Stair Project CEP 811 Introduction Who is the audience? 7 th grade health class Nutrition/healthy habits Unit Terms that are focused on: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats This module will serve as an introductory lesson to the different food nutrients, how the effect the human body, and what food are they found in. Objectives (State of Michigan k-12 Health Curriculum) The learner will understand what a nutrient is and distinguish between the different nutrients your body uses. The learner will understand what each nutrients use in the human body is. Demonstrate understanding of the different nutrient and what foods they are found in. Next Next

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Stair Project CEP 811 Introduction. Who is the audience? 7 th grade health class Nutrition/healthy habits Unit Terms that are focused on: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Stair Project CEP 811Introduction

Who is the audience? 7th grade health class

Nutrition/healthy habits Unit

Terms that are focused on: Carbohydrates, Proteins, Fats

This module will serve as an introductory lesson to the different food nutrients, how the effect the human body, and what food are they found in.

Objectives (State of Michigan k-12 Health Curriculum) The learner will understand what a nutrient is and distinguish between the different

nutrients your body uses.

The learner will understand what each nutrients use in the human body is.

Demonstrate understanding of the different nutrient and what foods they are found in.


Good NutritionThis module will walk you through the different things you will need to know

about nutrition

Click on one of the learning links!!

1.1.What are What are nutrients?nutrients?

1.1.What are What are nutrients?nutrients?

2. 2. Where can Where can Nutrients beNutrients be


2. 2. Where can Where can Nutrients beNutrients be


3.3.How do How do

Nutrients affect Nutrients affect the human the human


3.3.How do How do

Nutrients affect Nutrients affect the human the human


Test your knowledge!Test your knowledge!

What is a Nutrient?A nutrient is a substance that is

required to carry out life processes. For example, your body turns some

nutrients into energy for your body to use and other nutrients are used to

repair the body.

Click on one of the nutrients below to find out more about it!

Nutrient 1Nutrient 1Nutrient 1Nutrient 1 Nutrient 2Nutrient 2Nutrient 2Nutrient 2 Nutrient 3Nutrient 3Nutrient 3Nutrient 3



These are made of two different types of things

Simple SugarsSimple Sugars Complex SugarsComplex Sugars

Simple Sugars

Much easier for your body to digest (break down) and a healthier choice.

Complex SugarsComplex SugarsSee what other See what other

nutrients are nutrients are out out


Complex Sugars

A much larger molecule than simple sugars and more difficult for your body to digest

(break down)

See what other See what other nutrients are nutrients are

out out there!there!

Simple SugarsSimple Sugars

ProteinsThese are made of smaller piece linked together just like

the other nutrients.

Can you try and guess what the smaller pieces are?

Click here when Click here when you think you you think you



Were you thinking Amino Acids?

YesYes NoNo

Amino AcidsAmino AcidsProteinProtein

There are 22 different amino acids. There are hundreds of different proteins that can

be made from linking different amino acids


See what other See what other nutrients are nutrients are

out out there!there!


Fats are made up of smaller units that bond together. Can you try and think what those

smaller units are?

Click here Click here when you when you think you think you


Fattie acids?

Were you thinking fattie acids?

YesYes NoNo

Fattie acids

Fattie acids bond together to create three different kinds of fats.

Saturated fatsUnsaturated fats

Trans fats

Click on the one you think is the worst for you

SaturatedSaturated UnsaturatedUnsaturated TransTrans

Learn More!!!Learn More!!!

There are 3 main nutrients your body uses to stay alive

Click on one to learn how your body uses it!

CarbohydratesCarbohydrates ProteinsProteins FatsFats



Carbohydrates are instantly turned into energy for our body to use immediately. Think of how a car needs gas to go, we

need carbs to "go".

What happens if you eat more carbs (energy) than our body can use up?

Click here to find the Click here to find the answeranswer

Too many carbs

If we eat too many carbs, our body will store the extra energy for later use. It would be

like adding more gas tanks to a car. Where are the extra gas tanks put? On top of the car? In the back seat? What

about humans; where does the extra energy get stored? Around our belly, our hips, etc. We want to limit the amount of energy we put in our body so we don't get

too many spare gas tanks!

