St. Mary’s Episcopal Church 203 Dennison St. Colonial Beach, Virginia The Messenger Volume 36, Issue 4 August 2014 Interim Rector The Rev. Thomas R. Hughes, Jr. Deacon The Rev. Deacon Edward W. Jones Music Director: Bonnie Trahan Organist: James Edwards Vestry & Commissions Mary C. Parker Sr. Warden Ann Swope Jr. Warden Mary Barber Donna Derry Kristine Guido Jack Gaines Treasurer; Register Julie Irving Chuhta Assistant Treasurer ECW Officers President: Ella Johnson Vice President: Mary Barber Secretary: Donna Derry Treasurer: Mickey Moore; Bonnie Trahan Altar Guild Frances Cook Sunday School Point of Contact Ann Swope Newsletter Editor Barbara Anthony Webmaster Mickey Beard Mid-Pentecost From the Rector’s Desk Dear Folks, Thank you for this last year together. Being your priest and pastor is a most fulfilling experience for me, and I am very grateful for our time together. I will be here with you in this part of Christ's vineyard as long as you need me. I am sorry to mention this, but now that we are in high summer, the days are noticeably shorter. But the good news is that our parish plans for fall are well underway. For example, on the tenth of September, we will resume the Wednesday mid-week service at the same ten o'clock hour. For some this is an additional opportunity for worship, but for others who work or are away on Sunday, it becomes a central part of their life in the church. On Tuesday evenings (beginning September 16th) at four-thirty, we will begin anew our weekly Bible study. We'll start with the Letter to the Ephesians and focus on the in-depth spiritual reading of scripture which made last year's time so well spent. Adult Christian Ed begins on Sunday, the twenty-first of September, nine-fifteen 'til ten-fifteen. In anticipation of Bishop Johnston's visit on October twenty-sixth, we will begin the new year with a class designed to prepare some for Confirmation and for others a stimulating review of our Christian commitments. It should be a time of thought and prayer for all of us. This fall will also bring us two very promising Saturday morning workshops. The first is a presentation on "The Development of Human Consciousness" from Sumer, the Axial Age, through the present, to a promising future. You will find that this is a different way of seeing the Bible as the most important book in history and Jesus as the Savior of the World. Our other workshop will be on "Discerning our Spiritual Gifts“ - those gifts God has given us of which we may not be aware or don't understand. The date of each of these will be announced right away. It is shaping up as a rich, full autumn with spiritual growth opportunities from which to choose. Sounds just right for an alive, servant church like Saint Mary's, and I look forward to sharing this new season with you. We are now a welcoming church, but our challenge is to become an inviting church - inviting to our friends, family, and the larger community. It is our Christian responsibility to do this, and they will thank you. In Christ Tom+

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church The Messengerstmaryscolonialbeach.thediocese.net/Customer-Content/stmaryscolo… · For example, on the tenth of September, we will resume the Wednesday

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Page 1: St. Mary’s Episcopal Church The Messengerstmaryscolonialbeach.thediocese.net/Customer-Content/stmaryscolo… · For example, on the tenth of September, we will resume the Wednesday

St. Mary’s Episcopal Church203 Dennison St.

Colonial Beach, Virginia

The MessengerVolume 36, Issue 4 August 2014

Interim RectorThe Rev.

Thomas R. Hughes, Jr.


The Rev. Deacon

Edward W. Jones

MusicDirector: Bonnie Trahan

Organist: James Edwards

Vestry & Commissions

Mary C. Parker

Sr. Warden

Ann Swope

Jr. Warden

Mary Barber

Donna Derry

Kristine Guido

Jack Gaines

Treasurer; Register

Julie Irving Chuhta

Assistant Treasurer

ECW Officers

President: Ella Johnson

Vice President: Mary Barber


Donna Derry

Treasurer: Mickey Moore;

Bonnie Trahan

Altar GuildFrances Cook

Sunday School

Point of ContactAnn Swope

Newsletter EditorBarbara Anthony

WebmasterMickey Beard

From the Desk of our Senior WardenMid-Pentecost

From the Rector’s DeskDear Folks,

Thank you for this last year together. Being your priest and pastor

is a most fulfilling experience for me, and I am very grateful for our

time together. I will be here with you in this part of Christ's vineyard

as long as you need me.

