ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday, January 31, 2021 1235 Summer Hill Road, Auburn, PA 17922 Church Office: 570-754-7225 Rev. Ken McDowell, Pastor: 610-207-4783 Office Hours: Tuesday – Friday; 9am–12pm email: [email protected] website: www.summerhillucc.com www.facebook.com/summerhillucc

ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday, January ......2021/01/01  · ST. PAUL'S UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Sunday, January 31, 2021 1235 Summer Hill Road, Auburn, PA 17922 Church

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Sunday, January 31, 2021

1235 Summer Hill Road, Auburn, PA 17922

Church Office: 570-754-7225

Rev. Ken McDowell, Pastor: 610-207-4783

Office Hours: Tuesday – Friday; 9am–12pm

email: [email protected]

website: www.summerhillucc.com


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Sunday, January 31 10:30am

Fourth Sunday after Epiphany/ 5th Sunday Special Offering (Council of Churches Ministry)

Rev. Ken McDowell, Pastor Pianist, Rae Ann Borger


The Concerns of the Ministry/ Announcements of the Church

This morning we remember in prayer UCC Justice and Witness Ministries from our Schuylkill Association

Prayer Calendar.

Please read the announcements that are in this downloadable bulletin, as well as those we post on our Facebook

site, our emails, and our phone calls, and then help spread the word to those who do not have access to any of

those messages.

While indoors, please maintain at least 6 feet separation between households and wear a mask.




The congregation may stand.

SOLEMN DECLARATION...............................................................................................................Sung “Amen”


Pastor: Praise God, who loves us all.

People: Praise God, who is full of mercy and compassion.

Pastor: Praise God, who loves us well.

People: Praise God, who creates honesty and justice.

Pastor: Praise God, who invites us to love.

People: Praise God, who loves through us and our actions. Amen.

OPENING HYMN NO. 91……………………………..……………..……“Christ, Whose Glory Fills the Skies”

Christ, whose glory fills the skies, Christ, the true, the only light,

Sun of Righteousness, arise, triumph over shades of night:

Dayspring from on high, be near, Daystar, in my heart appear!

Dark and cheerless is the dawn till your glories shine on me;

joyless is the day's return till your mercy's beams I see:

as they inward light impart, cheer my eyes and warm my heart.

Visit then this soul of mine, pierce the gloom of sin and grief;

fill me, radiancy divine, scatter all my unbelief:

more and more yourself display, shining to the perfect day!



When we cry out with words that hurt, silence our cries and speak gently through our words. When

we act in ways that hurt, even when help is intended, transform our hurtful actions with your grace.

When we forget that we are loved and called to love, love us back into your likeness, that your love

might flow freely through us and bring your love to the world. In your holy presence of love, we pray.



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Pastor: Lord, have mercy upon us.

People: Lord, have mercy upon us.

Pastor: Christ, have mercy upon us.

People: Christ, have mercy upon us.

Pastor: Lord, have mercy upon us.

People: Lord, have mercy upon us.


Pastor: Full of mercy and compassion, God knows us to the core of our being, and loves us through all of

our days.

People: God offers redemption to people of every generation, making new life possible for everyone.

Pastor: Repent, believe in the gospel, and be healed! Amen.


Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, it is now and ever

shall be, world without end. Amen.

The congregation may be seated.




READING OF THE WORD………………………………………………………………….Lector: Jeff Palerino

Old Testament: Deuteronomy 18:15-20

Psalm: Psalm 111

Lector: Praise the LORD! I will give thanks to the LORD with my whole heart, in the company of the

upright, in the congregation.

People: Great are the works of the LORD, studied by all who delight in them.

Lector: Full of honor and majesty is his work, and his righteousness endures forever.

People: He has gained renown by his wonderful deeds; the Lord is gracious and merciful.

Lector: He provides food for those who fear him; he is ever mindful of his covenant.

People: He has shown his people the power of his works, in giving them the heritage of the nations.

Lector: The works of his hands are faithful and just; all his precepts are trustworthy.

