MINISTRY OF HEALTH OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION BELARUSIAN STATE MEDICAL UNIVERSITY APPROVED Rector of Belarusian State Medical University ____________ A.V. Sikorski «____»___________ 2017 г. State Examination Program for surgical diseases for specialty 1-79 01 01 General Medicine for students of medical faculty of international students 2017

State Examination Program for surgical diseases · microbiology, virology, immunology: bacteriological and immunological ... Methods for determining the volume of blood loss. Basic

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Page 1: State Examination Program for surgical diseases · microbiology, virology, immunology: bacteriological and immunological ... Methods for determining the volume of blood loss. Basic





Rector of Belarusian State

Medical University

____________ A.V. Sikorski

«____»___________ 2017 г.

State Examination Program

for surgical diseases for specialty 1-79 01 01 General Medicine

for students of medical faculty of international students


Page 2: State Examination Program for surgical diseases · microbiology, virology, immunology: bacteriological and immunological ... Methods for determining the volume of blood loss. Basic

Program approved by the Methodological Commission of Surgical disciplines of

the Educational Institution “Belarusian State Medical University «___»________

2017. (protocol N___)

Head of the Methodological Commission of Surgical disciplines

Professor A.V. Prochorov

Reviewed and approved at a meeting of the Board of Faculty of General Medicine

of the Educational Institution “Belarusian State Medical University”

«___»________2017. (protocol N ____)

Dean of Faculty of General Medicine

Professor A.I. Volotovski

Page 3: State Examination Program for surgical diseases · microbiology, virology, immunology: bacteriological and immunological ... Methods for determining the volume of blood loss. Basic


Section of Surgical Diseases in the training of medical doctors takes an

important place as a doctor of any profile in their daily work meets patients with

acute surgical pathology that require prompt diagnosis and emergency care. In

addition, a number of medical specialties (gynecology, orthopedics and

traumatology, ophthalmology, urology, ENT diseases, oncology) is impossible

without the knowledge of the main sections of the course of surgical diseases, and

without acquiring the skill of operational techniques and rules of performing the


The aim of the teaching of surgical diseases and related surgical disciplines

in a complex training of medical doctor is studying the etiology, pathogenesis,

clinical manifestations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, treatment and prevention

of major surgical diseases, the studying of indications and the general principles of

conservative and surgical treatment, a certain amount of practical skills.

The objectives of teaching surgical diseases:

Students should know:

principles of organization of surgical care in the Republic of Belarus;

etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations of major surgical diseases;

diagnosis and differential diagnosis of surgical diseases, principles of


complications of major surgical diseases;

modern methods of treatment, indications;

methods of prevention and rehabilitation of patients with the most common

surgical diseases.

Students should be able to:

use methods of physical, laboratory, functional and instrumental methods of


master the skills of the most common medical manipulations;

maintain medical records;

conduct community health education, evaluate disability.

The list of related subjects, with indication of sections (topics), learning

which is necessary for students to study surgical diseases:

normal anatomy: anatomy of organs and systems (blood supply,

innervation), the study of surgical diseases which are provided by the program;

normal physiology: basic physiological functions of the organs and systems

of the human body;

biological chemistry: biochemical parameters of the studied systems and

states in health and disease;

microbiology, virology, immunology: bacteriological and immunological

methods of diagnosis of surgical infections, microbiological bases of

chemotherapy and antiseptics;

pathological physiology: basic pathophysiological processes underlying the

development of the most frequent surgical diseases and injuries;

radiologic diagnostics: X-ray semiotics of traumatic injuries and diseases of

the chest and abdominal cavities;

Page 4: State Examination Program for surgical diseases · microbiology, virology, immunology: bacteriological and immunological ... Methods for determining the volume of blood loss. Basic

topographical anatomy and operative surgery: topography of the great

vessels and nerves, fascial and cellular spaces of the studied areas, topographic

anatomy of the internal organs, the basics of operational techniques and principles

of performance of basic surgical procedures;

pathology: morphological changes and characteristics of various surgical


propaedeutics of internal diseases: scheme of examination of patient and

writing the history of the disease;

Pharmacology: drugs used in the treatment of surgical diseases, the

principles of rational pharmacotherapy;

Public Health: analysis of morbidity, mortality; issues of medical statistics

for the calculation of basic indicators of average and relative values, confidence

limits and the difference of the results of the study, the calculation of morbidity of

the population and employed, a graphical presentation of statistical data.



1.1 Introduction. History of surgery

The concept of surgery and surgical diseases. Deontology in surgery. The

history of surgery. The development of surgery and surgical care organization in

the Republic of Belarus. Surgical care in the outpatient and inpatient settings.

1.2. Desmurgy

The concept of bandages and dressings. Types of dressings (the nature of the

material used, purpose, fixing method of the dressing, bandages type, nature and

purpose of immobilization).

Rules of bandaging. Soft strengthening, immobilizing and compression

bandages. Indications and contraindications.

1.3. Antiseptic and aseptic

Antiseptics. History of antiseptics. Types of modern antiseptics. Mechanical

antiseptic: toilet and debridement of the wound. Modern methods of physical

antisepsis: drainage of wounds and cavities, the use of tampons on the basis of

carbon and other sorbents, the use of ultraviolet light, ultrasonic cavitation,

medical lasers, vacuum wounds, hyperbaric oxygenation, aeroterapy. Chemical

antiseptics: the requirements for antiseptics, groups of drugs, methods of

application. Biological antiseptics: antibiotics (group, rules of rational application,

complications of antibiotic therapy and prevention). Enzyme therapy. The concept

of active and passive immunotherapy. Mixed antiseptics.

Asepsis. History of asepsis and its significance in modern conditions.

Sources and routes of infection. The concept of hospital infection. Prevention of

HIV infection, viral hepatitis in the surgical departments.

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Prevention of air and droplet infection. The structure and organization of

work of the surgical department, its layout, the basic premises and their design.

Wards, dressing room, and their equipment. The operating unit, requirements for

its placement, design and equipment (preoperative, operating room, sterilization,

material, instrumental room, room for anesthesia services, endoscopic, etc.).

Cleansing of the operation and dressing rooms. The behavior of staff and visitors

(students, doctors) in the operating room.

Prevention of contact infection. Surgical instruments, their disinfection,

presterilisation treatment and sterilization process. Preparation of dressing material

and linen for sterilization, features and types of sterilization. Sterility control.

Personnel preparation for the operation. Hand hygiene. Scrubbing. Preparation of

the surgical field.

Prevention of implant infection. Contemporary suturing material,

classification, reqirements. Sterilization of alloplastic, xenoplastic transplants, non-

biological materials in plastic surgery and traumatology.

