Steps to Raising Your Vibration by DL Zeta

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  • 7/31/2019 Steps to Raising Your Vibration by DL Zeta


    Steps to Raising Your Vibration By DL Zeta

    Steps to Raising Your Vibration, Part 1

    Your Life Force Quotient Determines Your Vibration

    Raising your vibration basically means infusing your consciousness with greater amounts of life forceenergy. The amount of life force flowing into your energetic system represents your life force quotient(LFQ). Your LFQ is a reflection of the degree of alignment with your higher self. A high degree ofalignment with your higher self "amps up" the flow of life force into your energy field.

    The energy field is made up of a series of subtle organizing bodies that create the template for onesphysical body and the field of probabilities for their life. The more life force energy flows into the energyfield, the more light flows into the life. You experience this flow of light in terms of synchronicities, greateropportunities for experience and service, increased health and vitality, love, resources and inner peaceand joy.

    To attract more life force into your energy field, you can choose to align with this greater infusion through

    the Law of Attraction. Conscious awareness combined skillful powers of discernment are keys tocreating this alignment.

    Conscious Awareness and Discernment

    As you move through your life, you encounter many beings, ideas, and opportunities. When you operatein your life with a high level of conscious awareness, you are awake to each idea, person and opportunitythat enters your reality. Each thing you encounter can be examined with the bright light of discernment.In this context, we define the skill of discernment as the ability within the moment to hold each encounterin the light of your higher consciousness and observe how it is (or isn't) aligned with your life purpose.That which is aligned with your life purpose will increase the flow of life force into your energy field andamp up your overall health, well-being and ability to assist others.

    The Life Purpose of Lightworkers

    If you have not yet identified your specific area of focus in terms of your life purpose, do not despair. Thefact that you are reading this says you are a lightworker -- a soul that has volunteered to incarnate toassist others with healing and developing higher consciousness. The fact that you are here in this timeframe says you came here to play a vital role in the creation of Earth's future history. So, in other words,you have an overall purpose of healing your self and raising your vibration so you can become a greaterlight on the planet. Many other "sub purposes" are able to align with his overall purpose.

    Each of you has a wide spectrum of choices In terms of experiencing this overall purpose, depending onwhat excites you and brings you joy. Many of you choose to connect with abilities from past lives andcontinue to hone them into mastery, while others choose to explore new areas. Either way, these optionsare aligned with your overall purpose of assisting with healing and transformation on the planet. Yourpersonal experience of this overall purpose is derived from your highest passion and excitement.

    We offer a two-part approach to coming into alignment with your higher self and raising your vibration.Part one has to do with releasing anything that lowers your vibration, while part two has to do withconsciously raising your vibration by moving toward that which enhances your spiritual alignment. In thenext two installments we will look at these two approaches in detail.

    Steps to Raising Your Vibration, Part 2

    Release Everything that Lowers Your Vibration

  • 7/31/2019 Steps to Raising Your Vibration by DL Zeta


    The process of raising your vibration is essentially a journey of coming into alignment with your higher selfand infusing your consciousness with greater amounts of life force energy. We offer here a two-partapproach for developing this alignment and greater communion. This two-part approach involvesreleasing everything that lowers your vibration and beyond this, consciously raising your vibration throughvarious techniques and practices.

    Today will focus on releasing those things that lower your vibration. The first step is in gaining awarenessof those things that pull down your energy and your vibration. You can begin to gain awareness byspending time closely observing your self. What are you creating? How are you creating? What are theintentions behind your creations? What are your dominant thoughts and feeling states? Is your physicalbeing vibrant and energetic or plagued by health challenges? Are your habits serving your growth orlimiting you? Are you sabotaging your dreams or paving the way for them to "show up" in your life easilyand effortlessly?

    If you are not creating what you want -- if you are experiencing low-vibrational realities there areaspects of your self you can begin examining. These are your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, attitudes andhabits. All of these are interrelated and work together, but for our purposes here, we will examine eachone independently to see how it functions and contributes to the creation of your overall reality.

    Step One: Examine Your Thoughts

    The first thing is to gain control of your thoughts. It is your thoughts that drive your ability to change yourbeliefs so we want to begin here. First, observe your thoughts and practice detaching from them.Understand you are the thinker of your thoughts but you are not your thoughts. Your conscious mindthat it is spinning out these thoughts is just a fraction of your overall existence.

    As you gain awareness of your thoughts, observe what they are creating in terms of your reality. Is yourmind scattered and hurried, stumbling over important details? Or is it calm and open to subtle cues andinformation from your guides and your environment? If your mind is scattered, you will need to pull backyour energy from all the places where it is enmeshed. Do you have unfinished and unhealed energy fromyour past that is constantly pulling your focus into the past? If so, you will need to bring about completionof issues lingering in past time periods so your focus can be centered in your present moment. If you

    need help with this process, see the message titled Entering the Portal of Time Travel to ReleaseEnergetic Bookmarks.

