St Luke’s & Queen Street Church Congregational News JUNE 2012

St Luke's Notes - June 12

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The Church Magazine for St Luke's & Queen St Church of Scotland in Broughty Ferry, Dundee

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Page 1: St Luke's Notes - June 12

St Luke’s & Queen Street Church

Congregational News

JUNE 2012

Page 2: St Luke's Notes - June 12

St Luke’s & Queen Street Church June 2012


St. Luke’s & Queen Street Church of Scotland Registered Charity No. SC000088

Dear friends It is hard to believe but we are well into the Spring! Certainly, the weather recently fails to reflect that fact. And this, coupled with the continuing economic crisis and persistent health ‘bugs’, can make us feel a little fed up’. Well at such times, it might be worth remembering a story I heard a few days ago. It is all about a young family who were have a particularly trying week. It started with the washing machine breaking down. Then the car played up meaning that Dad had to struggle to the train through the pouring rain. Their eight year old son returned from school having a had a nasty playground fall and Susan (aged 6) came in with her school uniform covered in paint and glue. Not surprisingly, by Friday evening they were all annoyed with the world. However, Saturday dawned bright and warm. So Mum was determined that it would be a better day than those that had gone before. With some pretty powerful coaxing, she persuaded them to pack a picnic and head for the country. Needless to say, the day was a huge success and compensation for their recent trials and tribulations. Here then is a reminder of what George Bernard Shaw said: life isn’t meant to be easy, my child, but take courage, it can be delightful. Certainly the weeks ahead in our nation’s life do offer the opportunity for delight with the Queen’s Jubilee and the Olympic Games. Yet, we also in St Luke’s have a very busy programme of events and services which hopefully will lift the spirits towards life being made again worthwhile. In particular, I think of our Talent Concert, Sunday School Picnic and Book Service. Because when we as a congregation join together we not just offer each other delightful occasions but more importantly the companionship, support and encouragement of the family of the Risen Christ. With every blessing


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St Luke’s & Queen Street Church June 2012


St. Luke’s & Queen Street Church of Scotland Registered Charity No. SC000088


“and whosoever liveth and believeth in Me shall never die”

4 May Mr Forbes Dean, 26 Dundee Road D13 24 May Mr John (Pat) Gailey, 30 Albany Road D14

Forthcoming Events

2 June Youth Club – Craft night 7 – 9 pm

3 June All-age service 11.00 am

8 June St Luke's, Our Lady of Good Council & St Stephen's Variety Concert in St Stephen’s Halls

7.30 pm

10 June Morning Service 11.00 am

16 June Youth Club – Games night 7 – 9 pm

17 June Sunday School Book Service

“Bible Olympics”

Congregational Picnic in church grounds.

11.00 am

24 June Communion Family Communion

Traditional Communion

9.30 am

11.00 am

30 June Youth Club – End of term party 7 – 9 pm

1 July Garden Service

Combined Service in St Luke’s

9.30 am

11.00 am

8 July Garden Service

Combined Service in St Luke’s

Secret Garden Trail

9.30 am

11.00 am

1 – 4 pm

15 July Garden Service

Combined Service in St Luke’s

9.30 am

11.00 am

22 July Garden Service

Combined Service in St Luke’s

9.30 am

11.00 am

29 July

5 & 12 August

Combined services in St Stephen’s

11.00 am

18 August Youth club 7 – 9 pm

19 August Elder’s Service in St Luke’s 11.00 am

26 August Morning Service

Messy Church

11.00 am

6.30 pm

2 September Morning Service 11.00 am

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St Luke’s & Queen Street Church June 2012


St. Luke’s & Queen Street Church of Scotland Registered Charity No. SC000088

St Luke's, Our Lady of Good Council & St Stephen's Variety Concert 8 June at 7.30 p.m. in St Stephen's Halls

Acts include Ken Johnson & Gerard Donnelly entertaining with traditional Scottish music and recitations.

