Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting September 14, 2016 Page 1 of 5 1 Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting October 12, 2016 The Association Meeting the Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO was called to order at 8:32 AM by Allison Harmon, President Pledge of Allegiance lead by Allison Harmon MINUTES Tracy Miraglia Tracy Miraglia moved to have the minutes from the September 14, 2016 Association Meeting approved. Seconded, motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT Linda Petretti Linda presented the following report: Balance on hand as of 10/12/16 $ 82,344.47 Total Inflows $ 1,492.00 Total Outflows $ 5,947.13 Ending Balance as of 9/14/16 $ 77,889.31 The report will be filed for audit. Ratification of Bills Moved to ratify checks 1824 through 1830, it was seconded, motion carried. Presentation of Bills Moved to pay the following bills: Paste Treasurer Report here. It was seconded, motion carried.

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting

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Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting September 14, 2016 Page 1 of 5


Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting

October 12, 2016 The Association Meeting the Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO was called to order at 8:32 AM by Allison Harmon, President Pledge of Allegiance lead by Allison Harmon MINUTES – Tracy Miraglia Tracy Miraglia moved to have the minutes from the September 14, 2016 Association Meeting approved. Seconded, motion carried. FINANCIAL REPORT – Linda Petretti Linda presented the following report:

• Balance on hand as of 10/12/16 $ 82,344.47

• Total Inflows $ 1,492.00

• Total Outflows $ 5,947.13

• Ending Balance as of 9/14/16 $ 77,889.31

The report will be filed for audit. Ratification of Bills – Moved to ratify checks 1824 through 1830, it was seconded, motion carried. Presentation of Bills – Moved to pay the following bills:

Paste Treasurer Report here.

It was seconded, motion carried.

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting September 14, 2016 Page 2 of 5


PRINCIPAL’S REPORT – No principal TEACHER’S REPORT – No Teacher Representative PRESIDENT’S REPORT – Allison Harmon

• Changes in our Executive Board. Due to personal reasons Alicia Stella will step down as VP and Jann O’Hara will step up. These two ladies will switch positions. As per PTO bylaws, Alli can appoint the new VP as Jann O’Hara and Alicia Stella will be the new Auditor.

• Reports cards have been revamped. The district did away with a score of “4”. 1 is below grade level, 2 is at grade level and 3 is above grade level standard.

• The district is promoting a safe driving campaign. Discouraging talking & texting while driving. They are conducting an art contest for the campaign.

• Possible new events: need chair people o Screenagers: movie documentary about how our children are addicted to their

screens/technology and how it affects their brains. Evening event, parent advisory in the MPR. Purchase s $600 or rent $500. We need a parent to volunteer to coordinate this.

o Math Olympiad by MOEMS. $110 registration fee by 11/15. Need to have a minimum of 10 kids to participate. Once registered we will receive information. It will run like a study group, once a month for about 5 – 6 months, and kids will complete the papers we are sent. Then they will take an online test and if they pass, they move on to the next level.

o Blood drive – coordinate with The Red Cross. We need a parent to volunteer to coordinate this.

o Cubesat Project – Ms Parker has done the majority of the organization but she needs help coordinating the volunteers and making a bulletin board. Jen Schneider has stepped up to take on the committee but she would like an assistant.

• Hearing screening is October 26th & Vision Screening is Nov 16th. • Teacher reimbursements from PTO is $10/student. Foundation also gifted each teacher

$150. • Thank yous:

o Heather Lasko and Linda Petretti for a great VIP day. o Julie Suarez for Game Night o Kristi Barasch for coming in today and helping with everything.

COMMITTEE REPORTS: Red Ribbon Week - Juliann Brown

• 1st time we are doing this in a long time • 2016 theme – YOLO: you only live once • Flyers will go out this week.

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• Thank you to everyone who donated red bandannas, all kids will receive them. • “Spirit Week” is Sept 24th – 28th • Sept 23rd we will be wrapping the trees on campus with red ribbons. Come if you can

help. • Suggestion to get Chris Jones to do an assembly about bullying.

National Geographic Bee – Patrick Neville

• Patrick stepped up to chair the committee and Bob is helping. • Working on a flyer • 1st round Dec 2nd – 12:30 - ? preliminary round testing. 10 – 15 questions, students

write down the answers and they will be scored to see who the top performers are. • 2nd round Dec 16th 6:00 pm. Final round competition. It’s a geography bee and all the

top grade level kids will participate. All types of questions. • The winners will have to take an online test and pass to qualify for the state level

competition. • Mid November we will receive a packet with medals and certificates for the participants. • Bob is forming a Facebook group to study.

Science Night with Dads – Patrick Neville

• In March • Budget is $1500; the science guy’s prices went up to $1900. He said he didn’t charge us

enough last year. • Jen made a motion to increase the budget by $400 to $1900. It was seconded, motion


Variety Show - Jennifer Owen & Linda Petretti • There is no meeting; tonight is Yom Kippur. The flyer is incorrect. • About 400 + children have signed up

Box Tops – Kristi Chernesky

• 7473 box tops to submit $737.30 to the school. • Extra principals recess winners: SDC – Polikaitis; Primary – Pina/Myers & Parker;

Upper – Juodvalkis & Ryan.

Escrip – Nairy Simonyan • Flyer our next week • Parents need to register at Ralph’s • Receive about $300 - $400 a quarter • Last year only 25 families registered.

Helping Hands – Lori Brodie

• Operation Gratitude • 1st event is coming up • Flyer is done want it to go out right before Halloween.

Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting September 14, 2016 Page 4 of 5


• Will also be in the eblast • Will use local dentist instead of taking it directly to Operation Gratitude, that way we

earn money for the school.

Wrangler Round –up – Alli for Nancy Pahlman • We need lots of volunteers. Free wristbands for volunteers. • Silent Auction items will be accepted until 10/19. • Tickets are $10 until 10/14 and then they are $15 after that. • Teachers get a free wristband and their family members pay $7. • Moving everything from the shed to a classroom for convenience on Thursday • We need a parent to count and place flyers in teachers boxes. • We need to purchase new canopy storage bags to replace the broken ones. $30/ea x 4. • Jann made a motion to purchase new storage bags. It was seconded, motion carried.

Spirit Wear – Alli for Brandi Ishikawa

• Program was a success this year • We used a new vendor this year and she is an SRE parent.

Disater Prep – Kristi for Nada Quinn

• Nada is requesting the emergency inventory sheets to be completed and returned. She doesn’t have them all back yet.

NEW BUSINESS Patrick Neville – Bullying

• Has seen bullying first hand in his son’s kindergarten classroom. Wants to implement a bullying assembly. He feels it’s important to have the kids participate. How much would the assembly be? Do we have an “anti-bullying” campaign? Peace Patrol is no longer here on campus. Can we encourage the students to participate in Character Counts?

• Mr. Rose states that overall kids here at SRE are great. We don’t have a situation where a lot of kids aren’t getting along. There are isolated instances.

Jenn Owen – emails • Jenn asked that emails to be sent to rooms reps be written concise and easy to forward. • Please sign up to volunteer for the Holiday Boutique. Needs a lot of volunteers or we

need to cancel the event.

There being no further business to come before this Association the meeting was adjourned at 9:59 AM.

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Dates to Remember: October 21: Wrangler Round up October 19: Character Counts October 24 - 28: Red Ribbon Week October 26: Hearing Screening Nov 1 – 2: Operation Gratitude

Tracy Miraglia Recording Secretary Stevenson Ranch Elementary School PTO Association Meeting – October 12, 2016