St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL www.saintmike.com—708-349-0903

St. Michael Parish...1 day ago  · St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL —708-349-0903

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Page 1: St. Michael Parish...1 day ago  · St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL —708-349-0903

St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL


Page 2: St. Michael Parish...1 day ago  · St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL —708-349-0903


Voice of Saint Michael September 20, 2020

Today’s gospel certainly will stir up opinions and could be a great conversation starter. It just seems so unfair and unjust to us that those who toiled in the vineyard since dawn were paid the exact same wage as those who started their labor many hours later. Our sense of justice tells us that those who worked longer should be paid more. Isaiah simple tells us, “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your way my ways, says the Lord.” I have to admit that this stings a little. The gospel is not about justice or fairness but rather it is a parable about God’s generosity that is beyond all measure. Did you ever notice that when we are on the receiving end of someone’s generosity we very seldom complain? However, when we are not on the receiving end – we find it so unfair – we find it so unjust – but in essence it is because we are jealous. We are jealous and envious of another’s generosity. This becomes even more complex when God is the generous one. If we have been faithful to the teachings of the Church since our childhood, gone to Mass weekly, and tried to live a good and moral life – something does not seem right when a notorious sinner returns and is received with joy and forgiveness. “Wait a minute,” we think, “I have followed the rules for years and here comes this Johnny come lately and it is as if he was in good standing all his life.” This is hard for us to accept. Jesus reminds us that our God is generous in many ways including forgiveness. We are called not to be jealous of others, but rather to rejoice in God’s generous gifts. It is often hard for us to understand, but God gives us everything that we need – not everything that we want. This dose of spiritual reality is difficult for us to swallow. I ask you to pray over this parable this week and think about the many ways that God has been generous to you. We have all been blessed with gifts whether at dawn, at nine, noon, three or five. It does not matter when we encountered the Lord, what does matter it that we did and Christ bestowed on us the gift of everlasting life. “Seek the Lord while he may be found, call him while he is near.”

In Christ’s love, Fr. Frank

Page 3: St. Michael Parish...1 day ago  · St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL —708-349-0903


Voice of Saint Michael September 20, 2020

Have you ever thought that you were guaranteed something and it didn’t quite work out? Maybe you thought you were going to get an A in math and you ended up getting a B. Or you thought you would be picked for the main part

in a play and the part went to someone else? I remember when I was little, I wanted to be in the Christmas play at church. I wanted the role of Mother Mary. I thought for sure the pastor would pick me. He was our friend, he liked me and he knew that I knew all of my prayers. I was surely going to get selected as the main role. However, when it came time to choose the parts, no matter how high I raised my hand and how enthusiastic I was to play Mary, the priest picked another girl and he made me an angel. I was so sad. I remember I asked the priest why he didn’t pick me. I reminded him how I knew all my prayers, I was always on time and I had NO fear of being on stage. The priest smiled at me and said, “I’m so sorry. You are so right. You have amazing qualities to play Mary but I have to give this to the other girl. You will make an amazing angel.” I accepted my fate and took my role – after all, being an angel was very important too! This story from my childhood reminds me of the parable (a story Jesus told to explain something clearly) from the Gospel reading in Matthew. The workers came in at different times of the day. Some worked all day and some only worked for a few hours but at the end of the day, the land owner gave them all the same amount of money. Some of the people were upset to learn this. The ones that worked all day wanted more money and didn’t think it was fair that the people that worked a few hours got the same amount of money. However, Jesus told this story to help them to understand something very important. He wanted the people to realize that whether you love God for one year or for your whole life, all that matters is that you find Him and love him. You will live eternally as long as you believe in Him. Isn’t that peaceful to know that God’s love and kindness is the same for all of us? Even though I may not have gotten the role of a lifetime (according to me), I was able to be an angel and tell a beautiful story about Jesus’ birth. Maybe the priest chose that other girl because he wanted her to connect to Jesus. The priest knew I had Jesus in my heart, but maybe the other girl needed that extra push to feel connected to Him. Let’s pray: Father, help me to guide others to you. Help us to know that there is nothing in life that is more important than a personal relationship with Jesus.