1.4. Bleeding

Definition, classification, pathogenesis, clinical presentation. The organism

reaction to bleeding. Compensatory-adaptive reactions in acute blood loss. Local

and general signs of different severity bleeding. Outcomes of bleeding

(hemorrhagic anemia, hemorrhagic shock). Reasons of death in case of bleeding.

Methods for the blood loss severity assessment. Spontaneous hemostasis.

Methods of temporary and final stop bleeding (mechanical, chemical,

physical, biological). Methods for determining the volume of blood loss. Basic

principles of acute blood loss management.

1.5. Basics of clinical transfusiology

Principles of water electrolyte balance, daily fluid requirements and losses,

volumes of gastrointestinal tract liquids.

Principles of haemotransfusion. History. Isoserology of blood. Blood

groups. ABO system. Rh-Hr system. Methods for determination of blood group

and Rhusinf standard isohaemagglutinating sera, individual compatibility test.

Blood sources. Sources of blood and its components (blood donation, donor

groups). Methods of preservation and storage of blood, its components and

products. The mechanism of action of transfused blood, its components and

products. Indications and contraindications for transfusion of donated blood

components and blood products. The concept of blood reinfusion, preserved

autologous blood transfusion, exchange blood transfusion: indications and

contraindications. Mistakes and complications in blood transfusion, its

components and products. Methods of prevention and treatment.

Blood substitute solutions. Classification, characteristics of the main groups,

indications and contraindications for transfusion. Methods and techniques of

transfusions. Complications of blood transfusion and their prevention and


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1.6. Mechanical injuries

Injuries. Classification. The concept of the industrial, agricultural,

residential, street, sports, military injuries. Isolated injury, polytrauma (multiple,

concomitant, the combined injury).The organization of trauma patient care.

Closed injuries. Closed soft tissue injuries: bruises, sprains, ruptures. Closed

injuries of the brain, chest, abdomen, retroperitoneal organs. Order of actions in

primary aid.

Wounds. Classification of wounds. Wound healing process. Morphological

and biochemical changes in the wound. Types of wound healing (primary

intention, secondary intention, under a scab). General principles of treatment of

fresh wounds. Primary, secondary and repeated surgical debridement of wounds,

its rationale, technique. Surgical sutures (primary, primary delayed, secondary).

Postoperative suppurated wound management. Surgical debridement of suppurated

wounds. Methods of general and local treatment: physical, chemical, biological.

Traumatic shock: pathogenesis, clinical presentation, primary care, treatment


Crush syndrome: clinical presentation, primary care, treatment guidelines.

1.7. Thermal damage and electric shock

Burns: thermal, chemical, radiation. Classification. Morphology and clinical

presentation of wounds depending on burn severity. Determination of burn area

and depth. Burn disease: shock, toxemia, septic, reconvalescence. Special features

of burn shock. Primary care for burns. General and local treatment of burned

patients. Specialized medical care.

Electrical accident. The mechanism of electric current action to body. Local

and general presentation. Primary care and treatment.

Cold injury. Total cooling, degrees. Frostbite: degrees and depth.

Classification. Pathogenesis of frostbite. Degrees of frostbite. Clinical presentation

in the prereactive and reactive periods. Primary care. Treatment.

1.8. Surgical examination

Special features of trauma and emergent & chronic surgical patients

examination (survey, inspection, palpation, measurement of organs or body parts,

percussion, auscultation).

General concept about contemporary methods of diagnostics. Indications,

contraindications, technique, diagnostic possibilities.

1.9. Surgical operation. Preoperative and postoperative periods

Surgical operation. Types of surgical procedures, anat5omical and

physiological grounds of surgical operations. Minimally invasive operations.

Urgent and elective operations. Indications to surgery (absolute, relative).

Contraindications to surgery (general, local).

Preoperative period. Patient examination, preparation for the elective and

urgent surgery. Operative stress. Determining risk of surgical intervention and

patient condition severity. Prevention of endogenous infection.

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Postoperative period. Uncomplicated postoperative period. Monitoring and

treatment of postoperative patients. Postoperative complications: local (surgical

site) and general (cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, kidney, hepatic and

nervous system). Diagnosis, treatment, prevention of post-operative complications.

1.10. Surgical infection

Definition and classification of surgical infection.

Acute purulent surgical infection. Etiology and pathogenesis. Local tissue

reaction. The general reaction. Systemic inflammatory response syndrome,

manifestations. Basic principles of general and local treatment.

Acute purulent diseases of skin and subcutaneous tissue (furuncle,

carbuncle, abscess, flegmone), acute purulent diseases of glandular organs

(hydradenitis, parotitis, mastitis). Etiology. Clinical presentation. Diagnosis.


Acute purulent diseases of lymphatic system (lymphangitis, lymphadenitis,

erysipelas, erysipeloid), blood vessels (phlebitis, thrombosis, arteritis). Etiology.

Clinical presentation. Diagnosis. Treatment.

Acute purulent diseases of hand (felon (whitlow), hand abscesses and

flegmones). Etiology. Classification. Clinical presentation. Diagnosis. Treatment.

Osteomyelitis (hematogenic and nonhematogenic). Etiopathogenesis.

Clinical presentation. Diagnosis. The principles of treatment.

Acute specific surgical infection. Anaerobic clostridial infection (gas

gangrene). Etiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical presentation. Treatment. Prevention.

Tetanus. Etiology and pathogenesis. Clinical presentation. Treatment.


Anthrax. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnostics,

treatment. Prevention.

Diphtheria of wounds. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical presentation,

diagnostics, treatment. Prevention.

Anaerobic non-clostridial infection. Pathogens. Clinical presentation.

Diagnosis. Treatment. Prevention.

Chronic specific surgical infection. Bone tuberculosis: etiology,

pathogenesis, stages, clinical course of the disease. Treatment.

Syphilis of bones and joints. Clinical presentation. Differential diagnosis

with chronic hematogenic osteomyelitis and bone tuberculosis. Treatment.

Actinomycosis. Ethiology. Pathogenesis. Clinical presentation, main

localizations, diagnosis, treatment.

Acute purulent diseases of synovial (bursitis), serous (pleurisy, peritonitis)

membranes and joints (arthritis): etiology, classification, clinical presentation,

diagnosis, treatment.

Surgical sepsis: etiology, pathogenesis, classification. clinical presentation,

diagnosis, treatment. Septic shock: etiology, pathogenesis, forms, clinical

presentation, diagnosis, treatment.

1.11. Necrosis. Lymphatic outflow and circulatory disorders

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Necrosis: definition, reasons of origin, types (coagulatory, colliquative).

Gangrene: definition, reasons of origin, classification. Clinical presentation,

principles of treatment of necrosis and gangrene.

