States of Consciousness 2-4%

States of Consciousness 2-4%. And then suddenly, I saw this bright light at the end of the tunnel

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Page 1: States of Consciousness 2-4%. And then suddenly, I saw this bright light at the end of the tunnel

States of Consciousness


Page 2: States of Consciousness 2-4%. And then suddenly, I saw this bright light at the end of the tunnel

“And then suddenly, I saw this bright light at the end of the tunnel.”

Page 3: States of Consciousness 2-4%. And then suddenly, I saw this bright light at the end of the tunnel

Summary Outline

• A. Sleep and Dreaming• B. Hypnosis• C. Psychoactive Drug Affects

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A. Sleep and Dreaming

All animals need to sleep

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A. EEG and sleep

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EEG Recordings

• Frequency• How fast ups and

downs occur

• Amplitude• Distance between

a peak and a trough

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Stages of Sleep

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Unit V. States of Consciousness

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Characteristics of EEG sleep stages

Unit V. States of Consciousness

Stage Frequency

(cycles / second)

Amplitude Wave Form

Stage I 4 - 8 50-100 Theta Waves

Stage II 8 - 15 50-150 Spindle Waves

Stage II 2 - 4 100-150 Slow waves plus


Stage IV 0.5 - 2100-200

Delta Waves

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Need for Sleep

•Preservation and Protection Theory •Sleep Preserves energy•Stay out of harm’s way during

dangerous or unproductive parts of the day

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• Restorative Theory of Sleep•Body needs to recovery from the day•Muscles and brain relax during sleep

as if resting up

• Sleep Deprivation•Complete sleep deprivation prevents

healing in rats, then kills them

• Circadian Rhythms•Daily cycle of energy and relaxtion

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Functions of Sleep

• Lowering metabolic rate conserves energy

• Reduces the risk of thermal disequilibrium during the coldest part of the day

• New learning processes are inactivated which allows us to:• Reorganize and

more efficiently store the information already in the brain

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Functions of sleep

• Homeostasis (constancy)

• Need for Alertness• Fluctuates despite

our best efforts• Occasionally fails

completely• Sleep helps to


• Heteroplasticity (capacity to change in response to changing circumstances)

• Information processing

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Replenishment of Neurotransmitters

• During REM sleep• Most neurons

decrease activity slightly in sleep

• A small minority of neurons cease firing altogether

• Aminergic Neurons • Norepinephrine-

and Serotonin-releasing neurons

• Located in the locus coeruleus and raphe nuclei

Ach has a concurrent increase during REM sleep

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Neuronal Replenishment theory suggest that:

• Norepinephrine and serotonin are involved in alertness

• The producing neurons are inactive during REM sleep

• The brain produces these transmitters during sleep

• Which explains the refreshed feelings when we awake

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Dreams: Content, Lucid DreamingMeaning of Dreams

•Wish fulfillment (Freud) •Activation-synthesis (Hobson &

McCarley)• Information Processing, Problem-


Daydreams and Fantasies

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Sleep Disorders

• Insomnia• Narcolepsy• Sleep apnea• Somnambulism

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Sleep and Dreaming ActivitiesNeuroscience for Kids

• http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/chsleep.html

• Activity 1: Keep a "SLOG" (Sleep Log)•Dream Journal Worksheet•Sleep Journal Worksheet

• Activity 2: Be an REM Detective• Activity 3: Drop off or Drift off?• Activity 4: Sleep Latency

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B. Hypnosis

• Hypnotic susceptibility• Age regression• Posthypnotic suggestion• Posthypnotic amnesia• Meditation

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Theories of Hypnosis:

• Deep relaxation• Role playing• State theory• Dissociation theory

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C. Psychoactive Drug Affects

• Agonists (Mimic)

• Antagonists (Block)

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• Drug Use / Drug Abuse / Dependence•Psychological dependence •Physical dependence •Addiction

• Tolerance• Withdrawal

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Indicators of severity

• Age•Early initiation of drug use is a predictor

• Solitary Drug Use•Solitary use is more indicative than

social use

• Means of Acquiring Drugs•Purchasing from Strangers

•Users often say they share•What was given in return?

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• Motivation for Drug Use•Reduce stress / Build self-esteem•Rebelliousness•Peer pressure / Desire to be sociable

• Use of Multiple Drugs• Behavior While Under the Influence

of Drugs•Associated with traffic violations,

pranks, shoplifting, fights

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Class Effects

Opiates / Narcotics


Depressants AlcoholSedativesBarbituratesTranquilizer

Stimulants CaffeineAmphetaminesCocaineNicotine

Psychedelics LSDMescalineMarijuanaHashishPhencyclidine