1 Attachment A STATEMENT OF WORK January 7, 2021 Help Desk Call Service Center Support 1. Introduction The purpose of this subcontract is to provide support in the form of a single-tiered Call Service Center (CSC). The CSC is a component of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL or Company) Help Desk for the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) program and the Chemical Security Assessment Tool (CSAT) data collection system. The CSAT Help Desk is located at, and operated by, the Company for the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). The Seller shall locate the CSC in close proximity to the Company, i.e., within a 60-mile radius of the Company’s site. The information technology (IT) operations will be centralized at the Company’s site. The Company will maintain the infrastructure on Government-owned hardware. The CSC operations will consist of a CSC Customer Service Representative (CSR) Supervisor and Tier 1 CSR staff necessary to support the CSC component of the CSAT Help Desk. Staffing Qualification Requirements for the CSC appear in Addendum A to this Statement of Work (SOW). The Seller shall utilize accepted call center management best practices to promote efficient operations. The CSAT Help Desk has been operational since 2007, and the Seller shall utilize an existing library of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and other pre- existing tools. Within 60 days of award of this subcontract, the Company will provide to the Seller a Contingency Plan/Disaster Recovery Plan. This document outlines business continuity of operations and contingency planning to mitigate disruption of service. In the event of a disruption of service, the CSC functions will temporarily be handled by the Company. The Company will continue service until the Seller has restored CSC operations in accordance with the contingency of business continuity of operations and contingency plans. The Seller’s performance will be measured against specific Company-defined quality and performance metrics, which are included in SOW Addendum B-CSC Service Level Agreement Metrics. The Company will routinely evaluate the Seller’s performance against these metrics. The Company will identify any areas that may need attention and provide suggestions for improving performance. 2. CSC Mission The CSC mission is to provide a defined range of information and user support services to the CFATS program and CSAT tools while promoting and enhancing the image and mission performance of the Company and CISA. The Seller must do so in such a manner as to continually improve service delivery and performance and optimize the user interaction by providing a proactive, unified, and integrated approach to the resolution of user issues. The CSC service area must include all of the United States (U.S.) and U.S. territories.

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STATEMENT OF WORK January 7, 2021

Help Desk Call Service Center Support

1. Introduction

The purpose of this subcontract is to provide support in the form of a single-tiered Call Service Center (CSC). The CSC is a component of the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL or Company) Help Desk for the Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) program and the Chemical Security Assessment Tool (CSAT) data collection system. The CSAT Help Desk is located at, and operated by, the Company for the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA). The Seller shall locate the CSC in close proximity to the Company, i.e., within a 60-mile radius of the Company’s site. The information technology (IT) operations will be centralized at the Company’s site. The Company will maintain the infrastructure on Government-owned hardware. The CSC operations will consist of a CSC Customer Service Representative (CSR) Supervisor and Tier 1 CSR staff necessary to support the CSC component of the CSAT Help Desk. Staffing Qualification Requirements for the CSC appear in Addendum A to this Statement of Work (SOW). The Seller shall utilize accepted call center management best practices to promote efficient operations. The CSAT Help Desk has been operational since 2007, and the Seller shall utilize an existing library of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) and other pre-existing tools. Within 60 days of award of this subcontract, the Company will provide to the Seller a Contingency Plan/Disaster Recovery Plan. This document outlines business continuity of operations and contingency planning to mitigate disruption of service. In the event of a disruption of service, the CSC functions will temporarily be handled by the Company. The Company will continue service until the Seller has restored CSC operations in accordance with the contingency of business continuity of operations and contingency plans. The Seller’s performance will be measured against specific Company-defined quality and performance metrics, which are included in SOW Addendum B-CSC Service Level Agreement Metrics. The Company will routinely evaluate the Seller’s performance against these metrics. The Company will identify any areas that may need attention and provide suggestions for improving performance.

2. CSC Mission

The CSC mission is to provide a defined range of information and user support services to the CFATS program and CSAT tools while promoting and enhancing the image and mission performance of the Company and CISA. The Seller must do so in such a manner as to continually improve service delivery and performance and optimize the user interaction by providing a proactive, unified, and integrated approach to the resolution of user issues. The CSC service area must include all of the United States (U.S.) and U.S. territories.

