.. 1 ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC CHURCH ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC CHURCH ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC CHURCH We live a dynamic orthodoxy that is a spirit-filled faithfulness to Jesus Christ and His Gospel and to His Catholic Church and her teachings. May 27, 2018 May 27, 2018 May 27, 2018—The Most Holy Trinity The Most Holy Trinity The Most Holy Trinity The mission of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish is to seek the greater honor and glory of God and the salvation of souls by sanctifying, teaching, and shepherding the faithful through orthodoxy. Pastoral Team Pastor Rev. Msgr. Douglas Raun Vicar Rev. Scott McKee Deacons: Rev. Roger Ayers, Jim Baca, Dave Little, Leroy Sanchez Frank Smith, Tom Tynan Mass Schedule Saturday (fulfills Sunday obligation).5:00 pm Sunday 7:00 a.m., 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 12:30pm (Bilingual) 6:00pm (Life Teen) Weekday Mon. -Sat. 9:00 am Mon.- Fri., 6:00 pm Mailing address 1502 Sara Rd. SE, Rio Rancho, New Mexico 87124 Office located at 1594 Sara Rd Suite F Phone: 505-892-1511 Fax: 505 891-3044 www.stanm.org Office Hours: Mon.-Fri. 9:45am to 5:00pm Eucharisc Adoraon Adoraon Chapel located on the

ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC CHURCH May 27, 2018—The … · Next Sunday, June 3, is the glorious feast of Corpus Christi ... "Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were in Congress

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Page 1: ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC CHURCH May 27, 2018—The … · Next Sunday, June 3, is the glorious feast of Corpus Christi ... "Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were in Congress



ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC CHURCHST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC CHURCHST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC CHURCH We live a dynamic orthodoxy that is a spirit-filled faithfulness to Jesus Christ and

His Gospel and to His Catholic Church and her teachings.

May 27, 2018May 27, 2018May 27, 2018———The Most Holy TrinityThe Most Holy TrinityThe Most Holy Trinity The mission of St. Thomas Aquinas Parish is to seek the greater honor and glory of God and the salvation of souls by sanctifying, teaching, and shepherding the

faithful through orthodoxy.

Pastoral Team Pastor

Rev. Msgr. Douglas Raun

Vicar Rev. Scott McKee

Deacons: Rev.

Roger Ayers, Jim Baca, Dave Little, Leroy Sanchez

Frank Smith, Tom Tynan�

Mass Schedule Saturday (fulfills Sunday obligation)��.5:00 pm

Sunday 7:00 a.m., 9:00 am, 11:00 am, 12:30pm (Bilingual)

6:00pm (Life Teen)


Mon. -Sat. 9:00 am

Mon.- Fri., 6:00 pm

Mailing address

1502 Sara Rd. SE, Rio Rancho, New Mexico


Office located at 1594 Sara Rd

Suite F

Phone: 505-892-1511

Fax: 505 891-3044


Office Hours: Mon.-Fri.

9:45am to 5:00pm


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Eucharisc Adoraon �


Adora�on Chapel located on the �


Page 2: ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC CHURCH May 27, 2018—The … · Next Sunday, June 3, is the glorious feast of Corpus Christi ... "Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were in Congress



Dear family, A happy Memorial Day weekend to you all! In our prayers this weekend let us remem-ber all the brave men and women who have given their lives in the defense of our coun-try, and the freedoms we are blessed to enjoy.

------------------------ We rejoice this weekend to have with us our native son, the newly ordained deacon the Rev. Mr. Timo-thy Meurer, who is serving at 9:00 am Mass today and preaching his maiden sermon. Please pray for him and for all of our men who are studying for the Sacred Priesthood.

------------------------ Because it's Memorial Day, on Monday, May 28th:

• the parish office will be closed • there will be one Mass only, at 9:00 am No one will be made crazy this week - in other words, no Monday night Bible study.

