Stimulation of Endothelial Cell Prostacyclin Production by Thrombin, Trypsin, and the Jonophore A 23187 BABETTE B. WEKSLER, CHRISTOPHER W. LEY, and ERic A. JAFFE, Divisionl of Hematology-Otncology, Departmlenit of Medicinte, Cortnell Uniiversity Medical College, New York 10021 A B S T il A C T Prostacyclin (PGI2) is an unstable pros- taglandin which inhibits platelet aggregation and serotonin release and causes vasodilation. The PGI2 activity produced by monolayers of cultured human endothelial cells and fibroblasts was mneasured by the ability of their supernates to inhibit platelet aggrega- tion in platelet-rich plasma, or to inhibit thrombin- induced [14C]serotonin release from iaspirin-treated, washed platelet suspensions. Monolayers of cultured human endothelial cells, stimulated with sodium ara- chidonate, thrombin, the ionophore A 23187, or trypsin, secreted PGI2 into the supernatant medium. Mono- layers of fibroblasts produced PGI2 activity only when stimulated by arachidonate. "Resting," intact monolay- ers did not produce detectable PGI2, nor did mono- layers treated with ADP or epinephrine. Production of PGI2 activity was abolished by treatment of the monolayers with indomethacin, tranylcypromine, or 15-hydroperoxy arachidonic acid. The PGI2 activity of the supernates was destroyed by boiling or acidifica- tion. Inhibition of thrombin with diisopropylfluoro- phosphate, and of trypsin with soybean trypsin in- hibitor, abolished the stimulation of PGI2 production by these enzymes. Prodluction of thrombin at a site of vascular injury could, by stimulating PGI2 synthesis by endothelial cells adjacent to the injured area, limit the number of platelets involved in the primary hemo- static response and help to localize thrombus formation. INTRODUCTION Prostacyclin (PGI2)1 is a labile prostaglandin which in- hibits platelet aggregationi and serotonin release (1-3) Eric A. Jaffe is the recipien-t of National Institutes of Health Research Career Development award 1 K04 HL 00237 and a Career Scientist award from the Irma T. Hirschl Trust. Received for publicationt 10 Aiarch 1978 and itn revised form 30 May 1978. 1 Abbreviatiois used int this paper: DFP, diisopropyl- fluorophosphate; HPAA, 15-hydroperoxy arachidonic acid; PGI2, prostacyclin; PRP, platelet-rich plasma. and counteracts the vasoconstrictive effects of platelet- derived thromboxane A2 by directly inducing vasodila- tion (4, 5). In tissues and in platelets, PGI2 produces a rise in intracellular cyclic AMP levels by stimulating adenylate cyclase (6-9). We have previously demoni- strated that suspenisions of cultured human and bovine endothelial cells produce PGI2 when stimulated with sodium arachidonate or when incubated with platelets capable of generating prostaglandin endoperoxides (10). We now report that intact monolayers of human cul- tured endothelial cells incubated with thrombin, the ionophore A 23187, trypsin, or sodium arachidonate produce PGI2. However, "restinig", undisturbed endo- thelial cell monolayers as well as monolayers treated with ADP or epiniephrine do not produce significant amounts of PGI2. METHODS Etidothelial cell an(Ifibroblast miotnolayercultures. Human endothelial cells derived from umbilical cordl veins were cul- tured in T-25 flasks in Mediiumll 199 which containied 20% pooled human serumii, with techniiques previously (lescribedl (11). Flasks which containied confluenit encdothelial cell cul- tures in passages 1-5 were used in these studies; 38 separate lines were evaluate(l. 10 lines of fibroblasts dlerived from human embryo skin, humani adult skinl, and human foreskin were obtained fromn Doctors Gretchen Darlington and Ted Brown (Cornell University Medical College), the Americani Type Culture Collection, Rockville, Md. (Registry nos. CCL 110 and CCL 75 (WI-38)), and the Inistitute for Medical Research, Camden, N. J. (Registry inos. IMR-90, IMR-91, GM-1603, GM- 1604, AG-2257, and AG-2258). The fibroblasts were culturedl in minimiial essential medliumii (Flow Laboratories, Inc., Rock- ville, Md.) which contained 10 or 15% fetal calf serum (de- pending upon the fibroblast linie used), and were used in passages 3-37 when conifluenit. Before use, the culture milediumn was remlove(l and the cell imioniolayers were washed twice with gentle rinsing with 5 ml Buffer A (10 mM Hepes, pH 7.55, 150 mM NaCl, 5 mM KCl, 1.8 mM CaCl2, 1 mM MgCl2, and 5 mM glucose). Stimuli were added to Buffer A at de- sired concentrations ancd theni 2.5 ml of the mixture was in- cubated with the washedl monolayers for 30 s- 10 min. Stimuli used included arachidonic acid, 3'5'-ADP (both from Sigmila Chemical Co., St. Louiis, Mo.), ionophore A 23187 (a gift from J. Clint. Itivest. C) Tile Amiericani Societiy for Clinical Itnvestigationt, Inc., 0021-973817811101-923 $1.00 Voltumiie 62 Novemtiber 1978 923-930 923

