STATEN ISLAND NEWS T. A. C. DANCE CREAT AFFAIR Second Annual Etfent Wa< Enjoyed by iVIany. With guests present from al parts of the fifth ward of the bor ough of Richmond, Manhattan Perth Amboy and vicinity the eec end annua! ball of the Tottenvilli Athletic Club, held in Knights o Pythias hall, Tottenville, Wednesda; night. Thanksgiving eve, was one o the most successful affairs that or ganiiation has ever held. Mori than two hundred were present t< enjoy the affair. The hall wa: Isvi^ily detfof&ted with red, whlti and blue streamers suspended fron the center of the ceiling to the sldei of the hall: Along the sides weri bunting and many pennants an< flags. Dancing began at 8 o'clocl and continued until an early hou In the morning. The first suppe march took place Rt 10:45 o'clock It 'ifas led by Miss Agnes Pord an( William H. Schneider, who weri followed by some fifty couples. Thi simper wag serve3 on the stage at I table to accommodate fifteei couples. The music for the clanciHj was furnished by Professor Andras sy'8 orchestra, of Perth Amboy. Those on the committee were: T W. Hawkins, chairman; E. E Paugh, treasurer; George C. La forge. Willis Larkin, George Voll HMrt\ "HenryTaber, Charles C. Hilker Arthur H. Sprague. Floor manager Alfred C. Fisher; assistant, Eugen CHne. The ladies who assisted a the supper were: Mrs. Frank Jol Ine, chairman; Mrs. R. Hoehn, Mrs T. W. Hawkins, Mrs. Eugene Wight man, Miss Jennie B. Wood and Mrs George Vollmer. HOLY NAME SOCIETY SCORES BIG SUCCESS Many attended the harvest festi- val and barn dance at the Paro- chial School Auditorium held under the auspices of the Holy Name So- ciey of the Church of Our Lady, Help 6i Christians Thanksgiving eve. Duriiw: the evening turkeys, ducks and chickens were awarded. Refreshments were served. The hall was neatly decorated and trim- med and nothing was spared to make the affair a success. The music was furnished by Professor Gutt- man's orchestra from Perth Amboy. Floor manager, John A. Lyons. Assistant floor managers, Frank Do- "Trmri BTurijt Griffin. Reception com- mittee, John "'LyOT'h, Tas. L, Edwards, E. Mullen, C. F. Murphy, Wjaa, Ryan, Eugene Fountain, Jas. Solaiid, Jr., M. Caulfteld, John Woodlium, JaB. Early, J. MeGuire, Job. GrttUn. Arrangement commits ttte, John McDonald, B. Jscger, G. M. 8, Hudaon, Frank Bolan, J. P. Bo- latid, Frank Griffin, J. A Lyons. DANCE OF GAFFNEY ASS'N. WAS ATTENDED BY MANY The first annual dance and recep- tion of the C. C. Gaflfney Associa- tion, of Richmond Valley, at Niel- sen's hall, Krelscherville, Wednes- day night, was a great success, both financially and otherwise. Many guests were present from Manhat- tan, Brooklyn, Jersey City and all parts of the island. Dancing began I at 8 o'clock and continued until a late hour. The music was furnished by Professor Zlmsmeister's full or- chestra, of Newark. A feature of ! the affair was a drill by the Pastime f Fife, Drum and Bugle Corps, of Rossville, during the evening. C. M. Madsen was floor manager and Otto Wllkomm his assistant. On the reception committee werfe Henry Scherb, chairman; Alfred Madsen, Joseph F. Fox and John W. O'Meara, : Jr. PLAYER HAS NOSEJIROKEN Vincent Loftus is Hurt in Gome on Island. During a scrimmage in the Royal" Seneca football game on the Royal oval at Pleasant Plains yes- terday afternoon Vincent Loftus, nineteen years old, of Mariners' Harbor, received a broken nose in the last half and had to retire from J | the game. He was taken to the of- 1 flee of Dr. E. A. Gaudet in Main street, Tottenville, after having the ! broken member attended to he went | to his home. Another player was substituted and the game went on. Loftus played left tackle. The Royals wont out by a score of 6 to 0. A large crowd was on hand to witness the game, which was one of the best seen on the gridiron at that place this season. Both sides played like demons throughout the j game. UNION SERVICE