St. Malachy + Precious Blood St. Malachy + Preciosa Sangre 2248 West Washington Blvd. Chicago, IL 60612 Fr. Matt Eyerman Pastor/Párroco [email protected] 312-733-1068 ext. 15 312-491-9164 (fax) 312-919-1610 (cell) Mrs. Juanita Avila DRE & Administrative Assistant [email protected] 312-733-5331 312-491-9164 (fax) 312-733-1068 ext. 13 Deacon Mario A. Avila Pastoral Associate [email protected] 312-733-5331 312-491-9164 (fax) 312-733-1068 ext. 19 Mr. Fred Jones Business Manager & Music Director [email protected] 312-733-1068 ext. 10 312-491-9164 (fax) Ms. Bridgid Miller St. Malachy School Principal 2252 West Washington Blvd 312-733-2252 312-733-5703 (fax) Deacons/Diaconos Rev. Mr. Mario A. Avila Rev. Mr. John Burt Rev. Mr. David Castañeda Rev. Mr. Dexter Watson Musicians/Musicos Mr. Arthur Griffin, Principal Organist Mr. Maurice Molden, Choir Director Cuatro Ángeles Saturday Mass: 5:30pm Sunday Mass: 9:30am (English) Sunday Mass/Misa: 11:30am (Español) Daily Mass/Misa Diaria: at 9am Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Fridays Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, & Viernes First Sunday of Advent Primero Domingo de Adviento November 29, 2015 Baptismal Preparation/Preparación Prebautismal twice a month contact Mrs. Avila or Fr..Matt dos veces al mes, comunicarse con Mrs. Avila Confessions/Confesiones by appointment /por cita Prior to Mass/ antes de la Misa Quinceañera Masses: Contact/comunicarse: Mrs. Avila. Marriage Preparation/Preparación Matrimonial: contact the parish at least 6 months prior to the wedding. /Comunicarse a la Parroquia 6 meses antes de la boda. Visit our website Visite nuestra pagina www.stmalachypreciousblood.org We have come this far by faith! Hemos llegado tan lejos por fe!

St. Malachy + Precious Blood St. Malachy + …St. Malachy + Precious Blood St. Malachy + Preciosa Sangre 2248 West Washington Blvd. Chicago, IL 60612 Fr. Matt Eyerman Pastor/Párroco

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Page 1: St. Malachy + Precious Blood St. Malachy + …St. Malachy + Precious Blood St. Malachy + Preciosa Sangre 2248 West Washington Blvd. Chicago, IL 60612 Fr. Matt Eyerman Pastor/Párroco

St. Malachy + Precious Blood St. Malachy + Preciosa Sangre

2248 West Washington Blvd. Chicago, IL 60612

Fr. Matt Eyerman Pastor/Párroco [email protected] 312-733-1068 ext. 15 312-491-9164 (fax) 312-919-1610 (cell) Mrs. Juanita Avila DRE & Administrative Assistant [email protected] 312-733-5331 312-491-9164 (fax) 312-733-1068 ext. 13 Deacon Mario A. Avila Pastoral Associate [email protected] 312-733-5331 312-491-9164 (fax) 312-733-1068 ext. 19 Mr. Fred Jones Business Manager & Music Director [email protected] 312-733-1068 ext. 10 312-491-9164 (fax) Ms. Bridgid Miller St. Malachy School Principal 2252 West Washington Blvd 312-733-2252 312-733-5703 (fax) Deacons/Diaconos Rev. Mr. Mario A. Avila Rev. Mr. John Burt Rev. Mr. David Castañeda Rev. Mr. Dexter Watson Musicians/Musicos Mr. Arthur Griffin, Principal Organist Mr. Maurice Molden, Choir Director Cuatro Ángeles

Saturday Mass: 5:30pm Sunday Mass: 9:30am (English) Sunday Mass/Misa: 11:30am (Español)

Daily Mass/Misa Diaria: at 9am Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, & Fridays

Lunes, Martes, Miércoles, & Viernes

First Sunday of Advent Primero Domingo de Adviento November 29, 2015

Baptismal Preparation/Preparación Prebautismal twice a month contact Mrs. Avila or Fr..Matt dos veces al mes, comunicarse con Mrs. Avila

Confessions/Confesiones by appointment /por cita Prior to Mass/ antes de la Misa

Quinceañera Masses: Contact/comunicarse: Mrs. Avila.

Marriage Preparation/Preparación Matrimonial: contact the parish at least 6 months prior to the wedding. /Comunicarse a la Parroquia 6 meses antes de la boda.

Visit our website

Visite nuestra pagina


We have come this far by faith!

Hemos llegado tan lejos por fe!