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Stimulation of Endothelial Cell ProstacyclinProduction byThrombin, Trypsin, and the Jonophore A 23187BABETTE B. WEKSLER, CHRISTOPHERW. LEY, and ERic A. JAFFE, Divisionl of

Hematology-Otncology, Departmlenit of Medicinte, Cortnell UniiversityMedical College, New York 10021

A B S T il A C T Prostacyclin (PGI2) is an unstable pros-taglandin which inhibits platelet aggregation andserotonin release and causes vasodilation. The PGI2activity produced by monolayers of cultured humanendothelial cells and fibroblasts was mneasured by theability of their supernates to inhibit platelet aggrega-tion in platelet-rich plasma, or to inhibit thrombin-induced [14C]serotonin release fromiaspirin-treated,washed platelet suspensions. Monolayers of culturedhuman endothelial cells, stimulated with sodium ara-chidonate, thrombin, the ionophore A 23187, or trypsin,secreted PGI2 into the supernatant medium. Mono-layers of fibroblasts produced PGI2 activity only whenstimulated by arachidonate. "Resting," intact monolay-ers did not produce detectable PGI2, nor did mono-layers treated with ADP or epinephrine. Productionof PGI2 activity was abolished by treatment of themonolayers with indomethacin, tranylcypromine, or15-hydroperoxy arachidonic acid. The PGI2 activity ofthe supernates was destroyed by boiling or acidifica-tion. Inhibition of thrombin with diisopropylfluoro-phosphate, and of trypsin with soybean trypsin in-hibitor, abolished the stimulation of PGI2 productionby these enzymes. Prodluction of thrombin at a site ofvascular injury could, by stimulating PGI2 synthesisby endothelial cells adjacent to the injured area, limitthe number of platelets involved in the primary hemo-static response and help to localize thrombus formation.


Prostacyclin (PGI2)1 is a labile prostaglandin which in-hibits platelet aggregationi and serotonin release (1-3)

Eric A. Jaffe is the recipien-t of National Institutes ofHealth Research Career Development award 1 K04 HL 00237and a Career Scientist award from the Irma T. Hirschl Trust.

Received for publicationt 10 Aiarch 1978 and itn revisedform 30 May 1978.

1 Abbreviatiois used int this paper: DFP, diisopropyl-fluorophosphate; HPAA, 15-hydroperoxy arachidonic acid;PGI2, prostacyclin; PRP, platelet-rich plasma.

and counteracts the vasoconstrictive effects of platelet-derived thromboxane A2 by directly inducing vasodila-tion (4, 5). In tissues and in platelets, PGI2 produces arise in intracellular cyclic AMPlevels by stimulatingadenylate cyclase (6-9). Wehave previously demoni-strated that suspenisions of cultured human and bovineendothelial cells produce PGI2 when stimulated withsodium arachidonate or when incubated with plateletscapable of generating prostaglandin endoperoxides (10).

Wenow report that intact monolayers of human cul-tured endothelial cells incubated with thrombin, theionophore A 23187, trypsin, or sodium arachidonateproduce PGI2. However, "restinig", undisturbed endo-thelial cell monolayers as well as monolayers treatedwith ADP or epiniephrine do not produce significantamounts of PGI2.


Etidothelial cell an(Ifibroblast miotnolayercultures. Humanendothelial cells derived from umbilical cordl veins were cul-tured in T-25 flasks in Mediiumll 199 which containied 20%pooled human serumii, with techniiques previously (lescribedl(11). Flasks which containied confluenit encdothelial cell cul-tures in passages 1-5 were used in these studies; 38 separatelines were evaluate(l. 10 lines of fibroblasts dlerived from humanembryo skin, humani adult skinl, and human foreskin wereobtained fromn Doctors Gretchen Darlington and Ted Brown(Cornell University Medical College), the Americani TypeCulture Collection, Rockville, Md. (Registry nos. CCL 110and CCL75 (WI-38)), and the Inistitute for Medical Research,Camden, N. J. (Registry inos. IMR-90, IMR-91, GM-1603, GM-1604, AG-2257, and AG-2258). The fibroblasts were culturedlin minimiial essential medliumii (Flow Laboratories, Inc., Rock-ville, Md.) which contained 10 or 15% fetal calf serum (de-pending upon the fibroblast linie used), and were used inpassages 3-37 when conifluenit. Before use, the culture milediumnwas remlove(l and the cell imioniolayers were washed twicewith gentle rinsing with 5 ml Buffer A (10 mMHepes, pH7.55, 150 mMNaCl, 5 mMKCl, 1.8 mMCaCl2, 1 mMMgCl2,and 5 mMglucose). Stimuli were added to Buffer A at de-sired concentrations ancd theni 2.5 ml of the mixture was in-cubated with the washedl monolayers for 30 s- 10 min. Stimuliused included arachidonic acid, 3'5'-ADP (both from SigmilaChemical Co., St. Louiis, Mo.), ionophore A 23187 (a gift from

J. Clint. Itivest. C) Tile Amiericani Societiy for Clinical Itnvestigationt, Inc., 0021-973817811101-923 $1.00Voltumiie 62 Novemtiber 1978 923-930