Bedsores: etiology, pathogenesis, stages, treatment, prevention.

Trophic ulcers: Causes, classification, general principles of treatment.

Fistulas/ sinus tracts: definition, etiology, classification, clinical

presentation, diagnosis, treatment.


2.1. Pressing issues of surgery. Issues of deontology in surgery. Doctor and patient (ethical and law bases of

interrelations). Main directions and prospects of development of modern surgery.

2.2. Acute and chronic appendicitis.

History, anatomy, etiology, pathogenesis, classification, syndromes, clinical

presentation, diagnostics. Differential diagnostics of acute appendicitis. Particular

features of acute appendicitis in children, aged people, pregnant women.

Peculiarities of clinical presentation in case of atypical localization of the

appendix. Chronic appendicitis, classification, diagnostics, principles of treatment,


Classification of complications of appendicitis, causes. Preoperative

complications of appendicitis. Complications during operation. Peculiarities of

postoperative complications of acute appendicitis. Clinical presentation,

diagnostics and treatment of complications of acute appendicitis, their prevention.

Periappendiceal mass. Diagnostics, differential diagnostics, treatment.

2.3. Acute pancreatitis. Classification of acute pancreatitis. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical

presentation, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, principles of treatment.

Complications of acute pancreatitis, outcomes.

2.4. Chronic pancreatitis. Classification of chronic pancreatitis. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical forms,

diagnostics, differential diagnostics, treatment (conservative and surgical),

outcomes. Cysts, fistulas of pancreas.

2.5. Gallstone diseases. Acute and chronic cholecystitis.

Anatomy, physiology, methods of examination of hepatobiliary diseases.

Clinical form of gallstone disease, diagnostics, complications, treatment. Acute

cholecystitis: classification, clinical presentation, diagnostics, differential

diagnostics, treatment. Chronic cholecystitis: clinical presentation, diagnostics,


2.6. Complications of cholecystitis.

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Classification. Pathogenesis, clinical presentation, diagnostics, special

methods of examination, differential diagnostics. Prevention and treatment.

Concept of postcholecystectomy syndrome, classification, tactics. Mistakes

and dangers of hepatobiliary surgery, their causes, prevention and ways of

treatment of complications.

2.7. Cholestasis syndrome

Cholestasis syndrome: definition, clinical presentation. Classification,

differential diagnosis of jaundice.

2.8. Acute intestinal obstruction.

Definition, classification, etiology, pathogenesis. Clinical presentation and

diagnostics, differential diagnostics of different types of intestinal obstruction.

Methods of examination of patients with different types of intestinal obstruction.

Differential diagnostics of paralytic and mechanical types of intestinal obstruction.

Value of treatment-and-diagnostics complex in intestinal obstruction. Modern

principles of treatment of patients with intestinal obstruction, outcomes,


2.9. Complications of the gastroduodenal ulcers.

Etiology and pathogenesis of gastroduodenal ulcers. Perforated ulcer: clinical

presentation, diagnostics, treatment. Atypical perforation of gastric and duodenal

ulcers: peculiarities of clinical presentation, diagnostics, treatment. Bleeding

gastroduodenal ulcer: clinical presentation, diagnostics, principles of conservative

treatment, methods of endoscopic hemostasis, indications for surgical treatment,

types of operations. Gastric outlet obstruction of ulcer etiology: pathogenesis

clinical presentation, diagnostics, principles of conservative and surgical treatment.

Penetrating and intractable ulcer: clinical presentation, diagnostics, treatment.

Indications for gastrectomy and organ-preserving operations in gastric and

duodenal ulcers.

Clinical presentation, diagnostics and treatment of symptomatic ulcers (hormonal

ulcers, Zollinger-Ellison syndrome, medicinal ulcers).

2.10. Blunt abdominal trauma.

Classification, mechanisms of abdominal traumas. Injuries of anterior

abdominal wall, hollow and solid abdominal organs, organs of retroperitoneal

space: clinical presentation, diagnostics. Principles of of conservative and surgical

treatment. Closed injuries of spleen: clinical presentation, diagnostics, surgical


2.11. Blunt chest trauma.

Classification. Mechanisms of injuries, pathogenesis, modern methods of

diagnostics, differential diagnostics and treatment. Complications, indications for

operations, types of surgery. Rib fractures: clinical presentation, diagnostics,

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treatment. Pneumothorax: causes, classification, clinical presentation, diagnostics

and surgical tactics. Hemothorax: causes, classification, clinical presentation,

diagnostics and surgical tactics.

2.12. Peritonitis.

Anatomy, physiology of peritoneum. Causes, stages of pathogenesis,

classification, syndrome diagnostics, differential diagnostics. Modern principles of

treatment of patients with peritonitis. Efferent methods of treatment of patients

with peritonitis.

2.13. Hernias, complications of abdominal hernias.

Definitions, anatomy, causes, pathogenesis, classification. Clinical

presentation, diagnostics and treatment of uncomplicated hernias. Incarcerated

hernia. Definition, clinical presentation, diagnostics, treatment. Postoperative

hernias: causes, clinical presentation, diagnostics, treatment. Causes of recurrent

hernias. Prevention of hernia formation.

Topography of inguinal canal. Inguinal hernias: classification, clinical

presentation, diagnostics, differential diagnostics, surgical treatment. White

(Hunter’s) line hernias: anatomical data, classification, clinical presentation,

diagnostics, methods of operations. Umbilical hernias: classification, clinical

presentation, diagnostics, treatment. Peculiarities of treatment in children. Femoral

hernia: diagnostics, differential diagnostics, clinical presentation, surgical


Complications of the hernias (strangulation, inflammation of hernia,

coprostasis): clinical presentation, diagnostics and treatment. Principles of surgical

treatment. Tactics of surgeon in case of doubtful strangulation, spontaneous or

forced reposition)

2.14. Focal liver lesions.

Modern methods of diagnostics of hepatobiliary diseases. Classification of

focal liver lesions. Clinical presentation, diagnostics, differential diagnostics of

focal liver lesions, principles of treatment. Liver cysts and abscesses: etiology,

clinical presentation, diagnostics, treatment.

2.15. Endoscopy in surgery.

Main stages of endoscopy development. Principles of videoendoscopic

interventions carrying-out. Possibilities, advantages, and disadvantages of

endoscopic methods of diagnostics and treatment.

2.16. Surgical treatment of parasitic diseases.

Hydatid disease of lung: etiology, clinical presentation, diagnostics,

differential diagnostics, complications, treatment, prevention. Hydatid disease of

liver: etiology, clinical presentation, diagnostics, differential diagnostics,

complications, treatment, prevention.