People: They are established forever and ever, to be performed with faithfulness and uprightness.

Lector: He sent redemption to his people; he has commanded his covenant forever.

Holy and awesome is his name.

People: The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good

understanding. His praise endures forever.

Epistle: 1 Corinthians 8:1-13

Gospel: Mark 1:21-28

Lector: This is the Word of God for the people of God.

People: Thanks be to God.

SCRIPTURE RESPONSE..............................................................................“Let Thy word abide in us, O Lord.”

SERMON.....................................................................................................................................“Guided by Love”

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The congregation may remain seated.

HYMN OF REFLECTION NO. 667…………………………….…...………“God Has Spoken by the Prophets”

God has spoken by the prophets, spoken the unchanging Word,

each from age to age proclaiming God, the one, the righteous Lord!

'Mid the world's despair and turmoil one firm anchor holding fast:

God eternal reigns forever, God the first and God the last.

God has spoken by Christ Jesus, Christ, the everlasting Son,

brightness of the Father's glory, with the Father ever one;

spoken by the Word incarnate, God of God, ere time was born;

Light of light, to earth descending, Christ, as God in human form.

God is speaking by the Spirit, speaking to our hearts again;

in the age-long Word declaring God's own message, now as then.

Through the rise and fall of nations one sure faith yet standing fast:

God abides, the Word unchanging, God the first and God the last.

The congregation may stand.

AFFIRMATION OF FAITH …………………………………….Heidelberg Catechism: Questions 1, 31, and 34

Pastor: What is your only comfort in life and death?

All: That I am not my own, but belong with body and soul, both in life and in death, to my faithful

Saviour Jesus Christ. He has fully paid for all my sins with his precious blood, and has set me free

from all the power of the devil. He also preserves me in such a way that without the will of my

heavenly Father not a hair can fall from my head; indeed, all things must work together for my

salvation. Therefore, by his Holy Spirit he also assures me of eternal life and makes me heartily

willing and ready from now on to live for him.

Pastor: Why is he called Christ, that is, the Anointed One?

All: Because he is ordained by God the Father and anointed by the Holy Spirit to be our ultimate

prophet and teacher, who fully reveals to us God’s secret council and will concerning our redemption,

and also to be our sole high priest, who has redeemed us by the one sacrifice of his body and ever

intercedes for us with the Father, and also to be our eternal king, who governs us by his word and

spirit, and defends and sustains us in the redemption he has gained for us.

Pastor: Why do you call Him our Lord?

All: Because, not with gold or silver but with his precious blood, he has redeemed and purchased us

body and soul from sin and the power of the devil to be his own.

The congregation may be seated.


Pastor: The Lord be with you.

People: And also with you.

Pastor: Let us pray.



Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done, on

earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our

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debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the

power, and the glory, forever. Amen.


Hear our prayer, O Lord; Hear our prayer, O Lord; Hear our prayer, O Lord, And grant us Thy peace.



The congregation may stand.

OFFERING RESPONSE & DEDICATION......................................................................................DOXOLOGY

Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye

heavenly host: praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Amen.




Pastor: God’s prophet, God’s Son, calls us to teach others of God’s power and might.

People: From this worshipping fellowship, we go into the community, seeking to tell others our


Pastor: Go and share how God has transformed you. Invite others to become disciples.

People: We will invite others to share our journey, even if it scares us to death.

Pastor: Go and share how God has brought you to knowledge and wisdom of a new way of being.

People: We go with joy. We leave in peace. Amen.


THE THREEFOLD AMEN....................................................................................................Amen. Amen. Amen.

CLOSING HYMN NO. 593.....................................................................................................“Lord, Speak to Me”

Lord, speak to me, that I may speak in living echoes of your tone;

as you have sought, so let me seek your wandering children, lost, alone.

O lead me, Lord, that I may lead the stumbling and the straying feet;

and feed me, Lord, that I may feed your hungry ones with manna sweet.

