STAAR World Geography Study Guide Name: Part 1: Review ACTIVELY PREP FOR THE STAAR! Please read the materials and answer the questions Identify and use geographic tools, terminology, and data. Geographic Tools Globes are 3-D representations of earth. Maps are 2-D representations of parts of the earth’s surface. GIS is a database that collects information and allows geographers to generate sophisticated maps to answer specific problems. GPS (Global Positioning System) use satellites to determine longitude, latitude, altitude, and time to locate objects on earth. Geographic Data – used to determine/measure HDI levels Geographers use political, economic, and social data to compare countries. GDP – Gross Domestic Product – The sum total of all goods and service produced by a country within the political borders of the country in a year. (Ex: All of the McDonald’s in the 50 United States) GNP – Gross National Product – The sum total of all goods and services produced by a country within a year, including all over-seas businesses. (Ex: All of the McDonald’s in the 50 United States PLUS all of the McDonald’s overseas) Life Expectancy – The average length of a person’s life Literacy – The percentage of people in a country who can read and write Infant Mortality – The number of babies who die within the first year of life per 1,000 live births Per-Capita – Means per person Landforms Landforms are part of the lithosphere. The lithosphere is the Earth’s crust, which includes the land under water. Landforms are shaped by physical processes. Canyons are formed by weathering and erosion. Deltas are formed by sediment deposited by the flow of water at the river’s mouth. Sediment deposited by waves can create a beach. Mountains, volcanoes, lakes, and trenches are created by tectonic forces. Islands are created by underwater volcanoes. Describe the landforms and physical processes which affect Japan:_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

STAAR World Geography Study Guide Name: Part 1: …withersaphuman.weebly.com/uploads/8/8/5/5/8855045/staar_world...STAAR World Geography Study Guide Name: ... The sum total of all

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STAAR World Geography Study Guide Name: Part 1: Review ACTIVELY PREP FOR THE STAAR! Please read the materials and answer the questions Identify and use geographic tools, terminology, and data. Geographic Tools

Globes are 3-D representations of earth.

Maps are 2-D representations of parts of the earth’s surface.

GIS is a database that collects information and allows geographers to generate sophisticated maps to answer specific problems.

GPS (Global Positioning System) use satellites to determine longitude, latitude, altitude, and time to locate objects on earth. Geographic Data – used to determine/measure HDI levels

Geographers use political, economic, and social data to compare countries.

GDP – Gross Domestic Product – The sum total of all goods and service produced by a country within the political borders of the country in a year. (Ex: All of the McDonald’s in the 50 United States)

GNP – Gross National Product – The sum total of all goods and services produced by a country within a year, including all over-seas businesses. (Ex: All of the McDonald’s in the 50 United States PLUS all of the McDonald’s overseas)

Life Expectancy – The average length of a person’s life

Literacy – The percentage of people in a country who can read and write

Infant Mortality – The number of babies who die within the first year of life per 1,000 live births

Per-Capita – Means per person Landforms Landforms are part of the lithosphere. The lithosphere is the Earth’s crust, which includes the land under water. Landforms are shaped by physical processes.

Canyons are formed by weathering and erosion.

Deltas are formed by sediment deposited by the flow of water at the river’s mouth. Sediment deposited by waves can create a beach.

Mountains, volcanoes, lakes, and trenches are created by tectonic forces.

Islands are created by underwater volcanoes.

Describe the landforms and physical processes which affect



Climate Zones - Climate is the seasonal pattern of weather conditions in an area over many years. Climate does not change rapidly.

What is the most important factor affecting climate?______________________________________________

What climate zone do you live in? Describe it:___________________________________________________________________________________________

El Nino and La Nina are a result of temperature changes in the:

A. lithosphere B. hydrosphere C. biosphere

Match the event with the region (one choice isn’t used:

Hurricane __________________ Choices: Africa

Desertification ______________ Asia

Typhoon __________________ Europe

Tsunami ___________________ North America

Biomes A biome describes the ecosystem of a region. Weather patterns, climate, landforms, soil, and land use impact the plants and animals that can live in an area. Biomes have different characteristics.

What type of forest is most common in our area? Explain your choice:



Why do most mountains have coniferous forests?_________________________


The Sahara Desert and savanna can both be found in what region of the world?