I am sorry to mention this, but now that we are in high summer, the days are

noticeably shorter. But the good news is that our parish plans for fall are well

underway. For example, on the tenth of September, we will resume the Wednesday

mid-week service at the same ten o'clock hour. For some this is an additional

opportunity for worship, but for others who work or are away on Sunday, it becomes

a central part of their life in the church.

On Tuesday evenings (beginning September 16th) at four-thirty, we will begin

anew our weekly Bible study. We'll start with the Letter to the Ephesians and focus

on the in-depth spiritual reading of scripture which made last year's time so well


Adult Christian Ed begins on Sunday, the twenty-first of September, nine-fifteen

'til ten-fifteen. In anticipation of Bishop Johnston's visit on October twenty-sixth, we

will begin the new year with a class designed to prepare some for Confirmation and

for others a stimulating review of our Christian commitments. It should be a time of

thought and prayer for all of us.

This fall will also bring us two very promising Saturday morning workshops. The

first is a presentation on "The Development of Human Consciousness" – from

Sumer, the Axial Age, through the present, to a promising future. You will find that

this is a different way of seeing the Bible as the most important book in history and

Jesus as the Savior of the World. Our other workshop will be on "Discerning our

Spiritual Gifts“ - those gifts God has given us of which we may not be aware or don't

understand. The date of each of these will be announced right away.

It is shaping up as a rich, full autumn with spiritual growth opportunities from

which to choose. Sounds just right for an alive, servant church like Saint Mary's, and

I look forward to sharing this new season with you. We are now a welcoming church,

but our challenge is to become an inviting church - inviting to our friends, family, and

the larger community. It is our Christian responsibility to do this, and they will thank


In Christ


Page 2: St. Mary’s Episcopal Church The Messengerstmaryscolonialbeach.thediocese.net/Customer-Content/stmaryscolo… · For example, on the tenth of September, we will resume the Wednesday

The MessengerPAGE 2 203 Dennison St.

Colonial Beach, VA 22443

The Messenger is issued

approximately seven times during the church

calendar year.

Jan-Feb (Epiphany-Lent)

Mar-April (Holy Week & Easter)

May-June (Pentecost)

Jul-Aug (Mid-Pentecost)

Sep and Oct (More Pentecost)

Nov (Thanksgiving-Advent)

Dec (Christmas-New Year)

The MessengerSt. Mary’s Episcopal Church

203 Dennison St.

Colonial Beach, VA 22443

(804) 224-7186 / Fax-(804)224-4059

Email: [email protected]

or visit us on the web:


Also click the “Like”


to follow us on


We welcome submissions concerning

family, community and church news.

Dear Fellow Parishioners,

We are so grateful to our church members who give of their time and talent in so many ways: the thrift

shop, community lunch, food pantry, facebook entries, newsletter preparation, fundraising, landscaping, coffee

hour hosts, Sunday school, choir, collection counters, auditors, altar guild, Sunday worship… We could not be

the church on the beach without these contributions. However, the need exists for more parishioners to get

involved in some way. Seventeen percent of our volunteers are repeat stewards, who offer themselves in

more than one capacity. I recently learned of two parishioners who are interested in becoming involved in the

food pantry outreach. We are thankful to those individuals. The downside is that those two people already

offer themselves in other ways. The more volunteers we have, the more sustainable are our hopes to exhibit

Christ like behavior to one another and the town’s residents.

In the current issue of the Virginia Episcopalian, an article appeared on spiritual stewardship where the

question was asked, “How do we bring our first gift to God? How do we give of ourselves?”

I just returned from a family reunion at Lake George in upstate New York. My husband and I went to the

local church in Bolton Landing for Sunday worship. The bulletin had an announcement regarding the need for

more volunteers for their thrift shop and to serve as host during their Sunday coffee hour. I thought to myself,

that perhaps the need for volunteers is a nationwide problem among Episcopal churches, and perhaps all

denominations. Then I imagined that St. Mary’s could be different – could be a template for other churches –

where our volunteerism surpassed the norm.

Numerous opportunities to volunteer exist. If you would like more information about any of these

possibilities, please contact the church office, and you will be directed to the person who steers that particular

area of service. No activity is complicated, and assistance will always be available. Hopefully, you will find a

ministry that will enable you to feel enough energy and commitment that you will wonder what took you so


God bless you and yours.