O teach me, Lord, that I may teach the precious things which you impart;

and wing my words, that they may reach the hidden depths of many a heart.

O fill me with your fullness, Lord, until my heart shall overflow

in kindling thought and glowing word, your love to tell, your praise to show.



* * * * *

Portions of today’s worship resources were reproduced or adapted from the UCC’s Book of Worship, Worship

Elements by Erik Alsgaard and the 2020 Abingdon Worship Annuals edited by Mary J. Scifres and B. J. Beu.

CCLI Copyright License Number 3253621 and CCLI Streaming License Number 20179084.

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-The altar flowers are in memory of June Rose Ohlinger by David, Pauline, Lauren and Trevor Smith.

-Coronavirus (Covid-19) Notice: Thank you to everyone for your patience and understanding during this

unprecedented time. We will continue to limit the seating capacity in our sanctuary to allow practicing safe social

distancing and require the wearing of masks while inside and unable to maintain 6 foot distance. We will continue

to monitor the level of occurrences in our area and all recommendations to keep the most vulnerable safe. As the

situation changes, we will provide updates via Facebook, our website, and announcements in the bulletin and

newsletter. We will continue to Live Stream our services on Facebook and on our website. Bulletins for each

service are available on our web site at www.summerhillucc.com and will also be distributed on our Facebook

page at www.facebook.com/summerhillucc.

-When the weather permits, we will worship outdoors. We will announce via Facebook by 9:00am on Sunday

mornings if we intend to move outdoors, using the general guidelines of near 60 degrees, dry, and low winds.

Please dress appropriately and bring your favorite lawn chair or blanket.

-Financially Supporting the Ministries of St. Paul's -We want to say a huge thank you to all who have been

able to send donations. Every last one helps to make an impact on keeping our ministries strong in a time that

they are so greatly needed. You can mail your tithes and offerings to the church, use your online banking tools or

visit our website to donate with Tithe.ly. Please contact the church if you have any questions.

-The January Communion Offering is designated to Schuylkill Women in Crisis. The February

Communion Offering will support the CWS Blanket Offering.

-The January Food Pantry items are canned fruit and juice. The February items are pasta, noodles, tuna and

juice. We will be helping at the Schuylkill Haven Food Pantry on Monday, Feb. 15 at 8:30am, and on Friday,

February 19 at 1pm. Please speak to Verna Ebling or contact the church office if you would like to help or donate


-The Bulletin and Altar Flower Sponsor List for 2021 is posted in the hallway next to the secretary’s office

door. If you are already on the list, and would like to make any changes, please do at this time. There are openings

for sponsorship throughout the year if you are interested. Please contact the church office if you have any

questions, would like to make any changes, removals or additions. The sponsorship cost for fresh altar flowers is

$30, silk altar flowers $12 and bulletins $10.

-Bible Study Series “Half Truths”-Every Thursday night from 7:00 – 8:00 PM we are meeting online via

Zoom for Bible Study. We are currently exploring popular sayings that miss the point using Adam Hamilton’s

book, Half Truths. It’s never too late to join! Please contact the church office for more information.

-Update on Donut Making in 2021: Due to current health conditions and the uncertainty of the next several

months, we will not be holding our traditional day to make fastnachts. With the number of people needed

for the project and the work required, it will be impossible to insure safe working conditions.

-There will be a 5th Sunday Offering (designated to the Council of Churches Ministry) collected today. You

do not need a special envelope to give to this mission. Just make a note with your regular offerings.

-Attention all ladies: We are re-doing our Secret Pal Group for this coming year. We will only be doing a

gift exchange for Christmas. We will still pick names and then get together for dinner in early December to

exchange gifts. If you are interested in being part of the Secret Pal Group, please contact Lucinda Nagle or

the church office by today. Then in February you will be contacted about selecting your secret pal's name. This

is open to all ladies. If you have any questions, please contact Lucinda or Kelly.

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-There will be a Sunday School Meeting this Tuesday, February 2 at 7:00 PM.