At some point in our lives, we’ve probably all felt the bitterness of unfairness. Today’s readings agree that life isn’t always fair—yet, unexpectedly, invite us to rejoice! We rejoice because God’s mercy is totally unfair: God lavishes us with forgiveness and love even when we deserve less. Both the reading from Isaiah and the psalm praise the great mercy of God, mercy that forgives our sins over and over. In the Gospel parable, Jesus demonstrates that God longs to give good things to all of us, even to those who seem less worthy. When Saint Paul reflects on God’s goodness, embodied in Jesus Christ, he can hardly wait to enter his heavenly reward. Jesus’ parable depicts workers who “punch the clock” at various times throughout the long day: dawn, nine, noon, three, and five o’clock. Regardless of when they began working in the vineyard, the laborers all receive the same reward. The reward seems lavish to the latecomers, of course, and shockingly unfair to the long-faithful workers. The landowner soothes his most dutiful laborers, however, delighting in them as friends and transforming their bitter confrontation into a reflection on generosity. The laborers who arrived at five o’clock might have been late to the job, but those who began at the crack of dawn were last to understand the extravagant bounty of the landowner. Seen in this way, the parable discusses not only God’s generosity toward “unworthy” believers, but also the Lord’s inexhaustible patience toward those who thought they had nothing more to learn. We take comfort in knowing that God accompanies us in our labors—and works for us—whether we struggle with caring for our bodies, striving for patience, avoiding gossip, making time for prayer, being generous, overcoming addiction, remaining in recovery, or simply attending to our daily work. Jesus shows us that he actively engages with us each time we fall short and remain our Lord or generous compassion and mercy.

Readings for the Week September 20, 2020

Sunday: Is 55: 6-9; Phil 1: 20c-24, 27a; Mt 20: 1-16a Monday: Eph 4; 1-7, 11-13; Mt 9: 9-13 Tuesday: Prv 21: 1-6, 10-13; Lk 8: 19-21 Wednesday: Prv 30: 5-9; Lk 9: 1-6 Thursday: Eccl 1: 2-11; Lk 9: 7-9 Friday: Eccl 3: 1-11; Lk 9: 18-22 Saturday: Eccl 11: 9-12:8; Lk 9: 43b-45 Sunday: Ez 18: 25-28; Phil 2: 1-11; Mt 21: 28-32

Taking Home the Sunday Scriptures 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time-September 20, 2020

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Voice of Saint Michael September 20, 2020

I wanted to say Thank you! for everything with the Baptism. St. Michaels, the volunteers, Deacon and his wife all did a wonderful job. We are so happy to be able to finally get them baptized. Have a great day! Rosalie

Helpful Outreach for People seeking Employment (HOPE) Ministry

The Ministry provides job search guidance for the unemployed and those in career transition. Each attendee will have the opportunity to identify their job search status, issues & questions. The Ministry will provide feedback to attendees & job search tips. Meetings are free and open to the public. Next Meeting: October 6th, 2020 at 7:00 PM. Note: Meetings will follow new safety guidelines and attendance now requires on-line pre-registration at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/904054ea5aa2cabf94-hope New Location: The meeting location has been changed and now will be held in the McBrady Center at St. Elizabeth Seton, Orland Hills, IL. (Enter through the Cardinal Bernadin School entrance by the circle drive and south parking lot) https://steseton.com/ Employers: We would appreciate if you would share your job openings with the ministry. Volunteers: If you have exper tise in the employee recruitment or the job search process, consider join-ing our team as a volunteer or as a guest speaker. Enjoy the satisfaction of providing your expertise in order to prepare job seekers for success. Contact Arnie Skibinski at [email protected]

A note from Deacon Tony Cocco: Having just completed the Baptismal rite of a baby boy, I was leaving the church and noticed a group of Baptism Attendees in the parking lot. After saying some complimentary things about the Baptismal rite, one of the men mentioned that he had not been to church for some time. I proceeded to tell him about the recordings of our daily Mass and Sunday Mass for our parishioners to participate in. He commented about the group of people who immediately began to sanitize the doors, railings, pews, and door handles. I told him that these were parishioners who volunteer to do this before and after every Mass, wedding, funeral and any special occasion. He just said, “Wow! That is pretty impressive.” We here at St. Mike’s, take so much for granted and count me in that group. I would like to suggest to everyone that we take every opportunity to say thank you to the many volunteers who give of their time and energy to make our place of worship safe. This is truly a ministry that gives glory to God. Your presence is a gift to all of us.

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Voice of Saint Michael September 20, 2020


St. Michael Parish and School received $90.37 this past quarter. This is thanks to everyone who chose St. Michael as their charity when shopping through SMILE.AMAZON.COM In total, St. Michael Parish and School has received $622.32 through this program.

Support St. Michael Parish by shopping at AmazonSmile.

SHOP with Amazon Smile and the school/church will receive .5% of qualifying purchases made. When you shop with Amazon sign in to SMILE.AMAZON.COM and select St. Michael as your charity.

eGiving with Faith Direct Please join in enrolling by visiting www.faithdirect.net to enroll securely online.

