhere offered by Mesalina Manrrique

Wednesday 8:00 AM Kay Hogan offered by Dan & Rose Playzyk

Thursday 8:00 AM Repose of the soul of J Earl Foster offered by Dr & Mrs Thomas Coppinger

Friday 8:00 AM Margarita Pantoja and Family

6:00 PM St Laurence Parish Community

Sunday 7:15 AM Mary Beuten offered by Family

(Online) 8:30 AM Rhett Lundy offered by Family

9:30 AM Maria Valencia offered by Larry Ruiz

11:30 AM Marta de Cotto offered by Family

Saturday 4:00 PM Larry Leschke offered by Sharon Leschke

Noon Ashes Only

6:30 PM Faithful Souls Departed

Monday Gn 4:1-15, 25; Ps 50:1, 8, 16bc-17, 20-21; Mk 8:11-13

Tuesday Gn 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10; Ps 29:1a, 2, 3ac-4, 3b, 9c-10; Mk 8:14-21

Wednesday Jl 2:12-18; Ps 51:3-6ab, 12-14, 17; 2 Cor 5:20 — 6:2; Mt 6:1-6, 16

Thursday Dt 30:15-20; Ps 1:1-4, 6; Lk 9:22-25

Friday Is 58:1-9a; Ps 51:3-6ab, 18-19; Mt 9:14-15

Saturday Is 58:9b-14; Ps 86:1-6; Lk 5:27-32

Sunday Gn 9:8-15; Ps 25:4-9; 1 Pt 3:18-22; Mk 1:12-15

Page 3: St. Laurence Parish

Religious Education - Tom O’Leary, DRE


Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.— 1 Corinthians 10:31

Weekly: January 30 & 31, 2021

Received $ 3,164.00

Budget $ 7,200.00


The Sacrament of First Reconciliation will be offered to this year's First Communicants on February 24th during regular class time. Parents are encouraged to attend and are also encour-aged to receive the sacrament. First Communion has been scheduled for Sunday May 9 at 1 pm with instruction and a rehearsal the preceding Wednesday at 6 pm. Our ability to hold a single date is dependent on relaxation of COVID assembly restrictions.

Every person 14 years of age or older must abstain from meat (and items made with meat) on Ash Wednesday, Good Friday, and all the Fridays of Lent. Every person between the age of 18 and 59 (beginning of 60th year) must fast on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.

Lenten Reflection by Fr. Andrew

Lent, can be and has been for me, one of the most fruitful times of spiritual progress. It is likely so because not only do we have a heightened awareness of a need to repent, turn back, and make peace once again with God, our neighbor, and ourselves, but also because during this time, God makes available for us his tremendous grace and pow-er through sacramental help. The Church recommends every year that we avail our-selves to the restorative and healing power of the Sacra-ment of Reconciliation. Often daunted by the natural forti-tude we must muster to get ourselves there, we often put it off till the very last days of Lent. Perhaps too we save it till later worried that if we go early on, we will just have to go again to regain the state of grace for our Easter Commun-ion. Heavens! How uselessly inefficient would that be. But, maybe that is the point. Maybe a most fruitful Lent would be letting God impress upon us just how weak and needy we are. And nothing guarantees that like a complete, thorough, and deep examination of conscience and a hum-ble admission of one’s sins. There are many helpful exami-nations of conscience to be found online. These can help us pinpoint something more useful and perhaps difficult we should be giving up during the Forty Days of Lent rather than sweets, TV, or coffee. And one such good confession often gives us a hefty list not only of which things we are to avoid, but also what virtues we need to strive actively to do. The preparation you put into your Confession will likely de-termine how well the rest of your Lent, and maybe even your life, will go. One thing to be noted this year regarding the reception of ashes on Ash Wednesday. The Church has the priests this year to sprinkle the ashes on the crown of the penitent’s head rather than smear them over the forehead—a non-contact safety precaution in line with many others during this year of the pandemic. I brought this up to a person who then said to me, “Well how then can anyone know that I got my ashes?” “They won’t,” I replied. Isn’t it better for them to see in us a serene, hopeful, and joyful peace that resides in a broken and contrite heart?