    It is also important that you practice each day gaining skill at stilling your thoughts. Concentrating on acandle flame every day for 10 minutes while releasing all thoughts will allow you to build muscle in this.Observing your thoughts is an ongoing process you want to practice from now on to gain awareness ofany issues you need to address within the moment.

    Step Two: Examine Your Emotions

    Unresolved emotional disturbances can pose another obstacle to raising your vibration. The emotionallevel of your consciousness is sandwiched between your conscious and subconscious minds, serving asthe bridge (or barrier) to your ability to access higher consciousness. Accessing your subconscious on a

    regular basis paves the way for daily communion with your higher self. This communion is one of yourgreatest resources.

    You can think of your emotions as a gatekeeper, in a sense. Until you have healed negative andtroubled emotions, you are unable to reliably access your subconscious mind. You can gain awarenessof any points in your consciousness where energy is being held inside troubled emotions by writing asimple autobiography, paying attention to memories that hold strong energy. Once again, the process torelease described in Entering the Portal of Time Travel to Release Energetic Bookmarks can be helpful toclearing troubled emotions and cultivating a peaceful, serene state of being.

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    Step Three: Examine Your Beliefs

    Your beliefs about what is possible for you determine the realities you are able to access. If, forexample, you hold beliefs that you do not deserve to experience a loving and positive existence, you willexperience an unloving and negative reality. As you expand your beliefs about what you deserve, therealities you are able to experience expand accordingly.

    Often when a person expands and grows rapidly, it is because they have sufficiently developed theirunderstandings of how things work. This enables them to "see-through" any old limiting beliefs that havebeen holding them back.

    Your beliefs extend into all areas of your life. You hold beliefs about who you are, what you deserve, whatyou are capable of and what you are not capable of. The template for your reality and youraccompanying field of possibilities derive from your beliefs in these areas.

    Some beliefs are the result of childhood programming and indoctrination into limiting belief systems. Asyou expand your conscious awareness (see steps in Part 3) you begin to see-through these old beliefs.

    Step Four: Examine Your Attitudes

    In the past you may have manifested unpleasant experiences in your quest to grow and understand.Some of you have re-created different versions of the same situation so you could understand it frommany different perspectives. An example of this might be repeated seeming "failures" with relationships,career moves or health challenges. If you continue to manifest abusive relationships, you might betempted to develop an attitude that relationships don't work in your life. You might even refuse to getinvolved ever again. An alternative to developing this kind of attitude is a thorough examination of thesituations leading to the attitude and an effort to gain the understandings you were working toward bycreating these experiences. It is just as easy to develop an attitude of determination to learn from life'sexperiences and transform them into the wisdom and understandings that open new doors for your selfand others.

    Step Five: Examine Your Habits

    Daily habits are just the foot soldiers of your thoughts, emotions, beliefs and attitudes. For our purposeshere, we will examine how they operate. Generally when you change a belief or attitude that is driving ahabit, the accompanying habit changes naturally over time. Nevertheless, when you choose to bringabout a conscious shift in your attitudes and beliefs, you may want begin an examination of your currenthabits and change any that are not aligned with your new belief. This can hasten the transformationprocess. If you choose to believe you are capable of being healthy and fit, for example, you may want toexamine your habits and make sure they are in alignment with this perspective. If your habit is to spendlong hours in front of the TV eating junk food, you will probably want to transform this habit to moreaccurately reflect your new belief in your self as a healthy and fit person. You might choose to spend aperiod of time each day practicing Pilates or walking in nature. You may also choose to eliminate sugarsfrom your diet and eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

    Step Six: Examine, Detoxify and Cleanse Your Physical Body

    As you transform your thoughts, emotions, beliefs, attitudes and habits, you will want to bring yourattention to your physical system. Toxic emotions and energies of the past live on in the cells andtissues of your body until they are released. Thoughtforms of holding onto the past often manifest indisorders of digestion and elimination. The condition of the colon can impact all other parts of the body aswell as overall health. Release can be brought about through fasting, colon cleanses and other methodsof detoxification. If you have taken pharmaceuticals in the past or have lived an emotionally turbulentexistence, you may want to undertake this process initially under the supervision of a health practitioner.When you begin detoxing at the physical level, this eventually triggers releases at all other levels --emotional, mental and spiritual.

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    Steps to Raising Your Vibration, Part Three

    As we enter part three, we do so with the foundation of having completed the processes in part two forreleasing anything that is standing in the way of achieving a higher vibration reality. In order to move intoa significantly higher vibration, you will need to release these barriers to higher consciousness. In part

    three you are moving forward with a clear energy and a focused mind that allows you to access an evermore joyful and constant state of communion with your higher self.

