STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Proposition 1B Transit Security Grant Funding MEETING DATE: January 15, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: 5D STAFF CONTACT: Anne Jensen RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve projects for the Fiscal Year 2014/15 Proposition 1B Transit Security Grant Program for submittal to California Office of Emergency Services. 2. Adopt a resolution authorizing SBCAG to allocate Proposition 1B Transit Security Program funding in the amount of $157,040 to local agency projects. SUMMARY: The Santa Barbara County region will receive approximately $433,138 in transit security funding for Fiscal Year 2014/15 from the Transit Security Grant Program included in Proposition 1B. The program is administered by the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES). Of this amount, $341,078 is available for projects programmed by SBCAG and $92,060 for projects selected directly by transit operators in Santa Barbara County. The funds can be expended on capital purchases that provide increased protection against a security or safety threat or increase the capacity of disaster response transportation systems to move people, goods, emergency personnel and equipment in the aftermath of a disaster. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Emergency Services by the end of the day on January 15, 2015. Agencies that do not request their FY 2014/15 allocations during this cycle are not guaranteed to have their allocations available for future cycles and funds will potentially revert to the Office of Emergency Services for reallocation to other regions in subsequent fiscal years. Staff is recommending that the board program $157,040 to transit security capital projects nominated by the Santa Barbara MTD and the City of Guadalupe. DISCUSSION: The Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006, approved by the voters as Proposition 1B on November 7, 2006, includes a $1.0 billion program for eligible transit capital security projects nominated by an applicant transportation agency. The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services has provided each Regional Transportation Planning Agency with an amount of funding for FY 2014/15 that will be available for projects in their county. Two allocations will be made based on two funding formulas, as

STAFF REPORT - meetings.sbcag.orgmeetings.sbcag.org/Meetings/SBCAG/2015/01 Jan/Item 5D Prop 1B... · STAFF REPORT SUBJECT: Proposition 1B Transit Security ... Proposition 1B Transit

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SUBJECT: Proposition 1B Transit Security Grant Funding MEETING DATE: January 15, 2015 AGENDA ITEM: 5D STAFF CONTACT: Anne Jensen RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve projects for the Fiscal Year 2014/15 Proposition 1B Transit Security Grant

Program for submittal to California Office of Emergency Services.

2. Adopt a resolution authorizing SBCAG to allocate Proposition 1B Transit Security Program funding in the amount of $157,040 to local agency projects.

SUMMARY: The Santa Barbara County region will receive approximately $433,138 in transit security funding for Fiscal Year 2014/15 from the Transit Security Grant Program included in Proposition 1B. The program is administered by the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES). Of this amount, $341,078 is available for projects programmed by SBCAG and $92,060 for projects selected directly by transit operators in Santa Barbara County. The funds can be expended on capital purchases that provide increased protection against a security or safety threat or increase the capacity of disaster response transportation systems to move people, goods, emergency personnel and equipment in the aftermath of a disaster. Applications must be submitted to the Office of Emergency Services by the end of the day on January 15, 2015. Agencies that do not request their FY 2014/15 allocations during this cycle are not guaranteed to have their allocations available for future cycles and funds will potentially revert to the Office of Emergency Services for reallocation to other regions in subsequent fiscal years. Staff is recommending that the board program $157,040 to transit security capital projects nominated by the Santa Barbara MTD and the City of Guadalupe. DISCUSSION: The Highway Safety, Traffic Reduction, Air Quality, and Port Security Bond Act of 2006, approved by the voters as Proposition 1B on November 7, 2006, includes a $1.0 billion program for eligible transit capital security projects nominated by an applicant transportation agency. The California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services has provided each Regional Transportation Planning Agency with an amount of funding for FY 2014/15 that will be available for projects in their county. Two allocations will be made based on two funding formulas, as

