STEAM! KS. Ac. %?oktkfj»s «<»i.i> , '.nil k.i-u ...olth b* AM' ir. 'U' u. Eilwid and Srai an < -<-< «.> Ek*rnt St»*nier. LADY UK i HF l. ^KI . < /- fth *har. every H«»NDA V. fKII) Yu&|i. bi. Ptpplin* at I fc> IV.nt a <t Pr»j t i ook >ut troii-ir and *tuiii .n -- < oni-oi ti: n in ^o-fo]k with IV i-t >n. Providence aad ?-?-v >u;K ffiUiT. and a i r<tiir<« ! inea aoutii. ai. l at < >M 1 o.iii v it*; Chcssi e;.ke to < hio R. . Ticket- a d stataxtw u..- j l> ** ur fi " it. £ o. ticket offlre.LTIl . arc. ; ST. » r Hotel at boat a'l-l f~T'-rai Offlce.»il3 1-th -t. AJ.FK > \v<h b.frc', <s > r-a~. fJ ir"sukhi! k. v- > v«7r i h.~ r .T juonko! AMi 'I'll i SOUTH. Pt<ion,s'~. r in}' j. j>!j'ar steamer ! X< F.I. < !. it. ) . Jul. Leave* Tth etreet w hart eve -v TUFSD » V - iiudTHU RS. I»AYS.at 5 p. nt.. at: 1 S \ i r . DA'S s at r»:3u i». m.. stoppin^.- at Pinejr aii'l I < ?nt Lo. k at, v< ii K a^'d retur Intr. 4'on- cc tin-- in No to k with B- - ton. I Jorid«r. . New rrr\ * .1 j, . * i'i rs. an '. the Norfolk and Western i r>d S.-T^-rl si.d or;n*-k*- railI o <w; at «>'il Joint wiih th^ th < j«"»».e and Ohio mi.road. Freight r. wived d -l y utit.; p. in. V. HhU M. Afrt. J M. HUDGINS. Gen. Supt. _J*» jyjT. YEKNONI IT. YEKKOSII CTFA MT'R W. W. COrCORAN leaves 7:li st' i t \ irf *:'} (exee t Snnnav) far Mt. Vernon at 10 oV <-V a m. . r tummjr reaches Wislim^tcu abuu: 3 J(J I -in- _ _. , oMt J I-. BI.AK , ' apte.-n. \(-kk. k<'t i t i:l>am. awstfrdam.. 'Ihe fij>t-<"a<w. 'i '' |* wtced.Ariv(Je-b»i:.t f < f this 1 .la'. AMSifl.DAM. HO Tl.ltDAM FCHIXOAM. V ! ZAANDAM. P. TA>V A. »Ch()I,TK\. MAAS, munvth U..^ Mail* t<»Tir" lr i*e «-oni i an* * Pi«". foot of Bnrmx ntn-t. Jerw/T.. Pffl ar.je^fry WfcDH>:hDAV !'* Iu»tti-n1»ni and Am»te.«i»-m, t U nihteiy. hint tal'Ui. *70: (je.-«'ii<l <nl>in. fWi ato»5ra0.. B. < A7.AI X, OtDt-rni Kvnt. 27Sc< th Willi, m -twet, 5f w \or». f'or to tt. O. Ht iiil.iJorT A t'O.. tr.Ti Penn. avr.. \\.i-hin»rti>n. HJUMTH UMAX IJ-OY1VXv tT' I ink I'Kr'.ri v^f Vor.r. ITavh*. i.nswm. s«.r ii. aKr<-s a*»i> Rrf.mkn. The*t< ;n,cn»of tl.;~<- ,ny will »iil KVL:<Y R\TFRliA^ ltxu Bretii. i; ! '. foot of ;id ntreet, lloS^'isn. ! Kst»» oif i-r'H-'aut*- From N' -.v York t > Havri\ l»adr>ri. > fcoulhniii' wu and H.« :.: !. cabin. .>: 1 . cal.iu. ^ t»fr;uf^, j:i'. i>Ki>aid fteeraKe « tiitic I f'J4. Forirfirfht or i .i >apply to OKI.MCH' i O., 'J H (irt- ii. Nt v.- York: W.ii. MtT/.Ki.OlT j & CO.. lff"> I inus-i ivai.ia ..viuue uortiK»«a»t, A»ft!i.- ; j.* j Vvfcini'uiE. jslTTAMHim;LINE. W FKT.Y I INF OF RTF.AMMIS, LEAVING N>.W VOliK EVERT THUKSDAY AT NOON. FOR ENGLAND. FRANCE AND GERMANY. I\ r Pltmte apply to r. R. RICHARD k CO.. General Pasaen>rer Air. nta, 61 Broadway. N. Y. Or !o PERCY O. SMITH. 13.M snd '"ID Piunsvlvanla avenue. Sot id for "Tourist Gazt-t e.** apl Li.AN" LINi.. to antTfrom BOSTON* AND BALTIMORE. IJVt KPGOL, QUEENSTOWN. GLAtGOW. LONDONDERRY »nd GALWaT. Pr~; :ild pn^«aifo rfrtficitos for Fri. ndoand KelaMvea fro... lli«i >ld t'i'iiiitrj . totii> railroa.i «tati"i> «>. 8t.:nibca la:idii;ir in th«* I nited states. Ihe onlj'Iiiie taking } ysaeemrpr- direct trom <>alway. Ihp -tetairn are uiuurFiuaeil lor safety and speed, and arc ti.t>d up with ail improvement* conducive t> tl) -cc>uifi.rt of i ^-H-nirerv. Cabin. and f80. btenuaiialf, $UI. stoeraire, 'uwe-t r re -. Apply t J AS. BFl.LKW. 711 7tli st.; Vrs. D. A. BROS NAN. 61-'*.»tli >4. « O. W. MOSS. 2'2a I enna. ave.. <r l.tVt ,t ALDEN. General AironU, New Y'irk. 'Jtli Btoadway: Hilton, >>asH., 15 St:te «t.: Miilaoeii.iu.i, fx., N.E. (.oruer B.-uad and i.'ejsttiut efc- . or lo al a^re.;tj. n'.'.' tti. s.vt ^JUKAKD LIISE. NOTTCP. T ANK r.oVTF,. 1EF CrXARP srr A.MSHiP COMPANY LnilTEIX BETUI FV NKAA YORK AND LiVKRPOOL. CALLING Al CORK HAKBOlt. FROM PIhli 40. N. ii NEW YORK Ber. ir. . Afced-.Fei ._H. 1'avoma.. . A"e<«.. March'2ft. }fc.£in:a .AA'eti., M;ireh 7. t tvn ,'Aed.. April 4. Part fa Wet.. Ma>eh 14. B ;h .:a W d.. April 1L C'ataloriia. ,\»ed.. Ma-. *21. <-z.h:' Wed.. April lii. AM>E\f.itk ft F.DN'KSOAk * KOil AEW iUltlv. Kate ov Pa-hagk: *C0, *:-v nnd Jl' O for jastwuirer aocommodstlan1*. Ftfer3«> at >ery low mte«. Steeraire tickets from Livfrff <' Queci^atow n and adi uliior parts of Luropo »: lor. t .-t ral -a. Throtijrh bills of laden eiven for IVs!fast. Glaaiyow. Ha\ re. Antwerp and other p<jrts ou the Continent and ior Mtth'errnnean tort*. For freic!it#nd pasxaipe apply at the Company's oflics. §o- 4 B<-whntr (ireen. or Kith steeratre and cabin t) TIS l>It»EL«JW Jt CO.. t-05 7th btreet, Waalainfton. *C" ^l-i»NO^ H. BROWN k CO. .New York. Crto iliosis. O i IS BIGELOW k CO.. Ja;il3 tt»5 7ih street. Washington. KATLROADS. Baltimore & «»hio kaii road. Tlii MUDF.L FAST, AND THE ONLY LIS! Bt l W fcES THK FAST AND THE WE^T. VIA WASHINGTON -DOUBLE TKAC'Kl JANNKY COLPLKK! STEEL RAILS! SCH1DULK TO TAKE EFFECT SUNDAY', Nov KMBEtt 12th, 18»Z. A.If. LEAVE WASHINGTON. W:U6.C'nc*ro,Cincinnati and St. i orns Fast ExprMS. Sle« j'tniT (_ars to Cincinnati. St. Loais and ChicaffOk :©0. Ba.timore. Ellii-ott C:fv and War Staaona. BALTIMORE EXPRESS. #:60.Be timora. Annatiolis and Way (Piedmont, Straabur_ . w inchester. Ha**r?»town and War. via Relay.) ft^45.BALTIMORE EXPRESS. #;10.P'.'nt of Rocks and Way Stations. #:ll>.F'lILADFLFHl*. NEW YORK AND BOSTON F-XPRESS. Parlor Car* to New York. B:4U. Suhunion and Va! ey Kxpreaa, (connect* for Ha.-fwf-'wn and at Point of Bocks for Frederick.) w-OO.BaitiniCwe, HyattnvU* and Laurel Express. at Beltaville, Annapolia Jai ction. Jeeaup'a _ . V'.T.rry.'v. ^ Randaya stoi« at ad stations. BAL1 IMoRE EXl'iiESS. (atuMat HyaiUvilli an.l J jiurai.) tB»:l:.Pittsburg1. Cl.icasm, Cincinnati and St. Loals Eti bleepinjf Cars to Cincinnati, Louisville an<: Chicairo. P.M..12: I'i.Baltimore. Ellicott C!ty, Annapolia, Way. >1:2?.1 » ^TiBilav only f.>r lia titnore and Way. »:*>-11 \LTIM< >RK EXFRKSS. BALTIMORE EXPKKSS. tS OO.li<» tnuore. Philadelphia and N. Y. Expttoh. 1:30. 1-a.limore and V\ ay stations,(Winchester, Fre3er.ik. Ha«rer*town and Way via Relay. > 4:30.- aitni.ore. Hvattsv.ile A Laurel i xi rerts, (Fredem i via 1 elay. etoi pinif at Annapolis Junction.) J4:40.B« !:n;cre, AuiiaiHilis and Wax Stations. 14:45.point of Rocks. FrtJenck. Ha^erstown. Wincht i-ter and Way suti. ns. (On Sunday to Point of Roekxaud Way Stations ounr.) t#'45.BAL'l 1MORE EXPRESS (Mtrtinabur* and W ay, \la Keiay. Slojv at Hyattsvllle ana LaureL) IM.l on t ui Rocks and Way Stations. 7.00 B liunore and Way Sta.iona. T aU-HALi ' MoRK EXPRESS. 18:40-111 i^'BURG. CLEYELAND and TETBOIT IXI i:i-^S hleeoiiiK Can to Pittabuiy. t#:40-PHii ADEL1 H1A, NEW YOi.K and BOSTOS EXl'KKSS. sieepmif Lara to New York. 1§:56.i ! :i"»-.-o, Cincinnati and St. Louis Fx press. feleei' iic rars to Cincinnati. St.Loui^and Chicatco. 11:3b BALI 1 .MORE AND WAY ST Al IONS. tDaiiy. ;>uiiday only, other tntusdaily. excc^tSunday Alltra'nx fn ni Wanhiu<t'<u etop at Relay Station. Forfrrther Information apply at the Baltimore and Ohio Ticket Othcee, Washington Station. 61'J and l:i51 Hubtyhiiiia avenue, tom-.-r 14th street, wliereordera w ii. taken for la.viwo u> I* chocked and received at H.y i>oi?it in he city. C. K. LoRD, Gen. Paasecwv Airent, Balto. WM. CLEViEN i s. M.t.-;. r of Trans.. Bailo. inyJ TiiE G3F.AT PENNSYLVANIA ROTTE TO THE NORTH, WEST AND SOUTHWEST. DOUBLE TRACK. SPLENDID SCENERY. fcTEEL ItAIIJA. MAGNIFICENT EQUIPMENT. IN r.FKFCT F. i n A , . th. 11W3. i w>" i f avk w ashing ron fbom station. cobitsb f-,r ITH AMI B^TBU.7*. AS KoLLOWH:. Jor Pittimrw and tne We>t, Chicago Limited Express cf I -a.v-S ee, inv- Cars at S):oOa.m.. daily; Fast Lu:.. « JO a.m. daily, with Sleepin* Carafro n llarr.M>unc to Cinnna »ti. W eatern Express 7:JO r.m. tai.y. with Palace Cars to Pif.aburw an 1 C ;nci: n u. Mail Exi reus, s»;50 p.m. dally tor Pltt-L- rv-.cd the West. BAL'l 1 ilOKE AND JOTOMAC RAILROAD. For Fr . Canandaigna. Rochester. Buflalo. Niagara. 9 p in djity except ^atnrday, with PweoCaie Wit.'. i:|ft n to C»i.a i lULroa. For Williamsport. Lock Haven, and Elmira, att.33 t m. caily. except Sun<L'«y. For New Vont and tn» East, fl 00 a.m.. 10 30a.m. l sr 4 2> , »:5n. and \o .2it p m. On Sunday. 4:20. 9.6! ami 10.i0 p.m. limited Expreaaof Pullman Par t k r t srs. It 30 a.m. daily, except Sunday. or Bwto * t'.ou.ch n.-e. i:.,0 j..m. every week-day. On "n !»v. 4-V0'-.- . Jot lire * !yn. N. Y.. all throiurh trains connect at Jarr« y » ity with boats of Brooklyn A nnex. affontinc d:r< c: transfer to Fulton street, avoiding double ft rr ire acroae New York Citr. For Pin j.1e.i tua. »:00 a.m.. 10: »0 a.m.. J.30, 4:»L . aLd 10:2o pan. On Sunday. 4:20, <T50.and 10:JO p.m. Limiteil ^-xpreaa. ):Wim. daily.axcex t s an day. Tor R.i rniorv. Mil, s-on. irm, 10:">0 a.m. and 1-:M» 4:-20, 4.40. 6:20. 7:30. '-:50. and 10:20 p.m. On feuuday. » 00. 4:30 a.m.. 4:i0. 6:20, 7:30. 9:50. atj-I IP 20 p. m. For Poi e's it A line. 0:40 a.m. and 4:40 p.m. dally. ear, H Sunday. For Anna^ooa, 6 40 a.m ud 4.40 p.m. dally, exoept ALFXANi'RfA AND Fit! DERICK8BURG RAIL. WAY. AND. ALEXANDRIA AND WASHINGTON BAlL'loAD For AKxaron-.. 6 :i0. 7.-on. 9:2»«. H 00 and 11:25 a.m.. i:4> 4 > OO. 6:OP. M.00 and 11:30 p.m. On Bcnd«y ate. 9:20. 11.00 and 11 :'i6 a.m., and & p.m. For Kiel iiioo.l and the South. 6:10 and 11:25 a.m. daily, ind O oOn.m. (tally, except Sunday. Trains *&v« Alexandria ior Waahimrton. C OO. ft 09. S:.V. s;ul 1»K>U a.m. . 12: (A >:0U, 5::0, 7:00 and 9:10 p.m. an<i 1J:oO nndmirht <i ilv ex<- t Moada-. Oa Si nday -t 8:oj. tt.'sa and 10:00 a.m.: 1:0n and d 'JO p.m. T.iketr am mforu.aUou at the office, cortbeaet onrnar ri i: tfc ruttt and Pennsylvat ia aven'ie, and at tlie static l, vi>< : rtiera cam be 1.ft tor Uie cneckitur of baifti«i U. is »t.nat-ou Iron, hote^ and raaideccea. J. 1>. WOOD. General PiarrmriT AicenL nos. F. 1 UGH. <,en«-ral Manaicer. T11E TRADES. 1 * EDChLS. journals. JM . _ Cash Books, Ac.. Ac.. . lo order at Lycett'a Bindery. 10W Pa. are. 1 H. W. MnNEAL Proper. RCFU3 H. DAKBY, I BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, 1RA.SS-WORK FOR THE TRADE 4X1 9th street, bw E dll GIBSOX BROTHERS, , PRACTICAL BOOK AND JOB PRINTERS, 1?3* Pennsylvania avenue WaahtDCtoo. D. 0. W Fi&e i^rtiicxur a ^eciAStF* jftnli ^kI.D WIN* AND OLD FKIENDS ARB KNOWN AS \J the beat, aola JUSTH'ti Old Stand known for years as the only ptaoa when- f.rat-daaa 8EOOND-HAND CLOTHING can be aoltl at reai«ctabfa price*. Addztea » rreail at JtSTH'a Old Stand. No. 619 D atreet, lutsim Mh and Tth atreeta northwest. B. B. J ote by nail prooipUT atlauded to. 9 tnUK CI LLI'LOID TBUSS: THAT NEVER X breaks, never waare out. always atoaa. and oaa be W «Uk battte. laloraatoat CHAS. FISHFR'S, 823 7th atreet norttiweat. tMRS. I1SHEB ilaiiifaalaar itfitlf to the wanfarf AUCTION SALES. nMOKAOW. IJinOMAS I'»W£ING, Auctioneer. IMPORTANT ART SALE. CHOICE AND VALUABLE COLLECTION or 2»*-H CLASS OIL PAINTISGS AND WATER COLORS, TO BE SOLD AT AUCTION ok WEDNESDAY. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY. FEBRUARY TWENTY-EIGHTH AND MARCH FIRST AND SECOND. AT ELEVEN A.M. AND THREE P.M., AT OUR NEW ART ROOMS. Corner Porn^ylva.ia avenue and Eleventh street. The co'lcetrn embraces New and Interest!ngr Subject*, magnificently Jnmed. from the American Art Ga le-y 11! t«ii ftre. t New i ork and in a splendid opportunity to procure finr. mc nt rious ork.<of art bv esteemt d and i'i\ '.".I modern arri-t.'ot Eur.>i>e and America. f26-:i f j'HuMAa DOW LING, Auctioneer. EKfilKEM Depahtmknt, i Distmct or » OI.t-mbia. ' W ashington, February 20, 1883.) i?,Vrr»,,y ^lv' " WEDNE8D KX, FFBr* V \ , L-.H1H, 18S:t. the Fish Whnrves « I i-'i stj Is !11 the r ti-e of Washington and'ieoi iret" .. be m»!(J at i tiKic auction for the term of one jre.r fr -in 1. Ihhs. as fo;l:>ws: 12 o'clock p. it... " > 11- ptvm *p. h.x Fish stalls, in the Georgetown v.:l . t.» tb<*luirhest bi uer. Tirni*.ca-h. in a i.A so- j,t the naiiii' tim» and upon the premiRill t..- i/etOMrii Fish Wharf. at t e foot oi Potomac « > , t M... ,.i*lj: sit iddcr. 'I erms, cush in advance. i i iir> u K.r to keep the whart in repair (luring his A:s.\ at I (»I;R O'CLOCK P.M.. on the ftsme day, on ;:re*.t lic;«w.r» 7th and 9ih northwest, in front ot lin i £ , <>f < ent-r) V ashimrton Market, ali Rights P:i i.ir»Sirm: tf*d . r allnwe bv the laws » f the c rj oration t4 wadungtan, to eetaMi"'! Wharves and t>", Us lor tin landin cleanimr and sale of fish in the i ,.\ of Waahh-gton. and no wharf or dock shail i-e «. i'' II eligible i.n cr-8 situated at souie p-int on'the rorth Mdnof the p«-t >m»c Liver letwe«T. 11th street « a-1 rT'd I4tli strt t wi st, to the hitch s; bidder. leriiis: »100 to l>- (aid «»n the day of sal-*, and the residue to te |>aid within ttve days from the dav of s3:e. iS.v order of the Board of Crm uissioners P.C. *1- »-YD.fc.CKEit. Major of Ei gineer», U.S.A.. 1'mriiieer Commissioner. D.C. rKREMPTOf-) SALE OF VA I ABLE IM PE~ Vi D AM' UN IMPI-.OVED PROPERTY. BEING AT 1HE CORNER f F ,M \l.YLAND AVK UE SIXTH STPEET EAST A D C sTREi T NORTH. B. I \(i TMPnOVKD BY A TWO^IrVKY ANI' ATT C BRICK COKNER SIXTH AM) C STi PETS; TWO-STORY FRAME I'Oi'NER MARYLAND AVi.NUE AND MXTti ;U,Tl AND TWO-STORY FRAME ON M \KYL Wl) AV; NUE. On WEDNESDAY. TWENTY-EIGHTH FFB-^, ,H' a ''J. i H8.:. COM M E \ CI Ng at - U K-THI iCT ¥|jjjj| ! ' ^ ^ M., ire will nell« in front of the i>remm wjuar»* No. 864; these lota front f-0 [cot on hth stre. I. 18C '2-P2 on ix aryiand a\.i:ne,iy 3-12 on north C street, the east line of lot< bcintr 1 j.r iij. The property ia sod bv order of the nurs to cloeo *n estate, and is one of tlie best sit ated pr,»|H.rticH in the I'tustern wctlon. then'beiujf severa fine build.mr lots in a idition to the houses. 'e ms: One-fourth cash; balance in one. two and thrfe years note*, to liear intends t and to be secured by .fof tru-t. A ilcposit of f 100 on eac 1 lot rebuilt d a.,s? e>. Terms to lie coitii>ii(vl vith in Keven days, ot.i- -. wise resale; couveyamnnK. &c.. at i>u;chaser's rest. By order of the heirs. f-'3 DUNCANSON BROS., Aucts. SFECIALTIES. MRS M A. FINCH. MAGNETIC HEALER s.nd Unsineve Medium, cp.n l»e found at 1010 7th str *t nortt. we-t, where ehe will be pleased to meet » er many lri< nds and customers. fl7-lm* MRS. H. F. WEIGHT. MAGNETIC A 2; DC LAIRvoyant Piiys cian, lian-- eminent sia-o ss in treat.mr acute and chronic dit-eases (Ix.th mental and physical), w ltl out med.cuie. Rooms 000 6th street northwest. 12-4 w* Dli. ROBERT ON, 1 HE MOST RELIABLE ^-PEcia!i~t in this city, wit'i twenty years' experience, can be consult d confidentially »verv Wedn' sdjj" and Saturday, rewn 2 to p.m.. at his office. 4:"'f> (: tdreet ik rthwest. Ouarautt-es a positive cure in n 1 diseases of the urinary r rtrpns and nervous system. Cases re ent y c ntracted cured in 4 to 6 days. I'.elers to 1 ad mr i hypiei 'ns of Baltimore, hi1- native city. Main office, 30 N. Liberty street. Baltimore, Md. Private and separate r -onis for ladies. ian29-3m GIO AND SEE PliOF. WARRING* r JltDII'M AND REAL ASTROLOGER. At 715 Ninth street northwest. Five thousaml doliaia to any one who can equal him in telling the past, present and future, causing speedv mai i Kes. bmiKinir separate-1 toirether. and in businesa at airs. »h"se advi.e is invaluable. He tells consnltoi's tiume in full, and la the only i*-rson that can «io so. Pn i. \\ arrinjr aaVs no questions and uses no cards of unj description in his profession. SA IISFAC ION GIVEN OR NO PAY. Fee.I^adies. fl; irentlemen. $1. Jalfi-7iv* T\I J^WI IiLv..0.F PHILA.. BUSINESS TEST atI. Medium and C airvo* ant, (rives names, describes < erwn*. writes mechanically. Circles lueaday and Friday evenuun. Also reads by cards. Will eiuratre for i-rivate sittmxa. &28Est. n.w. Jall-7w* AI TELI.SALL THE EVENT8 OF 1T1 LIFE. All business confidential Ladies and Gentlemen 50 cents each. 40b L streoU between 4th aad 5tli streets nortnweaL dJ8-10w' MltS. LACY. WORLD-RENOWNED FORTUNE Teller. Medical. Business C airvoyant, born with se<*ond eirht, lella without questionintf namec, dates, events, j-er-onal description, character ol absent friends. Satisfaction truaranteod. 