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3. Service Delivery Overview and Methodology

The CSC shall provide assistance to registered and potential users of CSAT. Users will contact the CSC primarily by telephone and email to seek assistance on a full range of issues, from connectivity and system access, to CFATS regulation, policy and compliance, and navigation of the CSAT data collection tools and processes. The CSC shall provide “live assistance” from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. EST Monday through Friday excluding the holidays listed in SOW Addendum C. The Tier 1 CSRs shall provide information assistance in a calm, non-judgmental, non-advisory manner and utilize effective skills to focus on the users’ questions and needs. Tier 1 CSRs are required to have an understanding of the nomenclature and language specific to the CFATS Rule, policies, procedures and regulations, and CSAT data collection tools. Tier 1 CSRs must be able to understand and actively handle user requests for assistance, navigate through the appropriate scripts, and use the appropriate tools to provide the authorized and expected information or service. It is important that the information disseminated by Tier 1 CSRs is consistent. They are required to follow authorized menus and scripts to answer questions and provide service but must have sufficient grasp of the subject matter terminology to be able to understand and explain answers, not simply recite them. Tier 1 CSRs shall not give out legal advice, but they may cite publicly available source material when providing information and service to users. Source material includes DHS guidance documents, regulatory language, DHS websites, training material, scripted dialogue, Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), CFATS Knowledge Center, SOPs, and guidance and instruction as directed by the Company. The Seller shall operate the CSC within a broad user service environment. It is the primary channel by which information and services are provided to CSAT users. The information and services provided through the CSC will be greater in scope than that offered directly to users in a self-service mode through online help, including the CFATS Knowledge Center maintained by CISA. The CFATS Knowledge Center is an online repository that brings together FAQs, articles, the latest CFATS news, as well as information on CFATS processes, user guides and documents, downloads, and help features. The Tier 1 CSRs will use the commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software, Salesforce Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software (Salesforce), to create user case information generated from calls and emails received. The Tier 1 CSRs will also use Salesforce to provide information related to FAQs, scripted responses, and to maintain user case history information. Salesforce is a Web-based CRM Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) product capable of ensuring every call is captured and organized digitally. Salesforce has been the data platform used by the CSC since the data collection initiative began and, as such, will provide the most seamless access to historical data. Salesforce and all licenses necessary for supporting Salesforce will be provided and supported by the Company. To obtain facility status information, the Tier 1 CSRs shall use the CSAT Facility Status Tracking Information (FASTInfo) tool. Access to this Company-developed IP-based tool will be provided to the Seller by the Company. The Seller shall actively operate the CSC to ensure that the Company-defined quality and performance metrics are met and to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of operations. The Seller shall actively provide input to the process of expanding and improving scripts and stipulated procedures; however, the Company will make all final decisions with respect to changes in scripts and SOPs to ensure that operations meet the goals of efficiency and

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3.01 CSC Operations

All CSC functions shall operate seamlessly via a networked environment transparent to the user. The Seller shall effectively use technology to support call center operations, offer scalable resources to manage case volume patterns that fluctuate, and have cyclical patterns related to user behavior. As previously stated, the IT operations will be centralized at the Company’s site, and the Company will maintain the infrastructure on Government-owned hardware. The CSC is responsible for responding to surges that may result as part of an unanticipated campaign, policy change, legislation, changing deadline, media coverage, unforeseen emergencies, or any other events which cannot be predicted.

3.02 Operational Procedures

The Seller shall implement and document the management and administrative procedures/processes required for operational control and protection of information in a call center environment. The Seller shall utilize existing SOPs held by the Company. The Seller shall submit, as required, SOP updates and/or additions to the Company for review and approval. The Company MUST approve all modifications in SOPs prior to dissemination. The CSR Supervisor and Tier 1 CSRs shall sign an acknowledgement that they have read and understand the SOPs. The Seller shall ensure that each of its employees knows and understands the prescribed rules of conduct concerning the privacy and confidentiality of information and their duty not to disclose unwarranted information. The CSR Supervisor and Tier 1 CSRs are required to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) provided by the Company. Executed SOP acknowledgement forms and NDAs are to be forwarded to the Company’s Technical Project Officer (TPO) at the following address: CSAT User Services, Building 5300, MS 6282 Oak Ridge National Laboratory P. O. Box 2008 Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6282

3.03 Voice Platform

The Seller shall utilize a voice platform and call management system capable of transferring calls within the CSC infrastructure and outside the CSC, if necessary. The Tier 1 CSRs must be empowered to transfer calls and conference up to four lines to bring multiple parties together for problem resolution. The voice platform must have monitoring and recording capabilities to be used to review CSR performance and improve problem resolution on future calls. The Seller shall provide the Company with accounts that will allow the Company access to the voice platform and call management system. The Seller shall provide the Company access to all call recordings and call system metadata capturing the historical record of all calls, both answered and abandoned (i.e., time of call, hold time, call duration, etc.).

3.04 Data Platform

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Salesforce is the data platform that will be used by the CSC.