Mary C. Parker

From the Senior Warden

Aerobics class took a break for the

summer – will resume in


Alcoholic Anonymous meets every

Tuesday and Saturday – 8 p.m.,

Parish Hall


Sunday school will begin on October 12 and

last through all of October. After a short respite,

classes will resume again for all of Advent. Pumpkin and Christmas

tree decorating contests will be revisited with all proceeds going

toward the food pantry. Children in kindergarten through eighth

grade are welcome. Classes meet in Hart Hall at 10:15am and end

in time for the children to join their families for the remainder of the

10:30 service before the Eucharist is offered.

Page 3: St. Mary’s Episcopal Church The Messengerstmaryscolonialbeach.thediocese.net/Customer-Content/stmaryscolo… · For example, on the tenth of September, we will resume the Wednesday

The Messenger PAGE 3203 Dennison St.

Colonial Beach, VA 22443

We have a small prayer shawl ministry here at

St. Mary’s. Kim Cannady has been our chief

crafter. While creating the shawl she offers

prayers and blessings for the recipient. Some

recipients have continued the kindness by passing

the shawl to someone else in need. We have

delivered shawls to the recently widowed and

people who are hospitalized or in nursing homes.

One beloved high school graduate will receive a

scarf in the school colors of his chosen university.

Although we are happy with this outreach, we are

hoping to include more or St. Mary’s talented

crafters in this mission of care and comfort. We

have plenty of yarn, knitting and crochet needles

and printed instructions available. This is a

prayerful mission and an opportunity for fellowship

and service for those who are in need of a warm

“hug” from this loving church family. Please call

Mary Barber at 804-224-2106 or sign the sheet on

the piano if you are interested in participating in

this mission. Indicate your preferred times for

gathering together. If you know

of someone who could use a

“hug,” please alert the office or

Mary Barber.

Each year, the ECW awards a $1000.00

scholarship to a graduating Colonial Beach High

School senior. The scholarship committee

interviewed eight students. The 2014 recipient

was Taylor R. Lee. Taylor will enroll in Old

Dominion University where she plans to pursue a

degree in nursing. The ECW will hold her in their


Scholarship Awarded

St. Mary’s parishioner, Kathy Waltermire,

received two awards for her work displayed

at the 21st Biennial King George Art Show.

“Détente,” a pastel, took the Judge’s Choice Award

and “Eating My Stripes,” another pastel, was given

an Honorable Mention Award. Congratulations

Kathy. We hope you are as proud of yourself as

your church family is of you.

Prayer Shawl Ministry

Mary Barber and Mary Parker conversed with some

very savvy senior congregants to determine how to meet

the pastoral care needs of our home bound and less

mobile members. In between bites of chicken and tuna

salads, chips and gluten-free cookies many ideas were

generated. These ladies felt that they were well

supported in terms of rides to appointments or help with

groceries but could certainly use some caring, Christian

fellowship. Many enjoy the benefits of It Takes a Village

but still spend hours alone hoping for human contact to

tell a story or share a joke. One over eighty church

member was thinking about moving from Colonial Beach

into an adult community because she spent so many

hours alone. Thankfully, she has found fellowship and

has changed her mind about relocating.

Please call Mary Barber at

804-224-2106 or sign the sheet on

the piano if you are interested in

this opportunity for fellowship. We

anticipate scheduling regular visits

to our homebound members during

the fall.

Pastoral Care Luncheon

Congratulations Are in OrderEvents

8/19 Vestry Meeting – 7:00pm – Hart Hall

9/6 Community Lunch – 12:00pm – 3:00pm – Parish Hall

9/10 Aerobics Reconvenes – 6:30pm – 7:30pm – Parish Hall

9/10 Wednesday Liturgy – 10:00am

9/11 Diocesan Executive Board Meeting

10:00am – 2:00pm - Parish Hall

9/14 Appreciation Breakfast – 9:00am – Parish Hall

9/16 Bible Study Reconvenes – 4:30pm – 5:30pm - Hart Hall

9/18 ECW Reconvenes – 1:00pm – Parish Hall

9/16 Vestry Meeting – 7:00pm – Hart Hall

9/21 Confirmation Classes Begin – 9:15am – Parish Hall

9/26 Silent Auction and Ham and Oyster Dinner

5:00pm –8:00pm - Parish Hall

10/4 Community Lunch – 12:00pm – 3:00pm – Parish Hall

Mark Your Calendar

Page 4: St. Mary’s Episcopal Church The Messengerstmaryscolonialbeach.thediocese.net/Customer-Content/stmaryscolo… · For example, on the tenth of September, we will resume the Wednesday

ASH WEDNESDAY SCHEDULECelebration of the Eucharist and distribution of ashes at St. Mary’s will take place on Ash Wednesday at 12:o’clock noon and 7:00pm

The MessengerPAGE 4 203 Dennison St.

