THE LEADER - HERALD GIOVFRSVIUE - JOHNSTOWN. M Y. FRIDAY, APRIL 26, 1963 Fultonvill. Stedman Urges Support of U. N. At 4-H Leaders Recognition Event Stedman, director of the'gram and one complements Administration Division, j other. R. B. Joint Technical Assistance Board of the United Nations was guest speaker at the annual Montgomery County 4-H Leaders Recognition Banquet last night at the Fultonville Metho- dist Church. Stedman took the audience on an imaginary tour of several of the countries which the U. N. seeks to assist He spoke of :ihe \sork being* oone IT AWa, Saudi ' Arabia, India and other countries which have recently gained their inde- pendence but which need assist- ance in continuing as independent nations and developing their coun- tries. He said that the U. N. will spend more than $120 million this year to assist 95 countries. Health Is Problem "Perhaps the greatest problem" Mr. Stedman said "is the problem of health and sanitation. Malaria has been almost conquered in many of these countries. Hie training of teachers is very im- portant aa in many of these coun- tries the masses are uneducated and must be educated to help themselves." "The U. N." he said, "is also doing a great deal of assisting with public administration." He said that aid from the U.N. is more readily accepted by the peoples of these countries because the U.N. represents an interna- tional state and not just one coun- try. He said the U.N. works close- ly with the U. S. foreign aid pro- Toastmaster for the program was Varnum Casler chairman of the 4-H Club Executive Commit- tee. Invocation was given by Charles Persons Jr. president of the Extension Service Association. Introductions of executve* commit- tee members and various .county officials was made by Casler. Frank Wilcox, agricultural ^repre- sentative of. the Montgomery Coun- ty banks which sponsored the af- fair gave the welcome. James H. Gould, county 4-H agent, intro- duced the speaker. Service Awards Certificates were presented to 4-H leaders in recognition of their Palatine Bridge Mrs, Weaver Dies at 55 In Hospital Fonda Ford Elected President of Laymen's Unit The Layman's Society of St. Cecilia's Church met Tuesday night at the Parish Hall. Officers of the society recently elected were John Ford Jr., president; William Keehan, vice president; Mrs. Har- old Flint, vice president and Wal- ter Grau Jr., secretary-treasurer. Coming activities of the parish were discussed. A round and square dance for the benefit of the church and Sacred Heart Church will be held tomorow night at St. Cecilia's Hall. Members of the church will participate in the May Day Rally on Wednesday, May 1, at Albany. Mrs. Smith Honored Mrs. Robert Smith of Glovers- ville was feted at a stork shower Wednesday night at the Fonda Village Hall. Hostesses were Mrs. Barbara Pedrick, Mrs. Barbara Collins, Mrs. Katharine Quacken- bush and Mrs. Andrew Ault Jr. The guest of honor was presented with a white orchid corsage. Games were played and prizes won by Mrs. Francis Knowlton, Mrs. Trudy Marshall, Mrs. Roberta Gentile, Mrs. Beverly Green, Mrs. Vivian Rummler. The consolation prize was won by Mrs. Marshall. The hall was decorated in pink, white and blue. The guest of honor received her gifts from a decorated mesh play pen, a gift from the hostesses. The centerpiece was a decorated cake with a stork in the center. Mrs. Albertina M. Weaver, 55, Palatine Bridge RD 1, died 10:50 Wednesday night at the Albany Medical Center where she had been a patient since Jan. 15. She had been in ill health for eight months. She was bom May 23, 1907 m the Town of Florida, and was the daughter of Henry and Eva Green Blakeslee. She "as a member of the Trinity Lutheran Church of Stone Arabia and the Ladies Aid Society of that church. Mrs. Weaver was also a member of the Palatine Union Grange of McKinley and was assistant leader of the McKinley Busy Bees 4-H Club. She was formerly employed at Beech-Nut Life Savers, Inc., Canajoharie and retired in 1948. On June 13, 1925 she married Mortimer Weaver by Rev. Kling at St. Johnsville. Survivors beside her husband, Palatine Bridge RD 1, include four daughters, Mrs. Arthur Simpson, Palatine Bridge RD 1; Miss Linda Weaver, who lives at home, Pala- tine Bridge RD 1; Mrs. Robert Handy, Palatine Bridge; Mrs. Peter Christoph, St. Johnsville. Also three sons, Charles R. Wea- ver, Greensboro, N. C; Melvin E. Weaver, Marshville; Stanton E. Weaver Sr., who is staff sergeant stationed at Itazuki Air Base, Japan. Other survivors include four brothers; Ostrom Blakeslee, Pala- tine Bridge RD 1; George Blake- slee Sr., Ephratah; Manley Blake- slee, Melvin Blakeslee, both of Johnstown. Also, five sisters Mrs. Robert Ethington, Palatine Bridge; Mrs. Roy Taylor, Newville; Mrs. Ray- mond Weakley, Mariaville; Mrs. Howard Bellinger, Rural Grove; Mrs. Edward Handy, Palatine Bridge RD 1. Further survivors include 15 g-andchildren, several nieces, nep- hews, cousins, uncles and aunts. the! years of service as follows — Mrs. Joseph Prali, 14 years; Mrs. Donald Klemme, 11 years; Mrs. Keith Handy, Mrs. Carol Merrick and Mrs. Mary Phillips ten years; Mrs. Evelyn Casler Homer Dopp, Robert Johnson, Henry Schwa- brow and Mrs. Ruth Schwabrow, nine years; Mr. and Mrs. Fayette Heiser, Mrs. May Smith and Mrs. Michael' Scott, eight years; George Cronkhite, Mrs. Helen .Young seven:^arsf b *-Mrl. i Ethel Heiser, Enders Ingersoll six- years; Mrs. George Cronkhite, Mrs. Leon Lus- so, Mrs. Charles Persons Jr., five years. Mrs. Kenneth Darrow, Mrs. Vi- vian Hawkins, Ben Nellis Jr., Mrs. Marilyn Nellis, Mrs. Sally Nowicki, Mrs. Ida Schoeffler, Mrs. Marian Settle, Mrs. Virginia JShults, Mrs. Albertina Weaver, four years; Mrs. Lillian Fish, Mrs. Anna May Short, Donald Short, Mrs. Mary Wajtur- ski, Mrs. Kaye Yurkewecz, three years. Mrs. Enders Ingersoll, Donald Klemme, Mrs. John Knapik, Mrs. Krutz, Douglas Ayers Jr., Samuel D. Blair, Mrs. Minnie Bradley, Mrs. Jane Crosier, Mr. and Mrs. William Dievendorf, James Doug- lass, Lucille Douglass, Tremaine Moyer, Carl Nasse Jr., Mrs. Fran- cis Shuster, Mrs. Dorothy Snyder, Bruno Czech, Mrs. Rita Douglass, Mrs. Harold Flint, Harold Geesler Jr., Mrs. Harold Geesler Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Lyn Goodspeed, Mrs. Vi- vian Herron, Mrs. Ronald Hill- abrandt, Mrs. Margaret Sowle, John Sowle, Mrs. Clyde Taylor, Mrs. Jean Wetherbee. Egidio Battisti, Mrs. Lois Battis- ti, Mrs. Barbara Burghardt, Er- nest Burghardt, Aiden Cooper, Mrs. Roger Cronkhite, Mrs. Reva Dufel, John Ford, Mrs. Edward Widanka, Mrs. Harvey Gramps, Mrs. Virgil Grandy, Mrs. Frank Greco, Mrs. Barbara Herrick, Mrs. Walter Keller, Walter Keller, Mrs. Andrew Koval, Mrs. Dominick La- Mori, Mrs. Wilbur Lang, Mrs. Robert Minch, Miss Mabel Moul- ton, Richard Mueller, Mrs, Richy, Mrs. Dorothy Shiminski, Mrs. Her- bert Smith, Mrs. Charles Siegle, Mrs. Alice Veeder, Mrs. Francis Veeder. New Leaders Cited Gould recognized new leaders Phil Armistead, Mrs. Martha Cong- don, Mrs. Ethel Crouse, Mrs. Dor- othy Hart, Edward Hart, James Herrick Sr. Louis C. Herron, Mrs. Elizabeth Hetherbring, Mrs. Con- rad Kamp, Mrs. Kenneth Mc Mor- ris, Mrs. Morris Lamphere Jr., Mrs. Amon Nellis, Mrs. Janice Handy, Mrs. Henry Soodsma, Mrs. Harry Suits, Mrs. Grand Van Laon, Mrs. Frank Wendell, Mrs. Morace Dumar and Mrs. Francis Dimond. Moyfiald :-:,-.