Our parish code is IL851.

During this time of confinement, if you want to add a name to the list of sick or deceased, there is a link on the parish web site www.saintmike.com. You may also call the parish at 708-349-0903 and leave a message.

August Monthly Contributions

$ 97, 451


Karilyn Falardeau & Michael Eastman

September 26, 2020 Please Pray For The Sick

We continue to remember the sick, the infirm, and all those recommended to our prayers; and especially, the following, that they may experience the healing and power of Christ:

Bob Alpert, Lucas Salvatore Bryant, Marvin Campa, Homer Casarez, Walter Cizak, Kathy Clausing, Becky Garcia, Richard Garcia, Rachelle Guerrero, Marilee Hankin, Anne Marie Hartnett, Maria Hernandez, Lila Heskin, Tom Hudon, Louise Jurasek, Jerry Kasper, David Kircher, Daryl Klock, Donna Larney, Chris Lechowicz, Jeanne Leverence, Elizabeth Lisuzzo, Robert Mair, Eva Malajewicz, Gail McConnell, Bernie McEarlean, Tim McGugan, James Melton, Jesus Mendez, Adrienne Noga, Ike Okla, Rosemarie Olvido, James Pawlak, Kyle Radke, Linda Tarandy, Andrew Tess, Roseanne Veith, Thomas Xique, Mark Zuro,

and all ill from coronavirus and those injured in service to their country.

Please Pray For . . . Those who have died and their families

George Zackavec, husband of Janet Wahlen Gerald Ryan David Colby, husband of Marilyn Robert Blaschke

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Voice of Saint Michael September 20, 2020

2020 SVdP Fall Bundle Weekend OCTOBER 3 + 4

It’s back! Our St Vincent de Paul team’s Bundle Weekend is scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, October 3rd & 4th before and after all masses. We collect usable clothing, household goods and craft supplies. The trailers will be in the parking lot and are staffed by our SVdP members and student volunteers. We will unload the boxed and bagged items from your trunk and follow all current Covid 19 safety guidelines. Thank you for your donations that benefit so many families and individuals in need.

The Golden Wedding Anniversary Mass that was scheduled to be celebrated on Sunday, September 13, 2020, will need to be cancelled to better ensure the health and safety of all involved during this COVID-19 pandemic. Know that we truly regret the cancellation of this celebration, as the commitment of 50 years of marriage is not only a significant and heartfelt milestone for the couples and their families, but for us as a Church. While it is not possible for an in person celebration this year, we cannot overlook the deep need to honor them in their commitment to the Sacrament of Marriage. It would be greatly appreciated if each parish could still gather information regarding who the Jubilarians are as well as their email and physical mailing addresses. Register by going to : https://pvm.archchicago.org/events/golden-wedding or call Pat Chuchla at St. Michael at 708-873-4652. Cardinal Cupich will be recording a video of congratulations that will be distributed to the Jubilarians via email. In addition, the Office of Lifelong Formation will issue a certificate in honor of the jubilarians to be sent to their physical home address. It is our hope to be able to celebrate the 2020 Jubilarians during the 2021 Golden Wedding Mass. More information on this celebration will be provided as it becomes available.

Are you celebrating 50 years of marriage this year?

WEEKLY STEWARDSHIP RECOMMENDATION: Encourage Elected Officials to Take Action

Legislators want to hear from their constituents on issues:

Contact your legislator about a particular Creation care issue by phone, letter, email, fax, or social media. Be brief, concise, specific. Let them know you are a constituent. Tell your legislator what effect you think a particular issue or bill, if it becomes law, will have on you, your children, or community. Cover only one issue per call or letter. Also suggest a course of action. It’s important to be polite. If legislators don’t hear from you on an issue, they assume it’s not important to you. 70 million Catholics can be a powerful force for change. Let’s get active!

For current Church-sponsored actions see: www.catholicclimatecovenant.org/program/advocacy

“Living our vocation to be protectors of God’s handiwork is essential to a life of virtue.” — Pope Francis

Page 7: St. Michael Parish...1 day ago  · St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL —708-349-0903


Voice of Saint Michael September 20, 2020

SIGN-UP Sign up to be a part of Quest. All high school teens who were not a part of Quest last year - especially Freshman - are invited to sign up. Quest is for all teens. It does not matter where you go to high school!! If you have any questions call the Youth Ministry office at 708-873-4650 or email [email protected]. Mail the form below to St.