3.05 Call Routing and Escalation

System users are expected to try and resolve issues by utilizing the existing online help and the CFATS Knowledge Center. Users whose issues cannot be resolved online may contact the CSAT Help Desk by calling or emailing the CSC. All calls will enter the CSC through the existing dedicated DHS toll-free number. This number will be held by the Company following the award of this subcontract. It is the Seller’s responsibility to transfer the number to the service provider they select. Calls will be routed through a network-based, automated Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system. The IVR will be available 7 days a week 24 hours a day. Multiple IVR scripts currently exist and can be used. One will support “live assistance" during normal hours of operation. A “non-live assistance” script will provide support during all other times, including holidays. Additional IVR scripts may be developed to address unique or emergency situations (e.g., unscheduled power outages, extremely high call volume due to approaching deadlines, etc.).

If the IVR is unable to meet the user’s need during “live assistance” hours, the call will automatically be routed via network-based intelligent call routing to an available Tier 1 CSR. The Tier 1 CSR will continue CFATS CSC support where IVR decision points and information ends. The Seller should understand, however, that users may make requests upon reaching “live assistance” that are inconsistent with their IVR selections, and Tier 1 CSRs must handle accordingly. If the Tier 1 CSR is unable to resolve the issue, the Tier 1 CSR will escalate the case via Salesforce to the Company’s Tier 2 specialty support. Following transfer to Tier 2 specialty support, the Tier 1 CSR at the CSC should immediately be available to take another call. The escalated case will be resolved and closed out in Salesforce by a Tier 2 support specialist at the Company or CISA. Responses approved by CISA may subsequently be added to the CFATS Knowledge Center available to CSC staff and stakeholders. The Seller shall not contact CISA directly without prior, specific, written instruction to do so from the Company TPO or his/her designee. In the event that CISA contacts the Seller, the Seller must immediately notify the Company TPO or his/her designee for instructions. Tier 2 specialty support is not a part of this subcontract. A diagram of CSC Case Routing is provided in SOW Addendum D.

3.06 Usage Level

The CSAT data collection tools collect user and survey information from sites located throughout the U.S. and U.S. territories. The existing data collection tools and case volume have been at steady state for several years. The Seller’s resources shall be commensurate with case volume and afford some capacity to handle occasional, temporary call surges.

4. Functional Requirements

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The CSC and associated components must include, but not be limited to, the following elements:

4.01 A network-based automated intelligent IVR system to provide information and route

calls for assistance. 4.02 CSC staff to meet the Staffing Qualification Requirements for a CSR Supervisor and

Tier 1 CSRs. 4.03 The CSC will focus on user problem resolution and will be the primary IVR routing

destination. 4.04 The CSC will utilize Salesforce to assign user issues case identifiers and maintain the

autonomy of the case through all phases of the resolution lifecycle. 4.05 Tier 1 CSRs must be able to escalate cases using Salesforce. 4.06 The Seller shall maintain toll-free service for the IVR and Tier 1 CSR support. The

Seller is responsible for obtaining and maintaining for the duration of the subcontract all lines for support elements they are awarded. All telephone numbers associated with the support lines will be transferred to the Company at subcontract termination. Stakeholders outside the scope of this subcontract, including but not limited to CISA and Company experts, CISA policy experts, CISA field inspectors, and Company User Management and Information Technology experts, will be responsible for maintaining separate telecommunication venues. The Company will provide the Seller with contact information for all Tier 2 specialty support.

4.07 The Seller shall implement the CFATS Chemical Facility Security Tip Line through the

CSC for the purpose of receiving anonymous or identifiable callers to report a possible security concern involving the CFATS regulation. The CFATS Chemical Facility Security Tip Line must be comprised of a dedicated toll free number and voice mail system that provides “non-live assistance” 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. The CFATS Chemical Facility Security Tip Line number will be held by the Company following the award of this subcontract. It is the Seller’s responsibility to transfer the number to their service provider. Staff at the CSC must transcribe all Tip Line recordings into Salesforce and generate as reports to be made available through Salesforce to the Company for escalation to CISA.

4.08 The Seller must provide the Company with access to all call system metadata obtained

from the Seller’s CSC call system. The metadata shall include:

4.08.01 Date, time and duration of calls 4.08.02 Calls per hour 4.08.03 Calls per day 4.08.04 Calls per month 4.08.05 Average call duration 4.08.06 Average wait time of answered calls 4.08.07 Number of calls processed by the IVR, time and duration of call 4.08.08 Breakdown of IVR responses by problem category (IT, Chemical, Policy) 4.08.09 Breakdown of IVR responses by CSAT issue 4.08.10 User service survey assessments from the automated compliment and

complaint management system

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4.08.11 Performance analysis that highlights trends and makes recommendations for improvement

4.08.12 Call abandonment rate 4.08.13 Average wait time abandoned calls 4.08.14 CSR utilization 4.08.15 Telephone trunk utilization 4.08.16 IVR utilization

4.09 The Seller must allow the Company access to the CSC at all times for observation and

review of the CSAT CSC Help Desk operations. 5. Deliverables

The CSC shall provide call center support, including the facilities, telecommunications, call center staffing, supervision of staff, and maintaining the anonymous CFATS Chemical Facility Security Tip Line. The CSC must be operational 20 working days after subcontract award. Subcontract deliverables are listed in SOW Addendum E.

