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VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 1

Statement of Faith – Director/Teachers

Table of Contents

Lesson 1………The Inspired Word of God…Part 1 2

Lesson 2………The Inspired Word of God…Part 2 3

Lesson 3………There is but One Living and True God…Part 1 4

Lesson 4………There is but One Living and True God…Part 2 5

Lesson 5………God Created All Things…Part 1 6

Lesson 6………God Created All Things…Part 2 7

Lesson 7………In the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ…Part 1 8

Lesson 8………In the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ…Part 2 9

Lesson 9………In the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ…Part 3 10

Lesson 10……..In the Sinfulness of Man…Part 1 11

Lesson 11……..In the Sinfulness of Man…Part 2 12

Lesson 12……..In the Salvation of Man…Part 1 13-14

Lesson 13……..In the Salvation of Man…Part 2 15

Lesson 14……..In the Sanctification of the Believer…Part 1 16

Lesson 15……..In the Sanctification of the Believer…Part 2 17

Lesson 16……..In the Baptism of the Holy Spirit…Part 1 18

Lesson 17……..In the Baptism of the Holy Spirit…Part 2 19

Lesson 18……..In the Church and its Mission…Part 1 20

Lesson 19……..In the Church and its Mission…Part 2 21

Lesson 20……..In the Ordinances of the Church…Part 1 22

Lesson 21……..In the Ordinances of the Church…Part 2 23

Lesson 22……..In Divine Healing…Part 1 24

Lesson 23……..In Divine Healing…Part 2 25

Lesson 24……..In the Second Coming of Christ…Part 1 26

Lesson 25……..In the Second Coming of Christ…Part 2 27

Lesson 26……..In the Second Coming of Christ…Part 3 28

Lesson 27……..In the Final Judgment…Part 1 29

Lesson 28……..In the Final Judgment…Part 2 30

Lesson 29……..In a New Heaven and a New Earth…Part 1 31

Lesson 30……...In a New Heaven and a New Earth…Part 2 32

VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 2

The Inspired Word of God (Part 1)

Lesson #1

I. We Believe

A. Romans 12:2

1. The Word of God is what cleanses our minds. 2. At the same time it is removing ungodly thoughts, it is putting in Godly


B. Psalm 119:105

1. The Word of God will continue to guide us in His marvelous light.

C. Ephesians 6:17

1. The Word of God is the only offensive weapon that God has given us to

fight off the devil. 2. We need to know the Word of God and how to use it.

D. Hebrews 4:12

1. The Word of God exposes us. 2. There is no part of man that the Word of God cannot penetrate.

E. James 1:22

1. Being hearers is not enough we must be doers of the Word. 2. We must apply the Word of God to our lives.

F. Matthew 7:25

1. We need to build our foundation upon the Word of God 2. The Word of God will never let us down.

VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 3

The Inspired Word of God (Part 2)

Lesson #2

I. We Believe:

A. 2 Timothy 3:15

1. The Bible has God’s stamp of authority on it. 2. It is verbally inspired.

3. This is why we believe it.

B. Isaiah 43:8

1. The Word of God stands forever. 2. Never losing its power and authority.

C. Isaiah 55:11

1. The Word of God never comes back void. 2. God always keeps His promises.

D. Psalm 103:20

1. The Word is an extension of God’s personality and hence is to be heeded. 2. We should never take the Word of God for granted.

E. 2 Peter 1:21

1. The Holy Spirit moved upon each writer in such a way that their words

were indeed the very Word of God.

F. Romans 15:4

1. The Word of God is our rule of faith and conduct.

VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 4

There is but One Living and True God (Part 1)

Lesson #3

I. We Believe:

A. Acts 17:23-25

1. This is his deity, the quality of having life in and from himself. 2. God does not need any help from you and I.

B. Psalm 18:24-25

1. God is simple, perfect and immutable. 2. His nature, goals, plans and ways of action do not change, they are either

for better or for worse.

C. John 3:16

1. He is a God of Love. 2. Holiness always qualifies this love.

D. Hebrews 6:18

1. Because He is the true God, it I impossible for Him to lie.

E. Numbers 24:16

1. Elyon = The most High God 2. There are many false gods.

VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 5

There is but One Living and True God (Part 2)

Lesson #4

I. We Believe:

A. Deuteronomy 6:4

1. This aspect of oneness serves as the basis for prohibiting the worship of

other gods. 2. This affirms that our God is the one and true God.

