States of Mind Everyone tends to move in and out of various states of mind throughout the day. A t times you might experience a sad state and at other times happy states etc. States are sometimes referred to as moods, as when you are in the mood for some task or not in the mood. If you are a writer, you may notice that in some states writing is effortless and the words come with no work on your part. However, you may experience other states where writing is a painful chore and nothing seems to work. Many of the things you want in life are states, or are attained through the appropriate state. or example, self confidence is a state. Sometimes you want actual physical things, such as wealth, and wealth creation is a state. !e are all choosers and everyone can choose to "e the master of their states or "e the servant of them. Actually , you are always the master of your states, "ut some people create the "elief in themselves that they can do nothing a"out their states. States of mind are the product of mental events# !hat you see in your mind !hat you say and hear in your mind !hat you feel in your mind $hey are also the product of# physical actions# %osture acial Expressions &reathing Etc your states affect your "ehaviour# !hat you say

States of Mind

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energy synthesis of mind

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States of MindEveryone tends to move in and out of various states of mind throughout the day. At times you might experience a sad state and at other times happy states etc. States are sometimes referred to as moods, as when you are in the mood for some task or not in the mood. If you are a writer, you may notice that in some states writing is effortless and the words come with no work on your part. However, you may experience other states where writing is a painful chore and nothing seems to work.Many of the things you want in life are states, or are attained through the appropriate state. For example, self confidence is a state.Sometimes you want actual physical things, such as wealth, and wealth creation is a state.We are all choosers and everyone can choose to be the master of their states or be the servant of them. Actually, you are always the master of your states, but some people create the belief in themselves that they can do nothing about their states.States of mind are the product of mental events: What you see in your mind What you say and hear in your mind What you feel in your mindThey are also the product of: physical actions: Posture Facial Expressions Breathing Etcyour states affect your behaviour: What you say How you behave Heart Beat Biochemistry Your skin colour (reddening, etc) EtcStates of Mind 2

Our state of mind can be determined by:1. The environment2. Incidents3. Knowledge4. Past life5. Self created worlds in your mindIf you live in anenvironmentwhere people are successful, then this is likely to rub off on you and you will develop the states of mind for success. If you live in a poor environment then you may develop the states of mind for this too.Lifeincidentscan have a significant effect on your states of mind. If something powerful happens then your belief in yourself is increased. A traumatic incident can colour the rest of your life.Through reading and watching television and films, you can develop of model for yourself that can empower you, or if you read the other stuff then you may be dis-empowered.Knowledgeof other people can influence your states of mind.Yourpast lifecan influence your states of mind whatever your environment. If your parents brought you up in a way that was empowering, then you will have a head start in life.Finally, you can create a new environment in your mind where you attain whatever you wish to attain and step into this and begin to live it in reality. You cancreate or recreate your world in your mindand actualise it.

Your mental states determine how you create your world. You create your mental states by the way you represent things to yourself.

Imagine you are going to make a public speech. You might be in a fearful state or in an empowered state where you can do this with confidence.How you respond to the activity of making a speech depends on your state of mind.To create the world you want, you need to be able to enter resourceful states when necessary.The key to attaining what you desire is how you represent things to yourself.So if you represent the world as a place where you can attain whatever you wish, and behave consistently with this, then you will get different results from those you might get if you represent the world as unfair and impossible to succeed in.You represent the external world with your five sense. The most important of which are usually vision, feeling and hearing. Visual, auditory and feeling signals determine (mostly) how you respond to your world. The five sense are the key to understanding representation.Those who attain their outcomes are people who maintain an internal representation of that outcome, and act consistently with it. They are not deterred by apparently opposing external events. In the face of hopelessness, they persist in creating a representation consistent with their outcome and they take action which is consistent with that representation. They are in a state to achieve their outcome.You can deal with apparent opposition by believing that you can attain your outcome. One way of doing this it to read about those who in your circumstances faced similar obstacles and overcame them.

