Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info Step2: High Level Steps Installation of SOA Suite Upgrade SOA to 10.1.3. 5 Installation of SOA Suite Before installing the SOA run the irca.sh file. we need to run irca.sh file which is located in the directory $SOA_SOFTWARE/install/soa_schemas/irca/ The shell script will create the schemas ORABPEL, ORAESB and ORAWSM. My System Overview Local host/server name: linux1.com Operating System Version: Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 (Nahant Update 6) Operating system user name: aiauser Group name: dba Installation Directory: /d01/oracle/AIA/ Rdbms Oracle_home= /d01/oracle/AIA/SOA_HOME Oracle SID= AIA Download - Application Server 10g Release 3 (10.1.3.x) Downloads http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/ias/htdocs/101310.html soa_linux_x86_101310_disk1.cpio ias_linux_x86_101350.zip

Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

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Page 1: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Step2: High Level Steps

Ø Installation of SOA Suite Ø Upgrade SOA to 10.1.3. 5

Installation of SOA Suite Before installing the SOA run the irca.sh file. we need to run irca.sh file which is located in the directory $SOA_SOFTWARE/install/soa_schemas/irca/ The shell script will create the schemas ORABPEL, ORAESB and ORAWSM. My System Overview Local host/server name: linux1.com Operating System Version: Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 4 (Nahant Update 6) Operating system user name: aiauser Group name: dba Installation Directory: /d01/oracle/AIA/ Rdbms Oracle_home= /d01/oracle/AIA/SOA_HOME Oracle SID= AIA Download - Application Server 10g Release 3 (10.1.3.x) Downloads http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/ias/htdocs/101310.html soa_linux_x86_101310_disk1.cpio ias_linux_x86_101350.zip

Page 2: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

cd $SOFTWARE_LOCATION/soa/install/soa_schemas/irca ./irca.sh

Page 3: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

n Connect as root xhost +

su - aiauser cd /d03/oracle/soa_linuxx86_101310/soa ./runInstaller

Page 4: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 5: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Will fix the issue Close the current session and restart the runInstaller

Page 6: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 7: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 8: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 9: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 10: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 11: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 12: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 13: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Check the below links/status


Page 14: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info


Note – default should exists http://linux1.com:7778/em

Page 15: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Take the backup of all the softwares installed cd /d01/oracle/AIA/ cp -R oradata oradata_after_10131 cp -R ORACLE_HOME ORACLE_HOME_after_10131 cp -R SOA_HOME SOA_HOME_after_10131 cd /home/aiauser/ cp -R oraInventory oraInventory_after_10131 Ensure JAVA_HOME is set as follows:

Upgrade SOA from to

Page 16: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 17: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 18: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 19: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 20: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 21: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 22: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Page 23: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Post Install Steps Run Upgrade Scripts on Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3

cd $SOFTWARE_LOCATION/soa_linuxx86_101310/patch/Disk1/install/soa_schema_upgrade/bpel/scripts

sqlplus orabpel/orabpel @upgrade_10131_10135_oracle.sql

cd $SOFTWARE_LOCATION /soa_linuxx86_101310/patch/Disk1/install/soa_schema_upgrade/esb/sql/oracle

sqlplus oraesb/oraesb @upgrade_10131_10135_oracle.sql

http://linux1.com:7778/BPELAdmin/domains.jsp oc4jadmin/passwd

Page 24: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Take a backup cp -R ORACLE_HOME ORACLE_HOME_after_10135 & cp -R oradata oradata_after_10135 & cp -R SOA_HOME SOA_HOME_after_10135 & Problems and Solutions

Modified Date LabelModified Modified Date12-AUG-2009 Document Type LabelType Document TypePROBLEM

In this Document Symptoms Cause Solution

This document is being delivered to you via Oracle Support's Rapid Visibility (RaV) process, and therefore has not been subject to an independent technical review.

Applies to: Oracle Application Server 10g Enterprise Edition - Version: This problem can occur on any platform.

