1321 Burning Bush Lane • Mt. Prospect, IL 60056 • www.stthomasbecketmp.org St. T homas B ecket DECEMBER 24, 2017 The Nativity of the Lord MASS TIMES Saturday: 4:30pm Sunday: 9:00am & 12:30pm 7:30am & 10:45am Polish Weekdays: 9:00am Mass: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday Friday—7:00pm Mass in Polish PARISH PHONE NUMBER (847) 827-9220 PARISH E-MAIL: [email protected] PARISH STAFF Pastor: Rev. Chris Kulig Administrator: Rev. Curt Lambert Pastor Emeritus: Rev. John Roller Deacon Couple: Tony and Doreen Jannotta: (847) 690-9970 [email protected] Administrative Assistant: Krystyna Maciorowski [email protected] Parish Secretary / Bulletin Editor: Liz Mika: [email protected] Business Director: Patrick Reynolds: [email protected] Religious Education & Formation: Renata Sosin: (847) 296-9051 [email protected] Music Director: Paula Kowalkowski [email protected] (847) 298-5450 Maintenance: Mariusz Klimek

St. The Nativity of the Lord DECEMBER Thomas Becket · egiełki w naszym Ogrodzie Pamięci mogą być zamawiane ku czci pamięci naszych zmarłych lub na każdą inną specjalną

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1321 Burning Bush Lane • Mt. Prospect, IL 60056 • www.stthomasbecketmp.org

St. Thomas Becket

DECEMBER 24, 2017 The Nativity of the Lord

MASS TIMES Saturday: 4:30pm

Sunday: 9:00am & 12:30pm 7:30am & 10:45am Polish

Weekdays: 9:00am Mass: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday Friday—7:00pm Mass in Polish

PARISH PHONE NUMBER (847) 827-9220

PARISH E-MAIL: [email protected]

PARISH STAFF Pastor: Rev. Chris Kulig

Administrator: Rev. Curt Lambert

Pastor Emeritus: Rev. John Roller

Deacon Couple: Tony and Doreen Jannotta: (847) 690-9970

[email protected] Administrative Assistant:

Krystyna Maciorowski [email protected]

Parish Secretary / Bulletin Editor: Liz Mika: [email protected]

Business Director: Patrick Reynolds: [email protected]

Religious Education & Formation: Renata Sosin: (847) 296-9051

[email protected] Music Director: Paula Kowalkowski

[email protected] (847) 298-5450

Maintenance: Mariusz Klimek

2 l Welcome to St. Thomas Becket Catholic Community

As we prepare ourselves to gather with our families, faith and community to celebrate the season of Christmas we are very much aware of the suffering and violence that splinters our world and separates families and loved ones.

Let our songs and prayers, let our gathering around the manger be a sign to the entire world of our faith and hope in a God of love who came to save us all two thousand years ago but is even now present in the love, care, and generosity of each of us. It is not our

strength and wisdom that will change the world, but rather the grace of God strengthening us and giving us the wisdom to make the difference.

You are a blessing to us. Please be as supportive as you can to our church community as we continue to announce and live the Gospel message of God’s saving love in Christ. A Blessed Christmas to all. Rev. Curt A. Lambert Parish Administrator

Przygotowując się do spotkania z naszymi rodzinami i wspólnotą aby celebrować święta Bożego Narodzenia, zdajemy sobie sprawę z cierpienia i przemocy, która niszczy nasz świat i oddziela rodziny i bliskich.

Niech nasz śpiew i modlitwy, niech nasze gromadzenie się wokół żłóbka, będzie znakiem dla całego świata naszej wiary i nadziei w Bogu, który przyszedł, aby zbawić nas wszystkich dwa tysiące lat temu, i który jest obecny nadal dzisiaj w miłości, trosce, i hojności wobec każdego z nas. To nie nasza siła i mądrość zmienia świat, ale raczej łaska Boża wzmacnia nas i daje nam mądrość, aby dokonać zmiany.