6. Operational Efficiencies and Measures of Performance

The Seller shall be responsible for providing to the Company, on a monthly basis, the information that will be used to calculate the performance metrics as defined in SOW Addendum B.

7. Equipment/Software/Middleware

Under this subcontract, the Seller shall: 7.01 Furnish telecommunications systems that will meet the requirements of this subcontract. 7.02 Demonstrate that all components are interconnected and functioning properly as part of

a CSC inspection conducted by the Company seven days prior to commencing operations with the public.

8. CSC Infrastructure and Systems Requirements

The CSC must meet the following infrastructure and systems requirements: 8.01 Network connectivity and secured email capabilities. If Seller’s location permits, the

Company will provide the Seller with network connectivity via ORNL network drops to be installed at the Seller’s location. The CSC staff will be issued ORNL user accounts to include email capabilities. CSC staff who are issued Company user accounts will be required to complete requisite Company cyber and security-related training and periodic refreshers.

8.02 Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) - The Seller-provided systems shall be capable of

routing/distributing incoming calls based on sequence of call arrival/origination, Tier 1

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CSR availability and skills, or other predefined routing instructions, as may be specified by the Company. The ACD systems shall also provide at a minimum:

8.02.01 Capability to monitor and visually display the work state, availability status

of all Tier 1 CSRs, and capability to display call-handling statistics in real-time.

8.02.02 Capability to provide electronic and hardcopy reports on all trunk, Tier 1

CSR, and workgroup performance statistics. 8.02.03 Capability to capture Automatic Number Identification (ANI) data. 8.02.04 Capability to connect to local telecommunication vendor network using T-1,

T-3 and PRI circuits and hardware.

8.03 Additionally, the Seller's systems shall provide the following capabilities:

8.03.01 Call Handling - Support high availability for a large number of concurrent users without degrading system performance. Telephone switching, call accounting, and call management systems shall be appropriately sized for current and projected call volumes.

8.03.02 Call Queuing - Capability to queue incoming calls and provide callers with

an estimated time in queue, music on-hold, and other informational messages.

8.03.03 Call Transfer - Capability to transfer calls within the Call Center. 8.03.04 Call Network Capacity - Provide sufficient network access capacity on the

Seller's systems to support projected call volumes and call routing in accordance with service level goals. Sufficient expansion capability to accommodate call pattern variations shall be provided.

8.03.05 User Service Assessment - Provide an automated compliment and

complaint management system to gather and report user feedback. The systems shall also provide the ability to survey callers in an automated fashion for purposes of user satisfaction assessment. The systems shall be capable of capturing, storing, aggregating, and reporting survey results.

8.03.06 Internet/Intranet Access - Provide Internet/Intranet access that will allow

Tier 1 CSRs to view information on designated web sites. 8.03.07 Power Supply - All CSC thin client desktop terminals and telephones used

for CSC operations will be equipped with an uninterruptible power supply (UPS). The UPS must provide temporary power and surge protection sufficient to power thin clients and telephones for approximately 10 minutes in the event of a power disruption. The UPS must provide temporary emergency backup power without loss of power to thin clients and without the disconnection of calls in process in order that agents may terminate active calls and logoff.

8.03.08 Workstations - Tier 1 CSR desktop workstations will include thin client

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desktop terminals, telephones, headsets, and any other equipment and accessories necessary to sustain effective operation. To protect against unauthorized dissemination of information, thin client desktop terminals used by Tier 1 CSRs will be configured by the Company so that information cannot be copied or stored on any form of removable media.

8.03.09 Telephone Recording System - A telephone recording system that digitally

records 100% of incoming call conversations. This system must be capable of capturing the incoming telephone number and time of call, linking audio to the associated case number (audio provided to authorities must be accessible by the unique case number), and storing call recordings on Company servers. The system must provide a means of selecting individual recordings in real time and extracting these recordings as a digital copy in an industry standard audio format, as necessary. Call recordings must be retained on the telephone recording system for 90 days. The Seller’s software must allow the Company to manage all call recordings and call system metadata archival. The call recordings will be stored on Government-owned hardware maintained by the Company.

8.03.10 Performance feedback systems - Provide a mechanism to give Tier 1 CSRs

feedback regarding individual and Tier 1 group performance, including current average speed of answer for its collective Tier 1 operations for the appropriate CSC user line being supported, and to highlight updates with respect to content, operational, and information changes.