HELD. The union Thanksgiving service In Bethel Methodist Episcopal church, Tottenville, Wednesday night, was largely attended by mem- * Sers of the three churches under c whose auspices It was held. Rev. 1 tVUllam Parkinson Chase, pastor of I he South Baptist church, preached b he sermon. Rev. H. Eugene Curts, J >f St. Paul's M. E. church, and Rev. £ Vrthur Lucas, of Bethel M. E. I :hurch, took part in the service, flie choir rendered special music. o t ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. s Mr. and Mrs. John Buscher, of a Manhattan, announce the engage- j ment of their daughter, Elizabeth Stella, to Herbert P. VanName, of 121 Main street, Tottenville, Tbel, announcement was made on Tues- 1 day, November 28. PICARD HAND PAINTED CHINA TOR . A XMAS GlfTsU AT KREIELSHEIWERS' mm It you would present a gift of unmatched lovllnees—a gift that must command instant admiration no matter how small or large, or In what company placed, select hand painted— Hrfcnrl fhm* g tCl. Produced In limitless va- riety of Jtuii uecora- tlons for every taste anil parse. Each piece entirely decorated by the same mas- ter hand. The finest mate- rials known, and the most exquisite color and gold treatment wrought, with I11- tinite care, combine to rnalke I'icltard Cliina uncompared. We Invito you to inspect this display.. Words can- f not describe the beauty and attractiveness of this ware. The Pickard Hand Palated China is sokl exclusively by us. A Message to All Who Have Christmas Gifts to luy .... In anticipation of the coming Holiday and in* order to out- do all previous efforts since the Inception of this store, we have wjsemhied the most elaborate and complete stock of DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY STERLING SILVER CLOCKS ART GOODS aad other kindred lines, yet seen within the city of Perth Am- boy. No expense has been spared and every effort towards- ful- fillment of refined and exclusive CHRISTMAS GIFTS lx now possible Your early choice is advisable, as you then procure the cream, of the stock and avoid the rush later on. It will be our pleasure to reserve your gifts now—-for future icliTcry. Louis Kreielsheimer THE LEADING JEWELER AND OPTICIAN 12B Smith St. Perth Ainboy MISS SUTTER PRETTY BRIDE Married to Alfred Collins Thanksgiving Eve. «r-Tu® LesldenCe of Mr- and Mrs. Wilbur E. Shea at 7671 Amboy ave- nue Tottenvllle, was the scene of a pretty wedding Thanksgiving eve when Miss .May E. Sntter, daugh- t.rr,0f1,Mr' and Mrs- Jacob Sutter, of Butler avenue, Richmond Valley became the bride of Alfred Sprague Collins, of Tottenville. Mr. Collins Is a brother of Mrs. Shea. The Rev. Arthur Lucas, pastor of Bethel ceremony was performed by the Methodist Episcopal church, at 8:30 o'clock in the presence of about thirty guests including the members or the two families and a few friends. The bride was attired in an empire gown of crepe de chine, with silver trimming, she wore a wreath of orange blbssoms and car- ried a bouquet of bridal roses. Miss Josephine Sutter, sister of the bride, who was maid of honor, was dressed in pink messaline, trimmed with pink lace. She carried a bouquet of pink carnations. The bride was given away by her brother, Leonard Sutter. Joseph Alfred Collins, nephew of the groom and Pauline Sutter, sister of the bride, held the ribbons surrounding the arch of holly, greens and white chrysanthe- mums under which the bridal couple stood. Jesse R. Slaight, of Totten- ville played the wedding march as the brlday party entered the par- lor, where the ceremony was per- formed. A reception followed the ceremony and an elaborate supper was served. Mr. and -Mrs. Collins were the recipients of many presents consisting of cut glass and silver. Amid a shower and rice and confetti they left Wednesday night for Brooklyn, where they will reside. Mr. Collins is connected with the J Mergenthaler Company in Brooklyn, but has resided in Tottenville