1 Population In the past population fluctuated (went up and down) due to famine, war, plague, disease..... 1700's After the Industrial and Agricultural revolutions, huge changes occurred. People lived longer, healthier lives, medical care improved as did the

stangelascollegegeography.weebly.com€¦  · Web viewDefinitions Birth rate: The number of births per thousand people per year.Death rate: The number of deaths per thousand people

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In the past population fluctuated (went up and down) due to famine, war, plague, disease.....

1700's After the Industrial and Agricultural revolutions, huge changes occurred. People lived longer, healthier lives, medical care improved as did the food supply.

1900's After this time the world population exploded and grew rapidly to over 7 billion today.

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Birth rate: The number of births per thousand people per year.

Death rate: The number of deaths per thousand people per year.

Natural change: The difference between birth rate and death rate.

If BR is higher than DR we get natural increase.

If DR is higher than BR we get natural decrease.

Density: Number of people per Km2

Distribution: The spread of population

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Future predictions: If the world’s population continues to increase as it has over the past 50 years, there will be more than 11 Billion people by the year 2040.

However, people in many countries are starting to have fewer children.

Access to clean water, vaccinations, and education are resulting in people having smaller families because all of their children are living healthy lives and surviving to adulthood (child mortality is lower).

Optimistic: Developing countries will move through the population cycle and follow the pattern of developed countries, eventually having a natural decrease.

Pessimistic: The current pattern of rapid population growth will continue and increase pressure on the world's resources.


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If the world’s population continues to increase as it has over the past 50 years, there will be more than 11 Billion people by the year 2040.

However, people in many countries are starting to have fewer children.

Access to clean water, vaccinations, and education are resulting in people having smaller families because all of their children are living healthy lives and surviving to adulthood (child mortality is lower).

Global population is changing at an uneven rate. Population growth in developing countries is much higher than that of developed countries. Some developed countries have declining populations (Germany & Japan).


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The population cycle


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The population cycle or demographic transition

Stage 1: High birth rate, high death rate. Low population growth due to famine, disease, and natural disasters. High Fluctuating.

Stage 2: The economy improves. Money is spent on healthcare and clean water. Birth rate stays high, death rate drops a lot. Population increases. Early expanding

Stage 3: Social and economic development continues. People start having less children as most children survive to adulthood. Late expanding

Stage 4: The country is now wealthy. Family planning is widespread. Low birth rate and death rate. Small population growth. Low fluctuating

Stage 5: People have very few children. The death rate is higher than the birth rate. The population starts to decline. Senile


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Factors which affect population change

I Want Everyone To Have FamiliesImproved technology



The role of women




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Improved technology

• Agricultural revolution: Better equipment (tractors, combine harvesters etc.) = better food supply. Birth rate increases, death rate decreases.

• Green revolution: Pesticides, fertilisers, GM foods = better food supply. Irrigation and water sanitation = better water supply and quality. Birth rate increases, death rate decreases.

• Medical revolution: Diseases eliminated, vaccinations introduced and advances in medical equipment and medicines. Birth rate increases, death rate decreases.


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War• Soldiers and civilians die. Death rate increases• Couples separated: Birth rate decreases.• Services destroyed: Water, agriculture, transport and sanitation

disrupted. Disease can spread rapidly. Death rate increases


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• Better educated people plan smaller families. Women with degrees have children 4 years later resulting in smaller families. Birth rate decreases

• Better educated people are more aware of the importance of clean water, sanitation and diet. Death rate decreases

• In poor countries people can lack knowledge of family planning. Birth rate increases

• Lack of education about diet, clean water and sanitation in some countries can lead to disease spreading. Death rate increases


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The role of women

• Where women have equal status, they have greater choice, plan smaller families and often focus on career. Birth rate decreases.

• Where women are not treated equally they do not have choice in the planning of their families, they may not have the opportunity to work outside the home. Birth rate increases


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Healthcare• Quality healthcare including vaccines,

clean water, sanitation and a health service decrease death rates.

• Poor healthcare, where people don’t have access the death rate increases.


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• When agriculture is good, a stable food supply ensures a healthy population. Birth rate increases. Death rate decreases.

• When food supply is disrupted by famine or drought, the population cannot remain healthy. Death rate increases.

• Example: Before the famine in Ireland population had increased from 4.5 million to 8 million. After the famine the population dropped to 6 million.


