St Martins School Feb 2017 Welcome to our February Newsletter We have had lots to celebrate in school since Christmas We had a visit from the Mayor of Derby who introduced her ‘Express Yourself’ project. Many classes have submitted entries, which can be viewed in the reception area, on the screens, inside the council house. Some of our school councillors were also invited to visit the Mayor at her chambers in the Council house. Students went along with Bryony and Heather just before half term. Azaid, Sean, Toni, Lavina, Cole and Michael represented school well and found out all about the Mayor’s roles and responsibilities. I would like to make a few other special mentions. First of all congratulations must go to Clayton in Year 10. Clayton is completing his GCSE in PE, together with students at Noel Baker. Reports are always positive, as Clayton’s good attitude to learning, excellent behaviour and positive efforts are recognised by his teachers. Sean in Year 11 won student of the term from his options tutor at Derby College. Sean was praised for his polite, helpful manner, as well as his determined, hard work. Finally a big well done goes to Tia in Year 8. Tia collected food for homeless people and took this to the Padley Centre before Christmas. This was Tia’s own idea and her determination to see the project through resulted in her taking many bags of food to the Centre. Well done Clayton, Sean and Tia! I am proud of your achievements and thank you for being shining examples of our great school. I hope you enjoy reading about more achievements on the following pages. YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 Year 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13 Aaron Lennon Dillon James Michael Harrison Dean Zakary Arjan Cindy Brandon Sean Jack Katelyn Shareen Harry Aiden Connor Jack Matthew James Euan Cameron Nathaniel Congratulations to the following students who have 100% attendance to date this academic year.

St Martins School Feb 2017

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St Martins School Feb 2017

Welcome to our February Newsletter

We have had lots to celebrate in school since Christmas

We had a visit from the Mayor of Derby who

introduced her ‘Express Yourself’ project. Many

classes have submitted entries, which can be

viewed in the reception area, on the screens,

inside the council house. Some of our school

councillors were also invited to visit the Mayor

at her chambers in the Council house. Students

went along with Bryony and Heather just

before half term. Azaid, Sean, Toni, Lavina,

Cole and Michael represented school well and

found out all about the Mayor’s roles and


I would like to make a few other special mentions. First of all congratulations must go to Clayton

in Year 10. Clayton is completing his GCSE in PE, together with students at Noel Baker. Reports

are always positive, as Clayton’s good attitude to learning, excellent behaviour and positive

efforts are recognised by his teachers. Sean in Year 11 won student of the term from his options

tutor at Derby College. Sean was praised for his polite, helpful manner, as well as his determined,

hard work. Finally a big well done goes to Tia in Year 8. Tia collected food for homeless people and

took this to the Padley Centre before Christmas. This was Tia’s own idea and her determination to

see the project through resulted in her taking many bags of food to the Centre. Well done

Clayton, Sean and Tia! I am proud of your achievements and thank you for being shining

examples of our great school.

I hope you enjoy reading about more achievements on the following pages.

YEAR 7 YEAR 8 YEAR 9 Year 10 YEAR 11 YEAR 12 YEAR 13

Aaron Lennon Dillon James Michael Harrison Dean

Zakary Arjan Cindy Brandon Sean Jack

Katelyn Shareen Harry Aiden

Connor Jack Matthew

James Euan



Congratulations to the

following students

who have

100% attendance to

date this academic


Page 2: St Martins School Feb 2017



As a reward for a fantastic autumn

term GLR chose to cash in all of their

reward tokens and have a much

deserved trip to the Cinema to watch

‘Fantastic Beasts’. This was followed

by Pizza for lunch. A great day!

On returning from the Christmas Break

GLR have had a great start to 2017. All

have displayed incredible maturity and

resilience. They should all be very

proud of themselves. All continue to

work hard and enjoy and thrive in their

chosen options groups.

In his Drama option Michael is learning the

skills of ‘Sound Engineering’ for a live


In their Duke of Edinburgh group

Jared and Brandon will be

learning about camp craft and

essential skills for independence;

putting up a tent, using

cooking equipment, preparing a

warm meal, navigation and map

skills, CPR and first aid training,

team building and more. This is all

covered in their skills section for

DofE. All these skills will prepare

them for their Expeditions which

take place in May and June, in the

Peak District.

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Kieran is approaching the end of

his first Art GCSE project. He has

experimented with a wide range of

materials and techniques and has

produced work of a very high


As part of his Arts Award

course Marcus is using online

software to design his own

cartoon characters. He is

learning new skills, producing

great work and clearly enjoying

the creative process.