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Dr. R. L. Hamill, Eli Lilly and Company, Indianapolis, Ind.),epinephrine (Parke, Davis & Company, Detroit, Mich.), 9,11-azoprostanoid III (a gift from Dr. E. J. Corey, Harvard Uni-versity, Cambridge, Mass.), and purified human thrombin (agift from J. Fenton, Albany, N. Y.). The supernatant fluid wasthen removed and tested immediately for PGI2 by bioassay(vide infra) or kept on ice until use. Authentic PGI2 (a giftfrom Dr. K. C. Nicolaou, University of Pennsylvania, Phila-delphia, Pa.) was used as a standard. After the incubation,the endothelial cells (or fibroblasts) were removed from theculture flasks by treatment with collagenase (0.1%, 10 min,37°C) and counted in a hemocytometer. Cell counts in allflasks of any one cell type used on any given day varied by<10%. Flasks of endothelial cells contained 0.6-1.7 x 106cells/flask, and flasks of fibroblasts contained 0.8-1.7 x 106cells/flask.

Platelet preparations. Blood from normal human donorswho had not ingested aspirin-containing drugs for at least 10days was obtained by venipuncture, with a two-syringe tech-nique, and mixed with 0.1 vol of 3.2% trisodium citrate.Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) was prepared by centrifugation at150 g for 10 min at room temperature and was kept tightlycapped under 5%C02:95% air until use.

Washed platelet suspensions for the thrombin release assay(vide infra) were prepared from normal human venous blooddrawn into V6 vol of acid citrate dextrose following a mod-ification of the procedure of Mustard et al. (12) as previouslydescribed (10). In addition, the platelets were incubated with100 ,uM aspirin for 20 min in the first washing buffer to pre-vent generation of endogenous prostaglandin endoperoxide orthromboxane A2. The platelet suspension was labeled with[2'-14C]5-hydroxytryptamine creatinine sulfate (sp act 53 mCi/mmol, Amersham Corp., Arlington Heights, Ill.) in the secondwashing buffer by addition of 0.167-0.555 uCi/ml plateletsuspension (to give a serotonin concentration of 3-10.5 ,uM)for 15 min at 37°C. Approximately 90-95% of the [14C]sero-tonin was taken up by the platelets. The washing procedurewas then completed and the platelet suspension was adjustedto 500,000 platelets/,ul in Tyrode's solution which contained0.1% apyrase and 0.35% bovine serum albumin.

Platelet aggregation. Platelet aggregation studies wereperformed with 0.4 ml aliquots of PRP stirred at 1,000 rpmat 370C in a dual channel Payton aggregation module with alinear recorder (Payton Associates, Buffalo, N. Y.). Final re-action volumes were 0.5 ml. Threshold values of arachidonicacid (usually 0.2-0.5 mM) were determined for each batchof PRPand were used throughout the experiment to induceaggregation. 90-98 gl of Buffer A or endothelial cell (or fibro-blast) supemate was added to the cuvette which containedPRP at 370C and stirred for 1 min. Then the threshold-doseof aggregating agent was added and the response recorded.

Thrombin release assay. The release of ["4C]serotoninfrom prelabeled, washed, aspirin-treated platelet suspensionsby thrombin in the presence or absence of PGI2 or super-natant fluids which contained PGI2 was measured by modifica-tions of the method of Baenziger et al. (13). The finalsuspension of platelets contained 1 uM imipramine to pre-vent re-uptake of released serotonin during the assay. Endo-thelial cell or fibroblast supernates were removed fromthe culture flasks, 320 ,ul of supernate was mixed with 1.6 mlof platelet suspension for 2 min and 240-,u portions of thetreated platelet suspension were then placed into a series of1.5 ml polypropylene centrifuge tubes in a 370C dry heatingblock. At 10-s intervals, 10 gl of different dilutions of thrombinwere added to give final thrombin concentrations of 0, 0.05,0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1.0, 5.0, and 10.0 U/ml. After the platelet sus-pensions were incubated at 370C with thrombin for exactly2 min, the reaction was stopped by addition of 0.25 ml of

ice-cold 2.4% paraformaldehyde, and the tubes were trans-ferred to an ice bath. The chilled tubes were then centifugedfor 30 s at 8,000 g and 200-,ul samples of each supernate wereplaced in scintillation minivials which contained 2.7 ml ofPCS(Amersham Corp.) and 0.1 ml of H2O, and were countedin a Searle Mark III liquid scintillation counter (Searle Diag-nostics Inc., subsid. of G. D. Searle & Co., Des Plaines, Ill.). Insome experiments, the platelet suspension was directlylayered over the cell monolayers in tissue culture flasks for2 min and then removed and tested as above.