Każdy z Was jest błogosławieństwem. Proszę, bądźcie jak najbardziej pomocni dla naszej wspólnoty kościelnej, ponieważ nadal głosimy i żyjemy przesłaniem Ewangelii o zbawczej miłości Boga w Chrystusie. Życzę wszystkim wszelkiego błogosławieństwa i radosnych świąt Narodzenia Pana. Ks. Curt A. Lambert Administrator Parafii

December 24, 2017 • The Nativity of the Lord l 3

Aby to Boże Narodzenie okazało się źródłem Waszej nadziei, pokoju i radości

w nowonarodzonym Królu.

Serdeczne życzenia świąteczne składają Ks. Krzysztof Kulig i wszyscy pracownicy parafii

Św. Tomasza Becketa.



Best wishes for a Blessed Christmas to all!

Fr. Chris Kulig and the entire parish staff at St. Thomas Becket Parish.

4 l Welcome to St. Thomas Becket Catholic Community

Please join us for our Annual Gathering

OPŁATEK on Sunday, January 7, 2018 at 3:00pm in the

parish hall. We will sing English and Polish Christmas Carols, share Oplatek and some great food. Entry by a donation of something to share

(potluck). Sign up sheets are located in the lobby. Please join us for this wonderful evening of

caroling, food and friendship. All are invited. More information at: 847-827-9220.

Serdecznie zapraszamy wszystkich na nasz coroczny parafialny OPŁATEK—7-go stycznia

o godz. 3:00pm. Chętnych, którzy chcą podtrzymać naszą polską tradycje oraz podzielić się radością z narodzenia Pana Jezusa z innymi parafianami, prosimy o zapisanie się w

przedsionku kościoła. Zapewniamy śpiew kolęd w języku polskim i angielskim oraz smaczny poczęstunek. Wstęp … talerz potrawy lub ciasta do podzielenia się.

Po więcej informacji prosimy o kontakt z biurem parafialnym: 847-827-9220.


W naszej katolickiej tradycji, związek małżeński jest Sakramentem. Dlatego tak wysoko cenimy

małżeństwo i dlatego też przygotowanie do tego Sakramentu jest bardzo ważne.

Jednodniowa sesja w jęz. polskim w zakresie wymagań Archidiecezji odbędzie się:

14 kwiecień 2018

Zapraszamy do

uczestnictwa nie tylko naszych parafian.

W celu zapisania się prosimy o kontakt z biurem parafialnym: 847 827-9220.

Prayer Blanket - Kocyk Modlitewny

The following people have received a blessed

Prayer Blanket. Let us continue to pray for them.

Loving God, you watch over all your people with

unfailing care. Please keep these persons in the

safe embrace of your love.

Leonora Charles Roy Allan

Theodoro Gloria Elzbieta Joseph

Lynn Anthony Wendy Bożena


Powyżej wymienione

osoby otrzymały

pobłogosławiony Kocyk

Modlitewny. Trwajmy w modlitwie za nich.

Kochający Boże miej w swojej niewyczerpanej

opiece wszystkie swoje dzieci. Miej te osoby w

bezpiecznym objęciu Twej miłości.

December 24, 2017 • The Nativity of the Lord l 5

Bricks in our Memory Garden can be ordered to mark any special occasion in your life, or for your deceased loved ones, or just in thanksgiving. Bricks can be ordered anytime through the parish office BUT will be send to production on the 1st of each month. They will

be installed in the garden one month later. For more information please call the parish office.

Cegiełki w naszym Ogrodzie Pamięci mogą być zamawiane ku czci pamięci naszych zmarłych lub na każdą inną

specjalną okazję: ślub, chrzest, dziękczynna, etc. Cegiełki będą wysyłane do producenta

1-go każdego miesiąca i będą zainstalowane miesiąc później. Informacja w biurze

parafialnym: Elżbieta (847) 827-9220.

St. Thomas Becket Parish Christmas Schedule 2017

Attending Christmas Eve Mass

does NOT satisfy the 4th Sunday of Advent obligation.

