~St. Peter Church Groups~...Una Voce: Dr. Michael Sirilla, 740-282-4813, The Rosary Makers: collect Rosaries, and Rosary parts, for the missions. Please bring such items to the office

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Page 1: ~St. Peter Church Groups~...Una Voce: Dr. Michael Sirilla, 740-282-4813, The Rosary Makers: collect Rosaries, and Rosary parts, for the missions. Please bring such items to the office
Page 2: ~St. Peter Church Groups~...Una Voce: Dr. Michael Sirilla, 740-282-4813, The Rosary Makers: collect Rosaries, and Rosary parts, for the missions. Please bring such items to the office

~St. Peter Church Cleaning Schedule~

Week of May 14th, Team II

Week of May 21st, Team III

Week of May 28th, Team IV

Week of June 4th, Team I

Please consider being a volunteer for a Team V

We are desperate for additional volunteers.

Please contact Joanne Boyle at


~St. Peter Church Groups~

~For further information refer to the St. Peter Church

website: www.stpetersteub.com~

Parish Council: Mrs. Mary Jo Yanda, President,


Altar Servers Coordinator: Dr. Steve Hildebrand,


Lectors and Extraordinary Ministers Coordinator:

Mr. Pete Polimeni, 740-283-1401

Catholic Women’s Club (CWC): Mrs. Beatrice

Antol, (304-723-1850), President We continue to collect glasses for the Lion’s Club. Please bring

your donations to the church office.

St. Peter Website Coordinator: Christen

Wischnowski [email protected]

Bereavement Ministry: Mrs. Fiona Ruminski,


Adoration Chapel Coordinator: Mrs. Kathy Bender,


St. Peter Church Restoration Committee,

Coordinator: Mrs. Mary Jo Yanda, 740-282-4153

Knights of Columbus St. John Neumann Council Marshall L. Myers, GK, 740-282-8222

Natural Family Planning : Steve and Ann Craig,

740-457-9663, www.NFPandmore.org.

Una Voce: Dr. Michael Sirilla, 740-282-4813,


The Rosary Makers: collect Rosaries, and Rosary

parts, for the missions. Please bring such items to the

office. Thank you!

St. Peter Ministry to the Homebound: Deacon

Maedke, 740-381-2115

Parish Book Club Coordinator: Fr. Bradley Greer,

the club meets on the 3rd Saturday of every month in

the school building.

Dead Theologians Society Coordinators: Deacon

Tom Maedke 740-381-2115 & Rhett Young 805-390-

0326. Meetings are the 3rd Tuesday.

~St. Peter Ministry to the Homebound~

Please note: due to privacy regulations, local

hospitals are not permitted to contact the parish when a

parishioner is hospitalized, a family

member must contact the parish.

Thank you.

If, for medical reasons, you wish to receive only

the Precious Blood, please inform the priest or

deacon (in the sacristy) before Mass. A separate

chalice will be consecrated.

~St. Peter Church Office Hours~

Closed on Holy Days & Holidays.

The Office is open Monday - Thursday

8:30 to 2:00

~Parish Bulletin News~

The cost of producing the weekly parish bulletin is

partially underwritten through our advertisers. If you

know of any businesses which would be

interested in advertising, please contact Sherry Montell

at LPI Publishing,

4560 E 71st St. Cuyahoga Hts, OH 44105

1-800-477-4574, ext. 6321.

Diocesan Reconsecration Activities at St. Peter

Beginning on Saturday, April 22 at 5:30 p.m. and

continuing every Saturday through June 17, we

will celebrate Exposition of the Blessed Sacra-

ment and pray the diocesan novena in preparation

for the reconsecration on June 24.

Summer Weekday Liturgy Schedule Because Father Greer will be returning to the Catholic

University of America in Washington, DC, as part of

his canon law studies this summer, it will be neces-

sary to make some adjustments to the weekday liturgy

schedule. This schedule will be in effect from

Wednesday, May 31 through August 13. The nor-

mal schedule will resume on Monday, August 14.

