St. Lorenzo Ruiz Catholic Parish Community Welcome Home! “Where Earth meets Heaven” Bishop Gerald E. Wilkerson Welcome Homewhere Earth meets Heaven...thank you for leading our community to embrace the gift of the Spirit.

St. Lorenzo Ruiz Catholic Parish Community...2019/06/09  · 9-Jun Manuel Montilla Bernadette Lim 7:30am Fielmia Cabasac HB 91yrs 9:00am John Tavi Bookrong PG Father's Day Novena Carmelita

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Page 1: St. Lorenzo Ruiz Catholic Parish Community...2019/06/09  · 9-Jun Manuel Montilla Bernadette Lim 7:30am Fielmia Cabasac HB 91yrs 9:00am John Tavi Bookrong PG Father's Day Novena Carmelita

St. Lorenzo Ruiz Catholic Parish Community Welcome Home!

“Where Earth meets Heaven”

Bishop Gerald E. Wilkerson ‘Welcome Home’ where ‘Earth meets Heaven’...thank you for leading our community to embrace the gift of the Spirit.

Page 2: St. Lorenzo Ruiz Catholic Parish Community...2019/06/09  · 9-Jun Manuel Montilla Bernadette Lim 7:30am Fielmia Cabasac HB 91yrs 9:00am John Tavi Bookrong PG Father's Day Novena Carmelita

Saludos de parte del Padre Tony...

A nuestros queridos feligreses, amigos Y benefactores,

¡Bienvenido a casa!... "Donde la tierra se encuentra con el Cielo"!

¡Es Pentecostés!... "Señor, envíanos tu Espíritu y renueva la faz de la tierra"... ¡Señor, envíanos tu Espíritu y renueva la faz de nuestra comunidad de San Lorenzo!

Recordemos y Re imaginemos cómo el Espíritu descendió poderosamente sobre los primeros seguidores y les facultó para proclamar y ser testigos del Evangelio hasta los confines de la tierra. Vayamos y contemos y volvamos a contar la historia del Espíritu a nuestras hermanas y hermanos… "Escuchar y reconocer nuestra propia vida en los muchos idiomas, culturas y acentos de otros es el verdadero milagro de Pentecostés."

Celebremos y adoptemos nuestra diversidad en la única lengua que el Espíritu Santo habla: amor, misericordia y hospitalidad. Y bien, así oramos: "Señor, quizás no tendremos el don de lenguas otorgado a los discípulos cuando se llenaron del Espíritu Santo, pero estamos dotados de la misma guía de gracia del Espíritu Santo. Al igual que esos primeros discípulos, estamos llamados a poner nuestros propios dones para usar y difundir la Buena Nueva con amor. "

Que todos nos conviértanos en testigos del lenguaje del Espíritu Santo, del lenguaje del amor... escuchando el uno al otro. Los amo a todos.

Padre Tony

Greetings from Fr. Tony…

To our dear Parishioners, Friends & Benefactors,

Welcome Home!... ‘where Earth meets heaven’!

It is Pentecost!... “Lord send us your Spirit and renew the face of the earth” … Lord send us your Spirit and renew the face of our St. Lorenzo community”!

Let us ‘remember and reimagine’ how the Spirit powerfully descended upon the early followers and empowered them to proclaim and be witnesses of the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Let us go and tell and retell the Story of the Spirit to our sisters and brothers…

“To HEAR and RECOGNIZE our very own lives in the many languages, cultures and accents of other is the true Miracle of Pentecost.”

Let us celebrate and embrace our diversity in the only language the Holy Spirit speaks –Love, Mercy and Hospitality. And so we pray: “Lord we may not have the gift of tongues bestowed upon the disciples when filled with the Holy Spirit, but we are endowed with the same grace guidance of the Holy Spirit. Like those early disciples, we are called to put our own gifts to use and spread the Good News with love. “ May we all become witnesses to the language of the Holy Spirit, the language of love… by listening to one another. I love you all.