*r-.;- T^t;^/-..^r:-.^^ ^..v,*^^:^^.-^«i^-^^.,.^^..^,1/-^;.._.^^..ji,.^^ .... , ; ,,^,^,,.. School Board Okays Calendar For 1963-64 Year; Three Teachers Approved for Tenure =rry» CANAJOHARIE FIREMEN FIGHT A GRASS BLAZE along the northern shoulder of the New York Central tracks at Palatine Bridge. Debris in an open gondola car, which was thought to have ignited by a spark from the diesel engine pulling it, was blamed for setting off the grais^flie yesterday morning. Canajoharie • Lake Luzerne Rector Will Conduct Preaching Mission The Board of Education on Tuesday night approved the school calendar for 1963-64. The calendar calls for 183 days that school will be in session, two conference days and three legal holidays. The school will open on Wednesday, Sept. 4. It will be^lwsed on Oct. 4 for conference of Eastern Zone St. Johnsville Caponera Is Named Cancer Rev. William Miller Romer, priest-in-charge of St. Mary's Epis- copal Church at Lake Luzerne, will be the missioner for the Episcopal Diocesan preaching mission to be held Sunday through next Friday, May 3, at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Canajoharie. At 7:30 each night from Monday through Friday, there will be a hymn sing in charge of Rev. Rich- Northville 'Donkey Ball' Games Slated Tuesday Night ' There will be a program of en- tertainment at the Northville Cen- tral School gym at 8 Tuesday night when the Northville Teachers Association will present something different in the world of sports- donkey basketball. High school girts will pit their riding skills against a well selected team from the men's faculty. There will also be a game featur- ing high school boys. ard W. Corlett, priest-in-charge of the host church, the Holy Cross Church, Fort Plain and" the Trinity Church of Sharon Springs. After the service each night, there will be an open discussion and question and answer session, after which there will be a coffee hour in the parish house. Rev. Romer will celebrate Holy Eucharist at 7 Monday through Friday and at 8 next Saturday morning in the Church of the Good Shepherd. Also at 9 in the morning at Holy Cross Church Monday through Friday and at 8 Thursday night at the Trinity Church. Rev. Romer, a native of Albany, attended Albany Academy and was graduated from Brown University Theological School with the Bache- lor of Divinity degree in 1960. Joseph Caponera has accepted chairmanship of the local .cancer fund drive which will be held in the St. Johnsville area, starting this week. Containers have been placed in local stores and solicitors will be named. Mrs. Bernard Feld- stein is the local cancer chairman. Bleecker Personals Thursday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Demarest and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Carpenter were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffman of Schen- ectady. Mr. and Mrs. Armand Augustine and children were weekend guests of his father. Louis Augustine, at Ithaca. Claire Emens, former Fonda resident, is visiting friends in the LEGALS NOTICE OF ANNUAL SCHOOL lOBBTINa, LAKE PLEASANT CENTRAL SCHOOL, SPECULA- TOR N.T. NOTICE B HEREBY GIVEN. that tbe annual meeting of the voters of Lake Pleaaant Central School District No. 1 of the Town of Lake Pleasant, Speculator, NY. v in be held at the school building m the 7th day of May. 1968, at 7:80 vm., for the transaction of such nslness as la authorized by the Mueatten Law and to vote for one rusUe (Term A) for five years ^resent incumbent, Mr. Alvin May- *m whose term expires. One trut- * for one year to AD the unea- ?ird term of Mrs. Emella Novosel < feaigned), (Term B), present In- cumbent, Frank Brooks. Petitions nominating candidates for the office of member of the Board of Education must be filed with the clerk of the district not Itfor than April 22nd, 1968. Each petition must be directed to the clerk of the district, must be aign- ed by at least twenty-f1v# qualified voter* "f the dUtrict And notice la also given that a of the budget for tbe ensuing of 19S3-S4 may be e*> any taxpayer of the dii- ths seven days pre- the annual meeting except Sunday or holiday, at the school during the hours to 1:00 p.m HBDW1G MAGEE Clerk, Board of Education A^t*l w|i *a^P# Achievement Day Plans Made by Mountain Viewers The Mountain View Home De- monstration Unit met Tuesday night at the home of Miss Florence Winnie when plans were complet- ed for an Achievement Day dis- play. The next meeting will be held May 28. Refreshments were served by the hostess. St. Johnsville Dance Scheduled Tonight by Eighth Graders A dance given by the Eighth graders will be held from 8 to 11 tonight at the High School gym. Classes were dismissed at 2:40 yesterday afternoon so that all members of the faculty could tend a two hour workshop, "Teaching Students on how Think." at- on to Personal Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hahlbohm have returned to their home after spending several months in Fort Worth, Fla. Fort Plain Joint Card Party Held at Temple About SO persons attended a joint card party Wednesday night at the Otsquago Odd Fellows Tem- ple. The affair was sponsored jointly by me Rainbow Rebekah Lodge and members of the Odd Fellows Temple. Prizes were awarded as follows: Effiner Duesler, men s high, first: Emil Knerim, second men's high; Mrs. Effiner Dustier, ladies high, first prize; Mrs. Greta Erhart, second high The traveling prize was award- ed to Mrs. Lamoine Mandow. Mrs. Mae Eva Flint and commit- tee were in charge of arrange- ments. The next card party will be 8; 34 Wednesday night, May 15 at the Odd Fellows Temple. Miss Lucy Caswell and her committee will be in charge. Two Drivers Fined Albert Loring, Sr., Cherry Val- ley was arrested April 15, by spe- cial officer John Kulawy, on a charge of speeding on West Main Street in violation of village ordi- nance. He appeared Monday be- fore Justice of the Peace, Trium- ph n and paid a fine of $10 on his plea of guilty. John Szekely, Saratoga Springs was apprehended Tuesday by Chief Walrath on a charge of speeding on East Main Street. Taken be- fore Justice of the Peace Fred- erick Cairns, he pleaded guilty and paid a fine of $10. Masons Plan Breakfast Fish House Lodge will be host for the Fulton County Masonic Communion breakfast. Masons will assemble at the Temple at 7:30 Sunday morning. The Communion service will be held at the Metho- dist Church at 8. The breakfast will follow at 9 at the Temple and will be served by members of Juanita Chapter OES. To Have Festival Roles Several Northville Central School music students will be singing in the Fulton County senior mixed chorus at the concert to be given at the new Gloversville High School at 8:15 tomorrow night. Several band members will also participate. Damico Funeral Held Funeral services for Vito Dam- ico, Flat Creek, were conducted at 10:30 this