Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, Red Hot Copy 16141 Cohasset Street | Van Nuys, California 91406 | Tel/Fax: 877-293-8311 [email protected] | www.RedHotCopy.com Page 1 STEP 1 – May 14, Tuesday 2pm PT/5pm ET Your Hero’s Journey Begins: Expressing Your Vision to Your Tribe Housekeeping Starting place is at www.RedHotCopy.com/copywritingformula You’ll see tabs for: Webinars & Handouts – where the webinar recordings, transcripts, presentations, examples, and templates will be located Schedule Any Bonuses You’re Eligible For Facebook Group Link Quick Review 10,000 Foot View This *Long Copy Sales Letter Blueprint* is an exclusively detailed graphic created especially for Red Hot Copy for a live event. This graphic breaks down the copywriting process visually using three different channels of instruction. Here’s how to read this graphic… There are three rows you follow from right to left: a. Read the top row of the tan squares, Scannability, Opening, Body, Offer, Close (S.O.B.O.C.) Each of these areas is a chunk to be evaluated separately. b. Middle graphic of scroll should start at Research then follow across to end beyond the chicken to Results & Continue to Test & Improve. This is the 10,000 foot view of the content of a long copy sales letter. c. Final row are Speed Tips for writing faster. (Note: The “Chicken Chunks” reference is all about using a timer while writing copy which

STEP 1 – May 14, Tuesday 2pm PT/5pm ET Your Hero’s Journey ... · PDF file• Physical attributes Create Your Tarket ! Gabrielle “Gaby” Anderson is 44 years old and divorced

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Page 1: STEP 1 – May 14, Tuesday 2pm PT/5pm ET Your Hero’s Journey ... · PDF file• Physical attributes Create Your Tarket ! Gabrielle “Gaby” Anderson is 44 years old and divorced


Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, Red Hot Copy 16141 Cohasset Street | Van Nuys, California 91406 | Tel/Fax: 877-293-8311 [email protected]

| www.RedHotCopy.com Page 1

STEP 1 – May 14, Tuesday 2pm PT/5pm ET Your Hero’s Journey Begins: Expressing Your Vision to Your Tribe

Housekeeping Starting place is at www.RedHotCopy.com/copywritingformula You’ll see tabs for:  

• Webinars & Handouts – where the webinar recordings, transcripts, presentations, examples, and templates will be located

• Schedule • Any Bonuses You’re Eligible For • Facebook Group Link

Quick Review 10,000 Foot View This *Long Copy Sales Letter Blueprint* is an exclusively detailed graphic created especially for Red Hot Copy for a live event. This graphic breaks down the copywriting process visually using three different channels of instruction. Here’s how to read this graphic…

There are three rows you follow from right to left: a. Read the top row of the tan squares, Scannability, Opening, Body, Offer, Close (S.O.B.O.C.) Each of these areas is a chunk to be evaluated separately. b. Middle graphic of scroll should start at Research then follow across to end beyond the chicken to Results & Continue to Test & Improve. This is the 10,000 foot view of the content of a long copy sales letter. c. Final row are Speed Tips for writing faster. (Note: The “Chicken Chunks” reference is all about using a timer while writing copy which

Page 2: STEP 1 – May 14, Tuesday 2pm PT/5pm ET Your Hero’s Journey ... · PDF file• Physical attributes Create Your Tarket ! Gabrielle “Gaby” Anderson is 44 years old and divorced


Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, Red Hot Copy 16141 Cohasset Street | Van Nuys, California 91406 | Tel/Fax: 877-293-8311 [email protected]

| www.RedHotCopy.com Page 2

we’ll cover in the end.)