A release curve was constructed by plotting the percentof serotonin released into the supernate of the platelet sus-pension against the log of the thrombin concentration. Thedata were analyzed by linearizing the standard dose:responsecurve with the logit transformation (14). A linear least-squaresregression analysis of logit (B/B0) versus ln thrombin concen-tration (in U/ml) was performed on an HP-97 programmabledesk calculator (Hewlett-Packard Corp., McMinnville Div.,McMinnville, Oreg.). The correlation coefficient (r) in allcases was >0.95, and was usually >0.99. In this analysis, Bis the serotonin (as disintegrations per minute) retained in theplatelets (i.e., the total serotonin minus the serotonin released)at an experimental point, B0 is the disintegrations per minuteretained at zero thrombin concentration, and N is the disin-tegrations per minute retained at the concentration of throm-bin giving maximal release. Logit (B/Bo) is ln (B - N)/(B0 - B). The thrombin concentration which yielded 50% ofmaximum release was calculated (T50). Thus the effects ofPGI2 in monolayer supernates on thrombin-induced serotoninrelease can be expressed quantitatively as the percent changein the thrombin concentration producing 50% of maximal re-lease (AT50) where,

AT5 - T50 (sample) - T50 (control) x 100.T50 (control)

Expressing resuts in terms of AT50 allowed us to compen-sate for the variation in thrombin sensitivity observed amongplatelet donors. The results of experiments performed on thesame day on replicates from the same cell line usuallyvaried by <12%. The results of this assay were assessed statis-tically with a one sample t test where the null hypothesiswas a AT50 = 0 (i.e., no effect).

Evaluation for carryover of agents used to stimulate mono-layers. The possibility that agents used to stimulate endo-thelial cell or fibroblast monolayers might be carried over inthe monolayer supernate and alter the thrombin-inducedserotonin release assay results was evaluated. Thrombincarryover will affect the ['4C]serotonin release assay either bydecreasing the T50 or by causing the release of [14C]serotoninfrom platelets in control tubes from which thrombin has beenomitted. To assay for residual thrombin, PGI2 was eliminatedeither by running an empty-dish control or by treating thecell monolayers with indomethacin to block PGI2 production.Wetherefore incubated thrombin (0.1 U/ml) in buffer eitherin an empty dish or with indomethacin-treated endothelial andfibroblast monolayers for 2 min at 37°C and then assayed thethrombin containing buffer in our usual assay procedure. Inboth models, thrombin at an initial concentration of 0.1 U/ml(which would yield thrombin at 0.02 U/ml after 1:5 dilutionin the assay) neither lowered the T50 nor released [14C]serotoninfrom platelets in control tubes from which thrombin was omit-ted. However, thrombin at an initial concentration of 0.5 U/mlin both models produced a decrease of T50 and caused releaseof [14C]serotonin from platelets in control tubes from whichthrombin was omitted. The release of [14C]serotonin seen in thiscase was directly equivalent to that obtained with thrombin(0.1 U/ml) in our assay (because the supernate is diluted 1:5

924 B. B. Weksler, C. W. Ley, and E. A. Jaffe

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in the assay). Despite this finding, when nonindomethacin-treated endothelial cells were incubated with thrombin at 0.5U/ml, the endothelial cell supernate reproducibly increasedthe T50 and did not release [14C]serotonin from platelets incontrol tubes which lacked thrombin. On the other hand,supernates from nonindomethacin-treated fibroblasts incu-bated with thrombin at 0.5 U/ml consistently decreased theT50 and produced [14C]serotonin release in platelets in con-trol tubes which lacked thrombin equivalent to that producedby thrombin at 0.1 U/ml. Thus, in the case of endothelialcells stimulated with thrombin at 0.5 U/ml, a net effect isseen whereby the amount of PGI2 produced reverses not onlythe effect of the residual thrombin, but also some of the throm-bin added in the assay, thus significantly increasing the T50.It is therefore likely that the increased T50, observed whenendothelial cells are stimulated with thrombin at 0.5 U/ml,underestimates the true amount of PGI2 produced.

Carryover of sodium arachidonate, ADP, trypsin, and theionophore A 23187 at the doses used did not affect the assaybecause the platelets had been treated with aspirin and thuswere unresponsive to these agents. Epinephrine produced adecrease in the T50 at all doses used. Possible productionof "hidden" PGI2 by endothelial cells and fibroblasts stim-ulated by epinephrine was ruled out by showing that the de-crease in T50 was the same whether or not the cells had beentreated with indomethacin.

Similar experiments were performed to rule out the effectsof carryover of agents in monolayer supernates used in plateletaggregation studies.

Inihibitioni of PGI2 production. Endothelial cell and fibro-blast monolayers were washed free of medium and incubatedfor 20 min at 37°C with the cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor indo-methacin (10 /I.g/ml) (Sigma Chemical Co.), or with the in-hibitors of prostacyclin synthesis (15, 16), 15-hydroperoxy-arachidonic acid (HPAA) (30 ,ug/ml) (generously provided byDr. A. Marcus, Cornell University Medical College) or tranyl-cypromnine (500 ,ug/ml) (a gift from Dr. H. Green, Smith, Kline& French, Philadelphia, Pa.). Incubations with inhibitors werecarried out in Buffer A. Indomethacin and 15-HPAA wereremoved before the monolayers were stimulated. Tranyl-cypromine inhibition was assayed both in the presence of drugand after its removal. While indomethacin is a reversible in-hibitor of cyclo-oxygenase (17), its effect was not reversedduring the short course of our experiment, which includedthe removal of the indomethacin, a washing of the monolayerwith buffer, and a stimulation of the cell monolayers for 2min with a variety of agents which included arachidonate(20 ,uM).

Thrombin was inactivated by incubation with diisopropyl-fluorophosphate (DFP), 10 mM, for 30 min at room tempera-ture, followed by dialysis overnight against 0.75 MNaCl-0.1MTris, pH 8.3, at 4°C to remove the excess DFP. DFP treat-ment decreased thrombin ability to aggregate platelets bymore than 90%. Native thrombin used as a control was sim-ilarly dialyzed and retained full platelet aggregating activity.