until; i short time ago. TWmVVTLLE Mr. and Mrs. dharles A. Mar- hall, of Bentley street, entertained s their guests yesterday, Mr. and Irs. John Marshall, Mr. and Mrs. R. Campbell of Metuchen, Mr., nd Mrs. Henry ElferS of Brooklyn, | liss Susie A. Marshall, Mrs. P. J. Prague and Mr. and Mrs Stuart L. .itz. Clarence Klinger, night telegraph perator at the local depot, has gone 5 JClingertown, Pa., on a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bedell, of Main ( reet, entertained yesterday Mr. ] nd Mrs. Elsworth Sterling and Irs, Kate Sterling of Philadelphia, dra. Mary Patterson, Mr», Eliza- beth Monroe and Elliott Patterson if Brooklyn. Miss Ala Alnswortli, of Lynn, tfass., is the guest of Miss Ida Knight, of Elliott avenue. Mr. and A. Powell Cronfc,, of Newark, spent yesterday -with his I parents here. Mr. and Mrs. "Warren Van Name,, of Brooklyn, Were the gueeta of ! his parents here yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Alnsley Bedell and children, of Brooklyn, were visitors here yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Boyd and son M!l!!ari G. \Y. Ikiju ana daughter, Bernice, Mrs. Susan Boyd, Harry and Alfred Boyd were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walling, of Port-Monmouth, at a family gather- ing yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meyers and son, of Philadelphia, are the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Barnes. Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Sprague and Mr. and Mrs. Lawitz Larsen were in Manhattan last night to see a play Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Rogers had a dinner yesterday. Mr. and MrB. Jo- seph Halstead and son of Paterson and Mr. and Mrs. Lester S. Rogers of Port Richmond Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cuzzons and children, of Manhattan, were in town yesterday Miss Emma Herrel, .Tacob Herrel and the Misses Lindermeyer were In Manhattan yesterday. Mrs James Alfred Reid, of Arents avenue,, who was removed to the S. R. Smith Infirmary for an operation Wedensday, is recovering. ''*nv prizes have been secured ! BREAKS A GOLD IN A FEW HOURS Says Quinine Isn't Effective in the Cure of Colds and Grippe. Nothing else that yon can take : will break your cold or and grippe so promptly as a dose of Pape's | Cold Compound every two hours unJ : til three consecutive doses are taken. * The moat miserable headache, 'dullness, head and nose stuffed up, fcverishness. sneezing, running of the nose, sore throat, mucous ca- tarrhal discharges, soreness, stiff- ness, rheumatism pains and other distress begin to leave after the very first dose. Pape's Cold Compound la the re- Isult of three years! research at a cost of more than fifty thousand dol- lars, and contains no quinine, which *9 have conclusively demonstrated Is not effective In the treatment of colds or grippe. Take this harmless Compound as directed, with the knowledge that there Is no other medicine made any- where else In the world, which will cure your cold or end Grippe misery as promptly and without any other assistance or bad after-effects as a 86-cent package of Pape's Cold Com- pound, which any druggist in the world can supply. for the euchre under the ausp!c#a of Huguenot Chapter, No. 88, Or- der of Eastern Star, that will be held in the banquet hall of the Ma- sonic temple toniifht. PLEASANT PLAINS | Charles Bsenlnghoft visited in I Tottenville yesterday. Many people from here were at I the dance in Tottenville Wednesday | night. There wag no lecture at public I school No. 3 last night. The medal and membership con- test under the auspices of the W. C.' T. U. Ixi St. Mark'# church Tuesday was a great success. Many were at Mt. Loretto yester-' day for the holiday. A meeting of Molly Stark Council, Daughters of America, was held In Amicitia hall Wednesday nig^t. Miss Gertrude Manning, of Man- hattan, visited in Prince Bay