Wzięcie udziału w popołudniowej Mszy Św.—wigilia, 24 grudzień — nie wypełnia obowiązku Mszy Św.

na 4-tą Niedziele Adwentu

Sunday, December 24 4th Sunday of Advent 4 Niedziala Adwentu

7:30 A.M. [Polish] 9:00 A.M.[ English]

Sunday, December 24—Christmas Eve Wigilia Bożego Narodzenia

4:00 P.M. Family Mass [English] 10:00 P.M. Mass [English] 12:00 A.M. Mass [Polish]

Christmas Day - Monday, December 25 Boże Narodzenie

9:00 A.M. & 12:30 P.M. [English] 7:30 A.M. & 10:45 A.M. [Polish]

St. Stephen - Tuesday, December 26 Św. Szczepana

9:00 A.M. [English] 7:00 P.M. [Polish]

Mary, Mother of God - January 1 Not a Holy Day of Obligation

Święto nieobowiązkowe

9:00 A.M. [English] 7:30 A.M. & 10:45 A.M. [Polish]


Parish Office will be closed on Monday, December 25th

Tuesday, December 26—open 9am –3pm

Biuro parafialne będzie nieczynne w poniedziałek, 25-go grudnia

wtorek, 26-go grudnia czynne od 9am do 3pm

NEW PARISH OFFICE HOURS As of January 1, 2018 the parish office

will be opened: 8:00am to 4:00pm

on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday 8:00am to 2:00pm on Thursday closed on Saturday and Sunday

Od 1-go stycznia, 2018r biuro parafialne będzie czynne następująco:

8am do 4pm w poniedziałki, wtorki, środy i piątki 8am do 2pm w czwartki

nieczynne w soboty i w niedziele

6 l Welcome to St. Thomas Becket Catholic Parish Community

Why become a Registered Parishioner? Our priest and pastoral staff are frequently asked for services from people they do not know, requests that often entail a moral obligation. We are asked to certify that a person is a practicing Catholic in order to become a God-parent or a Sponsor, we are asked to baptize a child of parents who do not live in or attend our parish, we are asked to marry someone who is not registered in the parish. There is a Church Law that requires a Pastor to know the people before he gives information or permission for any of the sacraments or documents. It’s difficult and embarrassing at times to question people unnecessarily. Often the concerned persons becomes upset. There is an easy solution to these problems: become a registered parishioner. Just because you attend Mass at a parish does not mean that you are registered. Young people need to register in a parish in which they reside. Once a couple marry, they take on a new identity and a new home. They no longer come under the registration of their parents. Much grief can be avoided by officially declaring yourself and your family. Please consider becoming a part of our Faith Community. Please call the parish office for more information and for registration opportunities: 847-827-9220.

Dlaczego mam zarejestrować się do parafii? Nasz księdz i pracownicy parafii są często proszeni o pomoc od osób, których nie znają, jak i o wypisanie za-świadczeń, które często wymagają stwierdzenia moralnej prawdy. Jesteśmy proszeni o potwierdzenie, że dana osoba jest praktykującym katolikiem aby otrzymać pozwolenie na zostanie Rodzicem Chrzestnym czy też Sponso-rem; jesteśmy proszeni, aby ochrzcić dziecko rodziców, którzy nie mieszkają lub nie uczęszczają do naszej parafii; jesteśmy proszeni, aby dać ślub komuś, kto nie jest zarejestrowany w parafii. Prawo Kościelne wymaga od pro-boszcza by poznał ludzi zanim potwierdzi informacje lub wyrazi zgodę na którykolwiek z sakramentów lub doku-mentów. Niepotrzebne wypytywanie niezapisanych do parafii osób jest trudne i kłopotliwe. Często zaintereso-wane osoby denerwują się, że nie otrzymują potrzebnych im dokumentów natychmiast. Istnieje proste rozwiąza-nie takich problemów: należy zarejestrować się do parafii. Samo uczestnictwo we Mszy Św. w parafii nie oznacza, że jestem zarejestrowany. Młodzi ludzie powinni zarejestrować się w parafii, w okolicy w której zamieszkują. Kiedy młodzi biorą ślub, stają się nową tożsamością i zakładają nową rodzinę. Oni już nie są objęci rejestracją ich rodziców. Dużo niepotrzebnego żalu można uniknąć przez oficjalne zadeklarowanie siebie i swojej rodziny do parafii. Prosimy modlitewnie rozważyć przyłączenie i zarejestrowanie się do naszej parafialnej wspólnoty. Prosimy o kontakt z biurem parafialnym aby uzyskać więcej informacji na temat rejestracji.