-SARCC will be offering a support group for non-offending parents and caregivers of child sexual abuse

survivors. The group will last for 8 weeks, on Wednesdays from 5-6:30pm, and will begin on February 3. All groups

will meet live through a virtual telehealth application. To register, contact Norma Gonzalez

at [email protected] or call 717-270-6972 x353

-We will recognize members of Cub Scout Pack 651 and Boy Scout Troop 651 on the traditional Scout Sunday,

February 7, 2021 with limited representatives from both groups. However, we will have a full Scout appreciation

service with all the scouts once we can comfortably meet outdoors again. Stay tuned for that upcoming date!

-There will be a Red Cross Blood Drive hosted by the Wayne Township Lions on Friday, February 12 from

12-5pm at the Friedensburg Firehouse. There will also be a Miller Keystone Blood Drive here at St. Paul’s on

Saturday, February 27 from 8am-4pm. Please speak to Dave Heim for more info. on the Miller Keystone drive.

-February 14, 2021 is the traditional Sunday when we honor couples celebrating their 50th wedding

anniversaries in 2021. But this year to allow the best and safest participation, we will schedule this special

recognition service during one of our earliest outdoor services. If you are married 50 years, or you know of

a couple in the church who is, please contact Kelly at the church office.

-Don't let the spirit of giving slip away. The need to replenish the food pantry is even more important during the

cold winter months following the Holidays. We know this can be a difficult time to be out and about with the

winter weather and the pandemic. So let us do the driving and heavy lifting for you. We will again be doing a

drive by food drive on Wednesday, February 17th; and Wednesday, March 17th. This is a food collection.

Any food collected will be taken to the Sch. Haven Food Pantry for distribution during their regular monthly

distribution dates.

Anyone who would like to participate should either text or email us their name and address (570-449-0825 or

[email protected]) and we will be sure to pick up your donation. Donations can also left at the

church. We will pick up at the church between 9-12am each day. Home pick-ups will be between 3:30-5:30 in

the afternoon when the boys are finished school.

-An in person and virtual Ash Wednesday service, led by Pastor Ken, will be held on Wed., February 17 at

7pm. The service will include the imposition of ashes and the sacrament of Holy Communion.

Wednesday evening Lenten services will begin February 24 and continue through March 24. Each week

during the season of Lent, Lenten services will be done as a meditation online.

We will announce the final schedule for Holy Week and Easter services in next month’s newsletter.

-St. Paul’s will be collecting monetary donations on February 28 to be used towards the Church World

Service Blankets+ Program. Blanket offering envelopes are available from the church office, but are not

necessary to make a donation. You can make a notation on your regular offering envelope or send a hand written

note. Blankets+ is a special mission opportunity for all ages. Some 8,000 congregations and groups across the

U.S. hold CWS Blankets+ events, providing funds to help people in need around the world, including the U.S.

-The Annual Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, February 28 following worship. In the event

of worship cancellation, it will be held on Sunday, March 7. Members will receive the 2020 Annual Report prior

to the meeting as well as a zoom link to call in remotely if you cannot attend in person.

-Easter Lily orders will be accepted now. The cost is $6.75 and the final deadline for orders is March 16.

Please call the church office or contact Ardith Moyer or Verna Ebling. Order forms will be available at the church

and in the future February Newsletter. You do not need an order form to place an order. No standing orders please.

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-When you or a loved one is sick or in the hospital: When you or a loved one is sick or in the hospital for an

extended stay, please notify the church office. Please do not assume that the pastor will know you are there. We

are served by many different area hospitals and do not know which one you may utilize. So please do not hesitate

to let us know your condition so that Pastor Ken can provide you with spiritual care!

-Prayer Shawl Ministry – Are you sitting around bored with nothing to do?? Now is a great time to join our

Prayer Shawl Ministry. If you are interested in crocheting, we can hook you up! Call the church office for details.

If you know of someone who could use a prayer shawl, please contact the church office.