Fr. Tony

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Do you want to continue your faith journey? Are you interested in receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation? Are you over the age of 18? Have you received

the sacraments of Baptism and First Communion? If you answered yes to all

these questions, then we have the program for you! St. Lorenzo Ruiz is

offering a 6-week Adult Confirmation Program every Monday from 7pm to 9pm beginning

July 22, 2019.

CONFIRMATION DAY is in September 2019

RCIA (the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) prepares adults to receive one or more of the Sacraments of Initiation. The Sacraments of Initiation are Baptism, Confirmation, and First Eucharist [Communion]. RCIA also prepares adult to be received into the Catholic Church if they have been baptized in another Christian church. If a person was baptized as a Catholic but never received First Eucharist and/or Confirmation, they can also be a part of the RCIA. We will be finishing the regular sessions of RCIA for those who received sacraments at the Easter Vigil.

If you, or someone you know, are interested in becoming a fully initiated member of the Catholic Church, please contact Bob Kondrath at the parish office or email [email protected].

RCIA session meet every Sunday starting with attending the Liturgy of the Word at the 10.30 am Mass.

Special message to all the Catechists by Jaeyeon Davet Eun Llovet. En nombre de todos los niños del catecismo, quiero hacer un reconocimiento especial a todas las catequistas , por su esfuerzo , dedicación y cariño, con el que nos enseñaron, y gracias a todas ellas , hemos llegado hasta este día a tomar nuestra primera comunión en Amor a Dios y Sabiendo muy bien quién es él. Muchas gracias y felicidades, espero que sigan con esa bella misión. y por favor les pido a todos un fuerte aplauso para todas ellas, Gracias.

In the name of all the children of the catechism, I want to make a special recognition of all the catechists, for their efforts, dedication, and affection, with which they have taught us. Thanks to all of them, we have made to this day in which we take our first communion with a Love to God and a Knowledge of who He is. Thank you very much and congratulations on your accomplishment. I hope you will continue with that beautiful mission. And please, I ask all of you a strong applause for all of them, Thank you.

Catechists’ Year End Appreciation Dinner Applebees—May 31

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Caeden Lorenz Claudio Valdellon Henry Joseph Sandoval

Gibson Paul Montes Marcos Leo Sunpongco

Mackenzie Lilian Sunpongco Scarlet Grace Pamulaklakin

Malaya Cassilyn Mcisaac


Hector Valdez & Andrea Garcia June 15

Cecil Sebastian & Sheila Monteagudo

June 15

Patrick Ayers & Corinne Worland June 21


Serving our Lord Through Assistance

at the Altar

Anyone (youth or adult) who has received the

First Holy Communion and committed to serv-ing our parish in a prompt, consistent, and devoted manner is eligi-

ble to become an Altar Server.

If you or your child is interested, please call the Parish office at (909) 595-9545

or email Sis Connie at [email protected] (re: New Altar Server).

...we anoint you with the oil of salvation...just as Christ was anointed priest, prophet & King...

‘....no longer two but one…’

St. Lorenzo Ruiz’s Stephen Ministry is a ministry which assists the priests in the parish dealing with people expressing various crises in their lives and what to talk with someone on a regular basis. Since our parish has only two priests with over 2700 registered families, Fr. Tony and Fr. Elmer cannot carry on long-term one-to-one caring ministry. Thus our trained Stephen Ministers are willing to meet the needs of those who are going through rough times. Our Stephen Ministers have trained to care for members of our congregation who are experienc-ing some sort of challenges in their lives such as divorce, grief, a terminal illness, loss of a job, relocation, an empty nest, retirement, hospitalization, loneliness and many other stresses or chal-lenges. One such stress which can occur at this time of the year is the difficulty of facing summer breaks but differently than in years past, due to the departure of a loved one, change in family relation-ships, and trying to deal with all other aspects of changed circumstances. If you have any chal-

lenges in your lives like the ones mentioned above, please contact Bob Kondrath, a Stephen Ministry Leader, who will chat with you and then try to link you with one of the trained Stephen Ministers. All conversations are held in the strict-est confidentiality. You can reach Bob at the parish number (909) 595-9545 or email him at [email protected].

