Event sponsored by Affinnova All copyright owned by The Future Place and the presenters of the material For more informa=on about Affinnova visit h>p://www. affinnova.com/ For more informa=on about NewMR events visit newmr.org Advanced Quant Techniques July 14, 2011 ACBC Case Study Stefan Binner, bms marke;ng research + strategy

Stefan binner advanced quant - 2011

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Event  sponsored  by  Affinnova  All  copyright  owned  by  The  Future  Place  and  the  presenters  of  the  material  For  more  informa=on  about  Affinnova  visit  h>p://www.  affinnova.com/  

For  more  informa=on  about  NewMR  events  visit  newmr.org  

Advanced  Quant  Techniques  July  14,  2011  

ACBC  Case  Study    

Stefan  Binner,  bms  marke;ng  research  +  strategy  

Page 2: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

ACBC Case Study Stefan Binner Advanced Quant Webinar - July 14, 2011

Page 3: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

In 2009 Sawtooth Software launched ACBC (Adaptive Choice Based Conjoint) As many researchers we expected a new “power tool” and increased value for our projects. Following presentation report our experience illustrated with base case from a commercial study…

Page 4: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Case Study: Background ü Chemical Product for DIY market ü 14 attributes including price, many non compensatory

attributes ü Difficult to find target group (“Moonlighters”)

=> small sample N=200 ü Objective: Product development & identification of best USP ü No focus on price

Page 5: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

“Unacceptable” Questions “Must-­‐Have” Questions

Build  Your  Own  SectionScreening  Section

(Respondent answers 6 screens like this)

Choice  Tasks  

Interview Progress

Design Considerations ACBC

Page 6: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Design Considerations ACBC Parameter Settings

Case Study:


8 4 3 18 6 3 3 6


Page 7: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Design Considerations ACBC Parameter Settings

Parameters Number of Attributes w/o price # of Screening Tasks # of Must Haves # of Unacceptables Max. # of Concepts in Choice T # of Calibration Concepts # of Concepts / Screening task Min. Attributes to vary from BYO Max. Attributes to vary from BYO BYO Modification Strategy

Case Study

13 8 4 3 18 6 3 3 6


Given by the nature of the project – required by customer

Page 8: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Design Considerations ACBC Parameter Settings

Parameters Number of Attributes w/o price # of Screening Tasks # of Must Haves # of Unacceptables Max. # of Concepts in Choice T # of Calibration Concepts # of Concepts / Screening task Min. Attributes to vary from BYO Max. Attributes to vary from BYO BYO Modification Strategy

Case Study

13 8 4 3 18 6 3 3 6


8 x 3 = 24 concepts seen as sufficient (interview length!)

Page 9: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Design Considerations ACBC Parameter Settings

Parameters Number of Attributes w/o price # of Screening Tasks # of Must Haves # of Unacceptables Max. # of Concepts in Choice T # of Calibration Concepts # of Concepts / Screening task Min. Attributes to vary from BYO Max. Attributes to vary from BYO BYO Modification Strategy

Case Study

13 8 4 3 18 6 3 3 6


Less than suggested by Sawtooth. Intention: to avoid too many MH or UA

Page 10: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Design Considerations ACBC Parameter Settings

Parameters Number of Attributes w/o price # of Screening Tasks # of Must Haves # of Unacceptables Max. # of Concepts in Choice T # of Calibration Concepts # of Concepts / Screening task Min. Attributes to vary from BYO Max. Attributes to vary from BYO BYO Modification Strategy

Case Study

13 8 4 3 18 6 3 3 6


Less than suggested by Sawtooth (Interview lengths!)

Page 11: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Design Considerations ACBC Parameter Settings

Parameters Number of Attributes w/o price # of Screening Tasks # of Must Haves # of Unacceptables Max. # of Concepts in Choice T # of Calibration Concepts # of Concepts / Screening task Min. Attributes to vary from BYO Max. Attributes to vary from BYO BYO Modification Strategy

Case Study

13 8 4 3 18 6 3 3 6


Used Sawtooth recommendation

Page 12: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Design Considerations ACBC Parameter Settings

Parameters Number of Attributes w/o price # of Screening Tasks # of Must Haves # of Unacceptables Max. # of Concepts in Choice T # of Calibration Concepts # of Concepts / Screening task Min. Attributes to vary from BYO Max. Attributes to vary from BYO BYO Modification Strategy

Case Study

13 8 4 3 18 6 3 3 6


Screen Size Limitation Complexity

Page 13: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Design Considerations ACBC Parameter Settings

