m I i MMMMMMj i ^ ^ ^ ^ THE BUFFALO COURIER: SATURDAY. OCTOBER 3. 1896, IN THE CHURCHES. Kensington M. E. Church-The Re*, a . Sperrow, D. D., pastor. Preaching by fie pastor at 11 a. m. ana 7:30 p. oi. Sun- __..„ip»w £ Hampshire Street M. B. Church-The Rev. T l T n i U , pastor. Preaching at 10:80 a. I, sad at 7:90 p. m. by the pastor. Class meeting at 9:30 a, in. Sunday school at 12 at. Class meet tog snd Kp worth League f t'tOfe p. m. Subject for evening: "Closing _> of the Conference Year." Ontario Methodist Episcopal Church—Tbe Ber, B. L. Puck wall, pastor. Services at 10:80 a. m. and 7:45 p in. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8. Asbury M. E. Church—The Rev. Frank S. Rowland, pastor. At 10:30 a. m. the Rev. D. H. Muller. D. P.. a former pastor, will preach; 7:45 p. m. the pastor. Last sermon ©eftere conference. At 9:8© a. m. ciass meeting. 1_ m. Sunday school; 8:80 p. m. Boworth League. Seneca Street M. B. Church—The Rev. W. V. B. Pattyson, pastor. Sermons at ;45 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. by the pastor. laming subject: "The Big Fight." Evening nubjeet: -'The Closing of the Day." Class meeting at 11:45 a. in., Sunday school at 12 m. Plymouth Methodist Episcopal Church— The Rev. Jinnies D. Phelps, pastor. Preach- ing at 10:30 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. by the pastor Morning subject: "•'Crucified with fJbrlst.*' Evening subject.: "Plain Facta About Church Going/" r Delaware Avenue M. E. Church—O. O. ertaon will preach at 10:30 a. m. Dr. 8. Merrill will occupy the pulpit in the •rening. Sentinel M. E. Church—The Rev. Joseph Dennis, pastor. Morning subject: "A Fin- ished Course." Sunday school missions rv eeneert In the evening. Riverside M. E. Church-The Rev. F. H. Ceoaan. pastor. Prayer meeting at 0:30 a. m. Preaching by tne pastor at 10:30 a. as. and 7:30 p. m. Subject for evening ser- mon: "The Peerless Christ." gGraee M. B. Church— The Rev. Hyron H. tauffer. pastor. At 10:30 a. m.: **In the reatng." a sermon for the Old." At 7:30 R, a_, "The Dance of Death." St. Marks M. E. Church-The Rev. George W. Peck, pastor. Communion and t renching at 7:80 p. m. by the pastor. ©ye feast at 6:30 p. m. Evening subject: **Bapov Thoughts; a Year of Deeds; Clos- ing words" tin wood Avenue M. E. Cbnreh-^The Rev. «. C. Wood, pastor. Services at 10:30 and 7:80. Holy Communion at morning hour. Ripley Memorial M. E. Church—The Rev. I*. A. Stevens, pastor. Preaching by the K itor at 10:30 a. m, and 7: 30 p. m. The rd*s Supper st morning service. Sunday •eeool at 12 in. JuniorXearue at 3:80 p. m. Bpworth League at 8:30 p. m. Richmond Avenue M. E. Church—The Rev. S. T. Westhafer. pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a. mi. and 7:30 p. m. by the pas- tor. Morning: "The Struggles and Tri- umphs of the Christian life." Evening: "The Creed of Christianity." Kenmore M. E. Church—The Rev. Phlneaa T. Lynn, pastor. Farewell sermon 10:45 <*. at. Reception of members and baptism in connection with the morning service. A Gospel camp Are will be held in the even- ing. Special music at each service under the direction of Dr. B. R. Johnson. B-ptlat. PUimere Avenue Baptist Church—The Rev. 'George B. Neweomb pastor. Evan- gelist SeovlJi, who is conducting a* revival sen-ice. will preach morning and evening. Prospect Avenue Baptist Church—The Bev. J. N, Field, pastor. Sunday worship with preaching by the pastor at 10:30 a. m. 7:45 p. m. Subject for the morning: *s Love for His Own." Subject e evening: "Poisoned Students." Sun- Sterling CYCLES^ Built like a watch Sterling Forks never break. Easiest running and strongest bicyoie made, Don't Do a ™« I until you have your eyes tested by the PHILADELPHIA OPTICAL 0D 71 Sense* Street. PERSONA!.. Pishing Rods BSDS? & 5E FisMng Tackle. BRISTOL STEEL the best assortment of Agents for Dunn's make. Best In the market. GLOVEK'9 DOQ R^MEDIBS. F. D. Q. it the best article to kill vermin on your dogs and birds, Salem Q. LeValley, JL&SL* duns, Sporting Goods, Fishing Tackle, Bicycles, Golf, Tennis. BUFFALO ARMS CO., nouses FOR SALE. -—• — '•wwi'i": • •»- - -. . . -4ifr— . . S 1.000 BUYS A VERY DESIRABLE WEST lde house, cost owner 96,800 three years ago; niust be sold; price drops $50 every day, but delay will surely lose you the list bargain ever offered. F. J. Barron, 691 EHlcott Square. jt8. A SACRIFICE, 147 14TH STREET, NBj*R Circle, ten rooms, large lot, easy terms; snap for quick sale. Inquire on premises, or 801 D. S. Morgan Building. 7tl0. FINE MODERN DOUBLE HOUSE ON West Side at a bargain; it will pay you to Investigate. John Gann, 407 Mooney Bulld- lng. , _|t8 f 4,000. MODERN HOUSE, TRYON PLACE, or $3,000; this Is a bargain. John Oann, 407 Mooney Building. 8t8 670 Mais Street, Near Huron. DOCTOR WARREN CURES DISEASES, skin, blood, stricture, women's weakness, irregularities, confidential advice. Office, corner North Division and Osk Street. WANTED — PUPILS IN ELOCUTION, physical culture and Delsarte; terms rea- sonable. Address Elocution, this office. AN ESTABLISHED, INCORPORATED New York company is prepared to appoint several ladies and gentlemen as representa- tives in Buffalo and surrounding towns upon exceptionally good terms; successful ones will receive free transportation to and from the Paris Exposition, and positions found for them in the American section; applicants must have the best reference and enclose 25 cents In stamps for book, etc.; do not call; special department 508 D. S. Morgan Building. Buffalo. ; TUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. MOORE,607 MOONEY-BRISBANE BUILD- Ing, looks after his clients' Interests as though they were his own. He will not try to sell a property unless it is one worth buying. If you want to invest and be sure of your investment, Moore Is the man for S ou. If you want to sell and sell oulek toore Is also the man, providing your busi- •5 m witl * ? taDrt investigating. | MOORE WILL CHARGE YOU NOTHING for advertising your business 4f you list it with him. No charge until sold. S^TAdvertisement*, property classified, in* terted under this head, One, Cent a word far each insertion. * Each figure count* a$ a word. No insertions for Us* than fifteen cents. SENORA ANITA FOBS Y SATRE-SPAN- ish teacher, lessons In class or private. 71 Park Street. 8t9 HUSON — WATCHES CLEANED CLEAN at 384 Connecticut. DELIGHTFUL PARKSIPE HOME, COM- plete In appointments, cheap for cash, or will exchange; good reasons. Address Own- er, 84 Dun Building. 4t8 FOR SALE - 827 FRONT AVENUE. tsrge brick cottage, with cellsr, ten min- utes' walk from City Hall; price and terms to suit purchaser. Inquire 12 York Strait. Men I Why Kill Your Future? Every day of nefleeted disease is destroying year manhood and usefulness—In fact la shortening your Ufa. Buffalo's celebrated specialist. GUARANTEES to cure all dis- eases of men permanently and quickly or NO FAT. Call sr WritstorBeak P D R H Separata Keen far laeh renfiticntiii consultation _^_____ p * ii9nU * EH °'* LY - 485 MAIN STREET Buffalo, N. ft.. •> Over Metropolitan Bank LIST HOUSES AND PROPERTY FOR sale with us. We ere having many calls { or good residence and business property. >. Maxson Eatee Co.. 801 D. 8. Morgan Building. Jan.27tf. A GREAT BARGAIN-FOR SALE CHEAP for cash, double flat, 1880 Jefferson Street, near Glenwood Avenue. Inquire of John Smith, this ofl.ee. tt. HENRY HERMANN, FORT ERIE, FOR- ty years 'experience, manufacturing and fit- ting deformity appliances, trusses, artlfl- clalUmbs; satisfaction guaranteed. 6-8-10-12 FAT FOLKS —I AM A PROFESSIONAL nurse; reduced 45 pounds by a harmless remedy; have not regained; health perfect; nothing to sell; will tell you how it was done. Address, with stamp, Mrs. M. Mac- Crone, 4 Schwars Park, Rochester, N. Y. 17-24-Oct 1&8 GET THE THREE-SECTION ECONOMY J as burner for your kitchen range and re- uce your gas bills one half. M. F. Tall mage. 80 and 82 Seneca Street. 