ST. MARY MAGDALEN files... · ST. MARY MAGDALEN Page 2 BRIGHTON, MICHIGAN THIS WEEK’S LITURGIES January 4, Monday, USA: Saint Elizabeth Ann ... Sat Jan 9 Mary Helen Buntin STEWARDSHIP

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Page 1: ST. MARY MAGDALEN files... · ST. MARY MAGDALEN Page 2 BRIGHTON, MICHIGAN THIS WEEK’S LITURGIES January 4, Monday, USA: Saint Elizabeth Ann ... Sat Jan 9 Mary Helen Buntin STEWARDSHIP
Page 2: ST. MARY MAGDALEN files... · ST. MARY MAGDALEN Page 2 BRIGHTON, MICHIGAN THIS WEEK’S LITURGIES January 4, Monday, USA: Saint Elizabeth Ann ... Sat Jan 9 Mary Helen Buntin STEWARDSHIP



January 4, Monday, USA: Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, Religious 1 Jn 3:22 - 4:6/Mt 4:12, 17, 23-25 9:00 am +Rev. Paul Grehl, OSFS January 5, Tuesday, USA: Saint John Neumann, Bishop 1 Jn 4:7-10/Mk 6:34-44 9:00 am Communion Service January 6, Wednesday 1 Jn 4:11-18/Mk 6:45-52 7:00 pm +Gerry Durocher January 7, Thursday 1 Jn 4:19 - 5:4/Lk 4:14-22a 9:00 am +Keith Dunn and Jan Jandasek January 8, Friday 1 Jn 5;5-13/Lk 5:12-16 9:00 am +Rev. Paul Schwermer January 9, Saturday 1 Jn 5:14-21/Jn 3:22-30 4:30 pm Vigil St. Mary Magdalen Parishioners January 10, Sunday, The Baptism of the Lord Is 40:1-5, 9-11/Ti 2:11-14, 3:4-7/Lk 3:15-16, 21-22 9:00 am +Bea Ostrowski 11:00 am +Sam Monteleone


THE EPIPHANY The Christmas season is traditionally

celebrated for 12 days (as in the carol The Twelve Days of Christmas). It ends with the last and greatest celebration on the twelfth day -- January 3 -- Feast of the Epiphany. (Since it is an important holy day on the Church calendar, in many countries, it is moved to the closest Sunday, so that we can all participate in Eucharist on this feast.) The word Epiphany comes from Greek, meaning revelation and the feast celebrates the revelation of God’s presence among us in Christ Jesus. In the west, we cele-brate the first epiphany of the Lord, when the magi – the wise ones who came from the east following the star and found Christ! But there are actually many epiphanies of the Lord in the Gospels; each reveals a deeper truth. There is the Baptism of the Lord Jesus, when He is revealed as the Beloved Son. Another epiphany is his first miracle at the Wedding Feast at Cana, where Jesus changed water into wine.

The Gospels tell us of other epiphanies: His birth, His life, His death, His resurrection and ascension. All of these revelations lead us to a deeper understanding of who Jesus is and what he means in our lives and our world.

The Eucharist is a special on-going epiphany of the Lord who comes to us in the form of bread to live within us. So that we, who receive him, will grow to become like him and thus become an epiphany – a revelation of Christ to our sisters and brothers.


the program this afternoon will be an epiphany for some - using new ways of praying to find the Lord.

Today, January 3, we will have a special pro-gram: New Experiences of Prayer. It will begin with an opening talk on prayer. Then, there will be three, 25-minute sessions to introduce participants to different ways of praying. There will be 7 sessions, each one repeated 3 times; so each participant will need to choose 3 out of the 7. The sessions are:

· Introduction to Centering Meditation · Meditation through Imaging · Journaling · Praying the Scriptures · Couple Prayer · Contemplative Prayer · Praying with Art

Actually, these are not new experiences of Prayer, they all have a long tradition in our Church and were among the many ways I was taught to pray in seminary college. (Although I will admit that they never encouraged us to Couples’ Prayer!) Our hope is to introduce our people to different ways of praying that will offer peace and serenity, a deeper relationship with the Lord and an even deeper relationship with your spouse.