Tickets are £5 and include refreshments

See weekly Church News & Website for more information

April Summary of Offerings

2012 2012 2011 2011

April YTD April YTD

FWO 1140 4922 1323 4547

Gift Aid 3698 15564 3573 16652

Plate/Retiring 579 2012 566 1802

Totals 5417 22498 5462 23001

Sunday School

On 17th June, the Sunday School will celebrate Father’s day during the Book Service. There will be a retiring collection for the Sunday School. This will be followed by a Picnic in the church grounds to which all congregation are invited. Please bring friends and family. Please also bring your own picnic. Tea and coffee will be provided. On 24 June Sunday School session ends with Family Communion at 9.30 am.

Garden Report

We plan to have a new shed erected in the garden, so ground will be cleared behind the existing shed and a base laid. We also plan to have some space cleared to the left of the ramp in the car park, allowing another car parking space. The overhanging trees will be trimmed and extra bark will be laid under the trees. Once again, the garden will be taking part in the Secret Garden Trail on

8th July, 1 – 4 pm.

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St Luke’s & Queen Street Church June 2012


St. Luke’s & Queen Street Church of Scotland Registered Charity No. SC000088

Car Pool

The Car Pool is available every Sunday for your convenience and drivers are willing to pick you up from your home and bring you to the service. To use this service, phone either of the named drivers for the appropriate Sunday either on the Saturday before or up until 10 am on the day. They will pick you up and return you to your home after the service.

Sunday 3 June Fred Marshall 738769 John Alexander 690745

Sunday 10 June Isabel Scott 779151 Jim Nimmo 477740

Sunday 17 June Ian Spence 732732 Douglas Cain 778959

Sunday 24 June Linda Grimmond 736783 John Alexander 690745

Sunday 1 July Ian Wightman 739275 Mgt & Jim McLuskie 521235

Sunday 8 July Sandy Duncan 778031 Fred Marshall 738769

Sunday 15 July Jim Nimmo 477740 Douglas Cain 778959

Sunday 22 July John Alexander 690745 Isabel Scott 779151

29 July, 5, 12 August Joint services at St Stephen’s & West

Sunday 19 August Mgt & Jim McLuskie 521235 Sandy Duncan 778031

Sunday 26 August Fred Marshall 738769 Ian Wightman 739275

Sunday 2 September Jim Nimmo 477740 Isabel Scott 779151

It would be very helpful to have some more names on the rota – please consider if you could pick someone up now and again. Contact Marvin Harris for more information.

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St Luke’s & Queen Street Church June 2012


St. Luke’s & Queen Street Church of Scotland Registered Charity No. SC000088

Door Duties

3.6.12 Sandy Duncan Irene Butler Anita McIsaac Brenda Moffat

10.6.12 Ian Spence Tom Neilson Margaret McLuskie Jim McLuskie

17.6.12 Margaret Wight Gordon Gillan Ian Wightman Fred Marshall

24.6.12 Mary Rice Les Mackay xxx xxx

1.7.12 Douglas Cain Nina Martin Shelagh Allison Jim Nimmo

8.7.12 Babs Beat John Alexander Isabel Scott Ian Richmond

15.7.12 Mike Clark Dorothy Anderson Sandy Duncan Irene Butler

22.7.12 Anita McIsaac Brenda Moffat Ian Spence Tom Neilson

Joint Service in St Stephen’s (3 weeks) 29.7.12 Margaret McLuskie Jim McLuskie

5.8.12 Margaret Wight Gordon Gillan

12.8.12 Ian Wightman Fred Marshall

19.8.12 Douglas Cain Nina Martin Shelagh Allison Jim Nimmo

26.8.12 Babs Beat John Alexander Isabel Scott Ian Richmond

2.9.12 Mike Clark Dorothy Anderson Sandy Duncan Irene Butler

Flowers for the Church

3 June Mrs M McLuskie 10 June Mrs A Anderson 17 June Mrs R Nimmo 24 June Mrs I Armstrong 1 July Mrs W Williamson 8 July Mrs L Wallace 15 July Mrs Bates 22 July Mrs A Galloway

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St Luke’s & Queen Street Church June 2012


St. Luke’s & Queen Street Church of Scotland Registered Charity No. SC000088

19 August Mrs I Scott 26 August Vacant 2 September Mrs S Howe

There are still some vacant dates on this year's flower calendar. If you would like to donate and/or arrange flowers some Sunday then please get in touch with Marvin Harris 778089. There will always be someone who can arrange them for you if you do not feel able.