7tl3. HOUSES AND STORES TO LET B E w l l N MEDICAL CO wim DO sad 7;4. fatsae ( l y school at Bethesda Presbyterisn Church—The Rev. F. D. Roxburgh of Brldgeburg, Ont. Can- ada, will preach s t 10:45 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Kenmore Presbyterian Church—The Rev. Samuel L. Hamilton, Ph. D., pastor. Divine service at 10:45 a. m. and 7:80 p. m. Theme of forenoon discourse: "Power from On High." Theme for evening: "Th« Evils of Procrastination In Spirit uaj Things." Sunday school at 12 m. Pray- ers and preparatory lecture for communion on Wednesday evening at 7:80 o'colck. Episcopal. St. Paul's Church—The Rev. J. A. Regea- ter. 8. T. D., rector. The Rev. John S. Llt- tell, curate. Holy communion at 7:30 a. m. Litany at 10 o'clock. Morning prayer, ser- mon and Holy Communion at 10:45 a. m. Sunday school at 3:15 p. m. Evensong and Instruction at 4 p. m. St. Andrews Church—The Rev. Hsrrej 8. Fisher, B. D., rector. Low celebration at 7:80 a. m. Matins at 10:30 a. m. High cel- ebration at 11 a. m. The catechism at 8 p. m. Evensong at 7:30 p. m. St. Barnabas rjaurch—The Rev. H. E. 8. Somervllle, B. D.. rector. Sundays: Low celebration at 8 a. tn. Matins and litany st » s. m. Sunday school at 3 p. m. High celebration at 11 p. m. Evensong st 7:80 p. in. Daily: Low celebration at 7:30 p. m. Matins at 9 a. in. Evensong at 6 p. m. ft John's Church—The Her. G. L. Bal- lard, rector. Holy Communion at 8 s. m AMUSEMENTS. V . iware Avenue Baptist Church—The Rev. O. P. Glfford, D.D.. pastor. S»r*»ces • t 10:45 s. m. and 7:45 p. m. Sunday school at 12:15 p Seed* OU»d Topic ,: f° r m o rn un ir In the evening Countess Schlmmelmauu ?£"-# n * - J?" 1***2*- Sundays: Mat- wiil speak lns * £} u a - m -_ Sunday school at 10 a. _ Lafayette Avenne Baptist Church— I {"„ t M r e ri n9on *H-l iL 80 PK 01 * Ho,y *». comm 1 u «il; Preaching at 10:80 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. by !I OD „5 h,rd 8und «T '« « c h at month at 9:80 St Luka/a Church—The Rev. Welter North. L. D.. rector. Holy communion I TONIGHT—LAST -- —•.— • • •inn wpuwewi MATINEE TODAY. MR. SOL SMITH In His Latest Success, ••UNOtVB DIOK" A New Comedy by Martha Morton, Next Week-The Great War Play, SHENAN- DOAH. 200 people. BO horses. -i-,,.-,,,.,.,-^..,.!,. •. Hi ..i. • i.i.i •»—nw «B •'•••''-"'- HM|H|< I Illl—llllipi mil LV'CEUM THEATER Z^;^ Msttnsss Tuesday. Thunday. Saturday. Davis A Keogh'a Great Golden Production HEART 0 ! file KLONDIKE. A Vivid Dramatic Picture af U f a In The Land of Gold. Next Week—The Russell Bros. BEAUTIFUL HOME, WEST FERRY Street, furnished; with or without stable. Inquire 8qulre, Erie Bank Building 7t9. 820, 30-32 PENFIELD STREET, 148 Hampshire Street, 84 and 88 Greenwood Place, 410 De Witt Street $10.00, 37 Brsl- ley Street $8.00. 7M. OWNER OF LOT, NIAGARA BOUUB- vsrd. would build house to suit person wanting to lease same for a term of yeai Address Lot, this office. 55 LET-COTTAGE, 701 WEST DELA- ran Avenue. Apply 701 W. Delarsn. Apr.26-tf HAVE YOU A HOUSE, FLAT OR STORp to rent? List It st once with D. Maxson Estee Co., 801 D. 8. Morgan Building. Jan.27-tf FLATS AND ROOMS TO LET. ilk FIRST FLOORS OF NEW HOUSES, BIB Glenwood Avenue and 442 Northampton Street; second floors, 486 Carlton Street and 417 Glenwood Avenue: all lmprov ments. Siegrist, 878 Main Street, Room « FLAT TO LET-FURNISHED OR VI furnished, with elevator snd stesm heat the, toeatte. Inquire 688 Main. MaylC ELEGANT 8-ROOM FLAT IN T H i Florence; reasonable to good tenants. Geo. B. geller, 31 Cottage. tt S H U ' S 4* GARDE V f THEATER Bveuing K r c i i a."»t- and SOo. Matlne*, All Seats, tSa. BEATRICE MORELAND. Ru'ge* Rosace; ^ % % ^ h £ f & s t \ * - ^ ' «'» ^ FLAT TO RENT —NEW HOUSE; ALL modern Improvements. Enquire BOB Front Avenue. 2|| FOR RENT-IN THI NEW BUILDING. corner West Avenue and Jersey 8treet. Lee Ingram. Adelaide Rotlnno NextWeek-Hopkl Specialty Co. water. Ice, telephone and janitor service: ECONOMY GAS BURNERS FOR YOUR range, fire place or furnace; will save gas. M. F. Tallmage, 80 and 82 Seneca Street. 7tl3. YOUR CLOTHES, ARE THEY FADED? Have them dyed at Thebaud's (will not crock if wool). 308 Main Street, Bllicott Sonars. 7t9- FINSTERBACH'S SOUTH SIDE DA^S'C- ing Academy, Junction Seneca and Elk streets; classes Thursdays and Saturdays. 6t8. SPECIAL BARGAINS IN WALL PAPER and first-class napers hangers. 598 William Street, O. A. Kraemer. _ Bt8 WILLIAM BAYNES, AGENT, BUILDER. carpenter. Joiner; Jobbing and repairs done promptly. Shop 35 Pearl Street. 4t9 A QUIET HOME ESPECIALLY FITTED for ladies before and during confinement; strictly private .ind confidential; good phy- sician; terms moderate. Mrs. Snow. 35 Del- aware Street. Tonawanda. N. Y. 13tOco.l2. RALSTON HEALTH BISCUIT-ASK FOR these of your grocer. They're made by the R. Ovens Bakery. tf. HELP WANTED-MALE. WANTED-GOOD BARBER AT ONCE. 162 Sycamore Street. WE CAN GIVE EMPLOYMENT TO A number of young men; $5 to S12 a week: no art work or canvassing: work sent to your home; send addressed envelope for sample and material. Empire Works, 23 Duane Street. New York. WANTED — 8 TEAMSTERS, 9 FARM hands, married couple, stableman, laborers, clerk, 6 farm boys, 2 Germans. 5 Canadians, 3 Swedes, 4 willing young men, handy man, tinsmith, thirty others. See Mutual Agency, 585 Main. Licensed employment office. WANTED—SITTERS FOR PENNY PHO- tographs. Diamond style. 323 Main. IF YOU WANT A SITUATION, TRY THE guaranty; oldest employment agency in the city. Room 1. 205 Main Street. WANTED SIX COOPERS AT ONCE AT morning: 'The Key to the Epistle Of Colos- latans." Evening: '"The Withholding Power of Sin." FUgrim Baptist Church—The Rev. A. A. ; Main waring, pastor. Morning subject: "The Promise of the Father." Evening: •'"IS It So* J "* Dearborn Street Baptist Church—The Rev. G. R. Burnside. pastor. Preaching at 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.. by the Rev. 4. W. Culver. Bible 'schfiol at 3 p. m... Young people's meeting 6:47» p. m. Second Free Baptist—The Rev. L. 8. Vhomaker. pastor. M^orning service at 10:80 l^esock, Sunday school at 11:50 a. m.. Junior at 8 a. m. Sunday scboof at'lO s. n. Prayers and sermon at 11 a. m. Evensong and sermon at 7:30 p. m. St. Mary's-on-the-Hill-The Her. O. F. J. Wrigley. rector. The Rev. J. S. Wilson, assistant. Service and sermon at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Choral service and sermon at 7:30 D. m. C h u rch of Christ. Church of Christ. Disciples—The Rev. Lloyd Darsle. pastor. Preaching at 10:30 S- m. and 7:30 p. rn. Morning subject* •k. Senior Endeavor at I "The Cbristlike Sipirlt." Evening subject: :45 p. m. At 7:45 p. m. a missionary con- ' Debqreh. s Nation's Deliverance." Th» Pndeavor at 4 p. cert service will be given under the auspices of the Women's Missionary Society. Sub- J eet of sermon. moraJng service: "The nftlllng of the Si>lrlt." I Cedar Street Baptist Ohureli—The Rev. George Whitman, pastor. Services at 10:80 A m. and 7:30 p. m. Sabbath schools at j a. It in. and 7:30 p. m. The pastor will preach In the morning on '"Seizing Life's Opportunity." and in the evening on "The Fool's Conception of Life." Emmanuel Baptist Church—The Rev. Crelghton R. Storey will preaoh as usual at 10:3*1 a. m. and i:30 p. m. Morning sub- ject: "Stones Into Bread." Evening sub- ject: -The Marriage Relation." First Buptist Church—Concert Hall—The Rev. A. 8. t'oats. P.D., pastor. Morning aarviee at 10:30 o'clock. Sermon: "What Faith Did for Rahab." Sunday school at I f m. Y. P. 8. C. E. meeting at 6:80 n. m. •wening service at 7:45. Sermon: "Why .Accept the Scriptures as a Divine Revels- First Free Baptist Chnrch—The Ber. James W. Parsons, D.D., pastor. Morning Worship at 10:30. Subject: "Abraham's Fsltb. Sunday school at 13:10 p. m. Junior C. E. at 4 p. m.. Y. P. 8. C K. st 6:45 p. m., evening service at 7:80 p. m. Sabjex-t: "The Supper is Ready." Evan- gelistic services each evening during the second in the series on "Faith and Life in th# Olden Times." Sunday school s t I t nt. Y. P. 8. C. M st 6:30 p. m. Jefferson Street Church of Christ—Dis- ciples The Rev. Lowell C. McPherson, imstor. Preaching and communion at 10: K) ns' Transoceanic Star l •napactlon solicited; Janitor at building will WANTED BIX CUOPBHS AT UNCUS AT ns irsns-uceanlc Star lve prlceg AddreBS communications 910) Bradley Salt Works, Warsaw, N. Y. 7t8. Mutual Life Bulldlnj. BevtMtt. j THOUSAND MEN. HAVING LOST MAN ST. THEATER . m. Chinese class at 1:30 p. m. Bible fc^t-5™^** r«Lffi.** F: l** 1 **' ^L 8 p - J 00 ' i n, H or ( *rlstian Endeavor Wr}}*Vl3^hft8*h£ SfJES t 8:10 s. m. f. P. 8. C. E. 6:30 p. m MpDBLS-2,000 of the Human Body. Week excepting Saturdday at 7:45 p. nx, sad also on Wednesday and Thursday af- ternoftns st 3 p. tn. Meetings will be con ducted by the Rev. I. C. Lawrence of OleToiand, O. Welcome for all. Unitarian. Unltarlsn Society—The Rer. pplebee. pastor. Service at 10:45 Sunday I at 12 in. stick of Our Father—The Rev. Adelbert n. minister. Service at 11 a. m. u by the minister. Sunday school at |. m. Subject of sermon: "Responsi- EnglUh Lutheran. fsrkside John II. Ap r m Preaching by the pastor eohoo it 9: Kvfnlng service 7:80 p. i First Church of Christ. Scientist—Subject morning: "The Doctrine of Atonement.