How to Create a Balanced Life: 9 Tips to Feel Calm and GroundedByJasmin Tanjeloff

Happiness is not a matter of intensity but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony. ~Thomas MertonAs a Libra, my sign is the scale, which signifies balance. Im not sure how much my signage plays into my desire to live a balanced life, but I do know that the more balanced I feel, the more free I feel.In my work I am often reminded that what works for some people does not necessarily work for others; and that one persons idea of balance may not constitute anything remotely balanced from another persons perspective.So I wanted to address the various elements of life that can require balancing and offer some suggestions to find the mix that works best for you.To start, what does it mean to be balanced?To me, it means that you have a handle on the the various elements in your life and dont feel that your heart or mind are being pulled too hard in any direction. More often than not, you feel calm, grounded, clear-headed, and motivated.How do you find your balance?The elements in life that require the most balancing can be divided into two categories: internal and external. Oftentimes, people focus on one more than the other.For example, you may find that you focus on external things, like work, relationships, and activities, and that you pay very little attention to what is going on inside your heart and mind.On the other hand, you may find that you spend so much time being self reflective that you sometimes miss out on the experience of living.Other people may be fairly balanced between the two but might want to balance out some specific elements within each category; so I created this little outline to help us better understand the beneficial components on both ends of each spectrum.Internal (Mind, Heart, Health) Mind: Challenging yourself intellectually vs. creating opportunities for your mind to rest Heart: Giving love vs. receiving love Health: Eating, drinking, exercising properly vs. resting and treating yourself to some extra yummiesExternal (Work, Social, Family, Fun) Work: Pushing yourself to achieve goals vs. seeing the bigger picture and enjoying the ride Social: Satisfying your social desires vs. taking time for yourself Family: Fulfilling your familial responsibilities vs. creating healthy boundaries Fun: Allocating time for things you enjoy doing vs. making sure you dont overdo itAs you can see, both ends of each spectrum are actually positive; but if either side is taken to an extreme, something that is intended to be positive can end up being detrimental.Its helpful to check in with yourself to see if you feel balanced.If you feel pulled in any one direction and uneasy about it, these steps may help you get your life aligned:1.Acknowledge.Take some time to really look at your life, your state of mind, and how youre feeling. Be honest with yourself and notice the areas of your life that youre neglecting.2.Examine.Notice if youre leaning more toward an internal or external focus, or if there are areas within each category that you would like to be more balanced.3.Set Goals.Look at the outline to help you decide which ways you want to balance your life. Make a list.4. Plan Tasks.Make a list of daily, weekly, and monthly tasks that you will need to do to achieve each of these goals. What have you tried in the past? Did it work? If not, what can you do differently?5.Reflect.What is the most important thing youve accomplished in the past? How did you stay focused toward this goal? How did you handle your fears, doubts, anxieties, worries, and negative self-talk? How does it feel to know that you accomplished the goal in spite of these parts of yourself?6. Prepare.What is your inner stuff that will try to keep you from sticking to your plan (fears, worries, doubts, negative self talk)? Can you specify the things you will say to yourself to push you off track? (For example: Just one more bite, Ill start eating better tomorrow) Make a list.7. Empower.What do you need to remember in those times? What are things you can say to that self-sabotaging part of yourself? Be kind to yourself. Balance wont feel good if youre cruel to yourself in creating it!8. Connect.Is there a person or a tactic you can use to keep yourself supported, motivated, and focused in those hard times? I highly recommend connecting and sharing your inner process with someone. Find someone who can help you challenge your inner demons, and celebrate your little accomplishments.9. Plan.Just like accomplishing any goal in life, it takes time and effort to overcome your habitual patterns and create new ones. If you stay on track with this detailed and intentional process for three whole months, then there is a good chance you will create new habits to enjoy a more balanced life going forward!

