STEM Connections Orthodontists are doctors. They have to study medicine. They have to study all about the science of the head and the teeth. They have

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Page 1: STEM Connections  Orthodontists are doctors. They have to study medicine. They have to study all about the science of the head and the teeth. They have



Page 3: STEM Connections  Orthodontists are doctors. They have to study medicine. They have to study all about the science of the head and the teeth. They have


• Orthodontists are dentists That specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of problems with your teeth.

• They are also the ones that put braces on your teeth to straighten them out. They also use plates, headgears and other equipment to bring the teeth and jaws to the right position.

Page 5: STEM Connections  Orthodontists are doctors. They have to study medicine. They have to study all about the science of the head and the teeth. They have

Interesting Facts

• Famous people that wear braces include: Dr. Joyce Brothers, Hale Irwin, Cher, Diana Ross, Phyllis Diller, Chelsea Clinton, Whoopi Goldberg, Daisy Fuentes and Justin Bieber (who actually wears Invisaligns.

Page 6: STEM Connections  Orthodontists are doctors. They have to study medicine. They have to study all about the science of the head and the teeth. They have

• .

• I could see my self doing this job because I would like to help

people prevent from having cavities and other germs in their

mouths like; having dirty mouths ,stink breath and

halitosis. • I would get paid twice as the salary than a Hygienist being a