** Evening, practical instruction drawn from the International Sundsy school lessons. Congregational Mission of the Incarnation—Beat Street ? ear Fillmora Avenue. Evening prayer :80 p. m. Sunday school and choir 3:15 J. m. Holy Communion October 16th, 11 . m. Pllgnm Congregational Church—Richmond Avenue and Breckenridge Street Services at 10:46 a. m. a n l 7:30 p. m. The Rev. Albert L, -Greln will preach. Plymouth Congregational Chapel—Military Road, near Grote Street. Public worship at 10:46 a. m. and 7:45 p. m.. with preach- ing by the Rev. J. L. Franklin. Sundav fcbool 3 p. m. Junior C. E. 10 a. m. Y. P. COURT Vat'iie* .-"vf,-T Day. Good Orcasstrs tm*t, 2.V. "THE STANDARD OF BURLESQUE." Rice & Barton's Big Gaiety Spectscular Extrsvagsnis Co.. In a Monster Triple Bill. TWO bilge Bur- lesques and the ' ream of Vaudeville tllios. Next Week—Roblea* Kntckarbocka. Popular Bosort of the People—Open Dairy CURIO HALL—SOTO SUNETARO, the Japanese wonder worker; BILLIE WELLS, man with an Iron skull, and many others. THEATER-PRIOR & GATES, supported by their own company. 10 cents sdmlts to all. Children Saturday afternoon B cents. ML LIIS'TTOSBII ^ . ^ ' S ^ T ntt%m , W'o»»a«^i i « » W a x . Open daily for gentlemen, 9 a. m. to 10 Sundays, 2 to 10 p. m. Ladles" Mat- 2,000 Ad mission 15c, APARTMENTS FOR FAMILIE8 AND bachelors in the Berkeley, Johnson Park, near Delaware Avenue; everything new and np to date; excellent cafe, elevators, elec- tric lights, prlvste baths; absolutely fire- proof. ^_____^___ ??*t RENT BY OWNER - DWELLINGS* flats: centrally located; all modern Improve- ments; liberal rents. Henry Smith. 300 Elllcott Square. tf. » • ' i ii •• rURWISHCD ROOMS TO LIT. 141 COURT STREET - NICELY FUR- nished double snd Single rooms; table boards 6t» nt KAN sTK VMKFH p. m. Lutheran. Church of the Redeemer. English Loth. sran-The B.er F. P. Bossart. pastor. Sundav school Rslly st 11 a. m. Ser^ces at 7:46 p. m. Sunday school meets st 10:30 a. m. ^* lTary r. n *»" h J1 Evangelist Lutheran Church—Dodgs snd Elllcott streets The Rev. Charles H. Ruesskamp. pastor. Ser- vices at 10:45 a. m. Sunday school at 0 30 a. m Bible study Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock. Lord's Supper st morning service. No evening service. Evangelical Association. Rhode Island Street Evangelical Assocla- tlon Church-The Rev. 8. B. Kraft, pastor ^Ow-Lsf the Holy_Tnnlt y -Engi.sh Lu- S S ^ ^ r A s ^ m . 7 ^ %J^ ANCHOR LINE. United Mates Mall Steamship*. tail from Mew Vork regularly; ,r Clasgow via Londonderry. Rates for Saiooa Pssssga. CITY OF EOMfi. $UU. Other Stesssrs |53 50 8eooad Cabin Bom., $37.50. ^'"g 1 ^* 35 - Other Steame™ Steerage Passim, Borne. 125 50 Pumesste. 124 60 Other Steamer*. I28.S0. For book of tours snd Information, apply to HBNDBBSON BROTHERS. General Agents 7 Bowling Green, New Tori. Or J. W. KLAUCK, NO. 64 abobsnge Street; or CLIFFORD HUBBELL, No. lOSSiieca Street. sr H. T. JABQER, No. SOS Msla Street (llllcott Sansrei or H A. THOMAS. No. 80S Main Street. Riiffal©. BtraiNlSS CARD!. tkjamn—Elllcott and Tupper stree"ts The Hav. F. A. Kaebler, pastor. Senices at 10:48 a. m. snd 7:80 p. m. Sunday school at 0:15 a. m. Luther Lesgue devotional sarvico. 6:45 p. m Special harvest festival at tbe morning service. CAurch of the Atonement—English Ln- i—Hagle Street, west of Jefferson it. The pastor. T. W. Kretehmann. ices at 10:45 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Utay school st 9:1ft s. m. Luther League rotional service, 8:46 p. m. Fresbyt«rlan. Rev. Henry Elliott Mott, at lo:45 a. and 7:46 p. m. In the evening Prelude 27 will be read; subject: "Tne fear's Peace Proposals." Sunday school s t 12:15 ! tjn. and 8 p. m. t . P. S. C. E. s t 6:4ft 'flock. -P*l T ¥/., Pw » iDFtert » 11 Church—The Rev. ~, J. McKlttrlck. pastor. Morning service 1045 o'clock. Children's sermon and in- it baptism. Evening service at 7:46. layette Avenue Presbyterian Church- Rev. William Burnet Wright, t) D.. Services at 10:46 s. m. snd 7:45 p.m dsy services. Snndsy school mt 12:15 p. m. Y. P. 8. C. E. st 6:30 P. m. The pastor will occupy tbe pulpit both morn- nag and evening. . West Avenue Presbyterian Church— Tb*> lav, Herbert R. Burgess, paator. Services s t 10:46 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Sunday school 12 m g arth Presbyterian Church—The Rev. Bd- i| H. Dickinson, 0. D.. %astor 8er- %,. vlees at 10:43 s. m. and 7:46 p. m Sundsy ^aeSenl at 12:I0 pro Bethlehem Presbyterisn Church-The Rer. Frank B. Cerlton, paster. Morning wor- ship at 10:80 a. m. Sundsy school at 11:45 a. a». Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Evening worship at 7:46 p. m. First Presbytenan—On the Circle. The Rev. 8. 8- Mitchell, D, »., pastor. Public wo rani p at 11 s. m. snd 4 p. m. Sermons by the paator, Sundav school at 3:15 p. m. ChS.rch f>t the Covenant—Corner of Ferry and iMIcblgsn streets. The Rev. A. W Allen pastor. ServIce^ st 10:45 s. m. snd 7:45 n. m.. with preaching by the pastor. Bundsy school at 12 m. and 2:46 p. m. Junior Y. P. 8. C. 1 i t 4 p. a , Y. P. a cF-1 E. st 7 p. m. Westminster Presbyterisn Church—The Rev. .Samuel Van Vranken Holmes, pastor: the WW Isaac Woodbridge Riley, psstor's asalstsnt. Morning service at 10:45. with sermon by the pastor. Evening service st % with sermon by the pastor. Sunday schood and Bible elasses at 12:15 p. m. Mld- araeat: meeting on Wednesday evening st 8 o'clock. Bethany Presbyterian Church-Fifteenth •treat, between Rhode Island and Vermont atreef*. The Rev. Charles F. Hubbard, iMutor Divine worship at 10:46 a. m. and fsift P. m., with sermons by the pastor. Sunday school st 12:10 p. m. Y. P. 8. C. «. prayer meeting at 8:30. Flrat United Presbyterian Chnrch—The Rev. S. M. Bailey, pastor. Public wor- st* I p at !£i80 s. m. snd 7:80 p. nx Morning topic: **The Lord's Supper s Thsnksgiv- Ing." Evening topic: 'Tne Faith that Savca." Sabbath school at 12 m. Juniors at 4 #> m. O, Y. P. C, 17. at 6:80 p. m. Sooth Presbyterian Chnrch—Seneca Jaxileta Street. The Rev. Joseph K. Q Staebler, P.E.. will preach »t both senices Second CLurch—Krettner Street. O* Sehloerb. pastor. German services at 10 30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m *w.«w Second Church of Christ. Scientist—Snn- fV, at i°i.1 5 f- H!i. at Twentieth Century Club Subject: "The Doctrine of Atone- Experlence meeting Wednesdar merit y at 8 p. m. st No. 428 Mooney Brisbane Buiid- I ng. _FIrst Church. Evsngelicsl Association- W.J[. Merla.JPaatar. Qermsn servlees at 10.30 a. m. English services st 7:30 p m. German Sunday school at 8 a. m. English Sunday school st 2:15 p. m. K , n Mleeellansons, - J <JPM*.ft,jy» Messlsh ^rniverssllat)- A^JLS&J-Jt **nnon by the Rev. A. E. Wright of Brooklyn, N. Y. Sundav &5SL at rl 2 i 15 P- **. Young Peopled Christian Union s t 6:45 p. m. Assembly Hall-No. Ill Elmwood Avenue. Preaching Lord's Day at 7:45 p. m bv Evangelist J. W Ashbv. Subject" "Open-d ^n 8 -i °»,K bt Sto J7 °L* Rotable Convert •'^V, m SSL read(n K Tuesdsy and praver meeting Friday, at 7:45 p m. German Department Y. M. C. A.-Gen- esee and Davis streets A lecture on "Christian Cltisenshlp" will be held st the rooms of the association tomorrow after- noon at 4 o'clock, by tbe Rev. H. Orom- mlsch. Spirit sal Temple-Jersey snd Prospect S T ^ A ^ J ? ^ Moses Hull, pastor. Sub J / ct8 L At l«:aO «- •»-. 'The Way that Few Can Travel'; 7:80 p. m.. "How Joan, the &£2£l ^'^ t v ? 8,e « of Orleans and Crowned Charles VII Ring of France" Lmnm at 12 m. First American Reformed Church—The Rev J. Perry Beaver pastor: Service in s t lprlO s. m. snd 7:46 o. m. Toole In evening: "The Elder Son." P C m .^r 1 "! 1 *^ ^"Sl Miasionary Ajlliaace—In old St. Luke's Church. Niagara Street be a^ST.^ T ^ * ' and =w»»on streeta. at F^dsr'.t 7 ??^ p^^ °° TUe#d * y •? Buffalo Spiritual Society—Eagle Street near .Cedsr. sfternoon snd evening st 2:80 and 7:30 p. m. Lecture by Miss Taylor followed bv tests by F. Corden White ' «*»•*- >*isia Rlchardsoa^snd others will take part at 3 snd 7:80 p. rn. In the Church on Wheels, West Avenue and Mary St. Vincent's Aayiunv-Tbe Ohlldren of Msry of St. Vincent's. No. 1813 Main Street, are requested to attend a special J5S etll >s' at th * asylum, Sunday. October vth, at 7 p. m. Universal Brotherhood—Room No. 17 Srlf"^* 8tnit i OD College building. No. 05* West Genesee Street, at 8 n. m. Subiect: **T^ranaltlon a Law of Nature, ,, by Mrs Msr C. Grifflth. The Lotus Circle, an un- seetaiisn Sunday school, will meet at 1045 s. m. In the same room. rt W <rt at ^ d L Te ?JP* r »5 c * Un J°n-=The Rev. O. O. Wlard will address tbe West Side Temperance Union st Orient Hsll, Ferry snd Grant streets, st 3:80 p. m. Good sing- ers will be present. Central Department of tbe Young Men's Christian Association—Meeting for men st —A- JOHN C. POST'S SONS, PAINTS, 91L3, OLASM, Artists'and Couch Painters' Mate. Hole, Specialties, Pierce'a rare House Paints, Lueol Paint OH, Glaslng Silo tk Divides St.. ear. Elllcott. i hood, $100 forfeited for uncured cases. Dr. Osmond, 318 Mooney Building. _ 5tl0 WANTED ENERGETIC, TRCSTWOR- thy young man; must come well recom- mended: 112 per week guaranteed. 