December 24, 2017 • The Nativity of the Lord l 7

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, In 1223, just two years before his death, Saint Francis of Assisi set up a living crèche, a replica of the manger in Bethlehem at the birth of Jesus. He preached and prayed before the scene. His biographer, Thomas of Celano, says that in that moment Francis was “overwhelmed with love and filled with wonderful happiness.” His contemplation of Jesus, the Word made flesh, drew him to experience the depth of God’s love. We live in a troubled world beset by wars, violence, injustice, broken relationships, and illness. Beyond that, we do believe and are convinced that God loves us and walks with us in Jesus, his Son. As we know, God will heal us and our broken world and bring us into the fullness of life. It is my hope that when you pray before the mystery of the Incarnate Word, as Saint Francis prayed, you will be renewed in hope and confidence and be “overwhelmed with love and filled with wonderful happiness.” May God bless you with a renewal of faith, hope, and love as we celebrate the birth of the Lord. Sincerely yours in Christ,


Christmas 2017 Cardinal's letter to the Faithful Archdiocese of Chicago

******************************************************************************************* Drogie Siostry i drodzy Bracia w Chrystusie, W 1223 roku, zaledwie dwa lata przed swoją śmiercią, święty Franciszek z Asyżu stworzył żywą szopkę, replikę żłóbka z Betlejem w momencie narodzin Jezusa. Święty Franciszek nauczał i modlił się przed tą szopką. Jego biograf, Thomas z Celano mówi, że święty był w tamtym momencie „przepełniony miłością i napełniony wspaniałym szczęściem”. Kontemplacja Jezusa, Słowa, które stało się Ciałem, zawiodła go do doświadczenia głębi Bożej miłości. Żyjemy w świecie pełnym problemów, nękanym wojnami, przemocą, niesprawiedliwościami, chorobami, w świecie złamanych relacji. Pomimo tego wierzymy jednak i jesteśmy przekonani, że Bóg nas kocha i przebywa z nami w Jezusie, swoim Synu. Jak dobrze wiemy Bóg uzdrowi nas i nasz zepsuty świat i zaprowadzi nas do pełni życia. Mam nadzieję, że kiedy będziecie modlili się przed tajemnicą Wcielonego Słowa, tak jak robił to święty Franciszek, odnowiona zostanie Wasza nadzieja, Wasza wiara w samych siebie i będziecie „przepełnieni miłością i napełnieni wspaniałym szczęściem”. Niech Bóg Wam błogosławi i w czasie, kiedy obchodzimy narodziny Pana odnowi Waszą wiarę, nadzieję i miłość, Szczerze oddany Wam w Chrystusie, ARCYBISKUP CHICAGO

Boże Narodzenie 2017 List kardynała do Wiernych Archidiecezji Chicago

8 l Welcome to St. Thomas Becket Catholic Parish Community


Sunday, December 24, 2017 4th Sunday of Advent Masses: 7:30am & 9am ONLY Christmas Eve Masses: 4pm & 10pm English 12am Polish Monday, December 25, 2017 Christmas Day Masses: 7:30am & 10:45am Polish 9am & 12:30pm English Tuesday, December 26, 2017 9am-3pm Parish Office opened 7pm Mass (P) Wednesday, December 27, 2017 Thursday, December 28, 2017 6pm Polonia Friday, December 29, 2017 Feast of St. Thomas Becket 9am Mass (E) 7pm Mass (P) Saturday, December 30, 2017 MANNA—order sheets in the bulletin Sunday, December 31, 2017 MANNA—order sheets in the bulletin