B. Matthew 3:17

1. God has chosen to reveal Himself as the Father, the Son and the Holy

Spirit. 2. These three are one God – the same substance, equal in power and Glory.

C. Exodus 3:14

1. God is independent of all creation. 2. This is expressing the unchanging, eternal self-existence of His being.

D. Deuteronomy 10:17

1. This shows us that there no other gods. 2. All idols are false.

E. Matthew 22:32

1. God is still living and active.

F. Isaiah 12:2

1. Because He is the one living and true God, He is the God of our salvation.

VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 6

God Created All Things (Part 1)

Lesson #5

I. We Believe:

A. Revelation 4:11

1. Out of nothing God made the things that are, the universe, the elements,

plant life, animal life and finally man in the image of God.

B. Genesis 1:1

1. The creation story teaches us much about God and us.

2. First of all God is creative.

3. Secondly, as creator He is distinct from his creation.

C. Acts 17:25

1. Creation was a free act of God; He did not need to do it.

2. He chose to do so in order to display his Glory.

D. Romans 9:5

1. We can’t take ownership of anything here on Earth because nothing is


E. Acts 17:28

1. Even though He created everything He is also present within creation to

sustain it.

F. Psalm 33:6-9

1. God is not just the coordinator of natural forces; He is the Lord of

creation, the Almighty God.

VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 7

God Created All Things (Part 2)

Lesson #6

I. We Believe:

A. Genesis 1:26

1. When all was created it was the work done by the Father, Son and the

Holy Spirit.

2. The Bible says let us make man in our image.

B. Genesis 1:3-30

1. These verses stress the orderliness and symmetry of God’s creative


2. We serve a God of order today.

C. Psalm 148:5

1. All creation came into being at the express word of God.

2. God has made their existence secure and established.

D. Isaiah 7:14

1. Because God is an eternal being He was able to create all that we have

around us.

E. Hebrews 1:3

1. Not only did God create all things in heaven and on Earth, but all things

cohere, or are held together by Him.

F. Hebrews 11:3

1. There is no other kind of power over or against God or beyond His


VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 8

In the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ (Part 1)

Lesson #7

I. We Believe:

A. John 1:1-3

1. The Lord Jesus Christ, the Son of God, is God and man.

2. He is also perfect God and perfect man.

B. John 1:3

1. The visible universe with all its complexity owes its origin to the creative

mind and power of God.

2. Apart from His word, existence is impossible.

C. Romans 9:5

1. This indicates that culmination of all the promises given to us is seen in

the person of Jesus Christ.

2. Each of these privileges finds its focus in Him.

D. Titus 2:13

1. God and our savior Jesus Christ are one and the same.

E. 1 John 5:1-20

1. The purpose of all this assurance and certainty is so that we might enjoy

knowledge of the true One.

2. He is infinitely superior in purity, power and perfection.

3. Jesus has all the excellence, beauties and riches of the living and true God.

F. Philippians 2:6

1. Even though Christ was on equality with God he laid aside divine glory

but not his divine nature.

VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 9

In the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ (Part 2)

Lesson #8

I. We Believe:

A. John 1:1

1. Eternal – something that has no beginning or end to it.

2. Jesus is an eternal being as are also the Father and the Holy Spirit.

B. John 16:30

1. Omniscient – all knowing

2. God knows the secrets of mans’ most inner being.

C. Hebrews 1:3, Colossians 1:16

1. Omnipotent – all powerful

2. It took his power to change our lives.

D. Hebrews 1:12, 13:8

1. Immutable – unchangeable.

2. No change is possible in Jesus because He is absolute perfection.

E. John 1:3

1. Creator!!!!!!

2. If we are to worship anybody it should be the one who created everything.

F. Matthew 9:2-6

1. Forgives sins.

2. Only Jesus can forgive us of our sins and not bring them up again.

VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 10

In the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ (Part 3)

Lesson # 9

I. We Believe:

A. Matthew 1:23

1. He was born of a virgin.

2. The virgin birth of Christ is undoubtedly the most essential doctrine

underling his deity.