Monday - No Mass, Tuesday - Mass at 8 am

Wednesday - No 8 am Mass, Mass at 5:15 pm. No

evening Confessons. Thursday & Friday - Mass at


The Ed-Choice Scholarship: BJKM Elementary

is now offering 100% full tuition for grades K-4th

for families whose income is at or below 200%

the Federal Poverty Guidelines. If you feel you

qualify, please stop in the school office for addi-

tional paperwork. If eligible, the scholarship will

follow your child through their school years.

Page 3: ~St. Peter Church Groups~...Una Voce: Dr. Michael Sirilla, 740-282-4813, The Rosary Makers: collect Rosaries, and Rosary parts, for the missions. Please bring such items to the office

5th Sunday of Easter

Mother’s Day

May 14, 2017 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Scheduled Masses Intention Requested by

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Monday 05/15 8:00 a.m. Mike DiCarlo Family


Tuesday 05/16 8:00 a.m. Mary Jane Zinno Natalie Harris, Daughter _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Wednesday 05/17 8:00 a.m. Sirilla Family

5:15 p.m. Alan & Susan McWhirter & Zachery & Catherine Miller



Thursday 05/18 8:00 a.m. Mass Joe & Sue Delatore John William Machesney


Friday 05/19 8:00 a.m. Lucille Kordsmeier Hildebrand Family


Saturday 05/20 4:00 p.m. Campbell - Tverbut Family


Sunday 05/21 8:00 a.m. Mass Geraldine Kelly Jim & Beverly Kidwell

10:00 a.m. Mass Pro Populo

12:00 a.m. Mass (*E.F.) Mr & Mrs Thompson Walsh Family

*E.F. - Extraordinary Form

2017 D/PSC Update

Thanks to all of you who have already pledged to the

2017 Diocesan/Parish Share Campaign. As of May 10,

100 families have pledged $41,495.50 to this year’s cam-

paign. As our goal this year is $51,724.00 we are

$10,228.50 short of the goal at this point. Again, thank

you for the support you have already shown. We strongly

encourage all parishioners who have not yet made their

pledges to please do so. May God reward your generosity

to our diocese and parish.

Parish Registration: Welcome to those who would

like to join our Parish Family! Please stop in or call

the Parish office (740-282-7612) to register. Also

please inform the office of any other changes such as

marriage, phone number or address.

Online Giving to the D/PSC

After you have submitted your pledge to the D/PSC, you

may schedule and make payments online securely using

either a credit card or debit card form a checking account.

Go to diosteub.org/giveonline to make these arrange-

ments! Remember that you must submit your pledge to

the parish before you will be able to make payments


A natural family planning class will be offered by

NFP International on Saturday, May 27th here at St

Peter’s. For more information or to register please

call Steve & Ann Craig 740-457-9663. Also an online

course is available (www.nfpandmore.org).

Annual DCCW Collection for the Madonna

Plan and Cross Catholic Outreach envelopes are

in your May package.

These organizations provide assistance to women

and children around the world in need. The Ma-

donna Plan funds material and child health pro-

jects and empower women through nutritional

and vocational training. The Cross Catholic Out-

reach helps mobilize Catholic women around the

world to address urgent issues oppressing women

and children, such as child abuse and human traf-

ficking through education.

Samaritan House is in need of regular food pantry items:

cereal, vegetables, peanut butter, tuna, pork and beans,

fruit, macaroni and cheese, crackers, ravioli spaghetti, spa-

ghetti sauce and soup. You may leave items in the back

(front vestibule) of the church.

Page 4: ~St. Peter Church Groups~...Una Voce: Dr. Michael Sirilla, 740-282-4813, The Rosary Makers: collect Rosaries, and Rosary parts, for the missions. Please bring such items to the office

~Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration~

The Adoration Chapel is open 24 hours a day, seven

days a week. To become a regular adorer: pick an hour

(the hours in bold print are those in need of adorers), and

call the appropriate division leader.