Symptoms • Installing AS SOA • The installation fails at the "Oracle BPEL Process Manager Configuration Assistant" • The installActions.log shows:

ERROR: Failed starting OPMN and its managed processes. oracle.ias.opmn.optic.OpticBadRequestException: Error starting opmn server: 2 at oracle.ias.opmn.optic.OpmnAdmin.executeCommand(OpmnAdmin.java:147) oracle.ias.opmn.optic.OpmnAdmin.executeCommand(OpmnAdmin.java:147) at oracle.ias.opmn.optic.OpmnAdmin.startOpmnServer(OpmnAdmin.java:77) at oracle.tip.install.util.MidtierUtil.startBasicProcesses(MidtierUtil.java:73) at oracle.tip.install.tasks.DeployApps.midtierDeployment(DeployApps.java:159) at oracle.tip.install.tasks.DeployApps.install(DeployApps.java:142) at oracle.tip.install.BPMInstaller.executeTask(BPMInstaller.java:319) at oracle.tip.install.BPMInstaller.runInstaller(BPMInstaller.java:207) at oracle.tip.install.BPMInstaller.main(BPMInstaller.java:121) Port value is 6003

Page 25: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

Buildfile: bpminstall.xml etc.. Failed at "Could not get DeploymentManager". restart.container: Stopping home container ... Communication error with the OPMN server local port. Check the OPMN log files

Cause There is an ONS port conflict between this installation and a Database install As the Application Server $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml has OPMN ports that conflict with the Database $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/ons.config, then OPMN cannot start correctly. For example the Application Server opmn.xml has: <port local="6100" remote="6200" request="6003"/> and the Database ons.config has: localport=6100 remoteport=6200

Solution To implement the solution, execute the following steps: 1. In the Database home run: $ORACLE_HOME/bin/onsctl stop $ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl stop 2. Edit the Database $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/opmn/conf/ons.config and change local and remote port to two new unused ports, for example: localport=6800 remoteport=6801 3. In the Database home run: $ORACLE_HOME/bin/onsctl start $ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl start 4. Retry the Installer.

Page 26: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

2nd issue, had problems while starting SOA opmnctl: starting opmn and all managed processes... ================================================================================ opmn id=linux1.com:6200 1 of 3 processes started. ias-instance id=AIA_SOA.linux1.com ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ias-component/process-type/process-set: default_group/home/default_group/ Error --> Process (index=1,uid=894113718,pid=4582) no port available from the port range failed to start a managed process after the maximum retry limit no port available from the port range Log: /d01/oracle/AIA/SOA_HOME/opmn/logs//default_group~home~default_group~1.log ias-component/process-type/process-set: default_group/oc4j_soa/default_group/ Error --> Process (index=1,uid=894113719,pid=4583) no port available from the port range failed to start a managed process after the maximum retry limit no port available from the port range Log: /d01/oracle/AIA/SOA_HOME/opmn/logs//default_group~oc4j_soa~default_group~1.l og Processes in Instance: AIA_SOA.linux1.com ---------------------------------+--------------------+---------+--------- ias-component | process-type | pid | status ---------------------------------+--------------------+---------+--------- ASG | ASG | N/A | Down OC4JGroup:default_group | OC4J:oc4j_soa | N/A | Down OC4JGroup:default_group | OC4J:home | N/A | Down HTTP_Server | HTTP_Server | 4581 | Alive

Page 27: Step2 - Oracle Application DBA

Author – A.Kishore http:/www.appsdba.info

linux1-> sh stop_soa.sh opmnctl: opmn is not running. linux1-> vi start_soa.sh linux1-> ps -ef |grep opmn aiauser 4557 1 0 19:03 ? 00:00:00 /d01/oracle/AIA/SOA_HOME/opmn/bi n/opmn -d aiauser 4558 4557 5 19:03 ? 00:00:20 /d01/oracle/AIA/SOA_HOME/opmn/bi n/opmn -d aiauser 10406 4464 0 19:10 pts/1 00:00:00 grep opmn linux1-> kill -9 4557 4558 linux1-> sh start_soa.sh opmnctl: starting opmn and all managed processes... Processes in Instance: AIA_SOA.linux1.com ---------------------------------+--------------------+---------+--------- ias-component | process-type | pid | status ---------------------------------+--------------------+---------+--------- ASG | ASG | N/A | Down OC4JGroup:default_group | OC4J:oc4j_soa | 22491 | Alive OC4JGroup:default_group | OC4J:home | 22490 | Alive HTTP_Server | HTTP_Server | 4581 | Alive