Merryn Whitfield @BFPS 2014 Page 1 A Project Based Learning Sequence

Stage 2 Science Unit Built Environs Using Minecraft

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Page 1: Stage 2 Science Unit Built Environs Using Minecraft

Merryn Whitfield @BFPS 2014 Page 1

A Project Based Learning Sequence

Page 2: Stage 2 Science Unit Built Environs Using Minecraft

Merryn Whitfield @BFPS 2014 Page 2

Built Environments

Working Technologically

General Capabilitiescritical & creative thinkingICT capabilityLiteracyPersonal & social capability

Cross Curricula PrioritiesSustainability

Page 3: Stage 2 Science Unit Built Environs Using Minecraft

Key Concept 1: What is a built environment?

Outcomes and related content: ST2-14BE – students describe how people interact within built environments and the factors considered in their design and construction

Describe how the design of a built environment meets the needs of the users Identify how people interact within the places and spaces of a built environment for social and cultural reasons

ST2-15I – students describe ways that information solutions are designed and produced, and factors to consider when people use and interact with information sources and technologies

Use common digital technologies and applications to organise and communicate information for a specific task Demonstrate how a variety of media can be combined to address the needs of a specific audience Explore how people use current and emerging technologies to communicate, access and record information Acknowledge ownership of information when selecting and using information

Learning Focus Whole Class Learning Small Group / Independent Learning Assessment Resources

What is our built environment like today?

How do we interact with our built environment?

Look at a series of images of Sydney from recent times.

What do they notice?

What built features stand out? How do we use/interact with these features? Why have they been built in their current locations?

Use the above to create a matrix chart for future reference.

Built Feature

Who uses it?

Why is it used?

How often?

Opera houseCentral Train stationHarbour bridgeQVB

Brainstorm words they would use to describe the environment of Sydney

Students choose their favourite built feature in Sydney. They then research it and complete the following activity worksheet:

Share and discuss with the whole class

In one of the bottom boxes, students draw their own sketch of the building, in the other, they use the iPad app “Tiny Planets” to create an original and creative impression of their feature.

Did students participate in the class discussion?

Were students able to use search engines eg: google to find information on their chosen feature?

Did students correctly acknowledge the sources of their information?

Task card 1

iPad app tiny planets

Various websites to be cited by students

Example of a tiny planets picture

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today. Create a class chart.

Key Concept 2: How is Sydney’s built environment now different to the first settlement?

Outcomes and related content: ST2-14BE – students describe how people interact within built environments and the factors considered in their design and construction

Describe how the design of a built environment meets the needs of the users Identify how people interact within the places and spaces of a built environment for social and cultural reasons Examine pictures of historically significant built environments and identify some factors that have been

considered in the design Describe how the design and construction of a built environment may be modified to better suit the needs of

users.ST2-15I – students describe ways that information solutions are designed and produced, and factors to consider when people use and interact with information sources and technologies

Use common digital technologies and applications to organise and communicate information for a specific task Demonstrate how a variety of media can be combined to address the needs of a specific audience Explore how people use current and emerging technologies to communicate, access and record information Acknowledge ownership of information when selecting and using information

Learning Focus Whole Class Learning Small Group / Independent Learning Assessment Resources

What was the first settlement in Sydney like?

What buildings did they have?

How was the settlement laid out/developed?

View a series of pictures of Sydney on or around 1788.Map of 1788 sydney settlementhttp://www.nla.gov.au/apps/cdview/?pi=nla.map-nk276-v

Discuss what was there. What types of buildings and other features did they have? How were the features organised? Why?

In terms of built features, how has Sydney changed? Why did these changes occur? Are they for the better of have they made our local environment worse? How?

Using the iPad app ‘Video in Video’ students create a picture in picture image of Sydney around the time of the first fleet and present day.

They save the image to their personal folder and then upload it to a word document where they write 1-2

Level of student participation in class and group discussions.

Were students able to identify and describe built features in a historical setting?