morning at Sts. Peter and Pauls Church in Canajoharie. Rev. John J. Hogan, pastor, offici- ated. He recited the Rosary last night at the Lenz Funeral Home in Can- ajoharie. Burial was in Sts. Peter and Pauls Cemetery. v ' 'Dress-Up Day* Held The Canajoharie High School Student Council sponsored a Dress- Up Day today. This event is de- signed to promote better school spirit. Students were not required to wear any particular kind of clothes, but to respond to the spirit of the day by being more careful in their dress and in their general appear- ance. Recognition Service Set A Sunday School Recognition Service will be held at the Bap- tist Church at 7 Sunday night. This is the culmination of the recent Sunday Scrool attendance contest. Awards will be given to individuals and to the class that scored highest for the five week period. The program will consist of col- ored slides with a tape recording narration of the effectiveness of family devotion. Following the pro- gram, refreshments will be served by the Blue team. Transportation Pledged Cars will leave the Methodist Chsrch at 7:30 Sunday night for those who wish to attend the lec- ture to be given by Bishop Newell S. Booth of Katanga, Africa, which will be given at Fremont Metho- dist Church, Gloversville at 8. Yorkers Plan Trip A group of agout 30 high school Yorkers will go to Holland Patent tomorrow to participate in the an- nual jamboree of the Mohawk Dis- trict of this historical society. The program will consist of a business meeting with an election of officers for the new session, and a consideration of changes in the Yorker Constitution. The jamboree will also include a tour of historical sites in the area, and a social event. Miss Kathleen Flanagan is president of the Canajoharie High School York- er Chapter. Society Convenes The Women's Missionary Society of St. Paul's Lutheran Church met Monday night in the church par- lors, with Mrs. Herman Briele, president, in charge of the meet- ing. Mrs. Harold Plank was In charge of the devotions, the topic being "Christ Today." Refreshments were served by Mrs. Joyce Briele and Mrs. Minnie Bradley. Slides Are Shown William A. Foote was the guest speaker at the meeting of the Bap- tist Mens' Fellowship at its meet- ing Wednesday night at the church. He showed slides and spoke on the Gettysburg battlefield. Plans were discussed for the an- nual banquet to be held on May 28. Personals Mrs. Bertha Smith, North Divi- sion Street, is a patient In Little Falls Hospital Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huff are spending this week with their daughter and son in law, Mr. and Mrs. William Lasher, at Murray, Ky. Miss Mary Lou Dockerty. and friend Miss Kathy Young. Syra- cuse, spent the week end with her Notes, Personals From Wells Area Gdfnburg Travelogue Given Before WSCS by Rev. Dyckman Rev. Frederick Dyckman of Glens Falls, executive secretary of the Methodist Conference, spoke at the recent family supper conducted by the Methodist Church WSCS at the church. He spoke of a recent South American trip and showed slides taken by him. He was introduced by Rev. Donald Brandt, pastor of the Eidinburg church. Card Party Slated Sacandaga Grange will hold a card party tonight at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hayden of Northville. Personal Robert Rockwell, who has been in service for two years, has been called home by the illness of his Mr. and Mrs. Truman Brown have returned home after spending father, George Rockwell, the winter in Florida Funeral of Miss Nellis Funeral services were held at 9 from the Smith Funeral Home for Miss Ada M. Nellis, with Rev. Thomas J. Quinn, pastor of St. Patrick's Church officiating. Burial was in St. Johnsville Cemetery. Military services were conducted at the grave by Vet- erans of St. Johnsville. Case Receives Appointment Milo Case, this village, has been advised of his appointment as National Aide-de-Camp to Byron B. Gentry, Pasadena, Calif., com- mander-in-chief of the VFW of the United States. Personals Mrs. Keith Robson and daughter Tracey have been spending the past two weeks with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Fadden, Fulton, who are the par- ents of a daughter, Lisa Janet, born on April 3. Canajoharie Police Hear Dingman on Civil Defense Members of the Canajoharie volunteer police department held their monthly meeting Tuesday night in the police rooms in the Grange block to discuss current activities. In attendance was Chief Alton R. Dingman of the regular police department. Chief Dingman spoke on the Civil Defense program and stressed the importance of activat- ing it in the local area. A dinner meeting is planned for May 21. Eli Hall was named chairman to determine the place. Dance Scheduled Members of the sophomore class of the Canajoharie Central School will sponsor a record hop tonight in the high school gymnasium. A car wash is planned for tomor- row in the high school parking lot. This project is sponsored by the 1963 Black and Gold yearbook staff of the Canajoharie school. Teachers; Nov. 1 for conference of the Supervisory District; Nov. 11 for Veteran's Day; Nov. 28 and 29 for Thanksgiving recess. Christ- mas recess will begin at dismiss- al on Friday, Dec. 20. Students will return to classes on Monday, Jan 6. Regents examinations will be conducted Jan. 27 a n d 28. School will be closed on Wed- nesday, Feb. 12th in celebration of Lincoln's I, Birthday. Easter re- cess will include Good Friday and the two weeks following. Dismiss- al will be at the end of the ses- sion on Thursday, March 26, and students will return to classes on April 13. Regents examinations . will be held JuneM - through 2.2v • Bacv-rauiracr ~ . „ ^ w i l l be held on June 21 with graduation being held on Tuesday, June 23. 11 Ask Transportation The board approved the request of Ervin Hull to attend the New York State Art Teachers confer- ence in Syracuse yesterday through tomorrow and approved the atten- dance of Calvin F. Shaad at the Industrial Arts Conference in Os- wego May 2 and 3. It was re- ported that the Board had re- ceived requests for transportation for 13 pupils to parochial school. Eight of these applications for St. Mary's and five for Bishop Burke. These requests were received pri- or to the April 1 deadline. The Board fixed non-resident tui- tion for the school year 1983-64 at $175. The Board approved the pur- chase of two trophy cases and the purchase of paper towels. The board accepted the resigna- tion of Richard Kupiec, mathema- tics teacher, and approved the ap- pointment of Barrie Hampton as mathematics teacher. He is, at present, teaching at Minerva Cen- tral School. Teachers on Tenure. Upon the recommendation of District Superintendent Bessts D. Wallin and Supervising Principal James W. Smithers, three teach- ers were placed on tenure as fol- lows: Mrs. Reba KubJy, sixth grade; Raymond Baker, Junior High; and Mrs. Audrey Mills, Ju- nior High. Three members attended the meeting of the Fulton County Ru- ral School Boards last night at Perth and three members will al- so attend the Spring Conference of New