547 EI- llcott Square. _^_ _tf WANTED GOOD BOYS; MUST BE EAR- ly risers and hustlers. Apply evenings, Tlsdall's, 150 West Ferry. tf. MOORE HAS A CONFECTIONERY DO- lng 835 weekly; a bargain aff?S5, with or without^living rooms._ • y - MOORE HAS A CONFECTIONERY ON West Side, opposite two large halls, from which It draws considerable trade; $365 is a very low price. $200 BUYS A WELL PAYING CONFEC- tlonery, a bargain, doing $25 weekly. Rent for store and 8 living rooms together less than most living rooms alone cost. Moore. _ C^NI^ECTTONERY AND LARGE PAPER route, on West Side, can be bought from Moore for $835. It's s hummer. $150 BUYS CONFECTIONERY DOING from $5.00 to $8.00 dally. If you want some- thing cheap and good, here is your chance. Moor.e. MOORE HAS A CONFECTIONERY uN 'West, Side at $500 that will pay big divi- dends on a small Investment. Low rent. Little 1 competition. MOORE HAS A CONFECTIONERY WITH cigar and news stand that Is making $125 per week. Some one's ehancej YOU TAKB NO CHANCE WHEN YOU buy from Moore. Everything he sells Is square. ^ GO INTO THE PATENT MEDICINE business and make money. Moore will sell cheap formula and good will of one of the best winter remedies on the market, now- clearing nearly $10 dally. Gives 300 per cent, profit above cost of making. If you arc wise you wl 11 Investigate this today. HERE IS A PRINTING OFFICE DOING the cream of Buffalo's printing business: $2,500 buys it and if the owner knew when he bad a good thing he would not sell It for $7,500. M oore. MOORE WANTS TO BUY A CONFEC- tlonery on West Side. Price not to exceed $200. SICKNESS LEADS OWNER OF COLD Spring confectionery to Rell for $300. Moore thinks $500 would be cheap. He is an au- thoflty on confectionery value. THE BEST PAYING GROCERY Busi- ness In Buffalo, located on East Side, will be sold at Inventory by Moore. Death of owner cause of selling. Building Is owned by the estate and a 5-years lease, at very low rent, will be given to purchaser. This business made a large fortune for the own- er In a few years and Is flourishing today. $800 BUYS WEST SIDE GROCERY, Es- tablished 21 years. Old age of owner Srompts him to retire from business and to o it quick will almost give property away. Moore. INVENTORY BUYS GROCERY DOING $60.00 daily. Moore will tell you all about It. I_t'8 a snap. GROCERY DOING $40.00 DAILY CAN BE bought from Moore for $500; very cheap. SPECIAL OCTOBEB BARGAIN! GRO- cery with coal and feed store, doing an enormous business. Will be largely In- creased during winter months. Inventory buys It. Don't miss this. Moore. MOORE HAS FROM $L000 TO $7.00CTTO invest In a good paying manufacturing busl- ness. $200 BUYS A LAUNDRY DOING GOOD business. Moore. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES. IF YOU WISH TO BUY A BUSINESS call on Buffalo Business Exchange. 500 n..- llcott Square, and investigate the follow- lng: ' TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS Wsshing_tou_St ree t h y p e r abop. GENESEE STREET at a bargain. TAKES CONFECTIONERY BLACK ROCK sacrifice. CONFECTIONERY AT EAST SIDE ROOMING HOUSE GOE8 for sixteen bundred dollars. r WEST AVENUEGROCERY AT INVEN- tory; snap. ^"' ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-FIVE DOL- lars takes Ferry Street meat_market. SALOON^AND BOWLINCl ALLEYS, WILL; trade for real estate with part cash. INVEST SMALL SUM FOR RIGHT TO sell patent In two counties; snap. GOOD STEAM LAUNDRY AT A BAB- f a l n._ ___ PERRY STREET GROCERY AT SACRI- flce, great chance for lady. Buffalo Busl- ness Exchange, 500 Elllcott Sqnare. VOLGAMORE, 802 MORGAN BUILDING, uersonally Investigates all business places before listing them for ssle. No charges for advertising. $850 WILL SECURE THE BEST PAYING West Side milk route in the city. Volga- more. SgqOBUVfe WELL LOCATED AND VERY pr« table 75-gallon milk route; fine horse, toft .wagon, sleighs, etc.; 'investigate this bem e^ buying. Volga more. IF YOU ARETLOOKING FOR A SMALL East Side milk route call on Volgamore. VOLGAMORE HAS CASH GROCERY IN" Cold Spring at $600 or Invoice; also one at $800 and one at $550. Call for particulars^ $225 BUYS HAND LAUNDRY, DOING fine business: present owner been there nine years; sickness reason for selling. Volga- more^ | FIRE, FIRE, FIRE INSURANCE AGENCY fifteen years old, for sale, In nearby city of twenty thousand; last year's net profit was $3,700, sfter paying office expends: investigate at once^ Volgamore. *__ $400 TAKES SNAP IN WEST SIDE ROOM- lng house; elegant furniture; rooms all full; Income $125 per month and rent only $41. See this today. Volgamore. VOLGAMORE HAS SEVERAL OTHER rooming houses from $150 to $2,000. Call for particulars. •__ $3,700 SNAP IN LIVERY BUSINESS, clearing $2,000 per year. Volgamore, ^*02 Morgan Building; $1,000 SECURES LIGHT MANUFACTUR- ing business; stock on hand will Inventory $1,500; over $300 in orders now on hand to be filled; will be sold at onoe. D. Max- son Estee Co.. 801 D. S. Morgan Building. D. MAXSON ESTEE CO., 301 D. 8. MOB- gun Building, Buffalo's oldest busiuess agency, have calls for all lines of business. If you desire your business sold quickly, call on them. LAUNDRY CLEARING $100 WEEK PRO- fit, can be bought for $4,000. Cheap at $5,- 000. Owner has other large interests or would not sell for double the price. Moore. SITUATION WANTED-MALE. WEAL ESTATE FOR SALE. ' " j LIST PROPERTY FOR SALE OR EX. change with Buffalo's well-known real es- tate brokers, D. Maxson Estee Co., 301 D. _____!__ J«M»nA . j IP YOU HAVE GOOD REAL ESTATE TO sell or exchange you should list' It st once with the real estate brokers, D. Maxson Es- tee Co.. 801 D . « , Morgan Building. j; DO YOU WANT TO BUY A LOT WORTH ? 14 per foot for $7? or one worth $18 per oot for $10? If ao call on D. Maxson Es- tee Co., 301 D. 8. ^lorgan_Bujldlng. 6 LOTS OFF SENECA STREET. JUST outside city line: for sale chesp; make an offer. D. Maxson Estee Co., 801 D. S. Mor- gan Building. I $2,200 SECURES NICE COTTAGE WITH fine lot on 17tb Street. D. Maxson Estee Co., 801 D. 8. Morgsn Building. $3.000~SECURES~84kAORE FARM IN ON-1 tarlo County; level; no waste lands; best of soiL D. Maxson Estee Co., 801 D. 8. Mor- gan Building. AN EXPERT HORSEMAN AND VETER Inary wishes steady employment: expert In fitting horses for show ring, four-ln-nsnds. tandems, best of references. Address Horse- ma n, this office. "___ 619 WANTED-POSITION AS BOOKKEEPEB or confidential clerk by young married man. with tbe best of references and about 14 years' experience. Address, care this office. Q. C. tf AGENTS WANTED. Generally the eye, differ snd each re- quires a specially prescribed lens. Consult our oculist free of charge. Ul- lenbrjioh, optician, 288 Main street / HOUSES AND STORtS FOR SA I E. DRUG STORE IN OLEAN FOR SALE AT a bargain. It came to me at a sheriff sale I can r t use it. It can be bought cheap for cssh pr.its equivalent. H. White, 280 Main Street, Olean, N. Y, gtjo $2,250.00 NO. 219 GLENWOOD ATENUET f ood lot, 8-room house, in first-class condi- lon; this is a positive bargain: Investigate William H. Burke A Brother, Nos. 608 and 688 Elllcott Square. tt STAMMERING. STAMMERING, STUTTERING AND OTH- er speech defects cured completely and per- manently by tbe Linton educational sys- tem: no fee paysble until thorough cure Is effected. Linton Orthophonlc Institutes st Buffslo hew York and Brpckvllle, Canada. W. J. Haaiy. B. A.. Principal, 66 Whitney Place. Buffalo (removed from 220 Franklin Street). Booklet sent free upon request Tuea.Thur.8at.Sun.tOct 15 LOST AND FOUND. 