Start the New Year with new ways to pray! Today, Sunday, January 3 from 2-4:30 pm. Fr. Dave Howell

THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD Isaiah 40: 1-5, 9-11 This passage from the book of Isaiah begins with God calling the prophet to en-courage the Jewish people in exile. He is to tell them that they will be returning home soon, and the road of the return will pass through the desert. We will also hear God call the people to proclaim from a mountaintop the goodness of God. Titus 2: 11-14, 3: 4-7 The letter to Titus was written about 30 years after Paul’s death, and was written in his name, a practice common in the an-cient world. Titus was a traveling companion of Paul, and later was in charge of a Christian com-munity on the island of Crete. The verses we are about to hear are also read at masses on Christ-mas. Luke 3: 15-16, 21-22 today we celebrate the hu-manity and the divinity of Jesus – the manifestation to all the world, in a public way, that “Here is the Messiah God has promised through the ages. Here is my servant in whom I am well pleased.” The voice that comes from heaven is meant for all to hear. Reflect: What expectations do you have of the Messiah?

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Men’s Breakfast Saturday January 9, at 7:30 am

Men’s Breakfasts are the 2nd and 4th Satur-days of the month, at 7:30 am. Are you hungering for a deeper relationship with God? Come to the Men’s Breakfast in the

Rectory lower level.

Monday, January 4 9:00 am Preschool 6:00 pm Magdalen’s Kitchen 7:00 pm School for Discipleship 7:00 pm Boy Scout Committee Meeting 7:30 pm K of C Business Meeting Tuesday, January 5 9:00 am Preschool 10:30 am Gospel of Luke 6:00 pm Boy Scout Troop #365 7:00 pm Gospel of Luke Wednesday, January 6 9:00 am Preschool 9:45 am Moms 1:00 pm Knitters 4:30 & 6:30 Religious Formation 7:30 pm Worship 7:45 pm Bible in Beads Thursday, January 7 9:00 am Preschool 5;30 pm Religious Formation 7:00 pm Baptism Instruction 7:00 pm Preschool Bpard 7:00 pm School for Discipleship 7:30 pm Music Ministry Friday, January 8 9:00 am Preschool 1:00 pm For Pain’s Sake Saturday, January 9 7:30 am Men’s Breakfast 9:00 - 3 pm Laudato Si Retreat 2:00 pm Solo Women 4:30 pm Rite of Enrollment Solemn Penance Sunday, January 10 9, 11, 5:30 Religious Formation 9:00 am K of C Pancake Breakfast 9:00 am Rite of Enrollment First Eucharist 10:15 am Homestudy Meeting 11:00 am RCIA Dismissal 7:00 pm Youth Group Meeting

BANNS OF MARRIAGE I. Christine Morello and Henry Crosson

MINISTERS OF PRAYER Sun Jan 3 Kyle Geran Mon Jan 4 Bob Sexton, Barb Dolkowski Bob & Dawn Gustitus Tue Jan 5 Theresa Wolterman, Michelle Sixbery Wed Jan 6 Joe Lubig, Chris Camden Thu Jan 7 Rita DeRaud, Kathy Riccardi Fri Jan 8 Marilyn & Dan VanTiem Sat Jan 9 Mary Helen Buntin

STEWARDSHIP REPORT Week of 12/20/2015

Approximately 1597 people participated Env/Cash $18,076 EFT $12,953 Securing Our Future $ 4,845 TOTAL $35,874 Children’s Collection $59.60

Come, let us sing joyfully to the Lord. Psalm 95:1

Laurie Aldrich Jan Baldinger Carol Ballach Andrea Bibi Kathy Black Molly Brink Andi Clark Maureen Crane Elyce Cron Karoline DeRosia Addison Donehue Brad Duneske Susan Ferrell Donald Gehring Maureen Gonzalez Sean Hartman Kim Heaman Ben Hemker MaryAnna Horkan Jennifer Kane Bill Kapelanski Walter Kovacs Sherri Kunkel Herb Langer Julie Anderer Lloyd Barbara Lockwood Butch Lockwood