To Our St. Lorenzo Ruiz Catholic Community: As part of our G.R.A.C.E., let us make it as our way of life to bring home a food bag every third Sunday and bring them back with grocery items to share with those in need on the fourth Sunday of the month.

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We serve & we share.

We are a Kingly people.

Come One Come All! Join our Sunday Hospitality after Masses

Go and say Hello to someone next weekend...get to know a new parishioner who can be your friend! For more info, please contact the Parish Office 909-595-9545

‘Welcome Home’ to the Anonas Family sponsoring & hosting our

Sunday Hospitality

Father’s Day—June 16

Pictures from last Sunday—June 2 after the morning masses. Special thanks to the Early Morning Worshippers for sponsoring & hosting our Hospitality.

(On left) Fr Tony blesses these sisters for a special intention after the 9:00am Mass last June 2nd.

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Please continue praying and caring for our sick family members, friends,

neighbors and parishioners.

Please contact Marilyn Estona at the parish office or email [email protected] if you

know of any parishioner who is sick, hospitalized, or homebound so that we may include them in

our prayers / arrange for Ministers of the Sick to bring the Holy Eucharist to them at home.


Bethesda Ministry

Mass Offering White Envelopes Notice To request Mass offerings, please fill out the white envelope located in the Parish Office and DROP IT OFF two (2) weeks prior to the requested date.

This will ensure that your Mass offerings will appear in the bulletin on a timely basis.

Thank you.

Follow St. Lorenzo Ruiz is on Social Media!

Grant unto them eternal rest and let

perpetual light shine upon them.

May they rest in peace.

Armando Armas Jr.

Week of June 8 - 15

Date Mass Rest In Peace Intentions

Sat 5:00pm Joey Li Father's Day Novena

8-Jun Vincent Henry Leblanc Rainier Cajulis (HB)

Remedios M. Alcaraz (PG) Simon Nuevo (HB)

Sun Mariano Cabasac John Polk Jr. (HB)

9-Jun Manuel Montilla Bernadette Lim

7:30am Fielmia Cabasac (HB 91yrs)

9:00am John Tavi Bookrong (PG) Father's Day Novena

Carmelita G. Mauleon Le Family

Anna Hren & Joseph Nguyen

11:00am Pablo Deang Jovencial Santos

Arsenio de Guzman Jackie & Carmen Denning

Feliciano D' Bayan

Flora & Alfredo Jovellanos Sr.

6:30pm Arsenio de Guzman

Emerson Reodica Castro

Naomi Armada (Anniv)

Mon 7:00am Keith Edward McCaffrey Father's Day Novena


7:00pm Naomi Armada

Tue 7:00am Sam Nuevo (HB)


7:00pm Fred Lising Father's Day Novena

Wed 7:00am Tamio Fukasawa Father's Day Novena

12-Jun John Tavi Boonkrong Bernard Mack (HB)

Sixto Reyes

7:00pm Michael Sauer Rene Ortiz (HB)

Deborah Sauer

The Fuentes Family

Nicole Yang (HB)

Thurs 7:00am Alvaro Flores Peralta Lauren Cacdac (HB)

13-Jun Francisco Nacino

Lourdes Hunter

7:00pm Fred Lising Father's Day Novena

Jason Ortiz (HB)

Fri 7:00am Magno Valles Father's Day Novena

14-Jun Isabel

Christie R. Gallardo

Perlita Noble (HB)

7:00pm Fred Lising Vince Durian (HB)

Irmingarda M. Velasco (HB)

Sat 8:00am Isabel

15-Jun Randell Alfeche (HB)

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Thank you to our June Liturgical Sponsors

Week Ending June 2

Plate $ 6,004 Envelopes 8,932

(Online) Faith Direct 3,215_

$ 18,151

we become economically stable

and self-reliant...