The Energetic Heart Is UnfoldingJuly 22, 2010Science of the Heart4035 Views=3

Consider the amazing human heart, the organ that pumps life-giving oxygenated and nutrient-rich blood throughout our bodies on a precise schedule. Now researchers are learning that this marvelous machine, the size of a fist and weighing on average less than 10 ounces, also possess a level of intelligence they are only beginning to understand. Evidence shows the heart also plays a greater role in our mental, emotional and physical processes than previously thought.The heart is a sensory organ and acts as a sophisticated information encoding and processing center that enables it to learn, remember, and make independent functional decisions, HeartMath InstituteDirector of Research Rollin McCraty wrote in the paper,The Energetic Heart: Bioelectromagnetic Communication Within and Between People.Scientists at the HeartMath Institute like McCraty have been conducting research over nearly two decades that has shed light on what researchers now characterize as theenergetic heart.Power of the Hearts Electromagnetic FieldThe heart, like the brain, generates a powerful electromagnetic field, McCraty explains inThe Energetic Heart. The heart generates the largest electromagnetic field in the body. The electrical field as measured in an electrocardiogram (ECG) is about 60 times greater in amplitude than the brain waves recorded in an electroencephalogram (EEG).HeartMath studies show this powerful electromagnetic field can be detected and measured several feet away from a persons body and between two individuals in close proximity.In the HeartMath study,The Electricity of Touch: Detection and Measurement of Cardiac Energy Exchange Between People, researchers set out to determine whether the hearts electromagnetic field, as measured by an electrocardiogram (ECG), in one individual could be detected and measured in another person when the pair either were seated within about three feet of each other or held hands.The results ofThe Electricity of Touchexperiment were positive: The data showed when people touch or are in proximity, a transference of the electromagnetic energy produced by the heart occurs, the studys authors wrote.They observed that although additional research should be conducted, there were potential important implications raised by this research when viewed in conjunction with the success of numerous healing modalities.Practices such as therapeutic touch, holoenergetic healing, healing touch, chi gong and reiki among others are based upon the assumption that an exchange of energy occurs to facilitate healing, according to the findings. While there exists scientific evidence to substantiate the physiological and psychological effects of many of these treatments, science has as yet not been able to describe a mechanism by which this putative energy exchange between individuals takes place. This study, together with the work of (other research) representsoneof the first successful attempts to directly measure an exchange of energy between people.The Heart and EmotionsThe hearts electromagnetic field contains certain information or coding, which researchers are trying to understand, that is transmitted throughout and outside of the body. One of the most significant findings of HMIs research related to this field is that intentionally generated positive emotions can change this information/coding.That discovery raises the question whether the cardioelectromagnetic field information transmitted from an individual who is angry, fearful, depressed or experiencing some other negative emotion, takes on beneficial properties when it is influenced by positive emotions. Also, is the care, compassion, love or other positive emotion not only transmitted throughout an individuals body as the cardioelectromagnetic field radiates through it, but transferred externally as well to people in close proximity or even, perhaps, over long distances?Although HeartMath is continuing to study the effects of human electromagnetic fields over large distances, researchers say the answer to the first question, whether self-regulated positive emotions can be beneficial to the individual, is yes.Through the use of tools and technologies that foster positive emotions and psychophysiological coherence, individuals can effectively initiate a repatterning process, whereby habitual emotional patterns underlying stress are replaced with new, healthier patterns that establish increased emotional stability, mental acuity, and physiological efficiency as a new familiar baseline or norm, that was according to the paperEmotional Stress, Positive Emotions, and Psychophysiological Coherence. The paper, written by HMI researchers McCraty and DanaTomasino comprised a chapter in the 2006 book,Stress in Health and Disease, published by Wiley-VCH.Although additional research will be required to determine the nature and function of this energy/information the heart sends out, HMIs researchers have conducted numerous studies on how positive emotions can affect us. Participants in several studies, and indeed thousands of people worldwide who are using the HeartMath System of tools and technology, can attest to a broad range of benefits resulting from intentionally experiencing certain emotions, which HeartMath calls emotion self-regulation.

The top wave (blue) in the graph is the mothers signal averaged electroencephalograph (EEG), or brainwave signal. The bottom wave is her infants signal averaged electrocardiogram (ECG). Signal averaging is a technique for detecting synchronization between two signals. In this example, the mothers brainwave is clearly synchronized to her babys heartbeat.Assessing the Energetic Heart Near and FarIn one of HeartMaths most recent studies, researchers examined whether there is an energy exchange, in this caseheart-braininteractions, in one of the most intimate of human relationships.The Proof of Concept Study:Heart-Brain Synchronization between Mother and Babyexplored the potential to measure energetic heart-brain interactions that may be occurring between a mother and her infant.Researchers were able to show that the mothers brainwaves synchronized to that of her babys heartbeat. In this experiment, the baby was laying in the mothers lap with a blanket placed in between mother and baby. In the summary of their findings, the studys authors wrote, This preliminary data elucidates the intriguing finding that the electromagnetic signals generated by the heart have the capacity to affect others around us. It appears that when the mother placed her attention on the baby that she became more sensitive to the subtle electromagnetic signals generated by the infants heart. These findings have intriguing implications, suggesting that a mother in a psychophysiologically coherent state became more sensitive to the subtle electromagnetic information encoded in the electromagnetic signals of her infant.One of the questions being explored by the science-basedGlobal Coherence Initiative, launched in 2008 by the HeartMath Institute, is whether human electromagnetic fields can be influenced over much greater distances.The GCI, which has an international participants of about 25,000, is utilizing advanced magnetometer sensing technology to observe changes in the earths magnetic field by, among other possible effects, mass human emotions.The GCIs greater purpose is to unite millions of people worldwide in heart-focused care and intention, to help shift global consciousness from instability and discord to balance, cooperation and enduring peace, and the HeartMath Institute believes that purpose will be served as scientists gain greater insight into the energetic heart. ENERGETIC HEART