B. II Corinthians 5:21

1. He led a sinless life.

2. This imputation helps us understand Christ’s struggle in the Garden of

Gethsemane with the cup of sin which would be poured upon Him on the


C. John 11:47

1. He performed miracles.

2. He is still performing miracles today.

D. Matthew 26:28

1. He died on the cross for our sins.

2. We have been set free from sin. (Romans 8:9-11)

E. Matthew 28:6

1. He rose bodily from the dead.

2. We serve a living God today.

F. Acts 2:37

1. He sits at the right hand of the Father.

2. The expresses the completion of his redemptive work.

VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 11

In the Sinfulness of Man (Part 1)

Lesson # 10

I. We Believe:

A. I John 3:9

1. In spite of our sinful nature, we can look forward to victory over sin.

2. The secret is that we must stay in harmony with the word of God.

B. II Corinthians 5:17

1. Righteousness cannot mix with darkness.

2. The old nature has to die.

C. Romans 12:2

1. Unless we allow the Word of God to change us the old nature will do

everything possible to come up.

D. Jeremiah 17:9

1. A sinful nature is attributed to a deceitful and wicked heart.

E. Proverbs 10:24

1. You can rest assured that the sinful nature will come back to haunt you if

you allow it to.

2. We should all desire that the old man never over power us.

VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 12

In the Sinfulness of Man (Part 2)

Lesson #11

I. We Believe:

A. Genesis 3:6

1. Adam unlike Eve was not deceived but sinned deliberately.

B. Jeremiah 17:9

1. Sin is like a cancer, in that it will eat you up alive.

C. Romans 8:7

1. All sin directed against God.

2. There are always consequences for our sins.

D. Proverbs 3:5

1. Because of the sinful nature that abides in us we too are bent on doing

things our own way.

E. Romans 8:3

1. Our goal is to not walk in the flesh but in the Spirit.

2. The Lord did what the law could not do.

F. I John 1:8

1. In order for God to cleanse us of sin, we must first acknowledge it.

2. We can not live in denial.

G. Acts 17:30

1. We need to repent daily.

VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 13

In the Salvation of Man (Part 1)

Lesson #12

I. We Believe:

A. John 3:16

1. This is the heart of the Gospel.

2. The source of Love – God

3. The extent of Love – The world

4. The sacrifice of Love – He gave His only begotten Son.

5. The results of Love – Whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish.

B. Matthew 3:2

1. Salvation comes through repentance.

2. We must be careful not to confuse repentance with regret.

3. Repent = turn away from sin

4. Regret = Sorry you were caught.

C. Luke 8:12

1. Salvation is found in the person and work of Jesus Christ.

a. His life,

b. His Ministry

c. His vicarious death

d. His resurrection.

D. Romans 10:9-10

1. Those who call on the Lord will be saved.

2. Confession with the mouth is evidence of genuine faith in the heart.

VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 14

E. Titus 3:5

1. Salvation is dependent on the Grace of God.

2. We can not save ourselves by our own efforts.

VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 15

In the Salvation of Man (Part 2)

Lesson #13

I. We believe:

A. Philippians 2:12

1. We can not view salvations as once saved always saved.

2. This misconception misleads many people in our churches today.

B. Here are five conditions of eternal salvation.

1. Luke 8:12

a. Hear the word of God.

b. Be honest with yourself.

2. Romans 6:16-23

a. Maintain an honest and good heart.

b. This can be hard because our hearts are wicked and deceitful.

3. John 15:7

a. Keep the Word of God in our hearts.

b. This is why we need to meditate on the Word of God and study it.

4. Hebrews 3:6

a. We must be rooted and grounded in the Truth.

b. If we know our doctrine, we are less likely to be persuaded by another.

5. Romans 1:16

a. Obey the Word of God.

VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 16

In the Sanctification of the Believer (Part 1)

Lesson #14

I. We Believe:

A. Ephesians 1:4

1. Paul traces mans salvation back to the plan of God’s will.

2. Sanctification and salvation – we can’t have one without the other.

B. I Corinthians 1:30

1. Sanctification contemplates the work of Christ in the believer.

2. Sanctification is an on going process.

C. Galatians 5:11

1. Sanctification is progressive in the life of the believer.

(This means that it is gradually increasing.)

D. I Thessalonians 4:3

1. All believers have been called to be sanctified.

2. This is God’s will.

E. John 10:36

1. Sanctification of the believer is seen primarily as the work of God.

F. John 17:19

1. Sanctification of the believer is seen primarily as the work of Christ.

G. Romans 15:16

1. Sanctification of the believer is seen primarily as the work of the Holy


VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 17

In the Sanctification of the Believer (Part 2) Lesson #15

I. We Believe:

A. I Corinthians 1:30

1. When we receive Christ.

2. But we must allow Him to become the Lord of our lives.

B. Romans 6:3

1. When we are baptized into Christ by the Spirit.

C. Acts 26:18

1. When we turn from Satan to God at the forgiveness of sins. (Remember

repentance is the key here.)