York State School Boards Association at GuMderland on May 9. The board designated A. Theo- dore Goossen to present certifi- cates at the Sixth Grade gradua- tion and Albert L. Niles, president, to present High School diplomas. They received a report from Kenneth Wrigh^ Guidance Counse- lor, stating that out of a possbile 56 graduates, 29 have made ap- plication to continue their educa- tion. 18 have applied for a four- year college and 16 have been accepted. Six seniors have applied to a two-year degree granting in- stitute, four to business schools and one to a nursing school. In addi- tion to the five Regents scholar- ships, two seniors have received scholarships from private colleges and one from a business school. Of the remaining 27 seniors, 18 intend to find work, seven to en- ter military service and two undecided. Sgt. Robert Bovee Mayfield Bovee March NCO At Air Base T./Sgt. Robert Bovee, who it as- signed to the 49th Fighter Inter- ceptor Squadron at Griffiss Air Force Base, Rome, has been nam- ed Non-Commissioned Officer of the Month for March. Sgt. Bovee, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bovee of Mayfield, is a native of the village and was graduated from Mayfield High School. He entered the Air Force more than 11 years ago and served at bases overseas for eight years. Ha has been serving with the Griffiss unit since December, 1961. OTi^fa Sophs Selecting Rings A committee of sophomores of Canajoharie High School met this week with representatives from various manufacturing concerns to view class rings and make a pre- liminary choice of rings. A class meeting will be held next week to make the final selection of the official class rings which will be delivered in the fall. The selection committee com- prises Andrew Murphy, Donald Ossont, Miss Susan Poirier, Miss Joan Pamkowski, Miss Nancy Van Wie and Miss Judy Nellis, class president. Mr. and Mrs. William Dampier and family of Malone were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Buyce on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Van- Ambergh and family of Albany K nt the weekend with her parents . and Mrs. John Hosley. Mr* Ballard Bowen of Tuckahoe has been spending several days with her sister, Mrs. Mildred Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Davis and children of Broadalbin spent Sun- day with her mother, Mrs. Henry Schuyler. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kibler of About 7,5 million American fami- lies had incomes of $10,060 or more during 1961, census figures revtal. parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Wyantskill spent the weekend with Dockerty, Miss* Dockerty recently his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence completed training at Rosweil j Kibler Memorial Hospital, Buffalo, and has returned to St .«Tr and Mrs. Ralph Patrick, who have been spending some time with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Davis of Roches- ter, have returned home. Miss Jacobine Schierenberg re- turned Tuesday after a two-week visit with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wilham Hathigan of Greeley, Pa Brower on Leave Army Pvt. Norman Brower is spending a 13-day furlough with his pareflis, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Brower of Mayfield. He recently completed eight weeks of basic The Wells Fish and Game Club i training at Fart Dix, N. J., sod Mary's Hos- is engaged in transplanting fislfln has been assigned to Fort pitsl, Amsterdam to complete her Lake Algonquin and the Sacandaga training River. Mrs Paris Paps. East Main Mrs Jack Hammer and infant Street, is a patient in Little FaUs daughter have returned home from Hospital. St Mary's Hospital, Amsterdam. Houston, Texas, He was graduated from Mayfield Central School and the , Central City Business Institute at Syra- cuse Degree Is Conferred The officers of Hamilton lodge conferred the Fellowcraft degree on a class of candidates at a meet- ing Wednesday night in the Can- ajoharie Masonic Temple. The next meeting will be 7: St Wednesday night, May 8 when An- derson D. Allen will serve as act- ing master. Carl Grimm, master, will be attending the Grand Lodge session in New York City. At a special meeting to be held 7:30 Saturday night, May 11, the Master Mason degree will be con- ferred at the local temple. Nwftlston Workshop Is Held By Button Club Mrs. MinnetU Howland, Neflis- ton, was hostess to the monthly meeting of the Mohawk Valley But- ton Club Wednesday afternoon at her home. Under direction of Mrs. Lora Bowman, Fort Plain, president, a button workshop is being conduct- ed, Plans were made to attend a state button meeting May 3 at Al- bany, The next meeting will be changed because of Memorial Day. It will be held at 11 Wednesday I morning. May 23 at the home of Mrs Otto Millar, Canajoharie are East Stone Arabia May Fellowship Luncheon Slated The United Church Women of Fort Plain will have their May Fellowship luncheon at the Salem Evangelical United Brethren Church at 12:30 Friday afternoon. May 10, it was announced yester- day. Mrs. Pauline B. Riddick, wife of Rev; T. J. Riddick, pastor of the AME Zion Church, Gloversville, will be the guest speaker. Reservations for this function are to be made as soon as possible with Mrs. Vernon Hinkle, Fonda RD. Broadalbin Town Ballots Important, Demos Told "Town elections are the grass roots of a party," said George Peck, Fulton County Democratic chairman, at a meeting of the Broadalbin Democratic Club last night at Hank's Tavern. "They are the first link in a chain," ha continued. Noting the importance of all elections, he stated that there is no such thing as an "off year election year", as this year's elections are described. The Green Donkey was won by Peck. Edward Benedict and Mrs. Alice Halloran were named com* mittee for the next meeting May 23. Party Replaces Meeting Vice President Harry Gould of the Rotary Club, presiding at last night's meeting in the absence of President Dr. John G. Butkus, announced that, due to the Rotary Ann party to be held May 4 at the White Holland House, there will be no regular meeting next Thurs- day. Paul Kissinger reported on his recent attendance at the District Rotary Conference at Glens Falls. The birthday of Rotary Ann Mrs. Arlene Coons was noted. Fairen DeNure WIS appointed program chairman for the next regular meeting May 9 at the White Holland House, where night's session was held. last Clean-Up Day Set Tomorrow is the first of two Saturday cleanup days whan vil- lage trucks will pick up rubbish placed at the curb. The will be May U. SALE Northville RUMMAGE Friday 10 a.m. . I p.m. RUMMAGE and FOOD Saturday 10 a.m. - ? UaitedfteteyferleaChsrtk Highest st3ndards...Lowest price POULAN/3/, $129°* with l6"professionaI grade hard-tip bar and chain SPECIAL OFFER !withpurchaseofP0ULAJf/3l Wadsworth Sinclair ween^ n.T« Fh. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Stedman Urges Support of U. N. At 4-H Leaders … 11/Gloversville NY...McKinley and was assistant leader of the McKinley Busy Bees 4-H Club. She was formerly employed at Beech-Nut