Your Tarket Qualities

• Age • Gender • Marital status/history • Kids • Aging parents/grandparents • Religion • Education • Occupations • Pets • Fitness level • Physical attributes

Create Your Tarket  Gabrielle “Gaby” Anderson is 44 years old and divorced. She has a 13-year old daughter named Jessica who has severe allergies to food, so Gaby stays current on all nutrition. They both eat clean and often raw

Page 3: STEP 1 – May 14, Tuesday 2pm PT/5pm ET Your Hero’s Journey ... · PDF file• Physical attributes Create Your Tarket ! Gabrielle “Gaby” Anderson is 44 years old and divorced


Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, Red Hot Copy 16141 Cohasset Street | Van Nuys, California 91406 | Tel/Fax: 877-293-8311 [email protected]

| www.RedHotCopy.com Page 3

(but not always – Gaby likes to splurge occasionally on wine and cheese). Gaby is a massage therapist with a Master’s Degree in Psychology. She works on clients in her 3 bedroom, 2 bath home in a busy little suburb in Studio City, California while Jessica is at school. She earned approximately $143,000 last year. Gaby loves yoga but only goes about twice a week. She is an avid student of personal development and reads tarot cards. Gaby has a group of 5 close girlfriends yet keeps her time open for her daughter. She believes in giving back and volunteers (along with Jessica) one weekend per month at the Animal Shelter.  The Power of Storytelling The thing about storytelling is that your story is unique to anyone in your industry or anyone in your market. They may have things in common with you but your story is your story and nobody can compete with being the best you that there is. A few years ago I took master storyteller Robert McKee’s intense live course called STORY. Robert has trained just about every screenwriter, director and actor in Hollywood like John Cleese, Julia Roberts, Kirk Douglas, David Bowie, and more. He says storytelling has become more important today than ever because it is a way of seeing yourself in society and seeing where you fit—it is a way of relating. Stories are super effective in getting attention. They work in conversation. And they work like gangbusters in copy. Why?

1) Stories boost credibility. In order to tell a good story, you had better know your stuff. When your expertise is illustrated in a story you are more believable.

2) Stories spark emotional connection. We buy from an emotional state of mind, not a logical one. And dry facts seldom get us worked into an emotional lather the way stories do.

Page 4: STEP 1 – May 14, Tuesday 2pm PT/5pm ET Your Hero’s Journey ... · PDF file• Physical attributes Create Your Tarket ! Gabrielle “Gaby” Anderson is 44 years old and divorced


Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, Red Hot Copy 16141 Cohasset Street | Van Nuys, California 91406 | Tel/Fax: 877-293-8311 [email protected]

| www.RedHotCopy.com Page 4

3) Stories can explore the pain of a problem. If you’re looking to paint the picture of suffering and agony in order to contrast how you or your service can be the solution, nothing does it better than a juicy story.

4) Stories make the prospect trust you. Whenever we hear a story, by nature we look for connections to our own lives (after all, it truly IS all about “me”). That relating slashes the timeframe for bonding. And we all do business with those we know, like and trust.

5) Stories bust through sales resistance. Nobody likes to be sold to. But we don’t mind kicking back and listening to (or reading) a story. You’re much more likely to keep the prospect’s attention by telling a story than hitting him or her over the head with hype.

Stories have a lot of uses in copy. Today we’re going to focus on creating your business story to use in your copy. It serves as a way for people to get to know you as well as giving them hope that they have found whatever “solution” it is that you offer. It builds rapport AND credibility but it has to be concise. In a moment I’ll share that formula template with you. Hero’s Journey First let’s chat about the Hero’s Journey or the Monomyth. The Hero’s Journey was identified by Joseph Campbell in his book, THE HERO WITH A THOUSAND FACES. It describes the typical adventure of the archetype known as The Hero, the person who goes out and achieves greatness on behalf of his tribe or community. There’s nothing new in the book. The ideas in it are older that the Pyramids.

Page 5: STEP 1 – May 14, Tuesday 2pm PT/5pm ET Your Hero’s Journey ... · PDF file• Physical attributes Create Your Tarket ! Gabrielle “Gaby” Anderson is 44 years old and divorced


Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, Red Hot Copy 16141 Cohasset Street | Van Nuys, California 91406 | Tel/Fax: 877-293-8311 [email protected]

| www.RedHotCopy.com Page 5

Campbell discovered that basically all stories are the same story – retold in infinite variations – which is why it’s called THE HERO WITH A THOUSAND FACES. Good storytelling, consciously or not, follows the same ancient patterns. Hero Journey Graphic Slide

Here’s how it breaks down: The hero is introduced in his ORDINARY WORLD where he receives the CALL TO ADVENTURE. He is REFUSES the call then MEETS THE MENTOR.