Dom has been learning how to

care for cold blooded animals. He

overcame his initial fear of snakes

to hold and handle a Ball Python.

Well done Dom!!!

Jamie is designing his own,

unique mobile phone case which

will be produced using the new 3D

Printer we have in school.

Excitement is beginning to build as we plan our class Residential trip to

Kingswood Activity Centre in March. This will be a great opportunity for the

Students to try new activities and bond with each other beyond the school

environment. We are all looking forward it.

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GLG Visit to Oxygen Free Jumping

Both Dean and Tilly both said that they had a brilliant

time and would love to go back. They both certainly had

a spring in their step when they got back to school!

Some of GLG had the chance to visit Oxygen free jumping

as part of their P.E lesson. They had a great time and

were able to try out all of the trampolines on offer.

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…………………..are proud to introduce some up and coming poets to you.

KS3JV have been studying poetry in English and the students have really engaged and

produced some poems of their own that are of a very high standard, so good in fact that

we have sent copies to the Mayor of Derby. She is currently collecting examples of work for

her ‘Express Yourself’ project. Here the students are reading aloud their work to the rest of

the group. Below are a couple of examples of their work.

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GLJ have been working extremely hard in their

Maths lessons learning about their 2, 5 and 10

times tables and exploring 3D shape

properties. They have taken part in some

wonderful discussions making them effective

participators and great team workers.

In Topic we have been

learning about Olympic/

Paralympic heroes and

heroines. We have created

fact files and learnt about

the key qualities of heroes

and heroines. We have also

made some of our own

medals and torches!

Euan really liked researching

Adam Peaty who swims in


GLJ have had a very happy and busy start to

the Spring Term. There have been lots of

different changes including two new

teachers and new displays and things

around the classroom to help with our

learning. Everyone has settled in

marvelously and lots of learning has

happened. Keep it up GLJ!

In English we have explored

poems and diaries. We have

written poems using

rhyming words and

onomatopoeia. We used our

team working skills to find

rhyming words and

onomatopoeia sound words

for objects around school.

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Students are continuing to build friendships and are

contributing positively to being in KS4

They have all made a great start to

their accreditations.

Their attitude to their studies

continues to impress their


The group saved and spent

their reward tokens together

enjoying a trip to bowling and

Are involved in making their own

plans for a

residential trip to see a

West End Show

in London

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We have enjoyed

getting fit and

having fun at

Oxygen Free


We are developing

our technical skills

by making

helicopters and


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In Science we are

learning about

electricity and

building circuits.

Outdoor Education sessions have enabled us to develop physical skills, teamwork

and problem solving skills.

We have had fun

writing poetry for

the Mayor’s ‘Express

Yourself’ project.


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We also went on a poetry walk where we used our five senses and imaginations to create a

poem about the playground. Here are some of our ideas:


This term, in English, KS3B have been looking at and writing poetry. We have learnt about poetic devices

such as alliteration, rhyme, rhythm, repetition and onomatopoeia. We enjoyed reading Kit Wright’s poem

The Magic Box and the class have written their own amazing version.

The Magic Box

I will put in the box

Torturous, Terrible Teachers

Play stations that people love to play.

I will put in the box

Everyone that loves the exciting, epic Eastenders

The fun, amazing Emmerdale.

I will put in the box

The squeaky sound of shiny diamonds

Creepy clowns that come out with frowns.

I shall surf in my box

And relax on the swishy sea watching Coronation Street.

I can see the creepy trees and the ghost moving around.

I can taste the mud; disgusting, stinky, dirty mud.

I can smell the wet, damp wood.

The loud, long noise of an aeroplane tickling my ears.

The cut grass tastes like perfume.

I see a creepy clown chasing me. Help! Help!

Well done KS3B, you are excellent poets!

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We have enjoyed working and learning together this half term. We have

been consolidating our skills and learning new ones while always

thinking about key school attitudes.


We have enjoyed work

relating to

superheroes. We have

transferred this

knowledge to our

learning about real

hero’s. We have been

thinking about the

ways in which ordinary

people can be heroes

and learning about fa-

mous heroes.

Working together

We have enjoyed developing the skills

required to work with others such as

communication, compromise, team work

and resilience.

Learning about

different places We have been learning

about different countries

and cultures. We have

been learning about

France as part of our MFL

work and have been

learning about China as

part of our work on

Chinese New Year. We

have listened to music,

watched dragon and lion

dances and tasted a

variety of Chinese food.

We have been practicing

using chopsticks!