928 E street. dl3-llw OTHO III. AND QUEEN EM MA THE GIP-SEY FORTUNE TELLERS, are encami>ed In Parion at No. 508 13th st. n.w. ^hey have testimonials from the elite of England, franco, Indl. and the United States. n23T2w* MEDICAL, Ac. Manhood kkstoked' bY^jhino a bottle or two of Dm. BRO'l HERS' Inviiroratin^ Cordial V ill cure anj case of seminal Weakness, Nervous L«ebi'jty and Impotency. It imparts ntfor to the whole system. 90b B street souttiwest f21-lm* DKS. B' OTH' RS AND GRAY GIVE NO FREE prescriptions and send you to someaida show druupst who will atrree to divide profits with the doctor. 1 lic«e (tisartK.lnted of a cure of p lvate diseasts should con-ult Drs. BROTHERS and GliAY, y06 B et. fe.w. ; »ill furnish you medicines, iruaranteo a cure or no pay. Ihirty-five years' experit-noc. HUm* DR. LEON. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED A>D on 1 y re liable J -aches' Physician in the citv. can lie onsult d da ly at 237 1 ennsylvania avenue. All lemale (ompiaiiits and Irretrularitie-j q ickly removed, jmimpt treatment. Coirespondeoioe and consultations stnctly confidential. Separate rooms for ladies. Office hours 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Jal6-2m l\f AI)AME DE FOREST HAS REMEDY FOR LAlTi dies. All female complaints qmckly cured. Can bj consulted daily at 1245 7th street north wait Officehouri Iroiu 1 to U o'clock p.m.. with lauies omy. f6-2m* J^EAD! Bi-AO!.' DR. MOTTS FRENCH POWDERS Certain cure for all Urinary Diseases. Impotent,Gleet. ^ ypl iijiL ic, Gonorrhoea cured in 48 boon. WM. B. ENTWISIJTH. corner 12th «lreet and Pennsylvania avenue lior.hwest. Price |3 per box. sent by man under e«ai on receipt ot price. MX1 T^J AN HOOD EESTOiiED. . A dcUm of ear'y lmpraaence. caasin* Nervous Debility Premature Decav. etc.. havinir tried in vain every known remedy, has discovered a simple means of s«lf-oure, which he wi 1 send free to his feUowcofferere. Address J. H. REEVES. 43 Chatham street. New \orfc. n4-s. tu. thhkflm A CARD. * Te all who are mifferfnsr from the errors and indlscreno sof youth, nervous weakness, early decay km of manhood. Ac.. I will send a recipe that wi l cum you, FREE OFCHARGE. This irreat remedy was disCOwttrtAb^ 4 mh*iouary in South Anient*. Bend a selt-aad:eseed envelope to the Kit. Joseph T.I mm am, feUbon D. New iork City. o7-s.tu.th.Ak.ly DR. ROBERTSON. THE MOST RELIABLE AND J°yt .established specialist in this city, with 18 }' »n experience, will ruarantee acute in all rtinisnrii of u e Urinary Ornu, Nervous WeaknMS. etc. Con nltatkma strict!v confidential. Can be crnsulted . 8«»tardaya, from 2 to 9 p. in.. £? C s«re« northwest. Refers to the kadinir physicians ot Baltimore. Main othca. 80 North Liberty street. Baltimore. Md.oisJ financial! The new idea.this is the age of pro wrewyetbouuht and new ideas. MCTUAL.RESERVE FUND LIFE ASSOC IA TION is the new idea in Life Insureroe. Has the appmyal of the wisest Insurance experts, and unprecedented support of the public.writin* over four milu ns a month. Office; 1509 H street. I. Y. KNIOHT. Manager. pRIVATE STOCK TELEGRAPH WIRES BETWKEH WASHINGTON. NEW YORK AND BI0HM0ND. I H. H. D0DG8, Bonds, Stocks and Investment Securities Bought and fcold on commission. Ko. f3» 15th STREET, (COBCORAK BUILDING,) Agency for Prince and Whitely, stodt Broker* C4 Bbojldvat. Nxw You. Fverr c'flss of Pemnties boocht and sold on rommisslcn In San Francisco, Baltimore, Philadelphia, New Ycrk, Boston and Washington. Orders executed on the New York Stock Exchange at one-eighth of one per cent commission. Private and direct telegraph wires to Richmond. Baltimore, Pbiladsiphla, New York and Boston, through which orders an ^v^nted as the Stock Exchanges in thbee cities and reported back promptly. Quotations of Btm*lrs sad Bonds and information regarding the Markets received through our wires IN&TA^T^Y direct from the *ew York Stock Exchamre. 02 Gas Cooking Stover rOBSALK AT THE GASUGHT OFFICE TENTH KTEBB. auction sales. RUCTION SALE or U N REDEKM LD PLK GES. on THURSDAY, MARf HTHE FIRST. AT HALFP^Sl .ShVEN O'CLOCK P.M., and FRIDAY,MARCH THE SECOND. 18M3, AT HA F-PA9T 8EVK> O'CLOCK P. M.. I wii! sell at the est bb&hmenr, No. 1ZJ6 Pennsylvania avenue, t>etween 12th and 13th ate. northwest all p.edges fn f»itd l>y non-redtnnption at t'l s date, con«stin»r of Oold and Silver Watches,Chains Diamonds. Jewelry, Iadi >s'and (rents' Cloth ng. Car!«:*, Book-s (iunfi. Rev lvers, Ciocka. Blai.kets, l»ed«i reads, Uoihr .das, Mirer and P.aled Silverware, etc., etc. Partie* hn!ding tickets oo which time expires will p tease take notice. e. heidenhlimeb, Broker. m. FQL Y, Auctioneer. f27-8t YV EKS A CO.. AuC^-^nra. * t>i>9 Louisiana avfET^, Opposite City Post 0Kt5» TEX PIECES ENGLISH CASS1MERES. CHEVIOTS. CHINCHILLA. DIAGON ALS AN OTHER FIXE GOOD ; M'HCHAM TAILOh'8 STOCK, WILL BE SOLD T ADCT ION. To COVER ADVANCE:! AND PAY CHARGES. Within our salesroom, thursday MORNING, mam-h First, at twelve o'clock. m-2t rriltUSTE v- SALE OF VALUABLE IMPBOTiD A iTtOPKUTV IN MT. PLEASANT, KNOWN AS S. P. BKOWVS HOMES ti AD. By \irtue of a deed of trust dated the tliirteenth jca of April, 1880. and recorded in Liber .\o. »40, Eg lolio 49 etseq.. one orthe land recorle o: the lis-®1* trict of Columbia, and at the request ot the holders of J e notes secu-ed thereoy, defaut liav hit i-ecu made in the I'i.yuieul thereof. I wdl sell at public auction,on me i>remi«. s, on SATURDAY, THi. T.-N IH LAV OF M RC i,1883,at HALF-PAST FOUK O'CLOCK P.M., all th t certain piece or {>arcel of ground or real estate tr <T of land lying- aud beii.g in the said county of Wnshi '-;ton, in said Distric , and a ljarent to said city of V\i.Rhin,rt id, containing seventeen and a half (17>4) acres of laud, more or less, and being' the same which w\:b conveyed an i described in a certain deed in tru-t, recorded in Liter D, So. 4. fo io 452. Ac., of the laud recon's for w id co nty. in said District. saving and excepting so much then of, about live (B) teres, as was conveyed in ac rlain dee I, r corded in Liber No. 620. ri,° **** ^c*» paid land rec rds. Ti © pi eiuises above descrilied Iteiitg the homestead of 8-I - Browu and improved by a throe-story traine ciwel mk-, stables and other buildings. Terms ot sale: O e-fourthcash; balance in six, twelve and eighteen months, with interest at the rate of six percent, the (Inferred payments tobesecur d by deed of trust, or nil cash, at Hie option of the purchaser. jfiO i must b dep.«-it»sd on the day of sale. Unless the terms of g .le are complied with within ten days the i rii<tte reserves the right to re-Bell at the cost of tue defaulting p.ircha-^er. Br.NJAMIN P. SNYDER, Trustee. T. T. COLDWaLL, Auct oneer. fi7-eoA.ia f^lHOMAS DOWLINU, Auctioneer. TRUSTEES* SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED PRorERTY. N R T1 N > ALLY . OWN. D.C. By virtue of a deed of trust, bearing date the 13 th °J ^e||ten>ber, 1880, and dul .- recorded in Litver*>:**l J47. folio -*»88r he., olo of the land rerord* for the District of Columbia, the underwgm^d TrusV-es will nell on the premises on TUE>DAY, MARCH THIRj[E NTH, 1883, AT HALF-PAST FOUK O'CLOCK, the f. llowing described pr>>j«erty, situated in Wa^hinsrton coin.ty. District of Celumlrta, viz.; All that piece or percel of land, containing 4 acres, 1 rood and «'P relies more or'ess, as the same is i dicated and described in a survey and plat dated May, 1852, by ! ewis Carbnry. surveyor of said District, bounded on tbe west by the new road of said District, on the north by the laud of Washington Hurdle, on tae south by the land of Mrs. Ariana yles. and on th east by Lot No. 7 of said plat and -urvey, the said I ot hereby con veyed beinir marked and descritied in said plat and survey as Lot No. 8, suldect to a res r\utiou of a road or riirht of way l, feet wid - on the northern line between said Lot No. 8 aud the iand of said Washington Hurdle for tbe benefit of al. the owner> of Ixits N. s. 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6, 7 and 8 on said plat and survey, improved by a good frame dwelling, slaughter-house, ice house. *>tabling, Ac., located near t ennalh t->wn. D. C. Terms: One- hirdcash; the residue in two equal payments at six and twelve montas, with notes bearing interest aud secured by a d ed of tru -t. or all cash at the option of purchas r. All convevaucing, fcc., at purchaser's cost. A deposit o $100 will be retiuired at tir-e ofsae. WILLIAM D.'CA-nSIN./ m f23-dts JAMES L. DAVIS. { Trustees. "Jp^UN'CANSON BROS., Auctioneers. TltUSTE S' 8ALE OF TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE * N M ST MEET. HE WEEN TWLNTY-TtilliD A D 'J WEN IY-FOURTH STREETS NORTHWEST. A1 AU TION. By virtue of a deed of trust duly recorded in Liber No. 9<3, folio 247 ct q., one of the laud ret°ru^.°f Washiuirtou county in the Di.-trict of C'lunibia, and at the request of the party fecu red thereby, w<- will f ell at public auction on Ul.Si'AY. THE SIXTH DAY OF iiAROH, A.O., 1883, al FIVE 0 CLOt K 1. M.t in front of the premises, all tuatc.Ti in piece or parcel o land and premises situate aud l>eiug in the city of Wash i gtou in the District of t oiumbi", an<i known and distimridshe Ion the ground plan or i latof naid c ty as part of orijrinal lot niniilx-rcd twelve (1 ). in square nu : bered thirty-seven (37). IjcRtn'W 1,'r S; ,u<" at a lK,i"t on t ie bouth iine i f IVi street nmetf«n (19) feet v. est of the northeast corner of said 1-t. a-,d running thence west alonwr thr line £ "I street nineteen (19) f< et; thence sc'Ulh sev> ntynve (<5) feet; thence ea*t nineteen (1 ) feet; thence »*T ^^enty-five (75) f»-et to the i«)iut of iKxiimitik-', beliitf the name property conveyed to Thos. O'Mehe by doed. duly recorded in liber 942, folio 361, of the land record *of the District of < olunibia, together with all tje ri^ht , easements, privileges a:id a]>purteuances to the same bel> 'ngintr or in anywise apj»er;aijiinir. Terms: <.;ne third cash; baanc.- in six, twelve and eighteen months; notes to bear interest and to ie se91'^ de^i at trust on property wild. A dejios't of >100 required at time of sa'e. C'ouwyancing, Ac . at P"''Chaser's cost. Terms to l>e complied with in seven daxs. otherw ise the Trustees reserve thd-right to re-sell rt the risk and c< st of the defaulting purchaser, after live days public notice f f 8i:ch re-sale in soinc newspaper published iu Washimrton. 1). C. GEORGE K. PETTY. > ~ . -1C GLOi-GE C. HE-nNING.I Trustee9fl»-s,tn,thfcds fJMlOJIAH DOW LING. Auctioneer. IMPROV"D PROPERTY No. 719 TWENTIETH SI P. ET Not.TinvksT AT AUCTION. On THURSOAY AFTERNOOfi, MARCH FIRST mHU 188:t, t FOUR O'CIXK'K. in front cf the p emiaes. M3 1 shall sell Part of Lot 5, in square l'.O, fronting 19®211 feet on tbe east nid of 20th street, by a depth of 141 feet 10 inches to an alley, improved by a frame dwelling. Terms: One-third cash: ba'ance at six and twelve months, with notes bearing interest and secured by a deed of tr st. All convey en c;ne, Ac., nt purchaser's cost. $100 deposit required at time of sale. Hale positive. J*- dts THOMAS DOWLING. Auct. THOS. J. FISHER & CO., Leal Estate Auctioneers. CHANCERY '-ALE OF ABOUT TWENTY-ONE ACRES OF LAND IMMEDIATELY NORTH OF THE CITY. AND PRINCIPALLY LYING BE1W EN FOURTEENTH AND SIXTEENTH STREETS EXTENDED, SUBDIVIDED INTO VILLA SITES. Under and by virtue of a decree of the EquitvOMt Court, passed December 6th. 188*2. in a causb^SV wherein Alary A. Holt ead et al. are complainant it and Columbi s J. Ealln e: al. Bre defendants, iquity cause No. 8,27i. doc. No. 2. the undersigned, as will seiL oil THURSDAY AETEKNOON, M;\KCH1'1R8T. A.D. 1881. at HALF-PAST THREE 0 CLOCK, on the preudses, ailtliat tract of land known as parts of 1 leasant Plains" aud "Mount Pleasant " fronting on Columbia l d, west of 14th street, and l>ei lonKingto the estate of the late James Eslin, containimr about 21 acres, which has l>een sulidivided into 211n s or tracts varying in urea from % to 'Jh acres, with streets and avenues couforu in* to the subdivision of Mt Pleasant and C'olum i College laud.?. Terms ol :-ale; Oue-Unrd of the purchase-money to be pal in cash, the remainder in two equal instalments atot.e and iwo > ears, with mtereHt from day of saie. 1 nd secured by deed of trust. All conveyancing at the c-»t of the pt.rcbaser. A cash deposit of {100 wi.l be rrmnred on each lot at the time of sale. Plats of the sui division may be obtained at the onioc^ ol the Trustee c»r of the Auctioneers. ,10 , JOHN J. JOHNSON, Trustee, f12 d 323 street. GEYER'S AUCTION BAZAAR AND LIVEKY STABLE, No. 468 and 470 C street northwest. Back of N ational Hotel. SAL^S EVERY FRIDAY AT 10:30 A.M. COME AND SEE US. SEND YOUR HOUSES. Carriages, Wajcons, Ac., that you want soid: 8torage nd Board at reasonable rates; liberal advances made. We also oiler Horses. Carriages, Wagons. Ac., at private sale. .telephone connection. ROB'T. VOsE A OO., Auctioneers. ' F' proposals; ^SSIGNEE'S SALE. The undersigned, as assignee of Nani Gntman, win receive proposals in writing for'the purchase oi the atock in store No. 912 7th street northwest, the Bnrns consisting of Dry and Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Trimming, kc , Ac. ^The Assignee reserves the right to reject any and all Ail'bids to be filed by MARCH THREE, 1883, FOUR Jr. M. «vr u A. FISHER, Assignee, ^7-5t 912 Tth street northwest. ~ professional I" MPORTANT TO IADIE8.LADIES MAY BE accommodated with Board, before, during and after sick i ess, with medical treatment, in a physician's family. Address Mrs. SLOANE, Exj>erienced Midwife, 116 North Caroline street, Baltimore, Md. f22-6t* Artificial eyes, k. iioi iiil the si Glasses; SI Boxwood Thermometer; that $7 Field Glass; $7.60 Pearl oj>era. HEMPLER'S (The Optician) Old Stand. 453 Pa. ave. Telephonic connection. d8 Useful feet promote health and longevity, hence the thousands from far and near that Tisit Dr. WHITE'S establishment, 1416 Pennsylvania avenue. opi<ostte Willard's Hotel, for redef from and avoidance of Corns. Bunions, Diseased Natls, Chilbains, \ascul r Excresences and other complaints of ttie feet Established in Washington, D. C., in 1861. i Mors to the most eminent physicians and surgeons. Ottice fee >11 er visit lor putting the feet in order. Jail TYV H. L. BOVEK, MEDTCAIT ELECTRICIAN, MJ treats successfully Female Diseases. Neural via, Rheumatism. Chills, Paralysis, Nervous Diseases, Ac. Turkish, Russian. Sulphur and all Medicated Baths given. 417 G street, opposite Kigifs House. o20 DR. M. 8. PARSONS, M> D1CAL ELECTRICIAN? Galvanic and Electro Vapor Massage, Sweedish movements. Magnetic Treatment. 4c. Hours from t) a.m. to 7 p.m. 1327 F street northwest. oC-5m* dentistry; Da. 8. L SCOTT. dentist, __ 1207 P sheet northwest Preservation of the Natural Teeth a Specialty. 11-lm* A racial teeth made before and inxK serted immediately after extracting natural teeth, * Ua splentLd success. Modern methods and skill In aU branches of Dentlstry. Moderate fees. Pit. DONNALLY. 1321 F street northweat D1*! K£MBALL PARSONS, Dnrrcrr, f28 '*h.«to»et northwest over Ballantyne's Book Gold fillings a speoalty. Gas given da^or TVR. 1U-OKBKR DEHTI8T, TALBOTT, DENTIST. NO. 437 7TH """ JttW mn'tal associatioh. vo. ail 55sa ^ as&erg; «- jar < .... QUR WATCHFUL GUARDIAN AND FAITHFUL PROTECTOR RESTORED TO AlTXYB DUTY AGAIN. Mr. Hkjtbt A. WATrt*A*.of the city of Providence. R.I.. for many yews the faithful and vigilant night watchman of the Barstow Store Company's Tory extensive ostal Jishment. having been confined to his home several woeks by a very distressing illness, on resuming his duties again avails himself of this early opportunity for stating briefly a few plain facts. Mr. Watebmax says: "A few months age I was taken down with s severe sickness, which ooflS2t4 Q0 to the house Quite a long time, and much of the time I was bo Vt?