Inihibitiotn of PGI2 activity. PGI2 or monolayer supernateswhich contained PGI2 activity were inactivated by boiling for30 s or by acidification to pH 3 for 10 min followed by backtitration to pH 7.5.


Inlhibitiont of platelet aggregatiotl by supernatesfromti cell moniolayers. Endothelial cell monolayerswere washed free of culture medium and incubatedwith Buffer A. The release of PGI2 activity into theoverlying buffer was measured by the buffer capacity

to inhibit platelet aggregation when added to PRP(Fig. 1). This method detects 0.1 ng/ml of PGI2 (datanot shown). No inhibition of platelet aggregation oc-curred in the presence of buffer or 10% (vol/vol) mono-layer supernate taken from resting endothelial cells(Fig. 1A, curves 1 and 2). However, the supernatantfluid from endothelial cell monolayers incubated for 2min with 20 ,uM sodium arachidonate markedly in-hibited platelet aggregation (Fig. 1A, curve 3). Endo-thelial cell monolayers were compared to fibroblastmonolayers for capacity to generate PGI2 activity intheir supernate (Fig. 1B). Fibroblasts derived from em-bryonic skin, foreskin, or adult skin all yielded thesame results and are thus considered together. Restingskin fibroblasts did not produce inhibitory supernates(Fig. 1B, curve 5). Skin fibroblast monolayers often,but not invariably, generated inhibitory activity in thepresence of 20 ,uM arachidonate (Fig. 1B, curve 6).As little as 2 gl of supernate derived from incubationof 20 ,uM sodium arachidonate with 4 x 105 endothelialcells/ml of Buffer A completely inhibited platelet ag-gregation in PRP. This was equivalent to inhibition by0.1 nM PGI2 or by 90-100 Al of supernate from sim-ilarly incubated fibroblast monolayers.

Endothelial cell and fibroblast monolayers were in-cubated with a number of agents that aggregate platelets(with concentrations, however, which at the same dilu-tion alone did not produce aggregation in test PRP).The supernatant medium was then removed and testedfor its effects on platelet aggregation in PRPchallenged












1 min




41 min

FIGURE 1 Inhibition of platelet aggregation in PRPby super-nates from monolayers of endothelial cells (A) anid fibroblasts(B). Supernates were added at the first arrow and 0.3 mnMsodium arachidonate (AA) at the second arrow. (A) (1) Con-trol-Buffer A, (2) Supernate from unstimulated enidothelialcells, and (3) supernate from endothelial cells stimulated with20 ,M sodium arachidonate (AA). (B) (4) Control-Buffer A,(5) supernate from unstimulated skin fibroblasts, and (6)supernate from skin fibroblasts stimulated with 20 ,uMsodium arachidonate (AA).

Endothelial Cell Prostacyclitn Productiotn 925

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with sodium arachidonate. Neither the culture mediumnor the buffer used to wash the resting monolayers pro-duced any change in the normal aggregation responses ofPRP. Endothelial cell monolayers incubated with sodiumarachidonate (20 ,uM), thrombin (0.1 U/ml), or the iono-phore A 23187 (10 ,uM) released PGI2 activity into thesupernatant buffer. These supernates inhibited plateletaggregation in PRP stimulated by arachidonate. ADP(1-5 ,uM), epinephrine (0.1-1 ,M), and the endoper-oxide analogue, azoprostanoid III (12.6 ,glml), did notstimulate production of PGI2 by endothelial cell mono-layers in this test system. Fibroblast monolayers de-rived from skin produced PGI2 activity only after in-cubation with arachidonate (20 ,uM). Incubation withionophore A 23187, thrombin, ADP, epinephrine, orazoprostanoid III at the same doses as used on endo-thelial cells did not stimulate production of PGI2 byfibroblast monolayers in this test system.

Mechanical stimulation of endothelial cell mono-layers by a rubber policeman in the absence of anyother stimulus led to the rapid appearance of PGI2 activ-ity in the supernate.

Inhibition of [14C]serotonin release: quantitation ofPGI2 activity produced by endothelial cell and fibro-blast monolayers. Inhibition of thrombin-induced re-lease of [14C]serotonin from aspirin-treated, washedplatelets by synthetic PGI2 or by supernatant fluidsfrom endothelial cell and fibroblast monolayers wasused to measure PGI2 activity. Treatment of a washedplatelet suspension with PGI2 or with cell monolayersupernates which contained PGI2 activity made theplatelets less sensitive to thrombin, and thus shiftedthe curve of serotonin release. Examples of a standardcurve of serotonin release and the effect of 10 nM ofPGI2 on this curve are shown in Fig. 2A. By meansof a logit transformation of the data (Fig. 2B) the re-lease curves are linearized and the T50 (thrombin con-centration which produces 50% of the maximal seroto-nin release) can be calculated. This assay can detectPGI2 at concentrations as low as 10-100 pM depend-ing upon the platelet donor. The concentration of throm-bin required to liberate 50% of maximally releasable[14C]serotonin from control platelets was 0.25±0.14U/ml (mean+SD, n = 36) in this system. While theinter-donor variation in platelet sensitivity to throm-bin was quite large, the intra-donor variation was muchsmaller (i.e., average coefficient of variation = 15.3%).