Were students able to evaluate the sustainable use of these features on the local environment?

Did the students create an appropriate picture in picture?

Were the students able to analyse the

Picture of Sydney cove in 1788

Kids Britannica

Early settlement Sydney Harbour

Sydney views 1788-1888

How 10 great cities used to look

Views of Sydney

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paragraphs about how the built environment of Sydney has changed and why.

Students share and discuss their work.

changes to built features in Sydney?

Walking governor Phillips Sydney

Images of a convict life

Images of old Sydney

Flickr Old Sydney Town

ABC Splash

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Key Concept 3: What did the members of the first fleet face when trying to establish a settlement here in Sydney?

Outcomes and related content:

ST2-14BE (BUILT ENVIRONMENTS) – students describe how people interact within built environments and the factors considered in their design and construction

Describe how the design of a built environment meets the needs of the users Identify how people interact within the places and spaces of a built environment for social and cultural reasons Identify factors that have been considered in the design of some built environments such as purpose, access

and movement within the space Describe how the design and construction of a built environment were constrained through historical factors

(availability of materials, tools, manpower etc)

ST2-15I (INFORMATION) – students describe ways that information solutions are designed and produced, and factors to consider when people use and interact with information sources and technologies

Use common digital technologies and applications to organise and communicate information for a specific task Investigate the effectiveness of an information solution for its intended use Demonstrate how a variety of media can be combined to address the needs of a specific audience Explore how people use current and emerging technologies to communicate, access and record information Acknowledge ownership of information when selecting and using information Demonstrates appropriate safety and etiquette in relation to computer usage eg) file security, printing and

sharing resources

ST2-5WT (WORKING TECHNOLOGICALLY) – students apply a design process and use a range of tools, equipment, materials and techniques to produce solutions that address specific design criteria

Explore design situations and/or solutions relevant to the needs and wants of others Work collaboratively to develop a design brief that identifies simple design criteria relating to requirements

that make the proposed solution useful Use creative thinking techniques including brainstorming, sketching and modelling Use a range of research techniques to access information relevant to the task Use techniques for documenting and communicating design ideas Use digital technologies and multimedia for communicating design ideas Reflect on the process followed Use design criteria to evaluate the process and product

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Learning Focus Whole Class Learning Small Group / Independent Learning Assessment Resources

Working in small groups, and using their knowledge and resources from the previous 2 key concepts, students develop a plan for their own ‘first settlement’ and create it using minecraft on the iPads.

Look at the list of provisions the First Fleet took with them on their voyagehttp://home.vicnet.net.au/~firstff/list.htm

Discuss what planning/organisation Arthur Phillip and his officers would have needed to think about as they began the development of the settlement in Sydney.

What were their immediate needs?

What were their secondary requirements?

What environmental issues did they have to work around? (landscape, fresh water, arable land etc)

Inform students of their task – to plan and create their own first settlement built environment using minecraft as a tool.

Joint construct a list of questions/think abouts the students will have to consider as they plan and create. These will provide a guide for their journal entries as they document their progress in the task.

Students split up into groups of 2-4.

Prior to opening the app, students need to plan what they will do first and assign roles (which will be rotated each week to ensure a degree of fairness and equity).

During (or at the end) of each session, students will write in the journal about what they have achieved, what problems they have encountered, what they built, why they built it and why they located it where they did, what materials they used etc. These journal entries will be guided by the prompts provided in the whole class discussion earlier. Students will also be involved in taking screen shots of their built environment as it grows and develops.

It is important that the teacher play a very active role during this time of planning and creating to ensure that the students work cooperatively and collaborate on the task.

At the end of the task, the students will be involved in converting their journal notes and screen shots into an eBook documenting their design and create journey. They will use the Book Creator app to import their images, add text as well as link to any relevant websites for additional information.

The students will share their creations via a ‘walk through’ using a projection of the iPad onto the IWB via ‘airserver’, where they will evaluate and discuss their work and the process involved in completing the task.