GRACE (Generous Response According

to Christ’s Embrace)

Sunday Giving & Offering

GRACE is our Sunday giving...what we offer on Sundays. GRACE is an acronym for Generous Response According to Christ’s Embrace.

Let us continue to discern whether how much we give on Sunday is indeed a generous response to how much God has blessed us. Thank you Lord for blessing us.

Please participate in revisiting & renewing our Sunday Giving.

Sponsors of Light Christina Ormiston

In loving memory of Anicia G. Salumbides May she rest in peace

& for all souls in Purgatory Love, the Salumbides, Frondoso,

Ormiston & Hsing Families

Sponsors of Altar Bread & Wine Prudenciana C. Fukasawa

In memory of Tamio Fukasawa, Ireneo & Feliza Castro Sr.

And in thanksgiving of Annie & Aileen Fukasawa

Sponsors of Environment

Orlando & Rebecca Manansala In thanksgiving for all graces

& good health


747 N. Meadow Pass Road

Walnut, CA 91789

Phone: (909) 595-9545

Fax: (909) 594-3940


Rev. Tony P. Astudillo


Rev. Elmer S. Empinado

Associate Pastor

Rev. Mike Java

In-residence (Retired)


M - F 8:30am to 7:00pm

Sat 9:00am-2:00pm


Saturday Masses


5:00pm (vigil)

Sunday Masses

7:30am, 9:00am, 10:30am,

12:00pm, 1:30pm (Esp), 6:30pm

Weekday Masses

7:00am and 7:00pm

Holy Days of Obligation




15 min before daily mass


7:30pm to 8:30pm Saturday

3:30pm to 4:30pm

Want to help our Church grow with the Word of God?

Be a Word Among Us sponsor! Please visit or contact the Parish Office (909) 595-9545.

“When we give freely to God, we receive freely from God.”

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Priest Retirement Fund—Special Collection June 15 & 16 at SLR We are truly blessed by the men who have given their lives in service to thousands of families as a priest. As life begins to change in their later years, so too do their needs. Together we are invited to join and bless those who have blessed us by making a meaningful gift to the Priest Retirement Fund. Have you ever wondered what happens to our priests after they retire from teaching, preaching, and serving on a regular basis? Where do they go? Who takes care of them? What do they need? Like us, they desire rest and have needs for care and medical treatment as they grow older. Unlike most of us, though, their modest salaries were never meant to provide for them after many years of service. Your gift to the Priest Retirement Fund is a meaningful investment and true blessing for the care and comfort of our spiritual fathers as they enter the later chapters in life. They deserve nothing less.

The St. Lorenzo Ruiz Devotion Group 91789



Note to Self: EVERY TUESDAY, at 7:00PM is


If you are ill and want the community to pray over you in a special healing prayer, or if a family member has been diagnosed with a serious disease, or if emotions have run high and have taken over reason, or if someone you love needs spiritual healing--- LET US PRAY TOGETHER, FOR EACH OTHER, FOR ONE ANOTHER.

“When he disembarked and saw the vast crowd, his heart was moved with pity for them, and he cured their sick.” (Matthew 14:14) “The Lord, your God, you shall worship; then I will bless your food and drink, and I will remove all sickness from your midst.” (Exodus 23:25) For more information, please call Josie Beacham @ 909 239 7808 or Zeny Sibal @ 909 838 5079

A Mission, Together

The Together in Mission campaign is an opportunity for people across the Archdiocese to join together - as one united voice. Thousands of men and women just like you make a sustainable monthly commitment because they believe in the hope that will be given through classrooms, from pulpits, on the streets, and through the sacraments. Will you join them once again? Will you continue to write the story of hope? And if you have never given, will you make a pledge of just $25 per month?