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2.17. Diseases of thyroid.

Anatomy, physiology, classification of thyroid diseases. Methods of

examination of pathological and physiological alterations of thyroid. Differential

diagnostics, conservative treatment of thyroid diseases. Indications for operations,

principles of surgical treatment, outcomes. Postoperative hypothyroidism. Clinical

presentation, diagnostic criteria, treatment. Toxic goiter: clinical presentation,

diagnostics, treatment. Endemic goiter: etiology, clinical manifestation, treatment,


2.18. Suppurative Diseases of the Lungs and Pleura.

Anatomy, physiology, special methods of investigation. Semiotics, clinical

manifestation, diagnostics of the suppurative diseases. Treatment of abscess,

gangrene, pyopneumothorax, bronchiectasis, chronic pneumonia, suppurated cyst,

pleural empyema. Indications for surgery, type of operations.

2.19. Suppurative and inflammatory diseases of peritoneal cavity and

retroperitoneal space.

Suppurative complications of abdominal organs diseases. Acute and chronic

inflammatory processes of retroperitoneal space. Purulent complications after

surgery of peritoneal cavity and retroperitoneal space. Clinical manifestations,

diagnostics, principles of treatment. Concept of hospital-acquired infection.

Diagnostic principles, methods of prophylaxis and treatment.

2.20. Diseases of the breast.

Anatomy, physiology, classification of breast diseases. Dishormonal

disorders of the breast. Mastitis: classification, clinical manifestations, differential

diagnosis, principles of treatment, prophylaxis.

2.21. Varicose disease.

Anatomy, physiology, special and functional methods of veins investigation.

Classification. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestation, diagnosis and

treatment of varicose disease of lower extremities. Medical treatment. Indications

for surgery, types of operations. Working ability examination. Complications of

varicose disease of lower extremities: clinical manifestations, diagnostics,

principles of treatment. Thrombophlebitis of superficial veins of lower extremities.

Clinical manifestations, diagnostics, treatment.

2.22. Post-thrombotic Disease. Diseases of the Lymphatic System.

Deep veins thrombosis: clinical manifestation, diagnostics, differential

diagnosis, treatment. Post-thrombotic disease: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical

manifestation (by stage), classification. Methods of investigation. Principles of

medical and surgical treatment. Working ability examination. Trophic calf ulcer:

etiology and pathogenesis, clinical manifestation, differential diagnosis, treatment.

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Anatomical and physiologic data about lymphatic system. Lymphedema of

low extremities: classification, diagnostics, treatment. Lymphadenitis,

lymphangitis: causes, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment

2.23. Portal Hypertension

Definition. Classification. Causes, pathogenesis, special methods of

investigation. Clinical picture, diagnostics, differential diagnosis, treatment.

Indications for surgery, types of surgical procedures. Complications of portal

hypertension, their diagnosis and therapy. Emergent measures for bleeding from

esophageal varicose veins.

2.24. Postgastrectomy Problems.

Classification. Diagnostics, special methods of investigation. Causes,

pathogenesis, clinical course, differential diagnosis of functional and mechanical

disorders. Principles of medical treatment. Indication for surgery, preoperative

examination, choice of procedure.

Complications after stomach surgery: clinical manifestation, diagnostics,

treatment, prophylaxis.

2.25. Gastrointestinal Bleeding.

Etiology, pathogenesis, features of clinical picture according to the etiology.

Early and late signs of the bleeding. Diagnosis of gastroduodenal and colonic

bleeding, differential diagnosis. Principles of medical treatment, indications for

surgery. Mallory-Weiss syndrome: etiology, clinical manifestations, diagnosis,

treatment, surgical tactics.

2.26. Acute and Chronic Mediastinitis.

Topographic anatomy of the mediastinum. Classification of mediastinitis.

Treatment principles for mediastinitis of different etiology. Mediastinal drainage

rules and types.

2.27. Diabetes Mellitus in Surgery.

Management peculiarities of diabetic patients with emergent and chronic

surgical pathology. Diabetic foot syndrome, clinical manifestation, diagnosis,

treatment. Methods of surgical treatment for diabetes mellitus.

2.28. Organizing the ambulatory surgical service. Medical Consultation

Commission. Medical Rehabilitation Expert Comission.

Structure of the ambulatory surgical service. Principles of work organizing

of surgical department in ambulatory department of a polyclinic, rooms,

equipment, staff. Medical records, rules of recording and preparation. Medical aid

in polyclinics, at home, referral to a hospital. Dispensary system. Persistent and

permanent working disability examination.

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2.29. Management and diagnostics features in acute surgical diseases in

ambulatory conditions.

Diagnostic abilities in ambulatory conditions. Features of management in

acute surgical diseases in ambulatory conditions (at home, in polyclinic, in

admission department).

2.30. Surgery of diseases of the heart, aorta and main vessels.

Classifications, clinical manifestation, diagnostics, special methods of

inverstigation of patients with pathology of the heart and main vessels. Differential

diagnosis of arteries and veins diseases. Indications for surgery, types of surgery,

outcomes. Patent ductus arteriosus: hemodynamic disturbances, clinical

manifestations, diagnostics, surgical treatment. Disease of Fallot: clinical

manifestation, diagnostics, treatment. Ventricular septal defect: clinical

manifestations, diagnostics, surgical treatment. Mitral stenosis: stages of

hemodynamic changes, clinical manifestations, treatment, indications and

contraindications for surgery. Diseases of pericardium: classification, clinical

manifestations, diagnostics, treatment. Modern methods of diagnostics and

treatment of ischemic heart disease. Coarctation of the aorta. Pathogenesis, clinical

manifestations, diagnostics, treatment. Aneurysms of the aorta and peripheral

arteries. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnostics, treatment.

2.31. Acute insufficiency of peripheral blood supply.

Thrombosis and embolism of peripheral arteries at different sites. Acute

arterial obstruction syndrome. Clinical manifestations, diagnostics, grades of

ischemia, principles of treatment.

2.32. Artery occlusive diseases of low extremities.

Chronic arterial insufficiency. Pathogenesis, clinical manifestations,

diagnostics, differential diagnosis, treatment. Pokrovskiy-Phonten’s classification.

Arteriosclerosis obliterans, endarteritis obliterans, thromboangiitis obliterans.

Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnostics, differential diagnosis,

principles of medical and surgical treatment of patients with low extremities

occlusive diseases. Raynaud's syndrome. Clinical manifestations and diagnosis,


2.33. Organs and tissues transplantation.

Definition of different types of transplantation. Main innovations laying in

basis of organs and tissues transplantation development. Ethical, legal, religious,

immunological aspects of transplantation. Donorship problems. Current problems

in organ transplantation. Prospects and directions in transplantology development.