4 o'clock, addressed br tbe Rev. Frank 8. pastor. Services at 10:46 a. m. and 7:391 Rowland of Asbory Church. Tonic: "Jesus dsy school at 12 m. Jnnlor J j. » CArtst in Modern Thought." Musical SS i;46 p. n. Y. P. i. C B. at 8J0. LOST-RUBBER TIRB OF THB Vic- toria carriage, on Delaware Avenue; $2.oo reward paid for return of tt to 1120 Dela- ware Avenue. ; LOST-BlTWBfN MOORE'S ON MAIN Street and IS Waat Eagle Street, lady's smsll dlsmond ring. Return to this office and receive ISO reward. No questions asked. tf LOST-ON FRONT AVBNUB, MASSA chusetts or Plymouth avenues, Thursday afternoon, a gold scarf pin with three stones. Finder will please return to 117 School Street or this office and receive re- ward. tf Tr PEW RITE ft. BALL BEARING shift key machine. Street. DENSMORE See it st 21 Sept. rs NRW CENTURY CALIGRAPH, HIGHEST paint in typewriter equipment snd con- $4,000 GETS STORE WITH DWELLING on Woodlawn Avenue: lot 25x63. D. Max- son Estee Co., 801 D. 8. Morgsn Building. $4,250 TAKES FINE PROPERTY IN EAST Ferry Street; lot 35x120; hosted by furnace; Investigate. D. Maxson Estee Co., 301 D. 8. Morgan Building, $3,500 GETS FINE DOUBLE HOUSE ON Loepere Street, not far from Walden Ave- nue; will exchange. D. Maxson Estee Co., 301 P. S. Morgan Bnlldlng. $3,800 SECURES PROPERTY, RENTING for $27 per month; will exchange for clear vacant. D. Maxson Estee Co., 301 D. S. Morgan Building. _____ ____ ( i $5,600 OR $25 "PER. FOOT LESS THAN value of land takes 865 Nlagpra Street; for a bargain look at this. D. Maxson Estee _?°*_!_*_-__.P-JL Mor f lin Building. S 8,000 SECURES PROPERTY ON WAL- en Avenue; rented for $37 1-2 per month: will exchange for vacant or smaller house. D. Maxson Estee Co., 301 D. S. Morgan Building. _ . $6,000 TAKES AN $8^000 R E S I D E N C E ON Auburn Avenue; fine large lot; a great bar- gain. D. Maxson Estee Co., 301 D. S. Mor- gan Building. __^__ __ r _ a WE WANT A $10,000 ELM WOOD A V E- nue se"+ion residence; we bave business property paying 15 per cent, on the Invest- ment to exchange. D. Maxson Estee Co., 801 _D. S. Morgan Building. $10,000 SECURES" FINE "PROPERTY ON Seneca Street. G0il40; building covering one lot; well rented; will exchange for good farm. D. Maxson Estee Co., 301 D. S. Mor- gan Building. .• ^ $12,000 GETS FINE NIAGARA STREET residence; lot 64x150; $5,500, 5 per cent. mortgage; will exchange* equity for smaller Improved or clear vacant. D. Maxson Es- teejCo.^301 D. 8. Morgan Building. $15,000 SECURES BLOCK PAYING 10 per cent, on the Investment; $6,000 5 per cent, mortgage, will exchange equity for private residence or clear vacant. D. Max- son Estee Co., 301 P. S. Morgan Building. f 16.000 TAKES FINE 50x245 LOT ON lain Street, near Utica, with fine dwell- ing; will exchange for smaller house or good farm. D. Maxson Estee Co., 801 D. S. *L°rgaa Building. $25,000 SECURES iSTORY BRICK Busi- ness block and finest business corner at Niagara Falls; for s good investment in- vestigate this. D. Maxson Estee Co., 301 ^- S. Morgan Bnlldlng WE HAVE VACANT PROPERTY IN every part of the city that we can sell at about half the real value; call at our office and see what we have. D. Maxson Estee Co., 301 D. 8. Morgsn Build tag. -^ 840,000 GET8 FINE WEST SIDE BLOCK, 4 stores snd 8 fists; well rented; will ex- change. D. Msxson Estee Co., 801 D. 8. Morgan Building. HAVE YOU BEAL ESTATE THAT YOU desire to sell? Our real estate department is in the hands of good, reliable men and we shall be pleased to handle mny desirable locution. We also make a specialty of handling property outside of city limits. D. Maxson Estee Co., 301 P. S. Morgan Build- ing r HERE'S A CHANCE, NICE LOT ON LA Fayette Avenue, at $62 a foot. John Gann. 407 Mooney Building. 6t8 FINE BUILDING LOT (50 BY 175) ON NI- agara Boulevard, near Hertel Avenue elec- tric cars, $43 per foot; terms to autt Ad- dress Lot, this office. 5t9 |80 PER FOOT OR FORECLOSURE f ries will buy 98x300, on LInwood Avenue. K C. Sweat, T Bast Swan Street. Oct.itf. AGENTS - LITTLE PATIENTS, AUNT Charlotte* Bible Stories, True Stories American History. Heroes of the Nation: 4 best holiday books published, freight paid. Beautiful combination outfit free. Twenty books presented to all successful agents. Martin De Garmo Co.. Cincinnati, O. AGENTS-$8.36 DAILY. SELLING NIC- kel Plated Brilliant Gaslight Burners. Fits kerosene lamps, gives beautiful gaslight; no wick. Free sample. H. P., Enterprise Mfg. Co., Cincinnati. O. $7 DAILY, SELLING SPECIALTY SOAPS. giving customers double value In handsome t resents; exclusive territory; sample free, ease Soap Co., Cincinnati, O. AGENTS - $25.00 PER DAY GUARAN teed, permanent for life. 2 new patents, sell on sight to every person; exclusive terri- tory granted. You can't fall. Sample free at once on application. Braham Pen Co., 122, Cincinnati, 0._ _^ AGENTS TO SELL OUR CUT PRICE X-mas books; 50c book 15c: $1 book, 25c; $1.50 books 50c; $2.50 book, 75c: credit given, freight paid, outfit free. Ferguson Pub, Co., 589. Vine Street, Cincinnati, O. [SALESMEN - $50.00 AND EXPENSES weekly guaranteed, selling to families, hotels, saloons, restaurants, newest Im- proved patent burner: generates Its own gas from coal oil or crude petroleum; cooks meals in half usual time, heats rooms at one half cent an hour. Fits any stove wlth- out altering. Sommer's Co__^ Cincinnati^ O. AGENTS TO SELL OUR CUT PRICE X-mas books; 50c book 15c; $1 book. 2.V; $1.50 books 50c: $2.50 book. 75c; credit f lven, freight paid, outfit free. Ferguson »ub. Co.. 590. Vine Street, Cincinnati, 0,_ [AGENTS MAKING $40 TO $50 A WEEK; Jgreatest agents' seller ever Invented; both panvasslng and general agents needed; full f mrticulars by mall. Monroe Manufactur- ing Co.. X 123. La Crosse. Wis. 7tS. SOLICITORS ARE DOING WELL WORK ing Industrial Fire Insurance. 23 White Building. 3tQ MELP WANTED-FEMALE. MOORE WILL SELL LAUNDRY AND $8.- 500 worth of machinery for the cost of ma- chinery alone <$3,500). Good will and busi- ness yielding $75.00 weekly thrown In. MOORE TELLS THB TRUTH ABOUT every place he sells. A FORTUNE MAKING GROCERY CAN be bought from Moore at Inventory. Death of owner cause of selling; 5 years lease of building at very low rent will be given by his estate. A splendid chance forsome one. WHATEVER BUSINESS YOU WANT TO go Into Moore will find one for you that is a bargain. WELL STOCKED DRY GOODS STORE can be bought for $750, doing good business in notions and staples. Don't let this go by. Moore $200 BUYS MEAT MARKET FROM Moore, right near two groceries and one of the best locations In tne city. MOORE'S CLIENTS ARE ALWAYS SAT- Isfled with whst he sells to them. MOORE WILL SELL A MEAT MARKET^ with four living rooms, doing $20 dally for $250. HERE IS A MEAT MARKET, WITH horse, wagon and good fixtures, that is worth double the price asked, $225. Has 40 regular customers, good transient trade, excellent location and is a record breaking bargal n. _ MOORE HAS WHOLE8ALB MILK route. Cheap at $100; also 32-gailon route at the same price. Whichever you tike, It's a hummer. 56 -GALLON MILK ROUTE CAN BE bought from Moore for $700. LARGEST MEAT MARKET IN NORTH Buffalo, doing $40 daily. Will be sold at Inventory. A chance that does not come every day. COALI WOOTTND TEAMING BTST- ness, with horses, wagons, sleighs, etc., will be sold for $350. Ought to pay for it- self In a month. Moore. A ROOMING HOUSE BARGAIN TO BE had from Moore, Is a Franklin Street house now paying over $80 a month. Purchaser ! Morgan Building. with small family could make $130 a month. Investigate this without delay. $300 BUYS TOBACCO, CIGABS, CONFmO tionery and ba_ d goods business; fine lo- cation; low rent. I). Maxson Estee Co., 801 D. S. Morgan Building. $500 SECURES CONTROL OF STATE IN the manufacture and sale of pstent self* adjusting shaft holder. D. Maxson Estee Co., 301 D. S. Morgan Building. $500 TAKES CONFECTIONERY, NEWS, cigar. Ice cream and soda business, near two isrge schools; fine trsde; low rent D. Maxson Estee Co., 301 D. S. Morgan Buiid- l_Jt $500 GETS FINE MEAT BUSINESS; ALL cash trade: West Side; fine location; low rent. D. Maxson Estee Co., 301 D. S. Mor- gan Build!njg $550 BUYS CONFECTIONERY, ICH cream and baked goods: We_t Side; low rent: good location. D. Maxbon Estee Co., -01 P. S. Morgan JBuHdlng..__. $500 SECURES BOARDING AND ROOM- ing bouse; rooms all filled; present owner been there three years; worth $800 to $1,- 000; Investigate this. D. Maxson Estee Co., 301 P. S. Morgan Building. $800 SECURES 8-CAN MILK BUSINESS and good grocery stock; horse, wsgons. sleighs, csna. P. Maxson Eatee Co., 301 D. S. Morgan Building. CONFECTIONERY BI SIN ESS ON GEN- esee Street for sale cheap; elegant location] fine trade: must be sold; make an offer. D. Maxson Estee Co., 801 P. 8. Morgan Build- ing. - $1,200 TAKES 17-ROOM ROOMING house on Delaware Avenue; rooms all filled with permanent roomers: furniture when new cost over $3,000; a money maker. P. Maxson Estee Co., 301 D. 8. Morgan Bulld- lng. | $1,200 OR INVENTORY SECURES FINE grocery business; West Side: large trade D. Maxson Estee Co., 801 D. 8. Morgan Building. 