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Stedman Urges Support of U. N. At 4-H Leaders Recognition Event

Stedman, director of the'gram and one complements Administration Division, j other.

R. B. J o i n t Technical Assistance Board of the United Nations was guest speaker at the annual Montgomery County 4-H Leaders Recognition Banquet last night at the Fultonville Metho­dist Church.

Stedman took the audience on an imaginary tour of several of the countries which the U. N. seeks to assist He spoke of :ihe \sork being* oone I T AWa, Saudi ' Arabia, India and other countries which have recently gained their inde­pendence but which need assist­ance in continuing as independent nations and developing their coun­tries. He said that the U. N. will spend more than $120 million this year to assist 95 countries.

Health Is Problem "Perhaps the greatest problem"

Mr. Stedman said "is the problem of health and sanitation. Malaria has been almost conquered in many of these countries. Hie training of teachers is very im­portant aa in many of these coun­tries the masses are uneducated and must be educated to help themselves."

"The U. N." he said, "is also doing a great deal of assisting with public administration."

He said that aid from the U.N. is more readily accepted by the peoples of these countries because the U.N. represents an interna­tional state and not just one coun­try. He said the U.N. works close­ly with the U. S. foreign aid pro-

Toastmaster for the program was Varnum Casler chairman of the 4-H Club Executive Commit­tee. Invocation was given b y Charles Persons Jr. president of the Extension Service Association. Introductions of executve* commit­tee members and various .county officials was made by Casler. Frank Wilcox, agricultural ^repre­sentative of. the Montgomery Coun­ty banks which sponsored the af­fair gave the welcome. James H. Gould, county 4-H agent, intro­duced the speaker.

Service Awards Certificates were presented to

4-H leaders in recognition of their

Palatine Bridge

Mrs, Weaver Dies at 55 In Hospital


Ford Elected President of Laymen's Unit

The Layman's Society of St. Cecilia's Church met Tuesday night at the Parish Hall. Officers of the society recently elected were John Ford Jr., president; William Keehan, vice president; Mrs. Har­old Flint, vice president and Wal­ter Grau Jr., secretary-treasurer.

Coming activities of the parish were discussed. A round and square dance for the benefit of the church and Sacred Heart Church will be held tomorow night at St. Cecilia's Hall. Members of the church will participate in the May Day Rally on Wednesday, May 1, at Albany.

Mrs. Smith Honored Mrs. Robert Smith of Glovers-

ville was feted at a stork shower Wednesday night at the Fonda Village Hall. Hostesses were Mrs. Barbara Pedrick, Mrs. Barbara Collins, Mrs. Katharine Quacken-bush and Mrs. Andrew Ault Jr.

The guest of honor was presented with a white orchid corsage. Games were played and prizes won by Mrs. Francis Knowlton, Mrs. Trudy Marshall, Mrs. Roberta Gentile, Mrs. Beverly Green, Mrs. Vivian Rummler. The consolation prize was won by Mrs. Marshall.

The hall was decorated in pink, white and blue.

The guest of honor received her gifts from a decorated mesh play pen, a gift from the hostesses.

The centerpiece was a decorated cake with a stork in the center.

Mrs. Albertina M. Weaver, 55, Palatine Bridge RD 1, died 10:50 Wednesday night at the Albany Medical Center where she had been a patient since Jan. 15. She had been in ill health for eight months.

She was bom May 23, 1907 m the Town of Florida, and was the daughter of Henry and Eva Green Blakeslee. She "as a member of the Trinity Lutheran Church of Stone Arabia and the Ladies Aid Society of that church.

Mrs. Weaver was also a member of the Palatine Union Grange of McKinley and was assistant leader of the McKinley Busy Bees 4-H Club. She was formerly employed at Beech-Nut Life Savers, Inc., Canajoharie and retired in 1948.

On June 13, 1925 she married Mortimer Weaver by Rev. Kling at St. Johnsville.

Survivors beside her husband, Palatine Bridge RD 1, include four daughters, Mrs. Arthur Simpson, Palatine Bridge RD 1; Miss Linda Weaver, who lives at home, Pala­tine Bridge RD 1; Mrs. Robert Handy, Palatine Bridge; Mrs. Peter Christoph, St. Johnsville.

Also three sons, Charles R. Wea­ver, Greensboro, N. C; Melvin E. Weaver, Marshville; Stanton E. Weaver Sr., who is staff sergeant stationed at Itazuki Air Base, Japan.

Other survivors include four brothers; Ostrom Blakeslee, Pala­tine Bridge RD 1; George Blake­slee Sr., Ephratah; Manley Blake­slee, Melvin Blakeslee, both of Johnstown.

Also, five sisters Mrs. Robert Ethington, Palatine Bridge; Mrs. Roy Taylor, Newville; Mrs. Ray­mond Weakley, Mariaville; Mrs. Howard Bellinger, Rural Grove; Mrs. Edward Handy, Palatine Bridge RD 1.

Further survivors include 15 g-andchildren, several nieces, nep­hews, cousins, uncles and aunts.

t h e ! years of service as follows — Mrs. Joseph Prali, 14 years; Mrs. Donald Klemme, 11 years; Mrs. Keith Handy, Mrs. Carol Merrick and Mrs. Mary Phillips ten years; Mrs. Evelyn Casler Homer Dopp, Robert Johnson, Henry Schwa-brow and Mrs. Ruth Schwabrow, nine years; Mr. and Mrs. Fayette Heiser, Mrs. May Smith and Mrs. Michael' Scott, eight years; George Cronkhite, Mrs. Helen .Young seven:^arsfb*-Mrl.i Ethel Heiser, Enders Ingersoll six- years; Mrs. George Cronkhite, Mrs. Leon Lus-so, Mrs. Charles Persons Jr., five years.

Mrs. Kenneth Darrow, Mrs. Vi­vian Hawkins, Ben Nellis Jr., Mrs. Marilyn Nellis, Mrs. Sally Nowicki, Mrs. Ida Schoeffler, Mrs. Marian Settle, Mrs. Virginia JShults, Mrs. Albertina Weaver, four years; Mrs. Lillian Fish, Mrs. Anna May Short, Donald Short, Mrs. Mary Wajtur-ski, Mrs. Kaye Yurkewecz, three years.

Mrs. Enders Ingersoll, Donald Klemme, Mrs. John Knapik, Mrs. Krutz, Douglas Ayers Jr., Samuel D. Blair, Mrs. Minnie Bradley, Mrs. Jane Crosier, Mr. and Mrs. William Dievendorf, James Doug­lass, Lucille Douglass, Tremaine Moyer, Carl Nasse Jr., Mrs. Fran­cis Shuster, Mrs. Dorothy Snyder, Bruno Czech, Mrs. Rita Douglass, Mrs. Harold Flint, Harold Geesler Jr., Mrs. Harold Geesler Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Lyn Goodspeed, Mrs. Vi­vian Herron, Mrs. Ronald Hill-abrandt, Mrs. Margaret Sowle, John Sowle, Mrs. Clyde Taylor, Mrs. Jean Wetherbee.