Michael Youth Ministry, 14327 Highland Ave., Orland Park, IL 60462 or take a picture of the form and email it to [email protected]. We will contact you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

REGISTRATION FORM (It’s Never Too Late To Sign up)

NAME_________________________________________________________________________ PARENT’S SIGNATURE _________________________________________________________ ADDRESS ____________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ Parent’s Number ________________________Teen’s Number___________________________ High School ______________________________Year in school _______________________ Teen email address_____________________________________________________________ Parent email address___________________________________________________________ Subdivision or nearest cross streets where you reside__________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ I would like to be in the same group with_____________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Due to Covid 19 Adults only (teens under 18 are restricted) will pre-pare and serve lunch at the Shepherd’s Table - Soup Kitchen in Joliet. They will be going on Saturday, October 3rd and need your help!

SHEPHERD’S TABLE NEEDS YOUR HELP!! CAN YOU HELP? The adults will be preparing cornflake chicken for lunch. Please donate corn flakes, canned corn, russet potatoes, olive oil, Italian seasoning packers, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumbers, ranch dressing, fresh fruit, rolls, butter and individually wrapped desserts.

Bring your donations to the Church doors off of West Ave. on Wednesday 9/30 & Thursday 10/1 from 3:00pm to 5:00pm. (The building is closed)

If you are not available at those times contact me at [email protected] to make other drop off arrangements. THANKING YOU IN ADVANCE for your generosity!

St. Michael Youth Ministry

Christ of the Breadlines by Fritz Eichenberg

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Voice of Saint Michael September 20, 2020

Adamson Alice Aguinaga Jeff & Elizabeth Alcordo Miguel & Nabila Arena-Simmons Lorraine Babarskis Amanda Barnum Bill Bartolo a Brian & Ellen Basiorka C. Batus Marta Birk Plumbing Black Cooper Boones Brady Brennan Mr. & Mrs. Mar n Butkus Lore a Byrne Gerald & Kathleen Calandra Calderone Family Camillone Rosalie Canning Family

You should have received you raffle tickets in the mail. Mail completed ticket stubs and checks to St. Michael or drop in the collection basket.—NO CASH Please!

(There will be no carnival this year.)


$10,000 2ND PRIZE








starting 8/15 to 9/12 Winner will be drawn 9/19/20.

Winner need not be present.

1 ticket - $20 10 tickets - $125 20 tickets - $200

Amy Egan



Thank You To Our 2020 Fall Fest Raffle Supporters Carlson Sharon Carvallo Elena Castro Joanna Cerny Norbert & Phyllis Coghill Mr. & Mrs. Bert Cosich Evon Cozzo D. DeCesare Frank & Eva Dellario d'ercole Detampel Marc & Jill Deval Barbara Devens Dewey James & Chris ne Dignam Frank Doherty Margaret Donovitch Rosemarie Doody Mary Dowling Joseph Doyle Bridget

Englehart Antone e Faust Mar n & Carmen Faust Nora & Emma Flaherty Helen & John Flynn Mike & Molly Frantz Michael & Patricia Furlong Debra Gallo Adriann Galvin Cheryl Gasunas Mary Gaughan Maureen Germino Jennifer Glynn Myles Greene Mrs. Mary Greenfield Grieshaber Russell & Patricia Guarino John & Katherine Gute Dan Hausner Family Hennessy-Milkovich

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Voice of Saint Michael September 20, 2020

Thank You To Our 2020 Fall Fest Raffle Supporters Henry Jonathan Heynen Karen Holland Annamay Hoover Houston James & Kelly Hritz Mr. & Mrs. Michael Hryn Virginia Hull Anthony & Mary Janda Patricia Jarosz Mary Judeh Family Kaden William Kalousek Katherine Karczynski Family Katsoulakis Nick & Genine Keane Marie Kelly Rosemary Kopera Michael Koskan Larry Kostenski Richard Kozmic J. Lechowicz Carol & Christopher Lee R. Lesher Anne Leyden G. Licata Janice Luchini Lea Maglaya Fa ma Malarick Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Mangan Roberta Manning Arleen Mar n John & Julie Massaro Gloria McDonough Ma hew & Laura McEnery Mary McGarigle Chris & Cory McGuire Sheila McPolin Kathleen & Patrick McWeehy Jane & Daniel Mekoola Donald Mele Gene & Joanne Micun John & Katherine Miller Chris ne Minarcik Jeffrey