9. Workforce Management/Scalable Resources

The Seller shall identify and implement techniques to monitor case volume and produce reports to ensure optimal staffing and schedules that match service levels and case volumes in a cost-effective manner. Tools/systems shall trigger alerts if performance drops below defined levels. The Seller shall: 9.01 Provide staff members that are U.S. citizens. 9.02 Provide ALL staff resumes to the Company to be reviewed and approved prior to

hiring. Provide qualified staff in accordance with SOW Addendum A. Screen all potential staff before employment. At a minimum, screenings must include drug testing, credit history, and criminal background checks. Ensure that all staff is subject to additional random drug screenings.

9.03 Align Tier 1 CSR case volumes with defined business strategy in the most effective and

efficient manner. 9.04 Provide processes/systems that track the demand of user requests and the number of

available Tier 1 CSRs to meet specified service levels. 9.05 Upon approval from the Company, implement dynamic resource allocation and

overflow strategies to meet surges as they occur.

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9.06 Upon approval from the Company, provide qualified and trained staffing to handle unexpected increases/surges.

9.07 Subject Matter Knowledge

The Seller shall:

9.07.01 Provide Tier 1 CSRs that (1) familiarize themselves with the type of questions they are likely to receive, (2) know how to apply techniques for dealing with various call scenarios, (3) are proficient in the subject areas for which they will provide assistance, and (4) can conduct knowledge-based searches.

9.07.02 Include methodologies to build depth of knowledge for Tier 1 CSRs.

9.08 CSC Application Expertise

The Seller shall demonstrate:

9.08.01 In-depth working knowledge of desktop applications and navigation skills; such as, the use of advanced search strategies, and screen guides for locating the appropriate content.

9.08.02 Effective use of referral databases and other knowledge tools.

9.09 CSR Training and Continuing Development

The Seller shall:

9.09.01 Be responsible for training their employees using existing training materials provided by the Company. The Seller is responsible for implementing the existing Instructional CSR Training Program that covers knowledge of the CFATS program, service delivery techniques, and application tools necessary to support CFATS and the CSC. All Tier 1 CSRs will be required to complete the CSR Program.

9.09.02 Conduct on-going training activities to broaden knowledge and enhance the

service skills of Tier 1 CSRs to ensure that staff (1) keep current on any changes in information and (2) are provided information on new guidelines.

9.09.03 Provide refresher training, updates, and remedial training as appropriate,

with annual refresher training on content areas identified as problematic to be conducted by the CSR Supervisor.

9.09.04 Develop and implement innovative methods for training Tier 1 CSRs

regarding content updates while minimizing time taken away from the telephones.

9.09.05 Develop a partnership with the Company and other stakeholders to

promote opportunities for shared training events. 9.09.06 Ensure the CSC staff complete requisite Company cyber and security-

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related training and periodic refreshers before expiration. 9.10 Call and Performance Monitoring

The Seller shall:

9.10.01 Implement a call monitoring voice recording technology system/tool and procedures for the purposes of call evaluation to identify call handling proficiencies/discrepancies or opportunities for improvement, remedy, or recognition; document scripting clarification; and translate call-monitoring data into on-going training activities.

Have the CSR Supervisor:

9.10.02 Evaluate a minimum of 5 calls per full-time Tier 1 CSR per month;

evaluate a minimum of 3 calls for part-time Tier 1 CSR per month. 9.10.03 Use performance feedback (quality assurance [QA], call monitoring, etc.)

to determine and prioritize training needs. 9.10.04 Document (via Staff Acknowledgment Agreement) staff knowledge of

call monitoring and call recording. The Seller shall provide the Staff Acknowledgement Agreements to the Company TPO.

9.10.05 Provide the Company access to all call recordings for purposes of QA

efforts as requested. 10. CSC Program Plan

Within 60 days of subcontract award, the Seller shall provide a detailed, final CSC Program Plan that shall consist of the following sub-plans: • Personnel and Staffing Plan • Surge Plan • Operational Plan • Security Plan • Subcontract Transition Plan

The CSC Program Plan will be reviewed periodically by the Company and the Seller. The Company and the Seller will actively provide input to the process of expanding and improving the CSC Program Plan; however, the Company will make all final decisions with respect to any changes to the CSC Program Plan.

10.01 Personnel and Staffing Plan The Seller’s Personnel and Staffing Plan shall include:

10.01.01 Staffing - The Seller’s plan shall provide for staffing the CSC with qualified and trained Tier 1 CSRs and a CSR Supervisor (Staffing Qualification Requirements for the CSC appear in SOW Addendum A). The plan must detail the criteria and selection process to be used to fulfill

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the requirements of this subcontract. The Seller's plan shall demonstrate how the CSR Supervisor will provide support to meet the planning, implementation, and operation requirements of this subcontract, including Company-defined quality and performance metrics called out in SOW Addendum B.