« lame as to be unable to walk, and my left leg, from the hip to fhS' toe*, became monstrously swollen, and I suffered extremely from the constant intense pains produced by so great inflammation. I was trying the various so-called cures all the time, and was under the treatment of a physician seven weeks, but getting no substantial relief. At this time an old-time friend, s police officer, called upon me, and during our conversation informed ine of the great benefit which he bad obtained by the use of Bunt's Remedy, and urged me ! to try it, as. he considered it a wonderful medicine. I commenced taking Hunt's Remedy, having very little faith that it would do much in such a stubborn case as mine, but my doubt was soon dispelled, for before I had taken one bottle I began to get bettor, the severe pains dlsapi>eared, the swollen leg gradually decreased in size, and I was encouraged to continue the use of the Remedy; and the Improvement to my health continues, my apjetite is good. I have regained my strengtn, and I am now performing again my duties as watchman at the foundry. Every niglit I go up and down stairs more than one hundred times, and am in (food condition, and feel that my recovery is due to Hunt's Remedy alone. My severe sickness and terribly swollen leg was caused by the diseased state of my kidneys, and I think that it is a most valuable medicine that will so speedily relieve snd cure sucli a severe case as mine. I therefore most cheerfully recommeud Hunt's Remedy to all afflicted with Kidney Diseases, as I know it to be a safe and reliable remedy. "Phovidkncf, Dec. 8, 1882." 1 H H OO RSSS«, TTTT EEB TTTT HHOOg^TE T H H H O O 8SSSo T FR T HHOOo § T E T 11 U OO °SSS8 T EEB T TTTT EEB RRR m -SRSo T R R R " S 3 T EB RRR bSSSQ 2! k R » k 2 [ X EBB K K b£SS8 CELEBRATED STOMACH BBB It TTTT fTTT FEB RRR -S8SB B II T TK R R 5 ^ 5BS, R J T EB RRR SSSSa B B II T TE RRci BBS U T .'£ EES Ii R hSSS8 i; Invalids, broken down in hea'th end spirits by cbrmic dyspepsia, or suffering from tlie tcrribio exhaustion that folio us the attacks of acute disease, the testimony of thousands who have been raised as by a miracle from a similar state of piostration by Hostettetter's Stomach Bitters, is a Btire guarantee that by the same means you, too, may be strengthened and restored. For sale by all Druggiste ana Dealers generally. fl For Breakfast; CHOCOLAT MENIER. i SOLD EVERTWHERE. PARIS AND LONDON. NewYork Dejot, 64 Wall street. . Boston Depot, 134 State Btroet. Ja9-t&f4m Gtrimault & Co/a MATICO CAPSULES Are warranted to eilect a rapid cure in th* most severe cases of private diseases. They do hot fatigue the stomach as all other i apsules with liquid Copaiba do. and wi.l lio found a safe and effective remedy. Jai'i-tukfly SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS. Economical And Safe. WEAVER, KF.NGLA k CO.'S LAUNDItY S0A1* IS FCOVOMICAL. BECAUSE IT IS PURE; BEING FREE FROM ALL ADULTERATIONS. SUCH AS MA: BI.E DUS . SOAPSTONE. PIPE CLAY. SILICATK. &r.f WHICH ARK USED TO ADD WEIGHT AND Bbi.K, AND WHICH QUICKLY WEAR OUT AND ROT THE CLOTHK8. IT IS SAFE, BECAUSE IT IS MANUFACTURED FliOM STRICTi-Y PURE MATERIALS, VIZ: STEAM REFINED i ALLOW (PREPARED BY OURSELVES.) PALM AND COCOAN UT OILS; WHILE ON THE CONTRARY MANY OF THK SOAPS ON THE MARKET ARE MADE FROM GREESE PROCURED FROM THE CARCASSE8 OF PU1RID DEAD ANIMALS THUS ENDANGERING LIFE AND HEALTH. PUT UP IN BARS, AND EVERY BAB BRANDED WITH OUR NAME. IOR SALE BY GROCERS GENERALLY. AND WHOLESALE AT OFFICE, g!3 3244 WAT Kit STREET. GEORGETOWN, P.O. 2QC. O'MEARA'S LIQUID 2QC. RRA OO YY A L U-nt O O Y Y AA I RRR O O YY ii L R R O O Y aaa L . R R OO Y AA ir.r.T, GOG L IT IT 1CBB G O L U U B O OO L 8 8 P GGG LLLL UU BBB Warranted the strongest, toughest and most elastic Glue on Earth! Endorsed by that (rreat Scientest, Prof. Baird. of the U. 8. Fish Commission. Glues everything solid as a Bock! Wood. Paper, Leather. GIbml China- Stone, Ac. Always ready for instant use! Used dailv by the U. 8. Smithsonian Institute, Government Departments, Cabinet-makers. Marble-cutters snd hundreds oi families. Bottle of OfMeara*s Royal Glue, with Cover, only 20e. By mail. 10c. extra, fcc icy Drawtota> Qrooera, Stationers. Hardware, | 1347 Pennsylvania avenue, Washington. D.C. , H^dausrters for that wonderful $1 RAZOR! That f*5. GU>! That *1 CORN KNIFE, endorsed by all Chiropodists. Sporting Goods Catalogue sent postpaid an vwhere. bold also by W. C. O'MEARA. fll* Penns. ave. oft j VEGETABLE PRODUCT, Only used in Aran's Aotje Cure, has proven itself a never-failing and rapid cure for every form of Malarial Disorder. Fever and Ague, or Chills and Fever. No injury follows its use, and its effects are permanent. It 1 rouses the system to a condition of vigorous health, 1 dean sos the blood of malarial poison, and imparts a ] feeling of comfort and security most desirable in Ague i districts. It is an excellent tonic and preventative, as 1 well as cure, of all complaints peculiar to malarious, ' marshy and miasmatic regions. The gnat superiority j of Ateb's Ague £ube over any other compound is that {t oontains no Quinine, Arsenic, or mineral; oonse- ] quently it produces no quinism or injurious effects < whatever upon the constitution. Those cured by it are i eft as healthy as if they had new had the HI mans 1 The direct action of Ara's iocs Cube upon the 1 Liver and Digestive Organs makes it superior remedy j for Liver Complaints, producing many remarkable euros, where other medicines haveiaiiecU For sale by all druggists. jag-4 P P S* . . COCOA. | BREAKFAST. I GRATEFUL.COMFORTING J By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which < govern the operations of dlgestfe* and nutrition, and by l a careful application of the flue properties of well «e- i kscted Cocoa. Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tables with a delicately - flavored beveratre. which may aave us many hesvy wctocS1 htiu. It Is by the Judicial* nee of such articles of diet that s «nn«ssi«A^ mar *»» gradually biuntupuntil strung enough to resist- every ' tendency to dseasa. Hnan^ds of wihOs maladice «n i floating around us, ready to attack whermut there Is a i weak point V* e.m»y escape gany a fatal ahaft by keen- , ^5 * vcop~ tola in Una, (only and lb.), by Grocer*, labeled. ] JAMES EPPS ft CO., j olft-m.tata HawmsttteCtaalik lam&am. hg. \ Cunningham, Hitrnt, J gas the THE EVENING STAR ** fcbrnarf ay, 1SS3. 2il Edition^ Latest Hutu it TM Slur. Funeral of 9ln. Jewell. IHCrS' mX h r/'rvfew \vere present outside the Vlc^ we^n^rtdt7C»a^ S ramUy- Wben lh" 8pr* t>mnrt * 48 taken to the Grand h »rtJ L* ' -n<1 removed by special train to f* * ,^Pre n°a' 39rrI res will be held ana the Body deposited In the family vuuil A P«lwnlnr Siorf Contradicted. vean^l^v' nlnt'««~"iA r£Port w 13 here i LTy tuat 80 lumbrr.-ncn in the vichi^sn pineries had tx*en poisoned to d^atb by their en* using stiychnlne \n mistake :or soda ln makU ff bSfuS" lt,veaus-iUon sl>° «*S »S" » ** «* Sheridan Not Arretted. ISkw York. F-b. 27._p. j. sheridm for wh 11 ,s 81810(1 tiJ0 authorities at Washington ?uJo i?UeaAatWthIJf?tihas not, yV,t been ^ke^nto fny^fflV^ th:lt lha^ had ^nt^rielre^ SKSX'ii? sKSsrant bavin* 1,66,1 Repentant SnphoniorpN> Dartmouth'/*?; II-' 27..Tne sophomores, of ^ 5 college who were suspend.-* for dlsorK have l^P^0urf 'he, collc^ buildtnsrs, and w.io nave hitherto rpfus'd to confess have now 2 ^ °',**'" ""ins,,,,,,,. TZ^SS lias not yet been announced. Sn«pen*ion «>T'apor Vlakera. Sonn Bend, Ii.t. , Feb. 27..Lucius Clark & Co PiU^ma^a' turers here, have suspended The S,Vas lssued a < Irculi»r calllnjr their creditors s?ta Mrt M?wij»J,°mtelng a Statement of their as?« »1 ? bllltle3 on Saturday next. Their mill lnterested^n'n111 the w°st- The firm are heavily interested In paper manufacturing m cnicago. Underground Hires. Albany, n, ym f^b. 27,.the scnatp hikqmi tn ?oi ^ reading the bill compelling all telegrinh. telephone and elect r,c light companies to ifftheft MlS?h,UKrgr0Una' 10 take ^ ~WwS AN ORDER POR ELECTRIC LIGHT. London, Feb. 27..The Arnoux Electric r tp-ht formtteYn^f^r^qtrd &h £rder to furnlsh Hght atth.fiL V1 States and Canadian departments at the fisheries exhibition to be held her<i. Another Telephone Consolidation OM°tKrtd7 'TAIx>tyj'f:il syndicate has b tight out the Northwestern Telephone oomnanv with nesota-* In °Burnen' n t''1)f>1?'? bu.'lae.ss In Mlnursoia, in Burnett, Douglass, Palno Poik- nn<i «ar con^Hm^'.S.M 5, KSSHuS SSiMS &&2S£8££WaWall Street To-dny. v STOCK8 DULL AND PTFONO savs^ s-not: f«b' 27~T,lt' Post-xfinancial article f^mltrhnm n.nyre generally dull and strong inroughout the forenoon. There seemei to he n S"°.«roanlM!1,il?r*'ii"n "> »»y i niaiion that the sojournment o' Congress in a few days would relieve the suspense ahlyTvs«t tendant upon the expectations or what m^v i^ sksjs; s sass^sst bmkb. KSSS preferred' The* totaf I r 1?V lbe latleron Wabash Kau£t»2W?S££5aies upto 12:30» <*** The T1 arkef<i, StiRES. * con8011tUted10S;. Hour lower for hiKh^S^, VitymS^H^' nVW^,d^rternZ to*'£Z: southern white, '65B(UiK- do yeUow «uC sJSfc Whisky Trni; 16aI16J<" Ksr aS'lSTEA ', Vin'KSrSE at«9.0»0 bushels. " Ma'u°0 buahels; corn. Lively Time In the flouae. PROCEEDINGS CONTINCKD FRO* THK WRST EDITION Mr. Haskell, of Kansas, offered as uiiutiho siSSH?!; Mr. Carlisle raised a point of order avalnat tha ancl Mr- Haskell began his ^m^ks bT Lin i KU^nflbat thc House tariff bill was dead ^ lLedcby delay »»d obstruction. aeu<1 uSn aeslres «".»«»thf^Sl dMVh'LTon7h't"wXrtJS hope and faith of the people that beiore ComrrpJ from OhkMMr^McKmiey" but 'the^pUke^eW aw-"sssu! 'JaSSS »s£S?lS3SS floor long enough to answer the auesumi hnt t*l »&'j£S'a'Kat In an Indignant manner, Mr H&akeii m-n <. question of personal prlvU^ ,Ha8kellrose to a ^ *' Blaclc. quT?aonPSflS-,; 1^ *»U«n«n will stMe td» i«,th3IH?f,0.'i.r^2,que8"0! °' Pen»n»l prlyllage »r ndSTu% SfiSM? ^ be had the floor to debate the point order sublet Ume to llmltatton by ttie Speaker^ te^ 8peaker recognized another srentlemln .n^ »!! Kansas Kn^ntm^o^eu^ reasonVh* tb3 a1.P°lnt °I order. Forthat |^a^°n the gentleman's right to debate im nnr lnged. [Applause on the democratic side ] *!£, "t* rise to a question of pri viie^e ?, or^er*3 G^'ntlemen on the other side M£or011016 floor by 8^Sl8Mr^SS?Lt"'^ "" U»'fl00'. "oKlnley. There was objection! W "* The Speaker..The chair simply asserts its own right in respect to the conduct of this debate, ami the gentleman from Oeorgii iTreKnS^riK P'*®e on the democratic slde.1 ^Sd.<U5CU88l0n Waa ln Progrre* when our report I Capitol BTmm. Mr- Rlcet from toe committee on foreign affairs, prwented in the House yesterday a favorable m! L?rmSP(M«the^oint rew°lat,on providing for the termination of so much of the treaty of Washinc. ton as relates to the fisheries. aoningrrroonaPHicAL union delegation at thk capttol. A committee representing the Columbia Tvdorraphlcal Union visited the Senate to-day andd£ trlbuted a circular "protesting against legislation hostile to the interests of labor." The rimnior iets forth that It Is Intended to correct misstate. %££££?£ «SJtaSfcStiSSfc ttone but skilled workmen. The circular tn *hnr^ iR^nsttoeof.d,ctatlon and others made innaf thf a' and l^01®8^8 against the adopoublte !S?Ildment authorising the ?oTp!^mr«r ^,to ®Pntract 'or work outside the government office, if necessary. MILITARY AFFAIRS. The Senate committee on military affairs held Ite final meeting of the present session to-day and lispobedof about twenty-five nominations. All ihf ^1^ ordered to be favorably reported to the Senate. Tlie three wtilch were DMsed Tor transfers of officers from one regiment to an?ther» and will not be favorably reported for t£a Sles? boS JSS?wV1?^S!iSJ2erer ^commended unless both parties interested desire U. ANNSXATlOOf OF UUA U^er the call or states in the House yesterday Robinson, of New York, offend a resolution requesting the President to open * bthe government of Great Britain tooDtalnlta t?e> «n«atlon of Ireland to tte United States by purchase or otherwlsoi TUB SEN ATS » CXSCUTIVS SMSIOU Shis afternoon agreed to take up the nominations » which at forsMr sessions objeetSons had hem and which, therefore, had been nasiad onr n>we notnlnaUoas led to some M ty timeweT^SSKflTh^i^airee^Bi^ ' SSlto35S*&tyfO<ar0rtw" nu<let0Uk« «P .- 3 TUm Indirtim ni ( Mr. A. m. WllltaMk AIL riEKB AT two. Btll w is Dxed IB the case of A. R William* la<* t\» QlDit at f500. Hp to i laif hour this trtrmoni bail tia.l not been given. but it was at4mu«t **r- *1ini"B> who wbb m Ms purr In cou t as one of tlie counsel t* s. w. Doraev in the «iJ tout* trial, was prepatv<Mo fir* it Ohtrirt Havrrawrm Affalra, or IKTBICTT TO TltrtTtM. The coll***or of taxes says that only nor &%y remains after to-day ror the paynfent of current UXM with 8 per cent penalty added. The tlonal penalties will be added after to-morrow. termite to Brit n. BulMlmr permits i*>u *d by Inspector Entwisle as follow-.:. Ma'tha Suit, er*s*t atwo-storr dwell. In?. M, between 8J and II streets north weet; 13.000. R H. Warner, erect two small dwell nga, street, between L and M streets Row'i»aajt| Wd Hermin TUyson. repair brick dwelling, Nd7 tb street north west; faso Harsh Collins repair frame, I street, l>etwe<*n Delaware av nue and Bd street northeast; fgso. K. Nonlhetmer, repair frame, 8276 m street; fi«, E. M Wtlia, ar^d an tjrlne house for bowtlng, kc.. ISth-atreet whar : W* John Burke, eroct a small store 8Lh tietween D and E soathweet; ti.Hmi ' mr NEW YORK STitCK MARKET following are tl.e onentn? an.* closing nrl«M CMhe New Vortc Stock Market tn-oav. a* repariel ty special wire to II. IL Dodge, vw isth stren. Aaiue. . j <A | Ao»#«e. |"~oT (*| Cen. Pa^fle... 80>» *>\ Nor. * WesTp "ST" Vv Ches.kOhlo.. ao^ til3^ North Pac .... «:u «* Do. 1st pref . so Da pr-r w Do. ttprrf.. sfil *4 Northv.est l.tt lHiv ' **nt. A West.. » CoL Coal 30 .. ..il'ac. M ill 441b 40*1 * w if V i«S Pea D. * R... sn\ «nj Den. AILO... 4*\ 44 Heading rtu uv frtP "8 87 1st. Paul 100 ioi w Erie, »is ¥«¥.. .. SL Paul pref.jiiTw lifw " 1421* '«* »»« P * Omaha 47 4«v L8ke Shore ... ions ion | i»0. pref.... iosi, i(*2 L^U. ANish.. 58 W, Texas p*c .... MM -*.* JJl' h. Cent W *H\ Tex. P l'dgts. . ..TT " K-*i > Si In Ion Pbc. M n*j Mo-Parinc.. . 9s'% w\ W ib. I'ac 27V j i 71 \ W.ib. I'ac. p'd. 4*iS 4k i " * central, isa^ ines v\< sl rm.»n.. «i , 81*.' .. Mew* Hrirfa. V41of lb® d. r«nrt It vhester City bank, states there Is s pr<>tMbilt:y that depositors will r -celve about 80 ^vr ceut. Admiral Crosby, of the Cntted Kt.,tes nary, has arrived st Southampton from Brazil. 2l* Fred rick, fcfd., municipal elation ye«<terday, Hiram Bin pis. dernc^r.it, was cl*vu>d mayor. an I the democrats control the conx>rition. The Flrxt. National bank of t'nlon Mills of Union city, Erie oounty.Pa., closed lu doors SaturQ8 JPi£* wrestllnjr mat^h between Duncan c. Roes . Theobald Bauer at Sluvanuah, ( &., Teaterdar Ross won. The levees bet ween Oreennile, Ml**., and New 2.£. ^ a.nd. *Lso Um>* "hove Vicksburg on the Mississippi «<liie, remain Intact. The grand Jurv at Milwaukee i*»»st^rdav found an Indlctuient agrtlnsi Sheiier, the barke< per of Uie V'Whnll house, charwlug hltu with sctiing Bre to the building. His ball was tlxed at flO.OOO 1 lie Pennsylvania rallro.id c<»mi>.Hny are contemplating estat>Hs'ilng boat conn»-ctions bctw<«»n C.tmbridge nnrl Oxford. Md , ui» 1 B.iltlmor ,toconnect with th' lr recently pun h ised line, the Dorchester and Delaware rallroa l. The case of ex-Treasurer P..lk wn« m ths criminal cour*. at Nashville. T»nn., v-st-rday. bill was continued, owing to the illness oC the l-rl-oner. The Massachusetts house of representatfree resterdiiy engrossed the bill providliif for tae d»struction or Engllsli sparrows. The superintend, nt of public Instnictjon of Virginia has cai;.-.i n confer* n- e of the cou'ity and ij!