Mohler Claire Morales Rodolfo Morgan Anita Morrissey Cathy & Joe Murphy Carol Murray Mr. & Mrs. Doug Nagel Donald Neary Pamela Norton Robert O'Brien William Ostrowski Arthur O'Sullivan Judith Pacini James Palascak Pa on Donald & Michelle Perez Alfonso & Rusa Petrey Ronnie & Juliann Piencek Cheryl Plucinski James & Carrie Przybylski Kathleen Przybylski Jeff Pytynia David Quinn James Quinn John & Mary Rafferty Mary Kay Rizzo Alfred Rodriguez Irma Rybak Amy & Andrew Saavedra Joseph Salvadors Serio Joseph & Bernade e Siegler Linda & James Skarbek Susan Skowron Paul Smith Carl & Barb Spatz Janet Stack Colleen Stalf Stekala Dariusz Sullivan Carla Swalec Douglas & Erin Swanson Bob Taras Brad & Heather Tivadar Jill & Greg

Trevino Victor & Mary Ellen Trunk Arlene Tweedie Family Tweedie Family Twomey & Doyle Cornelius, Maire, Hugh Varnagis Philip Vickers Lindsay Villanueva Lourma Wagner Jacqueline Walter Whelan Stephen Wilschke Nancy Wilson Michael & Cheryl Winistorfer George & Barb Wolfe Shirley Woodlock Thomas Wright Judy Wrobel Gloria Yarosz Chris Zamora Sandra Zdziarski Joseph

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Voice of Saint Michael September 20, 2020

How to reserve your spot for Masses. Go to www.saintmike.com. On the homepage, scroll down to either the Weekend or Daily Mass button and click. It will take you to Sign up Genius. At the top you will see a picture of St. Michael and some instructions. Scroll down until you see the following box listing the available Masses.

1. Click on the box for the

Mass you wish to attend.

2. Click Submit and Sign Up

4. If you are signing up for more than one per-son in your household, click the arrow and choose the number of people who will be sitting together.

3. Add a comment if there is anything special we need to know. This is optional .

5. Enter your first and last name, email address and phone number. You will receive a confirmation email for your reservation. If there is more than one person in your group only one name is entered. Decide who that will be.

6. Click Yes if you need to use a handicap entrance.

7. Click Sign Up Now 8. A new screen will pop up telling you that your reservation was successful. And you will receive an email confirming the reservation.

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Voice of Saint Michael September 20, 2020

Masses this weekend, and every weekend through the end of August, will be celebrated as follows: Saturday 4:30 PM in English

Sunday 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM and 11:30 AM in English Sunday 1:30 PM in Spanish

Weekday Mass will continue to be celebrated at 7:30 AM only until further notice. Greeters will welcome you 20 minutes before each Mass. You are welcome to stay and pray for 20 minutes of private prayerafter the 7:30 weekday Mass Monday– Friday. Reservations are required to attend the Masses. We will be accepting 110 people per Mass for weekends and 75 for weekdays. Go to www.saintmike.com and click the link to Sign Up Genius to make your online reservation. Online reservations open at 9 AM on Thursdays and close at 10 AM on Saturdays. For those without internet access, every Thursday, from 11am–1pm, we will have someone answering the phone at St. Michael—708-349-0903. Registrations will be taken by phone for the upcoming weekend and daily Masses. A limited number of reservations will be accepted by phone. We regret that the call-in time period is short, but we are still unable to open the parish office for full, regular hours. Confessions will be heard regularly every Saturday from 3:00 – 4:00 PM. No reservations are required to come to Confession. Following Confession you are to leave. You cannot stay for the 4:30 Mass without a reservation. Please carefully read the following information before attending Mass. 1. When registering, you will be asked for your name, phone number, email address, and the number of

people from your household who will be attending together. 2. If you have a fever or feel ill, please do not come to church. 3. Strict social distancing will be observed for these Masses. 4. If you have been in direct contact with someone who has tested positive for Covid 19 please self

quarantine for 14 days before coming to Church. 5. You must enter through the parking lot doors. Special provision is made to accommodate those with

disabilities. Please indicate your need for a handicap entrance when you register. 6. Entry will only be granted to those registered. 7. Throughout your time in the Church, you must wear a mask that you provide, over your nose and mouth. 8. Parishioners will be greeted at the door by trained volunteers and hand sanitizer will be provided for you

as you enter. 9. You will be directed to specific seating in the Church. Only some sections of the church will be used to

facilitate thorough cleaning between Masses and to ensure your safety. 10. We ask that you not move from the assigned seat and follow the directions of the usher/greeters at all

times. 11. Hymnals or other worship aids are not provided. You are asked to take home any worship aids that you

bring with you. 12. Collection baskets will not be passed. Offerings may be left by the doors as you arrive or leave (or you

may donate through Faith Direct). 13. As you leave your pew to receive Communion, follow the directions of the lector and ushers for reception

of Communion. You will receive Communion in the hand only. 14. At the end of Mass you will be dismissed by the usher/greeters and must exit the church immediately

following Mass. No congregating or socializing in the church, narthex or outside the church is allowed. Please check our parish website: www.saintmike.com or follow us on our parish Facebook page: St. Michael Parish Orland Park for continuing updates.