12.000 GETS FLOUR, FEED AND COAL business; West Side; doing $5,000 monthly; low rent; with barn, horses, wagons snd everything complete. D. Maxson Estee Co.. 301 P. 8. Morgan Building _J $2,000 SECURES INTEREST IN LAROR pickling factory; a trustworthy man de- sired; must take charge of tbe farm. P. Maxson Estee Co., 301 D. 8. Morgan Br/ld- lng. WANTED AT ONCE—GOOD CONFEC- tloner'y stores, groceries, milk routes, mest markets, rooming snd boarding houses. We have cash customers for all good busi- nesses. I>. Maxson Estee Co., 301 P. 8. $450 BT'YS LARGE EAST SIDE ROOM- ing house, finely furnished and bringing present owner $112 per month. House hest- ed throughout and a rare chance. IF YOl 7 WANT TO IBUY A ~BU"STNi_S8 Moore will sell you what you want. IF YOU WANT TO SELL A BFSINESS Moore can dispose of It quicker than any other business broker. MOORE. 007 MOONBY-BRI8BANS BUILP- ing. Buffalo. MEDICAL. •WANTED SEWING GIRLS TO LEARN rutting and fitting; also dressmaking; good jpages. 540 Niagara Street^ __ 7t9 WANf-D—_6 WOMEN AND GIRLS FOR ten weeks to core apples In canneries near Buffalo; wages good; Increased one quarter Recently. Enquire 941 West Ferry Street. Buffalo. N. Y. 7t9 { LADIES TO WORK FOR US AT THEIR omes the year around; no canvassing: city _r country; particulars by mall. Hill'Mfg. Co., 61 Park Place, New York. SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE. POSITION VV ANTED BY A YOUNG lady stenographer; has best of reference. Address D. L.. this office. 13tf. 1 FOB SALS. r fdTTSALE-GOOD DRAFT HORSE; CA- nadlan stock. Apply 119 Chicago Street, tf. MONEY TO LOAN. ONE OF THB MOST DESIRABLE RESI- dences on LInwood Avenue, near Bryant; lot 78 feet front 200 feet deep; house well pipped; two larae parlors, dining room, pantries on ground floor; seven r f e a'eeping rooms; for aala cheap. In quire W. J. I , , this office. tt 866.00 PER FOOT WILL BUY THE PE- •irsble corner en northwest corner Albany and Plymouth Avenne. Gurney A Over- tuft 18 Waat Swan Btreet s * •{, «NY AMOUNT ON CITY IMPROVED; law rates. A. H. Howe, 310 Morgsn Build- jPg _ _____ 811) MONEY' LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions with respon- s e concerns upon their own names, wlth- nt security; easy payments. Tolman, 488 [lllcott Square Oct,5tNov,5 HTlE COUNTY LOAN CO. (INCORPARr- led), loans money on household goods, lanos, horses, wagons, without removal; _o on pledges of watches and diamonds, 'gal rates; confidential. 444 Elllcott [uare, Washington Street elevator. 2t31 ANY AMOUNT ON REAL ESTsTE fbarKes reasonable. Brodhead, 402 Moriran Building 1*31 THE "PEOPLE'S LO_^T~A^S1^TAT'1W incorporated, loans on furniture or anv other personal property without removal- '""fal r a t e s and confidential mall correspond- ce promptly tended to; open evenings Mm 8, Mooney-Brlsbane Building. tf ONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATEfOR »od securities; charms reasonable D axson Estee Co., 301 D. 8. Morgan Bulld- •TONEY LOADED ON WATCl_E87~]__i- monds, Jewelry, etc George L. Pratt Recused pawnbroker, 363 Main Street, over DR. VAN MARTER. Bladder. KIDNEY constitutional, medical and surgical ail- ments; private consultation free; drains discharges, nervous complaints; cures guar- anteed. 351 Main. _;;_ 6tll ARE YOU DI80OURAGBDV-ALL BUN down, ean't sleep, nervous, feel mean, gas on stomach, night losses, headache weak eyes, nipples, piles? Consult Dr. McClel- Ian. IT Court Street itio STRICTURE AND VARICOCELE CURED painlessly In eight days; guaranteed. Rowe Medical Co., 195 Franklin Street. 29tOct.l8 MEN ONLY-HEWLIN MEDICAL"cO~ 485 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y., specialists «n private, nervous, chronic, blood snd skin diseases; weakness of mind and body per- manently cured or money refunded. tt FREE TREATMENT-WASTING7CHRON- Ic. special diseases, both sexes, discharges weakness. Irregularities, blood poison skin diseases, stricture; success guaranteed- medicines _nmll charge; 30 rears' exoer- lence; confidential. Dr. Turver. Bellevue Graduate. 327 Washington Street. "*" evue I Sept.ietf. WOMEN ONLY-DR. STEVENS 485 Main Street. Buffalo K. Y.. female disorders positively cured or money refunded- all operatwis saJUfully * perfornasd. tf. DR. SPIN r NEY~A CO.. BPBCIALfSTS; 35 years experience In the treatment of neV- vous. chronic snd special diseases of men and women; cures guaranteed. Offle- -nd Dispense ry. 11 West Eagle Street. O^t lotf MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. !_? ___ EI _£5_^ L ! i_ N ? : m mwxv* ing. ssu Devlne; easy terms. Hedge, 577 Main. 8tl0 CASE UPRIGHT PI $150 MAHOGANY ano; great bargain. Hedge, 577 "Main . 8t 10 PARTY WISHING TO LEAVE "TOWN ^nln-S 1 *TilV , _f U, t P, _? 0 *} an * Prt»- evenings. 1415 Main Street Sent.S-rf >ld Dollar. tf MISCELLANEOUS. POOL AND BILLIABD TABLES BOUGHT aa_d sold at 1482 Jefferson Street. «?ii ?£m CA H KE t. 2P R B ^ E AKFAST7MA5E ___5- t K be _ B - ?X? n * - Bak ,? ry S*.f-Ri8ing Buckwheat and Pancake Flour. You'll _*>t i f early for breakfaat then. All grocers! THR FRONTS FOR HOT WATTES ^fs&'*8__flS-_* n _, $2,500 BUYS INTEREST IN MANUFAC- turlng business where sale of product is unlimited; profits over 100 per cent.; inves- tigate this. D. Maxson Eatee Co., 301 D. 8. Morgan Building. $2,500 SECURES BUFFALO'S BEST PAY- lng restaurant; total cost of fixtures, im- provements, etc., over $8,000; central loca- tion: large business. P. Maxson Estee Co. 3 0 1 J O T Morgsn Building, $4,500 SECl'RES LARGE WOVEN WIRE mattress plant, doing s large business; large number of orders now on hand. P. Maxson Estee Co., 801 P. S. Morgan Build- ing.- $4,500 BUYS FUBNITUBE ANP CARPET business in city of 20,000; fine trsde; busi- ness well established; Investigate I) Max* son Estee Co., 801 P. S. Morgan Budding. $5,000 GETS 40 PER CENT. OF STOCK In company for sale of best computing In- struments on the market; 60 per cent, profit. D. Maxson Estee Co. 801 D. S. Mor- gan Building $8,000 OR 80c ON THE DOLLAR 8_£ cures finest boot and shoe business in ettf of 20,000; will bear closest Investigation. D. Maxson Estee Co., 801 D. 8. Morgsn Build- ing $13,460 SECURES HALF INTEREST IN corset mauufscturing business; profits large. D. Maxson Estee Co., 301 D. S. Morgan Building. $25,000 SECURES INTEREST IN FOUN"- dry and stove manufacturing business; lo- _?£__. n this SK* 5 the & Hat wl » inventory $50,000; everything complete; now employ- ing 30 men; will bear the most thorough Investigation. D Maxson Estee Co., 301 D. 8. Morgan Building. DO~YOU WISH Tb~BTJY~pR SELL A business? Do you desire to form s atook company? Do yon wsnt to obtain a psrt- ner? Have you a good patent to place on the market? If ao; call on Buffalo's oldest ,l £ e8 5 Promoters, D. Msxson Estee Co.. 301 p. 8. Morgan Building. BICYCLES. FARMS FOR SALE. FOR SALE-SEVERAL FARMS quire at Buffalo Savings Ranf IN- _____ INSTRUCTION PROF. ROGERS. 51 MARJNW STREET near Allen, primary and academic studies' including stenography, individual lessons. ' 8t9 MANFOLIN, GUITAR, BANJO THOR- oughly taught, according to best methods. Boehm, 144 Cottsge Street. ^ ^ 8t9 JULIUS SINGER INSTRUCTS J O T VIO- lin, progress guaranteed; special attention to bowing; terms moderate. 244 Wllllum st _________ VIOLIN, PIANO, MANPOLINiTGUITAR banjo Instruments, new and used in_ti_- _- e ^ t8 %&k< Koikeubecfc, Allss^sppISte Wadswertb Street -^t«^w BICYCLE REPAIRING PROMPTLY EX. ecuted; all work guaranteed and prices very moderate. Bicycle Hospital. 203 Pearl 8t Htt AuslSt. HORSES ANP CAWWIAQES. wiNf_n_ YOUR"-TORSES BSNNY BROTH! Farm, Jewettvllie; ssve money; b**st ca__* Howard Bros., 457 Washington Street ___?_______jr__|t :Z t| STUDEBAKEK BUSINESS WAGONS. open and top, for grocery, meat, laundry. milk, etc.; express snd fsney parcel do! livery wagons, trucks, drcya. coal wagons, etc.; fair prices, cssh or credit. Bosche Bros., General Agents 918 920 Msln Street Bept.4-_j WEAL ESTATE FOR EXCH *Na_7~ FOR EXCHANGE FOR~~SOUTH—irlF falo or North Buffalo vacant, equity In good comfortable bouse, 5 bed rooms; large «£! ner lot, on (Connecticut Street; well renbad. Owner. 623 _____ Avenue " * FOR EXCHANGE^OR~lgrTT~IMT 5 _^^ ?, r f* tm ' hotel in East Buffalo, near iASrh Valley shops doing good businessi no X - cumbrance. Brodhead, 402 Morgan Build- jag- OWNER OF~FINE m^lLTJIN^~L10_rir1fEll and clear; would exchange same fkr flrst 5__ rtg ___ on Bufr - 10 re-1 estate, v_i_e $1- 250. Address Lot, this office. 5& t STrVES r NO RANGES. ano SECorp-HANP ueHrf^cTMfSWm I Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