Egidio Battisti, Mrs. Lois Battis-ti, Mrs. Barbara Burghardt, Er­nest Burghardt, Aiden Cooper, Mrs. Roger Cronkhite, Mrs. Reva Dufel, John Ford, Mrs. Edward Widanka, Mrs. Harvey Gramps, Mrs. Virgil Grandy, Mrs. Frank Greco, Mrs. Barbara Herrick, Mrs. Walter Keller, Walter Keller, Mrs. Andrew Koval, Mrs. Dominick La-Mori, Mrs. Wilbur Lang, Mrs. Robert Minch, Miss Mabel Moul-ton, Richard Mueller, Mrs, Richy, Mrs. Dorothy Shiminski, Mrs. Her­bert Smith, Mrs. Charles Siegle, Mrs. Alice Veeder, Mrs. Francis Veeder.

New Leaders Cited Gould recognized new leaders

Phil Armistead, Mrs. Martha Cong-don, Mrs. Ethel Crouse, Mrs. Dor­othy Hart, Edward Hart, James Herrick Sr. Louis C. Herron, Mrs. Elizabeth Hetherbring, Mrs. Con­rad Kamp, Mrs. Kenneth Mc Mor­ris, Mrs. Morris Lamphere Jr., Mrs. Amon Nellis, Mrs. Janice Handy, Mrs. Henry Soodsma, Mrs. Harry Suits, Mrs. Grand Van Laon, Mrs. Frank Wendell, Mrs. Morace Dumar and Mrs. Francis Dimond.

Moyfiald : - : , - . * r - . ; - T^t;^/- . .^r :- .^^ ^ . . v , * ^ ^ : ^ ^ . - ^ « i ^ - ^ ^ . , . ^ ^ . . ^ , 1 / - ^ ; . . _ . ^ ^ . . j i , . ^ ^ . . . . , ; , ,^ ,^ , , . .

School Board Okays Calendar For 1963-64 Year; Three Teachers Approved for Tenure

= r r y »

CANAJOHARIE FIREMEN FIGHT A GRASS BLAZE along the northern shoulder of the New York Central tracks at Palatine Bridge. Debris in an open gondola car, which was thought to have ignited by a spark from the diesel engine pulling it, was blamed for setting off the grais^flie yesterday morning.

Canajoharie •

Lake Luzerne Rector Will Conduct Preaching Mission

The Board of Education on Tuesday night approved the school calendar for 1963-64. The calendar calls for 183 days that school will be in session, two conference days and three legal holidays. T h e school will open on Wednesday, Sept. 4. It will be^lwsed on Oct. 4 for conference of Eastern Zone

St. Johnsville

Caponera Is Named Cancer

Rev. William Miller Romer, priest-in-charge of St. Mary's Epis­copal Church at Lake Luzerne, will be the missioner for the Episcopal Diocesan preaching mission to be held Sunday through next Friday, May 3, at the Church of the Good Shepherd in Canajoharie.

At 7:30 each night from Monday through Friday, there will be a hymn sing in charge of Rev. Rich-


'Donkey Ball' Games Slated Tuesday Night ' There will be a program of en­

tertainment at the Northville Cen­tral School gym at 8 Tuesday night when the Northville Teachers Association will present something different in the world of sports-donkey basketball.

High school girts will pit their riding skills against a well selected team from the men's faculty. There will also be a game featur­ing high school boys.

ard W. Corlett, priest-in-charge of the host church, the Holy Cross Church, Fort Plain and" the Trinity Church of Sharon Springs.

After the service each night, there will be an open discussion and question and answer session, after which there will be a coffee hour in the parish house.

Rev. Romer will celebrate Holy Eucharist at 7 Monday through Friday and at 8 next Saturday morning in the Church of the Good Shepherd. Also at 9 in the morning at Holy Cross Church Monday through Friday and at 8 Thursday night at the Trinity Church.

Rev. Romer, a native of Albany, attended Albany Academy and was graduated from Brown University Theological School with the Bache­lor of Divinity degree in 1960.

Joseph Caponera has accepted chairmanship of the local .cancer fund drive which will be held in the St. Johnsville area, starting this week. Containers have been placed in local stores and solicitors will be named. Mrs. Bernard Feld-stein is the local cancer chairman.


Personals Thursday visitors of Mr. and

Mrs. Walter Demarest and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Carpenter were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hoffman of Schen­ectady.

Mr. and Mrs. Armand Augustine and children were weekend guests of his father. Louis Augustine, at Ithaca.

Claire Emens, former Fonda resident, is visiting friends in the



that tbe annual meeting of the voters of Lake Pleaaant Central School District No. 1 of the Town of Lake Pleasant, Speculator, NY. v in be held at the school building m the 7th day of May. 1968, at 7:80 vm., for the transaction of such nslness as la authorized by the Mueatten Law and to vote for one rusUe (Term A) for five years ^resent incumbent, Mr. Alvin May-*m whose term expires. One trut-* • for one year to AD the unea-

?ird term of Mrs. Emella Novosel < feaigned), (Term B), present In­cumbent, Frank Brooks.

Petitions nominating candidates for the office of member of the Board of Education must be filed with the clerk of the district not Itfor than April 22nd, 1968. Each petition must be directed to the clerk of the district, must be aign-ed by at least twenty-f1v# qualified voter* "f the dUtrict

And notice la also given that a of the budget for tbe ensuing

of 19S3-S4 may be e*> any taxpayer of the dii-

ths seven days pre-the annual meeting except

Sunday or holiday, at the school during the hours

to 1:00 p.m HBDW1G MAGEE Clerk, Board of Education A ^ t * l w|i *a^P#

Achievement Day Plans Made by Mountain Viewers

The Mountain View Home De­monstration Unit met Tuesday night at the home of Miss Florence Winnie when plans were complet­ed for an Achievement Day dis­play. The next meeting will be held May 28.

Refreshments were served by the hostess.

St. Johnsville

Dance Scheduled Tonight by Eighth Graders

A dance given by the Eighth graders will be held from 8 to 11 tonight at the High School gym.

Classes were dismissed at 2:40 yesterday afternoon so that all members of the faculty could tend a two hour workshop, "Teaching Students on how Think."

at-on to

Personal Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hahlbohm

have returned to their home after spending several months in Fort Worth, Fla.

Fort Plain

Joint Card Party Held at Temple

About SO persons attended a joint card party Wednesday night at the Otsquago Odd Fellows Tem­ple. The affair was sponsored jointly by me Rainbow Rebekah Lodge and members of the Odd Fellows Temple.

Prizes were awarded as follows: Effiner Duesler, men s high, first: Emil Knerim, second men's high; Mrs. Effiner Dustier, ladies high, first prize; Mrs. Greta Erhart, second high

The traveling prize was award­ed to Mrs. Lamoine Mandow. Mrs. Mae Eva Flint and commit­tee were in charge of arrange-ments.

The next card party will be 8; 34 Wednesday night, May 15 at the Odd Fellows Temple. Miss Lucy Caswell and her committee will be in charge.