Our ability to stay open is dependent on having enough volunteers to meet the Archdiocesan Requirements to assure safety. Those who are over 65, healthy and do not have an under lying condition, can volunteer. If you would like to help, please go to our parish website homepage and click on the blue button that says Parish Reopening Volunteer Online Form (Voluntarias) or call Pat Chuchla in the worship office at 708-873-4652.

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Voice of Saint Michael September 20, 2020

El evangelio de hoy de seguro agitará opiniones y podría ser un gran inicio de conversación. Pues nos parece tan injusto que quienes trabajaron en la viña desde el amanecer se les pagó exactamente el mismo salario que a quienes empezaron su labor muchas horas más tarde. Nuestro sentido de justicia nos dice que quienes trabajaron más deberían se pagados más. “Porque no son mis pensamientos vuestros, ni vuestros caminos son mis caminos, dice el Señor”. Debo admitir que esto pica un poco. El evangelio no es sobre la justicia o equidad sino que esta es una parábola sobre la generosidad de Dios que va más allá de toda medida. ¿Se han dado cuenta que cuando estamos a lado de la generosidad de alguien, por lo regular no nos quejamos? Sin embargo, cuando no estamos al lado de recibir – lo vemos tan injusto – pero en esencia es porque estamos celosos. Estamos celosos y envidiosos de la generosidad del otro. Esto se hace aún más complejo cuando Dios es el generoso. Si hemos sido fieles a las enseñanzas de la Iglesia desde nuestra niñez, hemos ido a Misa semanalmente y tratado de vivir una vida buena y moral – algo no parece correcto cuando un pecador notable regresa y es recibido con alegría y perdón. “Un momento”, pienso, “Yo he obedecido las reglas por años y aquí viene este Juanito tarde y es como si él estuviera en buenos términos toda su vida”. Esto es difícil de aceptar. Jesús nos recuerda que nuestro Dios es generoso de muchas maneras, incluyendo el perdón. No se nos llama a ser celosos de los demás, sino a regocijarnos en los dones generosos de Dios. Esto es por lo regular difícil que entendamos, pero Dios nos da todo lo que necesitamos – no todo lo que queremos. Esta dosis de realidad espiritual nos es difícil pasar. Les pido que recen sobre esta parábola esta semana y pensar sobre las muchas maneras que Dios ha sido generoso con ustedes. Todos hemos sido bendecidos con dones ya sea al amanecer, a las nueve, tres o cinco. No importa cuando encontramos al Señor, lo que sí importa es que lo encontramos y Cristo derramó sobre nosotros el don de vida eterna. “Busca al Señor mientras se pueda encontrar, llámalo mientras está cerca”. En el amor de Cristo Padre Frank

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Voice of Saint Michael September 20, 2020

Las siguientes Misas se oficiarán cada fin de semana hasta finales de Septiembre. Sábado 4:30 PM en Inglés, Domingo 7:30 AM, 9:30 AM y 11:30 AM en Inglés Domingo 1:30 PM en Español

Las Misas durante la semana continúan oficiándose a las 7:30 a.m., sólo hasta próximo aviso. Son bienvenidos 20 minutos antes de cada Misa. Pueden quedarse en la iglesia por un rato para la oración privada, a menos que un funeral esté programado para ese día. Se requiere reservación para asistir a las Misas. Estaremos aceptando 110 personas por Misa los fines de semana y 75 durante la semana. Visite www.saintmike.com y haga click en el link Sign Up Genius para hacer su reservación en línea. La reservación en línea estará abierta a las 9:00 AM los jueves y cierra a las 1:00 a.m. los sábados. Para quienes no tienen acceso al internet, de ll:00 a.m. a l:00 p.m., alguien estará contestando el teléfono en St. Michael ---708-349-0903. Se tomarán los registro por teléfono para las próximas Misas diarias y de fin de semana. Se aceptará un número limitado de reservaciones por teléfono. Si habla español y no puede registrarse en línea, llame a Patty Rentería al 708-973-4619 antes del sábado a la l:00 p.m. Se escucharán confesiones cada Sábado, de 3:00 – 4:00 PM. No necesitan hacer reservación para la Confesión. Confesiones en Español no disponibles actualmente Después da la confesión, deben retirarse. No se pueden quedar para la Misa de 4:30 sin una reservación. Por favor lean con cuidado la siguiente información antes de asistir a la Misa.

l. Cuando se registre, se les pedirá su nombre, número de teléfono, correo electrónico y el número de personas en su hogar que asistirán juntos.