English During this term we

are focusing a lot of

our work around the

story of the BFG. We

have been reading

the story, watching

clips from the DVD

and enjoying doing

some creative work

relating to the char-

acters, dreams and

the language used

by the BFG.


Our main maths themes this half term

have been time and working out the an-

swer to calculations using knowledge of

counting in 2’s, 5’s and 20’s. We have

also continued to work on numbers and

the number system. PSHE

We continue to work on

understanding and

regulating our emotions. We

have also been working on

developing a positive and

realistic understanding of

ourselves including building

our self esteem.

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KS4M Assembly This term it was our turn to present the assembly and our focus was Achievement and

Aspiration. To help other students begin to understand how they can achieve steps in school

towards their future aspirations, the whole class helped out. Sean demonstrated his skills as a

DJ, as this is what he wants to do when he leaves school. The other students really enjoyed his

DJ skills. Richard helped with running the power point and we showed the other students some

of the achievements in school he has made towards his ambition to work with animals. Chloe

and Sara demonstrated their skills in hair and beauty, and explained about how they are both

applying to colleges to become qualified beauticians. The assembly was a great success and

the other students in school really appreciated the fact 4M shared their Achievements and


Our class is now more than half way through year 11, now that's a scary thought!! So students

have been visiting the various options available to them when they leave St Martins in June

this summer. Students have visited Leesbrook sixth form centre which offers a wide variety of

vocational courses including Barbering and Construction which were of particular interest to

Peter and Lukas in our class. The students were shown around by our own Chelsea Hubbard

who left St Martins last year so it was good to be able to say hello again. The Derby College

trip was equally as positive and interesting with the college offering a huge amount of courses

at their various sites including Animal Care and Horticulture at Broomfield which Michael

really wants to do next year. By the time this newsletter is published students will have also

visited our own Horizon sixth form at the Guildhall in Derby to see what there is on offer there

for them too. All these visits are the first port of call for year 11 students, the hard work

comes now with them having to complete and apply to these various providers! Help is on

hand for them in IAG lessons as well as pastoral time but the time is flying in year 11 so let's

get busy applying.!! If parents/carers need any support in this process please contact the

KS4 team at school.


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This half term KS4C have been focusing on their Aim

Award in PE. Weeks 1-3 they completed all their theory

side of units 1 and 2 and then week 4 they all attended

Oxygen Free jumping to work out and collect picture

evidence for their next units. They all have been

outstanding in their hard work and attitude and at

trampolining they were a credit to the school.

We are really pleased with the progress of one of our stars. Clayton has been attending GCSE

PE at Noel Baker. He is now going to classes independently for theory lessons and practical.

This is a huge step for any of our students and we enormously proud of his achievement.

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KS3D Evacuees!

This half term our topic theme has been “Past and Present, with a focus on

“Children in World War Two”. The students compared their lives “now” to those of

children “then”, and used various sources of information to answer the question:

“How do we know?”

In their search

for evidence,

they looked at

old newspapers



….and used books

and the internet.

They also had to imagine what it would be like to be evacuated.

They unpacked some authentic artefacts from some authentic suitcases……

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KS3D … and next week they will visit Nottingham Castle Museum for an air-raid shelter


They have also learned about Anne

Frank and Jewish refugees, which

has linked with their PSHE work on

racism, and their Citizenship work,

where they have been debating the

global issue of refugees. Here they

have used books such as “The

Colour of Home” and resources

from The Red Cross to consider

what would make them leave their

homes for another country.

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KS3M have learned

more about how trading

works and what

Fairtrade is. We know

more about the trading

journey of the cocoa

bean and bananas.

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This year, to remember and show respect for those who died during the

Holocaust and subsequent genocides, Appolinaire Kageruka, a survivor of

the 1994 Rwandan genocide visited St. Martins School. He talked about

his life before, during and after the genocide and answered our

questions. The kitchen staff also made a special vegetarian Rwandan

meal and Mandazi, a doughnut type of dessert.

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GLT Pastoral time is always fun!!

When we arrived to class each morning relaxing music is playing in the back ground to give

us a calming start to our school day.

We can sit with our peers to enjoy a healthy breakfast,

read quietly or chat with friends on one of our big red chairs.

Quiet time is a great time to develop our social and interaction

skills. We have an amazing time playing with the bubble machine!

Joe says he loves popping bubbles

Daniel says he likes to make them go up and down and grabbing


Sometimes we choose to colour a picture, play a game with a friend or complete

a jigsaw.

To develop our independent skills

we will take the register to the

office where the office staff always

greets us with a smile.