yester- day. Mrs. P. V. Huff has returned to Plainfleld after a visit here. Mr. and Mrs. William Benz were in Tottenville Wednesday night. Mrs. Mary Lawton Metcalfe, of Great Kills, has been invited to ac- cept the presidency of the Gotham Club, of New York. Miss Lucila Howley, of Manhat- tan, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. James Hayes, over the holiday. Miss Bertha Walkerllng has gone home tf> -.her parents in Tottenville for a month's vacation. BOO BITES BOY IN MSG. Arthur Gaffney, seven years old, of Front street, Tottenville, was at- tacked and bitten in the left leg by a bulldog owned by Edward O'Hara, of Johnson avenue, Tottenville, about 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The boy was attended at Bedell's drug store. The matter was report- ed to the police. Wj affair. or ssppenTog, or cir- cumstance which la too small to make a want ad. worth while as aa adjusting foraa Is too small to worn roar of deadly modern life is everywhere. ^our nerves are weak and worn, they are overtaxed, strained to the breaking point. Strengthen them, build them, vitalize them with a Food- Tonic, Scott's Emulsion is one of the oldest, purest and best-known of 3 FOOD- TONICS. ALL DRUGGISTS U-W Cor. Smith and Elm Streets, Telephone 224 NOTICE This Store is in No Way Connected With any Other Grocery store in Per h Amhoy GREAT ECONOMY SALE Its a pleasure to practice economy —if you do it the "Greenspan "way You may economize without atintmg your table—without reducing the quality of the the things you cat—ill short, you can get more things, and better things, for considerably less money at the Greenspan ttore than anywhere else, of course yoti get Groceries that are as good as ours in a few other stores, but not by any means at the same price. Look us over. Nice, tender, lean sugar-cured Ham, 1 | I weight—9-10 lbs. Per pound ... I ***5 Castdansad Milk 1 ft Fancy Bad Appli Sliver, Star, Mag- 111 <3ood lor eating nolla Milk | U or cooking. Per can - Per basket fa", I ARI1 IE BUTTERWi , Lssf / " | Half and Half brand* 1 lb p lnts Keg. 30c, special Best Sugar Curtd Boneless Bacon By strip, lb i 70 Stains Fraa With f lb Taa Scan, for - *"* ,la"f " * 100 Stamps FRfcE A A !2S Stsaps With I ib. Bast HI I With I can TEA any flavar "" Baking Pawdar 3 cans Walter ftflffcfia onKer's VUUUH 1-2 lb tin Nice. Fresh, Buck' wheat 3 lb. pk. Per pk. The Leading Butchers Legs of Spristg Lain! and Up Fresh Shoulders Nice and lean,... 10 1 2 fireakast Jf% A ***** DAS* It It Strtsktd with lean BoiseWa* By th« strip J. 9 14 BORAH'S MEAT MARKET LOOK FACTS HOI ———BMW At these bargains in Meats. See if you can find their equal. Be sure to get acquainted with our Meat values without delay. If you wish to apsnd your money where it will bring the best value, this la the market. BORAK'S stock at all times is the largest la the city. BORAH'S Clean Prime Meats are Pit to Bat. BORAK'S Is the store that "makes good" money's worth or money back. Jersey 1Ol Legs of Veil | £Jl Milk Fed, Whole Legs ir Rumps, GEESE strictly fresh 4 lbs Pickled Tripe 25e K 1»v T » «- *****, ft 3 lbs. Lamb Chops ... S ISa. Beei Liver 8 lb*, i icklad P-.g P*«., S lb*. Cfccppefi B«e{... 4 lbs. Sp*i9 Riba 4 bi. Presb Piga Feat.. Canada Legs of Mutton Armour's or Swift's Sugar Cured Gall. Hams Vsai to Boast and Stewing 10c and Swift's or Jim's Skin Book Hams Faacy Fresh KillsdFOWL •ml Btatting SicHeisa S rictly Flesh III of Beef if you can't come Telephone J«rse? Frtsh Htins Nice and Lean 8 to H iba 12 oocf Home-made Saus- | age-Loose or Linked—All Pork Fsrgquirtsrs of Li Kb ■■■■■■pmpi f VV# also have a fine selected stock of Jersey Pork Loin*, Fresh Kitted Chickens,. Spring Lamb, Milk Fed Veal, Fresh Haass, Roasting Chickens,' Beef Kidney*, Tonga#* Broilers, Live Stock, etc., all at sstra low prices, Vint out asarket and be convinced that we «*U the beat at th« ><?*«» prices. 269 SMITH STBEJBT JSk M,I I'll HTEEBT