------------------------ Next Sunday, June 3, is the glorious feast of Corpus Christi - the day when we celebrate the Real Presence of our Lord Jesus Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament. In observance of this day, we will do two things:

• Our dear parish friend, Father Jeff Wharton, will visit us and preach at all the Masses on the val-ue and importance of Eucharistic Adoration We will have an indoor procession with the Blessed Sacrament and Benediction at the end of 9 :00 am Mass. So you have been warned - High Mass will be a quarter of an hour longer next week-end! But what a beautiful extra 15 minutes, to honor Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. The procession with the Blessed Sacrament is the special observance of Corpus Christi. For years we have had an outdoor procession for the day, but attendance has grown smaller and smaller. The truth is our church is just not well located for outdoor processions. There is not even a clear way to walk around the church without going into the parking lot. We can't have a procession right after Mass because it would block two driveways no matter which way we go. There is no easy way to process on the neigh-borhood streets. So we tried it at 3:00 pm in the afternoon, and it is so hot. So - I think that from now on we will just have an indoor procession after Mass each year. I love the idea of an outdoor procession, but we can only do what we can do!

--------------------------- Well, the primary elections are coming up, as we can see from the forest of signs adorning our streets. We pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit and God's blessing upon our public servants. But I ran across some cute political jokes. I think political jokes have their place, because they help us to keep a right perspective on politics, and help to keep our public servants humble! So here they go:

• There is no room for stupidity in Congress. It's already full.

• Results of a new poll recently released: The majority of Americans approve of sending Congress to Afghanistan. (My comment: But that poor country already has enough problems!) "Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were in Congress. But then, I repeat myself." Mark Twain A blessed week! Msgr. Doug Raun

Pastors Column

Page 3: ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC CHURCH May 27, 2018—The … · Next Sunday, June 3, is the glorious feast of Corpus Christi ... "Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were in Congress



YOU MAKE ME CRAZY You Make Me Crazy is a 9-part series on surviving relationships God’s way. Everyone has “crazymakers” in life, whether it’s a boyfriend, girlfriend, spouse, boss or relative. This series will help bring sanity to your relationships, so you can do more than just coexist; you can connect.


Are some religious nuts making you crazy? Msgr. Raun looks at how our faith plays out in our relationships, the damage that toxic faith can cause,

and the blessing that healthy faith in Jesus can bring.




Status Report as of 5-13-2018 Total Pledged: $6,034,396.78 Total Given to date: $5,065,131.07 Project Expenses: Printing Services, Moots Productions Inc. Video, & charge card processing fees $71,504.05 Cosgriff Consulting - for conducting the Capital Campaign $165,000.00 Integrated Design our main Architect $386,025.01 Havona environmental consulting and testing $5,836.85 Local Architectural Work $68,031.99

Cartesian Survey, Western Tech Geotechnical & Environmental


Acquisition od adjacent property (5 payments of 10,000=50,000) $50,000.00

Campaign funds in Bank: $4,295,275.75 Given week of May 7th –May 13th $7,463.60 Pray for the success of the campaign.

God Bless Your Generosity!



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his life for our redemp�on,



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their lives for their na�on and for the values we es-

��������freedom, jus�ce, and a be�er world for our

children. In a day that o en fills with barbeques and

boat launches, remember to take some �me in pray-

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loved ones they le behind, and pray for peace on


ST. Vincent de Paul

As we celebrate the mystery of the Trinity we also realize the mystery of how much God loves and cares for us each day. Believing in this, our lives can then overflow in thanksgiving and praise. This month, through your gifts, the Society of St. Vincent de Paul brought the love and care of Jesus to the poor by assisting 41 walk-ins and 36 clients, providing $4,930.00 in rent and $6321.00 in utilities. Thank You!

Page 4: ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC CHURCH May 27, 2018—The … · Next Sunday, June 3, is the glorious feast of Corpus Christi ... "Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were in Congress



Liturgical News Steven Woodbury 892-1511 x105

[email protected]

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Feast of Corpus Chris�

Procession and Benedic�on in church


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of Fa�ma in your home, and to receive Her



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For Informa�on please call Gerri Hoover at 892"�'&'��

Perpetual Eucharis�c �

Adora�on Tes�monies�

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Everyday Stewardship My wife and I have used the same baptismal gown for all 3 of our children. It is a very long tra-ditional gown made with fabric taken from my wife's first communion dress and my mother-in-law's wedding gown. It is a symbol not just of each child being washed clean by the sacrament, but also of family and how faith has been passed down through generations. Faith is a gift and that gown shows how this family has taken seriously the cultivation of that faith and the sharing of it with those we love the most. By our baptism we are called to a discipleship that compels us to share our faith with others. It is not always easy, but it would be wrong to horde that faith and not let it shine for others to see. When we think about a stewardship way of life, we sometimes focus on material goods, our talents and skills, or our time. But faith is a gift that needs to be treated in a similar way. We are heirs with Jesus Christ to this rich tapestry of faith and the Church. If all of us were to hide that faith and not seek to share it with others, that lin-eage would end with us. We live during a time in history where in some lands people are finding Jesus in huge numbers, while in other places the numbers of people in the pews is declining sharply. We can spend all our time talking about these realities or we can choose to respond to our baptismal call. Jesus commanded us to go forth and make disciples of all nations. Maybe we can begin with our neigh-bor. --Tracy Earl Welliver, MTS