*1, superfit- nlents of acln»ols to iuiM*t in Richmond to-day. <; -or-e C. B rl»er, charged with having attempted to >ell bogus Iw.nds of the Albany and Sumiu-hannn nllroaj company, ha<l a hearing it. iMitiaftirth t toeaiin**^' H,ld W^ L, W ln tl,5c0 ball for a The Trustees of the Newark (N. .T.) City noma, at \ rona, Lwx county, the reformatory ln-Ututlon or the city .»f Newark, last nlirht voted to admit ministerso! all cleaomin.ition^ to vi->it the lninHte& At the lnvestlgntlon of the charges against ths officers or the Dtxmont (Pa.Mnsan - asylum y.-aterd<i\, D. C. C. Carroll stated that lie ri'fused to t ike medicine, and w as knocked down, kl ked and choked, aud saw pl> nty of others maitr»Mted. Capt. Mart in I> Smith was llberaunl from the lucatlc n^vlum by order of Judge D tnohiieof New iork. II - had been confined f .r several years. The Irish socleiles of New Vork city will celebrate St. Patrick's day by a street pirade and a Clcnlc at Jone>' Woo l, the procueda of which will e sent to Mr. Parn-1L The Coix)rkb Bkai*tv snow in RAt.mroBB . Eleven colored women sat in a row on the staze at Douglass Institute last nl^ht to contest ror the honor of being considered the champion beautv of America. The most noticeable element of their good looks was their gleaming white teeth. All the beauties were conscious of the adoration tlier were receiving, anl Beein-d quite proud of the distinction. Sniffs of disparagement were heard from visiting colored belles. There were a number of white visitors. Among these was a well- ' khovvn gentleman, whi bought Ove dollars' worth or ballots to back up nis declaration that a certain W°Vi .,aic*L.the Prlzn. which is said to be S100 in gold, In addition to the honor. No. 89 la the favorite thus far. she Is from Alexandria, Va.. but would not give her name for publication, ^nUwL"a» k!11^8, *he Rald* are low an<l «» mon. Ste has black eyes, and is coquettish in manJennie Otr»w>n, No. 15, is Ugbt in color and was dressed ln black. Mtss Florence Minor, Na 85, had on a complete black velvet outfit and was a lorned at the neck and waist with manr ^ M ,ry E Banen, No. 3S. Is a dlgiilHed Jubilee singer. Miss Lzzie A. Cornish. Na 8T. has a 1j^ht complexion and a plum dress. Miss Sodoala Wise, Na s, was reunion dent in black « a Barker, No. as. was w<41 saua^ velvel aD(1 bangs. Mhs Edith Wise. k «- ^ pensive, has long straight SnrtPXT^ v|! lJl'Qe,t MlSS Fannj Spriggs Na », is plump aDd lolly Miss Annie Johnson. No. «. was fine m black si IL and Miss Fannie Brown. No. *7, was elegant In navy bloe tulle. The beauties are from BalttVi^lnio *ewYor*. Philadelphia anl \ irglnia The show is beintr con iu -t^d witi ereat propriety and dlgm i y. .H iitimmv .sun, to-aag. Mr. Parvbll Sharplt Arraigns tub Bttrrm Government..Mr. Parsell yesterday, in moving his amen iment to the al iress in reply to t t\a siv-MJCh from the throne, sp<»ke or the " unjust executions" in Ireland, and said that the people h i been kept ,iown by the brutal, terrible, oerctoa act He defled the government to continue to govern Ireland without the sympathy of the peo? or the Irish judges whom, he said, had mostly been appointed ror po;ltic»l reasons, and wore unfit to try political cases, ir the government, after the PliCBnlx park murders wt*« committed, hid n-lle<l on the sympathy or t ie people Instead or u >on a tyrannical aet, in land would have been pacified. Mr. Paroii said the government has now a great ooportunltv to rvsiore peace and order ln In-1 ind. H was conn teat of victory, havlnc a million of Irish ln Amerioa behind him. Mr. Parneii's amendment was rejected. The Electric l.iuht norkm.k..A meeting of representative business m n or Norfolk, Va., rrtday evening decided to orgun a comnanr for the Introduction of the electric light Tue capital to be not less than 110,000 nor mora Usa A Sister or Ex-8 en a tor Sharon Attewtts StnCJD*-.A report isclrculat *d tUruughout San FranCisco, and apparently well authenticated, that a ex-Senator William Sharon attempted suicide la a bathroom or the Palace hotel. Saturby cutting herself in the breast with a peakutte. The smallness of the weapon prevented deep wounds, but the cuts were su numerous aad the loss of blood so great that the lady is in a orecarious condition. The act is attributed to laaanltj. Amiinw ScictDB or a Baltimore Business Man..Mr. Trueman DuvalL, so years of age a maa well known ln Baltimore business circles, shot Umself la the head with a pistol at a hotel la Baltimore yesterday morning. Th» act was occasioned by depression of spirits arising from lack ofemployment aad money. His recovery is doubtasaSHSBSB MGb i , * anattveof Abbyteale, touuty j lntariok. Ireland, arewdent otthladty for the 1st thart .-tiva * uSf" f b-W h year of hit< >.?*. and frien«l» are rcioctlullj Inrltol to rttend hbt funeral frop hie raldeoce. StMrman aveou*. J'dock! Boundary, Tntuwdar. at half (««t ev"®ln,r. February the 36th, 1888. at 1288 11thirtre^t aoutheMt. WILLIAM K , arad aiuetomi >«n, eldest sou of ikotn-rt and I.ujiija Lu4». hotiee of tunand henaftor. (Balttu^ t £!" FSwV- Jihroarv *th. 1838. at 8:88 uIh/i^i » NEAL, aau -htor of the lata «*» Neal. ac'nl 14 yean and 6 months pllM* t^m< rroW CWedaandayl [*?S!5F 'roni Ihe r>«iien<* of her uiida, d225?#£^?*ieZ.e?wk ^-h» irtoB. iSJ. frtfdaof tha family an rapa«uU» harl^M Sunday, Pebrnary *. IW8. at IU M?-' BT 1-yHEK c. PAtvKlHH. *r«d Sftr-nlM yaam. »«1Mp raMaith No « Wadn.Jar, at 8 p.m. fOm- j KITT^NHOUSK. Ob Tn.dar. rvbraarrrf. 1888. 12:88 a. m.. BKMJAM1K W. mlTTKXUOVBi. lOTfAll BOV6D VMXl. Thefnaral wi.1 take ptaea fraan Mm late 1808we^P atoeet. Oeoesetowa, Tboradaj. Marah l< U4p.m. IOIomb. r pyDERTAKEte. S A KTHCB BOONEY A CO., " j lufla 8k WSlttHI * . j I 18BT T^VStSmUmmm^ 11 RERDELI.'S rROffl*EXA.HI!«ATIO!«. The Star Rente Trial After Befcw After recess Mr. Davldge opened the proceedIns* by making a motion that the paper*.not official.which nave been produced in this examination be p'aced In the custody of the court After argument by Mr. Davidce, Jutge Wylte sua th^ p.ip- rs would hare to be placed in the custody of the clerk. Mr. Bliss objected to these paper# being1 In speeted by the detense except In the presence of a representative of the prosecution. Judge Wylie said the prosecution could claim no auch right. a 'stab'* abticlb. Witness 3*11 he dl 1 n »t write, for publication In The Star of this city, an article far the purpose of convincing his co-.lefendants that he was not going on the st»nd In this case, but did trrfte an sru.-ie tor The Star "for the purpose, as I remember, of denying s report In circulation." Mr. Ingersoll here showed the witness a clipping in The star. "I wrote th«t article," said the witness, "or, at least, copied It." "Who wrote it?" aske'1 Mr. Ingersoil. "My counsel. Judge WI Ishi re, said the witness. The witness then real the clipping from The Star, which was a letter addressed to th" editor of Thk star, daied December 27th last, say n,' in regard to a publication in The star of uie evening before that he denied bar ng h id any communication with Messrs. Merrick, Ker or Bliss In regard to going on the stand. vaile c'MING back. To-day a Star reporter, on inquiring of Mr. Henkle if he had heard of his client (Mr. Valle), was Informed that the stories about Mr. Valle not returning were all l>o«h. Mr. Miner, « ho was slt1 ting near, produced a dispatch irom Mr. Ville to hiiu, dated Indep mdei.ee. Ma, February £6:h, asking, "When will 1 be needed?" Mr. II nkle r m irked, "And I telegraphed him to come on, and last night I received th following: * Tuink I will leave to-morrow,"' which. Mr. llenkle said. Indicates that he Is now on his way. Longfellow Day* INTERESTING EXERCISES IN THK PrBt.IC SCnOOLB. Exercises in celebration of the birth day of the poet Longfellow were held in all the grades of the public schools of the District to-day, and were not only of an Interesting character, but practical In their beating and scope. Some portion of the day In each school was devote I to the subject, and the children in this way learned much of Longfellow and his poems. The programs, of course, were varied to suit the capabilities of the different grades, but they all comprised the three phitses of the subject.literary, musical and artistic. ARTISTIC In the latter the blackboards were covered with drawings, executed by the^ scholars, of scenes and Incidents from the pre mi A plcynre of Longfellow appeared on most of the boards, and of his house. Then followed other pictures, such an the youth of the poem "Excelsior," drawn in black in the midst of a snow storm. "The Wreck of the Hesperus" was illustrated by a ship broken on the rocks. In one room In the Jefferson building the blackboard was covered with six large sketches; the work of one of the boys who Is gifted In tuls line. These pictures were remarkably good. They include the poet's picture, one of his house, the ship, sunrise, the open window, and the bi . -ksmlih. Besides these original pictures, drawings and engravings were displayed In many of the schools. MUSICAL and literary. The musical portion of the program consist" 1 of singing poems set to music, Upldee and others, of which there ore a large number. The third and last Teature of the exercises was the literary, which comprised short selections from Longfellow's poems recited by the pupils. In some casjs only a line or verse was recited, but they were so distributed that each scholar learned something of the srreat poet's writings. Then mottoes were wrltt m on slates and on the black' boards. There were recitations given and specimens of the transpositions of his puetry into prose. The scholars were also cull<*«l upon to tell In their own way the story of some of the poems. The exercises were or such a varied character that every child could take part. The litt le ones who wvreju-t beginning to write were asked to write tiie name Longfellow on their slates, and then they were told anecdotes of the great po<*t or r peated those that had been told to them. In some of the schools the exercises were becun with a familiar talk by the pupils on the life and character of the jO't. The entire celebration of the day was carried out with so much Judgment on the p »rt of the teachers and enthusiasm on the part of the scholars that it cannot but be beneficial In its results. thb pine contributions for the monument were generally given. At all the schools a number of the parents and pupils came In and witnessed the exercises. The drawlngs on the blackboards In all the schools attracted general commendation. Charge of Mall Robbery* arre8t op letter carrier. < Prank Callahan, a letter carrier, was arrested this morning by Postofflee Inspectors Henderson and 8mlth on the charge of larceny of letters addressed to M. A. Dauphin. Fifteen decoy letters weie found on him, and be admits taking them. He was taken before U. S. Commissioner Mills. He waived an examination and gave ball In $1,000. Patents were issued to-day as follows: W. W. Brigg, Washington, assignor of one-half to B. F. Herwig, New Orleans, two patents leather cutter; Daniel T. Chambers, assignor of one half to A G. Campbell, Washington, fastener for gloves, Ac.; Wm. Clark. Baltimore, Md., wheel barrow; Chas. Prey, Baltimore, siphon; Andrew D. Hart, North Garden, Va., safety hammer firs arms; W. H. Horner and' F. Hyde, Baltimore, water proofing fabrics; Susan A Hurley, Washington, puller and attachment for window shade rollers; Ralph S. Jennings, Baltimore, preserving fish; Jacob Karr, Washington, quarter-second time mechanism; Hermann Perllch,Baltlmore,insect destroyer; Horace Resley, Cumberlmd, Md., bortle stopper fastening; Marvin Stone, Falls Church, comblued finger ring and tooth pick; Norman Wlard, assignor to It C. Schenck and 1L D. Cook, Washington, manufacture of gun powder. Naval Orders..Passed Assltant Surgeon Edward H. Green, ordered to duty In the museum of hygiene, Washington, D. C.; Passed Assistant Surgeon N. H. Ferebee, to duty a' the New York navy yard; Carpenter N tthan H. Jenkins, to duty at the naval station, N-w Lon Ion Conn.; CaTpenpenter Henry R Phllbrlck, detached from duty at the New London (Conn.) n ival station and placed on waiting orders; Lieut. John Garvin, granted thre months' leave from the 1st or March. R&NQB or THE TnERM >MfTSR..The following were the readings at the office of the chief signal officer to-day: fa.m .a.53; it a.m.. 25.0°; 8p.m., 80.0. Maximum, 32.0°; minimum, 20.8°. Rttddkn Death..a young man named Wm R. Lu-»by, residing at 1229 11th streeet southeast, was found dead in bed between 9 and 10 o'clock last night. He had been tn his usual condition of health when he retired. The Will or John later..An exemplified copy of the will of John Slater, of Alexandria, county, Va., was received by Register Ramsdell to-day for record. He leaves in trust for the children of his daughter, Elisabeth S. Roe, bouses 431 and 438 Rklse street, and a mortgage for $1,000; to his son, W. Y. Slater, houses 480 and 431 O street: to his daughter, Mary E. Robertson (separate), houses 434 and 86 O street; to Susan 8hakelford two frame houses in O street alley durlug life If she remain unmarried, and If she die or marry, one to W. T. Slater and the other to the children of his deceased daughter.Elisabeth & Roe. Application fob Mandamus..Mr. C F. Wroe today filed an appUcatlod for a mandamus In the name of the United States on the relation of Chas. , T. Havenner agt. Samuel Cross, treasurer of the Columbia Bank Note Company, to compel him to pay the relator the four per cent dividend declared at a meeting of the directors on the »ih of January last, on the face value of forty shares of stock held by him, amounting to $180. Political Note*. One ballot was taken tn the Michigan legislature < yesterday for United States Senator, with the following result:.Lathrop (dem.), 87; Palmer, 81; Stock bridge, si; Wllllta, 8; Feriy, t, and scatter^Gen. Butler, of Massachusetts, has vetoed a bill to Incorporate the Union Safe Deposit Company of < Boston, because of its vagueness. He admonishes the legislature to be more csrefui in their work, : that In Its supervision he may not be compelled to make the wide search that this measure called for. ^ t "Ireland fob thb Irish.".There was a large ] meeting In the Cooper Union,New York,last night , under the auspices of the Irish confederation to raise funds for the relief of the sufferers in Ire- » land. A letter was read from Mayor Edson accepting an invitation to preside at the meeting, < and this was followed by a second one from the J mayor's private secretary explaining that wl*en the Invitation tc preside waa given and accepted ; the mayor thought that It was "purely benevo- ( lent, to aid the suffering in Ireland. It seems, < however," the letter concludes, "from the advertisements and cards of admission that It Is a mat- | ter tn which the mayor must decline to take any part whatever." The cards of admission bore the 1 words, "Ireland for the Irish." The letter waa re- ' eelved with hisses and cries of "Throw him overboard." J He avt Defalcation in Hew Yobs..A heavy * defalcation came to light in New York yesterday, j The culprit is Gilbert L. Crowell, president of the Empire Mining company, of summit county, Utah. The offices of the company are at fit Wall street. Orowell, la 1171, was gi ven the agency at the Talman estate, the owners being Mrs. Cornelia A AtweU, her sister. Hiss Catherine C. Tahner, and her niece, Miss a Carolina Talman. They J confided to CrowaiTs care their securities, stock " and bonds and gave htm a full power of attorney i to transact their buaintja Everything proceeded J smoothly until 1878, when be waa Induced to go I Into the Empire Mining echeme and bought * largely of ItTstock. The mine haa been a failure 8nil lln ssi.mill miin nsillTfTnTTTl e abstracted 8801.088 at the Talmaa trust fund, t Besides this asaount be borrowed from Miss Care- lineTalauMMi In all the Inst Urea yean be has spent fmjm la addition to thla hsowen « K80BL On ly^tosugt . .s an sign pohasbumssiiswSjff?!????%mob las- j