Involve students in helping develop criteria for assessment of the ‘settlement’ as well as the eBook.



Minecraft app (full version)

Book creator app

Notebook journal for each group

Resources from http://34wg.edublogs/resources

Airserver program

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Science and Technology Based Assessment Rubric

Criteria E D C B A

BUILT ENVIRONMENTS ST2 - 14BE* Describe how the design meets the needs of users

Does not describe the design. No participation in class discussion.

Participates only when directly asked a question. Uses very simple vocabulary and (1) basic need only.

Participates regularly in discussion. Uses range of description for different users and ALL basic needs.

As for C, but including 1 or more social and cultural need (eg-church, library)

As for B but with greater depth of description and using historical terminology and knowledge

* Identify factors that have been considered in the design of their built environments

Does no identify any factors that were considered.

Identifies 1-2 simple factors with very little detail.

Identifies 3-4 factors with detail about most of them.

As for C, but with greater depth of detail in how and why they made those design decisions

As for B, but with 5+ factors

* Describe how their design and construction was influenced by historical factors

Does not describe their design or mention historical influences.

Makes 1 simple comment about historical influences.

Describes 2+ features and how they were influenced by historical factors but with little or no elaboration

As for C but with some elaboration and use of historical terminology

As for B, but describing 3+ features, well explained and with excellent use of historical vocabulary

INFORMATIONST2 – 151* Demonstrate how a variety of media can be combined to address the needs of an audience

Does not participate in the mine craft project. Lets others in the group do it all. Does not create an eBook.

Needs a lot of peer or teacher support to use the iPad and computer technology to complete the project at a basic level.

Uses the Book Creator app with minimal assistance to create a clear record in images and words of the task.

Confidently uses the book creator app. The eBook uses text and images to engage the audience and uses at least 1 hyperlink. Records voice overs with 1-2 errors

As for B, but includes 2+ hyperlinks and also uses video Adds voice overs with no errors. Takes photos of sketches in journal to include in eBook.

* Use common digital technologies and applications to organise and communicate information

Does not participate in the mine craft project. Lets others in the group do it all.

Needs a lot of peer or teacher support. Participates reluctantly. Does not use technology appropriately.

Competently manipulates tools in minecraft to create a simple built environment. Is able to take screen shots and save to camera roll.

As for C but is more confident and settlement is more detailed. Imports screen shots into other apps.

As for B, but settlement shows outstanding detail and use of tools. Has used other apps eg) popplet to plan


Work collaboratively to develop a design plan

Does not work collaboratively. Allows others to do it all OR is domineering and does not share, take turns etc.

Mostly works collaboratively but design plan is very simple and brief.

Usually works collaboratively. Tries to involve others. Shares ideas for plan.

Always works collaboratively in sharing, contributing and listening to ideas of others.

As for B, but also shows skills in negotiating on aspects of plan where group members have different ideas.

• Use creative thinking techniques to plan and organise design

No planning done. Just jumps straight in to the main task. No entries in journal.

Minimal planning done. Mostly oral. Not much written in journal and/or journal entries

Refers to class charts of questions. Clear plan. Easy to follow journal of main steps.

As for C but uses many sketches, mind maps and class charts to plan and organise design.

As for B, but uses these techniques frequently and to alter design, not just plan

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• Uses techniques for documenting and communicating ideas.

haphazard and random. Uses sketches, mind maps

* Use design criteria to reflect on and to evaluate the process and product

Does not reflect on their final product or the process. Does not participate in class or group discussions.

Reflection and evaluation very simple. Eg) It was boring. I don’t like minecraft. No use of criteria

Thoughtful reflection. Able to evaluate at least 1 aspect in detail. Uses simple references to the criteria

Thoughtful reflection and evaluation of at least 2 aspects. One process and one product. Uses criteria well.

As for B, but 3+ aspects covering both process and product. Detailed use of the criteria.

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