Parameters Number of Attributes # of Screening Tasks # of Must Haves # of Unacceptables Max. # of Concepts in Choice T # of Calibration Concepts # of Concepts / Screening task Min. Attributes to vary from BYO Max. Attributes to vary from BYO BYO Modification Strategy

Case Study

13 8 4 3 18 6 3 3 6


More than suggested by Sawtooth

Page 14: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Design Considerations ACBC Parameter Settings

Parameters Number of Attributes # of Screening Tasks # of Must Haves # of Unacceptables Max. # of Concepts in Choice T # of Calibration Concepts # of Concepts / Screening task Min. Attributes to vary from BYO Max. Attributes to vary from BYO BYO Modification Strategy

Case Study

13 8 4 3 18 6 3 3 6


Sawtooth recommendation

Page 15: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Design Considerations Prohibitions

Initial prohibitions led to huge design problems No Standard Tool to “test design efficiency” in ACBC => Be careful and avoid as possible

"  Only one prohibition was used

Page 16: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Design Considerations Price Attribute

v Price range +/- 50%

v Rounded to 99 cents

v Prices was used in unacceptable section

v Level Prices for selected attribute levels were used in 7 of 13 non price attributes

Page 17: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Design Considerations Holdout Tasks

§  No easy holdout tasks like in CBC

§  Calibration concept no substitute for holdout tasks

§  Possible Solution: Use one random tournament question as holdout

Page 18: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Pre Testing N = 20 Pretest

§  Internal Pre-Test indicated too long and complex interviews

§  Real Pre-Test were promising: respondents liked the questions and found good sense in them

§  => we increased the number of questions slightly

Page 19: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Field Work N = 200 face-to-face CAPI

§  Good response

§  Happy respondents

§  Relevant questions

§  Positive feedback

§  Average duration around 30 minutes

Page 20: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Results Utility Values

§  Individual level utilities calculated with HB §  All results met common sense expectations §  Some surprises and hints for segmentation








Page 21: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Results Price

§  Linear price function result in very large price interval with only few data points at the end of the interval (base price + all possible level prices +/- 50%)

§  Use of piecewise price function with 5 data points

§  Check data! (get_acbc_prices.exe tool)

§  Rather flat price elasticity which needed calibration

Page 22: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Results Price

§  Due to the large interval price the IMPORTANCE of might gets over-estimated































Page 23: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Results Price

§  Despite non price focus of project a calibration of PRICE ELASTICITY seem to be necessary









P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P14 P15 P16 P17 P18 P19 P20 P21 P22 P23 P24

Page 24: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Results Simulations

§  Base Case scenario tuned to current market shares

§  Best attribute levels search based on Profit Contribution modeling

§  Product optimization

§  Product range optimization

Page 25: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Results Example for Product Optimisation







P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 P7 P8 P9 P10 P11 P12 P13 P140,25








Page 26: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Results Benefits of the Study

§  Definition for new product development

§  Improvement of package design

§  Optimization of Product range

Page 27: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Lessons Learned ACBC Pro

§  Intuitive to clients

§  Realistic and relevant interview for respondents

§  Smaller sample size possible

§  Reliable results

Page 28: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Lessons Learned ACBC Con

§  Price range definition

§  Lack of Alternative Specific Designs

§  Danger of prohibitions

§  Measurement and simulation of price elasticity

Page 29: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Limitations No Alternative Specific Designs Limited Graphics Flat price elasticity Lack of experience Difficult design decisions

Model Scenarios Complex product features and options Non-Compensatory Attributes Many Attributes Small Sample Available (CPI, B2B) Deeper insights on individual level

Markets Industrial B2B Durables

Conclusions ACBC Application

Page 30: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

A new tool in the MR Toolbox!!


ü Rarely used ü Traditional

ü Not CJ ü M. Attributes ü Efficient


ü Attributes ++ ü Non compensatory ü Realistic interview ü Weak on pricing ü Individual level ü Small sample

ü Mostly used ü Full Profile ü ADM ü Strong for Pricing ü Ind. level (HB) ü IIA

ü Adaptive ü Attributes++ ü Weak on Pricing ü  Ind. Level

According to the latest “Report on Conjoint Analysis Usage among Sawtooth Software Customers” 9% of all projects are done with ACBC

Page 31: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Ü ACBC study was great success

Ü ACBC is intuitive to clients and respondents

Ü ACBC will not replace CBC or other methods but it will become an additional tool

So what?

Page 32: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011

Questions ?

Stefan Binner bms

Sue York The Future Place

Page 33: Stefan binner   advanced quant - 2011

Stefan Binner, bms-marketing research + strategy, Germany NewMR Advanced Quant Techniques, July 14, 2011