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Population Pyramids

Represent population statistics on a graph.

Show male population on the left, females on the right.

Age groups represented in 4 year increments.

They show the dependant sector and the economically active.

The shape of the pyramids indicate whether a country is developing or developed.


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When comparing population pyramids we refer to the base, this shows the children that have been born in the last 4 years. It indicates the wealth of a country. Developing countries have a wider base as they have more children - higher birth rate. Developed countries have a narrow base as they have lower birth rate.We also refer to the peak. This shows the life expectancy of the country. A narrow peak shows people don't live to old age (developing country), a broad peak indicates that people live longer (developed country).The Middle of the pyramid (age 18-65) shows the economically active sector. This is the group which supports the base and peak.The North / rich / first world are other words for Developed countriesThe south / poor / third world are other words for Developed countries.


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North / developed South / developing

High Low

Low High

20% pop 86% resources 80% pop 14% resources

Population pyramids as a planning tool.


Life expectancy

Child mortality


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Planners use population pyramids to decide the future needs of a country.

Childcare and schools for the young.

Housing and jobs for the economically active.

Hospitals, nursing homes, transport and infrastructure for the general population.

They are used to plan for social welfare and pension payments.


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Population density and distributionCase study: Social and historical factors – the West of Ireland

• In 1845–9 the population of the West of Ireland fell as a result of the Great Famine.

• Over one million Irish

people died or emigrated.


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• Emigration continued until the 1960s and the population of the West of Ireland continued to decline.

• Population decline was halted in the 1960s as the economy improved.

• Ireland experienced the ‘Celtic Tiger’ economy from 1995. This created jobs in the West of Ireland. The population increased as a result.

• Ireland’s economy went into recession (a period of significant economic decline) in 2008. Consequently, emigration increased and the population of the West of Ireland decreased.


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Case study: Social and historical factors – Brazil

• Brazil has a population of 200 million.

• Before Brazil was discovered and colonised by Europeans, its native population – Amerindians – was around five million.

• The Portuguese colonised Brazil in the sixteenth century. They settled along the east coast and the population in this area increased rapidly.

• During the 1960s, the Brazilian government tried to encourage people to settle further inland.

• They built a new capital, called Brasilia.


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The Amazon Basin

• The Amazon Basin is situated in the west of Brazil. This area was not heavily settled by Europeans.

• The area is covered in dense rainforest and the soil is infertile. European settlers referred to it as ‘green hell’.

• During the 1960s, the government encouraged people to settle in the area and gave them free land.

• The population of native tribes has been reduced dramatically.

• New diseases, such as measles, were introduced by settlers; the native people have low immunity to these diseases.


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Case study: Resources and terrain – the Dublin region

• 2011 population was almost 1.3 million

• Population density varies throughout the region

• Has many resources such as jobs and services

• Contains seat of government and is near zone of influence

• Main industrial, financial and commercial centre of Ireland

• Ireland’s largest port

• Many national and primary roads meet here


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2. North Dublin

• The population density of north Dublin is low:

• Dublin Airport holds back expansion.

• Farmland in north is used for market gardening.

3. West Dublin

• High population density

• The terrain is flat so the city has expanded westwards.

• Satellite towns, such as Tallaght and Lucan, have grown.

• These towns have become dormitory or commuter towns.


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4. South Dublin

• Population density in south county Dublin is very low.

• The Dublin mountains means terrain is steep.

• Mountains are a recreational zone.


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Case study Resources and terrain

The population of Sweden is almost 9.5 million. It is unevenly distributed throughout the country.

• The south of Sweden is more densely populated than the north.

• The climate in southern Sweden (known as Scania) is warmer than in the north.

• Southern Sweden has a flat terrain.

• Many coastal cities in the south of Sweden developed as ports.


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• Headquarters of large companies such as Volvo, Saab and Electrolux are located in coastal cities.

• The climate in northern Sweden is extremely cold.

• Distance from markets makes raw materials more expensive to export.

• The terrain is mountainous.

• It is inhabited only by the native Sami tribe.


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Very low population densities – the West of Ireland

• Few jobs or prospects for young people

• Rural–urban migration

• Reduction in the number of marriages; low birth rate

• A low birth rate results in population decline

• Abandonment of many small farms


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• Fewer TDs

• Lack of infrastructure, services and a workforce make the area less attractive

Case study: Low population density – Mali

With a population of 14.5 million and a total area of 1.2 million km², the population density is just 12 people per km².