10.01.02 Recruitment - The Seller's plan shall address procedures to hire, train, and

retain a workforce capable of performing the work required under this subcontract. The Seller shall include criteria for the selection of employees, procedures for employee screening, initial employee training, and ongoing employee training.

10.01.03 Retention - The Seller shall demonstrate their methods and strategies to employ and retain competent, qualified personnel to perform services of this subcontract in an effective, prompt, accurate, courteous, and efficient manner. The Seller shall adopt strategies to encourage stability in the workforce, maintaining full staffing levels during absences.

10.02 Surge Plan

The Surge Plan must address surges caused by temporary service spikes and case volume surges resulting from unforeseen situations; such as, part of an unanticipated campaign, policy change, legislation, changing deadline, media coverage, unforeseen emergencies, or any other events which cannot be predicted.

10.03 Operational Plan

The Operational Plan shall address the Seller's ability to provide the CSC staff and operations defined under this subcontract. The plan must detail the day-to-day responsibilities, strategic aspects of the operations, and provisions for providing the Company access to the raw call data.

10.04 Security Plan

The CSC operations space shall be externally secured by locks that require a key card or equivalent security. The CSC operation shall be physically segregated from any other operations. The Security Plan must state how security will be implemented in the facility housing the CSC. Seller shall state how the CSC operation will be physically segregated from any other operations. The Security Plan shall detail how the Seller will provide for the security of the CSC physical space, telecommunication systems, and information located within the CSC.

10.05 Subcontract Transition Plan

The Seller shall submit a plan outlining the transition of the CSC should the subcontract be recompeted and a new Seller selected. On expiration of the subcontract or at any time 30 days before expiration as directed by the Company, the Seller MUST return to the Company all information and resources provided during the life of the subcontract. The Seller must certify that all information has been purged from any Seller-owned system that may have been used to process information. Additionally, all telephone numbers associated with support lines, CSAT

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Help Desk, CFATS Chemical Facility Security Tip Line, etc., related to this subcontract must be transferred to the Company 30 business days prior to subcontract termination or as directed by the Company. In addition, the Seller MUST work with the Company and any potential Successor Contractor, as applicable, to effect a smooth and seamless transition of functional requirements and deliverables so as to continue operations without interruption and with no impact on system users.

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Addendum A – Staffing Qualification Requirements

Tier 1 Customer Service Representative (CSR) Education: High School Diploma or Above Description: Tier 1 CSRs will respond to users by citing publicly available Chemical Facility Anti-Terrorism Standards (CFATS) source material. Tier 1 CSRs are required to complete training necessary to provide them with an understanding of the nomenclature and language specific to CFATS and the Chemical Security Assessment Tool (CSAT) system. They must be able to understand and actively handle user requests for assistance, navigate through the appropriate material, and use available tools to provide accurate information. Tier 1 CSRs must have a sufficient understanding of the subject matter terminology to be able to comprehend and explain answers, not simply recite them. Experience: Prior call center experience in a high-volume call center environment is preferred. At a minimum, strong user services skills, advanced proficiency in written and spoken English. The ability to follow instructions and quickly learn and apply new concepts is a must. Qualification Requirements: • Strong user service skills. • Advanced proficiency in spoken and written English. • Ability to write concisely, accurately capturing information. • Prior call center experience in a high-volume call center environment is preferred. • Ability to quickly learn and apply new concepts. • Ability to learn and retain knowledge of documents and regulations governing CISA's authority to

regulate chemical facilities, knowledge of the CFATS, and knowledge of CFATS Appendix A. • Strong core skills and experiences of a “Tier 1” CSR. • Ability to learn and retain knowledge of online tool(s). CSR Supervisor Education: High School Diploma or Above Description: CSR Supervisor is responsible for managing call service center daily operations, including, but not limited, to the following: CSR Supervisor will manage Tier 1 CSRs and monitor all aspects of Tier 1 CSR performance to ensure proficiency and accuracy. CSR Supervisor is responsible for determining Tier 1 CSR work schedules, conducting staff meetings, and leading Tier 1 CSR training/coaching sessions. The CSR Supervisor is responsible for writing call center scripts, dialogues, maintaining existing SOPs, and developing new ones as required. CSR Supervisor will interact with the Company regularly to ensure quality and performance metrics are met. Experience: Prior management and/or supervision experience in a high-volume call center environment is required. Qualification Requirements: • Experience in managing client relationships. • Experience writing call scripts and dialogue. • Experience in organization and subcontract development, implementation, and compliance. • Familiarity with SOP development and maintenance. • Working knowledge of employee time keeping. Experience managing call center staff. • Experience managing staff to maintain positive team morale. • Proficiency at conducting accuracy checks of customer information and correspondence. • Experience in developing training curriculum pertinent to the project. • Ability to formulate teaching outline and determine instructional methods. • Ability to conduct training sessions covering specified areas. • Experience in managing the various aspects of Tier 1 CSR performance, including, but not limited

to, conducting one-on-one meetings, monitoring live calls and side-by-side reviews, completing employee scorecards, and creating employee work schedules.