2.34. Surgical diseases of small intestine and colon.

Topographic anatomy, classification of diseases of small intestine and colon,

pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, diagnostics (special methods of

investigations), differential diagnosis, treatment. Meckel's diverticulum: clinical

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importance. Crohn’s disease: classification, clinical manifestations, diagnostics,

complications, indications for surgical treatment, types of operations. Ulcerative

colitis. Short bowel syndrome. Diverticular disease: definition, clinical

manifestations, diagnostics, principles of treatment. Acute and chronic mesenteric

ischemia: clinical manifestations, diagnostics, treatment. Large bowel fistula:

classification, clinical manifestations, diagnostics, treatment. Foreign bodies of

alimentary tract. Clinical manifestations, diagnostics, management.

2.35. Diseases of the rectum.

Topographic anatomy, methods of examination of the rectum. Classification

of the diseases, etiopathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnostics and treatment

of hemorrhoids, polyps, rectal prolapse, fistula-in-ano, anal fissure, perirectal

abscess. Complications and mistakes in diagnostics, treatment.

2.36. Diseases of the esophagus and diaphragm.

Classification, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, diagnostics and

treatment of functional diseases, foreign bodies, injuries and tumors of the

esophagus. Chemical burn of esophagus: clinical manifestations, diagnostics, first

aid. Esophageal stricture: clinical manifestations, diagnostics, treatment.

Spontaneous esophageal rupture: clinical manifestations, diagnostics, treatment.

Topographic anatomy of the diaphragm. Classification of the diseases. Hiatal

hernias, diaphragmatic hernias, diaphragmatic paralysis. Clinical manifestations,

complications and mistakes in diagnostics, differential diagnosis, treatment.

3. Traumatology and Orthopaedics.

3.1. General traumatology.

3.1.1. Introduction into traumatology and orthopaedics. The history of

its development. Recent advances. Principles and methods of treatment.

Introduction into traumatology and orthopaedics. Definition andemblem of

orthopaedics. Development of trauma and orthopaedic care in Belarus.

Organizational bases of trauma care. Modern principles of treatment of extremity

bones fractures. Methods of treatment of fractures: conservative treatment, surgery.

Types of osteosynthesis (internal fixation: extramedullar, intramedullar, external

fixation: use of compression-distraction apparatus).

3.1.2. Bone regeneration in normal and pathology.

Ways of bone regeneration. Physiological and reparative regeneration.

Stages of formation of callus and its types. Primary and secondary fusion of bone

fragments. Violations of reparative regeneration of bone tissue - delayed union and

nonunion. Reasons. Treatment.

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3.1.3. Multiple and associated injuries.

Definition of "polytrauma": multiple, associated, combined injuries, their

characteristics. Clinical features of polytrauma (syndrome of mutual burdening,

incompatibility of therapy, acute complications of injuries - shock, massive

hemorrhage, toxemia, acute renal failure, fat embolism, thromboembolism, etc.).

Emergency medical care on the prehospital stage: revealing the life-

threatening conditions, methods of their elimination in patients with injuries of the

musculoskeletal system; determining extent of the injury; identifying the dominant


The choice of methods of antishock therapy in patients with polytrauma.

Procaine blockade, blood substitutes, anti-shock mixture in the complex treatment

of patients with polytrauma. Transport immobilization in patients with polytrauma.

Characteristics of in-hospital stage of treatment of polytrauma patients. Methods

ofantishock therapy on pre-hospital and in-hospital stages of treatment.

Characteristics of the treatment period, its task. Methods of immobilization

treatment in patients with multiple,associated and combined injuries. Selection of

the optimal volume of surgical interventions. Diagnosis, prevention and treatment

of complications of injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Features of

rehabilitation period in patients with polytrauma. Social, vocational rehabilitation

of patients multiple,associated and combined injuriesof the musculoskeletal


3.1.4. Open fractures.

Frequency and characteristics of open fractures. Classifications of open

fractures. Clinical signs, diagnostics. Complications. Principles of staged treatment

of patients with open fractures. Primary surgical treatment of wounds in open

fractures. Indications for osteosynthesis and skeletal traction. Complications.

Features of treatment of gunshot fractures.

3.1.5. Local and general complications in trauma.

Classification of complications. Local complications: secondarily open

fractures, vessels and nervesinjuries, acute compartment syndrome, epidermal

bullae: prevention, diagnostics, care on pre-and in-hospital stages of treatment.

Wound infection, posttraumatic and postoperative osteomyelitis:prophylaxis,

diagnosis and treatment.

General complications. Traumatic shock: pathogenesis, clinical signs,

diagnostics. Preventive maintenance and treatment at pre-and hospital stages. Fat

embolism: forms (pulmonary, cerebral, generalized), clinical signs, diagnosis,

prevention and treatment. The main sources and predisposing factors of

thromboembolism. Forms of thromboembolism. Clinical signs, diagnosis,

prevention and treatment of thromboembolism. The main factors of development

of acute renal failure in severe trauma. Clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment.

3.1.6. Rehabilitation of patients with trauma or orthopaedic disease.

Page 16: State Examination Program for surgical diseases · microbiology, virology, immunology: bacteriological and immunological ... Methods for determining the volume of blood loss. Basic

Definition, basic principles of rehabilitation. Goals of rehabilitation. Types of

rehabilitation (medical, social or household and professional). Methods of

rehabilitation of patients with injuries or diseases of musculoskeletal system.

3.2. Local Traumatology.

3.2.1. Features of examination of patients with injuries and

diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Types of patients position with pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

Methods for determining the axis of the limb and spine. The main types of

deformation of axis of the limb and spine. Methods of palpation and percussion.

Methods for determining the range of motion in joints. Methods for measuring the

length and circumference of the limb. Types of limb shortening, the methods of

their determination. Deformity of the spine (scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis). Changes

in gait (limp, itstypes).

The absolute and relative clinical signs of fractures, dislocations. Types of

displacement of bone fragments and methods of their determination. Special

methods of diagnosis in traumatology and orthopaedics. Indications for their use.

Interpretation of their data. Radiographic signs of fractures, dislocations, and the

most common orthopaedic diseases.

3.2.2. Fractures and dislocations of the clavicle. Fractures of the shoulder.

Fractures of the clavicle. Classification. The mechanism of injury.

Mechanogenesisof displacement of fragments. Clinical signs. Diagnostics.


Dislocations of the clavicle. Classification. The mechanism of injury. Clinical

signs. The first medical aid. Treatment. Prevention of complications.

Classification of injuriesof proximal humerus. Humeral surgical neck fractures.