required by Prop 1B. One formula uses farebox revenue to allocate funding; the other uses population. These are the same formulas used to distribute State Transit Assistance (STA) funds. SBCAG is responsible for programming the population formula funding and submitting the projects to the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES). Since the $341,077 available to SBCAG for programming is allocated to the region through the same population based formula that the State uses for the State Transit Assistance program, staff recommends that the board-adopted STA sub-allocation formula be used to distribute Transit Security funds within the county. This is the same methodology used in previous funding cycles. The sub-allocation formula apportions funds to the four transit service areas based on population. The transit service areas are the South Coast, Lompoc Valley, Santa Maria Valley and Santa Ynez and Cuyama Valleys. Funds are then apportioned to each eligible claimant within each transit service area. SBCAG staff has estimated the sub-allocations to each operator/jurisdiction based on the board-approved STA sub-allocation formula. This information has been shared with each transit operator and was the “budget” for the project funding requests they have submitted to SBCAG. The sub-allocations are provided below in Table 1.

Table 1. Proposition 1B Transit Security Apportionment Summary for FY 2014/15

PTMISEA Population Based Apportionments - GC 8879.58(a)(2)

FY 14/15 Apportionment


Actual FY 14/15 Allocation Amount for Submittal to Cal


State Total - Revenue Based on Population $30,000,000

SBCAG Total Revenue $341,078 $157,040

South Coast $161,411 $153,340

- SBMTD $153,340 $153,340

- Easy Lift* (5% of the South Coast Total) $8,071 $0

Lompoc Valley $48,089 $0

- Lompoc (COLT) $48,089 $0

Santa Maria Valley $113,076 $3,700

- Santa Maria (SMAT) $102,062 $0

- Guadalupe $5,360 $3,700

- SMOOTH* (5% of the Santa Maria Valley Total) $5,654 $0

Santa Ynez & Cuyama Valleys $18,502 $0

- Buellton $3,865 $0

- Solvang (SYVT) $14,518 $0

- County $119 $0

Regional Agencies $0 $0

- SBCAG $0 $0

* Consolidated Transportation Service Agencies receive 5% of the STA funding for the area they serve.

Local transit operators claiming only their share their share of the $92,060 in farebox-based funding will submit directly to the Office of Emergency Services. MTD’s application requests both farebox-based and population-based funding, and will go through SBCAG. Both the farebox revenue and population based funds will be received by local agencies or transit operators directly from the Office of Emergency Services.

The applications are due to the Office of Emergency Services by 5 PM today, January 15, 2015. Eligible Projects Eligible activities include the following: A. A capital project that provides increased protection against a security or safety threat including, but not limited to, the following:

a. Construction or renovation projects that are designed to enhance the security of public transit stations, tunnels, guideways, elevated structures or other transit facilities and equipment;

b. Explosive device mitigation and remediation equipment;

c. Chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear explosives search, rescue or response equipment;

d. Interoperable communications equipment;

e. Physical security enhancement equipment;

f. The installation of fencing, barriers, gates or related security enhancements that are designed to improve the physical security of transit stations, tunnels, guideways, elevated structures or other transit facilities and equipment; and

g. Other security and safety related projects approved by Cal OES.

B. A capital project that increases the capacity of transit operators to prepare for disaster-response transportation systems that can move people, goods, emergency personnel and equipment in the aftermath of a disaster. C. Other allowable costs under California Government Code 16727 (a) include costs directly related to construction or acquisition including, but not limited to, planning, engineering, construction management, architectural, and other design work, environmental impact reports and assessments, required mitigation expenses, appraisals, legal expenses, site acquisitions, necessary easements, and warranties, as approved by Cal OES. Ineligible Activities Management and Administration costs are not an allowable expense for Transit Security funds. Population Funded Recommendations The projects staff recommends be funded in the FY 14/15 cycle are: Table 2 – Projects submitted for funding

Agency Project Title Requested

Population Based Allocation Amount

Santa Barbara MTD Automated Vehicle Location System $153,340

City of Guadalupe Surveillance System Upgrade $3,700

Total $157,040

Investment justifications for the Santa Barbara MTD and the City of Guadalupe are attached. As part of the guidelines, SBCAG must approve the projects nominated by local agencies for the population formula funds.