How humans interact with the environment? Human depend on, adapt to, and modify the physical environment. Adaptation The way people change to suit

the environment Air conditioning in hot

climates Camels as

transportation in the desert

Modification The way people change the

environment Irrigation of dry

climates to grow food Mining and drilling for

natural resources

Dependent People need the environment to survive

Coal, oil, gas, and other forms of energy for transportation, manufacturing, heating and cooling, lighting, etc.

. Innovation:

Impact on Humans:

Impact on Environment:

Transportation Ability to travel, trade, and migrate to distant locations

Destruction of environment for roads, air pollution from emissions

Air Conditioning Ability to live in hot climates,

growth of urban areas Increased use of natural

resources for fuel

Desalinization Access to clean drinking water in areas with scarce fresh water resources

Water pollution can impact the marine life

Agriculture Large scale farming made possible by heavy machinery (like tractors) and irrigation can feed more people

Loss of natural habitats for wild life as land is used for farming

How have scientific and technological innovations impacted humans and the environment? How did air conditioning change migration in the

US (where did population grow)?

Why would SW Asia (Middle East) have many

desalination facilities?

What kind of agriculture is described here,

commercial or subsistence?

Describe other examples of adaptation and

modification (one of each) from class:






Even if we modify the environment, where do humans live? Humans like to settle where it is comfortable to live and easy to trade. Humans tend to settle near

Bodies of water (irrigation, transportation)

Temperate climates (not too hot, not too cold)

Transportation routes

Economic activities (jobs) Today, most people live in cities. Cities are large population centers that have commercial, industrial, and residential areas. Urbanization is the growth of cities.

Why do people move (migrate)? Humans migrate (move). Migration of people from one place to another can be influenced by physical geography (routes, flows, destinations) and other factors.

Immigration is the movement IN to another country to make a new home

Emigration is the movement out of a country to make a new home. Push and pull factors influence migration.

Push factors encourage emigration. These include war, famine, genocide, limited rights, unemployment, poor living conditions, discrimination, natural disasters etc.

Pull factors encourage immigration. These include peace, protected freedoms, job opportunities, better education, good living conditions, and attractive climates.

Explain an historical example of a push factor: __________________________________________________________________________________________

Explain an historical example of a pull factor: ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Describe a migration factor you have experienced in your life:



What latitude zone is “temperate?”

What is the opposite of “urban?”

What are the elements of culture? Culture is the set of behaviors and beliefs shared by a group of people. It includes: -Language -Religion -Family structures - Belief Systems and customs - Education Government and economic systems are also part of the cultural landscape.

What promotes continuity and change among cultures. Continuity is when things stay the same. Cultures stay the same when they do not interact with other cultures, either because of a lack of physical

contact or because of a rejection of outsiders.

Change in cultures can occur very rapidly. Factors that promote change are o Migration – the movement of people from one place to another. When new people arrive, they bring new beliefs, technologies, and ways of doing things with them.

o Cultural Diffusion – is the spread of ideas, goods, technologies and cultural traits from one society to another.

o Trade – is any exchange of goods and services. It can occur within a country or between different countries and encourages the spread of people, ideas, and goods. An example of trade that promoted change is the Silk Roads that connected ancient China and the Roman Empire.

o Conflict/War – Armed conflict occurs either within a society or between different societies. A civil war is a conflict between citizens of the same country. The American Civil War of 1861-1865 is an example.

A genocide is when the dominant group tries to completely eliminate a religious or ethnic group. The Holocaust of WWII is an example. Nazi Germans tried to murder all of the Jews in Europe. 6 million Jews were killed. In the 1990s, more than 1 million Tutsis were killed in the Rwandan genocide by the Hutus.

o Technological Innovations – is the development of new technologies. Technology is the use of materials, tools, and skills to meet human needs. The invention of the moveable type printing press in 1450 by Johannes Gutenberg allowed the spread of ideas, like the Protestant Reformation.

Transportation has improved many times due to technological innovations. First, the steam engine in the 1700s allowed for railroads and steamboats. In the 19th century, internal combustion engines allowed for the development of automobiles and then airplanes.

Other technological innovations that impact daily life include the Internet, air conditioning, agricultural tools, desalinization, and medicines.

Explain how the Columbian Exchange is an example of cultural diffusion (be specific and provide positive and negative consequences):




Evaluate examples of cultural diffusion, convergence, divergence, and draw conclusions about the spread of cultural traits and the resulting patterns.