Page 4: St. Laurence Parish

St. Laurence Church | Jewett & Standish St. | Elgin, IL 60123 | 847-468-6900 | https://stlaurenceelgin.org

Readings for Today, Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Music Feb 13-14, 2021

4 PM & 7:15 AM

Entrance Keep in Mind SM 87 GP 434

Offertory Your Hands, O Lord SM 280

Communion Restless is the Heart GP 441

Recessional Lord of All Hopefulness SM 198

Altar Flowers

Happy Birthday Angela Bermea

By Joe & Belinda Bermea

Reading 1: Lv 13:1-2, 44-46 The LORD said to Moses and Aaron, “If someone has on his skin a scab or pustule or blotch which appears to be the sore of leprosy, he shall be brought to Aaron, the priest, or to one of the priests among his descendants. If the man is leprous and unclean, the priest shall declare him unclean by reason of the sore on his head. “The one who bears the sore of leprosy shall keep his garments rent and his head bare, and shall muffle his beard; he shall cry out, ‘Unclean, unclean!’ As long as the sore is on him he shall declare himself unclean, since he is in fact unclean. He shall dwell apart, making his abode outside the camp.” Responsorial Psalm: I turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble, and you fill me with the joy of salvation. Blessed is he whose fault is taken away, whose sin is covered. Blessed the man to whom the LORD imputes not guilt, in whose spirit there is no guile. R. I turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble, and you fill me with the joy of salvation. Then I acknowledged my sin to you, my guilt I covered not. I said, “I confess my faults to the LORD,” and you took away the guilt of my sin. R. I turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble, and you fill me with the joy of salvation. Be glad in the LORD and rejoice, you just; exult, all you upright of heart. R. I turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble, and you fill me with the joy of salvation.

Reading 2: Cor 10:31-11:1 Brothers and sisters, Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God. Avoid giving offense, whether to the Jews or Greeks or the church of God, just as I try to please everyone in every way, not seeking my own benefit but that of the many, that they may be saved. Be imitators of me, as I am of Christ. Gospel: Mk 1:40-45 A leper came to Jesus and kneeling down begged him and said, “If you wish, you can make me clean.” Moved with pity, he stretched out his hand, touched him, and said to him, “I do will it. Be made clean.” The leprosy left him immediately, and he was made clean. Then, warning him sternly, he dismissed him at once. He said to him, “See that you tell no one anything, but go, show yourself to the priest and offer for your cleansing what Moses prescribed; that will be proof for them.” The man went away and began to publicize the whole matter. He spread the report abroad so that it was impossible for Jesus to enter a town open-ly. He remained outside in deserted places, and people kept coming to him from everywhere.

Page 5: St. Laurence Parish

Lecturas de Domingo, VI Domingo Ordinario

6 PM and 11:30 AM

Entrance El Señor es mi Luz # 166

Offertory Bienaventurados # 711

Communion Como Busca la Cierva # 661

Recessional El Señor es mi Fuerza # 662

Music Feb 13-14, 2021

Todo lo que hagan ustedes, sea comer, o beber, o cualquier otra cosa, háganlo todo para gloria de Dios.— 1 Corintios 10:31

Primera Lectura: Lv 13, 1-2. 44-46

El Señor dijo a Moisés y a Aarón: “Cuando alguno tenga en su carne una o varias manchas escamosas o una mancha blanca y brillante, síntomas de la lepra, será llevado ante el sacerdote Aarón o ante cualquiera de sus hijos sacerdotes. Se trata de un leproso, y el sacerdote lo declarará impuro. El que haya sido declarado enfermo de lepra, traerá la ropa descosida, la cabeza descubierta, se cubrirá la boca e irá gritando: ‘¡Estoy contaminado! ¡Soy impuro!’ Mientras le dure la lepra, seguirá impuro y vivirá solo, fuera del cam-pamento”. Salmo Responsorial: Perdona, Señor, nuestras pe-cados. Dichoso aquel que ha sido absuelto de su culpa a su pecado. Dichoso aquel en el que Dios no encuentra ni delito ni engaño. R. R. Perdona, Señor, nuestras pecados. Ante el Señor reconocí mi culpa, no oculté mi pecado. Te confesé, Señor, mu gran delito y tú me has perdonado. R. R. Perdona, Señor, nuestras pecados. Alégrense con el Señor y regocíjense los justos todos, y todos los hombres de corazón sincero canten de gozo. R. Perdona, Señor, nuestras pecados.