Sterling CYCLES^ ™« I 21/Buffalo NY Courier/Buffalo Ny... · Sperrow, D. D., pastor. Preaching by fie pastor at 11 a. m. ana 7:30 p. oi. Sun-__..„ip»w £Hampshire Street M

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    Kensington M. E. C h u r c h - T h e Re*, a . Sperrow, D. D. , pastor. Preaching by

    f i e pastor at 11 a. m. ana 7:30 p. oi. Sun-__..„ip»w

    £Hampshire Street M. B. Church-The Rev. T l T n i U , pastor. Preaching at 10:80 a. I, sad at 7:90 p. m. by the pastor. Class

    meeting at 9:30 a, in. Sunday school at 12 at. Class meet tog snd Kp worth League

    f t'tOfe p. m. Subject for evening: "Closing _> of the Conference Year." Ontario Methodist Episcopal Church—Tbe

    Ber, B. L. Puck wall, pastor. Services at 10:80 a. m. and 7:45 p in. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 8.

    Asbury M. E. Church—The Rev. Frank S. Rowland, pastor. At 10:30 a. m. the Rev. D. H. Muller. D. P. . a former pastor, will preach; 7:45 p. m. the pastor. Last sermon ©eftere conference. At 9:8© a. m. ciass meeting. 1_ m. Sunday school; 8:80 p. m. Boworth League.

    Seneca Street M. B. Church—The Rev. W. V. B. Pattyson, pastor. Sermons at

    ;45 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. by the pastor. laming subject: "The Big Fight." Evening

    nubjeet: -'The Closing of the Day." Class meeting at 11:45 a. in., Sunday school at 12 m.

    Plymouth Methodist Episcopal Church— The Rev. Jinnies D. Phelps, pastor. Preach-ing at 10:30 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. by the pastor Morning subject: "•'Crucified with fJbrlst.*' Evening subject.: "Plain Facta About Church Going/"

    rDelaware Avenue M. E. Church—O. O. ertaon will preach at 10:30 a. m. Dr. 8. Merrill will occupy the pulpit in the •rening.

    Sentinel M. E. Church—The Rev. Joseph Dennis, pastor. Morning subject: "A Fin-ished Course." Sunday school missions rv eeneert In the evening.

    Riverside M. E. Church-The Rev. F. H. Ceoaan. pastor. Prayer meeting at 0:30 a. m. Preaching by tne pastor at 10:30 a. as. and 7:30 p. m. Subject for evening ser-mon: "The Peerless Christ." gGraee M. B. Church— The Rev. Hyron H.

    tauffer. pastor. At 10:30 a. m.: **In the reatng." a sermon for the Old." At 7:30

    R, a_, "The Dance of Death." St. Marks M. E. Church-The Rev.

    George W. Peck, pastor. Communion and

    trenching at 7:80 p. m. by the pastor. ©ye feast at 6:30 p. m. Evening subject: **Bapov Thoughts; a Year of Deeds; Clos-ing w o r d s "

    t i n wood Avenue M. E. Cbnreh-^The Rev. « . C. Wood, pastor. Services at 10:30 and 7:80. Holy Communion at morning hour.

    Ripley Memorial M. E. Church—The Rev. I*. A. Stevens, pastor. Preaching by the

    Kitor at 10:30 a. m, and 7: 30 p. m. The rd*s Supper st morning service. Sunday •eeool at 12 in. JuniorXearue at 3:80 p. m. Bpworth League at 8:30 p. m.

    Richmond Avenue M. E. Church—The Rev. S. T. Westhafer. pastor. Preaching at 10:30 a. mi. and 7:30 p. m. by the pas-tor. Morning: "The Struggles and Tri-umphs of the Christian l i f e ." Evening: "The Creed of Christianity."

    Kenmore M. E. Church—The Rev. Phlneaa T. Lynn, pastor. Farewell sermon 10:45 lav , Herbert R. Burgess, paator. Services s t 10:46 a. m. and 7:45 p. m. Sunday school 12 m garth Presbyterian Church—The Rev. Bd-i | H. Dickinson, 0 . D.. %astor 8er-

    %,. vlees at 10:43 s. m. and 7:46 p. m Sundsy ^aeSen l at 12:I0 p r o

    Bethlehem Presbyterisn Church-The Rer. Frank B. Cerlton, paster. Morning wor-ship at 10:80 a. m. Sundsy school at 11:45 a. a». Christian Endeavor at 6:30 p. m. Evening worship at 7:46 p. m.

    First Presbytenan—On the Circle. The Rev. 8. 8- Mitchell, D, » . , pastor. Public wo rani p at 11 s. m. snd 4 p. m. Sermons by the paator, Sundav school at 3:15 p. m.

    ChS.rch f>t the Covenant—Corner of Ferry and iMIcblgsn streets. The Rev. A. W Allen pastor. ServIce^ s t 10:45 s. m. snd 7:45 n. m.. with preaching by the pastor. Bundsy school at 12 m. and 2:46 p. m. Junior Y. P. 8. C. 1 i t 4 p. a , Y. P.

    a cF-1 E. st 7 p. m. Westminster Presbyterisn Church—The

    Rev. .Samuel Van Vranken Holmes, pastor: the WW Isaac Woodbridge Riley, psstor's asalstsnt. Morning service at 10:45. with sermon by the pastor. Evening service st % with sermon by the pastor. Sunday schood and Bible elasses at 12:15 p. m. Mld-araeat: meeting on Wednesday evening st 8 o'clock.

    Bethany Presbyterian Church-Fifteenth •treat, between Rhode Island and Vermont atreef*. The Rev. Charles F. Hubbard, iMutor Divine worship at 10:46 a. m. and fsift P. m., with sermons by the pastor. Sunday school st 12:10 p. m. Y. P. 8. C. « . prayer meeting at 8:30.

    Flrat United Presbyterian Chnrch—The Rev. S. M. Bailey, pastor. Public wor-st* I p at !£i80 s. m. snd 7:80 p. nx Morning topic: **The Lord's Supper s Thsnksgiv-Ing." Evening topic: 'Tne Faith that Savca." Sabbath school at 12 m. Juniors at 4 #> m. O, Y. P. C, 17. at 6:80 p. m.

    Sooth Presbyterian Chnrch—Seneca Jaxileta Street. The Rev. Joseph K. Q

    Staebler, P.E.. will preach »t both senices Second CLurch—Krettner Street. O*

    Sehloerb. pastor. German services at 10 30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m *w.«w

    Second Church of Christ. Scientist—Snn-fV, a t i ° i . 1 5 f- H ! i . a t Twent ieth Century Club Subject: "The Doctrine of Atone-

    Experlence meeting Wednesdar merit y at 8 p. m. s t No. 428 Mooney Brisbane Buiid-I ng. _ F I r s t Church. Evsngel ics l A s s o c i a t i o n -W.J[. Merla.JPaatar. Qermsn servlees a t 10.30 a. m. English services s t 7:30 p m. German Sunday school at 8 a. m. English Sunday school s t 2:15 p. m. K , n


    - J < J P M * . f t , j y » Messlsh ^rniverssllat)-A^JLS&J-Jt **nnon by the Rev. A. E. Wright of Brooklyn, N. Y. Sundav &5SL a t r l 2 i 1 5 P- **. Young Peopled Christian Union s t 6:45 p. m.

    Assembly Hall-No. I l l Elmwood Avenue. Preaching Lord's Day at 7:45 p. m bv Evangelist J. W Ashbv. Subject" "Open-d ^n 8 - i °»,Kb t StoJ7 °L* Rotable Convert • '^V, mSSL r e a d ( n K Tuesdsy and praver meeting Friday, at 7:45 p m.

    German Department Y. M. C. A.-Gen-esee and Davis streets A lecture on "Christian Cltisenshlp" will be held st the rooms of the association tomorrow after-noon at 4 o'clock, by tbe Rev. H. Orom-mlsch.

    Spirit sal Temple-Jersey snd Prospect S T ^ A ^ J ? ^ Moses Hull, pastor. Sub J / c t 8 L A t l«:aO «- •»-. 'The Way that Few Can Travel'; 7:80 p. m.. "How Joan, the & £ 2 £ l ^ ' ^ t v

    ? „ 8 , e « o f Orleans and Crowned Charles VII Ring of France" L m n m at 12 m. First American Reformed Church—The

    Rev J. Perry Beaver pastor: Service in

    s t lprlO s. m. snd 7:46 o. m. Toole In evening: "The Elder Son." P C m

    . ^ r 1 " ! 1 * ^ ^ " S l Miasionary Ajlliaace—In old St. Luke's Church. Niagara Street be a ^ S T . ^ T ^ * ' a n d =w»»on streeta. a t F^dsr'.t7??^ p^^ °° TUe#d*y • ?

    Buffalo Spiritual Society—Eagle Street near .Cedsr. sfternoon snd evening s t 2:80 and 7:30 p. m. Lecture by Miss Taylor followed bv tes t s by F. Corden White '

    «*»•*- >*isia Rlchardsoa^snd others wil l take part a t 3 snd 7:80 p. rn. In the Church on Wheels , Wes t Avenue and Mary

    St. Vincent's Aayiunv-Tbe Ohlldren of Msry of St. Vincent's . No. 1813 Main Street, are requested to attend a special J5Set l l>s' a t t h * asylum, Sunday. October vth, at 7 p. m.