Colonial Beach, VA 22443

From the ECW DeskSearch Committee Highlights

At its August 19 meeting, the vestry will elect a

delegate and alternate to attend the 220th Annual

Council of the Diocese of Virginia (The Council). If

you would like to be considered, contact Mary Parker

at 804-224-8055 no later than August 15, 2014. To

be a delegate or alternate, you must be at least 16

years old and a confirmed communicant in good

standing. The Council will meet from Jan. 22 to Jan.

24, 2015 at the Downtown Marriott Hotel in

Richmond. The Council is the annual governing

meeting of the Diocese. With several hundred clergy

and lay delegates from the Diocese’s 182 churches

and missions, the Council votes on resolutions that

express the will of the Diocese, receives reports from

the Bishops and the other governing bodies of the

Diocese, learns about exciting new ministries,

celebrates and honors good works, and approves the

budget of the Diocese. Delegate gives a verbal

report to the parishioners on The Council’s annual

meeting. Being a delegate or alternate is a wonderful

way to serve our parish and to learn more about the

wider church. Costs for attending The Council are

shared by St. Mary’s and the delegate/alternate and

include the $235 registration fee and $150 per night

for lodging.

St. Mary’s Seeks Candidates for Delegate to The Council

Although the ECW meetings are regularly

scheduled on the second Thursday of each month,

September’s meeting will be held on Thursday, the

18th. ECW members should plan on attending as

important topics will be discussed and fall events

scheduled. The meeting will be in the Parish Hall

and begin at 1:00pm.

The profile of St. Mary’s and its accompanying

cover letter were put on our website on July 22. If you

are interested in reading both documents, go to

stmaryscolonialbeach.org. On the home page, scroll

down to search committee to locate both manuscripts.

The Ministry Profile, as created by the Diocese and

completed by the Search Committee, appears on the

National Website.

The deadline for all applications is September 8,

appropriate to St. Mary’s as it is the birthday of Mary.

The Search Committee will continue to meet to

prepare themselves for the interview, evaluation and

selection process for potential candidates.

What’s next in Search Process?

Annual Silent Auction ScheduledSt. Mary’s annual silent auction and seafood dinner

will be held Friday, September 26th from 5-8pm.

Advance tickets will be available at a discounted rate. If

you have a new or gently used item that you would like

to donate, please contact Julie Irving-Chuhta at 804-

366-1286. Further details will be provided in upcoming

bulletins and on our Facebook page. Please come out

and support, as well as enjoy a great dinner with our

church family and town community!2014

On Sunday, July 20,

Donna and Jack Shelar’s

grandchildren, the

Rivera’s, received the

sacrament of Baptism.

Great joy prevailed at the

10:30 service. May we

at St. Mary’s set good

examples for these

children and be visible

signs of our faith in

action. We extend a

warm welcome and ask

God’s blessings upon

Cole Alexander, Cruz

Austin, Arianna Lee, and

Kaylyn Renee.

A Joyful Sunday in July

September ECW Meeting

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Birthdays &


St. Mary’s Church Mission

We at St. Mary’s are called to be a visible sign of Christ’s presence in our community. We are a family of God’s people committed

to nurturing spiritual growth in ourselves, our families, this community and the world in which we live and serve.



On July 12th and 13th St. Mary’s once again paired with the Colonial

Beach United Methodist Church to present a vacation bible school

program for the community. This year’s theme was “International Spy

Academy: Agents of the One True God”. Our participants became

undercover agents on a mission to learn about the one true God. As part

of their training, “agents” received training in Bible Study, where they

learned to identify the difference between the one true God and false

Gods. Agents then rotated through other briefing stations including the

laboratory (crafts) and missions where the agents learned about the

many efforts across the world to spread the word of God. The most

exciting adventure for the agents was when they had the opportunity to

complete a mission in “the field”. Agents visited the Methodist Church’s

Opp Shop, Bear Cave, and Food Pantry, as well as St. Mary’s Thrift

Store and Food Pantry. At each location the agents learned about the

particular outreach program and hunted for particular items to complete

their mission. Agents enjoyed their time in the field and it was great to

see St. Mary’s presence in town! When the agents completed their

training they had worked up quite an appetite and were treated to a meal

of “spy-ghetti” before departing for the day.