Page 2: St. Malachy + Precious Blood St. Malachy + …St. Malachy + Precious Blood St. Malachy + Preciosa Sangre 2248 West Washington Blvd. Chicago, IL 60612 Fr. Matt Eyerman Pastor/Párroco

There are three ways that prepare us for life's trials. One is the Spartan way that says, "I have strength within me to do it, I am the captain of my soul. With the courage and will that is mine, I will be master when the struggle comes." Another way is the spirit of Socrates, who affirmed that we have minds, reason and judg-ment to evaluate and help us cope with the enigmas and struggles of life. The Christian way is the third approach. It doesn't exclude the other two, but it adds, "You don't begin with yourself, your will or your reason. You begin with God, who is the beginning and the end." Lowell R. Ditzen ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TREASURES FROM OUR TRADITION Advent is a time rich in family traditions. Many of them have been so effectively absorbed into our culture that their religious origins are hidden. Some of us will set candles in our windows tonight. The custom began in Ireland during the so-called “penal” days, extending from 1691 to the “Catholic Emancipation” in 1829 and beyond. There were harsh penalties and fines for not attending the government church. Priests were forced into hiding, but people were resourceful and determined in guarding their faith. At Christmas, Irish families, particularly in the countryside, placed a lighted candle in the cottage window and left the door unlatched, hoping that a priest might come by and celebrate the Christmas Mass for them. The possibility of the Mass coming into the family home gave rise to other Irish customs at the beginning of Advent. The cottage received a fresh coat of whitewash, the threshold was swept especially clean, and fresh curtains were hung in the windows. The house was scrubbed until it gleamed, including all the pots and pans, and all garments and table lin-ens were laundered. The custom of the Irish window candle was so admired in Catholic Europe that it was widely copied there, and now finds a welcome in households that may not exactly expect a priest to wander in! —Rev. James Field, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Hay tres formas de que nos preparan para las pruebas de la vida. Una es la manera espartana que dice: "No tengo la fuerza dentro de mí que lo haga, Soy el capitán de mi alma. Con el coraje y la voluntad que es mío, Voy a ser el amo cuando llegue la lucha." Otra forma es el espíritu de Sócrates, quien afirmó que tenemos mentes, la razón y el juicio para evaluar y ayudar a hacer frente a los enigmas y las luchas de la vida. El camino cristiano es el tercer enfoque. No excluye los otros dos, pero añade: "No comienza con usted, su voluntad o su razón. Usted comienza con Dios, que es el principio y el fin ". Lowell R. Ditzen ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ TRADICIONES DE NUESTRA FE Es más que justo empezar el tiempo litúrgico de Adviento con la Virgen María. Esta semana cele-bramos la Solemnidad de la Inmaculada Concepción de María. Esta es una fiesta especial para varios países americanos como Nicaragua, Panamá, Para-guay y los Estados Unidos que tienen como patrona nacional a la Madre de Jesús bajo este título. Esta creencia tiene siglos de ser discutida por teólogos cristianos como Ambrosio, Agustín, Buena-ventura y Tomás de Aquino, pero fue solo con la Constitución Ineffabilis Deus del Papa Pió IX en 1854 que pasó a ser doctrina oficial de la Iglesia. La enseñanza de la Inmaculada Concepción de la Madre de Jesús insiste que María nació y permaneció sin pe-cado. Según el teólogo franciscano Juan Duns Escoto, María fue salvada del pecado desde el vientre de su madre Ana. De esta manera Jesús pudo salvarla no después de haber pecado como ha hecho con no-sotros, sino antes de que ella hubiera pecado. La Inmaculada Concepción se hizo en vista de la venida de Jesús quien nos puede hacer inmaculados gracias al perdón y la gracia que nos ofrece. —Fray Gilberto Cavazos-Glz, OFM, Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co.

Page 3: St. Malachy + Precious Blood St. Malachy + …St. Malachy + Precious Blood St. Malachy + Preciosa Sangre 2248 West Washington Blvd. Chicago, IL 60612 Fr. Matt Eyerman Pastor/Párroco

Devotions/Devociones Weekly meetings/Juntas Semanales

Bible Study Group/Grupo de Estudio Biblico Tuesdays/Martes 10am

Gospel Choir Practice/ Práctica del Coro de Inglés Mondays/Lunes 6pm

Rosary/Rosario Fridays/Viernes 7pm Sundays/Domingos Before 9:30am Mass/Antes de la Misa de 9:30am