Division Leaders:

David Romanyak: (304-374-6346) Midnight-6am, Tues

12 am, 3-4:30 am Wed 12 am, 2 am, Sun 1 am

Kathy Bender: (740-544-6446) 6 am - noon Tues 9 am

Katie Ohnimus (978-870-3611) noon- 6 pm: Wed noon,

Thurs 4 pm, Fri noon & Sat noon, Sun 2 pm Mary King (740-424-5112) 6 p.m.—midnight: Fri 7 pm

Thank you to all that recently signed up.

~Church Support ~ May 7, 2017

General Collection - $5851.50

Maintenance $724.00 School $92.00

Samaritan House/L.A.M.P. - $58.00


~Schwan’s Fundraiser~

Please continue to support our Catholic schools via the

Schwan’s Food Company. The schools receive 5% from

the profits of goods purchased. Place your order at

Schwans-Cares.com, and use capaign#21886. Call Jodi if

you have questions: 740-249-8487.

~BJKM SCRIP - Regular hours are:

Tuesdays 8:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Wednesdays 1:00 p.m. - 3 p.m.

Time to RE-ENROLL your KROGER card. You must

do this once a year to receive tuition credit from Kroger Log on to your Kroger account, go to Community Rewards

Select either Edit / Enroll now, enter #80086, select Bish-

op Mussio and then enroll.

Anyone can enroll their card to help support our Catholic

Schools. Credit can be given to a specific family or to the

General fund for operating expensed. Contact Liz Borden

284-1870 or Barb Milewsky 264-7581 for more info or just

enroll now!!!! Please pray for the Catechetical program in the Steuben-

ville/Wintersville area. Barbara’s office hours:

Wednesday 9 a.m. to noon at the Triumph of the Cross

office, 200 Rosemont Avenue, Steubenville.

EDGE (7th & 8th grade) meets 6:00 p.m.-7:30 Wednes-

days at Aquinas Catechetical Center, 625 Lovers Lane.

RADIX (High School Youth Group) meets Sundays at

6:45 p.m. at Holy Rosary Auditorium.

Presentation and Holy Hour, Tuesday May 16th

at Holy Rosary for Sacred Heart Center of Hope

Sister Katherine, TOR, invites you to learn about

the future Sacred Heart Center of Hope and to inter-

cede for the Holy Spirit’s guidance for its develop-

ment and for the revitalization of the city of

Steubenville. Presentation about the Center will be

in the Marian Room at 7 pm with Holy Hour to fol-

low around 7:45 pm in the main Church.

Vacation Bible School Time! If there are any adults

interested in helping with VBS, please contact Barbara

a.s.a.p. at [email protected].

This year’s theme is: Tracking Mary: Mysteries &



May 14 - RADIX Youth Night @ Holy Rosary

May 16 Tuesday - Dead Theologians Society meeting

At St Peter Church 7:00 to 8:30

May 21 - Donut Sunday

June 26 - 29 - Vacation Bible School

Message from Priests for Life

The Faithful are urged to contact their Representatives

and Senators urging them to protect taxpayer money

from being used for abortions!Visit their local office or

call the Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 and have

them connect you with the office of your Representatiave

and your US Senators. Once you are connected to each

office, please say, “I am calling to ask Congress to use

the reconciliation process right away to divert money

from Planned Parenthood into health centers that do

not perform abortions.” For more details and infor-

mation see StopAbortionNow.org.

Catholic Central High School, Steubenville, is seeking

a principal to begin July 1, 2017 for the upcoming aca-

demic year. Catholic Central has an enrollment of 250

students in grade nine through twelve, with a dedicated

faculty and staff. Catholic Central is an inter-parochial

high school to the Catholic parishes of Jefferson County,


Qualifications: Practicing Roman Catholic, minimum 5

years teaching experience, certified in Ohio and a Mas-

ter’s degree required.

Application materials: Letter of interest, Resume, Tran-

scripts of course work, 3 professional references, letter of

recommendation from applicant’s pastor, copy of licen-

sure/certificate. Application materials will be accepted

through June 9th.

Complete application materials may be mailed to:

Office of Christian Formation and Schools, PO Box 969,

Steubenville, OH 43952.

Now That we have been justified by Christ’s blood,

how much more certainly will be be saved through

Him from divine retribution.