Segunda Lectura: 1 Cor 10, 31–11, 1 Hermanos: Todo lo que hagan ustedes, sea comer, o be-ber, o cualquier otra cosa, háganlo todo para gloria de Di-os. No den motivo de escándalo ni a los judíos, ni a los paganos, ni a la comunidad cristiana. Por mi parte, yo procuro dar gusto a todos en todo, sin buscar mi propio interés, sino el de los demás, para que se salven. Sean, pues, imitadores míos, como yo lo soy de Cristo. Evangelio: Mc 1, 40-45 En aquel tiempo, se le acercó a Jesús un leproso para suplicarle de rodillas: “Si tú quieres, puedes curarme”. Jesús se compadeció de él, y extendiendo la mano, lo tocó y le dijo: “¡Sí quiero: Sana!” Inmediatamente se le quitó la lepra y quedó limpio. Al despedirlo, Jesús le mandó con severidad: “No se lo cuentes a nadie; pero para que conste, ve a presentarte al sacerdote y ofrece por tu purificación lo prescrito por Moisés”. Pero aquel hombre comenzó a divulgar tanto el hecho, que Jesús no podía ya entrar abiertamente en la ciudad, sino que se quedaba fuera, en lugares solitarios, a donde acudían a él de todas partes.

Page 6: St. Laurence Parish

St. Laurence Church | Jewett & Standish St. | Elgin, IL 60123 | 847-468-6900 | https://stlaurenceelgin.org


Announcing Habitat for Humanity Northern Fox

Valley 2021 Women Build Reimagined!!

You will have the option to select one of two Do-It-Yourself Projects that you can build safely in your home. We will provide you with the following: A Kit that will include all the material you need to construct

this project at home A list of tools needed to complete the project, an instruction-

al manual A special Women Build 2021 T-Shirt and goodie bag. A You Tube instructional video will be sent out on Monday, March 8 (also known as International Women’s Day 2021.) There are 2 projects: A 3’ Welcome Sign/Planter Box Combo having a $250.00 fundraising commitment, or a beautiful outdoor side table that features a removable serving tray with a $500.00 fund-raising commitment. Kits can be picked up from our Elgin Affiliate Office on Friday, March 5, or our Arlington Heights ReStore on Saturday, March 6. Sign up at habitatnfv.galaxydigital.com.

Page 7: St. Laurence Parish


Congratulations to: Felipe Nicanor

Child of Armando Nicanor & Felicitas Hernandez Who was Baptized on February 7, 2021

I turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble, and you fill me with the joy of salvation (Psalm 32)

Support our Advertisers WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE EN-COUNTER HAS GONE VIRTUAL “Whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do everything for the glory of God.” Does your marriage give glory to God? Learn how to let your Sacra-ment shine on an upcoming virtual Worldwide Marriage Encounter from the comfort of your home. There is a virtual experience during Lent, February 18 - March 31 once per week for roughly 2 hours each. Upcoming Worldwide Mar-riage Encounter Weekends are April 9-11 in Brookfield, WI and June 25-27 in Geneva, IL. For more info go to: alife-timeoflove.org or call (888) 574-5653. Para un fin de semana en español por favor llamen a Can-delario y Emilia al 815-375-4250.

Feast of Faith

The Gloria (2) The Gloria is a rejoicing prayer, an exclamation of praise. It begins with the song of the angels at the an-nouncement of the birth of Jesus (Luke 2:14), a heavenly burst of praise for God’s loving action in the world. But in the Gloria, the song goes on, leaping, as it were, from height to height, with every kind of praise, blessing, adora-tion, glory, and thanksgiving. We begin by thanking and praising God the Father; then we turn our gaze to Christ, the Lamb of God. The pas-chal mystery of Christ’s suffering, death, and resurrection is found here, at the heart of this prayer, which descends to the depths with Christ, but then rises with him to the heav-ens, where he is seated at the Father’s right hand. The Glo-ria ends with a series of acclamations to Christ, emphasiz-ing over and over that he “alone” is the Holy One, the Lord, the Most High, truly God, with the Father and the Holy Spir-it. Our prayer of praise ends where it began, in the “glory of God the Father.” The Gloria, with its arc leading us from the glory of God to the suffering of Christ and again to glory, is the pattern of the Mass itself. At the center of all our prayer is the sacrificial love of Christ. —Corinna Laughlin, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Page 8: St. Laurence Parish

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ConsiderRememberingYour Parish in

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please call the Parish Office.