Two Drivers Fined Albert Loring, Sr., Cherry Val­

ley was arrested April 15, by spe­cial officer John Kulawy, on a charge of speeding on West Main Street in violation of village ordi­nance. He appeared Monday be­fore Justice of the Peace, Trium­ph n and paid a fine of $10 on his plea of guilty.

John Szekely, Saratoga Springs was apprehended Tuesday by Chief Walrath on a charge of speeding on East Main Street. Taken be­fore Justice of the Peace Fred­erick Cairns, he pleaded guilty and paid a fine of $10.

Masons Plan Breakfast Fish House Lodge will be host

for the Fulton County Masonic Communion breakfast. Masons will assemble at the Temple at 7:30 Sunday morning. The Communion service will be held at the Metho­dist Church at 8. The breakfast will follow at 9 at the Temple and will be served by members of Juanita Chapter OES.

To Have Festival Roles Several Northville Central School

music students will be singing in the Fulton County senior mixed chorus at the concert to be given at the new Gloversville High School at 8:15 tomorrow night. Several band members will also participate.

Damico Funeral Held Funeral services for Vito Dam­

ico, Flat Creek, were conducted at 10:30 this morning at Sts. Peter and Pauls Church in Canajoharie. Rev. John J. Hogan, pastor, offici­ated.

He recited the Rosary last night at the Lenz Funeral Home in Can­ajoharie.

Burial was in Sts. Peter and Pauls Cemetery.v'

'Dress-Up Day* Held The Canajoharie High School

Student Council sponsored a Dress-Up Day today. This event is de­signed to promote better school spirit.

Students were not required to wear any particular kind of clothes, but to respond to the spirit of the day by being more careful in their dress and in their general appear­ance.

Recognition Service Set A Sunday School Recognition

Service will be held at the Bap­tist Church at 7 Sunday night. This is the culmination of the recent Sunday Scrool attendance contest. Awards will be given to individuals and to the class that scored highest for the five week period.

The program will consist of col­ored slides with a tape recording narration of the effectiveness of family devotion. Following the pro­gram, refreshments will be served by the Blue team.

Transportation Pledged Cars will leave the Methodist

Chsrch at 7:30 Sunday night for those who wish to attend the lec­ture to be given by Bishop Newell S. Booth of Katanga, Africa, which will be given at Fremont Metho­dist Church, Gloversville at 8.

Yorkers Plan Trip A group of agout 30 high school

Yorkers will go to Holland Patent tomorrow to participate in the an­nual jamboree of the Mohawk Dis­trict of this historical society.

The program will consist of a business meeting with an election of officers for the new session, and a consideration of changes in the Yorker Constitution.

The jamboree will also include a tour of historical sites in the area, and a social event. Miss Kathleen Flanagan is president of the Canajoharie High School York­er Chapter.

Society Convenes The Women's Missionary Society

of St. Paul's Lutheran Church met Monday night in the church par­lors, with Mrs. Herman Briele, president, in charge of the meet­ing.

Mrs. Harold Plank was In charge of the devotions, the topic being "Christ Today." Refreshments were served by Mrs. Joyce Briele and Mrs. Minnie Bradley.

Slides Are Shown William A. Foote was the guest

speaker at the meeting of the Bap­tist Mens' Fellowship at its meet­ing Wednesday night at the church. He showed slides and spoke on the Gettysburg battlefield.

Plans were discussed for the an­nual banquet to be held on May 28.

Personals Mrs. Bertha Smith, North Divi­

sion Street, is a patient In Little Falls Hospital

Mr. and Mrs. Harry Huff are spending this week with their daughter and son in law, Mr. and Mrs. William Lasher, at Murray, Ky.

Miss Mary Lou Dockerty. and friend Miss Kathy Young. Syra­cuse, spent the week end with her

Notes, Personals From Wells Area


Travelogue Given Before WSCS by Rev. Dyckman

Rev. Frederick Dyckman of Glens Falls, executive secretary of the Methodist Conference, spoke at the recent family supper conducted by the Methodist Church WSCS at the church.

He spoke of a recent South American trip and showed slides taken by him. He was introduced by Rev. Donald Brandt, pastor of the Eidinburg church.

Card Party Slated Sacandaga Grange will hold a

card party tonight at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Hayden of Northville.

Personal Robert Rockwell, who has been

in service for two years, has been called home by the illness of his Mr. and Mrs. Truman Brown

have returned home after spending father, George Rockwell, the winter in Florida

Funeral of Miss Nellis Funeral services were held at 9

from the Smith Funeral Home for Miss Ada M. Nellis, with Rev. Thomas J. Quinn, pastor of St. Patrick's Church officiating.

Burial was in St. Johnsville Cemetery. Military services were conducted at the grave by Vet­erans of St. Johnsville.

Case Receives Appointment Milo Case, this village, has been

advised of his appointment as National Aide-de-Camp to Byron B. Gentry, Pasadena, Calif., com­mander-in-chief of the VFW of the United States.

Personals Mrs. Keith Robson and daughter

Tracey have been spending the past two weeks with her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. John Fadden, Fulton, who are the par­ents of a daughter, Lisa Janet, born on April 3.


Police Hear Dingman on Civil Defense

Members of the Canajoharie volunteer police department held their monthly meeting Tuesday night in the police rooms in the Grange block to discuss current activities.

In attendance was Chief Alton R. Dingman of the regular police department. Chief Dingman spoke on the Civil Defense program and stressed the importance of activat­ing it in the local area.

A dinner meeting is planned for May 21. Eli Hall was named chairman to determine the place.

Dance Scheduled Members of the sophomore class

of the Canajoharie Central School will sponsor a record hop tonight in the high school gymnasium.

A car wash is planned for tomor­row in the high school parking lot. This project is sponsored by the 1963 Black and Gold yearbook staff of the Canajoharie school.

Teachers; Nov. 1 for conference of the Supervisory District; Nov. 11 for Veteran's Day; Nov. 28 and 29 for Thanksgiving recess. Christ­mas recess will begin at dismiss­al on Friday, Dec. 20. Students will return to classes on Monday, Jan 6. Regents examinations will be conducted Jan. 27 a n d 28.

School will be closed on Wed­nesday, Feb. 12th in celebration of Lincoln's I, Birthday. Easter re­cess will include Good Friday and the two weeks following. Dismiss­al will be at the end of the ses­sion on Thursday, March 26, and students will return to classes on April 13. Regents examinations

. will be held JuneM - through 2.2v • Bacv-rauiracr ~ . „ ^ w i l l be held

on June 21 with graduation being held on Tuesday, June 23.

11 Ask Transportation The board approved the request

of Ervin Hull to attend the New York State Art Teachers confer­ence in Syracuse yesterday through tomorrow and approved the atten­dance of Calvin F. Shaad at the Industrial Arts Conference in Os­wego May 2 and 3. It was re­ported that the Board had re­ceived requests for transportation for 13 pupils to parochial school. Eight of these applications for St. Mary's and five for Bishop Burke. These requests were received pri­or to the April 1 deadline.