Culture of Life

“Divine grace super- naturalizes that which

makes us human, namely our intellect and our

will, giving them the power of higher action”

Fulton J. Sheen). Mary, who became the mother

of Jesus Christ had that grace above all. Apply-

ing that to pro-life, grace, the light of faith, does

not see an unwanted child, especially one with

multiple problems, as a curse. An unborn child is

seen “through the pain: to [the parents] it is ei-

ther a means of reparation for sins, or a stepping

stone to greater unity with their Master, whom

life made love, and love made pain, and pain

made death .” Submitted by Charles Griego

(Knights of Columbus)

Page 5: ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC CHURCH May 27, 2018—The … · Next Sunday, June 3, is the glorious feast of Corpus Christi ... "Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were in Congress



Funerals, Baptisms, & Wedding Banns

Sacrament of Baptism � Luke James Maldonado

Every Sunday a er 12:30 pm Mass.�


Wedding Banns

Please call our Parish Office four months prior to your wedding day to make ar-rangements and complete the paper work.




Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration


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�He waits so pa�ently.�

�Have you really no �me?


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Catholic order. In 1743, its monks were given an ul�matum by Persian forces

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tember of 2014, ISIS captured Mosul and ordered all Chris�ans to leave. At

that �me, the monastery was completely demolished.�

Fr. Jeff will be visi�ng St. Thomas Aquinas Parish for the Feast of Corpus

Chris�. He will be sharing with us the reality and importance of the Our

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present in the Blessed Sacrament and the gi% of having a parish with Perpetual Eucharis�c Adora�on.

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Mass Intentions

Sunday: Dt 4:32-34, 39-40/ Ps 33:4-5, 6, 9, 18-19, 20, 22 [12b]/ Rom 8:14-17/Mt 28:16-20 Monday: 1 Pt 1:3-9/ Ps 111:1-2, 5-6, 9 and 10c [5]/Mk 10:17-27 Tuesday: 1 Pt 1:10-16/ Ps 98:1, 2-3ab, 3cd-4 [2a]/Mk 10:28-31 Wednesday: 1 Pt 1:18-25/ Ps 147:12-13, 14-15, 19-20 [12a]/Mk 10:32-45 Thursday: Zep 3:14-18a or Rom 12:9-16/ Is 12:2-3, 4bcd, 5-6 [6]/Lk 1:39-56 Friday: 1 Pt 4:7-13/Ps 96:10, 11-12, 13 [13b]/ Mk 11:11-26 Saturday: Jude 17, 20b-25/ Ps 63:2, 3-4, 5-6 [2b]/Mk 11:27-33 Next Sunday: Ex 24:3-8/ Ps 116:12-13, 15-16, 17-18 [13]/Heb 9:11-15/Mk 14:12-16, 22-26 ©Liturgical Publications Inc

Sunday June 3rd (Corpus Christi) The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ

7:00 a.m. Special Intention for Buddy Tangney

9:00 a.m. +

CDA Court STA #2306

For the People of the Parish

Deceased Members Moyna & Collins Families -

by Bernice Moyna

11:00 a.m. For the hungry

12:30 p.m + +

Hipolito & Arsania Gallegos – By Crucita Cisneros

Paul Trujillo – In Loving Memory –

by Wife Irma Trujillo & Family

Peggy Lopez – Special Intentions – By Irma Trujillo

6:00 p.m. +

Jordan Allard – For a Blessed Confirmation –

by Chris & Deidra Daniel

Logan Allard – For a Blessed Confirmation –

by Chris & Deidra Daniel

Souls L.W. Matejczuk – By Iwona Matejczuk

Monday May 28th Eight Week in Ordinary Time Memorial Day

9:00 a.m. +

Marcia Wagner - By Nila Baker

Fr. Michael Niemczak- 2nd Anniversary of Priesthood

by Natalia Niemczak

J.J. Charrette – For God’s Healing of Spirit, Mind &

Body – By Aunty Jo 6:00 p.m. For Cyrus

Tuesday May 29nd Weekday in Ordinary Time

9:00 a,m,

Sally Gordon – Birthday Blessings –

by Penny Torretto

STAS 8th Grade Graduating Class – May they have the

courage to share their gifts with those who need them

by St. Thomas School

6:00 p.m. + For the Poor souls in Purgatory

Wednesday May 30th Weekday in Ordinary Time

9:00 a.m. + Bob Burkowski – Birthday Remembrance –

by James & Teresa Guimond

6:00 p.m. STAS 8th Grade Graduating Class – That Catholic

education might always be a priority for each local

Diocese as a means of passing the faith to new genera-

tions – by STA School

Thursday May 31st The Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary

9:00 a, m, +

Norma (Mom) – By Allen Enriquez

Natalia Niemczak – Special Birthday Blessings –

by Friends

Abenicio Tafoya – Anniversary –

by Martin & Antoinette Baca

6:00 p.m. STAS 8th Grade Graduating Class – That they Remem-

ber to call on their guardian angels in times of tempta-

tion and fear – by St. Thomas School

Friday June 1st St. Justin, Martyr First Friday of the Month

9:00 a.m. + + +

Robert McGeagh –

by Daughters Maureen & Christine

Don Yeaman – By Wife Barbara Yeaman

Holy Souls in Purgatory – By Parishioner

6:00 p.m. + Adela Duran – By Husband Joe Duran

All Our Children & Grandchildren –

by Niemczak Family

Saturday June 2nd Sts. Marcellinus and Peter First Saturday of the Month

9:00 a.m. +

Zofia Niemczak – Special Intentions – By Parents

William J. Cortez – Rest in Peace –

by Wife Maria Cortez

For the Repose of the Soul of Jeannie Hightower –

by STA Altar & Rosary Society

5:00 p.m. + +

Friends & Family of Clare Hanson – By Clare Hanson

Stephen Salko – By The Garman Family

Evangeline Tripp - By The Haddad Family

Next Week’s Readings May 27th thru June 3rd


Manuel and Esmeralda Loya

Page 7: ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC CHURCH May 27, 2018—The … · Next Sunday, June 3, is the glorious feast of Corpus Christi ... "Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were in Congress



Page 8: ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC CHURCH May 27, 2018—The … · Next Sunday, June 3, is the glorious feast of Corpus Christi ... "Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were in Congress



Religious Education 892-1497

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Page 11: ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC CHURCH May 27, 2018—The … · Next Sunday, June 3, is the glorious feast of Corpus Christi ... "Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were in Congress



St. Thomas Aquinas School Sr. Anne Louise Abascal 892-3221 1100 Hood Road www.stthomasaquinasschool.org Where Faith & Knowledge Meet

Enrollment Openings St. Thomas Aquinas School has a limited number of openings in kindergarten through 4th grades. Please visit the school’s website at www.stasnm.org to apply for admission and for information on tui-tion costs and other facts about the school. All incoming students are given placement tests. For more information or to schedule a tour, please contact Rosanne Sloan, school registrar at 892-3221, ext. 37.

St. Thomas Aquinas School is seeking interested candidates for a Pre-School Teacher. Qualified candidate must have a current teaching license with an Early Childhood Endorsement. We are also seeking applicants for elementary teaching positions. If interested, please call 892-3221.


St. Thomas Aquinas School will once again offer the Summer Academy program. Reading and math will be offered for remedial and advanced levels of students entering grades 1-8 in the fall. Each reading and math class is held Monday through Thursday during the month of June. The four-week session starts on Monday, June 4 and ends on June 28. Class time is

1 ½ hours per subject. Reading classes begin at 8 am and math classes begin at 9:40 am. The cost of the program is $350.00 for one subject and $595.00 for two subjects. A 10% discount is of-fered for enrolled siblings. The registration deadline is Monday, May 21. There is a nonrefundable $25 per student registration fee payable at the time of registration. Applications are available online at www.stasnm.org, at the school office and also at the parish office. For more information, contact St. Thomas Aquinas School at 892-3221.