Kelly Luck Lori Lukosavich JoAnn Maravolo David Martin Mark Matras Hogan McCuan Tom McSweeney Jennifer Miller Delaney Mitchell Stanley Osdras Christine Paweski Carol Phillips Dan Rais Ed Rigley Michelle Schmid Dee Schott Peter Semonick Richard Smith Tom Stadtmiller Kevin Stryski Marylyn Trader Donny Urban Nick Yanick

Tom Zremski Cheryl Doreen

Please pray for the sick, especially:

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Religious Formation News from Mary at [email protected] and

Karen at [email protected]

Youth News from Margaret at [email protected] and

Jillian at [email protected]

Happy New Year! Classes resume today and Wed/Thurs.

Our First Grade classes are collecting pet food for their service project. This food will help families in need. Please put your donations in the marked box in the gathering area. Thank you! Prayer partners: After the 4:30 and 9am Liturgies next weekend, you are asked to take the name of one of our youth in preparation for First Eucharist or Solemn Penance. Please pray for them, and their families, as they prepare for these Sacraments! Home study parent meeting January 10 at 10:15. 9

th Confirmation Youth and Parent or Sponsor meeting

next Sunday: Parents and/or Sponsors are asked to at-tend class time with their 9

th grade high school youth Sun-

day, January 17, at 5:30 for an interactive meeting. We have the best catechists, aides, hall monitors and nursery help in the county! Catechists/Aides are en-couraged to register for the day of training with other cate-chists in our Diocese, Saturday, January 30, here at St. Mary Magdalen! We will offer Formation classes for all catechists and assistants not only to be empowered in their classes, but to receive credit for certification from the Dio-cese of Lansing as well. If you are interested in helping in a classroom, call me; you are welcome to start training any time! Once you have registered for this day of training, let me know! WE NEED YOU! We are looking for individuals with the desire to share faith with the youth of our parish. If you ever felt “called” to inquire into the ministry of catechist or assis-tant, give us a call! Having over 700 youth in formation clas-ses here, it does indeed take a village to raise our children and pass along the fundamentals of our faith. Catechists and aides are always needed in our formation classes dur-ing the week on Wednesday and Thursday, along with Sun-day mornings and evenings. We will provide training, infor-mation and support for the responsibilities required before you ever meet with a class. Even if you do not feel the classroom is the best place to use your talents, our For-mation Team is in need of new members as well. This team helps set the direction of the programs and what goes into our classes. If you have ever wondered if you possess the gifts needed and enjoy working with youth, please give us a call in the office! Just a reminder about snow days: Since it is January, it is a good time to remind you of our snow policy. If Brighton area schools are cancelled due to bad weather, our Faith Formation classes will also be cancelled. In case Religious Formation is cancelled during the school day, we will notify each family by email. If you have a change of email or phone numbers please get them to our office.

Have a great week!

Happy New Year! Wow what a year! As you look back on 2015, reflect about where God was in your life. Was he present in the birth of a new baby or in the class at school that you really struggled in? Was God present to you in a new found friendship, one that you least expected? Or was God present in your life pushing you to achieve that goal you thought was not attainable? God was and is always with you in your life during the good, the bad and the ugly. Per-haps he is present to you now as you struggle. Look ahead to the next 12 months and spend time with God asking him to be with you in all things, in all sea-sons and through the ups and downs of what lies ahead. Our high school youth group for teens in grades 9-12 meets every Sunday evening from 7-9pm in the youth room. We gather in community and friendship to share God’s love and goodness in our lives. Our first meeting in the new year, is Sunday January 3rd. Plan to make this a part of your year and see where God takes you! Make sure you are registered for our annual Winter Weekend Getaway, January 29-30. We will be again staying at Edgett’s Lodge, south of Cadillac. We trav-el to Caberfae Ski Resort for those interested in ski-ing. The cost for lodging and 5 meals is now $110. Contact Margaret Callaghan or Jillian Killian at the above address to register, with questions or for more information. As you look ahead to summer, think about doing a mission trip this year as a family. Soon I will be holding an informational meeting regarding a week-long service trip typically in July. If you are interest-ed, email Margaret Callaghan at the above address for details. EDGE

EDGE is our middle school youth group. We meet twice a month on the second and fourth Mon-day. Our meetings are planned with the middle school student in 6, 7 and 8th grade, with fun discussion, games and, of course, food! Our first meeting of 2016 is January 11th. Bring a friend or come to make new ones!