STEAM! KS. 2il Edition^ · 2017-12-26 · STEAM!KS. Ac. %?oktkfj»sb* «, '.nil k.i-u...olth Eilwid AM'ir. 'U' u. and Srai an

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Page 1: STEAM! KS. 2il Edition^ · 2017-12-26 · STEAM!KS. Ac. %?oktkfj»sb* «, '.nil k.i-u...olth Eilwid AM'ir. 'U' u. and Srai an

STEAM! KS. Ac.%?oktkfj»s «<»i.i> , '.nil k.i-u ...olthb* AM' ir. 'U' u.Eilwid and Srai an < -<-< «.> Ek*rnt St»*nier.

LADY UK i HF l. ^KI .< /- fth *har. every

H«»NDAV. fKII) Yu&|i. bi.Ptpplin* at I fc> IV.nt a <t Pr»j t i ook >ut troii-ir and*tuiii .n -- < oni-oi ti: n in ^o-fo]k with IV i-t >n. Providenceaad ?-?-v >u;K ffiUiT. and a i r<tiir<« ! inea

aoutii. ai. l at < >M 1 o.iii v it*; Chcssi e;.ke to < hio R. .

Ticket- a d stataxtw u..- j l> ** ur fi " it. £ o. ticketofflre.LTIl . arc. ; ST. » r Hotel at boat a'l-l f~T'-raiOfflce.»il3 1-th -t. AJ.FK > \v<h b.frc', <s > r-a~. fJ

ir"sukhi! k. v- > v«7r i h.~ r .T juonko!AMi 'I'll i SOUTH.

Pt<ion,s'~. r in}' j. j>!j'ar steamer! X< F.I. < :« !. it. ) . Jul.Leave* Tth etreet w hart eve -v TUFSD » V - iiudTHU RS.I»AYS.at 5 p. nt.. at: 1 S \ i r . DA'S s at r»:3u i». m.. stoppin^.-at Pinejr aii'l I < ?nt Lo. k at, v< ii K a^'d returIntr. 4'on- cc tin-- in No to k with B- - ton. I Jorid«r.. New rrr\ * .1 j, . * i'i rs. an '. the Norfolkand Western i r>d S.-T^-rl si.d or;n*-k*- railI o <w;at «>'il Joint wiih th^ th < j«"»».e and Ohio mi.road.Freight r. wived d -l y utit.; p. in.

V. HhU M. Afrt. J M. HUDGINS. Gen. Supt._J*»jyjT. YEKNONI IT. YEKKOSII

CTFA MT'R W. W. COrCORANleaves 7:li st' i t \ irf *:'} (exee t Snnnav) far Mt.Vernon at 10 oV <-V a m. . r tummjr reaches Wislim^tcuabuu: 3 J(J I -in-

_ _ . ,oMt J I-. BI.AK ,' apte.-n.

\(-kk. k<'t i t i:l>am. awstfrdam..'Ihe fij>t-<"a<w. 'i '' |* wtced.Ariv(Je-b»i:.t

f < f this 1 .la'. AMSifl.DAM. HO Tl.ltDAMFCHIXOAM. V ! ZAANDAM. P. TA>VA. »Ch()I,TK\. MAAS, munvth U..^Mail* t<»Tir" lr i*e «-oni i an** Pi«". foot of

Bnrmx ntn-t. Jerw/T.. Pffl ar.je^fry WfcDH>:hDAV!'* Iu»tti-n1»ni and Am»te.«i»-m, t U nihteiy.hint tal'Ui. *70: (je.-«'ii<l <nl>in. fWi ato»5ra0..

B. < A7.AI X, OtDt-rni Kvnt. 27Sc< th Willi, m -twet,5f w \or». f'or to tt. O. Ht iiil.iJorTA t'O.. tr.Ti Penn. avr.. \\.i-hin»rti>n.

HJUMTH <» UMAX IJ-OY1VXvtT' I ink I'Kr'.ri v^f Vor.r. ITavh*.i.nswm. s«.r ii. aKr<-s a*»i> Rrf.mkn.

The*t< ;n,cn»of tl.;~<- ,ny will »iil KVL:<Y R\TFRliA^ltxu Bretii. i; ! '. foot of ;id ntreet, lloS^'isn. !Kst»» oif i-r'H-'aut*- From N' -.v York t > Havri\ l»adr>ri. >

fcoulhniii' wu and H.« :.: !. cabin. >© .>: 1. cal.iu. ^ t»fr;uf^, j:i'. i>Ki>aid fteeraKe « tiitic I

f'J4. Forirfirfht or i .i >apply to OKI.MCH'i O., 'J H (irt- ii. Nt v.- York: W.ii. MtT/.Ki.OlT j& CO.. lff"> I inus-i ivai.ia ..viuue uortiK»«a»t, A»ft!i.- ; j.* jVvfcini'uiE.jslTTAMHim;LINE.



I\ r Pltmte apply tor. R. RICHARD k CO..General Pasaen>rer Air. nta,

61 Broadway. N. Y.Or !o PERCY O. SMITH.13.M snd '"ID Piunsvlvanla avenue.

Sotid for "Tourist Gazt-t e.** aplLi.AN" LINi..



»nd GALWaT.Pr~; :ild pn^«aifo rfrtficitos for Fri. ndoand KelaMvea

fro... lli«i >ld t'i'iiiitrj . totii> railroa.i «tati"i> «>. 8t.:nibcala:idii;ir in th«* I nited states. Ihe onlj'Iiiie taking }ysaeemrpr- direct trom <>alway.Ihp -tetairn are uiuurFiuaeil lor safety and speed,and arc ti.t>d up with ail improvement* conducive t>

tl) -cc>uifi.rt of i ^-H-nirerv. Cabin. and f80.btenuaiialf, $UI. stoeraire, 'uwe-t r re -.

Apply t J AS. BFl.LKW. 711 7tli st.; Vrs. D. A.BROSNAN. 61-'*.»tli >4. « O. W. MOSS. 2'2a I enna.ave.. <r l.tVt ,t ALDEN. General AironU,New Y'irk. 'Jtli Btoadway: Hilton, >>asH., 15 St:te «t.:Miilaoeii.iu.i, fx., N.E. (.oruer B.-uad and i.'ejsttiutefc- . or lo al a^re.;tj. n'.'.' tti. s.vt




Ber. ir. . Afced-.Fei ._H. 1'avoma.. . A"e<«.. March'2ft.}fc.£in:a .AA'eti., M;ireh 7. t tvn ,'Aed.. April 4.Part fa Wet.. Ma>eh 14. B ;h .:a W d.. April 1LC'ataloriia. ,\»ed.. Ma-. *21. <-z.h:' Wed.. April lii.AM>E\f.itk ft F.DN'KSOAk * KOil AEW iUltlv.

Kate ov Pa-hagk:*C0, *:-v nnd Jl' O for jastwuirer aocommodstlan1*.Ftfer3«> at >ery low mte«. Steeraire tickets from Livfrff<' Queci^atow n and adi uliior parts of Luropo »:lor. t .-t ral -a.Throtijrh bills of laden eiven for IVs!fast. Glaaiyow.Ha\ re. Antwerp and other p<jrts ou the Continent andior Mtth'errnnean tort*.For freic!it#nd pasxaipe apply at the Company's oflics.§o- 4 B<-whntr (ireen. or Kith steeratre and cabin t)TIS l>It»EL«JW Jt CO.. t-05 7th btreet, Waalainfton.*C" ^l-i»NO^ H. BROWN k CO. .New York.Crto iliosis. O i IS BIGELOW k CO..Ja;il3 tt»5 7ih street. Washington.

KATLROADS.Baltimore & «»hio kaii road.

Tlii MUDF.L FAST, AND THE ONLY LIS!Bt l W fcES THK FAST AND THE WE^T.VIA WASHINGTON -DOUBLE TKAC'KlJANNKY COLPLKK! STEEL RAILS!SCH1DULK TO TAKE EFFECTSUNDAY', Nov KMBEtt 12th, 18»Z.A.If. LEAVE WASHINGTON.W:U6.C'nc*ro,Cincinnati and St. i orns Fast ExprMS.Sle« j'tniT (_ars to Cincinnati. St. Loais and ChicaffOk:©0.Ba.timore. Ellii-ott C:fv and War Staaona.BALTIMORE EXPRESS.#:60.Be timora. Annatiolis and Way (Piedmont, Straabur_. w inchester. Ha**r?»town and War. via Relay.)ft^45.BALTIMORE EXPRESS.#;10.P'.'nt of Rocks and Way Stations.

#:ll>.F'lILADFLFHl*. NEW YORK AND BOSTONF-XPRESS. Parlor Car* to New York.B:4U.Suhunion and Va! ey Kxpreaa, (connect* for Ha.-fwf-'wnand at Point of Bocks for Frederick.)w-OO.BaitiniCwe, HyattnvU* and Laurel Express.at Beltaville, Annapolia Jai ction. Jeeaup'a_ . V'.T.rry.'v.^ Randaya stoi« at ad stations.BAL1 IMoRE EXl'iiESS. (atuMat HyaiUvillian.l J jiurai.)

tB»:l:.Pittsburg1. Cl.icasm, Cincinnati and St. LoalsEti bleepinjf Cars to Cincinnati, Louisvillean<: Chicairo.P.M..12: I'i.Baltimore. Ellicott C!ty, Annapolia, Way.>1:2?.1 » ^TiBilav only f.>r lia titnore and Way.»:*>-11 \LTIM< >RK EXFRKSS.

BALTIMORE EXPKKSS.tS OO.li<» tnuore. Philadelphia and N. Y. Expttoh.1:30.1-a.limore and V\ ay stations,(Winchester, Fre3er.ik.Ha«rer*town and Way via Relay. >4:30.- aitni.ore. Hvattsv.ile A Laurel i xi rerts, (Fredemi via 1 elay. etoi pinif at Annapolis Junction.)J4:40.B« !:n;cre, AuiiaiHilis and Wax Stations.14:45.point of Rocks. FrtJenck. Ha^erstown. Winchti-ter and Way suti. ns. (On Sunday to Point ofRoekxaud Way Stations ounr.)t#'45.BAL'l 1MORE EXPRESS (Mtrtinabur* andW ay, \la Keiay. Slojv at Hyattsvllle ana LaureL)IM.l on t ui Rocks and Way Stations.7.00 B liunore and Way Sta.iona.T aU-HALi ' MoRK EXPRESS.18:40-111 i^'BURG. CLEYELAND and TETBOITIXI i:i-^S hleeoiiiK Can to Pittabuiy.t#:40-PHii ADEL1 H1A, NEW YOi.K and BOSTOSEXl'KKSS. sieepmif Lara to New York.1§:56.i ! :i"»-.-o, Cincinnati and St. Louis Fxpress.feleei' iic rars to Cincinnati. St.Loui^and Chicatco.11:3b BALI 1 .MORE AND WAY STAl IONS.tDaiiy. ;>uiiday only, other tntusdaily. excc^tSundayAlltra'nx fn ni Wanhiu<t'<u etop at Relay Station.Forfrrther Information apply at the Baltimore andOhio Ticket Othcee, Washington Station. 61'J and l:i51Hubtyhiiiia avenue, tom-.-r 14th street, wliereordera

w ii. taken for la.viwo u> I* chocked and received atH.y i>oi?it in he city.C. K. LoRD, Gen. Paasecwv Airent, Balto.WM. CLEViEN i s. M.t.-;. r of Trans.. Bailo. inyJ

TiiE G3F.ATPENNSYLVANIA ROTTETO THE NORTH, WEST AND SOUTHWEST.DOUBLE TRACK. SPLENDID SCENERY.fcTEEL ItAIIJA. MAGNIFICENT EQUIPMENT.IN r.FKFCT F. i n A , . th. 11W3.iw>" i f avk w ashing ron fbom station. cobitsbf-,r ITH AMI B^TBU.7*. AS KoLLOWH:.Jor Pittimrw and tne We>t, Chicago Limited Expresscf I -a.v-S ee, inv- Cars at S):oOa.m.. daily; FastLu:.. « JO a.m. daily, with Sleepin* Carafro nllarr.M>unc to Cinnna »ti. W eatern Express 7:JOr.m. tai.y. with Palace Cars to Pif.aburw an 1C ;nci: n u. Mail Exi reus, s»;50 p.m. dally torPltt-L- rv-.cd the West.

BAL'l 1 ilOKE AND JOTOMAC RAILROAD.For Fr . Canandaigna. Rochester. Buflalo. Niagara.9 :« p in djity except ^atnrday, with PweoCaieWit.'. i:|ft n to C»i.a i lULroa.For Williamsport. Lock Haven, and Elmira, att.33 tm. caily. except Sun<L'«y.For New Vont and tn» East, fl 00 a.m.. 10 30a.m. l sr4 2> , »:5n. and \o .2it p m. On Sunday. 4:20. 9.6!ami 10.i0 p.m. limited Expreaaof Pullman Part k r t srs. It 30 a.m. daily, except Sunday.or Bwto * t'.ou.ch n.-e. i:.,0 j..m. every week-day.On "n !»v. 4-V0'-.- .Jot lire * !yn. N. Y.. all throiurh trains connect at Jarr«y » ity with boats of Brooklyn A nnex. affontincd:r< c: transfer to Fulton street, avoiding doubleft rr ire acroae New York Citr.For Pin j.1e.i tua. »:00 a.m.. 10: »0 a.m.. J.30, 4:»L

. aLd 10:2o pan. On Sunday. 4:20, <T50.and10:JO p.m. Limiteil ^-xpreaa. ):Wim. daily.axcext sanday.Tor R.i rniorv. Mil, s-on. irm, 10:">0 a.m. and 1-:M»4:-20, 4.40. 6:20. 7:30. '-:50. and 10:20 p.m. Onfeuuday. » 00. 4:30 a.m.. 4:i0. 6:20, 7:30. 9:50.atj-I IP 20 p. m.For Poi e's itA line. 0:40 a.m. and 4:40 p.m. dally.ear, H Sunday.For Anna^ooa, 6 40 a.m ud 4.40 p.m. dally, exoeptALFXANi'RfA AND Fit! DERICK8BURG RAIL.WAY. AND. ALEXANDRIA AND WASHINGTONBAlL'loADFor AKxaron-.. 6 :i0. 7.-on. 9:2»«. H 00 and 11:25 a.m..i:4> 4 > OO. 6:OP. M.00 and 11:30 p.m. OnBcnd«y ate. 9:20. 11.00 and 11 :'i6 a.m., and &

p.m.For Kiel iiioo.l and the South. 6:10 and 11:25 a.m.

daily, ind O oOn.m. (tally, except Sunday.Trains *&v« Alexandria ior Waahimrton. C OO. ft 09.S:.V. s;ul 1»K>U a.m. . 12: (A >:0U, 5::0, 7:00 and9:10 p.m. an<i 1J:oO nndmirht <i ilv ex<- t Moada-.Oa Si nday -t 8:oj. tt.'sa and 10:00 a.m.:1:0n and d 'JO p.m.

T.iketr am mforu.aUou at the office, cortbeaet onrnarri i: tfc ruttt and Pennsylvat ia aven'ie, and at tlie staticl, vi>< : rtiera cam be 1.ft tor Uie cneckitur of baifti«iU. is »t.nat-ou Iron, hote^ and raaideccea.J. 1>. WOOD. General PiarrmriT AicenLnos. F. 1 UGH. <,en«-ral Manaicer.

T11E TRADES. 1* EDChLS. journals.JM._ Cash Books, Ac.. Ac..

. lo order at Lycett'a Bindery. 10W Pa. are. 1H. W. MnNEAL Proper.


GIBSOX BROTHERS,,PRACTICAL BOOK AND JOBPRINTERS,1?3* Pennsylvania avenue WaahtDCtoo. D. 0.W Fi&e i^rtiicxur a ^eciAStF* jftnli

^kI.D WIN* AND OLD FKIENDS ARB KNOWN AS\J the beat, aola JUSTH'ti Old Stand known for yearsas the only ptaoa when- f.rat-daaa 8EOOND-HANDCLOTHING can be aoltl at reai«ctabfa price*. Addztea» rreail at

JtSTH'a Old Stand. No. 619 D atreet, lutsim Mh andTth atreeta northwest.B. B. J ote by nail prooipUT atlauded to. 9

tnUK CI LLI'LOID TBUSS: THAT NEVERX breaks, never waare out. always atoaa. and oaa beW «Uk battte. laloraatoatCHAS. FISHFR'S,823 7th atreet norttiweat.tMRS. I1SHEB ilaiiifaalaar itfitlf to the wanfarf


IJinOMAS I'»W£ING, Auctioneer.







AT OUR NEW ART ROOMS.Corner Porn^ylva.ia avenue and Eleventh street.

The co'lcetrn embraces New and Interest!ngr Subject*,magnificently Jnmed. from the American Art Ga le-y11! t«ii ftre. t New i ork and in a splendid opportunityto procure finr. mc nt rious ork.<ofart bv esteemt d andi'i\ '.".I modern arri-t.'ot Eur.>i>e and America. f26-:ifj'HuMAa DOW LING, Auctioneer.