The cities of Buellton, Solvang, Santa Maria, Lompoc, the County of Santa Barbara, SMOOTH, Easy Lift and SBCAG chose not to submit applications at this time due to a lack of prospective projects. Agencies that do not request their FY 14/15 allocations are not guaranteed to have their allocations available for future cycles and funds will potentially revert to the Office of Emergency Services for reallocation to other regions in subsequent fiscal years if not programmed to a project. Committee Review: The Santa Barbara County Transit Advisory Committee (SBCTAC) will review and vote to approve the project applications at their Wednesday, January 14th meeting. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A – Resolution 15-01 – Proposition 1B Transit Security Program Attachment B – Santa Barbara MTD Investment Justification Attachment C – City of Guadalupe Investment Justification

Investment Justification Template  

A. Investment Heading Date Submitted December 10, 2014 Grant Year Applying For FY 2014-15 County of Allocation Santa Barbara Agency Name Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District (SBMTD) Investment Name Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) System Investment Phase Amount Requesting $236,179 FIPS Number Number of Projects 1 of 1

****NOTE –Label each project alphabetically and provide the following questions per project.

B. Contact Information Point of contact’s (POC) name and title; Steven Maas Manager of Government Relations & Compliance Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District 550 Olive Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 P. (805) 963-3364 x.227 F. (805) 963-3365 [email protected]

Also include the corresponding information for the single authorizing official for your organization—i.e., the individual authorized to sign a grant award Jerry Estrada, General Manager Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District 550 Olive Street Santa Barbara CA 93101 P: (805 )963-3364 x.232 F: (805) 963-3365 [email protected]

C. Investment Funding plan Investment YEAR FY 2014-15

CTAF Request Total 8879.58(a)(2) 8879.58(a)(3)

Grand Total

Planning Equipment $153,340 $82,839 $236,179 Construction Total

Agency Name and FIPS Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District

Letter and Project Title Automatic Vehicle Location (AVL) System

D. Provide a brief description for this investment.

The Santa Barbara Metropolitan Transit District (SBMTD) operates a fleet of 105 urban transit buses and shuttles. SBMTD intends to utilize these funds in conjunction with Proposition 1B – OHS (FY 2011-12, FY 2012-13, & FY 2013-14) and Proposition 1B - PTMISEA funds to equip its fleet with an automatic vehicle location system, including onboard security cameras.

E. Describe how this investment specifically addresses capital projects or capital

expenditures. The acquisition of the automatic vehicle location system including onboard security cameras for SBMTD’s fleet of urban transit buses and shuttles is clearly a capital project. (v. Physical security enhancement equipment.)

F. Describe how the investment will achieve the safety, security, or emergency response benefit.

The introduction of security cameras and global positioning of buses to SBMTD’s fleet will enhance the safety of passengers and employees alike. Security cameras are expected to provide a deterrent to unruly and dangerous behavior, while global positioning technology will enhance emergency response capabilities.

G. Describe how this investment specifically meets the useful life for capital assets specified in subdivision (a) of section 16727.

The automatic vehicle location system and onboard security camera equipment is expected to offer a useful life of a minimum of five years, and most likely much longer.

H. Provide a high-level timeline, milestones and dates, for the implementation of this investment. Possible areas for inclusion are: stakeholder engagement, planning, major acquisitions/purchases, training, exercises, and process/policy updates. Up to 10

milestones may be provided.

Milestone 1 – Develop RFP: Sep. 2012 – Sep. 20143 (Completed)

Milestone 2 – Conduct Procurement & Award Contract: Oct. 2013 – Jul. 2014 (Completed)