Thanks Marvin

Flower Festival

The recent Flower Festival was a resounding success with all eight of the Broughty Ferry churches participating. Wednesday was setting up day when you could hardly move in the church with 34 flower arrangers, along with flowers, buckets etc, working – many in a state of panic – will my arrangement be ok, will my flowers fall or will they die before Sunday? However nothing disastrous occurred, just a wonderful floral exhibition. It was well supported by all churches and we reckon we had over 450 visitors through our church. Many people commented on the beauty of the church and warm feeling within (even though it was very cold with no heating on). The warmth of our members was also commended. Each church supplied tea ladies and goodies over a two hour period, so we were well nourished and all went smoothly. It is almost the icing on the cake to say that we raised £2364.51 which will be sent to Christian Aid. Thanks to everyone who helped – flower arrangers, tea ladies, bakers and washer upperers and of course members of our congregation who supported us. It was a wonderful experience coming together with members of other churches and making new friends.

Church Notes

All articles for the September issue should be with me by Sunday 26th August.

If you too would like to add your name to the list, please email me at [email protected] and I will confirm receipt.

Have a lovely summer Brenda Moffat

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St Luke’s & Queen Street Church June 2012


St. Luke’s & Queen Street Church of Scotland Registered Charity No. SC000088

Afternoon Teas These are now under way and we would love to see more people coming along on Thursday afternoons 2 till 4 pm.

20th Guides

We have had a very busy term with lots of different activities including fundraising - sponsored walk, campfire, silent auction and silence! Our weekend in London was warm and sunny with a trip on the river and the London Eye, Buckingham Palace and of course the shops! Our annual trip to Pitlochry Youth Hostel included a tour of Blair Castle, a Ranger led walk, tea at Café Biba and of course the shops. We have four guides who are nearly finished their BP challenge Award and will be presented with certificates and badges in time. Our last meeting is a visit to Glamis Castle. Lorna McLeod

Word Search

Find these words in the grid above – Amazed, Anointed, Baptized, Believers, Bewildered, Bread, Brethren, Crowd, Determined, Devotion, Endowed, Faithful, Filled, Fire, Galileans, Healing, Jerusalem, Language, Miracles, Multitude, Perplexed, Power, Preaching, Prophesy, Salvation, Sermon, Signs, Sins, Teachings, Thousands, Together, Upper Room, Witness

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St Luke’s & Queen Street Church June 2012


St. Luke’s & Queen Street Church of Scotland Registered Charity No. SC000088

St Luke’s & Queen

Street Church




25th March 2012

11.00am to 3.00pm

Each year St Luke’s & Queen Street Church have an Easter Workshop with crafts and games based on a Bible story. This year we had a special sports workshop to celebrate the Olympics. All the sports came from the Bible. Everyone in our Sunday School was invited to take part and asked to bring a friend and a packed lunch. Mums and dads were also allowed to take part. Everyone was asked what sports they did at school or as a hobby. Next we were asked if we knew of any sports at the Olympics and where the Olympics are being held this year. Then we were asked if we knew of any sports in the Bible. We were told a short Bible story about each sport and given an explanation of the games we would be playing. There were ten different Bible sports and each had a special name and a Bible passage. There were five age groups – crèche, primary 1-3, primary 4-6, primary 7-secondary 3 and adult. This meant we had five winners for most of the events. All the sports equipment came from the local Scout Troop and the measuring wheel came from the Council. Archery This was called David’s Sure-Shot Sling-Shot. The story was about David and Goliath. It can be found in 1 Samuel 17:1-58. Instead of arrows or sling stones we threw bean bags at a giant cardboard cut-out of Goliath in the church garden. We picked the meanest-looking person in our Sunday School (which was Benjamin aged 4) and drew round him. Then we drew a nasty face on it to look like Goliath. The target was moved further and further back and, like David, we had one shot to hit the target. The greatest distance was 8m. Cycling This was called Philip’s Chariot Race. The story was about Philip teaching the Ethiopian official sitting in his chariot about Jesus. It can be found in Acts 8:26-40. Instead of chariots or bikes we used scooters. In the hall we marked out a race track like a velodrome. The fastest scooter to complete three laps was the winner. The fastest time was 28 seconds. High Jump This was called Bart’s Jump-for-Joy. The story was about Blind Bartimaeus jumping for joy when Jesus restored his sight. It can be found in Mark 10:46-52. A bamboo cane was placed between two stacks of toilet rolls which grew higher and higher with each jump. The highest jump was 9 toilet rolls high. Javelin This was called Saul’s Spear Throw. The story was about King Saul becoming angry and throwing a spear at David while he was playing the harp. The spear missed David and it stuck in the wall. It can be found in 1 Samuel 19:1-10. It comes after the story of David and Goliath. In the hall we threw foam javelins. The greatest distance was 23m. One of the javelins got stuck behind the heater on the ceiling. Long Jump This was called Joshua’s Jump the River. The story was about Joshua leading the Israelites across the River Jordan into the Promised Land. It can be found in Joshua 3:1-17. We had to jump between two ropes on the ground which were moved wider and wider apart. The

