Steve jobs notes Deven Swiergiel

Steve jobs notes Deven Swiergiel. 1. How do we define the personality traits of a hero? The personality traits of hero can be described as fearless, limitless,

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Page 1: Steve jobs notes Deven Swiergiel. 1. How do we define the personality traits of a hero? The personality traits of hero can be described as fearless, limitless,

Steve jobs notes

Deven Swiergiel

Page 2: Steve jobs notes Deven Swiergiel. 1. How do we define the personality traits of a hero? The personality traits of hero can be described as fearless, limitless,

1. How do we define the personality traits of a hero?

• The personality traits of hero can be described as fearless, limitless, courage, Dedication, Selfless, Conviction, Fortitude. The remarkable traits are what I believe it takes to become a hero. Jobs was a hero but many saw him as nothing special. Jobs might have been a borderline sociopath (williams 1).

Page 3: Steve jobs notes Deven Swiergiel. 1. How do we define the personality traits of a hero? The personality traits of hero can be described as fearless, limitless,

2. How do the setting, conflicts, and antagonists influence

the development of a literary hero?

• These literary elements affect the hero because it might be the motivation behind becoming a hero in the first place.

• In this paper i will be discussing how Steve Jobs is a hero in my eyes, I will talk about what industries he revolutionized and what he pioneered in his lifetime. (Isaacson 20)

Page 4: Steve jobs notes Deven Swiergiel. 1. How do we define the personality traits of a hero? The personality traits of hero can be described as fearless, limitless,

3. How does a hero reflect his/her particular culture and


• Steve Jobs revolutionized the world with new technology that without today, great business, companies, and industries would be nothing if not even existing.(Isaacson 21)

Page 5: Steve jobs notes Deven Swiergiel. 1. How do we define the personality traits of a hero? The personality traits of hero can be described as fearless, limitless,

4. How does a hero represent his/her time period and geographical area?

• Steve Jobs was born in San Francisco CA on February 24 1955.

• Jobs revolutionized the computer industrie especially with the invention of the personal computer. ("all“)

Page 6: Steve jobs notes Deven Swiergiel. 1. How do we define the personality traits of a hero? The personality traits of hero can be described as fearless, limitless,

5. How do various cultures reward or recognize their heroes?

• Steve Jobs with the technology culture has inspired many people In a way that people want to become the next Steve Jobs. ("all“)

Page 7: Steve jobs notes Deven Swiergiel. 1. How do we define the personality traits of a hero? The personality traits of hero can be described as fearless, limitless,

6. What actions make him/her a hero in your eyes?

• Jobs is a hero in my eyes because he invented things that weren't every herd of, he saw potential were others did not, and he knew very little about computers. ("all”)

Page 8: Steve jobs notes Deven Swiergiel. 1. How do we define the personality traits of a hero? The personality traits of hero can be described as fearless, limitless,

7. What motivated Steve Jobs to create Apple?

• Steve Jobs was always interested in computers. In high school Jobs Asked William Hewlett for parts all the time, not only did Hewlett give Jobs parts but he gave him a summer internship at Hewlett-Packard. ("Steve Jobs: An Extraordinary Career”)