Weused the quantitative [14C]serotonin-release assayto compare the production of PGI2 activity by endo-thelial cell monolayers stimulated by different agents.Because PGI2 activity shifted the [14C]serotonin releasecurve and increased the T50, the PGI2 effect was ex-pressed as percent change in T,O or AT50 (Methods).

Endothelial cell monolayers, incubated with bufferalone, produced no detectable PGI2 activity when com-pared to control, untreated platelets (Table I). The ad-




















- 6




Thrombin (units/ml)10

FIGURE 2 Inhibition of thrombin-induced [14C]serotoninrelease from aspirin-treated, washed platelets by PGI2. (A)[14C]Serotonin release as a function of thrombin concentra-tion in the presence of Buffer A (0) and in the presenceof 10 nM PGI2 (0). (B) Logit plot of data in panel A. 50%release of [14C]serotonin (T50) occurs at logit = 0.

dition of exogenous arachidonate resulted in significantproduction of PGI2 activity. Thrombin treatment ofendothelial cell monolayers also resulted in significantPGI2 production related to the dose of thrombin used.No thrombin carryover effect was noted with thrombinat 0.1 U/ml. However, 0.5 U/ml doses of thrombin pro-duced carryover (Methods). Despite the carryover ofthrombin, the endothelial cells produced enough PGI2to completely mask the presence of residual thrombin.It is therefore likely that the T50 observed when endo-thelial cells are stimulated with 0.5 U/ml of thrombinunderestimates the true amount of PGI2 produced.Treatment of endothelial cell monolayers with DFP-inactivated thrombin did not stimulate PGI2 synthesis.The ionophore A 23187 stimulated production of largeamounts of PGI2 activity in a dose-related fashion. ADPdid not lead to significant PGI2 production. Epinephrinewas ineffective in stimulating PGI2 production. More-

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TABLE IPGI2 Production in Stimulated Endothelial Cell Monolayers

AT50* SEM n P

Control plateletst 0 36Endothelial cells§

Buffer A -1.3 5.3 5 NSSodium arachidonate

(20 ,LM) 271 43.4 18 <0.0001Thrombin

(0.5 U/ml) 171 21.9 7 <0.0001(0.1 U/ml) 73 21.3 5 <0.05

lonophore A 23187(10,uM) 512 177 6 <0.05(5 ,M) 433 67.9 4 <0.01

ADP (5 ,tM) 10.7 6.6 6 NSEpinephrine (0.9 ,M) -33.8 2.9 8 <0.0001

* AT T5o - T50 (control) x 100%.T50 (control)

t T. of control platelets = 0.25+0.14 U/ml (mean+SD, n = 36).§ Endothelial cell monolayers were incubated with the listedagents for 2 min at 370C and the supernates removed andtested. All agents were dissolved in Buffer A.

over, supernates from the epinephrine-treated endo-thelial cells potentiated thrombin-induced serotoninrelease and lowered the T50 because of epinephrinecarryover.

Fibroblasts, incubated under identical conditions,produced statistically significant amounts of PGI2 onlywhen stimulated by arachidonate (Table II). Throm-bin, ionophore A 23187, and ADP did not stimulatethe production of statistically significant amounts ofPGI2. Epinephrine, as in endothelial cells, significantlypotentiated thrombin-induced serotonin release. Fibro-blasts as early as passage 3 were unresponsive to throm-bin and ionophore, whereas endothelial cells at all pas-sages tested (passages 1-5) produced PGI2 in responseto these stimuli.

Time course of PGI2 production after stimulationof monolayers. The production of PGI2 activity afterstimulation of endothelial cell monolayers by sodiumarachidonate or thrombin was rapid and transient. Maxi-mumproduction of PGI2 was observed within 1-2 min,as measured semiquantitatively by the delay in plateletaggregation induced by aliquots of supernate sequen-tially removed from monolayers stimulated with arachi-donate (20 ,tM) or thrombin (0.5 U/ml). PGI2 activitywas undetectable 10 min after stimulation. Productionof PGI2 activity by fibroblasts stimulated with sodiumarachidonate followed a similar time course.

Once stimulated, an endothelial cell monolayer wasless responsive to a second stimulation given 15 minto 1 h later. Thus the response to a second arachidonatestimulus was about 40% less than to the first arachi-

TABLE IIPGI2 Production in Stimulated Skini Fibroblast Monolayjers

AT,5,' SEM n1 P

Control plateletst 0 - 17Fibroblasts §

Sodium arachidonate(20,uM) 148.4 51.4 9 <0.02

Thrombin (0.1 U/ml) 21.8 13.9 5 NSIonophore A 23187 (10 ,uM) 33.3 17.5 4 NSADP (5 ,uM) 2.2 15.5 3 NSEpinephrine (0.9 AM) -33 7.5 3 <0.05

* AT -= - T5o (control) x 100.T50 (control)

TOof control platelets = 0.25+0.09 U/mi (mean+SD, n = 17).§ Fibroblast monolayers were incubated with the listedagents for 2 min at 37°C and the supernates removed andtested. All agents were dissolved in Buffer A.

donate stimulus. A monolayer stimulated first withthrombin produced PGI2 in response to a second stim-ulation by arachidonate; however, a monolayer stim-ulated first with arachidonate subsequently respondedpoorly to thrombin. In addition, a monolayer whichproduced PGI2 upon thrombin-stimulation failed to re-spond to a second exposure with thrombin.