How to Make a Gift Make a secure gift online or pay towards an existing

pledge via your computer or cell phone: archla.org/give You can also make a gift by phone by calling 213-637-7672 (M-F 8am-5pm)

We welcome home with prayers & well wishes our Youth who are attending the AMAZING ENCOUNTER (AE) RETREAT this week ….

June 13-15

“God loves you”

Together in Mission 2019 —OUR STORY IS HOPE

Thank you to all who continue to support this Archdiocesan program.

Goal: $93,900 Pledges $55,871 Contributions are accepted at the Parish Office and thru any of the Ushers at Sunday mass.

As of June 4, 2019 we raised 36%: $33,857

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Email: [email protected] or Cecilia & Jose Mendoza [email protected]

On Sunday, June 16

is Father’s Day!

Give your Dad a spiritual gift so that he may be remembered in the masses offered in our

church in

observance of Father’s Day.

Cards available in the church vestibule & the Parish Office.

Come enrich and rediscover your marriage relationship! Join our ….


Our thanks to Bishop Dave for celebrating his 40th anniversary as Priest here last Thursday, May 30th. (more photos next week)

Our Marian Devotees enjoy fellowship to celebrate the month of May dedicated to our Blessed Mother. - May 31 after the 7:00am Mass

Again Congratulations Bishop Dave on your 40th!

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To our faith-filled servant leaders and

Pentecost 2019 Coordinators

To our own Bishop Gerald who presided, and all priests who

concelebrated...thank you and we love you!

We acknowledge and give thanks to our countless volunteers, in

particular to the Pentecost Committee headed by our indefatigable

servant leaders, Ralph & Maureen Jaramillo, sharing their time,

talent, and treasure for our Pentecost 2019 event.

We welcome home all our civic leaders for the invaluable support to

our community through the years...THANK YOU!

We thank and pray for our parishioners, friends, and benefactors,

and in particular, our staff, parish council, and core group who

continue to cradle and lullaby us with their generosity of hearts with

every event we celebrate...thank you, thank you, we cannot thank you


Silvestre & Gaby Bahena, Benny & Anita Wantah, Aris & Leni

Aquino, Dr. Edgar & Bambi Guerrero, Toto & Leni Valerio, Liza

Valerio & Family, Mar & Pearl Pajota, Manny & Scott of Foothill

Funeral Cremation, Gayle & Bob Pacheco, Ron & Amy Milo, Jane

De Guzman, Rosalie Corpuz, Annie & Aileen Fukasawa, Orly &

Rebecca Manansala, Andy & Lucy Maandig, Mila Fideris,

Dr. Gerry & Evelyn Pascual, Lito & Jovi Barcarse, David Ortiz &

Yuri Valdovinos, Anonymous...

...and many, many more who remain in our hearts and

prayers...choosing to be anonymous or who were missed due to

printing deadlines...as we all speak the language of the Holy Spirit.

Thank you, muchas gracias, maraming salamat, xie xie, grazie,

merci, cảm ơn bạn, terima kasih, danke...agyaman kami unay...in the

language of the Holy Spirit of Pentecost, we love you very much!

“The Lord bless and keep you!

The Lord let his face shine upon you, and be

gracious to you!

The Lord look upon you kindly and give you peace!”

Ralph and Maureen Jaramillo

Group Wedding September 2019

St. Lorenzo Ruiz Catholic Parish Community is pleased to celebrate this year of Embracing all those who come to us with the heart of the Father with the Group Wedding on Saturday—

September 14, 2019. The couples being joined in Holy Matrimony are those who were civilly married or never have been married, but now seek God’s blessings. For more info, please contact the Parish Office at 909-595-9545 or email Art & Edith (Group Wedding coordinators) [email protected]

Our Congratulations, best wishes and prayers to our Doulos Awardees:

Ralph & Maureen Jaramillo

Rade Cabanilla

Armando Medina

Ron & Amy Milo

The Doulos Award is the single highest honor given by our

Faith Community to individuals or couples who have served the Church and the Community beyond

and above what’s ordinary.