    In this part of our discussion, we will describe techniques you can use to raise your vibration at everylevel of your being. This includes the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual levels.

    The Physical Level

    Eat a diet high in living foods. While it is true that you receive a great amount of life force through yourspiritual connection, your ability to utilize life force energy is either helped or hindered by the food you eat.The vibration and essence of the foods you consume enters your physical system and influences yourthoughts, feelings, beliefs, attitudes and habits. Are you shackling your vibration to the fear and crueltyof the slaughterhouse or to the fresh air and sunshine of the outdoors and open fields?

    Get plenty of rest and sleep. How do you begin your day? Are you well rested and energized or do youhave an energetic deficit resulting from insufficient rest and sleep? Such deficits tend to limit yourconscious perception and your psychic receptivity. A sleep deficit rapidly depletes your physical systemand opens the door to opportunistic infections and other diseases. When you go to bed at night,consciously make peace with all that is in your life and detach from physical reality. This allows you torest and refresh your body while allowing your consciousness to travel into advanced dream states whereyou are able to cultivate new levels of spiritual communion.

    Spend time in nature each day absorbing fresh air and sunlight. Short periods of exposure to sunlighthelp enliven your physical system. This stimulates your pineal gland. It is also beneficial to spend timewalking in nature, communing with the energies there. It is easier to connect with the energies of yourspirit guides and your higher self in the woods or near an ocean, lake or stream.

    Energize your body through practices such as yoga, tai chi, quiqong, pilates, walking, running, anddancing. This raises the flow of chi energy that oxygenates the cells of your body and triggers therelease of hormones such as serotonin that give you a sense of peace and well-being.

    Listen to your body and become attuned to its needs. If you are experiencing symptoms, pay attention tothose symptoms as messages from your subconscious. These messages help bring your awareness tochanges you need to make in order to amp up the flow of life force into your physical system. If youaren't certain of the messages you are receiving, you can ask your higher self about various ideas andimages your imagination is bringing to you. Muscle testing is one way to test each idea and image thatcomes to you. One form of muscle testing involves connecting the thumbs and forefingers of each handand then interlocking them and trying to pull them apart. If an idea or image is aligned with your highergood, you will not be able to pull your fingers apart. If it is not aligned with your higher good, you will beable to easily pull them apart. Another technique is to symbolically or literally cradle the thing you are

    asking about in your hands while standing up straight. Ask your higher self if the thing you are cradling inyour hands is for your highest good then relax your body. If the answer is yes, you will lean forward. If itis no, you will lean backward. Two books for understanding the symbolic meaning of symptoms arePermanent Healing by Daniel Condron and Heal Your Life by Louise Hay.

    Nurture your body. All we have said thus far falls into this category of nurturing your body. There areother methods in addition to these. We list here some ideas that can help you to further nurture yourphysical body. They include receiving body work and massage, chiropractic, Reiki, and Quantum touch.EFT is another helpful technique. If you are experiencing chronic symptoms, you may also want toconsult a skilled energy worker who can remove any negative energies from your energetic field. Your

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    energy field is the template for your physical body and the field of possibilities for your life.

    Clear clutter and create sacred space in your environment. It is difficult to cultivate a still mind when yourliving environment is cluttered with the energy of the past. Restore your environment to a place of order.A clear, uncluttered living environment helps you begin each day with a clean slate. It is also important tocreate sacred space somewhere in your home. This can be an altar or a place where you meditate andsaturate with the energies of your higher self. Making space for spiritual communion in your physicalenvironment coalesces your intention to create a stronger connection with your higher self which canraise your vibration at the quantum level.

    The Mental Level

    Attuning your conscious mind to your higher self is a process of learning to shut off conscious thoughts atwill. Until you gain control of your mind, you thoughts will keep you tethered to linear, physical reality.We are not saying there is anything "wrong" with physical reality. As an infinite being, you are able tomove freely between physical and non-physical reality. This freedom of existence creates the causes ofyour greatest joy by allowing you to create the recipe for your present moment from the merging ofphysical and non-physical realities. This is the joyful communion of heaven and earth. We offer somemethods here for harmonizing your conscious mind and spirit.

    Learn to still your conscious mind through concentration exercises such as holding your attention on acandle flame for 10 minutes each day while releasing all thoughts. When your mind is busy and rushingin many directions at once, it is difficult to hear the voice of your inner guidance. Much energy is wastedwhen you jump into activities and pursuits that are not aligned with your highest purpose and vision. Bylearning to quiet your mind and listen within, you are able to receive visions from your higher self and actimpeccably within the moment.

    Have a goal, purpose and activity for everything you seek to do. This insures that you examine and bringthe light of your conscious awareness to every undertaking. As you learn to consciously commune withyour spirit and your higher self (and through your higher self, all other aspects of your being), you are ableto undertake activities that naturally direct your thoughts toward higher consciousness and spiritualcommunion.