Attention Business Owners, Professionals and Self Employed

We would like to thank our current advertisers for renewing their ad and thereby continuing their support of our church. Our bulletin

is a primary way we use to communicate with you. Through our arrangement with the Liturgical Publications Inc, the church does

not pay for the bulletin printing, which saves us thousands of dollars every year. Our bulletin is supported through the generosity of the

advertisers—many of whom are our own church parishioners or members of our local community. Please support our advertisers

with your patronage. Tell the business owner that you appreciate their support of our

church through their advertising in the bulletin. We print 750 bulletins every week and on Christmas and Easter 1250.

This is a quick, practical, and business savvy way to reach many people.

A strong and vibrant bulletin is good for our community and a strong business community is good for our church.

To obtain information about advertising in our bulletin, please contact the church office or call Jeff Hansen directly

@ 1-708-328-1026 or email: [email protected].

Keep in mind; our advertising sponsors make the bulletin possible.

Why do we give gifts at Christmas?

Great events in and of themselves are not tangible. They occur in life but leave no mark behind, nothing that someone could come

across and know that something significant occurred. So we mark the event with monuments, holidays, gold watches or

plaques, making a meaningful event tangible and memorable.

Gifts at Christmas do the same thing. They mark the occasion of the birth of Jesus, communicating a bit of the joy of the day by allowing us to be both giver and receiver. Gift-giving sets aside the day as

special and different. The special foods, customs, decorations, and gifts all help focus our attention on the importance and meaning of the day and at the same time allow us to share personally in its joy and


In giving gifts, though, we can share in the meaning of Christmas in a significant way. We imitate God in sharing with others. We give a bit of ourselves to others in the gifts we give, just as God gives us the gift

of his Son. No wonder we often say that the best gifts are those that come from the heart. Given in love, these presents are wrapped in the best covering of all.


MASS TIMES Saturday: 4:30pm Sunday: 9:00am & 12:30pm 7:30am & 10:45am Polish Weekdays: 9:00am Mass: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday Friday—7:00pm Mass in Polish

PARISH PHONE NUMBER (847) 827-9220 PARISH FAX NUMBER (847) 827-0370 PARISH E-MAIL: [email protected] PARISH WEBSITE www.stthomasbecketmp.org PARISH OFFICE HOURS Monday/Tuesday/Wednesday/ Friday 8:00am - 5:00pm Thursday 8:00am - 2:00pm Saturday 9:00am - 3:00pm Sunday Closed


Parafia Świętego Tomasza Becketa

zaprasza całą wspólnotę polskojęzyczną

do wspólnej modlitwy i nabożeństw.

Msze Św. w jęz. polskim—niedziela:

7:30am i 10:45am piątek: 7:00pm

w jęz. angielskim—sobota: 4:30pm

niedziela: 9:00am i 12:30pm

Parish Mission Statement

We, the parish family of St. Thomas Becket, are a community of believers united in Christ, who dedicate ourselves to proclaim the Good

News and foster a sense of belonging. As we gather together in prayer and worship,

we draw our nourishment from His word and the Bread of His Table.

With shared responsibility we go forth to serve and affirm our sisters and brothers.

Guided by the Holy Spirit, we strive to build the Kingdom of God

within and beyond our parish.

My, Parafia Świętego Tomasza Becketa, jesteśmy wspólnotą wiernych zjednoczonych w Chrystusie, którzy troszczymy się o Boże dziedzictwo i z oddaniem głosimy Dobrą Nowinę. We wspólnym gromadzeniu się i modlitwie, karmimy się Jego Słowem

i Chlebem z Jego Stołu. Z poczuciem wspólnego obowiązku

podążamy w służbie naszym braciom i siostrom. Pod przewodnictwem Ducha

Świętego dążymy do budowania Królestwa Bożego wewnątrz i poza naszą parafią.