Gideon Soldiers Youth Group Fridays/Viernes As scheduled/ Según lo programado O.L. of Guadalupe/SRA. de Guadalupe 12th of the month/12 de cada mes 7pm Jesus in the Tomb/Señor del Santo Entierro 22nd of the month/ 22 de cada mes 7pm Devotion to St. Judas/ Devoción a San Judas Tadeo 28th of the month/ 28 de cada mes 7pm

Mobile Food Pantry 3rd Tuesday of the month at 3pm/ 3er. Martes del Mes a las 3pm

Women’s Group/Grupo de Damas First Tuesdays/ Primer Martes 7pm Rectory/ Rectoría Men’s Group / Grupo de Caballeros Second Tuesdays/ Segundo Martes 7pm Rectory/ Rectoría


Thomas, Mary & Eleanor Sharkey, Marie Brigham, Lizandro, Manuelita & Magdalena Barrazas, Esperanza Jaquez, Eutemio Flores, Angel, Jaramillo, Vicente Jaramillo, Felipe Garcia, Maria Refugio Guzmán, Gabriel Figueroa, Fernando Lopez ,

All announcements for the bulletin must be submitted by 10am on Monday. Please submit them to Mrs. Juanita Avila or Fr. Matt. Todos los avisos para el boletín deberán ser entregados para el lunes a las 10am. Favor de entregarselos a la Sra. Avila o Padre Mateo.

READINGS FOR THE WEEK / LECTURAS DE LA SEMANA Mon/Lun: Rom 10:9-18; Ps 19:8-11; Mt 4:18-22 Tues/Mart: Is 11:1-10; Ps 72:1-2, 7-8, 12-13, 17; Lk 10:21-24 Wed/Mie: Is 25:6-10a; Ps 23:1-6; Mt 15:29-37 Thurs/Juev: Is 26:1-6; Ps 118:1, 8-9, 19-21, 25- 27a; Mt 7:21, 24-27 Fri/Vie: Is 29:17-24; Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14; Mt 9:27-31 Sat/Sab: Is 30:19-21, 23-26; Ps 147:1-6; Mt 9:35 — 10:1, 5a, 6-8 Sun/Dom: Bar 5:1-9; Ps 126:1-6; Phil 1:4-6, 8-11 Lk 3:1-6

The collection will be updated next week. La colecta será actualizada la proxima semana.

Page 4: St. Malachy + Precious Blood St. Malachy + …St. Malachy + Precious Blood St. Malachy + Preciosa Sangre 2248 West Washington Blvd. Chicago, IL 60612 Fr. Matt Eyerman Pastor/Párroco

In your prayers, please remember those who are ill and homebound: Mary Payne James Smith Thelma Thrasher Fannie Scott Helena Manson Bruce Davis Enrique Garduño Evalina Jones Margarita Jaramillo Odessa James Deacon John Burt Gloria Watson Ora Bell Selmon Sarah Johnson Beverly Warren Lupe Torres Juan Hernandez. Charlotte Klug Tania Pachego Adrian Granados Jonathan Byrne Martina Zaragoza Mark Bostick Gloria Andrade Domenica Brandonisio, William (Bill) Robinson Annetta Acree Vernita L. Jones, Elena Wilson Mike Ivers Marilyn Juia Brown Bud Vorderer Barb Salviano Martin Gonzalez Beatrice Cammon Gerald Culhane IfyouwouldlikeaEucharisticMinisterorthePastor,tovisitahomeboundlovedone,pleasecontactthechurch.SideseaqueunMinistrodeComuniónoelPárrocovisiteaunserqueridoensuhogar,favordecomunicarsealaIglesia.

Page 5: St. Malachy + Precious Blood St. Malachy + …St. Malachy + Precious Blood St. Malachy + Preciosa Sangre 2248 West Washington Blvd. Chicago, IL 60612 Fr. Matt Eyerman Pastor/Párroco

CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS St. Malachy—Precious Blood Church #006721 2248 W. Washington Boulevard Chicago, Illinois 60612 TELEPHONE 312 733-5331 CONTACT PERSON Juanita Avila EMAIL: [email protected] SOFTWARE MSPublisher 2010 Adobe Acrobat X Windows Vista PRINTER Lanier MP C3000 TRANSMISSION TIME Tuesday 9:00 SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION October 2, 2011 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 4 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS

Page 6: St. Malachy + Precious Blood St. Malachy + …St. Malachy + Precious Blood St. Malachy + Preciosa Sangre 2248 West Washington Blvd. Chicago, IL 60612 Fr. Matt Eyerman Pastor/Párroco
Page 7: St. Malachy + Precious Blood St. Malachy + …St. Malachy + Precious Blood St. Malachy + Preciosa Sangre 2248 West Washington Blvd. Chicago, IL 60612 Fr. Matt Eyerman Pastor/Párroco