2. Si tienen fiebre o se sienten enfermos, por favor no vengan a la iglesia. 3. Se practicará estricto distanciamiento social durante estas Misas. 4. Si ha tenido contacto directo con alguien que ha dado positivo al Covid-19, por favor guarde la

cuarentena por 14 día antes de venir a la iglesia. 5. Deben entrar por las puertas del estacionamiento. Proveeremos cuidado especial para acomodar

aquellos con discapacidades. Por favor, cuando se registre indique su necesidad de entrada para discapacitados.

6. Se permitirá la entrada sólo a quienes se han registrado. 7. Durante su estancia en la iglesia, deben llevar puesta una mascarilla, por su cuenta, sobre la nariz y la

boca . 8. Los feligreses serán recibidos a la entrada por voluntarios entrenados y se les dará desinfectante para

las manos . 9. Serán dirigidos a un lugar específico en la iglesia. Sólo se utilizarán algunas secciones de la iglesia para

facilitar una limpieza metódica entre Misas para garantizar su seguridad. 10. Les pedimos no cambiar de lugar, de su asiento asignado, y seguir las instrucciones del ujier/encargado

en todo momento. 11. No proveeremos himnos u otra ayuda para la alabanza. Se les pide llevarse

cualquier cosa personal para la adoración que puedan haber traído consigo. 12. No se pasarán canastos para la colecta. Las ofrendas se pueden dejar a la entrada, al llegar o al salir (o puede donar por medio de Faith Direct). 13. Al salir de su banca para recibir la Comunión, siga las instrucciones del lector y ujieres para recibir la Comunión. Recibirán la Comunión en la mano solamente. 14. Al final de la Misa, el ujier o encargado les dirigirá la salida de la iglesia inmediatamente después

de la Misa. No se permite congregarse o socializar en la iglesia, el nártex o fuera de la iglesia. Por favor revise el sitio web de nuestra parroquia: www.saintmike.com o síganos en nuestro facebook: St. Michael Parish Orland Park, para continuas actualizaciones.

Necesitaremos más voluntarios continuamente para recibir a las personas y para la limpieza para estas Misas y otras celebraciones sacramentales. Nuestra capacidad para mantenernos abiertos depende en tener los suficientes voluntarios para cumplir con los Requisitos Arquidiocesanos por nuestra seguridad. Ustedes mayores de 65 años, saludables y que no tienen una condición preexistente, pueden ser voluntarios. Si desean ayudar, por favor vayan a la página web de nuestra parroquia y hagan click en el botón azul que dice Parish Reopening Volunteer Online Form (Voluntarias) o llame a Pat Chuchla en la worship office al 708-873-4652.

Page 14: St. Michael Parish...1 day ago  · St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL —708-349-0903


Voice of Saint Michael September 20, 2020

NEED HELP?. For help with problems arising from alcohol Local AA Meetings Go to www.chicagoaa.org for meeting locations St. Michael……………………...….Thursday 6 pm St. Julie………Saturday 7:30 pm & Monday 8 pm Alcoholics Anonymous………….708-389-1380 Alcohólicos Anónimos…………..773-847-4843

For help with problems arising from drug abuse Narcotics Anonymous…………...708-848-4884 Divorcios Y Mas Allá……………708-668-5623 CTC- Irma Almanza

Gambling Problems Gamblers Anonymous 1-888-GA-HELPS www.gamblersanonymous.org

Struggling with mental health issues National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Information Helpline……………1-800-950-6264 Emotions Anonymous …………... 708-383-0200

Orland Park Substance Abuse Forum www.opcares.net & 708-403-6399

HOPE Employment Ministry Arnie Skibinski at [email protected]

Grief Support Sister Marietta…………………….708-873-4635

A Communion Visitor to the homebound/ill Sister Marietta…………………….708-873-4635

Annulment Information Donna McDonough……………….708-349-0903 Clerical Abuse Healing: Reconciliation https://heal.archchicago.org


Guidance in satisfying excessive and/or past due utility bills and emergency food assistance St. Vincent DePaul Society……….708-873-4669 San Vicente DePaul en Español…..708-349-0903