Sunday, December 24, 2017 4TH SUNDAY OF ADVENT

7:30am †Katarzyna Chwała †Kazimierz Beskur †zmarli z rodziny Żurawskich i Lewandowskich †Kazimierz Smoleń 9:00am †Margaret Mary McCarthy †deceased members from the Tymkiewicz, Radziemski & Mosica families

CHRISTMAS EVE 4:00pm †Estelle Weirich †Jody Mascolino †Val Pawlak †Greg Kleczynski †Leo Broski

10:00pm †Stella Janowski †Maria & Mitch Bandur †Emilia & Stanley Mika 12:00am †Kazimierz Beskur Monday, December 25, 2017

CHRISTMAS DAY 7:30am †Adam Kulig 9:00am †Kathy Keane 10:45am †Krystyna i Stanisław Rychtarczyk †Przemek Mazur †za dusze w czyścu cierpiące †zmarli z rodziny Kuźniarów †Stanisław Nowak †Stanisława i Kazimierz Korab †Franciszek i Aniela Krupa SPECIAL: członkowie Żywego Różańca 12:30pm †William & Alice Kamzol †Sylvia Colletti †Blanche McGrath †Val Pawlak †deceased members from the Pawlak, Krus & Burek families Tuesday, December 26, 2017 9:00am †Francis Cardinal George 7:00pm †Edward Plesiński †Helena Piskorowska Wednesday, December 27, 2017 9:00am †souls in purgatory †deceased from the Kuzniar family Thursday, December 28, 2017 NO MASS OR SERVICE Friday, December 29, 2017 9:00am †Adam Kulig 7:00pm SPECIAL: Piotr—o potrzebne łaski Saturday, December 30, 2017 4:30pm †Ann & Sam Pacenti †Ken Motyka Sunday, December 31, 2017 7:30am †Mieczysław Stępień †Eugeniusz Stawczyk 9:00am †Margaret Mary McCarthy 10:45am †Kathy Szkaradek 12:30pm †Joe Costello

Catholic Cemeteries: www:catholiccemeterieschicago.org 708-449-6100

Give Central – On line donation system accessible through our website: www.stthomasbecketmp.org

Readings for the Week of December 24 Sunday: 2 Sm 7:1-5, 8b-12, 14a, 16/ Ps 89:2-3, 4-5, 27, 29 [2a]/Rom 16:25-27/ Lk 1:26-38 Monday: Vigil: Is 62:1-5/Ps 89:4-5, 16-17, 27, 29 [2a]/Acts 13:16-17, 22-25/Mt 1:1-25 or 1:18-25 Midnight: Is 9:1-6/Ps 96:1-2, 2-3, 11-12, 13 [Lk 2:11]/Ti 2:11-14/Lk 2:1-14 Dawn: Is 62:11-12/Ps 97:1, 6, 11-12/ Ti 3:4-7/Lk 2:15-20 Day: Is 52:7-10/Ps 98:1, 2-3, 3-4, 5-6 [3c]/Heb 1:1-6/Jn 1:1-18 or 1:1-5, 9-14 Tuesday: Acts 6:8-10; 7:54-59/Ps 31:3cd-4, 6 and 8ab, 16bc and 17 [6]/Mt 10:17-22 Wednesday: 1 Jn 1:1-4/Ps 97:1-2, 5-6, 11-12 [12]/Jn 20:1a, 2-8 Thursday: 1 Jn 1:5--2:2/Ps 124:2-3, 4-5, 7b-8 [7]/Mt 2:13-18 Friday: 1 Jn 2:3-11/Ps 96:1-2a, 2b-3, 5b-6 [11a]/Lk 2:22-35 Saturday: 1 Jn 2:12-17/Ps 96:7-8a, 8b-9, 10 [11a]/Lk 2:36-40 Next Sunday: Gn 15:1-6; 21:1-3 or Sir 3:2-6, 12-14/Ps 105:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 8-9, [7a, 8a] or Ps 128:1-2, 3, 4-5 [cf. 1]/ Heb 11:8, 11-12, 17-19 or Col 3:12-21 or 3:12-17/Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22, 39-40