Learn about Learn about proteins and fatsproteins and fats

Proteins!Our body uses proteins to build and rebuild

tissues. A teenager who seems like they are growing an inch every night is using

proteins to build new bone, skin, and muscle in order to grow. A person who lifts weights is constantly breaking down their

muscle tissue and their body is using proteins to rebuild those muscles stronger and larger. Proteins have the most jobs in

the whole body! Learn Learn about about

carbs and carbs and fats!fats!

FatsDoes our body need


YesYes NoNo

Opps, actually your body does need fat! Here's how!

Our body is made up of trillions of cells and each one of those cells are surrounded by a membrane and in that membrane are fats. This is one essential way our body uses fats. We also use fats as long term energy storage. If our body needs energy and we don't have any carbs to burn, our body can turn fat into energy. This is hard for our body to do so it doesn't do it all the time. Learn about Learn about

carbs carbs and proteinsand proteins

Very Good! Our body does need a certain amount of fat!

Here's why!Our body is made up of trillions of cells and

each one of those cells are surrounded by a membrane and in that membrane are fats. This is one essential way our body uses fats. We also use fats as long term

energy storage. If our body needs energy and we don't have any carbs to burn, our body can turn fat into energy. This is hard for our body to do so it doesn't do it all the

time.Learn about Learn about

carbs carbs and proteinsand proteins

Where Can Nutrients be Found?

Every piece of food that we put in our mouths is made from one or more of the

three different nutrients.

Click on each nutrient to find out what foods the nutrient is found in

CarbohydratesCarbohydratesProteinsProteins FatsFats


CarbohydratesCarbohydrates are found in bread, pasta, cereal, rice, and potatoes. These are the most obvious places carbs are found in. What about foods you wouldn't normally

think of as carbs?

Try and think of two foods thatTry and think of two foods thatyou might think contain carbs that you might think contain carbs that

we haven't mentioned!we haven't mentioned!

Click here Click here when readywhen ready

More Carbs

Fruits, vegetables, milk , and yogurt also contain


Learn Learn about about

proteins proteins and fats!and fats!

ProteinsProteins are found in many different meats

for example, chicken, pork, and fish all contain protein. Are meats the only food

protein can be found?

YesYes NoNo

OppsActually Proteins are also found in

many other foods including eggs, milk, beans, peanut butter, and

also cheese.

Learn Learn about about

carbs and carbs and fats!fats!

That's Right!Meat is not the only food that contains

protein! Eggs, milk, beans, peanut butter, and cheese all contain good amounts of

protein too!

Learn Learn about about

carbs and carbs and fats!fats!


Do we need fat in our diet?

YesYes NoNo


Very good!!Here are some

places we find fat.

Vegetable oil, canola oil, olive oil, butter,

peanut butter, grizzle from meat,

most nuts, avocado, and

margarine are all sources of fat.

Learn Learn about about

carbs and carbs and proteins!proteins!

Actually we do need some

Although we need to limit the

amount of fat we consume, we

cannot completely cut

out fats from our diet.

Try again!Try again!

Knowledge tester!

Carbohydrates can be broken down into

Simple and Simple and Complex Complex Sugars?Sugars?

Simple and Simple and Complex Complex Sugars?Sugars?


Amino Amino Acids?Acids?

Amino Amino Acids?Acids?


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Not quite right!

Amino acids make proteinsAmino acids make proteinsBack to Back to


Back to Back to question!question!

Not quite right!

Opps, fats are a different type of Opps, fats are a different type of nutrientnutrient

Back to Back to question!question!

Back to Back to question!question!

Fattie acids group together to make what nutrient?

CarbohydratesCarbohydratesCarbohydratesCarbohydratesAmino acidsAmino acidsAmino acidsAmino acids



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Nice work! Nice work! Click for Next Click for Next


Not quite right!

Amino acids Amino acids aren't a nutrient. aren't a nutrient.

They group They group together to make together to make

a different a different nutrient called nutrient called


Back to Back to question!question!

Back to Back to question!question!

Not quite right!

Opps, carbohydrates contain simple Opps, carbohydrates contain simple and complex sugars.and complex sugars.

Back to Back to question!question!

Back to Back to question!question!

The pieces that group together to make a protein are called...


Fattie Fattie acids?acids?

Fattie Fattie acids?acids?

Amino Amino Acids?Acids?

Amino Amino Acids?Acids?


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Not quite right!

Opps, carbohydrates don't group Opps, carbohydrates don't group together.together.

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Back to Back to question!question!

Not quite right!