D. Hebrews 10:29

1. When we are cleansed by the blood of Jesus.

2. There is power in blood of Jesus.

E. I Corinthians 3:16-17

1. When we become the temples of God.

2. We are to remain sanctified unto the Lord.

F. Titus 2:11-13

1. When grace brings salvation and the Spirit renews us.

2. Even though we are in the world, we are no longer of the world and our

desires are not set on its systems or its values.

VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 18

In the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Part 1)

Lesson #16

I. We Believe:

A. John 7:37-39

1. Jesus promised this to all who would believe in Him.

2. It comes by faith.

B. Acts 1:12

1. Jesus had to be crucified so that we could receive this Baptism.

2. This is one of the blessings we are given because of His death and


C. Galatians 3:14

1. Faith is the key factor here.

D. Acts 1:18

1. The purpose of baptism is to empower or energize us for service.

2. Power & Anointing – This is the same anointing that is given to open the

eyes of the blind and set the captives free.

E. John 7:37,38

1. Here are four conditions for receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit.

a. (v.37) Thirst = we need to have the burning passion within ourselves.

b. (v.37) Come unto Me = this means a complete surrender of ourselves,

to do the will of God.

c. (v.37) Drinks = this means the wholehearted reception into ones life of

the gifts, the fruits, and operations of the Holy Spirit.

d. (v.38) Believes in me and the Scriptures = to believe in the whole


VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 19

In the Baptism of the Holy Spirit (Part 2)

Lesson #17

I. We Believe:

A. Acts 2:38,39

1. We have got to have faith that this promise is for us.

2. A persistency of faith that will not be denied.

B. Acts 2:1-4

1. The key here is that we have got to expect it, to get it.

2. The Baptism may come suddenly, while sitting and not expecting Him to


C. Acts 10:14-17

1. It can come through prayer and lying on of the hands.

2. It can come when an alter call is made.

D. Acts 10:44-46

1. It can come instantly and unexpectedly while listening to a sermon.

2. Your heart has to be open and you can’t allow yourself to hold back or

feel ashamed.

E. Acts 2:4

1. The evidence and result of the baptism with the Holy Spirit, is speaking

with other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance.

F. Acts 2:11

1. This evidence will include praises to God.

2. This can also be accompanied by an over flowing joy of the Lord.

VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 20

In the Church and its Mission (Part 1)

Lesson #18

I. We Believe:

A. Matthew 16:18

1. The church is a people called out of the world and into God’s Kingdom.

B. II Corinthians 6:16-18

1. The Condition – if we do not touch the unclean things.

2. The Promise – I will receive you.

C. I Corinthians 6:15-16

1. We are the body of Christ.

2. Jesus is the head.

D. I Corinthians 3:16

1. In the midst of this corrupt society, we have a purpose, that is to reach out

to those in darkness.

E. Mark 16:15

1. One of our core values is evangelism

2. That is what Jesus said we should do. (Matthew 23:18)

F. Acts 5:42

1. The primary mission of the church is to preach the Gospel.

2. The same message of hope that touched you and me.

VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 21

In the Church and It’s Mission (Part 2)

Lesson #19

I. We Believe:

A. Acts 11:22

1. This is the mother church of Christianity

2. We are not to do anything different than what they did.

B. II Corinthians 11:2

1. This marriage image emphasizes the devotion and faithfulness of the

church to Christ.

2. Describes Christ’s love and intimacy with the church.

C. John 14:12-14

1. We are a people with a future hope.

2. Centered in Christ’s return for His people.

D. Hebrews 13:12-14

1. The camp is symbolic of two things.

a. The world with all of its sinful pleasures, ungodly values and temporal


b. In going outside the gate, we find ourselves strangers and aliens to the


E. Acts 1:8

1. The church, are those regenerated people, who are gathered together in


2. This is where the Gospel is preached and believers are nurtured.

VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 22

In the Ordinances of the Church (Part 1)

Lesson #20

I. We Believe:

A. Matthew 28:19

1. Water baptism by immersion.

2. This was part of the great commission to the disciples.

B. Romans 6:1-5

1. The symbolism of the baptism.

2. Baptism is a picture of a burial and a resurrection.

3. It is a picture of a birth.

C. Acts 2:38

1. The person being baptized should be a penitent believer.

2. He must have repented of all his sins.

D. Mark 16:16

1. This is the proper purpose of baptism.

2. For symbolically accepting judgment of sins.

E. Romans 3:24

1. The Bible says that redemption is in Christ, and not to be found elsewhere.

F. II Corinthians 5:17

1. We are all restored or created anew.

VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 23

In the Ordinances of the Church (Part 2)

Lesson #21

I. We Believe:

A. I Corinthians 11:24

1. The Lords’ Supper is a memorial supper, recalling and portraying Christ’s

death for sinners.