• It is difficult to provide social services, schools and healthcare to nomadic groups and rural areas.

• Young men migrate to large cities


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• Severe drought and overgrazing of animals has led to desertification and rural depopulation.

• There is no money to invest in infrastructure such as roads, so it remains isolated.


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Very high population densities

These areas are overpopulated, e.g. Kolkata and Hong Kong.

• Overcrowding

• Lack of open space

• Shortage of clean water

• Pollution


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Case study: High population density – Kolkata

• Kolkata has a population of over 18 million people.

• The population has grown rapidly due to a very high birth rate and inward migration.

• It has a population density of 32,000 people per km².

• Overcrowding has led to development of shanty towns or ‘bustees’.


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• Over four million people live in Kolkata’s bustees.

Case Study: High population density – Hong Kong

• Hong Kong is a large city on the south coast of China. It has a population of 7.1 million.

• Population density is 25,000 people per km².

• Overcrowding: development of shanty towns on the outskirts of the city; overcrowded hospitals and schools.

• Lack of open space: Some land has been reclaimed from the sea, known as polders.


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• Pollution: Traffic congestion and high levels of industrial activity cause air pollution. Seas and beaches around Hong Kong have also become polluted by household waste.

The North South divideThe developing world


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Developing world

• Child mortality is high.

• Children often live in poor conditions where clean water and food is scarce and famine is common.

• Young children are malnourished so more prone to disease and infection.

• Children die from curable diseases such as cholera, typhoid and diarrhoea.

• Life expectancy is lower in the developing world.

• AIDS has had a devastating effect on many developing countries.


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• Millions of people have died because of war and conflict in developing countries.

• Infant mortality is high; many babies are born to unhealthy mothers at home, where hygiene is poor.


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The developed world

• Child mortality is very low.

• The majority of people have access to clean water and food.

• Life expectancy is high.

• Children are vaccinated against disease.

• Clean water is available.

• Healthcare services are available.

• People are educated about safe sex, which helps prevent the spread of AIDS.


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• Migration happens when people move from one place to another to live.

• Push factors away from one place include unemployment, war and famine.

• Pull factors towards another place include jobs and an attractive climate.

• Individual migration happens when one person or family decides to move to another place to live.

• Organised migration is when governments arrange for people to move to another place and settle there, either by choice or by force.


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Individual migrationPush factors:

• High levels of unemployment in many rural parts of the West of Ireland force people to move.

• Lack of amenities and services makes rural parts of the West of Ireland less attractive places to live.

Pull factors:

• Employment opportunities attract people to Dublin.


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• Better services and amenities make Dublin a more attractiveplace to live.

Individual migration – emigration from Ireland to the UK and the USA

• The Great Famine of the 1840s was the first major push factor forcing Irish people to move abroad.

Following the famine, people continued to emigrate from Ireland. Birth rates were high and people had large families. They lived in small houses that were overcrowded.


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Migration• Economic improvements in the 1960s and 1970s led to a drop in

emigration rates.

• In the 1980s a recession saw a return to higher emigration.

• In the 1990s the population began to grow again due to the Celtic Tiger.

• Ireland went into recession again in 2008.

• Higher taxes and cuts in spending are also factors in pushing people to move abroad.


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Organised migration – the Plantation of Ulster • Land was taken from Irish people and given to English

and Scottish settlers – the ‘planters’.

• English replaced Irish as the official language.

• Irish laws and customs were replaced.

• The Protestant religion was established in Ulster.

• The planters built English-style towns and introduced English farming practices.


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Organised migration – the colonisation of South America

• The Native Americans of South America were removed from their land, and many were killed or enslaved. The Spanish and Portuguese ruled the land for 300 years.

Pull factors:

• Natural resources such as gold and silver.

• Large plantation estates to grow coffee and sugar cane.

• Catholic missionaries migrated to South America to spread the Catholic religion and customs.


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Effects of colonisation

• Native American Indians (Amerindians) were forced to leave their land.

• The Europeans brought new diseases and infections to which the Amerindians had no immunity, e.g. influenza (the flu).

• The native languages were replaced by Spanish and Portuguese.

• Native customs and beliefs were cast aside and Christianity was introduced.

• Coastal towns developed as ports.

• The forced migration of West African people.


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