Classification. The mechanism of injury. Mechanogenesis of displacement of

fragments. Clinical signs. Diagnostics. Treatment. Diaphyseal fractures of the

humerus. Classification. The mechanism of injury. Mechanogenesi sof

displacement of fragments. Clinical signs. Diagnostics. Treatment. Supracondylar

fractures of the humerus: classification, mechanism of injury, mechanogenesis of

displacement of fragments. Diagnostics. Medical care and treatment.

Complications (acute arterial insufficiency and Volkmann contracture).

3.2.3. Injuries of the elbow, forearm and wrist.

Fractures of the olecranon: mechanism of injury, diagnosis, conservative and

surgical methods of treatment, indications for their use, the timing of

consolidation. Fractures of the head and neck of the radius: the mechanism of

injury, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment. Diaphysis fractures of the

radius and ulna: classification, mechanism of injury, mechanogenesis of

displacement of fragments. Diagnostics. Medical care and treatment. Distal radius

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fractures (Kolles and Smith fractures): mechanism of injury, clinical

manifestations, diagnosis, medical care and treatment. Rehabilitation.

Wrist injuries: classification,clinical features, diagnosis and treatment of the

closed hand injuries. Features of treatment of open hand injuries. Principles of

surgical repair of damaged structures of the wrist. Concept of replantation and


Fractures of the wrist (scaphoid, lunate): clinical features, diagnosis,

conservative and surgical treatments.Injuries of the flexor and extensor muscles’

tendons: diagnosis, conservative and surgical treatment. Principles of surgical

treatment of injuries of the flexor tendons of the fingers.

Fractures of the metacarpals and phalanges: diagnosis and treatment.

3.2.4. Pelvic injuries.

Classification of pelvic injuries. Mechanism of injury. Clinical signs and

diagnostics of pelvic fractures. First medical aid. Antishock therapy for fractures of

the pelvis on the pre-hospital stage of treatment. Conservative and surgical

treatment of patients with different types of fractures.

3.2.5. Spinal injuries.

Classification of spinal injuries. Isolated ligament injuries. Mechanism of

injury, diagnosis, treatment. Fractures of the transverse processes, arches and

articular processes: diagnosis, treatment. Fractures of vertebral bodies: the

mechanism of injury. Typical localization of injury, principles of diagnosis.

Methods for the treatment of uncomplicated vertebral fractures: conservative

(functional, single-stage reduction, gradual reclination) and surgical methods of

treatment. Timing of the union in vertebral fractures. Features of outpatient care of

patients with uncomplicated fractures of the vertebral bodies.

Diagnosis of complicated spinal injuries. The volume of emergency medical

care for patients with complicated spinal injuries. Modern methods of treatment of

complicated fractures of the spine.

3.2.6. Femur fractures.

Classification of injuries of the proximal femur. Features of bone regeneration

in proximal femur. Clinical signs of proximal femur fractures. Complications.

Surgical treatment. Treatment of valgus proximal femur fractures (conservative,


Trochanteric fractures - the mechanism of injury, clinical manifestations,

diagnosis, treatment.

Diaphyseal femur fractures - classification, mechanism of injury,

mechanogenesisof displacement of fragments depending on the level of the

fracture. The clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment. Union timing. Prevention of

complications. Outpatient management of patients with femur fractures.

3.2.7. Knee injuries. Fractures of the tibia. Injuries of the ankle and foot.

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Fractures and dislocations of the patella - mechanism of injury, clinical signs,

diagnosis, treatment.

Fractures of the tibialcondyles. The mechanism of injury, clinical

manifestations, diagnosis, treatment.

Meniscal tears: classification, clinical signs, diagnosis, treatment.

Injuries ofthe knee joint ligaments: collateral and cruciate ligaments, the

patellar tendon. Clinical features. Diagnosis of ligament injuries of the knee. The

role of arthroscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of injuries of intra-articular

structures of the knee joint.

Fractures of the shaft of the tibia - the mechanism of injury. Clinical signs.

Diagnostics. Treatment.

Injuries of the ankle ligaments - a differential diagnosis, treatment.

Ankle fractures - classification, clinical signs, diagnosis, conservative and surgical


Fractures of the talus and calcaneus - the mechanism of injury, clinical

manifestations, diagnosis, treatment.

Fractures of the metatarsals and phalanges. Dislocations of the fingers.

Diagnosis, treatment.

3.2.8. Traumatic dislocations of the shoulder, forearm and hip joints.

Dislocation of the shoulder, forearm and hip joints. Classification. The

mechanism of injury. Clinical signs. The first medical aid. Methods of reduction.

After treatment. Prevention of complications.

Radial head subluxation: mechanism of injury, clinical signs, treatment.

3.3. Orthopaedics

3.3.1. Congenital dislocation of the hip.

Etiology. Pathogenesis. Pathological anatomy. Degrees of developmental

dysplasia of the hip and their characteristics. Clinical symptoms of congenital hip

dislocation in infants and older children. X-ray and ultrasound diagnostics of

various degrees of developmental dysplasiaof the hip. Early diagnosis and

treatment of patients in the first year of life. Conservative (extension by Mau) and

surgical treatment of congenital hip dislocation in children. Early diagnosisin the

nursing home. Preventive examinations of children. Organization of orthopaedic

care to children in Belarus.

3.3.2. Congenital clubfoot.

Prevalence. Etiology. Pathogenesis. Pathological anatomy. Clinical signs in

different age groups. Treatment according to the severity of disease and age of the

child. Rehabilitation of patients.

3.3.3. Congenital muscular torticollis.

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Prevalence. Etiology. Pathological anatomy of different types of torticollis.

Classification. Clinical features. Treatment according to the severity, type of

pathologyand age of the child. Rehabilitation of patients.

3.3.4. Osteoarthritis.

Etiology and pathogenesis of secondary deforming arthritis. Classification by

etiology and stage of development of the disease. Clinical signs and diagnostics of

osteoarthritis. Coxarthritis. Gonarthritis. Principles and methods for the treatment

of osteoarthritis depending on the etiology and stage of the disease. Conservative

treatment and indications for surgical treatment. Methods of surgical treatment:

corrective osteotomy of the pelvis, femur, tibia; arthroplasty; fusion; total joint

replacement. Medical and vocational rehabilitation of the patients.

3.3.5. Posture disorders. Scoliosis.

Definition of "posture". Types of posture disorders. Diagnosis and prevention

of posture disorders.

Scoliosis. Definition. Etiopathogenesis. Pathological anatomy. Classification.

Clinicalsigns. X-ray diagnosis. Changes in the cardiovascular and respiratory

systems in patients with scoliosis. Signs of possible progression of spinal

deformity. Modern conservative and surgical treatment. The role of boarding

schools in the treatment of scoliosis patients.