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St Luke’s & Queen Street Church June 2012


St. Luke’s & Queen Street Church of Scotland Registered Charity No. SC000088

widest distance was 2.5m. Shot-Put This was called Quail Supper Take-Away. The story was about the Israelites catching quail to eat each evening in the desert. It can be found in Exodus 16:1-36. For the shots we used squeaky plastic dog toys in the shape of a chicken. Each person had three toys and had to throw one of them into a basket which was moved further and further away. The greatest distance was 7.5m. Steeplechase This was called Moses’ Wilderness Wandering. The story was about Moses leading the Israelites around the desert for forty years. It can be found in Numbers 32:1-13. The shot-put story about collecting manna and catching quail to eat happened during this adventure in the desert. An obstacle course was set out in the church garden. The winner was the first person to cross the line after going under, over, around and between lots of different obstacles. Weight Lifting This was called Samson’s Strong-Man Challenge. The story was about Samson pushing down the pillars of the Temple of Dagon killing everyone inside. It can be found in Judges 16:23-31. Rather than lifting, we had to push and spin a measuring wheel as hard as we could. Each rotation of the wheel was 1m. The greatest distance was 11.3m. Wrestling This was called Jacob’s Wrestling Mayhem. The story was about Jacob’s all-night wrestling match with an angel. It ended when the angel dislocated Jacob’s hip. It can be found in Genesis 32:22-32. This was an all-age event outside in the church garden. Everyone had a clothes peg attached to the edge of their T-shirt, next to their hip. Players tried to snatch the clothes peg from each other while protecting their own clothes peg. Once you lost your clothes peg you were out. The winner was to be the last person left with a clothes peg. After fifteen minutes running about we were all too tired to continue. There were five people left with clothes pegs so there were five winners. Sprint This was called Paul’s Run-the-Race. The story was from a letter Paul wrote to his friends in the city of Corinth. He told them that being a Christian is like being an athlete. We need to train and practice just like athletes preparing for a race. It can be found in 1 Corinthians 9:1-27. A 25m race track was marked out the garden and the winner was first across the line. The story about the running race was our main theme for the day. Paul says that Christians need to be disciplined and train hard as we run for a special prize. The prize Paul talked about was eternal life. He also said that we are cheered on and supported by other Christians. At the Bible Olympics we learned that being a Christian can be hard work but we have lots of help and it is great fun. Heather Shepherd 14 Ailsa Shepherd 12 St Luke’s & Queen Street Church West Queen Street, Dundee 27

th March 2012

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St Luke’s & Queen Street Church June 2012