EKfilKEM Depahtmknt, iDistmct or » OI.t-mbia.


W ashington, February 20, 1883.)i?,Vrr»,,y ^lv' " WEDNE8D KX, FFBr*V \ u» , L-.H1H, 18S:t. the Fish Whnrves

« I i-'i stj Is !11 the r ti-e of Washington and'ieoi iret".. be m»!(J at i tiKic auction for the term of onejre.r fr -in 1. Ihhs. as fo;l:>ws: 12 o'clock p.it... " > 11- ptvm *p. h.x Fish stalls, in the Georgetownv.:l . t.» tb<*luirhest bi uer. Tirni*.ca-h. inai.A so- j,t the naiiii' tim» and upon the premiRillt..- i/etOMrii Fish Wharf. at t e foot oi Potomac

« > , t M... ,.i*lj: sit iddcr. 'I erms, cush in advance.i i iir> u K.r to keep the whart in repair (luring hisA:s.\ at I (»I;R O'CLOCK P.M.. on the ftsme day, on;:re*.t lic;«w.r» 7th and 9ih northwest, in front ot lini £ ,

<>f < ent-r) V ashimrton Market, ali RightsP:i i.ir»Sirm: tf*d . r allnwe bv the laws » f thec rj oration t4 wadungtan, to eetaMi"'! Wharves andt>", Us lor tin landin cleanimr and sale of fish in thei ,.\ of Waahh-gton. and no wharf or dock shail i-e«. i'' II eligible i.n cr-8 situated at souie p-int on'therorth Mdnof the p«-t >m»c Liver letwe«T. 11th street« a-1 rT'd I4tli strt t wi st, to the hitch s; bidder.

leriiis: »100 to l>- (aid «»n the day of sal-*, and theresidue to te |>aid within ttve days from the dav ofs3:e.

iS.v order of the Board of Crm uissioners P.C.*1- »-YD.fc.CKEit. Major of Ei gineer», U.S.A..

1'mriiieer Commissioner. D.C.


;U,Tl AND TWO-STORY FRAME ONM \KYL Wl) AV; NUE.On WEDNESDAY. TWENTY-EIGHTH FFB-^,,H' a ''J. i H8.:. COM M E \ CINg at F« -UK-THI iCT ¥|jjjj|! ' ^^ M., ire will nell« in front of the i>remmwjuar»* No. 864; these lotafront f-0 [cot on hth stre. I. 18C '2-P2 on ix aryianda\.i:ne,iy 3-12 on north C street, the east line of lot<bcintr 1 j.r iij. The property ia sod bv order of the

nurs to cloeo *n estate, and is one of tlie best sit atedpr,»|H.rticH in the I'tustern wctlon. then'beiujf severafine build.mr lots in a idition to the houses.'e ms: One-fourth cash; balance in one. two andthrfe years note*, to liear intends t and to be secured byn« .fof tru-t. A ilcposit of f 100 on eac 1 lot rebuilt d

a.,s? e>. Terms to lie coitii>ii(vl vith in Keven days,ot.i- -. wise resale; couveyamnnK. &c.. at i>u;chaser'srest.By order of the heirs.f-'3 DUNCANSON BROS., Aucts.


s.nd Unsineve Medium, cp.n l»e found at 1010 7thstr *t nortt. we-t, where ehe will be pleased to meet » ermany lri< nds and customers. fl7-lm*

MRS. H. F. WEIGHT. MAGNETIC A 2;DCLAIRvoyantPiiys cian, lian-- eminent sia-o ss in treat.mracute and chronic dit-eases (Ix.th mental and physical),w ltl out med.cuie. Rooms 000 6th street northwest.12-4w*

Dli. ROBERT ON, 1 HE MOST RELIABLE ^-PEcia!i~tin this city, wit'i twenty years' experience,can be consult d confidentially »verv Wedn' sdjj" andSaturday, rewn 2 to ;» p.m.. at his office. 4:"'f> (: tdreetik rthwest. Ouarautt-es a positive cure in n 1 diseases ofthe urinary r rtrpns and nervous system. Cases re ent yc ntracted cured in 4 to 6 days. I'.elers to 1 ad mr i hypiei'ns of Baltimore, hi1- native city. Main office, 30N. Liberty street. Baltimore, Md. Private and separater -onis for ladies. ian29-3m

GIO AND SEE PliOF. WARRING*r JltDII'M AND REAL ASTROLOGER.At 715 Ninth street northwest.Five thousaml doliaia to any one who can equal himin telling the past, present and future, causing speedvmai i Kes. bmiKinir separate-1 toirether. and in businesa

at airs. »h"se advi.e is invaluable. He tells consnltoi'stiume in full, and la the only i*-rson that can «io so.Pn i. \\ arrinjr aaVs no questions and uses no cards ofunj description in his profession.

SA IISFAC ION GIVEN OR NO PAY.Fee.I^adies. fl; irentlemen. $1. Jalfi-7iv*

T\I J^WI IiLv..0.F PHILA.. BUSINESS TESTatI. Medium and C airvo* ant, (rives names, describes< erwn*. writes mechanically. Circles lueaday andFriday evenuun. Also reads by cards. Will eiuratrefor i-rivate sittmxa. &28Est. n.w. Jall-7w*

AI TELI.SALL THE EVENT8 OF1T1 LIFE. All business confidential Ladies and Gentlemen50 cents each. 40b L streoU between 4th aad5tli streets nortnweaLdJ8-10w'

MltS. LACY. WORLD-RENOWNED FORTUNETeller. Medical. Business C airvoyant, born withse<*ond eirht, lella without questionintf namec, dates,events, j-er-onal description, character ol absentfriends. Satisfaction truaranteod. 928 E street. dl3-llw

OTHO III. AND QUEEN EMMA THEGIP-SEY FORTUNE TELLERS, are encami>edIn Parion at No. 508 13th st. n.w. ^hey have testimonialsfrom the elite of England, franco, Indl. andthe United States. n23T2w*

MEDICAL, Ac.Manhood kkstoked' bY^jhino a bottle

or two of Dm. BRO'l HERS' Inviiroratin^ CordialV ill cure anj case of seminal Weakness, Nervous L«ebi'jtyand Impotency. It imparts ntfor to the wholesystem. 90b B street souttiwest f21-lm*

DKS. B' OTH' RS AND GRAY GIVE NO FREEprescriptions and send you to someaida show druupstwho will atrree to divide profits with the doctor.1 lic«e (tisartK.lnted of a cure of p lvate diseasts should

con-ult Drs. BROTHERS and GliAY, y06 B et. fe.w. ;»ill furnish you medicines, iruaranteo a cure or nopay. Ihirty-five years' experit-noc. HUm*

DR. LEON. THE OLDEST ESTABLISHED A>Don 1y reliableJ-aches' Physician in the citv. can lieonsult d da ly at 237 1 ennsylvania avenue. All lemale(ompiaiiits and Irretrularitie-j q ickly removed,

jmimpt treatment. Coirespondeoioe and consultationsstnctly confidential. Separate rooms for ladies. Officehours 2 to 4 and 6 to 8 p.m. Jal6-2ml\f AI)AME DE FOREST HAS REMEDY FOR LAlTidies. All female complaints qmckly cured. Can bjconsulted daily at 1245 7th street northwait OfficehouriIroiu 1 to U o'clock p.m.. with lauies omy. f6-2m*


Certain cure for all Urinary Diseases. Impotent,Gleet.^ ypl iijiL ic, Gonorrhoea cured in 48 boon. WM.B. ENTWISIJTH. corner 12th «lreet and Pennsylvaniaavenue lior.hwest. Price |3 per box. sent by man undere«ai on receipt ot price. MX1


.A dcUm of ear'y lmpraaence. caasin* Nervous DebilityPremature Decav. etc.. havinir tried in vain

every known remedy, has discovered a simple meansof s«lf-oure, which he wi 1 send free to his feUowcofferere.Address J. H. REEVES. 43 Chatham street.New \orfc. n4-s. tu. thhkflm


Te all who are mifferfnsr from the errors and indlscrenosof youth, nervous weakness, early decaykm of manhood. Ac.. I will send a recipe that wi l cumyou, FREE OFCHARGE. This irreat remedy was disCOwttrtAb^4 mh*iouary in South Anient*. Bend aselt-aad:eseed envelope to the Kit. Joseph T.Immam,feUbon D. New i ork City. o7-s.tu.th.Ak.ly

DR. ROBERTSON. THE MOST RELIABLE ANDJ°yt .established specialist in this city, with 18}' »n experience, will ruarantee acute in all rtinisnrii ofu e Urinary Ornu, Nervous WeaknMS. etc. Connltatkmastrict!v confidential. Can be crnsulted

. 8«»tardaya, from 2 to 9 p. in..£? C s«re« northwest. Refers to thekadinir physicians ot Baltimore. Main othca. 80 NorthLiberty street. Baltimore. Md.oisJ

financial!The new idea.this is the age of prowrewyetbouuht and new ideas.

MCTUAL.RESERVE FUND LIFE ASSOCIATION is the new idea in Life Insureroe. Has the appmyalof the wisest Insurance experts, and unprecedentedsupport of the public.writin* over four miluns a month.Office; 1509 H street.

I. Y. KNIOHT. Manager.




H. H. D0DG8,Bonds, Stocks and Investment Securities Bought and

fcold on commission.

Ko. f3» 15th STREET, (COBCORAK BUILDING,)Agency for Prince and Whitely, stodt Broker*

C4 Bbojldvat. Nxw You.

Fverr c'flss of Pemnties boocht and sold on rommisslcnIn San Francisco, Baltimore, Philadelphia, NewYcrk, Boston and Washington. Orders executed on theNew York Stock Exchange at one-eighth of one per centcommission. Private and direct telegraph wires toRichmond. Baltimore, Pbiladsiphla, New York andBoston, through which orders an ^v^nted as theStock Exchanges in thbee cities and reported backpromptly. Quotations of Btm*lrs sad Bonds and informationregarding the Markets received through ourwires IN&TA^T^Y direct from the *ew York StockExchamre. 02

Gas Cooking StoverrOBSALK



O'CLOCK P. M.. I wii! sell at the est bb&hmenr, No.1ZJ6 Pennsylvania avenue, t>etween 12th and 13th ate.northwest all p.edges fn f»itd l>y non-redtnnption att'l s date, con«stin»r of Oold and Silver Watches,ChainsDiamonds. Jewelry, Iadi >s'and (rents' Cloth ng. Car!«:*,Book-s (iunfi. Rev lvers, Ciocka. Blai.kets, l»ed«ireads, Uoihr.das, Mirer and P.aled Silverware, etc.,etc.Partie* hn!ding tickets oo which time expires will

p tease take notice.e. heidenhlimeb, Broker.

m. FQL Y, Auctioneer. f27-8tYV EKS A CO.. AuC^-^nra.* t>i>9 Louisiana avfET^,



Within our salesroom, thursday MORNING,mam-h First, at twelve o'clock. m-2trriltUSTE v- SALE OF VALUABLE IMPBOTiDA iTtOPKUTV IN MT. PLEASANT, KNOWN ASS. P. BKOWVS HOMES ti AD.By \irtue of a deed of trust dated the tliirteenth jcaof April, 1880. and recorded in Liber .\o. »40, Eglolio 49 etseq.. one orthe land recorle o: the lis-®1*

trict of Columbia, and at the request ot the holders ofJ e notes secu-ed thereoy, defaut liav hit i-ecu made inthe I'i.yuieul thereof. I wdl sell at public auction,on mei>remi«. s, on SATURDAY, THi. T.-N IH LAV OFM RC i,1883,at HALF-PAST FOUK O'CLOCK P.M.,all th t certain piece or {>arcel of ground or real estate

tr <T of land lying- aud beii.g in the said county ofWnshi '-;ton, in said Distric , and a ljarent to said cityof V\i.Rhin,rt id, containing seventeen and a half (17>4)acres of laud, more or less, and being' the same whichw\:b conveyed an i described in a certain deed in tru-t,recorded in Liter D, So. 4. fo io 452. Ac., of the laudrecon's for w id co nty. in said District. saving and exceptingso much then of, about live (B) teres, as wasconveyed in ac rlain dee I, r corded in Liber No. 620.

ri,° **** ^c*» paid land rec rds.Ti © pi eiuises above descrilied Iteiitg the homestead of

8-I - Browu and improved by a throe-story traineciwel mk-, stables and other buildings.Terms ot sale: O e-fourthcash; balance in six, twelveand eighteen months, with interest at the rate of sixpercent, the (Inferred payments tobesecur d by deedof trust, or nil cash, at Hie option of the purchaser.jfiO i must b dep.«-it»sd on the day of sale. Unless theterms of g .le are complied with within ten days thei rii<tte reserves the right to re-Bell at the cost of tuedefaulting p.ircha-^er.

Br.NJAMIN P. SNYDER, Trustee.T. T. COLDWaLL, Auct oneer. fi7-eoA.ia


PRorERTY. N R T1 N >ALLY . OWN. D.C.By virtue of a deed of trust, bearing date the 13th

°J ^e||ten>ber, 1880, and dul .- recorded in Litver*>:**lJ47. folio -*»88r he., olo of the land rerord* for theDistrict of Columbia, the underwgm^d TrusV-es will nellon the premises on TUE>DAY, MARCH THIRj[ENTH, 1883, AT HALF-PAST FOUK O'CLOCK,the f. llowing described pr>>j«erty, situated in Wa^hinsrtoncoin.ty. District of Celumlrta, viz.; All that pieceor percel of land, containing 4 acres, 1 rood and«'P relies more or'ess, as the same is i dicated anddescribed in a survey and plat dated May, 1852, by! ewis Carbnry. surveyor of said District, bounded ontbe west by the new road of said District, on the northby the laud of Washington Hurdle, on tae south by theland of Mrs. Ariana yles. and on th east by Lot No.7 of said plat and -urvey, the said I ot hereby conveyedbeinir marked and descritied in said plat and survey asLot No. 8, suldect to a res r\utiou of a road or riirht ofway l, feet wid - on the northern line between said LotNo. 8 aud the iand of said Washington Hurdle for tbebenefit of al. the owner> of Ixits N. s. 1. 2. 3, 4. 5. 6, 7and 8 on said plat and survey, improved by a goodframe dwelling, slaughter-house, ice house. *>tabling,Ac., located near t ennalh t->wn. D. C.Terms: One- hirdcash; the residue in two equal paymentsat six and twelve montas, with notes bearing interestaud secured by a d ed of tru -t. or all cash at the

option of purchas r. All convevaucing, fcc., at purchaser'scost. A deposit o $100 will be retiuired at tir-eofsae. WILLIAM D.'CA-nSIN./ mf23-dts JAMES L. DAVIS. { Trustees.



By virtue of a deed of trust duly recorded inLiber No. 9<3, folio 247 ct b« q., one of the laudret°ru^.°f Washiuirtou county in the Di.-trict ofC'lunibia, and at the request of the party fecuredthereby, w<- will f ell at public auction on Ul.Si'AY.THE SIXTH DAY OF iiAROH, A.O., 1883, al FIVE0 CLOt K 1. M.t in front of the premises, alltuatc.Ti in piece or parcel o land and premises situateaud l>eiug in the city of Wash i gtou in the District oft oiumbi", an<i known and distimridshe Ion the groundplan or i latof naid c ty as part of orijrinal lot niniilx-rcdtwelve (1 ). in square nu : bered thirty-seven (37). IjcRtn'W1,'r S; ,u<" at a lK,i"t on t ie bouth iine i fIVi street nmetf«n (19) feet v. est of the northeast cornerof said 1-t. a-,d running thence west alonwr thr line£ "I street nineteen (19) f< et; thence sc'Ulh sev> ntynve(<5) feet; thence ea*t nineteen (1 ) feet; thence»*T ^^enty-five (75) f»-et to the i«)iut of iKxiimitik-',beliitf the name property conveyed to Thos. O'Mehe bydoed. duly recorded in liber 942, folio 361, of the landrecord*of the District of < olunibia, together with alltje ri^ht , easements, privileges a:id a]>purteuances tothe same bel> 'ngintr or in anywise apj»er;aijiinir.Terms: <.;ne third cash; baanc.- in six, twelve andeighteen months; notes to bear interest and to ie se91'^de^i at trust on property wild. A dejios't of>100 required at time of sa'e. C'ouwyancing, Ac . atP"''Chaser's cost. Terms to l>e complied with in sevendaxs. otherw ise the Trustees reserve thd-right to re-sellrt the risk and c< st of the defaulting purchaser, afterlive days public notice f f 8i:ch re-sale in soinc newspaperpublished iu Washimrton. 1). C.


-1CGLOi-GE C. HE-nNING.I Trustee9fl»-s,tn,thfcds

fJMlOJIAH DOW LING. Auctioneer.

IMPROV"D PROPERTY No. 719 TWENTIETHSI P. ET Not.TinvksT AT AUCTION.On THURSOAY AFTERNOOfi, MARCH FIRST mHU188:t, t FOUR O'CIXK'K. in front cf the p emiaes.M31 shall sell Part of Lot 5, in square l'.O, fronting 19®211feet on tbe east nid of 20th street, by a depth of 141feet 10 inches to an alley, improved by a frame dwelling.Terms: One-third cash: ba'ance at six and twelvemonths, with notes bearing interest and secured by adeed of tr st. All conveyenc;ne, Ac., nt purchaser'scost. $100 deposit required at time of sale.Hale positive.


THOS. J. FISHER & CO.,Leal Estate Auctioneers.

CHANCERY '-ALE OF ABOUT TWENTY-ONEACRES OF LAND IMMEDIATELY NORTH OFTHE CITY. AND PRINCIPALLY LYING BE1WEN FOURTEENTH AND SIXTEENTHSTREETS EXTENDED, SUBDIVIDED INTOVILLA SITES.Under and by virtue of a decree of the EquitvOMtCourt, passed December 6th. 188*2. in a causb^SVwherein Alary A. Holt ead et al. are complainant it

and Columbi s J. Ealln e: al. Bre defendants, iquitycause No. 8,27i. doc. No. 2. the undersigned, aswill seiL oil THURSDAY AETEKNOON,M;\KCH1'1R8T. A.D. 1881. at HALF-PAST THREE0 CLOCK, on the preudses, ailtliat tract of land knownas parts of 1 leasant Plains" aud "Mount Pleasant "

fronting on Columbia l d, west of 14th street, and l>eilonKingto the estate of the late James Eslin, containimrabout 21 acres, which has l>een sulidivided into 211n sor tracts varying in urea from % to 'Jh acres, withstreets and avenues couforu in* to the subdivision of MtPleasant and C'olum i College laud.?.Terms ol :-ale; Oue-Unrd of the purchase-money tobe pal in cash, the remainder in two equal instalmentsatot.e and iwo > ears, with mtereHt from day of saie.1 nd secured by deed of trust. All conveyancing at thec-»t of the pt.rcbaser. A cash deposit of {100 wi.l berrmnred on each lot at the time of sale.