    Meditation is another technique that helps you release your conscious thoughts and commune with yourhigher self. As you reach out to commune with high vibrational aspects of your being, you bring more ofthis energy into your day-to-day life. Within this space of quiet receptivity, ideas, guidance and elevatedfeeling states are able to download into your consciousness.

    Journaling is a technique that allows you to gain awareness of the texture and energy of your thoughts.As you use your mind to explore aspects of your being, you discover who you are, you discover yourgreatest joy and passion. Inside the pages of your journal, you create a space that allows you to meetand share notes with other aspects of your being. Simply writing down your intuitive perceptions, thevisions your imagination brings you and your intentions toward manifesting will change your life.

    Reading books that carry a high vibration. Reading a book that contains elevated ideas and informationhas the power to trigger your own storehouse of inner knowledge. A single passage within a single book

    can unlock unlimited potential to higher consciousness and transform your life.

    Attending a spiritual conference or workshop allows you to immerse your conscious mind in highvibrational energies for a period of time and entrain your conscious mind to new ideas and ways of being.

    Watching spiritual movies -- there are many new opportunities in your world to view spiritual storiesdepicting the life journeys of others who have made great leaps within their own consciousness. Otherstories relate information and sharing in movie form which allows your conscious mind to enter areceptive dreamlike state while positive ideas and information are being downloaded into yourconsciousness.

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    Engage in creative pursuits such as writing, painting, sculpting, singing, dancing and any other activitythat allows you to bring the joy and beauty of your spirit into communion with your conscious mind andyour daily life.

    Creating affirmations that align your intentions with the positive changes and new directions aligned withthe desires of your soul.

    The Emotional Level

    As you release the causes for turbulent and trapped emotional energies in your life (see Raise YourVibration, Part Two) you are able to begin actively cultivating elevated feeling states that align youremotions with peak states of higher consciousness and vision. Aligning your emotions with states of joy,peace, and love allows you to access higher awareness within the moment and cultivate peak states ofconsciousness. We offer here some steps to cultivating elevated emotional states.

    Listening to classical and New Age music that contains frequencies of transcendental and elevated innerstates.

    Spending time with positive and uplifting people. Sharing with others who radiate frequencies of

    elevated emotional states is an uplifting and powerful experience. If you don't know anyone who fits thisdescription, continue to cultivate these feeling states within yourself and others who reside in thesefrequencies will naturally show up.

    Honor yourself. Many of you have learned to see through old programming that generates negative selftalk and heavy emotions. Now you are ready to cultivate and practice positive self talk that recognizesand honors the infinite nature of your being and your connection to all that is. This honoring raises yourvibration and your feeling states, which allows you to access ever higher states of awareness.

    Transcendental breathwork -- daily practice of transcendental breath work cleanses and clears theemotions, freeing you to access more joyful and peaceful feeling states.

    Gratitude -- expressing gratitude for everything in your life brings your emotions into alignment with

    feeling states of inner peace and well-being. When you express gratitude, you acknowledge thateverything in your life is happening perfectly. This has the power to transform all feelings andcircumstances into the seeds of joy, peace and love.

    Service to others. When you assist others in reaching their highest vision, you naturally feel good.World service includes taking positive steps toward animal welfare, responsible stewardship of theenvironment, alleviating suffering and injustice, educating, teaching, healing, and sharing in whateverdirection your spirit inspires you toward within the moment.

    Engaging in daily activities that allow you to experience greater love and compassion for your self andothers. Cultivate those scenarios in your life that allow you to experience greater love and compassion.These are two qualities that expand exponentially through the Law of Increase, allowing you toexperience more ever more the same.

    The Spiritual Level

    All we have described will help to cultivate your communion with your higher self by raising yourvibrational frequency. We will offer here a few more steps you can take to cultivate direct communion withyour higher self and spirit.

    Open to spiritual guidance. There are many forms of spiritual guidance. You may find as you set yourintention and focus toward communion with your spirit guides and your higher self that inspiration andideas arrive in many different forms. As you attune to these messages, your awareness expands to

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    include moments of psychic receptivity, and to notice signs and symbols in your environment. You mayeven experience physical sensations as if an invisible hand were reaching out to touch you. You mightfind yourself spontaneously entering altered states of consciousness or experiencing downloads of ideasand information.

    Some techniques that can help build this bridge to higher consciousness include dreamwork, channeling,automatic writing, creating spiritually inspired art and visionary writing, self-hypnosis, particularly NLP,meditation, energy work and developing your intuition.

    Your efforts in these areas we have described can lead you to further insights and breakthroughs. Thereis no right or wrong approach. Whenever you takes steps to raise your vibration, the universe steps closerto you. Over time, the steps you take to bring yourself into greater communion with your higher self willallow you to step more fully into a joyful dance of peace and beauty with all that is.

    For more information, visit