St. Luke’s & Queen Street Church of Scotland Registered Charity No. SC000088


BIRTHDAY CONGRATULATIONS to Betty Soutar and all other members of our congregation who celebrated a May birthday. CONGRATULATIONS to our Guild for the success of their summer outing to Arbroath for lunch in the Bell Rock. We had ample time to enjoy our meal and the usual friendly chat. Afterwards we all continued to enjoy ourselves on our separate ways. Mollie Towns announced, “We must do this again”. This best summed up the event! CONGRATULATIONS to Hannah Gordon for ice skating at Murrayfield. CONGRATULATIONS to Ruth Adamson for winning The Angus Ladies Handicap Golf Championship, which was recently played over the Montrose Medal Golf Course. CONGRATULATIONS to Heather and Ailsa Shepherd for gaining an award from the Moderator of the Church of Scotland for their work in St Luke’s Bible Olympics. Their award will be presented in church at the Sunday School Book service. CONGRATULATIONS to Marvin Harris for organising the Flower Festival in conjunction with all the other Broughty Ferry churches to benefit Christian Aid on behalf of the Broughty Ferry Churches Group. The event was outstandingly popular. The festival culminated in a concert on Saturday, and Songs of Praise on Sunday at 3 p.m. The magnificent sum raised totalled £2364.51. CONGRATULATIONS to Alistair Cochrane for his successes in the 44th Dundee Battalion of the Boys’ Brigade. He was the best NCO and was promoted to Corporal. Alistair‘s squad was adjudged the best squad and to top it all he gained the First Aid Shield!

Roving Reporter

alias Isabel Scott P.S. If you are aware of any good news please contact me on the telephone 779151 or by e-mail [email protected] or in person!

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St Luke’s & Queen Street Church June 2012


St. Luke’s & Queen Street Church of Scotland Registered Charity No. SC000088



Rev Graham Taylor, BSc BD (Min) FIAB,

The Manse, 22 Albert Road, Broughty Ferry


PROBATIONARY MINISTER Emma McDonald 01241870430

SESSION CLERK Mr Ken Andrew, 49 Cedar Road

e-mail: [email protected]


CLERK TO THE BOARD Mrs Mary Rice, 20 Abercorn Street

[email protected]


TREASURER Mr Mike Clark 31 Dawson Road 477570

FREEWILL TREASURER Mrs Sheilah Andrew, 49 Cedar Road 776765

GIFT AID TREASURER Mr A G Duncan, 17 Strathisla Road 778031

ROLL KEEPER Mr Les Mackay, 62 Fintry Place 776413

ORGANIST Mr Steven Peters, 11 Johnston Avenue 813835

CHURCH CO-ORDINATOR Mrs Betty Soutar 732094

CHURCH OFFICER Ms E Mckay, 14 Church Street 803367

SUNDAY SCHOOL COORDINATOR Mrs Aileen Adamson, 35 Blake Avenue 776770

FLOWER CONVENER Mrs Marvin Harris, 64 Marlee Road 778089

FABRIC CONVENER Mr Walter Scott 110 Forthill Road

[email protected]



Mrs Brenda Moffat, 12 Rossie Avenue

e-mail: [email protected]


DISTRIBUTOR OF NOTES Mrs Ruth Adamson, 41 Cedar Road 732515

CRÈCHE COORDINATOR Mrs Elaine McKeown, 22 Edzell Street 522678



Meets fortnightly on Thursday at 2.00 pm

Mrs Margaret McLuskie, 6 Fyne Road


GIRL GUIDES 20th COMPANY Meets Thursday at 7.00 pm

Mrs Lorna McLeod, 21 Cedar Road


RAINBOW GUIDES Meets Friday 6.15 – 7.25 pm

Mrs Mairi Clark, 15 Guthrie St, Carnoustie



BROWNIES 20th B PACK Meets Fridays at 6.15 - Mrs Rachel Thompson, Old School House, 2 Doon Tce., Dundee, DD4 8EW

SENIOR CHOIR Meets on Sunday at 10 am in the Church

Mr Steven Peters, 11 Johnston Avenue


FUN’D RAISING COMMITTEE Mr Iain A Richmond, 31 Luke Place 739056

YOUTH COMMITTEE Mr Daryl McKeown, 22 Edzell Street 522678

PRAYER GROUP Meets on Wednesdays at 2.30 pm

Mrs MacLeod, 33 Ballinard Rd


CHILD PROTECTION Mrs E Hackney, 5 Elmgrove Park, Monikie 370493



Meets on Monday 7.30 – 9.30 pm

Jean Harkins, 10 Quality Street, Gauldry, Fife


CARPET BOWLING CLUB Meets on Tuesday at 1.45 pm

Mr Jack Maxwell, 25 Fairfield Road


LINE DANCING CLASS Meets on Wednesday 7.00 - 8.30 pm

Mr Robert Lindsay, 37 Dalcraig Crescent