Inhibition of PGI2 production in monolayers of endo-thelial cells. Indomethacin-treated monolayers ofendothelial cells did not produce PGI2 activity whenstimulated with sodium arachidonate (Table III). Pro-duction of PGI2 activity by endothelial cell monolay-ers stimulated with sodium arachidonate was also pre-vented by incubation of the monolayers with 15-HPAA(30 ,tg/ml) or with tranylcypromine (0.5 mg/ml), bothinhibitors of PGI2 synthesis. Significant inhibition of

TABLE IIIInhibition of PGI2 Production by Endothelial

Cell Monolayers

Inhibitor* Inhibitiont

None (Buffer control) 0Indomethacin (10 tLg/ml) 9415-Hydroperoxy arachidonate (30 ,ug/ml) 100Tranylcypromine

Prior incubation only (500 ,g/ml) 29Coincubation (500 .ug/ml) 69

* Endothelial cell monolayers (106 cells) were treated withthe stated inhibitors and then incubated for 2 min with 2.5ml of Buffer A which contained 20 AMarachidonate. Super-nates were then removed and tested in the [14C]serotoninrelease assay.t Inhibition is expressed as the percent decrease in AT50.

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PGI2 production by tranylcypromine, unlike 15-HPAA,required the latter's presence during incubation ofendothelial cell monolayers with arachidonate, whichindicates that the inhibitory effect of tranylcyprominewas reversible. The production of PGI2 by endothelialcells stimulated by thrombin, trypsin, and ionophoreA 23187 were also inhibited by treatment with indo-methacin. Indomethacin-treated monolayers could pro-duce PGI2 when incubated with normal PRP but notwhen incubated with aspirin-treated PRP. These re-sults are consistent with the inhibition of endothelialcell cyclo-oxygenase by indomethacin. Because normalPRPcan generate endoperoxides which act as substratesfor PGI2 formation in the endothelial cells, indo-methacin treatment of the monolayers would not beexpected to inhibit PGI2 generation in the presenceof normal PRP. Fibroblast production of PGI2 was sim-ilarly inhibited by indomethacin, tranylcypromine, and15-HPAA (data not shown).

Inactivation of PGI2 in endothelial cell monolayersupernates. The PGI2 activity of supernatant fluid re-moved from endothelial cell (or fibroblast) monolayersstimulated with all of the agents tested was destroyedby brief boiling or acidification to pH 3 for 10 min.Inhibitory activity was also lost when the supernatewas incubated at room temperature for 30 min at pH7.4, or at 371C for 15 min. Activity was preserved forseveral hours when the supernate was kept on ice at pH7.4 or pH 8.6, and for days when it was frozen at -70°Cat pH 8.6.

Effects on PGI2 production of incubating endothelialcell monolayers with trypsin and chymotrypsin. En-dothelial cell monolayers were incubated for 2 minwith 0.0001-0.0025% trypsin and the culture super-natant fluid then examined for PGI2 activity. These con-centrations of trypsin had no effect on platelet aggrega-tion or on thrombin-induced [14C]serotonin releasefrom platelets. The cells appeared to contract duringtrypsin treatment when viewed by phase microscopy,but did not detach from the culture flask. The trypsin-treated monolayers released PGI2 and significantlyshifted the Tw. Thus, monolayers treated with 0.001%trypsin gave a AT50= 225+32 (mean±S.E.M., P< 0.01). Prior treatment of trypsin with a twofold ex-cess of soybean trypsin inhibitor abolished the stimula-tory effect of trypsin on PGI2 production. The trypsinconcentration required for this effect on the T50 was,on a molar basis, about 200-fold greater than the throm-bin concentration which gave a similar effect. Chymo-trypsin at a concentration of 0.001% did not stimulatePGI2 activity.

Fibroblasts incubated with similar concentrations oftrypsin did not produce PGI2.

DISCUSSIONMonolayers of cultured human endothelial cells pro-duced PGI2 after brief incubation with sodium arachi-

donate, thrombin, the calcium ionophore A 23187, andtrypsin, or after mechanical stimulation. However, rest-ing monolayers, or monolayers incubated with ADP, orepinephrine did not produce PGI2. PGI2 activity wasassayed by inhibition both of platelet aggregation andof [14C]serotonin release. Fibroblasts produced PGI2only after incubation with arachidonate. Our resultswith fibroblast monolayers are consistent with the find-ings of Baenziger et al, who showed that PGI2 is pro-duced by fibroblasts stimulated by scraping the cellsfrom the culture dish (13) and by intact cells incubatedwith arachidonate.2 Confirmation that the inhibitor pro-duced by the monolayers was a prostaglandin was ob-tained by blocking its production with indomethacinor aspirin.3 Such indomethacin-treated monolayers,however, could generate PGI2 activity when they wereplaced in contact with normal, heparinized PRPwhichacted as a source of prostaglandin endoperoxides. Spe-cific evidence that the platelet-inhibitory activity wasPGI2 was provided by studies in which 15-HPAA andtranylcypromine, inhibitors of endoperoxide conversionof PGI2, prevented its synthesis (15, 16). Moreover,heating or acidifying the active cell supernates, con-ditions known to inactivate PGI2 but not prostaglandinD2 (15), abolished the inhibitory activity. These ex-periments clearly indicated that the inhibition of plateletaggregation and of thrombin-induced [I4C]serotonin re-lease from platelets exposed to the cell monolayersupernates was a result of PGI2 in the supernates.