2. A memorial is something that keeps alive the memory of a person or an


B. I Corinthians 5:6-8

1. The Bread = unleavened bread this was to remind them of their hasty

departure from Egypt.

C. Mark 14:23-25

1. The fruit of the vine.

2. It is significant that Jesus chose the blood of the grape to picture the

“Blood of the Covenant” as our Saviors blood.

D. I Corinthians 10:16

1. The breaking of the bread.

2. The following day when the body of Jesus was cut and pierced, the

Apostles had a graphic picture of what Jesus meant.

E. I Corinthians 15:3

1. By the symbolic impact it constantly reminds us of the significant fact of


F. I Corinthians 11:24

1. It satisfies the desires of the heart to do something tender, loving for the


VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 24

In Divine Healing (Part 1)

Lesson #22

I. We Believe:

Healing means the restoration of an ill person to full health in body or mind or both.

A. Romans 12:2

1. The Word of God is what cleanses our minds.

2. When the Word of God is removing ungodly thoughts, it is putting in

Godly thoughts.

B. Psalm 119:105

1. The Word of God will continue to guild us in His marvelous light.

C. Ephesians 6:17

1. The Word of God is a powerful offensive weapon that God has given us to

fight off the devil.

2. It is important that we know the Word of God and how to use it.

D. Hebrews 4:12

1. The Word of God exposes us.

2. There is no part of man that the Word of God can not penetrate.

E. James 1:22

1. Being hearers is not enough; we must also be doers of the word.

2. We must apply the Word of God to our lives daily.

F. Matthew 7:25

1. We need to build our foundation upon the Word of God.

2. The Word of God will never let us down.

VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 25

In Divine Healing (Part 2)

Lesson #23 I. We Believe:

A. Luke 18:43, Matthew 9:35

1. It takes the anointing of God to open the eyes of the blind.

2. Healing can be instantaneous.

3. Healing can be progressive. (Luke 17:14)

B. James 5:15

1. Healing and forgiveness go hand and hand.

2. There is provision for physical healing as well as spiritual healing.

C. Matthew 9:5

1. It is just as easy for God to heal the body as to save the soul.

2. He wills to do both today on the same basis – Faith in the name of Jesus.

D. Mark 5:23

1. Healing can come through the laying of hands.

2. It was done back then and it can be done today.

E. Matthew 5:28

1. The touch of faith is so different from the physical touch, but it is just as


2. Jesus felt the healing virtue go out of Him.

3. He knew that someone had touched him by faith.

VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 26

In the Second Coming of Christ (Part 1)

Lesson #24

I. We Believe:

A. Matthew 24:27

1. The second coming deals with a personal return and not just a spiritual


2. This is when He comes to the Earth to judge the world.

B. Matthew 24:36

1. No one knows the time of His coming.

2. Live each day as if he were coming that day.

C. Revelation 1:7

1. In the bodily manner He left, He will return.

2. We are speaking of a literal return not a symbolic one.

D. II Thessalonians 2:3

1. This speaks of the strange cosmic disturbances and the appearance of the


E. Revelation 13:5

1. There will be a false messiah inspired by Satan to perform miracles and

blaspheme to claim divine honors.

F. II Thessalonians 2:8

1. The second coming of Christ will see destruction of this figure and all evil.

[ Peace : Persecution]

Rapture------[3 ½ years -----3 ½ years]--------2nd

Coming-------1000 years reign

[ ….....Tribulation……...]

VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 27

In the Second Coming of Christ (Part 2)

Lesson #25

I. We Believe:

The doctrine of His coming provides motivation for Christian living.

A. I Thessalonians 3:12,13

1. For brotherly love.

2. Our love should continue to grow beyond limits.

B. Romans 13:12-14

1. Provokes holiness.

2. Causes us to separate our lives unto the Lord.

C. Hebrews 10:25

1. Encourage meeting together.

2. The assembling of the believers is often an outward indication of the inner


(If a man’s faith will not get him to church it is doubtful if it will get him

to heaven.)