-Do You Know a Church Member Who Is Not Online??? The church is reaching out in new and amazing

ways. Our Live Steaming services on Facebook have been reaching hundreds of people who normally would not

worship with us. One week alone over 1,000 people viewed our worship service! God’s message of hope and

love is reaching more people in more ways than ever. But there are those we are not reaching. Do you know any

members who have not been able to watch our worship services online? Call the church office at 570-754-7225

so we can help them either see or listen in on our services. We are always trying new things to reach everyone,

and we don’t want anyone to miss a thing!

-Call the Church Office if you need anything! Our church voicemail system is there to answer your calls 24

hours a day and 7 days a week. Please leave a message with your name, number, and what you are calling

about. The staff will be notified remotely of your call and will get back to you as soon as possible. The church

office number is 570-754-7225. You can also email us at [email protected].

-Prayer is Powerful! Please continue to call the church office or email us your prayer concerns to be included

on our prayer list. We believe in the power of prayer and want to pray for you. We have a prayer concerns email

group for anyone who would like to join. Contact the church office and we will be happy to add you to the

email distribution list. The Agape Committee continues to send cards to members on the prayer concerns list, so

please continue sharing your concerns with us. Thank you!!

PRAYER CONCERNS: All those earnestly seeking God’s help in difficult times, Military personnel & National

Leaders, family and friends of Ida Adams, Lou Piccicchi, family and friends of Bill Jackson, family and friends

of Dennis Seigfried, Ella Sterner, Terry Grahn, Brian Dye, Marianne Blankenhorn, Aaron Albertini, Leroy

Knapp, Carolyn Rauenzahn, Dave Peiffer, Christie Gogel, Denise Heim

CANCER PATIENTS: Amanda, Juliette, Olivia Bensinger, Carol Blankenhorn, Jean Bolton, Kasara Boltz Clem

Botek, Rev. Elaine Boyer, Gary Brassington, Betty Brown, Nicole Bulson, Jessica Burtz, Susan Carlson, Jim

Connely, Scott Cutter, Joseph Defazio, Clara DeGrast, Albert Dorko, Earl Ebling, Craig Everly, Nancy Foulke,

Guy Fidler, Rebekah Fisher, Ron Flitcraft, Jamie Fox, Gemma Geary,Wayne Glass, Linda Greene, Frank

Grigalonis, Glenn Haag, Wayne Herring, Sr., Mike Hughes, Michelle Halanar, Darlene Hay, Betsy Hedner, Julia

Heller, Karen Hewitt, Jessica Holm, Mina Horan, Janice Idell, Sheila Irwin, Julie Jeffcoat, Barbara Jones, Dan

Kasper, Harry Keiffer, Brittany Kiapes, Frank Kintzel, Jena Kohler, Brett Koperna, Victor Kubiak, Gail Kunkel,

Thomas Lehman, Bonnie Light, Lori Mack, Sally Magalenso, Robert McAuliffe, Wanabi Mesubed, Gary Miller,

John Miller, Karen Miller, Marge Minchoff, Jerry Moyer, Shirley Myers, Mariah Nabholz, Tom Nagle, Jay

Newswanger, Lisa Prettyman, Barb Reno, Carol Rollhausen, Betty Rumpf, Connor Satterwhite, Mary Schell,

Gracie Schneider, Erin Selcher, Tracy Smerlick, Kathy Smith, Vivian Smulley, Glenn Springer, Josh Staskowski,

Bruce Stees, Diane Stock, Kevin Thornburgh, Joseph Verello Sr., Leon Weaver, Cannon Wiggins, John Wolfe,

Nancy Zimmerman


Sunday, January 31

Tuesday, February 2

7:00 PM -Sunday School Meeting

Thursday, February 4

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7:00 PM -Bible Study via Zoom

Sunday, February 7

10:30 AM -Worship with the Sacrament of Holy Communion & the Boy Scouts

*Lectionary Readings for next week:

Isaiah 40:21-31 Psalm 147:1-11, 20c

1 Corinthians 9:16-23 Mark 1:29-39

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