HIK Hoger Instituut der Kempen steLLLa 2.0 The Stimulation of eLearning -web based learning and mobile learning- for Life Long Learning for adults Grundtvig 2 learning partnership 2009-2011

steLLLa 2 - RENEW PROJECT€¦ · – Accessibility – Flexibility – Common communication medium – Novelty effect – Written record • Constraints of SMS – Costs – Mobile

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HIK Hoger Instituut der Kempen

steLLLa 2.0 The Stimulation of eLearning -web based

learning and mobile learning- for Life Long Learning for adults

Grundtvig 2 learning partnership


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HIK Hoger Instituut der Kempen

steLLLa 2.0

• The stimulation of eLearning - web based learning and mobile learning – for Life Long Learning for adults

• A Grundtvig 2 Learning partnership

• 1 August 2009 – 31 July 2011

• 24 mobilities (16+8) is the maximum

• 10 partners

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HIK Hoger Instituut der Kempen

steLLLa 2.0: the 10 partners

• CVO HIKempen, SLO department, Geel (Belgium)

• Cyprus Neuroscience and Technology Institute,Lefkosia


• HAMK University of Applied Sciences, Hämeenlinna (Finland)

• Université d’Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse, Avignon


• ANOVA Multimedia Studios GmbH, Rostock (Germany)

• Research Academic Computer Technology Institute, Patras


• ANFE Delegazione Regionale Sicilia, Marsala (Italy)

• Radviliskio rajono savivaldybės svietimo ir sporto paslaugu

centras suaugusuiju ir jaunimo neformaliojo ugdymo skyrius ,

Radviliškis (Lithuania)

• Zespol Szkol Elektronicznych i Telekomunikacyjnych, Centrum

Ksztalcenia Ustawicznego, Olsztyn (Poland)

• Centro Navarro de Autoaprendizaje de Idiomas, Pamplona


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steLLLa 2.0: responsibles

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steLLLa 2.0: members

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HIK Hoger Instituut der Kempen

steLLLa 2.0: ideas and objectives

• Learning partnership: – learn from each other (group of experts)

– Besides project activities also culture, history, lifestyle …

• Project activities, leading to following results – Podcast and SMS examples (2 groups )

– Website and platform

– Database of good practice examples

– Wiki

– Leaflet, poster, promo-movie as dissemination

– Evaluation of the project

– Associated partner

– Gru workshop

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HIK Hoger Instituut der Kempen

steLLLa 2.0: roadmap 1

Timing Activity

11-15/11/09 Kick-off meeting coordinators in Finland

Regularly Learners meetings (bilateral and multilateral)

12/09-3/10 •Website and platform: launching and developping •Discussions on framework wiki, podcast, SMS •Development of templates podcast, SMS •Start of the wiki •Evaluation: project organisation and activities

3/10-6/10 •Development wiki •Production good practice examples podcast, SMS

16-19/05/10 Coordinators meeting in Lithuania

06/10-07/10 •Evaluation: project organisation and activities •Intermediate report for NA’s

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HIK Hoger Instituut der Kempen

steLLLa 2.0: roadmap 2

Timing Activity


•Dissemination: production leaflet, poster, TV-spot •podcast, vodcast and SMS: improve examples •Wiki: reorganisation and finalisation

Regularly Learners meetings (bilateral and multilateral)

19-22/11/10 Coordinators meeting in Belgium


•Evaluation: project organisation and activities •Finalisation good practice examples podcast and vodcast •Finalisation SMS learning applications •Disseminate, attend conferences,

12-16/06/11 •Final coordinators meeting in France •Evaluation: project organisation and activities

06/11-07/11 Final report for NA’s

Problem International workshop

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HIK Hoger Instituut der Kempen

steLLLa 2.0: website and platform

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HIK Hoger Instituut der Kempen

steLLLa 2.0: website and platform

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HIK Hoger Instituut der Kempen

steLLLa 2.0: website and platform

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HIK Hoger Instituut der Kempen

steLLLa 2.0: wiki

We prefer the alfabetical order

The wiki shows the result of each topic

Discussions are done in the forum

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HIK Hoger Instituut der Kempen

steLLLa 2.0: wiki

The produced wiki within our project

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HIK Hoger Instituut der Kempen

steLLLa 2.0: podcast

• Podcast (audio)

• Vodcast (audio and video)

• Develop for the project and for own use of the partners (language, content, programme, compatibility)

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HIK Hoger Instituut der Kempen

steLLLa 2.0: podcast



Dropbox for sharing documents : MP3 and MP4

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HIK Hoger Instituut der Kempen

steLLLa 2.0: SMS

Pedagogical objectif: use mobile learning (here SMS ) as a natural communication device for information gathering and sharing, for coaching and reflection

• SMS Advantages – Accessibility

– Flexibility

– Common communication medium

– Novelty effect

– Written record

• Constraints of SMS – Costs

– Mobile devices

– Linguistic norms

– Environments of usage

• Examples: remote instructions when excursion, evaluation in score/words, information (check mail, calendar), test (language learning) …

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HIK Hoger Instituut der Kempen

steLLLa 2.0: dissemination

Project dissemination in various ways:

• Logo

• Flyer

• Poster

• Promo movie

• Lectures for colleagues and learners

• Lectures from partners’ experts

• Implementation in own centre

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HIK Hoger Instituut der Kempen

steLLLa 2.0: evaluation

Appropriate online evaluation forms

• for coordinators and trainers

• for learners

Responsibles gather info after each meeting and present outcomes at next meeting

Evaluation on partnership, learning process, project activities

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HIK Hoger Instituut der Kempen

Project meeting in Geel

The movies from the learners : during and after the meeting

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HIK Hoger Instituut der Kempen

steLLLa 2.0: future

From succesful partnership with 10 partners

New project 2011-2013 - with 4 extra partners? - centralized project?

Needs: - involve more partners /country - continue with same partners - organise workshops, training courses in project, funded

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HIK Hoger Instituut der Kempen

steLLLa 2.0


CVO HIK teacher training department (Belgium)

Manuella Borghs

[email protected]

+32 473 47 39 35