Rom 5:9

Page 5: ~St. Peter Church Groups~...Una Voce: Dr. Michael Sirilla, 740-282-4813, The Rosary Makers: collect Rosaries, and Rosary parts, for the missions. Please bring such items to the office

Please remember the

sick and homebound*

of our parish in your


Michael Olenick

Mary Ice

Ed Klonowski

James Kidwell

Clara Szydlowski

Catherine Letcher

Darrin Corrigan

John Koniski

Bernie Zapolnik

Donna Tustin

Joann Kirk

Heather Morris

Marie Ice

Jackson Buttle

Barbara Johnson

Renee Bonner

Gary Lizotte

*call office (740-282-

7612) to make

changes to this list, or to

add a loved one to the

prayer line.

~Steubenville City Daily Mass Schedule~

The following is the Mass schedule for St. Peter Church, Holy Family Church, and Triumph of the Cross.*

*Please remember to check parish bulletins for changes that may occur for Holy Days, holidays, and special

circumstances for the priests who are serving you.

7:00 a.m. Mass - Tuesday - Friday at Holy Rosary Church

8:00 a.m. Mass - Monday - Friday at Holy Family Church

Monday thru Friday at St. Peter Church

8:30 a.m. Mass - Monday - Saturday at Holy Rosary Church

Saturday at Holy Family Church

5:15 p.m. Mass - Monday at Holy Rosary Church

Wednesday at St. Peter Church

Note: The Adoration Chapel at St. Peter Church is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week

Please remember the following clergy in your


Sunday: Bishop Gilbert I. Sheldon

Monday: Msgr. Msgr. James Boehm

Tuesday: Fr. Thomas Marut

Wednesday: Fr. Gregory Plow, TOR

Thursday: Fr. Michael Gossett

Friday: Fr. Wolfgang Seitz, ORC

Saturday: Fr. William Wagner, ORC

Closing Grand Marian Procession and

Reconsecration Mass - 2017

The closing Grand Marian Procession and rconsecration

Mass, during which Bishop Monforton will formally Re-

consecrate the Diocese of Steubenville to the Immaculate

Heart of Mary, will be held on June 24th, at the Basilica

of St. Mary of the Assumption in Marietta.

Holding the Reconsecration at the Basilica, with its grand

beauty & central location, will encourage participation

from as many parishes throughout the diocese as possible

for this historic event. Please place this on your calendars!

The Grand Marian Procession is tentatively planned for

10 a.m. followed by the Holy Scarifice of the Mass at 12

noon. More details will follow as we get closer to the


The Franciscan Sisters, T.O.R.

Annual Open House & May Crowning

We invite you to our annual Open House & May

Crowning on Saturday, May 20th at our monastery,

369 Little Church Road, Toronto, Ohio. This family fun

day includes hay rides, a petting zoo, an inflatable slide,

face painting, indoor & outdoor games, a vocation talk

for two different age groups and more! We will also

have a free lunch from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., an in-

door May Crowning at 1:30 p.m. & Vigil Mass at 3:45.

No reservations necessary; donations are gratefully ac-


For more information, please visit our website at www.

FranciscanSistersTOT.org or call 740-544-5542. We

Hope to see you there!!!

Recitation of the Rosary On the 13th of each month, May through October,

at 7 p.m. people are invited to the Shrine of our

Blessed Mother at the entrance of Catholic Central

High School to pray the Rosary in honor of Our La-

dy of Fatima. This year is the 100th anniversary of

the apparitions to the three children, Lucia, Francis-

co and Jacinta (Jacinta and Francisco are to be can-

onized on May 13th at Fatima). As our Blessed

Mother requested the praying of the rosary, we will

come together on the anniversary of her appearanc-


Canticle Singers Catholic Youth Choir

Sunday, May 21, 2017, 3:00 p.m.

Blessed Sacrament Church, Wintersville

Free admission and open to the public. A free will of-

fering will be taken during intermission.


[email protected]

Dear Mother, cover with your maternal mantle

those whom Jesus has honored with the authority

and dignity of His Priesthood. Ven. Mother Catherine Aurelia