STATEN ISLAND NEWS · STATEN ISLAND NEWS T. A. C. DANCE CREAT AFFAIR Second Annual Etfent Wa< Enjoyed by iVIany. With guests present from al parts of the fifth ward of bor ough of

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Page 1: STATEN ISLAND NEWS · STATEN ISLAND NEWS T. A. C. DANCE CREAT AFFAIR Second Annual Etfent Wa< Enjoyed by iVIany. With guests present from al parts of the fifth ward of bor ough of



Second Annual Etfent Wa< Enjoyed by iVIany.

With guests present from al parts of the fifth ward of the bor ough of Richmond, Manhattan Perth Amboy and vicinity the eec end annua! ball of the Tottenvilli Athletic Club, held in Knights o Pythias hall, Tottenville, Wednesda; night. Thanksgiving eve, was one o the most successful affairs that or ganiiation has ever held. Mori than two hundred were present t< enjoy the affair. The hall wa:

Isvi^ily detfof&ted with red, whlti and blue streamers suspended fron the center of the ceiling to the sldei of the hall: Along the sides weri

bunting and many pennants an<

flags. Dancing began at 8 o'clocl and continued until an early hou In the morning. The first suppe march took place Rt 10:45 o'clock It 'ifas led by Miss Agnes Pord an( William H. Schneider, who weri followed by some fifty couples. Thi simper wag serve3 on the stage at I table to accommodate fifteei couples. The music for the clanciHj was furnished by Professor Andras sy'8 orchestra, of Perth Amboy.

Those on the committee were: T W. Hawkins, chairman; E. E Paugh, treasurer; George C. La forge. Willis Larkin, George Voll HMrt\ "HenryTaber, Charles C. Hilker Arthur H. Sprague. Floor manager Alfred C. Fisher; assistant, Eugen CHne. The ladies who assisted a the supper were: Mrs. Frank Jol Ine, chairman; Mrs. R. Hoehn, Mrs T. W. Hawkins, Mrs. Eugene Wight man, Miss Jennie B. Wood and Mrs George Vollmer.


Many attended the harvest festi- val and barn dance at the Paro- chial School Auditorium held under the auspices of the Holy Name So- ciey of the Church of Our Lady, Help 6i Christians Thanksgiving eve. Duriiw: the evening turkeys, ducks and chickens were awarded. Refreshments were served. The hall was neatly decorated and trim- med and nothing was spared to make the affair a success. The music was furnished by Professor Gutt- man's orchestra from Perth Amboy.

Floor manager, John A. Lyons. Assistant floor managers, Frank Do-

"Trmri BTurijt Griffin. Reception com- mittee, John "'LyOT'h, Tas. L, Edwards, E. Mullen, C. F. Murphy, Wjaa, Ryan, Eugene Fountain, Jas. Solaiid, Jr., M. Caulfteld, John Woodlium, JaB. Early, J. MeGuire, Job. GrttUn. Arrangement commits ttte, John McDonald, B. Jscger, G. M. 8, Hudaon, Frank Bolan, J. P. Bo- latid, Frank Griffin, J. A Lyons.


The first annual dance and recep- tion of the C. C. Gaflfney Associa- tion, of Richmond Valley, at Niel- sen's hall, Krelscherville, Wednes- day night, was a great success, both financially and otherwise. Many guests were present from Manhat- tan, Brooklyn, Jersey City and all parts of the island. Dancing began

I at 8 o'clock and continued until a

late hour. The music was furnished by Professor Zlmsmeister's full or-

■ chestra, of Newark. A feature of ! the affair was a drill by the Pastime f Fife, Drum and Bugle Corps, of

Rossville, during the evening. C. M. Madsen was floor manager and Otto Wllkomm his assistant. On the reception committee werfe Henry Scherb, chairman; Alfred Madsen, Joseph F. Fox and John W. O'Meara,

: Jr. •


Vincent Loftus is Hurt in Gome on Island.

During a scrimmage in the Royal" Seneca football game on the Royal oval at Pleasant Plains yes- terday afternoon Vincent Loftus, nineteen years old, of Mariners' Harbor, received a broken nose in the last half and had to retire from

J | the game. He was taken to the of- 1 flee of Dr. E. A. Gaudet in Main street, Tottenville, after having the

! broken member attended to he went

| to his home. Another player was substituted and the game went on. Loftus played left tackle. The Royals wont out by a score of 6 to 0. A large crowd was on hand to witness the game, which was one of the best seen on the gridiron at that place this season. Both sides played like demons throughout the j game.