D. II Timothy 4:1-2

1. Faithfulness in ministry.

E. I Thessalonians 4:14-18

1. Comfort for the bereaved.

2. The dead will also resurrect as Jesus did.

F. I Thessalonians 1:12-13

1. Encouragement to witness.

VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 28

In the Second Coming of Christ (Part 3)

Lesson #26

I. We Believe:

A. Revelation 1:7

1. His coming will be personal, visible and glorious.

2. We should all be looking forward to this.

This is not only for the living but for the dead also.

B. I Corinthians 13:51-52

1. The dead in Christ will rise, then the redeemed that are alive shall be

caught up together to meet the Lord in the air.

2. This expresses the suddenness in which it will occur.

C. John 5:29

1. Jesus also spoke of a resurrection of judgment.

2. All will rise, but only those who have trusted Him for His atoning death

are assured eternal life.

D. I Corinthians 15:42-43 (A New Body)

1. It is imperishable, glorious and powerful, that is free from sickness or


E. Revelation 20:2-6

1. The second coming of Christ will begin the thousand year reign with

Christ over an earthly Kingdom.

2. During this period of time Satan will be bound and Saints reign with

Christ before the last judgment.

F. Revelation 21

1. This Describes how all Christians will be like Christ and share in His


VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 29

In the Final Judgment (Part 1)

Lesson #27

I. We Believe:

A. Revelation 20:15

1. The great White Throne Judgment describes the judgment of the wicked


B. Basis or grounds for the final judgment.

1. James 2:17-18

a. Faith if it has no works is dead.

b. The works expressed here is man’s actual relationship with God.

2. Revelation 20:14-15

a. The results of this final judgment will be eternal.

b. All those not found in the Lambs Book of Life will be condemned to

the lake of fire.

3. Revelation 20:7-10

a. Satan will be released from the bottomless pit.

b. He will rise against Christ, at which time Satan and his armies will be

defeated by fire.

C. Future of the wicked believers is described.

1. Luke 13:25,28

a. Separation from God.

2. Revelation 14:10-11

a. Everlasting torment.

VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 30

In the Final Judgment (Part 2)

Lesson #28

I. We Believe:

A. Matthew 25:46

1. This is the future for the saints.

2. Eternal Life.

B. II Corinthians 4:17

1. Heaven is a place of glory.

C. Hebrews 4:9

1. A place of rest.

2. A greater peace and well being waits in Heaven.

D. I Corinthians 13:8-10

1. Knowledge of fulfillment of prophecy

E. Revelation 21:27

1. Holiness – we have been called to share in His holiness.

F. Revelation 22:3

1. We have been called to service.

G. Revelation 19:1

1. We will be able to worship God in truth and with a pure and holy heart.

H. Revelation 21:3

1. Communion with God.

2. This is our number one goal.

VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 31

In a New Heaven and a New Earth (Part 1)

Lesson #29

I. We Believe:

A. Psalm 102:25, 26

1. Heaven and Earth will have a new beginning.

2. This will be a place were only the righteous will be.

3. II Peter 3:10, 13

B. Isaiah 65:17

1. This will take place at the end of the millennium after all rebellion is put

down on Earth.

2. All enemies are destroyed and God’s rule is final.

C. Isaiah 66:22, 23

1. The old universe will be marvelously regenerated.

2. Those with resurrection bodies will dwell with their God in a regenerated


D. Acts 3:19

1. This will be a place were eternal happiness will be found.

2. That means no more sadness, sorrow, pain or suffering.

VOCRH Curriculum –Statement of Faith Study Lessons 32

In a New Heaven and a New Earth (Part 2)

Lesson #30

I. We Believe:

A. I Corinthians 15:24

1. No more deaths.

B. Genesis 3:19

1. No more pain.

2. This only means comfort and no reason to be anxious about anything.

C. Romans 8:17

1. We will inherit all things.

2. We will be rich in the Lord.

D. I John 3:1-2

1. Eternal son ship.

II. Events of New Heaven and Earth

A. Philippians 2:10-11

1. Confession of all creation.

2. All creation will bow in submission to Christ as King.

B. Ephesians 2:7, 3:11, 21

1. Eternal ages begin.

2. All saints will forever demonstrate the over flowing wealth of God’s