Plats of the sui division may be obtained at theonioc^ ol the Trustee c»r of the Auctioneers.,10 ,

JOHN J. JOHNSON, Trustee,f12 d323 street.

GEYER'S AUCTION BAZAAR AND LIVEKYSTABLE,No. 468 and 470 C street northwest.

Back of N ational Hotel.SAL^S EVERY FRIDAY AT 10:30 A.M.

COME AND SEE US. SEND YOUR HOUSES.Carriages, Wajcons, Ac., that you want soid: 8toragend Board at reasonable rates; liberal advances made.We also oiler Horses. Carriages, Wagons. Ac., at privatesale. .telephone connection.ROB'T. VOsE A OO., Auctioneers.

' F'

proposals;^SSIGNEE'S SALE.

The undersigned, as assignee of Nani Gntman, winreceive proposals in writing for'the purchase oi theatock in store No. 912 7th street northwest, the Bnrnsconsisting of Dry and Fancy Goods, Hosiery, Trimming,kc , Ac.

^The Assignee reserves the right to reject any and allAil'bids to be filed by MARCH THREE, 1883, FOURJr. M.

«vr u A. FISHER, Assignee,^7-5t 912 Tth street northwest.~

professionalI"MPORTANT TO IADIE8.LADIES MAY BEaccommodated with Board, before, during and aftersick i ess, with medical treatment, in a physician'sfamily. Address Mrs. SLOANE, Exj>erienced Midwife,116 North Caroline street, Baltimore, Md. f22-6t*

Artificial eyes, k. iioi iiil the siGlasses; SI Boxwood Thermometer; that $7 FieldGlass; $7.60 Pearl oj>era. HEMPLER'S (The Optician)Old Stand. 453 Pa. ave. Telephonic connection. d8

Useful feet promote health and longevity,hence the thousands from far and near thatTisit Dr. WHITE'S establishment, 1416 Pennsylvaniaavenue. opi<ostte Willard's Hotel, for redef from andavoidance of Corns. Bunions, Diseased Natls, Chilbains,\ascul r Excresences and other complaints ofttie feet Established in Washington, D. C., in 1861.i Mors to the most eminent physicians and surgeons.Ottice fee >11 er visit lor putting the feet in order. JailTYV H. L. BOVEK, MEDTCAIT ELECTRICIAN,MJ treats successfully Female Diseases. Neuralvia,Rheumatism. Chills, Paralysis, Nervous Diseases, Ac.Turkish, Russian. Sulphur and all Medicated Bathsgiven. 417 G street, opposite Kigifs House. o20

DR. M. 8. PARSONS, M> D1CAL ELECTRICIAN?Galvanic and Electro Vapor Massage, Sweedishmovements. Magnetic Treatment. 4c. Hours fromt) a.m. to 7 p.m. 1327 F street northwest. oC-5m*

dentistry;Da. 8. L SCOTT.

dentist,__ 1207 P sheet northwestPreservation of the Natural Teeth a Specialty. 11-lm*

A racial teeth made before and inxKserted immediately after extracting natural teeth,* Ua splentLd success. Modern methods and skillIn aUbranches of Dentlstry. Moderate fees.Pit. DONNALLY. 1321 F street northweat

D1*! K£MBALL PARSONS, Dnrrcrr,f28 '*h.«to»et northwest over Ballantyne's BookGold fillings a speoalty. Gas given da^orTVR. 1U-OKBKR DEHTI8T,


""" JttWmn'tal associatioh. vo. ail

55sa ^as&erg;

«- jar <




Mr. Hkjtbt A. WATrt*A*.of the city of Providence.R.I.. for many yews the faithful and vigilant nightwatchman of the Barstow Store Company's Tory extensiveostal Jishment. having been confined to his homeseveral woeks by a very distressing illness, on resuminghis duties again avails himself of this early opportunity

for stating briefly a few plain facts.Mr. Watebmax says:"A few months age I was taken down with s severe

sickness, which ooflS2t4 Q0 to the house Quite a longtime, and much of the time I was bo Vt?« lame as to beunable to walk, and my left leg, from the hip to fhS'toe*, became monstrously swollen, and I suffered extremelyfrom the constant intense pains produced by so

great inflammation. I was trying the various so-calledcures all the time, and was under the treatment of a

physician seven weeks, but getting no substantial relief.At this time an old-time friend, s police officer,called upon me, and during our conversation informedine of the great benefit which he bad obtainedby the use of Bunt's Remedy, and urged me

! to try it, as. he considered it a wonderful medicine.I commenced taking Hunt's Remedy,having very little faith that it would domuch in such a stubborn case as mine, but my doubtwas soon dispelled, for before I had taken one bottle Ibegan to get bettor, the severe pains dlsapi>eared, theswollen leg gradually decreased in size, and I was encouragedto continue the use of the Remedy; and theImprovement to my health continues, my apjetite isgood. I have regained my strengtn, and I am now performingagain my duties as watchman at the foundry.Every niglit I go up and down stairs more than onehundred times, and am in (food condition, and feel thatmy recovery is due to Hunt's Remedy alone. My severesickness and terribly swollen leg was caused by thediseased state of my kidneys, and I think that it is amost valuable medicine that will so speedily relieve sndcure sucli a severe case as mine. I therefore mostcheerfully recommeud Hunt's Remedy to all afflictedwith Kidney Diseases, as I know it to be a safe and reliableremedy."Phovidkncf, Dec. 8, 1882." 1


TTTT EEB RRR m -SRSoT R R R " S 3T EB RRR bSSSQ2! k R » k 2[ X EBB K K b£SS8



Invalids, broken down in hea'th end spirits bycbrmic dyspepsia, or suffering from tlie tcrribio exhaustionthat folious the attacks of acute disease, thetestimony of thousands who have been raised as by amiracle from a similar state of piostration by Hostettetter'sStomach Bitters, is a Btire guarantee that by thesame means you, too, may be strengthened and restored.For sale by all Druggiste ana Dealers generally. fl





NewYork Dejot, 64 Wall street. .

Boston Depot, 134 State Btroet. Ja9-t&f4m

Gtrimault & Co/aMATICO CAPSULESAre warranted to eilect a rapid cure in th* most severe

cases of private diseases. They do hot fatigue thestomach as all other i apsules with liquid Copaiba do.and wi.l lio found a safe and effective remedy.Jai'i-tukfly SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS.

Economical And Safe.WEAVER, KF.NGLA k CO.'S






Warranted the strongest, toughest and most elasticGlue on Earth! Endorsed by that (rreat Scientest, Prof.Baird. of the U. 8. Fish Commission. Glues everythingsolid as a Bock! Wood. Paper, Leather. GIbmlChina- Stone, Ac. Always ready for instant use! Useddailv by the U. 8. Smithsonian Institute, GovernmentDepartments, Cabinet-makers. Marble-cutters snd hundredsoi families. Bottle of OfMeara*s Royal Glue, withCover, only 20e. By mail. 10c. extra,fcc icy Drawtota> Qrooera, Stationers. Hardware, |

1347 Pennsylvania avenue, Washington. D.C. ,H^dausrters for that wonderful $1 RAZOR! Thatf*5. GU>! That *1 CORN KNIFE, endorsed by allChiropodists. Sporting Goods Catalogue sent postpaidanvwhere.bold also by W. C. O'MEARA. fll* Penns. ave. oft jVEGETABLE PRODUCT,

Only used in Aran's Aotje Cure, has proven itself anever-failing and rapid cure for every form of MalarialDisorder. Fever and Ague, or Chills and Fever. No injuryfollows its use, and its effects are permanent. It 1rouses the system to a condition of vigorous health, 1deansos the blood of malarial poison, and imparts a ]feeling of comfort and security most desirable in Ague idistricts. It is an excellent tonic and preventative, as 1well as cure, of all complaints peculiar to malarious, 'marshy and miasmatic regions. The gnat superiority jof Ateb's Ague £ube over any other compound is that{t oontains no Quinine, Arsenic, or mineral; oonse- ]quently it produces no quinism or injurious effects <whatever upon the constitution. Those cured by it are ieft as healthy as if they hadnew had the HImans 1The direct action of Ara's iocs Cube upon the 1Liver and Digestive Organs makes it superior remedy jfor Liver Complaints, producing many remarkable

euros, where other medicines haveiaiiecUFor sale by all druggists. jag-4P P S*


By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which <govern the operations of dlgestfe* and nutrition, and by la careful application of the flue properties of well «e- ikscted Cocoa. Mr. Epps has provided our breakfast tableswith a delicately-flavored beveratre. which mayaave us many hesvy wctocS1 htiu. It Is by the Judicial*nee of such articles of diet that s «nn«ssi«A^ mar *»»gradually biuntupuntil strung enough to resist- every 'tendency to dseasa. Hnan^ds of wihOs maladice«n ifloating around us, ready to attack whermut there Is a iweak point V*e.m»y escapeganya fatalahaft by keen- ,^5 * vcop~

tola in Una, (only and lb.), by Grocer*, labeled. ]JAMES EPPS ft CO., j

olft-m.tata HawmsttteCtaalik lam&am. hg. \

Cunningham, Hitrnt, Jgas the

THE EVENING STAR** fcbrnarf ay, 1SS3.

2il Edition^LatestHutu it TM Slur.

Funeral of 9ln. Jewell.

IHCrS'mX h r/'rvfew \vere present outside theVlc^ we^n^rtdt7C»a^ S ramUy- Wben lh" 8pr*

t>mnrt*48 taken to the Grand

h »rtJ L* ' -n<1 removed by special train tof* * ,^Pre n°a' 39rrIres will be held ana the

Body deposited In the family vuuilA P«lwnlnr Siorf Contradicted.

vean^l^v' nlnt'««~"iA r£Port w 13 herei LTy tuat 80 lumbrr.-ncn in the vichi^sn

pineries had tx*en poisoned to d^atb by their en*using stiychnlne \n mistake :or soda ln makU ff

bSfuS" *° lt,veaus-iUon sl>° «*S »S" »** «* Sheridan Not Arretted.

ISkw York. F-b. 27._p. j. sheridm for wh11 ,s 81810(1 tiJ0 authorities at Washington

?uJo i?UeaAatWthIJf?tihas not, yV,t been ^ke^ntofny^fflV^ th:lt lha^ had ^nt^rielre^SKSX'ii?sKSsrant bavin* 1,66,1

Repentant SnphoniorpN>Dartmouth'/*?; II-' 27..Tne sophomores, of

^ 5 college who were suspend.-* for dlsorK

havel^P^0urf 'he, collc^ buildtnsrs, andw.io nave hitherto rpfus'd to confess have now

2 ^ °',**'" ""ins,,,,,,,. TZ^SSlias not yet been announced.

Sn«pen*ion «>T'apor Vlakera.Sonn Bend, Ii.t. , Feb. 27..Lucius Clark & Co

PiU^ma^a' turers here, have suspended TheS,Vas lssued a < Irculi»r calllnjr their creditorss?ta Mrt M?wij»J,°mtelng a Statement of their as?«»1 ? bllltle3 on Saturday next. Their mill

lnterested^n'n111 the w°st- The firm are heavilyinterested In paper manufacturingm cnicago.Underground Hires.

Albany, n, ym f^b. 27,.the scnatp hikqmi tn

?oi ^ reading the bill compelling all telegrinh.telephone and elect r,c light companies to ifftheftMlS?h,UKrgr0Una' 10 take^~WwS

AN ORDER POR ELECTRIC LIGHT.London, Feb. 27..The Arnoux Electric r tp-htformtteYn^f^r^qtrd &h £rder to furnlsh Hght

atth.fiL V1 States and Canadian departmentsat the fisheries exhibition to be held her<i.Another Telephone Consolidation

OM°tKrtd7 'TAIx>tyj'f:il syndicate has b tightout the Northwestern Telephone oomnanv with

nesota-*In°Burnen' n t''1)f>1?'? bu.'lae.ss In Mlnursoia,in Burnett, Douglass, Palno Poik- nn<i «ar

con^Hm^'.S.M 5,KSSHuS SSiMS&&2S£8££WaWallStreet To-dny.v


savs^ s-not: f«b' 27~T,lt' Post-xfinancial articlef^mltrhnm n.nyre generally dull and stronginroughout the forenoon. There seemei to he n

S"°.«roanlM!1,il?r*'ii"n "> »»y *£i niaiion that the sojournment o' Congress in afew days would relieve the suspense ahlyTvs«ttendant upon the expectations or what m^v i^sksjs;s sass^sstbmkb. KSSSpreferred' The*totaf I r 1?V lbe latleron WabashKau£t»2W?S££5aies upto 12:30» <***

The T1 arkef<i,

StiRES. * con8011tUted10S;.Hour lower for hiKh^S^, VitymS^H^'nVW^,d^rternZ to*'£Z:

southern white, '65B(UiK- do yeUow «uC

sJSfcWhisky Trni; 16aI16J<"Ksr aS'lSTEA ', Vin'KSrSEat«9.0»0 bushels. " Ma'u°0 buahels; corn.

Lively Time In the flouae.PROCEEDINGS CONTINCKD FRO* THK WRST EDITIONMr. Haskell, of Kansas, offered as uiiutiho

siSSH?!;Mr. Carlisle raised a point of order avalnat thaancl Mr- Haskell began his ^m^ks bT

Lin i KU^nflbat thc House tariff bill was dead^ lLedcby delay »»d obstruction.


uSn aeslres«".»«»thf^Sl dMVh'LTon7h't"wXrtJShope and faith of the people that beiore ComrrpJ

from OhkMMr^McKmiey" but 'the^pUke^eWaw-"sssu!'JaSSS»s£S?lS3SSfloor long enough to answer the auesumi hnt t*l»&'j£S'a'KatIn an Indignant manner, Mr H&akeii m-n <.

question of personal prlvU^ ,Ha8kellrose to a

^*' Blaclc.

quT?aonPSflS-,; 1^ *»U«n«n will stMe td»

i«,th3IH?f,0.'i.r^2,que8"0! °' Pen»n»l prlyllage»rndSTu%SfiSM?^be had the floor to debate the point order sublet

Ume to llmltatton by ttie Speaker^ te^8peaker recognized another srentlemln .n^

»!! KansasKn^ntm^o^eu^reasonVh*tb3 a1.P°lnt °I order. Forthat|^a^°n the gentleman's right to debate im nnr

lnged. [Applause on the democratic side ]*!£, "t* rise to a question of priviie^e?, or^er*3 G^'ntlemen on the other side

M£or011016 floor by

8^Sl8Mr^SS?Lt"'^ "" U»'fl00'.

"oKlnley. There was objection! W "*

The Speaker..The chair simply asserts its ownright in respect to the conduct of this debate, amithe gentleman from Oeorgii iTreKnS^riKP'*®e on the democratic slde.1

^Sd.<U5CU88l0n Waa ln Progrre* when our report ICapitol BTmm.

Mr- Rlcet from toe committee on foreign affairs,prwented in the House yesterday a favorable m!L?rmSP(M«the^oint rew°lat,on providing for thetermination of so much of the treaty of Washinc.ton as relates to the fisheries. aoningrrroonaPHicALunion delegation at thk capttol.A committee representing the Columbia TvdorraphlcalUnion visited the Senate to-day andd£

trlbuted a circular "protesting against legislationhostile to the interests of labor." The rimnioriets forth that It Is Intended to correct misstate.

%££££?£ «SJtaSfcStiSSfc

ttone but skilled workmen. The circular tn *hnr^iR^nsttoeof.d,ctatlon and others madeinnaf thfa' and l^01®8^8 against the adopoublte!S?Ildment authorising the?oTp!^mr«r ^,to ®Pntract 'or work outside thegovernment office, if necessary.

MILITARY AFFAIRS.The Senate committee on military affairs held

Ite final meeting of the present session to-day andlispobedof about twenty-five nominations. Allihf^1^ ordered to be favorably reported tothe Senate. Tlie three wtilch were DMsedTor transfers of officers from one regiment to an?ther»and will not be favorably reported for t£aSles? boS JSS?wV1?^S!iSJ2erer ^commendedunless both parties interested desire U.

ANNSXATlOOf OFUUAU^er the call or states in the House yesterdayRobinson, of New York, offend a resolution

requesting the President to open* bthe government of Great Britain tooDtalnlta

t?e> «n«atlon of Ireland to tteUnited States by purchase or otherwlsoi

TUB SENATS » CXSCUTIVS SMSIOUShis afternoon agreed to take up the nominations» which at forsMr sessions objeetSons had hem

and which, therefore, had been nasiad onrn>we notnlnaUoas led to some M ty

timeweT^SSKflTh^i^airee^Bi^ '

SSlto35S*&tyfO<ar0rtw" nu<let0Uk« «P

.- 3TUm Indirtim ni ( Mr. A. m. WllltaMk

AIL riEKB AT two.Btll w is Dxed IB the case of A. R William* la<*

t\» QlDit at f500. Hp to i laif hour this trtrmonibail tia.l not been given. but it was at4mu«t

**r- *1ini"B> who wbb m Ms purr In cou tas one of tlie counsel t* s. w. Doraev in the «iJtout* trial, was prepatv<Mo fir* it

Ohtrirt Havrrawrm Affalra,or IKTBICTT TO TltrtTtM.

The coll***or of taxes says that only nor &%yremains after to-day ror the paynfent of currentUXM with 8 per cent penalty added. Thetlonal penalties will be added after to-morrow.

termite to Brit n.BulMlmr permits i*>u *d by Inspector Entwisle

as follow-.:. Ma'tha Suit, er*s*t atwo-storr dwell.In?. M, between 8J and II streets north weet;13.000. R H. Warner, erect two small dwell nga,1« street, between L and M streets Row'i»aajt|Wd Hermin TUyson. repair brick dwelling, Nd7tb street northwest; faso Harsh Collins repairframe, I street, l>etwe<*n Delaware av nue and Bdstreet northeast; fgso. K. Nonlhetmer, repairframe, 8276 m street; fi«, E. M Wtlia, ar^d antjrlne house for bowtlng, kc.. ISth-atreet whar :W* John Burke, eroct a small store 8Lh tietweenD and E soathweet; ti.Hmi


mr NEW YORK STitCK MARKETfollowing are tl.e onentn? an.* closing nrl«M

CMhe New Vortc Stock Market tn-oav. a* reparielty special wire to II. IL Dodge, vw isth stren.Aaiue. . j <A | Ao»#«e. |"~oT (*|

Cen. Pa^fle... 80>» *>\ Nor. * WesTp "ST" VvChes.kOhlo.. ao^ til3^ North Pac .... «:u «*Do. 1st pref . so Da pr-r wDo. ttprrf.. sfil *4 Northv.est l.tt lHiv

' **nt. A West.. »CoL Coal 30 .. ..il'ac. M ill 441b 40*1

* w if V i«S Pea D. * R... sn\ «njDen. AILO... 4*\ 44 Heading rtu uvfrtP "8 87 1st. Paul 100 ioi wErie, »is ¥«¥.. .. SL Paul pref.jiiTw lifw

" 1421* '«* »»« P * Omaha 47 4«vL8ke Shore ... ions ion | i»0. pref.... iosi, i(*2L^U. ANish.. 58 W, Texas p*c .... MM -*.*JJl' h. Cent W *H\ Tex. P l'dgts. . ..TT" K-*i > Si InIon Pbc. M n*jMo-Parinc.. . 9s'% w\ W ib. I'ac 27V

j i 71 \ W.ib. I'ac. p'd. 4*iS 4k i" * central, isa^ ines v\< sl rm.»n.. «i , 81*.'