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�me custodial help. Interested persons

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Page 12: ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC CHURCH May 27, 2018—The … · Next Sunday, June 3, is the glorious feast of Corpus Christi ... "Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were in Congress





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The Apostolate of Fatima is looking for people to join them in prayer and learn about the chil-dren and the miracles that Our Blessed Mother presented at Fatima. For more information please call Gerri at 892-0414 or Kathy at 792-1113 Bereavement Support Group

St. Thomas Aquinas Bereavement Support Group meets

Mondays at 5:00 p.m. in the Religious Ed. Building

Room 2, 1st Building north of church. For information

contact Mary Davidson at 892-9886. If no response within

two days, please call back.


The Holy Spirit Prayer Group, now in its ninth

year, invites you to be in the presence of the Holy Spirit.

Benediction and prayers are recited within less than an

hour, every Tuesday, beginning at 7:00 PM in the Chap-

el located at Saint Anne’s Parish, 1400 Arenal Rd. SW,

Albuquerque, New Mexico (off Isleta SW). Call Natalia:

377-3915 or Charles Griego: 836-4383 for more infor-

mation. We are living in an era that challenges us to con-

firm that we are not of this world! We seek the Lord and

walk in the Lords way with His help. Allow the Holy Spir-

it with the Father and the Son to teach us to know and seek

our last end; how to grant us true contrition and patience;

how to not let us fall into sin; how to increase faith, hope,

and charity in our spiritual journey; how to bring forth in

our souls all the virtues proper to our state in life.

CARING FOR KIDS ������� ������������� � ����� �������������������������� �����

vides handmade blankets for children in crisis situa�ons and we

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Drop off any dona�ons to the church office during regular busi-



Wednesday of the month in Room #1 in the Educa�onal Build-

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your project. We make blankets for Children in crisis situa�ons as

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Marriage and Family Life—Deacon Smith 892-1511-ext 112

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mee�ngs are held on Friday mornings at 10:00 in the Religious

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each month at 7:00 p.m. For more informa�on, contact

Pete & Charlo�e Li�le 1� "2$1"34$5� �)� ))6���)���)1


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Educa�on Building in Room 7 at 10:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m.�

If room is not available look for no�ce of change at front

door. For more informa�on call Helen Halligan 544%)�5+��



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Wednesdays, a%er 9:00 a.m. Mass �

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Page 13: ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC CHURCH May 27, 2018—The … · Next Sunday, June 3, is the glorious feast of Corpus Christi ... "Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were in Congress



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Vicar (Ext. 110)...…………….………………….....Rev. Sco) McKee Maintenance (Ext. 115) ..………………………..…..Michael Flure�

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………...David Li)le, Leroy Sanchez, Frank Smith, Tom Tynan Recep�onist ……………………………………….....…Debbie Chavez�

; ����������4����)'�………………..……...….Elizabeth Illerbrun Religious Educa�on (Catechism) …………………….(892%�(�5���

Accountant Assistant (Ext.108).…...………………...….Ann Li)le ……………………………….….………..Sr. Roseann Fernandez MPF

;�����������������4����'*�…………………...Deacon David Li)le Administra�ve Asst. (892%�(�5�::��:�::�������2�����=����

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Bulle�n Editor (Ext. 111).....…..………………..……Jeannie Pinel Youth Minister (Ext. 104)….………………………………...Ed Leyba

Catholic Social Ac�on(Ext. 112)………....Deacon Frank Smith Website …………………………………………... …….www.stanm.org

Parish Directory

St. Thomas Aquinas Sponsored Ministries

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Eucharis�c Adora�on:�::::::::::::���::::::::�



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Crisis & Immediate Help

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Na�onal Runaway Switchboard:��4�4444���4���6�2''�&56��'''�



Support & Other Groups

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United Way Informa�on & Referral Help Line:������������������

Other Catholic Organizations

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Page 14: ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC CHURCH May 27, 2018—The … · Next Sunday, June 3, is the glorious feast of Corpus Christi ... "Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were in Congress

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Page 15: ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC CHURCH May 27, 2018—The … · Next Sunday, June 3, is the glorious feast of Corpus Christi ... "Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were in Congress
Page 16: ST. THOMAS AQUINAS CATHOLIC CHURCH May 27, 2018—The … · Next Sunday, June 3, is the glorious feast of Corpus Christi ... "Suppose you were an idiot, and suppose you were in Congress