UNION SERVICE HELD. The union Thanksgiving service

In Bethel Methodist Episcopal church, Tottenville, Wednesday night, was largely attended by mem- * Sers of the three churches under c whose auspices It was held. Rev. 1 tVUllam Parkinson Chase, pastor of I he South Baptist church, preached b he sermon. Rev. H. Eugene Curts, J >f St. Paul's M. E. church, and Rev. £ Vrthur Lucas, of Bethel M. E. I :hurch, took part in the service, flie choir rendered special music. o


ENGAGEMENT ANNOUNCED. s Mr. and Mrs. John Buscher, of a Manhattan, announce the engage- j ment of their daughter, Elizabeth Stella, to Herbert P. VanName, of 121 Main street, Tottenville, Tbel, announcement was made on Tues- 1 day, November 28.





It you would present a gift of unmatched lovllnees—a gift that must command instant admiration no matter how small or large, or In what company placed, select hand painted—

Hrfcnrl fhm* g tCl.

Produced In limitless va-

riety of Jtuii uecora-

tlons for every taste anil

parse. Each piece entirely decorated by the same mas-

ter hand. The finest mate-

rials known, and the most

exquisite color and gold treatment wrought, with I11-

tinite care, combine to rnalke

I'icltard Cliina uncompared. We Invito you to inspect this display.. Words can-

f not describe the beauty and attractiveness of this ware.

The Pickard Hand Palated China is sokl exclusively by us.

A Message to All Who Have Christmas Gifts to luy ....

In anticipation of the coming Holiday and in* order to out- do all previous efforts since the Inception of this store, we have wjsemhied the most elaborate and complete stock of

DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY STERLING SILVER CLOCKS ART GOODS aad other kindred lines, yet seen within the city of Perth Am- boy. No expense has been spared and every effort towards- ful- fillment of refined and exclusive CHRISTMAS GIFTS lx now possible

Your early choice is advisable, as you then procure the cream, of the stock and avoid the rush later on. It will be our pleasure to reserve your gifts now—-for future icliTcry.


12B Smith St. Perth Ainboy


Married to Alfred Collins Thanksgiving Eve.

«r-Tu® LesldenCe of Mr- and Mrs. Wilbur E. Shea at 7671 Amboy ave- nue Tottenvllle, was the scene of a pretty wedding Thanksgiving eve when Miss .May E. Sntter, daugh- t.rr,0f1,Mr' and Mrs- Jacob Sutter, of Butler avenue, Richmond Valley became the bride of Alfred Sprague Collins, of Tottenville. Mr. Collins Is a brother of Mrs. Shea. The Rev. Arthur Lucas, pastor of Bethel ceremony was performed by the Methodist Episcopal church, at 8:30 o'clock in the presence of about thirty guests including the members or the two families and a few friends. The bride was attired in an empire gown of crepe de chine, with silver trimming, she wore a wreath of orange blbssoms and car- ried a bouquet of bridal roses. Miss Josephine Sutter, sister of the bride, who was maid of honor, was dressed in pink messaline, trimmed with pink lace. She carried a bouquet of pink carnations. The bride was given away by her brother, Leonard Sutter. Joseph Alfred Collins, nephew of the groom and Pauline Sutter, sister of the bride, held the ribbons surrounding the arch of holly, greens and white chrysanthe- mums under which the bridal couple stood. Jesse R. Slaight, of Totten- ville played the wedding march as the brlday party entered the par- lor, where the ceremony was per- formed. A reception followed the ceremony and an elaborate supper was served. Mr. and -Mrs. Collins were the recipients of many presents consisting of cut glass and silver. Amid a shower and rice and confetti they left Wednesday night for Brooklyn, where they will reside. Mr. Collins is connected with the J Mergenthaler Company in Brooklyn, but has resided in Tottenville until; i short time ago.