Observances for the Week of December 24 Sunday: 4th Sunday of Advent; Christmas Eve Monday: Christmas (holy day of obligation) Tuesday: St. Stephen, the First Martyr Wednesday: St. John, Apostle & Evangelist Thursday: The Holy Innocents, Martyrs Friday: St. Thomas Becket, Bishop & Martyr Saturday: Next Sunday: The Holy Family; New Year's Eve

December 24, 2017 • The Nativity of the Lord l 9

Question: Why do the Gospels differ in their

details? I was surprised to learn that not all of the Gospels tell the same stories, for example, the Nativity. Doesn't this take away from their


Answer: Take any event that happens, from family trips to national politics and

ask two or three different people to explain what happened. You will get a different version of the same story.

People tend to tell the story from their perspective, and past

experience shades what we recall and how we recall it. Our choice of

words and what details we leave in or out is also influenced by the audience

who is listening to our tales.

The Gospel writers are no different. Each one tells the story of Jesus from their own perspective. Versions differ

in some details, not because one is true and the other is not, but because each Gospel writer, or Evangelist, has

a different theological point to communicate as well as a different

audience for whom he is writing. He picks and chooses the details of his

Gospel based on what message he is preaching, what his audience may already know, and what message

they need to hear. The various details of the Gospels point more to their

authenticity as a record of the church's experience and

understanding of Jesus. In a good study Bible, the background notes for

each Gospel contain a lot of information that helps us better

understand each Evangelist and his message.

10 l Welcome to St. Thomas Becket Catholic Parish Community





What You Need to Know About the “Invest in Kids” Tax Credit Scholarships Through the “Invest in Kids Act”, Illinois children from low-income households who want to attend private schools will have access to new scholarships. The scholarships offered through this program could cover up to 100 percent of tuition and eligible fees for the next school year. Below is more information about how to apply and details on eligibility requirements. Tax Credit Scholarships Students from low-income households in grades K-12 have the opportunity to receive tax credit scholarships for the 2018/19 school year. These scholarships are funded by donors who receive a credit on their Illinois state income tax as a result of their donation. Application Process Since this is a new program, application details are being finalized, and the Archdiocese will share them as soon as they are available. When the time comes, the Archdiocese will provide assistance by answering your questions and helping families complete the application. Help Applying You will be able to get help applying for the scholarship in-person at a variety of events in your community in the coming months. The Archdiocese will share the dates and locations of these events as these details are finalized. For families whose first language is not English, we will have in-person resources available to help you through the application process. Application Deadline You will need to apply for tax credit scholarships through a scholarship granting organization (SGO), which will manage this process, instead of the Archdiocese or your school directly. It is still being determined when the SGO may begin accepting applications and the deadline for submitting applications. The Archdiocese will provide more information as soon as it is available. Scholarships will be awarded on a first come, first serve basis, so it is very important that when the application process begins, you apply early. How to Qualify Eligibility to receive a scholarship is based on your family’s household income. For example, a student could receive a scholarship if his/her family income is less than $73,700 a year for a family of four. See chart below for more information on eligibility for tax credit scholarships. Scholarship Amount Your family could receive a scholarship that covers up to 100 percent of tuition and eligible fees for the next school year. See the chart below that shows how much you could receive to cover tuition based on your income for a family of four. Household Income Per Year Eligible Scholarship Amount for a Family of Four Less than $45,510 – 100 percent of tuition $45,510 – $61,500 – 75 percent of tuition $61,500 - $73,800 – 50 percent of tuition To learn more, please visit www.archchicago.org/tcs or contact the Archdiocese at [email protected] or at (312) 534-5321.