    Universal Brotherhood—Room No. 17 S r l f " ^ * 8 t n i t i O D College building. No. 05* West Genesee Street, at 8 n. m. Subiect: **T^ranaltlon a Law of Nature , , , by Mrs Msr C. Grifflth. The Lotus Circle, an un-see ta i i sn Sunday school, will meet at 1 0 4 5 s . m. In the same room.

    rtW. Maxson Estee Co., 301 P. 8.

    $450 BT'YS LARGE EAST SIDE ROOM-ing house, finely furnished and bringing present owner $112 per month. House hest-ed throughout and a rare chance.

    IF YOl 7 WANT TO I B U Y A ~BU"STNi_S8 Moore will sell you what you want. IF YOU WANT TO SELL A B F S I N E S S Moore can dispose of It quicker than any other business broker.

    MOORE. 007 MOONBY-BRI8BANS BUILP-ing. Buffalo.


    •WANTED SEWING GIRLS TO LEARN rutting and fitting; also dressmaking; good jpages. 540 Niagara Street^ __ 7t9 W A N f - D — _ 6 WOMEN AND GIRLS FOR ten weeks to core apples In canneries near Buffalo; wages good; Increased one quarter Recently. Enquire 941 West Ferry Street. Buffalo. N. Y. 7t9

    {LADIES TO WORK FOR US AT THEIR omes the year around; no canvassing: city _r country; particulars by mall. Hill'Mfg. Co., 61 Park Place, New York.

    SITUATION WANTED-FEMALE. POSITION VV A N T E D BY A YOUNG lady stenographer; has best of reference. Address D. L.. this office. 13tf.

    1 FOB SALS. r fdTTSALE-GOOD DRAFT HORSE; CA-nadlan stock. Apply 119 Chicago Street, tf.


    ONE OF THB MOST DESIRABLE RESI-dences on LInwood Avenue, near Bryant; lot 78 feet front 200 feet deep; house well

    pipped; two larae parlors, dining room, pantries on ground floor; seven rfe a'eeping rooms; for aala cheap. In

    quire W. J. I , , this office. t t

    866.00 PER FOOT WILL BUY THE PE-•irsble corner en northwest corner Albany and Plymouth Avenne. Gurney A Over-tu f t 18 Waat Swan Btreet s * •{,

    « N Y AMOUNT ON CITY IMPROVED; law rates. A. H. Howe, 310 Morgsn Build-jPg _ _____ 811) MONEY' LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent positions with respon-

    s e concerns upon their own names, wlth-nt security; easy payments. Tolman, 488 [lllcott Square Oct,5tNov,5 HTlE COUNTY LOAN CO. (INCORPARr-led), loans money on household goods, lanos, horses, wagons, without removal; _o on pledges of watches and diamonds, 'gal rates; confidential. 444 Elllcott [uare, Washington Street elevator. 2t31

    ANY AMOUNT ON REAL ESTsTE fbarKes reasonable. Brodhead, 402 Moriran Building 1*31 T H E "PEOPLE'S LO_^T~A^S1^TAT'1W incorporated, loans on furniture or anv other personal property without removal-'""fal rates and confidential mall correspond-

    ce promptly tended to; open evenings Mm 8, Mooney-Brlsbane Building. tf ONEY TO LOAN ON R E A L ESTATEfOR »od securit ies; c h a r m s reasonable D axson Estee Co., 301 D . 8. Morgan Bulld-

    •TONEY LOADED ON WATCl_E87~]__i -monds, Jewelry, e t c George L. Pratt Recused pawnbroker, 363 Main Street, over

    DR. VAN MARTER. Bladder. K I D N E Y constitutional , medical and surgical ail-ments ; private consultat ion free; drains discharges, nervous complaints ; cures guar-anteed. 351 Main. _;;_ 6 t l l

    ARE YOU D I 8 0 O U R A G B D V - A L L B U N down, ean't s leep, nervous, feel mean, gas on stomach, night losses, headache weak eyes , n i p p l e s , piles? Consult Dr. McClel-Ian. IT Court Street itio STRICTURE AND VARICOCELE CURED painlessly In eight days; guaranteed. Rowe Medical Co., 195 Franklin Street. 29tOct.l8 MEN ONLY-HEWLIN MEDICAL"cO~ 485 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y., specialists «n private, nervous, chronic, blood snd skin diseases; weakness of mind and body per-manently cured or money refunded. t t FREE TREATMENT-WASTING7CHRON-Ic. special diseases, both sexes, discharges weakness. Irregularities, blood poison skin diseases, stricture; success guaranteed-medicines _nmll charge; 30 rears' exoer-lence; confidential. Dr. Turver. Bellevue Graduate. 327 Washington Street. " * " e v u e

    I Sept.ietf. WOMEN ONLY-DR. STEVENS 485 Main Street. Buffalo K. Y.. female disorders positively cured or money refunded- all operatwis saJUfully * perfornasd. tf. DR. SPIN rNEY~A CO.. B P B C I A L f S T S ; 35 years experience In the treatment of neV-vous. chronic snd special diseases of men and women; cures guaranteed. Offle- -nd Dispense ry. 11 West Eagle Street . O^t lo t f


    !_? ___EI_£5_̂ L!i_N?: m mwxv* ing. ssu Devlne; easy terms. Hedge, 577 Main. 8tl0

    CASE UPRIGHT PI $150 MAHOGANY ano; great bargain. Hedge, 577 "Main

    . 8t 10 PARTY WISHING TO LEAVE " T O W N ^nln-S1 *TilV,_fU,tP,_?0 *} a n* Prt»- 5 « evenings. 1415 Main S t r e e t Sent.S-rf

    >ld Dollar. tf

    MISCELLANEOUS. POOL AND BILLIABD TABLES BOUGHT aa_d sold at 1482 Jefferson Street. «?ii

    ?£mCAHKEt. 2PR B^EAKFAST7MA5E _ _ _ 5 - t K b e _ B - ?X?n* - B a k , ? r y S*.f-Ri8ing Buckwheat and Pancake Flour. You'll _*>t

    i f early for breakfaat then. All grocers!



    $2,500 BUYS INTEREST IN MANUFAC-turlng business where sale of product is unlimited; profits over 100 per cent.; inves-tigate this. D. Maxson Eatee Co., 301 D. 8. Morgan Building.

    $2,500 SECURES BUFFALO'S BEST PAY-lng restaurant; total cost of fixtures, im-provements, etc., over $8,000; central loca-tion: large business. P. Maxson Estee C o . 3 0 1 J O T Morgsn Building, $4,500 SECl'RES LARGE WOVEN WIRE mattress plant, doing s large business; large number of orders now on hand. P . Maxson Estee Co., 801 P. S. Morgan Build-ing.-$4,500 BUYS FUBNITUBE ANP CARPET business in city of 20,000; fine trsde; busi-ness well established; Investigate I) Max* son Estee Co., 801 P. S. Morgan Budding. $5,000 GETS 40 PER CENT. OF STOCK In company for sale of best computing In-struments on the market; 60 per cent, profit. D. Maxson Estee Co. 801 D. S. Mor-gan Building $8,000 OR 80c ON THE DOLLAR 8_£ cures finest boot and shoe business in ettf of 20,000; will bear closest Investigation. D. Maxson Estee Co., 801 D. 8. Morgsn Build-ing

    $13,460 SECURES HALF INTEREST IN corset mauufscturing business; profits large. D. Maxson Estee Co., 301 D. S. Morgan Building. • $25,000 SECURES INTEREST IN FOUN"-dry and stove manufacturing business; lo-_?£__ . n t h i s SK*5 t h e &Hat w l » inventory $50,000; everything complete; now employ-ing 30 men; will bear the most thorough Investigation. D Maxson Estee Co., 301 D. 8. Morgan Building.

    DO~YOU WISH Tb~BTJY~pR SELL A business? Do you desire to form s atook company? Do yon wsnt to obtain a psrt-ner? Have you a good patent to place on the market? If ao; call on Buffalo's oldest _ £ , l £ e 8 5 Promoters, D. Msxson Estee Co.. 301 p. 8. Morgan Building.



    FOR SALE-SEVERAL FARMS quire at Buffalo Savings Ranf IN-


    I N S T R U C T I O N

    PROF. ROGERS. 51 M A R J N W STREET near Allen, primary and academic studies' including stenography, individual lessons. '

    8t9 MANFOLIN, GUITAR, BANJO THOR-oughly taught, according to best methods. Boehm, 144 Cottsge Street. ^ ^ 8t9 JULIUS SINGER INSTRUCTS J O T VIO-lin, progress guaranteed; special attention to bowing; terms moderate. 244 Wllllum s t _________ VIOLIN, PIANO, MANPOLINiTGUITAR banjo Instruments, new and used in_ti_-_-e^ t8 %&k< Koikeubecfc, Allss^sppISte Wadswertb Street - ^ t « ^ w

    BICYCLE REPAIRING PROMPTLY EX. ecuted; all work guaranteed and prices very moderate. Bicycle Hospital. 203 Pearl 8 t Htt AuslSt.


    wiNf_n_ YOUR"-TORSES BSNNY BROTH! Farm, J e w e t t v l l i e ; s s v e money; b**st ca__* Howard Bros. , 457 Washington Street

    ___?_______jr__|t:Zt| STUDEBAKEK BUSINESS W A G O N S . open and top, for grocery, meat, laundry. milk, etc.; express snd fsney parcel do! livery wagons, trucks, drcya. coal wagons, etc.; fair prices, cssh or credit. Bosche Bros., General Agents 918 920 Msln Street


    WEAL ESTATE FOR EXCH *Na_7~ FOR EXCHANGE FOR~~SOUTH—irlF falo or North Buffalo vacant, equity In good comfortable bouse, 5 bed rooms; large « £ ! ner lot, on (Connecticut Street; well renbad. Owner. 623 _____ Avenue " * FOR EXCHANGE^OR~lgrTT~IMT5_^^ ?,r f*tm' hotel in East Buffalo, near i A S r h Valley shops doing good businessi no X -cumbrance. Brodhead, 402 Morgan Build-jag- ^ » OWNER OF~FINE m^lLTJIN^~L10_rir1fEll and clear; would exchange same fkr flrst 5__r t g___ o n B u f r - 1 0 re-1 estate, v_i_e $1-250. Address Lot, this office. 5&


    S T r V E S r NO RANGES.

    ano SECorp-HANP ueHrf^cTMfSWm


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    Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069