The Board fixed non-resident tui­tion for the school year 1983-64 at $175.

The Board approved the pur­chase of two trophy cases and the purchase of paper towels.

The board accepted the resigna­tion of Richard Kupiec, mathema­tics teacher, and approved the ap­pointment of Barrie Hampton as mathematics teacher. He is, at present, teaching at Minerva Cen­tral School.

Teachers on Tenure. Upon the recommendation of

District Superintendent Bessts D. Wallin and Supervising Principal James W. Smithers, three teach­ers were placed on tenure as fol­lows: Mrs. Reba KubJy, sixth grade; Raymond Baker, Junior High; and Mrs. Audrey Mills, Ju­nior High.

Three members attended t h e meeting of the Fulton County Ru­ral School Boards last night at Perth and three members will al­so attend the Spring Conference of New York State School Boards Association at GuMderland on May 9.

The board designated A. Theo­dore Goossen to present certifi­cates at the Sixth Grade gradua­tion and Albert L. Niles, president, to present High School diplomas.

They received a report f r o m Kenneth Wrigh^ Guidance Counse­lor, stating that out of a possbile 56 graduates, 29 have made ap­plication to continue their educa­tion. 18 have applied for a four-year college and 16 have been accepted. Six seniors have applied to a two-year degree granting in­stitute, four to business schools and one to a nursing school. In addi­tion to the five Regents scholar­ships, two seniors have received scholarships from private colleges and one from a business school.

Of the remaining 27 seniors, 18 intend to find work, seven to en­ter military service and two undecided.

Sgt. Robert Bovee


Bovee March NCO At Air Base

T./Sgt. Robert Bovee, who it as­signed to the 49th Fighter Inter­ceptor Squadron at Griffiss Air Force Base, Rome, has been nam­ed Non-Commissioned Officer of the Month for March.

Sgt. Bovee, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bovee of Mayfield, is a native of the village and was graduated from Mayfield High School.

He entered the Air Force more than 11 years ago and served at bases overseas for eight years. Ha has been serving with the Griffiss unit since December, 1961.


Sophs Selecting Rings A committee of sophomores of

Canajoharie High School met this week with representatives from various manufacturing concerns to view class rings and make a pre­liminary choice of rings.

A class meeting will be held next week to make the final selection of the official class rings which will be delivered in the fall.

The selection committee com­prises Andrew Murphy, Donald Ossont, Miss Susan Poirier, Miss Joan Pamkowski, Miss Nancy Van Wie and Miss Judy Nellis, class president.

Mr. and Mrs. William Dampier and family of Malone were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Buyce on Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold Van-Ambergh and family of Albany

Knt the weekend with her parents . and Mrs. John Hosley.

Mr* Ballard Bowen of Tuckahoe has been spending several days with her sister, Mrs. Mildred Alexander.

Mr. and Mrs. Willard Davis and children of Broadalbin spent Sun­day with her mother, Mrs. Henry Schuyler.

Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kibler of

About 7,5 million American fami­lies had incomes of $10,060 or more during 1961, census figures revtal.

parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund Wyantskill spent the weekend with Dockerty, Miss* Dockerty recently his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence completed training at Rosweil j Kibler Memorial Hospital, Buffalo, and has returned to St

.«Tr and Mrs. Ralph Patrick, who have been spending some time with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Davis of Roches­ter, have returned home.

Miss Jacobine Schierenberg re­turned Tuesday after a two-week visit with her sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wilham Hathigan of Greeley, Pa

Brower on Leave Army Pvt. Norman Brower is

spending a 13-day furlough with his pareflis, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Brower of Mayfield. He recently completed eight weeks of basic

The Wells Fish and Game Club i training at Fart Dix, N. J., sod Mary's Hos- is engaged in transplanting fislfln has been assigned to Fort

pitsl, Amsterdam to complete her Lake Algonquin and the Sacandaga training River.

Mrs Paris Paps. East Main Mrs Jack Hammer and infant Street, is a patient in Little FaUs daughter have returned home from Hospital. St Mary's Hospital, Amsterdam.

Houston, Texas, He was graduated from Mayfield

Central School and the , Central City Business Institute at Syra­cuse

Degree Is Conferred The officers of Hamilton lodge

conferred the Fellowcraft degree on a class of candidates at a meet­ing Wednesday night in the Can­ajoharie Masonic Temple.

The next meeting will be 7: St Wednesday night, May 8 when An­derson D. Allen will serve as act­ing master. Carl Grimm, master, will be attending the Grand Lodge session in New York City.

At a special meeting to be held 7:30 Saturday night, May 11, the Master Mason degree will be con­ferred at the local temple.


Workshop Is Held By Button Club

Mrs. MinnetU Howland, Neflis-ton, was hostess to the monthly meeting of the Mohawk Valley But­ton Club Wednesday afternoon at her home.

Under direction of Mrs. Lora Bowman, Fort Plain, president, a button workshop is being conduct­ed, Plans were made to attend a state button meeting May 3 at Al­bany,

The next meeting will be changed because of Memorial Day. It will be held at 11 Wednesday

I morning. May 23 at the home of Mrs Otto Millar, Canajoharie


East Stone Arabia

May Fellowship Luncheon Slated

The United Church Women of Fort Plain will have their May Fellowship luncheon at the Salem Evangelical U n i t e d Brethren Church at 12:30 Friday afternoon. May 10, it was announced yester­day.

Mrs. Pauline B. Riddick, wife of Rev; T. J. Riddick, pastor of the AME Zion Church, Gloversville, will be the guest speaker.

Reservations for this function are to be made as soon as possible with Mrs. Vernon Hinkle, Fonda RD.


Town Ballots Important, Demos Told

"Town elections are the grass roots of a party," said George Peck, Fulton County Democratic chairman, at a meeting of the Broadalbin Democratic Club last night at Hank's Tavern. "They are the first link in a chain," ha continued. Noting the importance of all elections, he stated that there is no such thing as an "off year election year", as this year's elections are described.

The Green Donkey was won by Peck. Edward Benedict and Mrs. Alice Halloran were named com* mittee for the next meeting May 23.

Party Replaces Meeting Vice President Harry Gould of

the Rotary Club, presiding at last night's meeting in the absence of President Dr. John G. Butkus, announced that, due to the Rotary Ann party to be held May 4 at the White Holland House, there will be no regular meeting next Thurs­day.

Paul Kissinger reported on his recent attendance at the District Rotary Conference at Glens Falls. The birthday of Rotary Ann Mrs. Arlene Coons was noted.

Fairen DeNure WIS appointed program chairman for the next regular meeting May 9 at the White Holland House, where night's session was held.


Clean-Up Day Set Tomorrow is the first of two

Saturday cleanup days whan vil­lage trucks will pick up rubbish placed at the curb. The will be May U.


Northville RUMMAGE

Friday 10 a.m. . I p.m.

RUMMAGE and FOOD Saturday 10 a.m. - ?

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Wadsworth Sinclair ween^ n.T« Fh.

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