Fattie acids Fattie acids group together to group together to

make fats, not make fats, not proteinsproteins

Back to Back to question!question!

Back to Back to question!question!

This nutrient is used to for long term storage of energy.



Simple sugarsSimple sugarsSimple sugarsSimple sugars


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Not quite right!

Opps, carbohydrates give you Opps, carbohydrates give you instant energy.instant energy.

Back to Back to question!question!

Back to Back to question!question!

Not quite right!

Remember, Remember, Simple sugars Simple sugars

are not an are not an nutrient! They nutrient! They

group together to group together to make make


Back to Back to question!question!

Back to Back to question!question!

What would I want to eat after a nice hard workout?




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Not quite right!

Opps, carbohydrates give you Opps, carbohydrates give you instant energy. I'm trying to recover!instant energy. I'm trying to recover!

Back to Back to question!question!

Back to Back to question!question!

Not quite right!

Remember! Remember! Fats store Fats store

energy for later energy for later useuse

Back to Back to question!question!

Back to Back to question!question!

What would I want to eat the morning of a long race?




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Not quite right!

Opps, I would want to eat proteins Opps, I would want to eat proteins after I ran to help rebuild my after I ran to help rebuild my

muscles!muscles!Back to Back to


Back to Back to question!question!

Not quite right!

Remember! Remember! Fats are used for Fats are used for energy storage. energy storage.

Your body Your body doesn't like to doesn't like to

use it!use it!

Back to Back to question!question!

Back to Back to question!question!

If I ate a plate of healthy vegetables, what would I be





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That's right! That's right! Most vegetables Most vegetables

contain good contain good carbohydratescarbohydrates

Not quite right!

Opps, vegetables don't contain Opps, vegetables don't contain many fatsmany fats

Back to Back to question!question!

Back to Back to question!question!

Not quite right!

Vegetables don't Vegetables don't have much have much

protein found in protein found in them!them!

Back to Back to question!question!

Back to Back to question!question!

What would I eat if I wanted to eat a lot of protein?


Olive OilOlive Oil



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Not quite right!

Opps, Olive oil is considered a fat!Opps, Olive oil is considered a fat!

Back to Back to question!question!

Back to Back to question!question!

Not quite right!

Remember, Remember, most fruit contain most fruit contain sugar and sugar sugar and sugar

is a is a carbohydrate!carbohydrate!

Back to Back to question!question!

Back to Back to question!question!

Which of the following is the healthiest choice of fat?



Meat GrizzleMeat Grizzle


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Not quite right!

Opps, butter contains many bad Opps, butter contains many bad fats!!fats!!

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Back to Back to question!question!

Not quite right!

Meat grizzle is a Meat grizzle is a poor choice and poor choice and contains lots of contains lots of

bad fats!!bad fats!!

Back to Back to question!question!

Back to Back to question!question!

If I felt shakey, like I was going to pass out, what should I eat?

Something Something sweet like sweet like candy or candy or chocolatechocolate

A steakA steakSome french Some french



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Not quite right!

Opps, A steak isn't going to give you Opps, A steak isn't going to give you instant energy. It's going to help instant energy. It's going to help

rebuild tissue.rebuild tissue.Back to Back to


Back to Back to question!question!

Not quite right!

Altho they taste Altho they taste good, they are good, they are full of fat and full of fat and

harder for your harder for your body to body to

breakdown than breakdown than other thingsother things

Back to Back to question!question!

Back to Back to question!question!

Video reinforcement/enrichment


One more thing...One more thing...



Now its your turn!

Based on what you have learned today, organize a breakfast that includes all of the nutrients and is as healthy as possible!

For each food you pick, tell me what nutrient(s) it contains and why you chose it.

You will create a PowerPoint slide show of your breakfast choice and present it to the class.

How about How about lunch?!lunch?!

Now its your turn!

Based on what you have learned today, organize a lunch that includes all of the nutrients and is as healthy as possible!

For each food you pick, tell me what nutrient(s) it contains and why you chose it.

You will create a PowerPoint slide show of your breakfast choice and present it to the class.

How about How about dinner?!dinner?!

Now its your turn!

Based on what you have learned today, organize a dinner that includes all of the nutrients and is as healthy as possible!

For each food you pick, tell me what nutrient(s) it contains and why you chose it.

Create a PowerPoint slide show of your breakfast choice and present it to the class.

Food PyramidFood Pyramid

THE END! Home!Home!!!