Page 6: STEP 1 – May 14, Tuesday 2pm PT/5pm ET Your Hero’s Journey ... · PDF file• Physical attributes Create Your Tarket ! Gabrielle “Gaby” Anderson is 44 years old and divorced


Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, Red Hot Copy 16141 Cohasset Street | Van Nuys, California 91406 | Tel/Fax: 877-293-8311 [email protected]

| www.RedHotCopy.com Page 6

Next he CROSSES THE THRESHOLD where he eventually encounters TESTS, ALLIES and ENEMIES. He reaches the INNERMOST CAVE where he endures the ORDEAL. As a result of the ordeal, he receives his REWARD and makes his way on the ROAD BACK to his world. Next he is RESURRECTED and transformed by his experience. Finally he RETURNS to his ordinary world with his prized gift or ELIXIR to benefit his world. You’ve seen this pattern in blockbuster movies like Star Wars, Indiana Jones, the Wizard of Oz, etc. That’s because stories built on the model of the Hero’s Journey have universal appeal. They come from a universal source in the collective unconscious, and they reflect universal concerns. Just remember that every storyteller can mold the Hero’s Journey to his or her own purpose. And you should feel free to do the same with your story. Now let’s take a more focused look at how the Hero’s Journey can be applied to your story.

From Theory to Conscious Practice

Joseph Campbell broke the Hero’s Journey down into 3 basic stages and then he broke each stage into several sub-stages.

1. Separation 2. Initiation 3. Return

For our purposes though, we’re going to focus on just the 3 main stages. And to illustrate what that looks like, I’ve broken down one of my favorite movies, “The Wizard of Oz.” If you’re not familiar with this

Page 7: STEP 1 – May 14, Tuesday 2pm PT/5pm ET Your Hero’s Journey ... · PDF file• Physical attributes Create Your Tarket ! Gabrielle “Gaby” Anderson is 44 years old and divorced


Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, Red Hot Copy 16141 Cohasset Street | Van Nuys, California 91406 | Tel/Fax: 877-293-8311 [email protected]

| www.RedHotCopy.com Page 7

movie, basically the heroine, Dorothy, is transported by a tornado to a distant land and must find her way home. Separation First, Dorothy has an internal call to adventure. She wants a bigger, trouble-free life than what she has living on the farm. Her passion for adventure causes tension between her and Auntie Em. Still, she is determined to set out and explore the world. This is the beginning of her SEPARATION phase.

So she runs away briefly, only to return home in the wake of a terrible storm. She’s scared and runs back home, which is her refusal of her call to adventure.

Dorothy tries to take cover from the storm in her house when a tornado strikes. The tornado acts as a supernatural aid, carrying Dorothy to Munchkinland in Oz.

Now Dorothy’s crossed the first threshold to this different land, and the beginning of her INITIATION.


Dorothy first meets her MENTOR Glinda, the beautiful, Good Witch of the North. Glinda helps guide Dorothy on her journey. By giving Dorothy the ruby red slippers, Glinda creates an ENEMY for Dorothy in the Wicked Witch of the West. There are a lot more TESTS along the way.

She meets her ALLIES who also want help from the Wizard - the Scarecrow, Tin Man, and the cowardly Lion. When they arrive at the Emerald Palace (the INNERMMOST CAVE), the Wizard tells Dorothy and her friends they have to kill the Wicked Witch and bring back her broomstick to get what they want. That marks the beginning of the

Page 8: STEP 1 – May 14, Tuesday 2pm PT/5pm ET Your Hero’s Journey ... · PDF file• Physical attributes Create Your Tarket ! Gabrielle “Gaby” Anderson is 44 years old and divorced


Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, Red Hot Copy 16141 Cohasset Street | Van Nuys, California 91406 | Tel/Fax: 877-293-8311 [email protected]

| www.RedHotCopy.com Page 8

ORDEAL. (Spoiler Alert) When they finally get to the Wicked Witch’s castle, Dorothy outwits the witch and melts her with bucket of water, killing her. They return to the Wizard with the witch’s broom, the REWARD.