3.3.6. Bone tumors.

Prevalence and incidence of bone tumors. Classification by M.V.Volkov.

Characteristics of malignant and benign tumors. Clinical manifestations of bone

tumors. Additional methods in the diagnosis of tumors (X-ray, laboratory, CT,

MRI). Surgical treatment of bone tumors. Medical and social rehabilitation of


3.3.7. Osteochondropathies.

Etiology, pathogenesis, pathological anatomy ofosteochondropathies. Clinical

manifestations of the Leg-Calve-Perthes disease, Osgood-Schlatterdisease,Keller I

and Keller IIdiseases, Scheuermann-Maudisease. X-ray diagnostics. Treatment.


3.3.8. Static foot deformities.

Etiology, pathogenesis of static foot deformities. Classification. Etiology and

pathogenesis of the longitudinal and transverse flatfoot. Clinical signs and methods

for detecting static foot deformities. Treatmentabout the flattened arch of the foot.

Hallux valgus. Etiology and pathogenesis. Stages of the disease. Treatment.

Hammer toe. Causes of deformation. Clinical signs of hammer toes. Principles

of treatment. Indications for conservative and surgical treatment.


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4.1. Organization of oncological care.

Oncological diseases, incidence and mortality in Republic of Belarus.

Documentation,rules and terms of registration of oncological patient. Follow

upperiod of oncological patients Dispensary groups of oncological patients.

Rehabilitation of oncological patients after radical treatment. Prophylaxis of


4.2. Skin tumors

Classification of skin tumors.

Pigmented skin tumors. Classificationof pigmented nevi. Metastasis of

melanoma. Malignancy signs of pigmented nevi. Clinical picture of melanoma.

Methods of diagnosis. Differential diagnosis. The principles of treatment.

Prognosis. Prevention.

Classificationof epithelial skin tumors. Incidence. Risk Factors,

premalignant conditions. The histological types of skin cancer, theirfeatures.

Clinical presentations. Methods of diagnosis. Differential diagnosis. Methods of

treatment. Prevention.

4.3. Thyroid cancer

Etiology of thyroid cancer. Epidemiology of thyroid cancer. Link thyroid

cancer with Chernobyl disaster. Histologic forms of thyroid cancer. Clinical

features of cancer. Biological features of various forms. Hereditary syndromes,

correlation with separate forms of cancer. Diagnostic methods. Treatment. Types

of surgical interventions at a thyroid cancer. Role of radioiodine therapy, its


Differential diagnosis of a thyroid cancer with benign diseases. Medical

tactics in nodal pathology of a thyroid cancer.

4.4. Breast cancer and benign diseases of mammary gland

Breast cancer - incidence, mortality. Clinical presentations of breast cancer.

Skin symptoms of breast cancer. Metastases. Methods of diagnosis. Treatment.

Breast cancer surgery. Chemotherapy and hormonal therapy. Early detection of

breast cancer. Screening. Prevention.

Benign diseases of the mammary gland. Classification. Etiology of benign

diseases of mammary glands. Diagnosis of tumors and tumor alike diseases of

mammary glands.

Clinical presentations of diffusion and focal mastopathy. Treatment. Clinical

presentations of fibroadenoma, filloid tumor. Treatment.

4.5. The tumors of the esophagus, stomach

The etiology of esophageal cancer, precancerous diseases, risk factors.

Metastasis of cancer of the esophagus. The clinical picture. Diagnosis and

differential diagnosis. Methods of treatment. Prevention.

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The etiology of gastric cancer. Precancerous disease and risk factors.

Metastasis of gastric cancer. The clinical picture with depending of the type of

tumor growth and localization. Complications of tumor, diagnostic methods. Rare

gastric tumors. The differential diagnosis of neoplastic and non-neoplastic

diseases. Methods of treatment. The reasons for late revealing of cancer. Screening

and early diagnosis of cancer.

4.6. Colorectal cancer

The precancerous diseases of the colon and rectum. Metastasis. The clinical

picture of a cancer of the colon and rectum with depending of the localization.

Clinical forms. Diagnostics. Differential diagnosis. Complications of colorectal

cancer. Methods of treatment. Causes of abandonment. Screening and early

diagnosis. Prevention of cancer.

4.7. Lung cancer and mediastinum tumors

Lung cancer cases, mortality. Lung cancer etiology. Premalignantconditions

and risk factors. Histologic forms of lung cancer, specificity of growth and

metastases. Clinical presentations of cancer of lung. Clinical and radiological

forms of lung cancer.

Paraneoplastic syndromes. Diagnosis of lungcancer. Radiological signs of

various forms of cancer of lung. Differential diagnostics. Treatment. Ways of early

diagnostics and prevention of cancer of lung.

Topography of mediastinum and classification of mediastinum tumors.

Clinics of mediastinum tumors. Groups of symptoms of mediastinum tumors.

Diagnostics and differential diagnosis of mediastinum tumors Principles of

treatment of mediastinum tumors

4.8. Renal carcinoma and retroperitoneal tumors

Tumors of renal carcinoma. Incidence. Etiology. Features of metastasis. The

clinical picture of renal carcinoma. Methods of diagnosis, differential diagnosis.

Principlesof treatment.

Retroperitoneal tumors. Classification, morphological forms/ Clinical

presentation, diagnosis an treatment.

Classification of soft tissue tumors. Clinical presentations of benign tumors.

Clinical presentations of soft tissue sarcomas. Diagnostics. Differential diagnosis.

Principles of treatment.

4.9. Lymphomas

Classification lymphadenopathy. Lymphadenopathy benign and malignant.

Clinical presentationsof malignant lymphoma (non-Hodgkin's, Hodgkin's

lymphoma), metastases in the lymph nodes of the different tumors. Differential

diagnosis of lymphadenopathy, diagnostic procedures. Treatment of malignant


4.10. Liver (primary and metastatic) and pancreatic tumors

Page 22: State Examination Program for surgical diseases · microbiology, virology, immunology: bacteriological and immunological ... Methods for determining the volume of blood loss. Basic

Etiology of liver cancer, premalignant diseases and risk factors. Clinical

presentations, diagnosis, differential diagnosis. The principles of treatment.

Pancreas cancer, etiology, risk factors. Incidence. Mortality.

Clinical presentation of pancreatic tumors of different localizations in

pancreas. Diagnosis of pancreas cancer. Treatment.



5.1.1. Types of modern Anesthesia.

Types of modern General Anesthesia (GA). Stages and clinical signs of GA.

Common and special components of the GA. Types of modern inhalation and

noninhalation anesthetics. Indications, contraindications for GA. Complications,

their prevention and treatment.