• Experience monitoring calls and email for accuracy and service quality. • Experience necessary to conducting team meetings and preparing meeting minutes.

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Addendum B – CSC Service Level Agreement Metrics All CSC service level agreement metrics listed below shall exclude any outages due to circumstances beyond the CSC’s direct control; such as, natural disaster or failures by the service provider, including the Company (i.e., Salesforce, transformer outage, power grid down, Company-provided business continuity and disaster recovery plan failure). In the event of outages due to circumstances beyond CSC’s control, the CSC Supervisor or Seller representative shall contact the Technical Project Officer (TPO) or TPO designee for direction to ensure proper resource allocation. Total Case Capacity and Number of Cases Created (Call Center Wide) Goal: Capacity dependent upon user usage and available scheduled staff Metric: Variable resources (i.e., staffing level) should be consistent with observed case volume. Scalable resources to meet:

• Fluctuating case volume • Cyclical patterns relating to user behavior • Surges resulting from unanticipated campaign, media coverage or congressional mandates • Spikes in service due to unpredicted events

Source: Salesforce Responsible Party: Company Accuracy of CSR Live Assistance - Identification of Both Problem and Solution (Monthly Percentage) (Per CSR) Goal: > 97% Metric:

• > 97%: Significantly Exceeds Standards. Excellent, continue to praise and encourage CSRs.

• 93.1% - 97%: Exceeds Standards. Watch Zone and at this point, the CSR Supervisor would sit in on the side by side with the individual CSR in order to provide training based on their strengths and weaknesses. The CSR Supervisor may also elect to make specific recommendations to help the CSR improve or schedule additional training as needed.

• 90% - 93%: Meets Standards. The CSR Supervisor will immediately intervene on an

individual and/or group basis. Look for trends that show areas of improvement as a group and implement training. The CSR Supervisor will begin sitting in on live calls and implement additional individual training and performance improvement planning.

• < 90%: Below Minimum Standards. CSR progresses through corrective action up to and

including termination of employment. This metric should be measured on a CSRs monthly monitors and scorecard and should account for

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20% of a CSRs overall monthly score. Scores affect each CSRs monthly scorecard and has implications on their overall employment and their shift bid ranking. Source: Employee scorecards Responsible Party: Seller Percent of Proper Case Resolution per CSR (Monthly Percentage) Goal: > 97% Metric:

• > 97%: Significantly Exceeds. Standards Excellent, continue to praise and encourage CSRs.

• 93.1% - 97%: Exceeds Standards. Watch Zone and at this point, the CSR Supervisor would sit in on the side by side with the individual Tier 1 CSR in order to provide training based on their strengths and weaknesses. The CSR Supervisor may also elect to make specific recommendations to help the Tier 1 CSR improve or schedule additional training.

• 90% - 93%: Meets Standards. The CSR Supervisor will immediately intervene. Look for

trends that show areas of improvement and implement training. The CSR Supervisor will begin sitting in on live calls and implement additional individual training and performance improvement planning.

• < 90%: Below Minimum Standards. CSR progresses through corrective action up to and

including termination of employment. This metric should be measured on a CSR’s monthly monitors and scorecard and should account for 20% of a CSR’s overall monthly score. Scores affect each CSR’s monthly scorecard and has implications on their overall employment. Source: Employee scorecards Responsible Party: Seller Open Cases Going Beyond an Acceptable Time for Escalation Level (Monthly Percentage) (Call Center Wide) Goal: > 97% Goal is dependent upon case involvement; however acceptable time is defined as follows: Tier I CSC cases are to be closed or escalated within 24 hours. Metric:

Percentage of Tier I cases closed within 24 hours per month: • > 97%: Significantly exceeds standards

• 93.1% - 97%: Exceeds standards

• 90% - 93%: Meets standards. CSR Supervisor will begin further investigations to

understand where the failure exists. Either additional training or other identified resolution

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will be implemented.

• < 90%: Below minimum standards. CSR Supervisor will work with the Company to identify and implement an agreed upon solution.