Milestone 3 – Installation: Aug. 2014 – Oct. 2015

Milestone 4 – Testing & Acceptance: Nov. 2015 – Dec. 2015

A. Investment Heading

Date Submitted 12/18/2014

Grant Cycle Applying For 2014-2015

County of Allocation Santa Barbara County

Agency Name City of Guadalupe

Investment Name Surveillance System Upgrade

Investment Phase 1 of 1

Amount Requesting $ 3,700

FIPS Number

Number of Projects 1

****NOTE –Label each project alphabetically and provide the following questions per project:

Agency Name and FIPS City of Guadalupe

Letter and Project Title Surveillance System Upgrade

D. Provide a brief description for this investment.

In April 2008, the City of Guadalupe purchased a new transit security surveillance system

for its three transit buses. The budget for this project allowed for the purchase of three (3) on-

board cameras and video recording devises for each bus, a mobile video reader, and office

video reader with related hardware for PC storage. The budget only allowed though, for the

purchase of an “entry-level” hardware design. While this hardware allowed for adequate video

retrieval, it did not possess the sophistication needed to insure faster and more “user friendly”

video retrieval.

This grant will allow for the purchase of a upgraded and highly enhanced hardware for the

system. The new system will include High Definition audio channels, related plug-and-go

hardware for easy equipment installation, and modifying hardware for the on-board cameras.

B. Contact Information

Point of Contact’s (POC) name and title;

Jim Talbott, Transit Director

POC’s full mailing address;

240 East Roemer Way, Santa Maria, CA 93454

POC’s telephone number; (805) 922-8476

POC’s fax number; (805) 9928-3846

POC’s email address; [email protected]

Authorized Agent (AA) name and title;

Andrew Carter, City Administrator

AA full mailing address;

918 Obispo St, Guadalupe, CA 93434

AA telephone number; (805) 356-3892

AA fax number; (805) 343-5512

AA email address; [email protected]

C. Investment Funding plan



CTAF Request Total

8879.58(a)(2) 8879.58(a)(3)

Grand Total


Equipment $3,700 $3,700


Total $3,700 $3,700

The new equipment will allow for faster location and retrieval of targeted incident recordings

or periodic video review which, minimizes time-consuming video searches.

E. Describe how this investment specifically addresses capital projects or capital expenditures.

This investment will cover the purchase of all needed hardware for the project. Installation

time will be minimal due to the “plug-and-play” nature of the hardware upgrades and will be

done by local transit staff with technical direction available from the manufacturer via phone

or email.

F. Describe how the investment will achieve the safety, security, or emergency response benefit.

The equipment will further assist transit staff in identifying and responding to a variety of

safety, security and emergency responses. Over the course of the past six years, transit staff

has used video recordings as an effective training tool, thereby increasing transit safety

through increased driver awareness and skill levels. Passenger security has been enhanced on

numerous occasions to identify negative behavior by unruly passengers. As an emergency

response benefit, the video has been used on four (4) occasions to identify the culprits in traffic

accidents involving Guadalupe buses and private non-transit incidents.

The equipment sought through this grant will continue this successful trend AND will help

increase staff efficiencies while utilizing the equipment. INCREASED EFFICIENCIES,



Agency Name and FIPS ___City of Guadalupe ______________

Letter and Project Title___________________Surveillance System Upgrade __________

G. Describe how this investment specifically meets the useful life for capital assets specified

in subdivision (a) of Section 16727.

While Section 16727 refers to “work that is ordinarily done no more often than once every 5 to 15

years or expenditures that continue or enhance the useful life of the capital asset. “Capital

assets” also include equipment with an expected useful life of two years or more. In that regard, this project specifically proposes to enhance the useful life of the surveillance

equipment which, has a useful life of two years of more.

H. Provide a high-level timeline, milestones and dates, for the implementation of this investment.

Possible areas for inclusion are: stakeholder engagement, planning, major acquisitions/purchases,

training, exercises, and process/policy updates. Up to 10 milestones may be provided.

1. Public Meeting, Workshop Webinar December 2014 Completed

2. Local Public Hearing/City Council Resolution Dec 12, 2014 Completed

3. Investment Justification due SBCAG (local) Dec 19, 2004 Completed

4. Investment Justification due State Jan 1, 2015

5. Project Selections Jan 2015

6. Financial Management Forms due Feb 2015

7. Grant Funds Released Mar 2015

8. Equipment Ordered Apr 2015

9. Equipment Received and Installed June 2015

10. Equipment Placed in Use June 2015