Mew* Hrirfa.V41of lb® d. r«nrt It vhesterCity bank, states there Is s pr<>tMbilt:y that depositorswill r -celve about 80 ^vr ceut.

Admiral Crosby, of the Cntted Kt.,tes nary, hasarrived st Southampton from Brazil.2l* Fred rick, fcfd., municipal elation ye«<terday,Hiram Bin pis. dernc^r.it, was cl*vu>d mayor.

an I the democrats control the conx>rition.The Flrxt. National bank of t'nlon Mills ofUnion city, Erie oounty.Pa., closed lu doors SaturQ8j»

JPi£* wrestllnjr mat^h between Duncan c. Roes.

Theobald Bauer at Sluvanuah, ( &., TeaterdarRoss won.The levees bet ween Oreennile, Ml**., and New

2.£. ^ a.nd. *Lso Um>* "hove Vicksburg on theMississippi «<liie, remain Intact.The grand Jurv at Milwaukee i*»»st^rdav found

an Indlctuient agrtlnsi Sheiier, the barke< per ofUie V'Whnll house, charwlug hltu with sctiing Breto the building. His ball was tlxed at flO.OOO1 lie Pennsylvania rallro.id c<»mi>.Hny are contemplatingestat>Hs'ilng boat conn»-ctions bctw<«»n

C.tmbridge nnrl Oxford. Md , ui» 1 B.iltlmor ,toconnectwith th' lr recently pun h ised line, the Dorchesterand Delaware rallroa l.The case of ex-Treasurer P..lk wn« m ths

criminal cour*. at Nashville. T»nn., v-st-rday.bill was continued, owing to the illness oC thel-rl-oner.The Massachusetts house of representatfree resterdiiyengrossed the bill providliif for tae d»structionor Engllsli sparrows.The superintend, nt of public Instnictjon of Virginiahas cai;.-.i n confer* n- e of the cou'ity and

ij!*1, superfit- nlents of acln»ols to iuiM*t inRichmond to-day.<; -or-e C. B rl»er, charged with having attemptedto >ell bogus Iw.nds of the Albany and Sumiu-hannnnllroaj company, ha<l a hearing it. iMitiaftirth

t toeaiin**^' H,ld W^ L, W ln tl,5c0 ball for aThe Trustees of the Newark (N. .T.) City noma,at \ rona, Lwx county, the reformatory ln-Ututlonor the city .»f Newark, last nlirht voted to

admit ministerso! all cleaomin.ition^ to vi->it thelninHte&At the lnvestlgntlon of the charges against thsofficers or the Dtxmont (Pa.Mnsan - asylum y.-aterd<i\,D. C. C. Carroll stated that lie ri'fused to

t ike medicine, and w as knocked down, kl ked andchoked, aud saw pl> nty of others maitr»Mted.Capt. Martin I> Smith was llberaunl from the

lucatlc n^vlum by order of Judge D tnohiieof Newiork. II - had been confined f .r several years.The Irish socleiles of New Vork city will celebrateSt. Patrick's day by a street pirade and a

Clcnlc at Jone>' Woo l, the procueda of which wille sent to Mr. Parn-1LThe Coix)rkb Bkai*tv snow in RAt.mroBB .

Eleven colored women sat in a row on the stazeat Douglass Institute last nl^ht to contest ror thehonor of being considered the champion beautv ofAmerica. The most noticeable element of theirgood looks was their gleaming white teeth. Allthe beauties were conscious of the adoration tlierwere receiving, anl Beein-d quite proud of thedistinction. Sniffs of disparagement were heardfrom visiting colored belles. There were a numberof white visitors. Among these was a well- 'khovvn gentleman, whi bought Ove dollars' worthor ballots to back up nis declaration that a certain

W°Vi .,aic*L.the Prlzn. which is said to beS100 in gold, In addition to the honor. No. 89 lathe favorite thus far. she Is from Alexandria, Va..but would not give her name for publication,^nUwL"a» k!11^8, *he Rald* are low an<l «»mon. Ste has black eyes, and is coquettish in manJennieOtr»w>n, No. 15, is Ugbt in colorand was dressed ln black. Mtss Florence Minor, Na85, had on a complete black velvet outfit andwas a lorned at the neck and waist with manr

^ M ,ry E Banen, No. 3S. Is a dlgiilHedJubilee singer. Miss Lzzie A. Cornish. Na 8T.has a 1j^ht complexion and a plum dress. MissSodoala Wise, Na s, was reunion dent in black«a Barker, No. as. was w<41 saua^velvel aD(1 bangs. Mhs Edith Wise.

k «- ^ pensive, has long straightSnrtPXT^ v|! lJl'Qe,t MlSS FannjSpriggs Na », is plump aDd lollyMiss Annie Johnson. No. «. was fine m black siILand Miss Fannie Brown. No. *7, was elegant Innavy bloe tulle. The beauties are from BalttVi^lnio*ewYor*. Philadelphia anl\ irglnia The show is beintr con iu -t^d witi ereatpropriety and dlgm i y..H iitimmv .sun, to-aag.Mr. Parvbll Sharplt Arraigns tub BttrrmGovernment..Mr. Parsell yesterday, in movinghis amen iment to the al iress in reply to t t\a

siv-MJCh from the throne, sp<»ke or the " unjust executions"in Ireland, and said that the people h ibeen kept ,iown by the brutal, terrible, oerctoaact He defled the government to continue togovern Ireland without the sympathy of the peo?or the Irish judges whom, hesaid, had mostly been appointed ror po;ltic»l reasons,and wore unfit to try political cases, ir thegovernment, after the PliCBnlx park murders wt*«committed, hid n-lle<l on the sympathy or t iepeople Instead or u >on a tyrannical aet, in landwould have been pacified. Mr. Paroii said thegovernment has now a great ooportunltv to rvsiorepeace and order ln In-1 ind. H was conn teat ofvictory, havlnc a million of Irish ln Amerioa behindhim. Mr. Parneii's amendment was rejected.The Electric l.iuht norkm.k..A meeting of

representative business m n or Norfolk, Va., rrtdayevening decided to orgun a comnanr forthe Introduction of the electric light Tue capital

to be not less than 110,000 nor mora Usa

A Sister or Ex-8enator Sharon Attewtts StnCJD*-.Areport isclrculat *d tUruughout San FranCisco,and apparently well authenticated, that aex-Senator William Sharon attemptedsuicide la a bathroom or the Palace hotel. Saturbycutting herself in the breast with a peakutte.The smallness of the weapon preventeddeep wounds, but the cuts were su numerous aad

the loss of blood so great that the lady is in a orecariouscondition. The act is attributed to laaanltj.Amiinw ScictDB or a Baltimore BusinessMan..Mr. Trueman DuvalL, so years of age a maawell known ln Baltimore business circles, shotUmself la the head with a pistol at a hotel la

Baltimore yesterday morning. Th» act was occasionedby depression of spirits arising from lackofemployment aad money. His recovery is doubtasaSHSBSBHHB


i ,* anattveof Abbyteale, touuty j lntariok.Ireland, arewdent otthladty for the 1st thart .-tiva

* uSf" f b-W h year of hit< >.?*.and frien«l» are rcioctlullj Inrltol torttend hbt funeral frop hie raldeoce. StMrman aveou*.J'dock! Boundary, Tntuwdar. at half (««t

ev"®ln,r. February the 36th,1888. at 1288 11thirtre^t aoutheMt. WILLIAM K , aradaiuetomi >«n, eldest sou of ikotn-rt and I.ujiija Lu4».hotiee of tunand henaftor. (Balttu^t

£!" FSwV- Jihroarv *th. 1838. at 8:88uIh/i^i »

NEAL, aau -htor of the lata«*» Neal. ac'nl 14 yean and 6 months

pllM* t^m< rroW CWedaandayl[*?S!5F 'roni Ihe r>«iien<* of her uiida,d225?#£^?*ieZ.e?wk ^-h» irtoB. iSJ.frtfdaof tha family an rapa«uU» harl^M

Sunday, Pebrnary *. IW8. at IUM?-' BT 1-yHEK c. PAtvKlHH. *r«d Sftr-nlM yaam.

»«1Mp raMaith No« Wadn.Jar, at 8 p.m. fOm- j

KITT^NHOUSK. Ob Tn.dar. rvbraarrrf. 1888.12:88 a. m.. BKMJAM1K W. mlTTKXUOVBi.

lOTfAll BOV6D VMXl.Thefnaral wi.1 take ptaea fraan Mm late1808we^P atoeet. Oeoesetowa, Tboradaj. Marah l<U4p.m. IOIomb. r



jlufla 8k WSlttHI *

. j I

18BT T^VStSmUmmm^ 11


The Star Rente Trial After BefcwAfter recess Mr. Davldge opened the proceedIns*by making a motion that the paper*.not official.whichnave been produced in this examinationbe p'aced In the custody of the courtAfter argument by Mr. Davidce, Jutge Wyltesua th^ p.ip- rs would hare to be placed in the

custody of the clerk.Mr. Bliss objected to these paper# being1 In

speeted by the detense except In the presence of arepresentative of the prosecution.Judge Wylie said the prosecution could claimno auch right.

a 'stab'* abticlb.Witness 3*11 he dl 1 n »t write, for publication In

The Star of this city, an article far the purpose ofconvincing his co-.lefendants that he was notgoing on the st»nd In this case, but did trrfte ansru.-ie tor The Star "for the purpose, as I remember,of denying s report In circulation."Mr. Ingersoll here showed the witness a clippingin The star."I wrote th«t article," said the witness, "or, atleast, copied It.""Who wrote it?" aske'1 Mr. Ingersoil."My counsel. Judge WIIshire, said the witness.The witness then real the clipping from The

Star, which was a letter addressed to th" editor ofThk star, daied December 27th last, say n,' in regardto a publication in The star of uie eveningbefore that he denied bar ng h id any communicationwith Messrs. Merrick, Ker or Bliss In regardto going on the stand.vaile c'MING back.

To-day a Star reporter, on inquiring of Mr.Henkle if he had heard of his client (Mr. Valle),was Informed that the stories about Mr. Valle notreturning were all l>o«h. Mr. Miner, « ho was slt1ting near, produced a dispatch irom Mr. Ville tohiiu, dated Indep mdei.ee. Ma, February £6:h,asking, "When will 1 be needed?" Mr. II nkler m irked, "And I telegraphed him to come on,and last night I received th following: * Tuink Iwill leave to-morrow,"' which. Mr. llenkle said.Indicates that he Is now on his way.

Longfellow Day*INTERESTING EXERCISES IN THK PrBt.IC SCnOOLB.Exercises in celebration of the birth day of the

poet Longfellow were held in all the grades of thepublic schools of the District to-day, and were notonly of an Interesting character, but practical Intheir beating and scope. Some portion of the dayIn each school was devote I to the subject, and thechildren in this way learned much of Longfellowand his poems. The programs, of course, werevaried to suit the capabilities of the differentgrades, but they all comprised the three phitsesof the subject.literary, musical and artistic.

ARTISTICIn the latter the blackboards were covered with

drawings, executed by the^ scholars, of scenes andIncidents from the premi A plcynre of Longfellowappeared on most of the boards, and of hishouse. Then followed other pictures, such an theyouth of the poem "Excelsior," drawn in black inthe midst of a snow storm. "The Wreck of theHesperus" was illustrated by a ship broken on therocks. In one room In the Jefferson building theblackboard was covered with six large sketches;the work of one of the boys who Is gifted In tulsline. These pictures were remarkably good. Theyinclude the poet's picture, one of his house, theship, sunrise, the open window, and the bi . -ksmlih.Besides these original pictures, drawingsand engravings were displayed In many of theschools.

MUSICAL and literary.The musical portion of the program consist" 1 of

singing poems set to music, Upldee and others, ofwhich there ore a large number.The third and last Teature of the exercises wasthe literary, which comprised short selectionsfrom Longfellow's poems recited by the pupils. In

some casjs only a line or verse was recited, butthey were so distributed that each scholar learnedsomething of the srreat poet's writings. Thenmottoes were wrltt m on slates and on the black'boards. There were recitations givenand specimens of the transpositionsof his puetry into prose. The scholarswere also cull<*«l upon to tell In theirown way the story of some of the poems. Theexercises were or such a varied character thatevery child could take part. The litt le ones whowvreju-t beginning to write were asked to write tiiename Longfellow on their slates, and then theywere told anecdotes of the great po<*t or r peatedthose that had been told to them. In some of theschools the exercises were becun with a familiartalk by the pupils on the life and character of thejO't. The entire celebration of the day was carriedout with so much Judgment on the p »rt of theteachers and enthusiasm on the part of the scholarsthat it cannot but be beneficial In its results.

thb pine contributionsfor the monument were generally given. At allthe schools a number of the parents and pupilscame In and witnessed the exercises. The drawlngson the blackboards In all the schools attractedgeneral commendation.

Charge of Mall Robbery*arre8t op letter carrier. <

Prank Callahan, a letter carrier, was arrestedthis morning by Postofflee Inspectors Hendersonand 8mlth on the charge of larceny of letters addressedto M. A. Dauphin. Fifteen decoy lettersweie found on him, and be admits taking them.He was taken before U. S. Commissioner Mills.He waived an examination and gave ball In$1,000.Patents were issued to-day as follows: W. W.

Brigg, Washington, assignor of one-half to B. F.Herwig, New Orleans, two patents leather cutter;Daniel T. Chambers, assignor of one half to A G.Campbell, Washington, fastener for gloves, Ac.;Wm. Clark. Baltimore, Md., wheel barrow; Chas.Prey, Baltimore, siphon; Andrew D. Hart, NorthGarden, Va., safety hammer firs arms; W. H.Horner and' F. Hyde, Baltimore, water proofingfabrics; Susan A Hurley, Washington, pullerand attachment for window shade rollers; RalphS. Jennings, Baltimore, preserving fish; JacobKarr, Washington, quarter-second time mechanism;Hermann Perllch,Baltlmore,insect destroyer;Horace Resley, Cumberlmd, Md., bortle stopperfastening; Marvin Stone, Falls Church, combluedfinger ring and tooth pick; Norman Wlard, assignorto It C. Schenck and 1L D. Cook, Washington,manufacture of gun powder.Naval Orders..Passed Assltant Surgeon EdwardH. Green, ordered to duty In the museum of

hygiene, Washington, D. C.; Passed AssistantSurgeon N. H. Ferebee, to duty a' the New Yorknavy yard; Carpenter N tthan H. Jenkins, to dutyat the naval station, N-w Lon Ion Conn.; CaTpenpenterHenry R Phllbrlck, detached from duty atthe New London (Conn.) n ival station and placedon waiting orders; Lieut. John Garvin, grantedthre months' leave from the 1st or March.R&NQB or THE TnERM >MfTSR..The followingwere the readings at the office of the chief signalofficer to-day: fa.m .a.53; it a.m.. 25.0°; 8p.m.,80.0. Maximum, 32.0°; minimum, 20.8°.Rttddkn Death..a young man named Wm R.Lu-»by, residing at 1229 11th streeet southeast, wasfound dead in bed between 9 and 10 o'clock lastnight. He had been tn his usual condition ofhealth when he retired.The Will or John later..An exemplifiedcopy of the will of John Slater, of Alexandria,

county, Va., was received by Register Ramsdellto-day for record. He leaves in trust for thechildren of his daughter, Elisabeth S. Roe, bouses431 and 438 Rklse street, and a mortgage for $1,000;to his son, W. Y. Slater, houses 480 and 431 Ostreet: to his daughter, Mary E. Robertson (separate),houses 434 and 86 O street; to Susan 8hakelfordtwo frame houses in O street alley durlug lifeIf she remain unmarried, and If she die ormarry, one to W. T. Slater and the other tothe children of his deceased daughter.Elisabeth &Roe.

Application fob Mandamus..Mr.C F. Wroe todayfiled an appUcatlod for a mandamus In thename of the United States on the relation of Chas. ,T. Havenner agt. Samuel Cross, treasurer of theColumbia Bank Note Company, to compel him topay the relator the four per cent dividend declaredat a meeting of the directors on the »ih ofJanuary last, on the face value of forty shares ofstock held by him, amounting to $180.

Political Note*.One ballot was taken tn the Michigan legislature <

yesterday for United States Senator, with the followingresult:.Lathrop (dem.), 87; Palmer, 81;Stockbridge, si; Wllllta, 8; Feriy, t, and scatter^Gen.Butler, of Massachusetts, has vetoed a bill

to Incorporate the Union Safe Deposit Company of <Boston, because of its vagueness. He admonishesthe legislature to be more csrefui in their work, :that In Its supervision he may not be compelled tomake the wide search that this measure calledfor.

^ t

"Ireland fob thb Irish.".There was a large ]meeting In the Cooper Union,New York,last night ,under the auspices of the Irish confederation toraise funds for the relief of the sufferers in Ire- »land. A letter was read from Mayor Edson acceptingan invitation to preside at the meeting, <and this was followed by a second one from the Jmayor's private secretary explaining that wl*enthe Invitation tc preside waa given and accepted ;the mayor thought that It was "purely benevo- (lent, to aid the suffering in Ireland. It seems, <however," the letter concludes, "from the advertisementsand cards of admission that It Is a mat- |ter tn which the mayor must decline to take anypart whatever." The cards of admission bore the 1words, "Ireland for the Irish." The letterwaa re- 'eelved with hisses and cries of "Throw him overboard."JHeavt Defalcation in Hew Yobs..A heavy *defalcation came to light in New York yesterday, jThe culprit is Gilbert L. Crowell, president of theEmpire Mining company, of summit county,Utah. The offices of the company are at fit Wallstreet. Orowell, la 1171, was given the agency at theTalman estate, the owners being Mrs. CorneliaA AtweU, her sister. Hiss Catherine C. Tahner,and her niece, Miss a Carolina Talman. They Jconfided to CrowaiTs care their securities, stock


and bonds and gave htma full power of attorney ito transact their buaintja Everything proceeded Jsmoothly until 1878, when be waa Induced to go IInto the Empire Mining echeme and bought *

largely of ItTstock. The mine haa been a failure8nil lln ssi.mill miin nsillTfTnTTTl eabstracted 8801.088 at the Talmaa trust fund, tBesides this asaount be borrowed from Miss Care-lineTalauMMi In all the Inst Urea yean behas spent fmjm la addition to thla hsowen «K80BL On u» ly^tosugt ..san sign

pohasbumssiiswSjff?!????%mob las- j