The following day, agents returned to St. Mary’s for a presentation to

family and friends to help share their mission of learning about the one

true God. After the presentation the agents were treated to a wonderful

meal of Sloppy Joes followed by ice cream sundaes prepared by some of

our wonderful St. Mary’s volunteers. Speaking of volunteers, the

program was an amazing success, thanks to the hard work and

dedication of so many of our St. Mary’s family! Thanks to ALL who

participated in this year’s program!

VBS 2014 = Great Success

1 Steve & Ann Swope (A)

1 Deborah Zappala

2 Keith and Desiree Ingels (A)

7 Donald Markwith

10 Lewis Ray

11 Larry & Vicki Roberson (A)

15 Timothy Burgess

16 Phyllis & Ed Beavers (A)

20 Candice Coates

21 Rose Macdonald

22 Pat FitzGerald

28 Nathaniel Dazy

31 P.D. Greenlaw

Please Note: There is a list

of birthdays and anniversaries

in the church. Check to make sure

your special day is on the list and make

corrections as necessary.

1 Steve Cannady

2 Gary Anthony

2 Walt & Jean Warner (A)

5 Ann Swope

6 Kenneth and Sherri Allwine (A)

9 John L. and Gladys Johnson (A)

9 Logan Okrasinski

11 Erin Anthony Bartley

12 Donna Shelar

15 Tucker Duke

17 Kenneth Allwine

21 John Baran

22 Steve Swope

24 Richard and Margaret Racine (A)

27 Martha Ann Okrasinski

27 Desiree Ingels

28 Joe King

28 Jack Shelar

29 Mary & Bill Norton (A)

Page 6: St. Mary’s Episcopal Church The Messengerstmaryscolonialbeach.thediocese.net/Customer-Content/stmaryscolo… · For example, on the tenth of September, we will resume the Wednesday

PAGE 6 203 Dennison St.

Colonial Beach, VA 22443The Messenger

Over thirty church members came together on Sunday, June 29, between services,

to receive updates about our rector search and to engage in discussions about St. Mary’s

future. Bonnie Trahan, the Search Committee’s Chair, welcomed everyone and laid the

groundwork for what to expect during the meeting. Reverend Deacon Edward Jones served

as facilitator.

Following an opening prayer, Deacon Jones asked participants to write their response to the following

question. What is one characteristic that you believe every leader should possess? Some responses

included such traits as integrity, personal spirituality, compassion, collaboration and the ability to inspire

others. Deacon Jones summarized the discussion and offered his observations. None of the traits are

gender or age specific.

Participants received facts about the status of Episcopal priests in general. They included statistics such


• During the years 2009-2011, 52% males were ordained and 48% were women

• Average tenure service in the US: 5-7 years

• Males relocate to a new position at a rate of 63% and females at a rate of 37%

• The gender mix of those ordained in the Diocese of Virginia is almost even

• The average age for male ordination is 38 and female ordination is 50

Deacon Jones provided information particular to Region 1, the region to which St. Mary’s belongs along

with 18 other churches.

Five churches, or 26%, are in transition

Eight rectors, or 42%, are women

Nine, or 47%, are part-time rectors. St. Mary’s ranks 7th in congregation size ranging from 60 to 300,

among this list of nine.

Participants viewed examples depicting what the budget would reflect depending upon a full time rector

versus one who works part-time with a variance in experience ranging between three and twelve years. A full

time rector with anywhere from three to twelve years of experience would surpass St. Mary’s budget between

28 and 24 percent. A part-time rector with anywhere from three to twelve years of experience would exceed

the budget between nine and four percent. Some attendees commented about the need to raise the yearly

financial contributions even with the decision to search for a rector who is willing to work 3.5 days a week.

Other observations included the need to grow St. Mary’s lay leadership so that parishioners can serve in

collaboration with the new rector.