Bible in Beads You're invited to scriptural reflections based upon the Joyful Mystery this Christmas season. There will be a guest speaker and small group discussions. Sessions are 7:45 pm in the North Room, January 6 and 13. Free childcare provided. See www.bibleinbeads.com for details.

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Adult Education and Formation Faith and Service - from Sr. Joyce [email protected]

Charity & Justice

Card Making Class Please join us Tuesday, January 12 at 1 pm in the East Room for Meals On Wheels Card Making Class. For $5, our instructor, Melissa, will teach us how to

make three cards and provide all needed materials. It is asked that you donate one birthday card to be given to a MOW client. Please call Pam at 810 355-1511, to register for the class.

Winter School for Discipleship History of Prophesy in Israel

Father David Howell Starting Mondays, January 4–February 8, 7-9 pm. Grasp the importance of the message of the ancient prophets in our faith story.

World Religions II

Mr. Derek Day Starting Thursdays, January 7–February 11, 7-9 pm. This course will help clarify the Eastern Religions of the World. Brochures are at the Adult Formation Board or online at the St. Mary Magdalen website.

The Gospel of Luke Facilitator: Sr. Joyce

Weekly, starting January 5, on Tuesday mornings, 10:30 am – noon and repeated Tuesday evenings, 7 – 8:30 pm. Please bring a Bible, pen and notebook. We will peruse Luke’s Gospel in light of the New Li-turgical Year, Sr. Barbara’s presentation and the Year of Mercy.

Winter Family Fun Night Saturday, January 16 after the 4:30 pm Mass. We will begin with a macaroni and cheese dinner (you can bring the add ins).

We will offer movies, active games, and table games including cards. See Community Life Board for further information.

St. Mary Magdalen parishioners were very generous in their December donations to Hope in a Box, requir-ing four deliveries to the Center for Hope in Flint. This photo shows volunteers and staff from the cen-ter helping Leo Hanifin unload his truck-full of blan-kets, toys and boots for those in need in Flint. In January, the Center is asking for gloves (mostly

men’s gloves) and toilet paper, so keep up your gen-


The Couple Prayer Series “A life-changing experience for couples”

St. Mary Magdalen Marriage Ministry is excited to offer The Couple Prayer Se-ries Feb 15-March 21 of 2016 - Monday evenings 7:30 – 9 pm. Childcare will be provided! This would be the perfect gift to give your spouse or fiancé! The Together with Jesus Couple Prayer Series for engaged or married couples is a six-week experi-ence in shared faith. At The Couple Prayer Series, you’ll hear more about the compelling case for Couple Prayer and ex-perience first-hand how you, too, can safely and peacefully share Couple Prayer with your spouse in ways that will dramatically enhance your faith, your marriage, and the faith and well-being of your whole family. If you’re interested in registering now, and giving the gift of an enriched relationship to your spouse or fiancé, please call Deacon Devon Wolfe or Sandi Phillips in the St. Mary Magdalen office at 810-229-8624 or email [email protected].