TWmVVTLLE Mr. and Mrs. dharles A. Mar-

hall, of Bentley street, entertained s their guests yesterday, Mr. and Irs. John Marshall, Mr. and Mrs.

R. Campbell of Metuchen, Mr., nd Mrs. Henry ElferS of Brooklyn, | liss Susie A. Marshall, Mrs. P. J. Prague and Mr. and Mrs Stuart L. .itz.

Clarence Klinger, night telegraph perator at the local depot, has gone 5 JClingertown, Pa., on a vacation. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Bedell, of Main (

reet, entertained yesterday Mr. ] nd Mrs. Elsworth Sterling and Irs, Kate Sterling of Philadelphia, dra. Mary Patterson, Mr», Eliza- beth Monroe and Elliott Patterson if Brooklyn.

Miss Ala Alnswortli, of Lynn, tfass., is the guest of Miss Ida Knight, of Elliott avenue.

Mr. and A. Powell Cronfc,, of Newark, spent yesterday -with his I parents here.

Mr. and Mrs. "Warren Van Name,, of Brooklyn, Were the gueeta of !

his parents here yesterday Mr. and Mrs. Alnsley Bedell and

children, of Brooklyn, were visitors here yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Boyd and son M!l!!ari G. \Y. Ikiju ana daughter, Bernice, Mrs. Susan Boyd, Harry and Alfred Boyd were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Walling, of Port-Monmouth, at a family gather- ing yesterday.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Meyers and son, of Philadelphia, are the guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Barnes.

Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Sprague and Mr. and Mrs. Lawitz Larsen were in Manhattan last night to see a play

Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Rogers had a dinner yesterday. Mr. and MrB. Jo- seph Halstead and son of Paterson and Mr. and Mrs. Lester S. Rogers of Port Richmond

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Cuzzons and children, of Manhattan, were in town yesterday

Miss Emma Herrel, .Tacob Herrel and the Misses Lindermeyer were In Manhattan yesterday.

Mrs James Alfred Reid, of Arents avenue,, who was removed to the S. R. Smith Infirmary for an operation Wedensday, is recovering.

''*nv prizes have been secured

! BREAKS A GOLD IN A FEW HOURS Says Quinine Isn't Effective

in the Cure of Colds and Grippe.

Nothing else that yon can take : will break your cold or and grippe

so promptly as a dose of Pape's | Cold Compound every two hours unJ : til three consecutive doses are taken.

* The moat miserable headache, 'dullness, head and nose stuffed up, fcverishness. sneezing, running of the nose, sore throat, mucous ca- tarrhal discharges, soreness, stiff- ness, rheumatism pains and other distress begin to leave after the very first dose.

Pape's Cold Compound la the re- Isult of three years! research at a cost of more than fifty thousand dol- lars, and contains no quinine, which *9 have conclusively demonstrated Is not effective In the treatment of colds or grippe.

Take this harmless Compound as directed, with the knowledge that there Is no other medicine made any- where else In the world, which will cure your cold or end Grippe misery as promptly and without any other assistance or bad after-effects as a 86-cent package of Pape's Cold Com- pound, which any druggist in the world can supply. for the euchre under the ausp!c#a of Huguenot Chapter, No. 88, Or- der of Eastern Star, that will be held in the banquet hall of the Ma- sonic temple toniifht.

PLEASANT PLAINS | Charles Bsenlnghoft visited in I Tottenville yesterday.

Many people from here were at I the dance in Tottenville Wednesday | night.

There wag no lecture at public I school No. 3 last night.

The medal and membership con- test under the auspices of the W. C.' T. U. Ixi St. Mark'# church Tuesday was a great success.

Many were at Mt. Loretto yester-' day for the holiday.

A meeting of Molly Stark Council, Daughters of America, was held In Amicitia hall Wednesday nig^t.

Miss Gertrude Manning, of Man- hattan, visited in Prince Bay yester- day.

Mrs. P. V. Huff has returned to Plainfleld after a visit here.

Mr. and Mrs. William Benz were in Tottenville Wednesday night.

Mrs. Mary Lawton Metcalfe, of Great Kills, has been invited to ac-

cept the presidency of the Gotham Club, of New York.

Miss Lucila Howley, of Manhat- tan, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. James Hayes, over the holiday.