Because thrombin stimulated the production of PGI2by the endothelial cell monolayers without addition ofarachidonate, the substrate for PGI2 synthesis musthave been endogenous arachidonate. We suggest thatthrombin bound to a recently described specific re-ceptor (18) on the endothelial cells and then activatedphospholipase A2, which in turn released arachidonicacid from membrane phospholipid for prostaglandinsynthesis. DFP-treated thrombin did not stimulateendothelial cell PGI2 production, although DFP-treatedthrombin has been reported to bind endothelial cellsas well as native thrombin (18). This suggests that throm-bin protease activity is required for the stimulationof PGI2 synthesis in endothelial cell monolayers. Endo-thelial cell monolayers restimulated with thrombin pro-duced little or no PGI2. The poor response to throm-bin stimulation after an initial arachidonate stimulusprobably represents depletion of endogenous arachi-donate recruited during the initial response. The lackof response to the second of two sequential thrombinstimuli may represent depletion of endogenous arachi-donate and(or) destruction of a thrombin-sensitivecellular component.

Monolayers of stimulated endothelial cells produced

2 Baenziger, N. Personal communication.3 Jaffe, E. A., C. W. Ley, and B. B. Weksler. Manuscript

in preparation.

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PGI2 in a "burst"-like pattern. PGI2 peaked 2-3 minafter stimulation and could no longer be detected at 10min. The limiting factor appeared to be the availabilityof arachidonate. Thus the cells again produced PGI2when exogenous arachidonate was added. It is possiblethat in intact blood vessels in vivo, exogenous arachi-donate from plasma may continuously replenish theendothelial cells' endogenous arachidonate pool andthus allow the endothelial cells to respond continuouslywith PGI2 production to a variety of stimuli, eitherchemical or mechanical. Because mechanical stimula-tion of endothelial cell monolayers produced PGI2,mechanical stimuli in vivo (i.e., shearing forces result-ing from blood flow) may also stimulate PGI2 production.

The ability of trypsin to stimulate PGI2 productionindicates that other enzymes besides thrombin may becapable of stimulating PGI2 synthesis by endothelialcells. It is likely that proteolytic enzymes activate endo-thelial cell phospholipase A2 from a precursor form(19). Because PGI2 produced by endothelial cells hasbeen shown to inhibit polymorphonuclear leukocytefunction (20), the ability of various proteolytic enzymesto induce PGI2 synthesis may represent a modulatingmechanism in the control of inflammatory processes.

The ionophore A 23187 has recently been shown tostimulate prostaglandin and thromboxane synthesis inplatelets by mobilizing intracellular calcium and byactivating phospholipase A2, a calcium-dependentenzyme (21, 22). At similar concentrations (5-10 ,uM)to those giving maximal thromboxane A2 production inplatelets (21), ionophore A 23187 stimulated PGI2 pro-duction in endothelial cell monolayers in the absenceof exogenous arachidonate, which suggests that themobilization of intracellular calcium can also activatephospholipase A2 in endothelial cells, thus makingendogenous arachidonate available for PGI2 synthesis.The finding that indomethacin treatment of the cellsblocked PGI2 synthesis induced by ionophore A 23187is consistent with this mechanism, because indo-methacin-treated endothelial cells cannot utilize arachi-donate for PGI2 synthesis.

Other agents which stimulate platelets, namely ADPand epinephrine, did not stimulate endothelial cellmonolayers to synthesize PGI2. Assessment of ADP-mediated stimulation of PGI2 production may be com-plicated by the fact that endothelial cells possessADPase activity (23, 24). Thus, ADPadded to the endo-thelial cells would be degraded. It is possible that endo-thelial cells can respond to locally higher doses of ADP,but these interfere with our assay method. Epinephrinedid not stimulate PGI2 production. In fact, epinephrinesensitized the aspirin-treated platelets and decreasedthe T50.

In conclusion, intact monolayers of cultured humanendothelial cells can synthesize PGI2 either from en-dogenous arachidonic acid when the cells are stimulatedby thrombin, trypsin, or the ionophore A 23187, or from

exogenous endoperoxides. Production of thrombin at asite of vascular injury could, by stimulating PGI2 pro-duction by endothelial cells adjacent to the injuredarea, limit the number of platelets involved in the pri-mary hemostatic response and help to localize thrombusformation.


We thank Christine Baranowski and Joyce Knapp for ex-cellent technical assistance and Naomi Nemtzow for typingthe manuscript.

This work was supported by The National Institutes ofHealth through Specialized Center for Thrombosis grantHL 18828, the NewYork Heart Association, and the Arnold R.Krakower Hematology Foundation.

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