Types of Local Aanesthesia: topical, infiltration, regional anesthesia.

Epidural and Spinal anesthesia. Indications, contraindications. Complications, their

prevention and treatment.

5.1.2. Preparation for anesthesia. Preoperative patients’ physical status assessment. Anesthetic technique

choice. The standard of preoperative assessment. The objectives of premedication.

Drugs for premedication.

5.1.3. Methods of the patient's monitoring applied in anesthesiology and

intensive care.

Methods of the patient's condition objective control, applied in

anesthesiology and intensive care. The list of necessary monitoring parametres for

elective and emergency surgery.

5.1.4. Resuscitation and intensive care in the early postoperative period

Phases of the postoperative period. Importance of a painful syndrome in the

mechanism of functional disorders development in the postoperative period.

The basic forms of acid-base balance disorders, pathophysiology. Clinical

manifestations, correction principles.

The main types of water and electrolyte balance disorders, pathophysiology.

Clinical signs, intensive therapy.

5.1.5. Terminal conditions. Cardio-pulmonary resuscitation (CPR)

Terminal conditions. Pathologic physiology and clinical signs. Types of

cardiac arrest, signs and diagnosis. Main principles and steps of Cardio-pulmonary

resuscitation (CPR): Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Life Support (ALS).

Post-cardiac arrest syndrome. Clinical signs of ‘brain death’. The problem of brain

death and organ donation in modern Anesthesiology and Reanimatology.

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5.1.6. Intensive therapy of Acute Circulatory Disorders

Shock. Classification of shock (Hypovolemic, Cardiogenic, Distributive),

pathophysiology, principles of diagnostics and intensive therapy. Cardiogenic

shock. Pathophysiology, principles of diagnostics and intensive therapy.

5.1.7. Intensive therapy of Acute Respiratory Failure (ARF)

Acute Respiratory Failure. Definition, classification, types and

pathophysiology of acute respiratory failure (ARF). Principles of ARF treatment.

Mechanical Ventilation (MV). Methods of airway opening and mechanical

ventilation. Indications and technique.

5.1.8. Sepsis

Sepsis. Classification (systemic inflammatory response syndrome, sepsis,

septic shock). Clinical criteria for diagnosis. Intensive therapy. Application of

methods of extracorporeal detoxification in sepsis.

5.1.9. Acute poisoning

Modern clinical toxicology. General principles of acute poisoning treatment

(gastric lavage, method of forced diuresis, antidote use, extracorporeal

detoxication). The choice of method of detoxication, depending on the nature of

the poison and the clinical situation.


5.2.1. Acute renal failure: causes, symptoms, treatment.

5.2.2 Chronic renal failure: etiology and pathogenesis, stages, treatment.

5.2.3. Acute urinary retention: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, first aid.

Catheter types.

5.2.4. Macrohematuria: types, causes, diagnostic and treatment approach.

5.2.5. Renal colic: etiology and pathogenesis, diagnosis, differential

diagnosis. First aid. Outcomes of a delayed treatment.

5.2.6. Acute pyelonephritis: primary and secondary. Symptoms of acute

pyelonephritis. Diagnosis. Treatment. Complications of acute pyelonephritis.

5.2.7. Chronic pyelonephritis: etiology and pathogenesis, stages, diagnosis,

treatment, follow up.

5.2.8. Paranephritis. Etiology. Symptoms. Diagnosis. Treatment.

5.2.9. Micturation disorders, causes, treatment approach.

5.2.10. Acute orchiepididymitis: symptoms, diagnosis, treatment approach.

5.2.11. Acute and chronic prostatitis: classification, symptoms, diagnosis,


5.2.12. Urolythiasis: etiology amd pathogenesis, symptoms, diagnosis,

current treatment approach.

5.2.13. Renal and bladder tumors: symptoms, diagnosis.

5.2.14. Testicular tumors. Symptoms. Diagnosis.

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5.2.15. Benign prostatic hyperplasia. Etiology, symptoms, diagnosis.

Current medical and surgical treatment.

5.2.16. Varicocele. Classification. Symptoms. Treatment.

5.2.17. Hydrocele. Epididymal cyst. Symptoms. Treatment.

5.2.18. Cryptorchidism. Symptoms. Treatment.

5.2.19. Prostate cancer. Etiology. Symptoms. Diagnosis. Current medical

and surgical treatment.

5.2.20. Renal anomalies: classification, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment.

5.2.21. Hydronephrosis. Hydroureteronephrosis. Etiology. Symptoms.

Diagnosis. Treatment.

5.2.22. Phimosis. Paraphimosis: symptoms, treatment.

5.2.23. Renal trauma: classification, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment.

5.2.24. Acute scrotum in children. Definition. Diagnosis. Treatment.

5.2.25. Anuria. Types. First aid. Differential diagnosis: acute urinary

retention vs. anuria.

5.2.26. Urinary bladder injury: classification. Symptoms. Diagnosis.



5.3.1. Classification of traumatic brain injury.

5.3.2. Mild traumatic brain injury: clinical features, diagnosis, treatment.

5.3.3. Moderate brain injury: clinical features, diagnosis, treatment.

5.3.4. Fractures of the roof and base of the skull. Clinic, diagnostics,


5.3.5. Severe traumatic brain injury. Clinic, diagnostics, principles of


5.3.6. Traumatic brain compression: clinical features, diagnosis, treatment.

5.3.7. Brain contusion mild, moderate and severe: clinical features,

diagnosis, treatment.

5.3.8 Diffuse axonal injury: the biomechanics of injury, pathogenesis,

clinical manifestations, diagnosis, treatment principles.

5.3.9. Depressed fractures of the cranial vault: clinic, treatment principles.

5.3.10 Epidural hematoma (stage, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment).

5.3.11 Subdural hematoma (stage, clinical picture, diagnosis, treatment).

5.3.12 Surgical treatment of traumatic intracranial hematomas.

5.3.13 Traumatic and spontaneous intracerebral hematoma: clinical, surgical

treatment principles.

5.3.14 Metastatic brain tumor: etiology, clinical features, diagnosis,

treatment principles.

5.3.15 Brain abscesses: etiology, clinical features, differential diagnosis,


5.3.16. Classification of brain tumors.

5.3.17. Neuro-ectodermal brain tumors: clinical, treatment principles.

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5.3.18. Pituitary adenomas: clinical features, diagnosis, surgical treatment


5.3.19 Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: periods, clinic, diagnostics,


5.3.20 Arterial (saccular) aneurysm of the brain. Periods, clinical picture,

diagnosis, treatment principles.

Head of the 1st department of surgery,


G.G. Kondratenko

Head of the 2nd department of surgery,


S.I. Tratsyak

«___» ________ 2017.