The ROAD BACK has the Wizard planning to take Dorothy back to Kansas in his hot air balloon but it malfunctions and he floats away without her. She is disappointed but then, in a “refusal of the return,” she considers staying in Oz. Glinda, the Good Witch, steps in and tells Dorothy that she had the power to return home the whole time she was in Oz. (Thanks for the late-breaking info, Glinda!)

She tells Dorothy that all she has to do is click her ruby red heels three times, repeating, “There’s no place like home.” And Dorothy is RESURRECTED. As she clicks her heels, Dorothy “crosses the return threshold” from Oz to her home in Kansas. This is how she is able to master her two worlds, and when she finally returns home, with her EXILIR, which is that the best place she could ever live is in the one’s she’s living in.

Your Hero’s Journey Template for Your Hero’s Journey Here is the template for you to construct your own Hero’s Journey. • Separation – How did your life used to be before your “calling”? • Initiation – What specific incident happened to create your current

business? • Return – What has changed positively in your life as a result? Keep these 3 stages in mind as we explore some shining examples you can

Page 9: STEP 1 – May 14, Tuesday 2pm PT/5pm ET Your Hero’s Journey ... · PDF file• Physical attributes Create Your Tarket ! Gabrielle “Gaby” Anderson is 44 years old and divorced


Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, Red Hot Copy 16141 Cohasset Street | Van Nuys, California 91406 | Tel/Fax: 877-293-8311 [email protected]

| www.RedHotCopy.com Page 9

model for your own Hero’s Journey… Shining Example – Tracy Lee Jones www.TracyLeeJones.com

Tracy’s Hero’s Journey - Separation

I always dreamed about being a powerhouse executive female. After graduation I was accepted in AT&T’s Fast Track Leadership Program, and I felt like it was my golden ticket to achieving my dream!

I LOVED my job. The people were amazing! And then I experienced my first re-org. Instantly my fabulous job turned into a nightmare.

My new boss and new team drove me into the ground. I worked 60-70 hours a week and had a 3-hour daily commute. I was crying-in-the-stairwell-miserable. And I was scared to leave.

Tracy’s Hero’s Journey - Initiation

It was in this dark, depressing state, that I re-read the book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” by Robert Kiosaki and realized the way to pull myself out of the funk was to explore my long lost passions. I was inspired to start my first side business doing something I loved.

I started giving botanical facials in the women’s bathroom during my lunch breaks and afterwork. I stayed in corporate for over a decade, made my way up the ladder and always had a business or two running on the side to keep me inspired, vibrant, and motivated.

People started crawling out of the woodwork asking me to help them do the same, and during this process, I had an epiphany! The thing I enjoyed MOST about my practice was actually the start up and strategic marketing process.

Page 10: STEP 1 – May 14, Tuesday 2pm PT/5pm ET Your Hero’s Journey ... · PDF file• Physical attributes Create Your Tarket ! Gabrielle “Gaby” Anderson is 44 years old and divorced


Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, Red Hot Copy 16141 Cohasset Street | Van Nuys, California 91406 | Tel/Fax: 877-293-8311 [email protected]

| www.RedHotCopy.com Page 10

Tracy’s Hero’s Journey - Return

I have since made a commitment to dedicate my professional life to helping other women become blossoming business owners through my training programs, coaching, and VIP private consulting days.

I’ve created the Business Starter System, a 4 part series of important business building foundations every woman needs to start a business she loves.