Cultural Diffusion – The spread of culture from one area to another

o Example: The Columbian Exchange, the spread of American pop culture (music, TV, fast food, fashion)

Cultural Convergence – The process by which cultures grow more alike (similar) o Example: The spread of democratic ideas has made countries that adopt these ideas more alike. Canada, Costa Rice, New Zealand, Micronesia, Estonia, Norway and Cyprus are examples of countries that have adopted democratic ideas.

Cultural Divergence – The process by which cultures grow apart (less alike)

McDonald’s is popular in Israel but the menu has been adapted because of Jewish and Muslim dietary requirements and local tastes. Explain how this is

an example of cultural diffusion, convergence and divergence:




Democratic government in India is a result of British colonialism. Explain what diffusion/convergence/divergence issues are involved:



Describe three ways North and South Korea have diverged from on another since the Korean War:




How does globalization lead to conflict and cooperation among various populations and regions of the world? Globalization is the increasingly fast movement of goods, services, money, people, and ideas across international borders. There are both positive and

negative impacts of globalization.

o Connectivity – People, countries, and economies are more connects and dependent on one another. Challenges, failures, and successes in one country will affect another country’s economies, politics, etc.

o Standard of Living – jobs are created where efficiencies exist and they are lost elsewhere. More people can buy cheaper goods and services.

o Pandemics – diseases can spread quickly throughout the world.

o Loss of Culture – traditional ways are replaced by new cultural norms.

Describe how the iPhone (or your athletic shoes) is an example of globalization:




Explain how the “bird” or “avian” flu is an example of globalization. How does a disease become “globalized?”




Kenya: young population Looks like a “pyramid” Lots of young, few old age Poor country United States: mature population Looks like a “rectangle” groups are all similar Developed country Germany: aged population Looks like a top or tornado Lots of old people, few young Very developed country

Which country has the lowest median age?_____________________________________

Which country has a shrinking population?_____________________________________

Which country has the lowest life expectancy?_____________________________________

Which country has the is closest to the replacement rate of 2 births per woman? ______________________________________

How has geography influenced historical events? Events in history are influenced by physical and human geography. Event :

Geographic Influence :

First farming civilizations develop near river valleys.

Rivers provided water for irrigation and transportation.

The Bubonic Plague of the 1300s kills 1/3 of Europe’s population.

Trade between China and Europe allowed the spread of the disease.

Economic Systems

Free Enterprise Producers and consumers participate voluntarily. Consumer demand drives production. Free Enterprise systems include capitalist and market economies. Ex: The United States

Socialism Collective social control of production planned by group. Ex: Switzerland

Communism Strong government planning and control of the production and distribution of goods and services. Ex: China

Traditional Economy Production of just enough to live on, subsistence level agriculture. Use of bartering instead of money. Ex: some cultures in less developed countries.

Subsistence / Cottage Commercial Agriculture Food is grown and consumed by the family

Food is grown on a large scale and sold to consumers

Industry Individuals make good in his or her own home

Employees come to a central location and use company equipment and resources

Event: Britain develops a vast world-wide empire

Geographic Influences: ______________________


Explain the relationship between forms of

government and economic systems:





What economic system is most likely to have

people working as subsistence farmers or in cottage



What region of the world has the highest

proportion of subsistence farmers?


Forms of Government

Two Basic Categories:

Limited governmental power (citizens have rights)

Democracy Rule by the people. Government is elected by the citizens.

-- Republic Citizens elect representatives. Example: USA

-- Constitutional Monarch is a figure head; government run by

Monarchy elected officials (like a republic. Example: Queen

Elizabeth II in the United Kingdom.

Unlimited governmental power (citizens do what the government says)

Absolute A king or queen, who has absolute power. Power is

Monarchy passed along through the family. Examples: Jordan and

Saudi Arabia

Dictatorship Rule by a single leader who has not been elected and may use force to keep control. Example: North Korea Totalitarian Rule by a single political party. Example: China

Theocracy Rulers claim to be ruling on behalf of a set of religious ideas. Example: Iran

All the countries in Western Europe are currently:

A. Democracies B. Absolute Monarchies C. Dictatorships

Briefly describe the differences between the rights of citizens in

limited vs. unlimited governments. Use two specific examples:





The political cartoon at the right MOST likely is commenting on which form of

government? Explain.




Part 2: Practice Questions This portion contains released STAAR questions. Since it will not be graded, try your best then check your

answers at the end to see how you did.