CTC - Susana Ruiz ext. 506

Dealing with Domestic Violence (physical, emotional, verbal abuse) The Crisis Center……………………708-429-7233 for group support and/or free one-on-one counseling Se habla español

Marital Difficulties Retrouvaille ………………………….800-470-2230 Catholic based support for couples in marital difficulties www.HelpOurMarriage.com Holbrook Counseling Center of Catholic Charities (Our Lady of the Woods & St. Stephen) Michele Nowak….…708-586-1365..…312-655-7725 Specialty family and grief counseling Dr. Eileen Fera…………[email protected] Catholic psychologist, Downers Grove Jerry T. Souta……………...708-681-2325 ext 5333 [email protected] licensed behavioral clinician Fr. Bob Rohrich……………………..630-257-9235 MA clinical counseling, Lemont Dr. Jeff Dire………………..……….630-674-4295 Psychologist, Downers Grove Sr. Jude More,LCSW, DCSW, R.N.708-974-3336 x 333 Dr. Paula Jarvis………………...…...630-582-9000 Family & Women’s issues, Downers Grove Fr. Kurt Boras……………………….630-257-4640 Clinical Counseling, Lemont Dr. Greg Rodriquez...………708-845-5500 ext 149 Chicagoland Christian Counseling

If you have difficulty contacting any of these places, please call a member of St. Michael Pastoral Staff who would be happy to talk with you confidentially.

Page 15: St. Michael Parish...1 day ago  · St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL —708-349-0903

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Page 18: St. Michael Parish...1 day ago  · St. Michael Parish 14327 Highland, Orland Park, IL —708-349-0903

PARISH OFFICE 14327 Highland Avenue 708-349-0903

Orland Park, IL 60462 www.saintmike.com

Facebook: St.Michael Parish-Orland Park Rev. Frank A. Kurucz, Pastor 873-4611 Rev. Geofrey Andama, Associate Pastor 873-4612

Pastoral Associate -0903 Compassionate Ministry, RCIA, Service ext. 635 [email protected] Pat Chuchla, Pastoral Associate 873-4652 Worship Ministries [email protected] Diana Vitela, Business Manager 873-4617 [email protected] Kelly Martinez, Religious Ed. Coordinator 349-0903 [email protected] ext. 633 Paul Smith, Principal of St. Michael School 349-0068 [email protected] ext. 639 Maureen Morrissey, Asst. Principal 349-0068 [email protected] ext. 696 Gary Patin, Director of Music Ministry 349-0903 [email protected] ext. 627 Rose Koch, Youth Minister 349-0903 [email protected] ext. 650 Hispanic Ministry [email protected] 349-0903 ext. 619 DEACONS Tom Bartholomew Tony and Eileen Cocco Colin and Sarah Huie Jim and Sharon Janicek Michael and Donna McDonough Abel and Yolanda Trujillo

Sunday Masses Saturday Evening: 4:30 p.m. Sunday: 7:30, 9:30, 11:30

1:30 p.m.

Weekday Masses: Monday - Friday 7:30 am Private Prayer time allowed for 20 minutes following weekday Masses. Recorded Masses for everyday of the week can be viewed at www.saintmike.com Sacrament of Reconciliation (Confessions)

Saturdays 3:00 —4:00 pm Confesiones en Español no disponibles actualmente.

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Unavailable until further notice

Baptisms: During this time of Pandemic, Baptisms are being celebrated at various times. Call 708-873-4652 to inquire about scheduling a Baptism. A Baptismal preparation class is required. Weddings: Marriage Preparation required. Call 708-873-4652 to schedule, begin the process , and book a wedding date. Funerals and Memorial Masses: Call Fr. Frank at 708-873-4611


Parish staff is answering calls. Please leave a voicemail at 708-349-0903.

Religious Education (Faith Formation) Please call Kelly Martinez 708-349-0903 ext. 633 .

Educacion Religiosa en espa ol Si usted desea que sus hijos reciban los sacramentos de la confesión , Primera Comunión, y Confirmación en español, debe registrar a sus hijos en las clases de catecismo llamando a la Oficina Parroquial al 708-349-0903 ext. 619. Estas clases se ofrecen en español. Si prefiere las clases en inglés, favor de llamar directamente al 708-708-0903 ext 633.

Bulletin deadline: Fr iday at 9 a.m. a week before the bulletin date. Please e-mail articles, in Word or Publisher format, to [email protected].

Can’t Hear in Church? Our built in hearing loop works with most hearing aids. We also have receivers and headphones that work with our built-in hearing loop that can be used by parishioners during Mass. Questions? Contact the Worship Office at 708-873-4652.