Shining Example – Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero www.RedHotCopy.com

Lorrie’s Hero’s Journey - Separation

I’ll never forget the day I decided to quit my stable $50,000 a year job. On this particular day, the older assistant who really ran the company, had the radio on in her office. The news was blasting the unfolding details about the Columbine tragedy. It was unthinkable. We were following the story unfold of two social outcasts plotting out an evil plan to kill their fellow students and teachers. I was especially upset because I had two young sons in elementary school while I was stuck behind a desk, unable to leave. See when my sons were first born in 1990 and 1992, I was a stay-at-home mom. We spent everyday reading, going to parks, visiting museums – just hanging out together. It was terrific. But with my divorce in the mid 1990s, I was forced to go to work each day, leaving them in the YMCA after school care program. I had been warned by two of my oldest son’s preschool teachers that he was a child who REALLY needed his mother or he could self-destruct…like those kids at Columbine. The day Columbine happened was the day I realized I couldn’t continue being away from my kids anymore. I had to find an escape. It took some

Page 11: STEP 1 – May 14, Tuesday 2pm PT/5pm ET Your Hero’s Journey ... · PDF file• Physical attributes Create Your Tarket ! Gabrielle “Gaby” Anderson is 44 years old and divorced


Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, Red Hot Copy 16141 Cohasset Street | Van Nuys, California 91406 | Tel/Fax: 877-293-8311 [email protected]

| www.RedHotCopy.com Page 11

research and a leap of faith before I pulled together enough courage to quit to become a full-time writer.

Lorrie’s Hero’s Journey - Initiation

Success wasn’t a straight path. I was learning how to create and run a business “on the job.” I quickly ran up $46,000 in debt and was incredibly tense. My new husband and I argued A LOT. However, once I discovered copywriting, things changed dramatically. I found I had a passion for writing and marketing that I’d never known. In my quest to be one of the best, I went to live events, bought courses, and hired mentors. Red Hot Copy was born.

Lorrie’s Hero’s Journey - Return

Word of my knack for the genre spread. I began doing work for visionaries like Mark Victor Hansen, Ali Brown, Marcia Wieder, Arielle Ford, Les Brown, and more. And I started teaching others how to harness the power of copy.

Today I’m considered by many to be a pioneer in the world of copywriting, especially with women and conscious entrepreneurs. I’ve been able to help thousands of business owners around the globe master the techniques of writing copy. . . boosting their personal freedoms as well!

Template for Your Hero’s Journey • Separation – How did your life used to be before your “calling”? • Initiation – What specific incident happened to create your current

business? • Return – What has changed positively in your life as a result?

Page 12: STEP 1 – May 14, Tuesday 2pm PT/5pm ET Your Hero’s Journey ... · PDF file• Physical attributes Create Your Tarket ! Gabrielle “Gaby” Anderson is 44 years old and divorced


Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, Red Hot Copy 16141 Cohasset Street | Van Nuys, California 91406 | Tel/Fax: 877-293-8311 [email protected]

| www.RedHotCopy.com Page 12

Industry Research Take as much care studying others in your industry as you do in creating your tarket. Become a sleuth with a magnifying glass and get inside their heads. Subscribe to the publications they read, both online and offline. Join the groups they’re in. Pay attention to how they promote themselves. Here are some examples of ways to see what else is out there in your industry:

♦ Join organizations and groups they join ♦ Subscribe to their ezines using a free email account (Gmail,

Hotmail, Yahoo) ♦ Search for groups & individuals in Twitter and Facebook ♦ Search blogs in your industry www.BlogSearch.Google.com ♦ Read listservs (online special interest forums)

http://groups.yahoo.com, https://groups.google.com ♦ Explore their website history www.waybackmachine.org ♦ Use Alexa to search traffic rankings, other websites owned, link

strategies and more, www.alexa.com ♦ Visit www.magazines.com for background on specialized

magazines and advertising kits Writing Rituals Space Rituals Smudging or Sage Burning I got some great insight on how to "do it" yet in the end, this is what I did: I opened every drawer, closet & cabinet first. Then I went out the front door & lit it (which wasn't easy). I pointed from East to South to West to North while setting the intention of love, harmony, & abundance in our home. Then I went in each room, swirling the sage counterclockwise. I had to keep relighting it and I did carry a bowl underneath to catch any

Page 13: STEP 1 – May 14, Tuesday 2pm PT/5pm ET Your Hero’s Journey ... · PDF file• Physical attributes Create Your Tarket ! Gabrielle “Gaby” Anderson is 44 years old and divorced


Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, Red Hot Copy 16141 Cohasset Street | Van Nuys, California 91406 | Tel/Fax: 877-293-8311 [email protected]

| www.RedHotCopy.com Page 13

ashes. At the end I went back outside and repeated the East to South to West to North action. Ta dah! All clean! Physical Rituals Working Out Dance Walking Dogs Mental Rituals http://www.celticarttherapy.com/ Tracing the bends and curls of a Celtic Art Therapy Plate works the brain across the center cortex to engage both hemispheres in tandem. This moves the mind into a passive state known as “relaxed awareness”. It works super fast – usually within a minute. To use it, grab the stylus and trace the knot “weaves.” These aren’t like mazes where you can’t cross a line. It’s not a puzzle to be solved but a pathway to be followed. Mazes have a starting and an ending point, but Celtic Art Therapy Plates don’t. The knots are closed loops so you can trace the same pathway over and over. There’s no “right” way and no “starting point.” You just do it. Celtic Art Therapy also helps with certain neurological conditions like Autism, ADHD, OCD, Anxiety, Multiple Sclerosis, Stroke Recovery and Brian Surgery Recovery. Dragonfly The Celtic Dragonflies is a "tight" Art Therapy design that has an intense, 'zippy' feel. This Plate suits people with an intense mindset. It can create focus and help improve concentration. Celtic Trinity

Page 14: STEP 1 – May 14, Tuesday 2pm PT/5pm ET Your Hero’s Journey ... · PDF file• Physical attributes Create Your Tarket ! Gabrielle “Gaby” Anderson is 44 years old and divorced


Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, Red Hot Copy 16141 Cohasset Street | Van Nuys, California 91406 | Tel/Fax: 877-293-8311 [email protected]

| www.RedHotCopy.com Page 14

The Celtic Trinity Knot is an "open" Art Therapy design that has lulling, side-to-side feel when traced. This Plate helps manage anxiety and is useful with forms of anger management. Swords The Celtic Swords is a "tight" Art Therapy design that represents the 12 Swords of Camelot joined by Merlin's wizard fire. It has a lively, fiery feel when traced. This Plate helps people with an intense, artistic mindset, and has shown results in managing some forms of Autism.  Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) or Tapping Tapping is self-therapy where you follow a pattern of tapping along specific meridians in your body to disrupt the energy while talking yourself through your issues. Margaret M. Lynch, www.MargaretMLynch.com Margaret M. Lynch left corporate America after 18 years of engineering management to live her passion of delivering high-impact transformation around the proven technique of “Tapping.” She is the author of “The 7 Levels of Wealth Manifestation,” “The 7 Levels of Miracles,” and “Powerful, Passionate & Fabulous.” YouTube channel sensation: Margaret M. Lynch

• I Manifested Overwhelm, http://youtu.be/p3HufzQAdCk • How to Commit to Action Even WHILE Procrastinating,

http://youtu.be/Vo19eIWhbec • Tapping for Fifty Thousand Dollars! http://youtu.be/EXtywJ_ozyY

Sensory Rituals Candles Votivo Red Currant

Page 15: STEP 1 – May 14, Tuesday 2pm PT/5pm ET Your Hero’s Journey ... · PDF file• Physical attributes Create Your Tarket ! Gabrielle “Gaby” Anderson is 44 years old and divorced


Lorrie Morgan-Ferrero, Red Hot Copy 16141 Cohasset Street | Van Nuys, California 91406 | Tel/Fax: 877-293-8311 [email protected]

| www.RedHotCopy.com Page 15

Trapp Tuberose Stargazer Lilies OmHarmonics http://www.omharmonics.com/special Focusing Rituals Timer Copywriting legend Eugene Schwartz avoided writer’s block AND got a heck of a lot done because of one simple rule. He used a timer to laser focus on his writing for 33 minutes. During that chunk of time, he allowed himself to do nothing but write. When the timer went off, he stopped whatever he was doing – even if it was mid-sentence – and took a five minute stretch break. It’s that simple. Focusing on a task in a measurable chunk of time propels you toward reaching your goals. 1. Get your timer. 2. Set it for 33 minutes. 3. Get rid of ALL DISTRACTIONS. 4. WRITE LIKE A MANIAC. 5. When the timer goes off, STOP, no matter

where you’re at.