St. Nicholas Orthodox Church Annual Parish Meeting 2019 Capital Improvement and Real Estate; Maintenance February 02, 2020 Submitted by Masha Zaharoff This report is part history, part “True confessions” and part how to recognize someone who does not want to be recognized. Nevertheless, in the spirit of why we write these reports this informa>on should be conveyed. History Historically, maintenance has been a separate ministry all on its own—not as it is currently, lumped together with Capital Improvement and Real Estate. This change occurred about ten years ago when the ministry leader moved away. When no one stepped forward to fill the posi>on, maintenance was “temporarily” moved under Capital Improvements and became its foster child. To this day, the posi>on remains unfilled and has added to the responsibili>es of the Capital Improvement ministry. AHer the Rectory was built in 2005, the Capital Improvement Ministry had racked up an extensive list of professionals from the trades. For those of you who came to St. Nicholas Church aHer this major event, you should know that the Ministry of Capital Improvement served as the general contractor over seeing building of the rectory from the ground up. This enabled the church to supplement the rectory construc>on through volunteers and professionals who either donated their >me or discounted the cost their labor. By the >me the project was completed, St. Nicholas had an impressive and extensive list of professionals we affec>onately regarded as “Friends of St. Nicholas”. It was this list of friends that enabled the Capital Improvement Ministry to temporarily absorb the Maintenance Ministry over the past decade. This saved considerable >me and money for our parish by simply calling the appropriate trade person from our friends list to make the necessary repairs. Sadly, this much appreciated list of friends has evaporated over the years through re>rements, deaths and reloca>ons. Concurrently, the nature of the construc>on trade has also change significantly in the past decade as floods, fires, and high- end custom remodeling has created an environment of high demand/low supply of trades people. Prices escalate, availability of folks declines as large-scale projects take priority over small scale repairs. An effec>ve Maintenance Ministry

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St. Nicholas Orthodox Church Annual Parish Meeting 2019 Capital Improvement and Real Estate; Maintenance February 02, 2020 Submitted by Masha Zaharoff





Page 2: St. Nicholas Orthodox Church Annual Parish Meeting 2019 ...St. Nicholas Orthodox Church Annual Parish Meeting 2019 Capital Improvement and Real Estate; Maintenance February 02, 2020




1. Stoveinhallkitchen(trickyrepairentailingmanyhoursofinternetresearch)

2. RepairedRectorystove.

3. Officelockrepair.

4. Sumppumprepair.

5. Oversawrepairofhallkitchensinkplumbing,reviewedplumber’splanandmadechangesmorebeneficialtoparish.

6. Analyzedandmaderecommenda>onsforrectorywasher/dryer.

7. Repairedahcfan.

8. Numerousotherminorrepairsthatescapememory.


Page 3: St. Nicholas Orthodox Church Annual Parish Meeting 2019 ...St. Nicholas Orthodox Church Annual Parish Meeting 2019 Capital Improvement and Real Estate; Maintenance February 02, 2020


• Cupola—ThankstoGregAdairthesagaoftheleakyCupolahasbeenresolved.Nolongerdonewsreportsofprecipita>onstrikefearinourhearts.GreghasmasterfullysolvedthemaddeningmysteryofwhytheCupolawasleakingandmadethenecessaryrepair.

• TheChurchdoorswerepainted,ekingoutanotherseasonfromthem.Thoughtheylookbeau>ful,beautyisonlyskindeep,andverysoon,allthreesetsofdoorswillhavetobereplaced.Es>matedcostof$20,000.

• Yard—Wearegratefulforthecon>nueddona>onfromtheGantus’thatallowforthebi-weeklyarrivalofthegardenerswhotrim,weedandcleanourhardscape.ThisallowsFr.Stephanalillemore>metoplant,fer>lize,prune,growtheextraordinarypaleleofcolorintheformofflowersthatbeau>fy,drawinpasserby’sandadornourtempleiconsinflowertraysandbouquets.


• Pressurewashandsealdrivewaypavers.

• Painttheexteriorwallsofthechurch.

• Pressurewashandsealdeck.

• RepairfrontporchofVictorian.

• Repairthelower-partsoftheVictorian’sroof.




Page 4: St. Nicholas Orthodox Church Annual Parish Meeting 2019 ...St. Nicholas Orthodox Church Annual Parish Meeting 2019 Capital Improvement and Real Estate; Maintenance February 02, 2020




• Researchandiden>fynewchurchdoors.