Some attendees shared their concerns about the Vestry’s decision to call a part-time rector. Deacon

Jones spoke about the trend in the Diocese to hire part-time priests when so many churches are within a close

geographical area. He also assured everyone that any person hired as St. Mary’s priest would be a

responsible leader and minister to his/her people in a Christ-like way. Strict adherence to his or her work

schedule when a parishioner was in need would be the exception, not the norm. However, he also cautioned

that parishioners need to understand that boundaries must exist. We cannot expect him or her to work full-

time for part-time wages.

Bonnie shared next steps with everyone (see article) before asking all to recite a prayer asking blessings

upon the Search Committee, Vestry and all parishioners that we may view this moment of change and

renewal, not as a threat to what has been, but as an invitation to build up the foundation as a community of

faith dedicated to the building up of God’s Kingdom.

Parishioners Discuss St. Mary’s Future

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PAGE 7203 Dennison St.

Colonial Beach, VA 22443 The Messenger

August 10 August 17 August 24 August 31 September 7


8:00 Mary Barber Tim Burgess Deacon Jones Tim Burgess Deacon Jones

10:30 Bill Hall Deacon Jones Julie Irving Chuhta Deacon Jones Beth Peed


8:00 Mary Barber Mickey Moore J. & N. Kelly Ella Johnson Kathy Greenlaw

10:30 Steve Cannady Karna Sparks June Gaines C. Birmingham Barbara Megee

Gifts Greeters Choose Volunteers Before The Service

Crucifier James Peed Ben Peed Graham Darcy Owen Darcy James Peed


8:00 Kathy Greenlaw Tim Burgess Natalie Kelly Mary Parker Mary Barber

10:30 Jack Gaines Kyle Allwine Julie Irving Chuhta Heather Trivett John L. Johnson


8:00 Mary Parker Lynn Speight Mary Barber Mickey Moore Ella Johnson

10:30 Steve Cannady Mary Jeter June Gaines C. Birmingham Gladys Johnson

Coffee Hour Parker’s

Altar Flowers Ella Johnson Peed’s M. Moore /

R. Hudecheck

Pat FitzGerald

Altar Guild Kathy Greenlaw Lynn Speight Mary Parker Pat FitzGerald

September 14 September 21 September 28 October 5 October 12


8:00 Deacon Jones Mary Barber Tim Burgess Deacon Jones Mary Barber

10:30 Deacon Jones Jack Gaines Julie Irving Chuhta Bill Hall Deacon Jones


8:00 Mary Barber Ella Johnson Mickey Moore Kathy Greenlaw J. & N. Kelly

10:30 Karna Sparks Barbara MeGee C. Birmingham June Gaines Steve Cannady

Gifts Greeters Choose Volunteers Before The Service

Crucifier Graham Darcy Owen Darcy James Peed Graham Darcy Owen Darcy


8:00 Kathy Greenlaw Mary Barber Tim Burgess Mary Parker Natalie Kelly

10:30 James Peed Kathy Waltermire Bill Hall June Gaines Beth Peed


8:00 Lynn Speight Mickey Moore Ella Johnson Kathy Greenlaw Mary Barber

10:30 Ann Flaim Barbara Megee Bonnie Trahan Peggy Johnston Jack Gaines

Coffee Hour Peed’s Parker’s

Altar Flowers Baran’s Mack’s Kelly’s

Altar Guild Lynn Speight Kim Cannady K. Sparks/E. Johnson Mary Parker

Schedule of Servers August 10 through October 12

If you are unable to participate as assigned, please attempt to find a substitute. If you are

unsuccessful, please call the church office (224-7186) without delay. Thank you for your

service to St. Mary’s and your contribution to this ministry.

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Colonial Beach, VA 22443The Messenger

Father Tom will be changing his work days from

Monday and Tuesday to Tuesday and Wednesday.

This will afford us the opportunity to attend the

Wednesday liturgy at 10:00am. A weekday service has

been sorely missed by many, so we appreciate its return

and thank Father Tom for his flexibility.


Included with this newsletter is an application form

for our memorial garden brick campaign. Our goal is to

adjoin new bricks to the old ones resulting in the shape

of a cross. Currently, we do not have enough requests

to start the project as the cost of shipping would far

surpass our current intake. Many have mentioned that

they are interested, but have yet to remit the completed

form. If we do not receive a considerable number of

requests by September 30, 2014, checks will be

returned and the memorial garden will remain as it is for

now. Don’t delay. Let’s make a concerted effort to get

this campaign underway.

Wednesday Eucharist

In any project the important factor is your belief.

Without belief, there can be no successful outcome.

- William James