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ACTIVITIES SCHEDULE Mon 1/4 8:30 pm Men’s Basketball Tue 1/5 8:30 am Zumba 6:00 pm Troop 385 Wed 1/6 ——— ——— Thu 1/7 8:30 am Zumba 8:30 pm Men’s Basketball Fri 1/8 ——— ——— Sat 1/9 7:30 am Boot Camp Sun 1/10 7:00 pm Youth Group

Saint Mary Magdalen 2201 Old US 23 Highway

Brighton, MI 48114

Office Phone: (810) 229-8624 Fax: (810) 229-6471 Preschool Phone: (810) 229-0010 Website: www.saintmarymagdalen.org Office Hours: Mon - Thurs 8:30 am - 8:30 pm Friday 8:30 am - 4:30 pm Staff: Pastor: Fr. David F. Howell Permanent Deacons: H. David Scharf, James Chevalier, Gary Prise, Devon Wolfe Pastoral Ministers: Sr. Maryetta Churches, O.P., Sr. Joyce Hoile, O.S.F (Adult Formation & Evangelization) Director of Faith Formation: Mary Mahar Formation Administrative Assistant: Karen MacDonald Director of R.C.I.A. & Liturgist: Diane Kubus Youth Ministry: Margaret Callaghan Youth Ministry Assistant: Jillian Killian Director of Music: Steven H. Schulte Director of Pre-School: Kathie Anderer Parish Secretaries: Debbie Dehanke, Sandi Phillips, Diane Whiton Bookkeeper: Dave Wisniewski Facilities Team: Dan Tuthill, Kathy Gehring, Mark Wolf Sacramental Information: Weekend Liturgies: Saturday 4:30 pm, Sunday 9 & 11 am Weekday Liturgies: 9:00 am Monday, Thursday, Friday 7:00 pm Wednesday Sacrament of Penance: Saturday 11:30 am to 12 noon Infant Baptism: Erin Wolfe Sacrament of Matrimony: Please contact the office at least nine months prior to wedding date.

Magdalen’s Preschool Magdalen’s Preschool…Happy New Year from the staff and the children of Magdalen’s Preschool. Our program will provide opportunities for the children to grow spiritually, socially, intellectually, emotionally, and physically, and to gain confidence in their God-given abilities. It is designed to help build a solid foun-dation for success in future schoolwork. We have a highly qualified staff with a combined total of over 40 years’ experience. The purpose of the preschool program at St. Mary Magdalen Church, is to provide a Christian education, in a warm, caring, environment for the young children of the congregation and community. The early child-hood years are an important time in the development of the child. Most of the potential for learning is estab-lished by age six. Many opportunities will be provided for the children to explore and manipulate a variety of materials. “Play” is a very important part of the pre-school classroom, and much of the learning takes place through teacher-directed and self-directed play activities. Through these activities, children develop social and language skills, learn to handle their emo-tions and learn about God’s wonderful world! Come check us out! We would love to have you join us! “Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22:6

DIOCESAN Publications This week, Shaun Nicholson, a representative from our bulletin publisher, Diocesan Publications, will be seeking new and renewing present parish bulletin ads. If you are interested in advertising, please call the parish office for contact information. We feel this is an excellent opportunity for local businesses to increase their visibility in the community. Advertising in the bulletin allows this publication to be printed each week at no cost to the parish.

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i.d.916 Livingston

LIVINGSTON YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Events & Connections for those 18-39


Questions on all Young Adult Ministry events can be directed to Shannon (810) 588-7665 or

[email protected]

January Disciples’ Night with Louis Brown Thursday, January 7, 2016

6:30 pm Mass at St. Joseph, Howell with Fr. John Rocus Followed by Dinner

7:40 pm, Livestream talk in the Emmaus Room Please RSVP by Monday Jan. 4 via Facebook,

email or text.

Have you been told you are at risk of becoming dia-betic? For your health, take the steps to prevent type 2 diabetes! St. Joseph Mercy Livingston Hospi-tal is working with The National Kidney Foundation of Michigan’s (NKFM) My Choice. . . My Health: Diabe-tes Prevention Program to help those at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This FREE 16 week pro-gram that is open to all the churches in Livingston county, will help you adopt and maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating healthier, increasing physical activ-ity, and losing a modest amount of weight in order to reduce the chances of developing diabetes. In a group setting, a trained lifestyle coach & dietician help participants learn about healthier eating, physi-cal activity, and other behavior changes. Space is limited so register now. To register, visit www.nkfm.org/dpp or call the NKFM at 800-482-1455. To learn more, attend the information session on February 2, 2016 at 6 PM at St. Patrick Church in Brighton.