Each day we take it in turns to wash

and dry the breakfast pots.

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HORIZONS This term we are at Derby University attending an art Creative Expressive Therapies workshop

led by the students. We started off by getting to know each other. We played games

introducing ourselves for example throwing a ball saying our names.

After we played the ball game, we then got split up into different groups to create a piece of

music. The theme was set in a jungle. We then put together a piece of music. Then we shared

our piece of music with the rest of the group. Then to finish off the session we made positive

comments about the experience.

This is where we threw a

ball to each other and then

had to remember each

other’s names.

We then listened to each

other’s pieces of music


In our group we were

making jungle noises of

different creatures.

We then had a quick relax in

the University café.

BY: Jack McBride, Brandon Brandrick, Matthew Sharp, Lukas Jano

Harrison Jones, Jack Whitmore, Ally Freeman, Kayleigh Summers

Hashim Ahmed, Tyrese Williams, Meghan Simpson

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KS4 Galaxy GLM Residential Some of us are going to Kingswood at the end of March to do lots of

different outdoor activities.

Adil- I will like some activities.

Azaid- I am looking forward to going to going to Kingswood.

Dwayne- I want to do fun activities.

KS4 Galaxy GLM We are all working hard towards getting our Skills and Attitude tokens we have

all got over 50 tokens and the highest amount is 115 tokens

Adil - I will spend my tokens on a shop voucher.

Azaid - I will spend my tokens on a game voucher.

Dwayne - I am saving my tokens.

Dan – I have already spent mine on Yu–Gi-Oh cards.

Tyler - I don’t know what I am going to spend my tokens on yet!

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We all really enjoy Science lessons. This year we have done a Chemistry AIM

award called Chemical Reactions which looks at chemical processes and acids

and alkalis and investigation of some reactions. We are now doing an AIM

award in Forensic Science.

KS4 Galaxy GLM – Science Work

Adil- I like reading Science books

and dropping acids into purple water.

Azaid - I like doing the experiments with acids

and alkalis.

Matt— Azaid also enjoyed the forensics work on

chromatography especially the m&ms experiment.

Dwayne- I like the practical work.

Dan – I like all the experiments and writing

about them. I am looking forward to doing

more experiments in Forensic Science.

Tyler- I like the experiments and

Chromatography and learning about

acids and alkalis .

Jared- I enjoy the experiments .

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This half term we would like to celebrate the Positive Contribution

that the students have made, led in particular by

one student in our class, Tia Bullimore. Just

before Christmas Tia felt concerned for those

people without a warm home for Christmas.

With a little support she decided to write a letter

to the students and their families asking for do-

nations of food. Tia received a huge amount of

support and was then able to make a delivery

directly to the Padley Centre in Derby. The do-

nation was greatly received and Tia has been

praised for her act of kindness and thought for others. Well done

This half term I have joined the KS3C teaching team. I am a teaching student from the

University of Derby and am currently doing a post graduate qualification in teaching. I have been working alongside Claire and

Ruth and have particularly focused on English. The students in the class have been developing their own writing based on the story of Alice in Wonderland. After the trip to the theatre the students began to break down the story using the story mountain pictured above. The class used this tool to plan their own stories

(Alice in Wonderland adaptations). The students have also taken part in constructing imagery using their 5 senses which has helped them to produce fantastic story openings based on a character and setting they have each created. Great work KS3C, Keep it up!

Hello from Chloe


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GLK Film Makers

Our director (Josh), camera man (Jack)

and clapper operators (Liam & Nathans)

working together to film the first scene of

the film, for each shot the students

changed job roles taking it in turns to

arrange the different scenes and

directing other students and staff.

The story has themes of

global disaster and the

dangers of pollution as

chemical waste is

responsible for a deadly


at a secondary school.

Will the students

manage to survive

and save the school?!

GLK aim for


· · ·

This term the GLK

class have been

looking into creating a

story and working as a

team for topic work.

We have crafted a

script, drawn

storyboards, designed

props and costumes.

Using creative thinking

skills and by listening

to each other’s ideas

the GLK crew have

managed to create a

fun and unique story

and managed to bring

many different

elements together in

order to film their story

effectively whilst

having fun!

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2016 to 2017

School Opens School Closes

Spring Mon 20 Feb 2017 Fri 7 Apr 2017

Summer Mon 24 Apr 2017 Fri 26 May 2017

Mon 5 June 2017 Wed 26 July 2017

Bank Holidays

14 Apr 2017

1 May 2017

29 May 2017

School Closure Days (INSET)

17 March 2017

19 June 2017