Miss Bertha Walkerllng has gone home tf> -.her parents in Tottenville for a month's vacation.

BOO BITES BOY IN MSG. Arthur Gaffney, seven years old,

of Front street, Tottenville, was at- tacked and bitten in the left leg by a bulldog owned by Edward O'Hara, of Johnson avenue, Tottenville, about 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon. The boy was attended at Bedell's drug store. The matter was report- ed to the police.

Wj affair. or ssppenTog, or cir- cumstance which la too small to make a want ad. worth while as aa adjusting foraa Is too small to worn

roar of deadly modern life is everywhere.

^our nerves are weak and worn, they are

overtaxed, strained to the breaking point.

Strengthen them, build them, vitalize them with a Food- Tonic,

Scott's Emulsion

is one of the oldest, purest and best-known of



Cor. Smith and Elm Streets, Telephone 224

NOTICE — This Store is in No Way Connected With any Other Grocery store in Per h Amhoy

GREAT ECONOMY SALE Its a pleasure to practice economy —if you do it the "Greenspan "way You may

economize without atintmg your table—without reducing the quality of the the things you cat—ill short, you can get more things, and better things, for considerably less money at the Greenspan ttore than anywhere else, of course yoti get Groceries that are as good as ours in a few other stores, but not by any means at the same price. Look us over.

Nice, tender, lean sugar-cured Ham, 1 | I weight—9-10 lbs. Per pound ... I ***5

Castdansad Milk 1 ft Fancy Bad Appli Sliver, Star, Mag- 111 <3ood lor eating nolla Milk | U or cooking. Per can - Per basket

fa", I ARI1 IE BUTTERWi , Lssf /


| Half and Half brand* 1 lb p lnts Keg. 30c, special Best Sugar Curtd Boneless Bacon By strip, lb

i 70 Stains Fraa With f lb Taa

Scan, for - *"* ,la"f " *

100 Stamps FRfcE A A !2S Stsaps With I ib. Bast HI I With I can TEA any flavar ■

"" Baking Pawdar

3 cans

Walter ftflffcfia onKer's VUUUH

1-2 lb tin

Nice. Fresh, Buck' wheat 3 lb. pk. Per pk.

The Leading Butchers

Legs of

Spristg Lain! and Up

Fresh Shoulders Nice and lean,... 10 1

2 fireakast

Jf% A *****

DAS* It It Strtsktd with lean

BoiseWa* By th« strip

J. 9 14


HOI — ———BMW At these bargains in Meats. See if you can find their equal. Be sure to get acquainted with our Meat values without delay. If you wish to apsnd your money where it will bring the best value, this la the market. BORAK'S stock at all times is the largest la the city. BORAH'S Clean Prime Meats are Pit to Bat. BORAK'S Is the store that "makes good" money's worth or money back.

Jersey 1Ol Legs of Veil | £Jl Milk Fed, Whole Legs ir Rumps,

GEESE strictly fresh 4 lbs Pickled Tripe 25e K 1»v T » «-

*****, ft

3 lbs. Lamb Chops ...

S ISa. Beei Liver 8 lb*, i icklad P-.g P*«., S lb*. Cfccppefi B«e{... 4 lbs. Sp*i9 Riba 4 bi. Presb Piga Feat..

Canada Legs of Mutton

Armour's or Swift's Sugar Cured Gall. Hams

Vsai to Boast and Stewing

10c and

Swift's or Jim's Skin Book Hams

Faacy Fresh KillsdFOWL •ml Btatting SicHeisa

S rictly Flesh

III of Beef

if you can't come Telephone

J«rse? Frtsh Htins Nice and Lean

8 to H iba

12 oocf

Home-made Saus- | age-Loose or Linked—All Pork

Fsrgquirtsrs of Li Kb

■■■■■■pmpi — — f VV# also have a fine selected stock of Jersey Pork Loin*, Fresh Kitted Chickens,. Spring Lamb, Milk Fed Veal, Fresh Haass, Roasting Chickens,' Beef Kidney*, Tonga#* Broilers, Live Stock, etc., all at sstra low prices, Vint out asarket and be convinced that we «*U the beat at th« ><?*«» prices.