Source: Salesforce Responsible Party: Company Average CSR Utilization per Month (Call Center Wide) (Treatment time + Administrative time /Hours worked) Administrative time is defined as CSC meetings, CSC training, and special CSC projects. Treatment time is defined as contact (call/email) time + case completion + grace time to next contact. Goal: > 80% Metric:

• > 80%: Exceeds requirements

• 70% - 80%: Meets requirements

• 60% - 69.9%: Requires performance improvement review with the Company

• < 60% Not meeting requirements and corrective action needed with the possibility for a reduction in staff

Source: Call management system and Salesforce Responsible Party: Call management system data – Seller Salesforce - Company Average Monthly CSC Uptime (Call Center Wide) Goal: > 99.9% Metric:

• > 99.9%: Exceeds requirements

• 99.7% - 99.89%: Meets requirements

• 99.5% - 99.69%: Requires performance improvement review

• < 99.5%: Not meeting requirements and subject to corrective action Sources: Call management system and Salesforce Responsible Party: Seller Average User Wait Time per Month (Call Center Wide)

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Goal: < 5 minutes Metric:

• < 5 minutes: Exceeds requirements

• 5 - 10 minutes: Meets requirements

• 10:01 - 15 minutes: Requires performance improvement review with the Company

• > 15 minutes: Not meeting requirements and subject to corrective action Source: Call management system Responsible Party: Seller Average Call Abandonment per Month (Call Center Wide) Goal: < 3% per month Metric:

• < 3%: Exceeds requirements

• 3% - 5%: Meets requirements

• 5.1% - 7%: Requires performance improvement review with the Company

• > 7%: Not meeting requirements and subject to corrective action Source: Call management system Responsible Party: Seller Average Case Resolution Rate per Month (Call Center Wide) Goal: > 98% This metric defined as:

1. Cases resolved by CSC/Cases assigned to CSC 2. Cases resolved by the Company/Cases assigned to the Company 3. Cases resolved by CISA/Cases assigned to CISA

Further breakdown for the Company & CISA by Case Type Metric:

• > 98%: Exceeds requirements

• 96% - 98%: Meets requirements

• 94% - 95.9%: Requires performance improvement review with the Company and CISA

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• < 94%: Not meeting requirements and subject to corrective action based on where the problem lies. The CSC shall not be held responsible for the percentage being brought down by the Company and/or CISA.

Source: Salesforce Responsible Party: Company Average Positive User Service Survey Results per Month (Call Center Wide) Goal: > 98% Positive Response Metric:

• > 98%: Exceeds requirements • 97% - 98%: Meets Requirements

• 96% - 96.9%: Requires performance improvement review with the Company

• < 96%: Not meeting requirements and corrective action needed

Source: Call management system Responsible Party: Seller Average CSR Treatment Time per Month Treatment time is defined as contact (call/email) time + case completion + grace time to next contact. Goal: < 15 minutes is the ideal Metric:

• < 15 minutes: Exceeds requirements

• 15 - 18 minutes: Meets requirements

• 18:01 - 20 minutes: Requires performance improvement review with the Company

• > 20 minutes: Not meeting requirements and subject to corrective action Disclaimer: The directive for the CSC will be to focus on user service and first call resolution, NOT handle time. Due to the potential complexity of the callers’ requests, calls may vary from ~10 minutes up to an hour or more. Source: Call management system and Salesforce Responsible Party: Call management system data – Seller Salesforce - Company

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Addendum C – Holidays Please note that most employees work on a Monday through Friday schedule. For these employees, when a holiday falls on a non-workday -- Saturday or Sunday -- the holiday usually is observed on Monday (if the holiday falls on Sunday) or Friday (if the holiday falls on Saturday). Holidays New Year’s Day Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr. Washington’s Birthday* Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day Companion to Thanksgiving Day Christmas Eve Day Christmas Day *This holiday is designated as "Washington's Birthday" in Section 6103(a) of Title 5 of the United States Code, which is the law that specifies holidays for Federal employees. Though other institutions; such as, state and local governments and private businesses, may use other names, it is Federal policy to always refer to holidays by the names designated in the law.

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Addendum D - CSC Case Routing

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Addendum E - Deliverables

Deliverables When Required Company Approval SOW Reference

CSC Program Plan that includes • Personnel & Staffing Plan • Surge Plan • Operational Plan • Security Plan • Subcontract Transition Plan

Final plan within 60 days of subcontract award

Yes 10.01, 10.02, 10.03, 10.04, 10.05

Staff Resumes Prior to hire/on-going Yes 9.02

Staff Non-Disclosure Agreements (NDA) Prior to engagement of staff

Yes 3.02

Staff SOP Acknowledgements Prior to engagement of staff

Yes 3.02

Staff Acknowledgement Agreements Prior to engagement of staff

Yes 9.10.04

Instructional CSR Training Program 10 days prior to commencing operations

Yes 9.09.01

Operational Call Center that Passes Company Inspection

• Secure Facility • Equipment • Telecommunications

o Voice o Internet

• IVR system • Tip line

CSC inspection will be conducted 7 days prior to commencing operations

Yes 3.04, 3.05, 4.01, 4.03, 4.06, 4.07, 4.08.07, 4.08.08, 4.08.09, 4.08.16, 5, 7, 7.03, 8, 8.03.08, 10.04, 10.05

Tier 1 CSR Evaluations Monthly Yes 9.10.01